HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 61
She Poet's Corner.
The Farther r
mh. Master stood in his
Among the 1.11es fair.
Which his own right bard bad ptartM.
And trained with teslderes: Dare.
He 1o..ked at their snowy blossoms.
And marled, with observant eye.
That his flowers were sadly drooping.
For their loaves were parched and dry.
"My lilies need to be watered.
The beaTealy Master said
"WbereIa shall l draw it for them.
And raise each drooping head r
Moe to his feet, on the pathway.
Kmpty, and trail, and small.
An earthen vesesl was lying,
Which seemed of no me at all.
Bat the Master saw and raised it
From the dust in widish it lay.
And sanded, as be gently whispered.
"This shall do my work today !
'It is but an earthen vessel.
But it lay so close to me ;
It ls small. but it is empty.
And that Is all it needs to be. -
So to the fountain be took it.
And tilled it full to the brim:
How glad was the earthen vessel
To be of some use to him.
He pouted forth the living water
Over his lilies fair.
Until the vessel was empty.
And again he filled it there.
Ile watered the drooping lilies
Until they ret iced again ;
And the Master saw, with pleasure,
That his Iama,r had uut been in vain.
His owu hand had drawn the water
1Vbirb refreshed the thirsty flowers :
lint he used the earthen vowel
'1'o convey the living showers.
And of itself it whispered.
As he laid it azide once mote
Mill would 1 lie in his pathway.
Just where I did before,
"(:lose would I keep to the Master.
Empty would I remain ;
And. perhaps. some day. H.• may use me,
To water hie Dowers again.•' •
The awry et Mete alleged Mss veld' She
The Detroit Nears of Nov. 13, 1874,
contained the folluwintgt of the
Maple ned
ass kling boat at bwhich is
now d
Chan kr's great hobby is his skill as a
pugilist Rowe. Conkling is also •
out boxer. He has a private Donna -
in his residence at Washington, where
after dinner be invites such of his friends
as are gymnastically inclined fora friendly
little bout with the gloves. Conkling Y
• very good amateur boxer, and as he 1
a very large powerful man, be generally
has i. all bis own way with the guests
who are bold enough to pot the gloves
on with him. For some rims it was an
open dispute between Conkling and
Chandler whish was the better boxer of
the two. Chandler would, attar every
dinner party of which he was a member,
dimly assert that he could lick any man
of his weight in the United States. '
One day last winter Chandler dinrd
with Conkling, and the latter inveigled
the gnat war senator int., the private
gymnasium. The gloves were donned
and the two doughty champions began to
make graceful senatorial passes toward
une another, a000rding to the most ap-
proved rules of the P. R. The bout,
however, was of • very short duration
Chandler suddenly received a blow be-
tween the ayes, which caused the huge
senatorial form to go over backward ; his
trusty legs failed him, and then he sat
down so hard that tears came out of his
eyea It took four men to get the war
senator upon his legs, tut he tbrew
up the spoeg.at once, without any
further effort to punish Conkling,,.
The only remark he was heard to
make was, "Damstrenge," and "I'lt 5i
him yet."
Conkling and Chandle:.. ere much iso-
gether in a social way, and it was wut
long after the above occurrence when
when Chan -ter received another iuvitte
Lima to come up to his house and spread
his legs under Conklnag's social board.
Chandler sent back word that he re-
gretted very much .his inability to be
present, but he had at his house as guest
a valued constituent from Michigan, and
could not leave him. Conkling seat
back word, "Bring your friend &cog."
With this form of invitation, Chandler
commented to come up. He brought his
friend with him, and introduced him as
Mr. Howard of Detroit, Mich. Howard
was a sad -eyed man of diffident manner',
who .uctest.d himself with paying very
clow attention to the themes of the bill
of fare, rather than join in the general
conversation at the dinner -table.
.Conkling wee in great glee during the
dinner. He told over and over again
the story of Chandler's discomfiture as a
boxer, acd never seemed to tire of ask-
ing him what he thought about his abil-
Clay when he heard that Chandler bad
played a juke upou him by gi%ing Mr.
Howard $100 to Dunn, up amid bounce
Conkling. The Mr. Howard of Detroit.
Michigan, was Iwne other than the no-
torious pugilist, Jem Mace.
rers.res ter rsnsres and Meshai lea.
Thousands of dollars can be saved by
using proper judgment in taxiing ogre
of the health of yourself and family. If
you are Bilious, have sallow complexion,
poor appetite. low and depressed spirits,
and genot•lly debilitated, do not delay a
moment, but go at ono. end procure a
bottle of those wonderful Electii. Bit-
ten, which never fail to cure, and that
for the trifling sum of fifty cents.—(Tri-
bane.—Bold by Jas. Wilson [1)
Fashions's Fancies.
Plishis now very much used with every-
thing to combine with other materials
for customs, awl even for pelisses and
demi-pelisaus, as well as fur Wattean
garments. fringed with chenille.
There is, unfortunately, no happy
medium in the fashid6 fan. It is either
extremely large or extremely small. In
the latter cove, it is usually of tortoise-
shell, point lace or amber.
Prim ruffs are much worn. They are
uery high and are fastened behind. The
upper one is high enough for the dimp-
led chin to rest upon.
An elegant square felt table -cover has
• a border of oozy patchwork fifteen in-
ches deep, and is finished with fringe
White Ottoman silk dresses for brid•.s-
maids and for balls have the drapery ,.n
the hunt nod .bipamade of silvered tul:e,
while a wide band of white marabout
feathers trims the foot of the short skirt.
e'. new silver butter -dish coned in the
fern: of :it egg with a revolving lid, and
amt? is decorated in Grecian patterns.:
?ted •o d, which is at present the
Canadian feereey.^
Mr. W. J. Chamberlain, of Colpmbus,
Ohio, has communicated to the Coestry
Gentleman his impressi•nt.t1 a visit to,
Canada. He candidly admits that he
did not find the people of this country so
slow as he was led to except At the ex-
hibitions he found dock, grain, fruit and
vegetables that llt.io could not equal,
much boa surpeas. The city of Toronto
.specially impressed him as a lively busi-
ness centre and an exceedingly well built
place. He thinks the only city in Ohio
that equals Toronto in' the volume of
trade is Cincinnati. In conclusion Mr.
Chamberlain says : It diminishes our
conceit, too, to find the Canadians more
courteous, pains, then„we are on this
side. This appears in inany ways, for
example, in forms of expression. If a
Yard ee does not in lerstand your ques-
tion he says 'What 1' or `Heaow ?' or (at
the W est) Which r or 'Him ?' or (if he
can span time) 'What d'ye say ?' But
the Canadian says, `I beg pardon ? And
the courtesy of the expression lies in the
ellipsis, and its generous assumption et
all blame for not understanding the ques-
tion on its first utterance.
DIPi1110?i U'arria Workr,
GO :i: lis.' R 101 _
M&ufsetu r^ r, i.t-t'4ss Carrie; r.
arM/AMOg I1 Kt 111A1tIIEf 1 SPE131LT1.
Mae* Opposite Colborne Bots -LJ
AGENi S al m:k.yl::'t
or Capital required. J.aww Lits t CO. Y
(real. I e!
poellar •Lord for interior decoration, is !hi to lick any man in the United
not tmb:ce mah••g'tny, except in cost. It 1 8tat•w,
Chandler took all these remarks in an
absentminded way, as if, suddenly, he
had becc'me lifted above any such petty
ambition of considering himself a tine
After dinner, ()tinkling led his guests
tnt•i the gymnasium ter a venetal smoke
And chat. "Come," said he, pleasantly,
to Chandler, "don't you want another
Ir•ot with with the gloves ? • and theta
(:•,rel.ling laughed again in his most :heel.-
beerfill, turkey -gobbler style, as he put on a
air of gloves.
"No, f do1't want to box, -said Chand-
ler ; "but perhaps, my friend would con
sent to amuse yod." Turning to Mr.
Il,nvard, Chtindler remarked, "You box
don nut ?"
Mr. Howard still larked sad eyed and
and able:It-minded. He did once know
something about it, but it was such n
Inti, time ago.
"Come, come, ' said ()tinkling, "lot us
have a friendly Mout ; I won't hurt you.'
Evidently the great New York senate r
was pining to it II, sotno one down.
Las the n.une high p>,.lish, differs little in
• ulor, a:1st has the decided advantage of
being tI:e much less expensive.
Window shades of fine cream -color
linen, Isom( •1 in. water-c•elura, are one
of the late.tt agl•nics
Lilies are out .,flaw . they are no
L.nger ill demand tor the cursa_w, and
are only used in Targe act pieces espec-
ially ordt•rctl L r
i:ar'.a.li a wait, with raised 4esi;(ns • f
fruits, 11..s t .o preI.rcnce for vase for
. astu to l . 1 ,,..1n-ut.,t 10 11.
Iieautiful liteescs f•a young ladies are
made of t. hire satin i;l, rik cr brocaded
Highly i•tunisLcti lir:..s 1raya:.rc idac-
cd ..0 tlo hitraty .r Luud..ir table, null
aro :ep••sitories for palter knives, wax,
and 't!1 Cm wonderful c,, cetera used tot
readiu, :1101 writing.
flortiviiis fans, w'iti 11 arc so much
u,cd for lire•tcreens, come in cretonne.
with gold cinhroidery, satin hand -paint•
ed, :old itt vtavet, with applique it -
At sone of the droner -parties of the The sad•eyed Mr. Howard, evidently
•cason the fishotervicc has been of cut flattered at the prospect of being knock-
ed down by so distinguished a man,
tsn slowly to put on • pair of gluts.
As he was drawing on the elutes Chand-
ler was ofieerved to walk down a little to
the background. A contented•hr,k was
open !tis fate, and now and then he
visite his huge right foot up tinder his
swaying voluminous coat-tail and, give
The favorite pannier drapery f•,r the himself a congratulatory kick, expressive
hips of trained dresses is a reverse scarf of rapture.
that is caught hack in plaits tin the Lip., The Mala( eyed man n•.W'came forward,
and either ower bn•adt! s and the round began. ('tinkling watt for
of the tient. or else Berri f ae the ficin}s p,•„tare ling at "tee to knock his i.ppi.mcn-
of thaw breadths. int amen, and w..uld have done so had
very d.'rk tan •.,(ort d, 11;,,111. Ant .1 k;.1 hail he nut found great -difficulty in get•
gloves arc as, rot in Co.streets e ith any ting anywhere near (he sal -eyed pian.
costume. They have lomat wrists, and ; The affair culminated by the sal•eyed
are as long Js the gloves fastened by roan's suddenly rushing forward and
twelt'e Lefton*.sndinh a thunder -bolt of •fat between
Conkling is eyes. The senator went over
tea .l■.war ttwwied' i like a dyad tree, and rolled into, th,•
(;1w soy one brine ria is case of Kidney eorneT .•f the room, where he lay for a
or Liner l'ornpleint that E:le• toe Ratters inteneot dunned by the concussion. He
will not speedily cars 1 Wo ray t1 ry was ).card to say afterward that that he
Pretty Iimbre•luio:'• are made of gray
linen ter dinu.g-r• out ioante la, r'nl are
decer,itt I with ileo:('(.1 suited to ti e
norm; for instance, a and saucer
knife and f, rk,antique bottles stud pitch-
ers, put on in outlin embrnideiy, are
much used.
esnm•t, s• tL 'usasd,i of c.t••,a a1 ••x.447 a house hid fall.• (di him. Cnnklisg
perreenently cure,( Joel 5110 arc d• y re '
ot►Rlmending Electric (utters, will prove hoed emwlh of hosing for once.
Britht'a Disease, 11iabrtes, 1v ak Rack, I . Chsnller made seven) pleasant little
ne any urinary eneaplaint pill iy cul'. d. I ,r>narke about the eklll of ha frisssd
p its
.Is, and
$actsvery badirectlyttlegu•on rt1ntl he ed. • iii F•r:d•r
i most cheerful manner.
.d •e M.,•• • bottle by J. Wait.* • [1]: Ju.l.,. •f t•nn)r)Ini s feelisp the nut
They purify t e hlra.d, rcdulate t r hn'v• I ('•nnkli:t„which were not received in the
lac lndepesdenMi
re. a,.. eras a. ..wase•••, r••'
Art Designsin Will Papers.
Now is tits time. ►t you wish are or two cane roosts at hues. to nee aetlee'e roost paper
lie W ever
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Bsantiful eelors. and at are the nets muchown. emend do rC Mlie eeM�l sad eels them ttbe>
The La1s1 Spring Baaar Pa1m8 and Fasions,
At 'B-
--0O TO
�t�tas..et �..., �. __�ieas� McKENZIE'S
flae�l4 Law roa.� awA Lr- 5 .
ymrese_ - _Yat u I
ps�t� tair.tae
There is nothing in the wide world
that ensures success so completely as
perfect independence.
People who are always waiting for
help may wait a long time, u a general
A little assistance, s little infiuonee, is
not to be had for asking ; but there is
always something one can do for him-
self. Do it, whatever it is, with a will.
One thing leads to another. If a young
lady, don't sit still, and hope a rich man
will marry you, while your aged father
toils for your daily bread. Learn how
to help yourself, and take care of your-
self as much as possible.
Rather be one who does things for
others, than one who must have things
done for you.
Two hands, two feet, sight and
strength—these ought. to enable you to
dispense with help when you are young
and vigorous. Men who can -defy ad-
verse circumstances, and can earn a liv-
ing in any quarter of the world in wit ch
they are dropped down ; who can roll up
.heir sleeves, and set.to work at alutuat
.nythiug that offers ; and who• can erste
tcw on their own buttuus, sed make
hetuselves a cup of tea when deprived
h the help of "wntnan kind, are the • nes
xLo are really independent. .
'l'he tuoat helpful w•�men .•r.; l.i•eihat
ut1 truest ; gad as for a man. i,t•i, r
'rust hint in,auy caputity if he hat a •t
within 1 the flue spirit of in.Iopen
denc , without which neither stnen;th
nor sweetness may be hoped for. In the
battle of life there it but one way t., suc-
ceed --tight it out yourself. Cite t1:c
helping hand tt11,•ti you may. Ts Le it
d, in :rune sore atr:•it, it In oti,r,�l Inc
ly ; Lot never nark fir it. I: •. ;. •s; -
de' itasfar as11.11*claybeif .•a u..;.!
honor yourself. or Le bon• tel 1 1•v ..tIQ• .,
er be happy.
tin lathe Last.
A well -k noau crinli11:tl !aroyl i. :t!AI
prides himself upon his skill in cross n, -
:unining a witness, had an odd•kooking
genius upon ellen' to opt rate. The tt it-
nera a':tan a piaster shoemaker.
You say, sir, that the prisoner is a
thief T'
"Yes, air ; esuse why, she confessed
"And you also awe.tr that she Loned
sloes for you subsequent to the confes-
sion ?”
"I do, sir.
"Then leis int, a sagacious 1..o! to the
court] we are to understand thet you t m .
ploy dishonest people to woik for you,
even after their rascalities are known ?”
'•of course, or how circ could 1 get
aaistauce from a lawyer.
tree .r (.rge.
All persons suffering from C ni Its,
Colds, Asthma, Etronchitu, lwiss of �•oicr,
•r any adictton of the Threat and Lungs,
are requested to call at %% ikon's Drug
Steere and get a Trial Bottle of Ur,
Kiiig's New Discovery for Consumption,
faro of charee, which will convince them
f wonderful merits and show what a
regular dollar -slain bottle will do Call
rattly. (3)
it made mo fe,d like a " fiend I4
Masi,," was the rather forcible exprros-
si..n fit an individual who was prating
" Peet/trio," the groat remedyfor Coughs
and Colds, Hoarseness, Aniline, Brun-
chita. It is safe, pleasant and effectual.
If yon suffer, fey it For sale ray all
Druggists and general dealers at X► eta. 0
• bottle For sale by (len Rhyrttta
n+oor .ad t �r
�v " I CrossCutSaws&Axes
Do t
tin all sae
Prattled a'at rZ - YOUR
.r Dan ons a v.e ialeY 'Pee
Lw sad taae�j�
w.rrsd.1s�«sw �niadreaa�lenineavetr .rad 9k -
rim... via the Tanana
tee near«-ur ecce aa- YOUR
.%"4141/L io?ad and la4r�dst
All TYroag• 1•r -sees 'freest —neat Suomi
r for elle N an neltiat 1'IatK o gang, is
AMA Logout AgsottalRt tittle C.aaty, also • full Urs of Shelf Hardware.
Trindthe Isdaa b n ene� ,g. r Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices.
twegs ae low as eo_VM1
For dets.led lntor_ation. set tL+ (taw sad Pohl. I
• raw and areas Llaa, �� Kasha-
7orldt. wrune.
� t ' Table gad Pocket Outlery--Best Value,
see at las
GREAT.saTtCK ISLAND ROUTE. Barb Wire--BestMade.
At your awseTlatet Omoe or addr.�
%la. Pres. It
Deal n'tr,ese't TW. a ram ass
t'- YAnK .:t •
offs! BRAIN &NERVE Four ,
ger did and smeas. Nair a... .. 24411, ,
ro.itit,• , •::; s `:, •-•-01111:t• .a .. .., -
oxf•iw.ry, loa,.Jf.r.i. M•/ : DANIEL GO I�DON
Presirar ora. \`�Ft r. ,••. sip's::• r• "'r,:...
Lrerorra re, Rornww%w:, V r: • , , • .ckwr•
gad oxen nal /.,... of r•.. r.
.Ylrmrs H -n ,.• K.jrt. -.. •r! ,..f.
krt. arrem yfken.theEofe,b, I ;, r; •i .-.•11: .
attires ie .,,rot;nv°un.: • 1- CABINET MAKER,
der forrwtu i puekairrs w•
arc dollars. wt. w II erns( •. .
&tee to rtfuad the Moo •.. ,
does not rtr, t a •-'1F•. 1'
tee at sled:. :'..... rb• ::, , .
oft ,0.1.1-•• u• .•
.rd -;rn tna 1
f1'., :.. lI gae:1;111:4"1'.
• • fn. • :, foe' hot. ..r t
a . 1 l• n, .11,1 rm... of Y•'••t.t
rn •tel•, n', A1.:rel`r..
All il'A 1f.14:1IETH 111 :):
-t.,11 •,':.•.ori.7•. L)' JtM .
1.1, tai r.'.st• evert where
AND- -
1 •.,d 1
, ., ..'1 a .••—ee—� r a ��aaes A
I:!riTI'RE: AT 6orrt1M I'KICES I;OK CASH. *3
�Ihay •'lOW •'n Iian.i 11 very lug.. -fox I:. t:ch tors
Chairsaofall kinds, 'rabies, Bedsteads
Asst all
Points In lows,
Ilebraka.!t IMori rt.1 sa •
rag, Ness Mrsko, Arl•mne, M.,,
Lies sod T', se
,hits door. til it Sitar sad
IIEsT tux 1„ 1".. Joaepl.
trat,on, Topeka, Dsat-
■,n. Dans4Got •
C1 Mr CD ea. C C)
'rho. Cao •. he. no ,ole rlm fro, knows
1.•., t:tnM,potiit and at paw
It it I•ma:t, n•peted Y
M 1 .. 11,••
ly conceded to
be the hest equipped
ita:treed In •), �,.•
as Naar • or tie.
In 1 sawn
La pole
Ttekets,r is
Cct.Muod Lin -
ask at an .fir r, „
Ibe r a.
sad roe wog
1131 ',melts. •
.went, mea•.
eel • we
Ic'mm►t,nn -r
shoot kat....f
Tar•. sfr•,sae
r cis,. 11.1 r1. 3 •
ft,* fell d rr.'t ria, . • ^. rw Aga.
r nun*. uortii.i.L.
ttIsew.lit. 4•1666611%
.1. StTrrsow Oasediaa:Pass. Ag 1,
B. Jointers.,
Ticket ANNA, Niel Mb
Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat-
tan Chairs, 8zc_, at 0., Bic_
2 Doors West of the Post Office.
An Inspection Invited.
A Discount of 121 per cent Allowed on all Clash Purchsees in
Feather's, Bilk Velvets, Flowera, Hate, etc., etc., etc.
This is a Genuine Offer, as I am anxious to Clear off My
Winter stock.
Miss Jessie Wi1son,.