HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 5- -44011141•Wor,...
1. iu RON SIGNAL FR 11' 't FEB. 16, 111s3.
MURDER \S' I 1,I, ()UT ache i te tie eosit tj • ,. es • a . .•• =-Lirizaz- Mo=t1-1.
• .... .•, ..• 41..• iiiii . i .•
The Cavendish Burke Ammans dr ie. the elleaseitie 1411* h.v .1. arder
sf Ile 1 rinse .. et I.a 111414meas--
Iflod-The irrisassers Neared -
avuoitle• In ll'ssurt. 11, Witt, Feb. 10. Michael 'Keeee.siek.
:ae carmen, ham tented iliforuzrpir lam
:he prisoners charged with 01,1 aft to
•eurder elliciela. \Vise Js.pI way,
Timothy Kelly, • Lilies Cary, tee,, coun-
:tiler, red the e iremet Fitehatria, with
et en other prison...re,
Lire placid in the
leek t.; day Kevneagli doloulle.1 that
Brady, Kelly • two other.
li au lee did not know . • the Ph.t nix
1'111111AI t• .1 .. ...tr. li.14.t•ht;,It
gaol • if • * r........ l,.tt•*.L_iJ
a • I a • I ill 4.1 • ,P I .1 1 I
MiNT M" -'1M01
EI IR, A.1 -I AM t:3.0/1 rr
• . .
pool .. t;.; &ease, CLOTHING
He Leant t•lt ..19.,J 9 a 1.4tc .t, \VITA. 0}1-4.1l SE VEI: 1, DALES tor
•a ;t* 111 the
Nan aSirA FINE .tssoirriiii".'r
;maws 1, et's. etrtiprit WEIrriT41 00TT0g0
• thus ferunues P. 1)&14 em h
t a teaver 114' i
I • hue a loco) toed, It is feline.-
sirA \ 1
9 1 . .1 .. r..4
W A yet e pre eaal 41 at 411crilll fit/401110AI. by the p et '1, ' reivi vett oar vase of
Lkohld, r .iii. ill., ; .. ::• i 1 On 44.1';stirAi L rArrEnNs. ti.11Nl)tTi.vr(Loit.TItskr\ifir::1;...
Ir./. h.o.1 la ; .1.• ., ;I. , . i iiiivonwele, Aer MI ‘47C7: 16 I' Xt. I :V: G1r IP TIC i XV ri'' ES , ,
is:. .. .. .. ,.... : . : ‘...Ca It, isi,..ke
k" " gI . ; ‘e e - • • • • mein- dem, special Hilt} in 1)11 K11.4 1; f1111/:4 al:a/ It full range of 14 1. A C iii C .s If 11 E It k: l'i T\T W" (C) 0 ID S, /..„T -7, -c :rr
Ill • 1.a.v. I • , I i. 1. esi.l 104.1tt.," J. 1' D E T L 0 It & ('0. , CHEAP FOR C li-
p. lo • : i• 't t *, 7111••..,!)
j, • ••• 0 1.1.11• h le. •
* It .1.1,11 . _11 ill
'Ark 011 1110 11101011g of the este lesinatiou
! I '.•% citsits11 alld littrke. Jamtos Cwt. Ii . .. . -.
Daniel De!austy %very on seat* tit the
f the road in the perk. Delaney
I the were ii.itc!iitt1f the i 7Secte
r?..' he court la crowded. The ether
•.rilenero 1111111://11 *.V. r,,_1..inr. Han
-.a Joteph, Ian Ifellett
t,dward O'Seiea, %Vie. it ..; 9141
y rod Daniel e.,s
_teat escitemetitai.
laced on the wit Ca. N..,
. btly lie deposed
-lett n the tith lay 1444, Le vets at
he Royal Oak publiz Ileum! tit perk
• ;ate street, awl was eiegtieed le Brady
..nd Kelly and tyro straseeers. Brady
;ere uttered a gtel.ellral Hireakt
vas D, , laughter atte.L.; tlic pristmers
.hen Kavanagh Identified them.
Ks %epee') identified Patrick Delaney
..s another of the emu ',resent. HO al ro% e
• he four men into the Park !y island
we've gate to the Phtenix monument,
.:01 &h.ng the main load to the Chiugh
:prominent, and there got down. They
Bid there was no sign of "Skin the gee
:eaning Fitaisarris, the carman. Fitz-
..trris shouted, "Don't call nick names."
eaysnagh then saw Fitzharris with a cab
from Die opposite direction.
.ur men alighted froili the cab, which
•-•ayeel a tools way up the road with the
,erse's beige towards Dublin. Seses
afterwards he Me twe ten approaching
-aid heard • cry, and saw mei felt Dig
It are the other fell, the fur men •
• he drove to the park jumped on
• .4 ear and he dene asay.
.lhe very theca/I ef r:t. 4. charg-
e with sediteras libel, eliesisieeti-
.VBrien will receive notteeof a nee trial.
1 AN Ann I is DZsTI Cli EITZE•Itetla
the driver ef the cab. He (leveed
that when he saw Lurd Caveutliah and
Mr. Burke approaching somebody amung
those lie drove said the tall man was te
assasaisated. Kavanagh said subsequ-
ently that he dryers by way Chepelised
and Houndtown to Palmerston Park.
Kelly "alighted at the terminus and Brady
paid him El. Kavanagh also said that
after the teen he drove to the park had
alighted there, he put a nese 'iag on the
horse, and while waiting he beard a per -
le al speak to Jas. Carey. Delaney after-
wards instructed Kavanagh to look share
and be ready to start, and upon this he
dreve nearer to the waiting group. which
• included persons he did not ktiow. Lord
Cavendish and Mr. Burke were approach-
ing arm in arm, and James Carey and
Delaney, who had come back en. the car
Iron; the place where it was waiting jumP-
• dewn and joined the group. Witness
'clan! somebody say
\ •
Kavanagkwas ordered to go further away
seme orthe conspiratere. As he did
so he heard somebody repeat,"mind 'tie
'he tall man,- As the gentlemen came
:derive Carey or Delauey rvieed a white
handkerchief. While witness was wait
.rue a car man nick-nained "Newts'
osstel, dnv mg a passeneer named Nolen
• .ward Dublin, rued some bycicli.ta also
passed. Wilma/ thought ho enly saw
• ,no gentleman fall, aril sae the other,
who had an umbrella, lying ..71 the
ground. When driving (rem the scene
et the murder they took to the left and
crossed the bridge to the right along the
inchicore read. Ds'aney directed him
where to drive, and be drove rapidly
until he reached Retindtown, three miles
(rum the park. Here Tim Kelly alight-
ed. He then drove round to Leeson
Park, stopping at a public house near
Leeson bridge. Brady t hen
I in Sunday morning, lie met Wade
again at Townsend street, and received
▪ Bredy afterwards hougat him har-
nese He allowed the car to remain RP Rev.
Father Wilds'
it was for some time, but afterwards had,
it painted. His mire was a dark brown.'
. I$J6,000,(400, Large Sum of Money. Holiday Presents fra
i't4A ir4.• A! ti. eat
1. the dm:
, .• A 14 i140.IPAill
••• •11,111 lett, 0
t, , • 1,41111
11 - they .1 - Oft" al ail, tif •
' 41,2 lt 11P1 0.14 //41111)1*.N.• 0.14 het.
41) Ii,.
Olt/ rtentleg et: •..a
K.I.V.t11.(01 I4..1110.1 , . 4,11
11•1. on hitt hat,t) 4 1 414 4414141
Is:avail:L.1i said Kel;% !• .4 I:is it, t
he Mounted the car atter no. attisek oi
Field ; the Vattied 1,114.11,41114 rtatie.
i..witieful street Kelly 1..,11, lit
(imago Mot ey depo•ed t!...t tie saw
Kat anagh on tne sixth ef Mae. at ‘1reit•s
public heuse, which kiteit.11.1-fh 11114114)4,11-
e I.
A carman was tallied, and *wheeled
the statement of having
WV'S cur in the park.
Dublin, cub. 12.-- It is said the in-
fermers in the case of the Plueeix Park
murderers have given
to seeure the conviction of the assuesius.
Thu car itt which the murderer' of
Cavendish aud Burke nee) has beet; iden-
tified by Kavaineth 1111(1 1/t !kers nt eawn-
broker's, where it was pledged for thirty
Dublin, Feb. 12 The sword blades,
which Kavanagh testified he and Brady
threw into the limits at the (T1at; Werk.
After tile ettack uprei Field,- "'ere dee
• ere4 to•day 1* tie basin. . Ktranasth
is elesely guarded.
abo..e is about the amount tho Egy iithiai War cost Obi England. J uet t hitt!, 0 au
tionouut of good could he dune w 11 thirty flit, million of dollars: hate you any ilea hat
length of !.ttieD would take to ...lot the sante. supposing a person were to try to do so. •it 1 he
rate of sixty 4111,1111Ar• a minute. vomiting4 welve hours per day.
T•T- 0 '11.7-I
1 will giVr 404407 young lady. tinder fifteen years. (unaided by other*. olden a par of kid
Mitts who can tell eorreLt Iv how many ) arils of my Orem 4100,14 at 131e., 171e.. and Vela.
per yard. the above ?JIM) IV Al purchase.
110W many Quiltu'.d Skirts at 01.50. and 91.011 each. :slid I,uw Wan'. 4111 Wool Clowl,.s.1 75., lat.,
31.00 and III.10 it would buy, avid how tnany yds. of my Seariet and Oral) Flannel, which is
.per., ndly adapted for underware, at r;,... andWe.Aand bow many yards of the Lilt, I got from • ,
In 1 Ititeand Tuscan Color, at 75cts. $1.2.1.•., $2.09c., and $3.03 a pieec.
i..tuclatrd, at 20,, per yard. aml how 1111111 :eien F .1,h •rs fr.ros the Valle y of (*mire,
. . e Chl_cago Ho -1413e,
The auliscribrl• Lea 100141.0d,
SILKS. of all Fashionable Colors,
tier yard, regular prit .71.25;
7s -la: all 001 canaillan (trey !,
1.1141011 Clot h Jackets 4-.)
111/s1.) •Ii.raper,
TWeettI :it PLOD per yard.
ioolgtinteut tipea. o
Ith iestrvierIone te s , 1, -
et.1., tat pirees Frenei 1 ,
nitoll.1 lrelt); all v., •1 4-•4• 1 .1
•wp 4. ..we: .10 4409 1 t.te . •
141141 tier, 1931, . I a 141
isnot prier *1.7.1, Catit a" \V.- •:'
TIPSIS LI :4141•ialty Japan Sift 111.45, (1.t4:11 10ct s to 2.Sets rer '14: u good
tier lb. better at Meth Otto 441.10. wand 75ets per ; a k Ice
doe, 411,11; flues! itsurorted. 7. 1 r lb !lice, .1 HAI ter 2:i. 4. 70 Ile,
CUPTS111/114ets off 'item Valen,•.4 110)5310,4 1.14 per 15: :Malaga. LI. zs ;
LeAIt Other Groceries i.qtettly Cheap awl Warrubtel I., re.
D W El
soult 0 ltlete, gar Iron S.,•el. Naltr. .
General apart 111.1.11 of M.A.! )414. all at l• • f'
0. CRAflI3,
• '2'4 t4,
• • , :4'4114.1. 9111.1
1 The first young lady giving the correct answer al all he „declared the *tither. WA - .:I
f /rt. I NI ,t1 413 awarled. Just go and talk sbaut it to
-'.S,7:'.,,7- = S r11 -S rr - , G- 0 P El', RI.CI-T._
7'eade Mark itipistertd.
*Another Great Bop in Winnipeg.
-etwareatleft. all WO
have a dear head and watelb tht
and of property, thus main,
.fortunee. Rut the whole secret is. the)
keep the ystem in a healthy condition by t„h
tuie of
rwa ranoL OF TER VALLEY 111161114f1liF
We can safely say that hnrdreds oume to u -
few the arras Ling and blood purifier before
going west. Read the following statement
Wyo.:mkt give thourande of the same kind it
9 -eve necessary.
' I certify that 1 was troubled with Catarrh
choking earl coughing at n lit for years so 1
in the head, gathering of ptitrebrni ln the throat,
could tiot sleep, often tronb ed with dull, life-
!~ teeffnr, :.ins 9, ile chest and lecke
After giving 1.untlrede of dollars to d4tors,
and giving uplift hopes. I tried the Putt*: or
V•hUtv, and am now stile to do my work
after seven year's steknots.'
11118. JAMEN MeNI:11„
902 Slmooe Street. london,On
-The ne,,-.-...fatement of my wife,, is col
FO:" PAW I,., driggists. manufactured h)
Prof. A. Al Shrieves. London, Ont. Saniple
;package 25 eta; live for $1.00. Can be had in
(toderiell of the following drogglets: Jelin
Hind. Jas. Willem. F. Jordan., hest. by.
ass. tied J. A. Hertel. 1825 .
On the night that Field was attacked
The Let 1". P. Wilda. well-known city
withers was on College street stand. Joe
Brady againengagedleini, and they drove,
into Fleet street. Delaney thee gut on
the car and they drove to Hardwioke
street where they alighted. They told
him to, wait, and while waiting Keay
end Lawrence Hanlon came up. •
avanagh's evidence makes it certain
that Mr. Burke was first murdered, and
that the plot was primarily against him.
As thteesaininatien progressed the pris-
oner, appeared
and not one looked toward.; the coArt ex-
cept Hanlon On Kavanagh identifying
Delaney and James Carey there was
much a commotion that the magistrate
threatened to clear the court. Brady
alto wanla somewleat recovered his com-
lettere and entlextoured t smile. Kar-
anagh said he was se near that he heard
one of the victims cry, "Oh. The tall
vietimPurk) was lying on the road after
this exclamation. The other 'ietim,
who wan standing with an umbrella in
his hands, Kavanagh efterward. saw
lying in the road.
The prisoners evidently feel that the
...!anie is up. and all exhibit a defiant de.
inesnour except James Carey. who sits
not ionless,
The others move about and hold whia-
p•Nod conference*, and inMettMea lasgh
at rely incident.
Ksvanagh deposed that Fi.rharrni ace
told him that they were after Jodie
Leeson. Kavanagh said that he became
an informer nn Thieeday. had been
ewe rn into the society by Kelly. The
too'. assigned him was to drive the hop.
"Independent witneans testified to bar-
my seen Kevanagh previous to the
Phenix Park murders at the public
houses he merle/tiled. The case was ad-
kiireed till Thersrlay.
lendon, Jan. 11. -Kavanagh in his
lestimoev said Doyle 1.141 him that
Wass Mulles and a lot of twit poor won
mlesIonary .n New York, and brother of the
late emlnAnt Judge Wilds. of the Maxasehn-
set ta Supreme Court, writes se follow*:
(474 F. 7.,481 •e..V, w Int, May 10,
Mi !ow, .1. 1,', AYER &Go., Gentlemen
Last winter 1 '.ILS troubled with a meet uncom-
fortable itching tumor affecting mora PlIrePiAlly
my limbo, which Relied err Intolerably at night,
and 1..;:,:10 1 co 1ntenFely, that 1 could sereccly bear
any clothing over them. I was also 11 sufferer
fr.• a severe catarrh and eat:India' rough ; zny
appetite was poor, and my system a go,1 deal rim
down. K :toning the value of A Yeies SaltaAr '.-
alt i %, by observation of !IADy other cases, and
?rem personal use informer >ear,. I beg:II taking
!t h.( 'the above-named ,••( My appltttc
..1 s est from the -t dose. A ter a
fever:m-1.1.1 v ..re r..11.1yed, rant
;.•! ,.1 tatiOn Of the sk is digs ',Feared. My
. at .•. 1 lei were 1114.) cured by the same
n,y general heallh greatly improved,
te.ti I IP lin. excellent. I feel a hundred per
PtIftelirea, and 1 attribute these results t., tho
of It,. S /14 41.ARIII.I.A,W11).411 1 recommend
I' ...i.lence as the beet blood niedielne
.1. I took it in P111311 &SCA three
• ..ay. .01,1 aped, in al, lees than two 1..!1
I :he,. facts at your service, hoping their
...ay .to 1100.11.
• 04.111 respectfully, ., Z. 1'. w !ups.-
▪ aitove iuptance ta but one of the litany eon-
stat.t:y eont.i.e 'lour notice, irhieli prove the per -
feet fulaptahiiity ..f AVER.I; SARSAPARILLA tO
the ,(are of all diseases arising from impareor
r,,eithed bine& and a weakens.] vitality.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
elcai.ses, 4,..e....•4404, awl • trengthen. 4blood,
st.tiiitiatea the action of the stomach and bowels,
tusk thereby enables the system to resist and over.
eol,s the attacks .4 ail Nernfsf, *nix*, Few, -
trams f flit Skill, Rheaatatiesa. Catarrh. General
ad all ilbsorders resulting from poor or
. irrupted b1.,e.1 and s low titat• of the aintem,
titer tern ry
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau.
Peed 1,7 sol 1.rugg4sts, pries gi, sit bottles for S4C.
- Not Purgative Medicine -
eery enuatipat ton, Tacit/trot n, Headache, and
sn iteorders
NM everywhere always rellabikts
Chemist and Druggist,
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Storni. Horse and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery. Toikl
Fancy Goods.
Has now opened at that headquarters of :" , 'he -
and I am now in a position to state that , hues, st v1,•-,',
and most reasonable prices can Le founi there. P.ver:-. in the
Millinery line in Misses, Young Ladb.s, Matrons and ,Ir it
on view at the Chicago House. A parti,.ularly tin : ..• ,. 11
Caps can be seem.
MISS WILKINSON is also . ,ut t,•rie1t., • and
Parker's Steam Dye Works, Toronto.
WrRentember the place: THE ("l -Tit '.1( 1101 !4treet.
G -s
Scotch, Ellglish, Irish & Cal& Tweeds
TECTTG-= D U 1\TD013
T 1J = I. .4°1. =
, typo RIM ram
TA.di'SL;tt )41:T, ,ttf Bfranhtiforti, pleasesfilhiemi better tfl.a.
Scalp. and make‘sell.-'itilreel.or tir7tyliTl'airr asareistmenlf. ',hal-1171g% nrattarael ,P41.11?1? t.er.:1; )' :iVbearaof nice!
50 Cents 115ex =Bottle
A CD -IC 1\T T 17C) Ft. TD P. I C
TOTHEFAINIS OFTTIE (111,111111F1111101
GENTLENIEN,- - By request of a large •,.intio•i the !: the County
we h.:ve decided to minafacture
rA.PiisTa• itorovcriwer
in ccuirn H..11 with our Plow business for the year 188:1, tt hich f,,r material end
workmanship will he second t.. 114100. Do not eive yeur ders for rearms or mow -
ere until you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in
County, which will give the farmers a word opport nity to inspect our
We will warrant our niachinos to do as good work as any other mad- We will al -
BO have a ilumber good
LI -A D 0 1..4
fur the Sprite.: trade.
tlways on hand, and will he sold cheap for cash, or be exchanged f;•:. 1701/1]. Cosh
"ifil paid for old iron.
'VT I S 0 1T S
PRseriplioll Drub
Grain & Produce,
tarsier .1 mad II lorlarlis earceis.
A Comfortable Dwelling -house To Lot
Also two looses to -let MI Nesegate-atestet
Apply to Sloane
Star Salt 'Works
(19,000) Nineteen Thousand Five Hun-
(5,000) Five Thousand Cords, (tend
Basswood Roadie
(38) Thirty -Eight inches; lone- Prices
rio to, 112.75 ,'er Cord.
(21000,0010) TW('
SEL -w- 1-loger..?
Conine irhz • f ,ft Elm Reck Elm, BAAS1
weed, Maple, Birch. Meek Isle White
_Ash, Hereleck. and all kinds of logs, fur
which catch will he paid. Apply to
Star Pelt Weeks, trioderieh
rleb.lraeeralesAlesstse ml.,Oode
• afSWII cornet
asselltiessee's waver
New Firm 1 New Goods.1 New Prices.
SPECIALTY Acme Club Skates and Climes o-annel him.. newt. ()wing to the universal
demand for the Aeme,1111111` are few to be had In Toronto. Skathe from Rh. up to 86.110. I
Intend to keep a full and well Assorted Piot k of t 1 rything 10 14.- Ilard war. line will sell
for cash al prices which cannot be beaten.
twill from this (lay return .1 per co on •Il purchneca paid down, amounting to 11 00..41
elusive of millet. 1 hoe from the wholesale dealer 01 these terms and %et!t do the same 14(5
those who buy from me. 1 am still gelling later arletv of gt.orts at n disronat of ff.4111 10 to
50 per rent JC)73 1ST INT _A. wrrxcl,..
Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company,
Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Tbxeshers.
See the 1)....minion :*,parator Ix fore on Purchase The Easie,rt jinn
ning, Mimpleod and Mt Durable Machin. iti the Market
LA Nr 141 A. C4 El; -r P4 W A IN r.r E 113.
Adibree at Oree
0'llECIVT20.7.1 nose.,
fusers' Agent Dedertelt.