HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 3v r THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY: FEB. 16, (88*. t) SNOW BLOCKADE. A Hard Wilderfor Railwaye. 4.ppesr M T I—WiW the M1f s beet Lite fillet walls .r Sinew tansy moos f. Ie.pb. Istsss1sed Beseos, Tett. su.I The winter of 111102-3 will hong be re- membered for its heavy snow fall4. On the 24th t.1 November, the vtuuud was covered fur the int fine, and since then them has beret no chants to see Mother Earth. The usual January thaw gave us the go-by, ane storms followed each ether at short Intervals tall new the fats .1 astute is eever.J, to this section of the Province at least, to a depth of several feet en the level, with drifts in all directions sf varying depth. Dwellers in t.wns and villages experi- ence comparatively litt'e of the discom- forts and annoyances of heavy snowfalls. At the went they have only to shovel out a few yards 4.1 pathway andc,mmun- itvtie.n with the rest of the world is re- stored, the crostant travel soon making geed tracks. In the country, however, it is different. There the papulation is scattered, and each farmer has to fight the snow by himself. Only the leading reads are cleared out, the work .'1 ren- dering the stele nada passable being too great to think of for a moment. But the hoariest sufferers are the railway coin. passim', who in winters like the present, hnd their traffic impeded or stopped al- together, while the expellant of keeping the lines open are enormous. rill twenties slue, u of the Gr'aud Trunk railway, invariably gets the largest share of the snow falls, the direction in wbich it runs exposing it to the full sweeps of the winds. Since the opening of the winter it has _been one continual fight to keep this line clear, the heaviest' snow plows of the must improved pattern being kept oon- stantly at work, and the track frequent- ly only rendered passable when another storm blocked• it up worse than ever. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Mc- Knight, the popular conductor of the Goderich mail trains, left Ooderich in the teeth of a driving storm. Soafurth was reached'nearly on time, but then the trouble commenced. .t start was made. but the engine stuck after going a few hundred yards. Recourse was thou had to shovelling, but at mem this was given ep as useless. Snow plows and large gaup of men aggregating over 100, were set to murk, but nut until Saturday night was communication re- stored, and trains again able to run in three weeks there has been almost a complete ceasation of travel. The plows and shovelling gangs have kept et work ineeuautly. but as fast as cleaned out the track has tilled up again, and tracts have been run with the greatest difficul- ty if at all. It is nut prubablos that this portion ut the road will be operated with much satisfaction either to the public ur the company until the snow disappears in the spring, as the cuttings are so deep that a very slight stone will render them impassable. To the south of Stratford but little trouble has been experienced. Tait melee. Although the stoppege of the trains ptuvente•i travelling and the forwarding et freight and express goods, the mails had to go, and Stratford being a distn- buting centre the work of the office here was in reased enormously Teams were called into requisition, and frequently as many as 150bags of mail mutter were re- oeived and forwarded daily,being hat'dled with the utmost despatch hy Mr. Blair add his able staff t.f assistants. AN')TH RR 4TOaK—TEATYIt• At: t1 i 41 )P PTD. Since the above was in type nno'her blockade ha" occurred. On Tuesday night about six inches . 1 snow fell, but there being no wind passenger trsins were run on Wednesday without much delay. On Wednesday night, however, a gale sprang up, and the cuttings were won filled w' rse than ever. The morn- ing train from Goderich yesterday with two engines, stuck a short distance emit of Sesferth, and is theca still. Mr. Br therha,d. assistant engineer, with a heavy plow, two engines, and s large gang of men, left fur the north early in the morning, to force their way through, if possible. They reached Mitchell about noon, but half a mile west of the station were ecnroletely embedded in the snow, and another plow was sent for, the fleet one and the engines having to be dug ant, the snow being higher than ry that lady was nut praeent he .1, as the :ah of the engine and the gale in- I there was at least one member of the creasing in its intensity. Corrie family, whine power of speech wt scenes ar'remanding, evuld in the least Between Tavistock and Wright o train rlr Port £.Obert. rRFal1TATI0N To J. C. MYRRH'. One of those channiuit episodes which, unfortunately, odour but sold to in the history ut spleen urindividual,und which go w far toward ceweutine the bunds of friendship hotween .sur follow instil, seek place iu this village the other evening, the occnsion being the presentation to Mr. J. C. Currie el a watch chit and seal, (a compass.) Mr. Currie having been notified that his presence was re- quired in Port Albert that evening, put in an appearance about seven cluck, by which tune about the ty .1 our vallag.rs had gathered in the parlor of the Royal Hotel, in order to be present duriug the ceremony. The foliosing add•ess was then read by Mr. Chas. O'Connor. To J. ('. Cern '. Me People's Auctioneer. &c. ether direction. `til much being heard as t•. the depth• dicing the work of moving it doubly 4.1 the drifts, a reporter of the Reeprni difiowlt. determined to see for himself how they! It (ustrut s ezraltxa. 1,wked, and on Tuesday afteroeuu took i •Tee expense entailed on the railway tae train for (itatericb. From Stratford company by the snow binek-ade is snor- t., Sebrilgville nothing out of the coin- mous To say. nothing of the enure lose loon was seen, but from the latter station of the traffic receipt*, a light estimate to Ses[orth, a distance . nearly .'0 miles, places the cost of the force of men and t i:ere was almost engines at work on the Goderich braneh our. ,•nttTlxl'ovs Dam, alone at over X100 a day, the other sec- verying in depth fn'm fear to teelvefeet, I tens of the mail footing up in the same through which a narrow channel has been proportion. The efforts of the officials cut, just wide enough to Allow • train to I have been untiring, ucttiter labor nor Lass through. The min it an unique ezpensr bring spared, Mr. Savage, and grand one. L.a'kine froin the me I readuiaster, has been engaged during the windows, stretches of hundreds :'f yards entire winter fighting snow on the Oode- are frequent where the eye meets only a rich branch, and tin person can estimate white' wall, not eve" the fences being the hardshipsPhe and his men have un - discernible. in such places the }Lowe ARE. ALL RCT t'1RLES.`. and the snow has to be shovelled byte-intl. tae difficulty of whic can htrdly esti- mated. The rains and occasional slight thaws have solidified the snow tel it is; There are many foolish things done in almost of icy hardness and the work of t indd old, we and naddie rf the wicked) thingsfuoslist clearing it only is vastly increased. From neglect a Coutrh Or Cold. Now we know the same cause the snow between the that Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, rails has frozen, ami great caution has to and all Chest, Throat, and Lung Trou- he exercised, the flinges of the ,vheela hiees if i tneglected, tie and Dreth ire to oeyend inCon not being able e• take hold, and eugink be easily cured by using ase directed Dr. and plows are easily thrown offthe track I C•,wtni'a Pulmonary GwXh Drops, there which has occurred quite frequently. At is no remedy equal to it. It never fails. the stations, the switches have of course ,F For everywhere U wC est anRhymes.lae bottle A sat r,0c. been snowed under, and the points frozen y up, causing no end of trouble, the work of moving oars which .hould be done in a few minutes often taking hours to ac- complish. From Seeforth, to Goderich . the drifts are comparatively light and but little trouble has been experienced • T1IR DLLAY:t TO TRAvr:r, and the movement of freight during the winter have iso doubt been excessively annoying to the.public, but nothing is d 1 torail at the railway The cause .,f death. It M known al - moat t.. a toertarnty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either by the brain, heart ur lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain • perfect state of health r Dr. Carson's Stomach and Cuusti !Sitters ate s veritable '' Heat Oiver." They free the sys- tem from alt impurities ; cure Bilious- ness, Dyspepsia, and .I1 diseases of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. In large betties at 50 cents. Sold by George Rhyne*. Kb Perkins walked into a grocery store the other day and asked for a d en eggs. "Haven't gut any," said t merchant, "they're very scarce abut now. "Well,' said Eli, "when s11 re- sorts fail I know how I can get them, but they mightn't be very fresh." "And that is t" queried the merchant. "By Uses Sia,-- No, • few of your friends undertaking to lecture in a town where of the village of Port Albert, have as- I've been before !" quoth Eli, sadly. aewbled here this evening for the pur- pose of presenting to you this gol.e chain and oompass, as a slight token of the high feeling .'f friendship and respect in which you ere hold by us. Yuurstraight forward manner in social and business nutters during the pest ten years has m"de your visits to this place pleasing to us in every respect, and we trust the In the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal cote- tuendatiou ter the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold lierne•nious feeling which now exists be- t e by .1. Wilson. 2m tween us may long cunuaue, and that as it has been iu the past so may it be in the future, you will not hare to "curry" fevers from your fellow creatures, and we arse tender our beet wishes fur the coutinued welfare and pnsperity of she to whop you are wedded for life. So hoping, that when the final trumpet - A Seed wt) blows, your spirit may be wafted to that bright celestial shore from whence no The Chitage, B.rliugton & Quincy High County Constable returns, and Railroad Company has just issued an where the voice of the Auctioneer, a illtsstrated treatise, "The Heart of the never heard sayiuz, going, going, gone, Continent," describing the wonderful we heir leave to subscribe our names on growth of the tux Greet States. The book bshahf of the residents of this village. is beautifully printed, and numerous en A. C. Helmets. graving* of high merit adorn its pages. Cunt. t'CONNOR. Any Otte sending their nalne and address Space will not permit to enumerate with receive th we postage stamps s the many good things said by Kr. Cur- copy by by ria in his response. Suffice it to say that applying to Perceval Lowell, General J. C. was in his best mood, sod in his Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. 5t own witty and humorous mtauer thunk- -- ed the donors very warmly for the honor conferreduponhim that evening. He also thanked them for their kind wishes be regard to Mrs. Currie, and was only Der - Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that the doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by Oeorge Rhynas, sole agent for Gode- rich. 3m 'teemed distueb. Addreneas were was stuck yesterday for three hours.All t'Y Messrs Jos Mahal') :A. t aatf- I'ultmenary Cherry ltaleam. I:.a.d teett- treight tains between Stratford and Inns, S. Yates, W. T. Pellow, R. Delong moray and reply given. There are hun- I diode like it. In all cases of soughs, Buffalo have been cancelled, only the and Capt. McPherson• chide and throat dimeaser and lung expresses running, with two enpinee HACEED ameetiRT.—The sacred con- diseases includiut asthma, bronchitis each. Dart and teameeting which took place en and all their tribe, Dr. Wilson's Pulmon- The main line frrim Sarnia to Toronto the Union Church here cn Wednesday a Chen"'Balsam is invaluable. evening last, proved a success, both fin rY is also feeling the effects of the frequent anceally and otherwise. Pleasure seek• As the frosts of winter )apish under storms, although sc. far it has not assts ers as a general rule are not tally alts the caloric influence of the sun's rays, ed very severely. At present one or oouraged: an, although elle might was p/erring cold, and the wind from the so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone two freight !rains are stuck at almost or'west blowing a hurnoane, many of in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Infirm - every station along the entire line. those who arrived somewhat late in the mation of the Kidneys, leave the body On the Dover road north anti south eveniug were compelled to dispense with upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu - several trains are stock and the situation the luxury of seats. The choir of St. ren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m George's Chureb, Goderich, whose ser- - is becoming worse every hour. vices were very fortunately engaged for Reports from all quarters indicate the occasion, were promptly un hard, NavMX forget that at your Druggist's that the snow is packing very hard, ren- and seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed 5'"tr Can always obtain De • Bt ItiN's their long journey, over the drifts and KID"RY (CRE. It is the only known pitch -holes. The usual amount of atten- reload' that speedily relieves all Kidney tion having betty bestowed upon the Disesees, and if persisted in will effect • sweet things served on the occasion (and pe*Tnanent cure. Sold l,y J. Wilson, which one pertook thereof wen heard to G^derich briefly bot truthfully describe as being "simply immense") and the appointment of Rev. Mr. Carrie as chairman, the fel- lowing programme was proceeded with : —Organ solo, Prof. Newman ; Address by the Rev. Mr. Carrie ; Solo, '`The Ar- row," Miss Rose : Addreas by Rev. Mr. Lc.tch ; Authem, choir ; Recitation, "Curfew will not ring to -night," Miss. Johnston ; Duet, "All's Well," Messrs. Peelle ell at.d William ; C nccrtine solo Mr. Fred Bond ; Solo, "Tired," Miss Macdormott ; Duet. "Far Away." Miss Ball and Mrs. Smith ; Reading, Wil- liams ; Quartette, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Cooke, and Messrs. Rothwell and Williams; Reading, Mr. $. Williams, Solo and chorus, "Married to a Mer- maid," Mr R. S. Williams ; Solo and chorus, "dear dein Bella," Mr. Harry Rothwell. Tho different members of the choir, fulfilled their respective parts ad- mirably, and well deserved the applause so freely given by the audience. The concertina solo. by Mr. Fred bund, proved a very pleasing feature of the entertainment; the entire audience ex- pressed their approbativn a>, its close. The recitation "Curfew will not ring to night," by Mise. JohrstoAlasalso deaorv- int; of notice. The youaa lady posseeaos a very pleasi.:g at1 i exgntsitely rnodulati ed voice, and by the avoidance of all flu se unnecessary gestures, so common to many who assume the role of reciter, may well be censiderod ria having con- tributed sae small share to the success of the entertainment.. The readings of Mr. Williams, of Leeburn, were of that high literary character, which if welt ren- dered in the forecastle or iem- herman's shanty would sae doubt pres- entbeen warmly applauded. Th entertainment, however. would have suffered little by their omission. Thal proceeds which go towards paying off the debt en the parsonage in hnngannon, amounted to about $60. BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Established t'ih..e Store in Town, In Endless Variety tt suit the most fastidious and th moat ucuuulnec buyer MY WINTER STOCK Is now oumple.e, and 1 take pleasure in informing any customers that at no pre vi.us time hare I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price uwtt it is a positive test that no Duch value in foot weer can be got ehewhere. P hase read tats. The writer is Mr. O. McIntosh of Irish Creek, Pt. S : I commenced outsgbing and raising blood hest spring and consulted two doctors and took their medicines, but obtained no relief. I was greatly alarmed, the more so because all my father's family died of consumption. i am n• w welt. I we. cored Dr. Wilson's CUSTOM W ORS of every grade still receive' niy prompt. and careful attention, and will be uta a o:. in the most approved styles by tirst-lose workmen, end of the very best material obtainable D 0 -V T N s aeon INVESTMENT. You will Save Money by Buying 1 :cur Groceries? Provisions dergone. In the entire history of the Grand Truck railway nothing approach- ing the present winter has been experi- enced. Se Grimed.. AT D. FERGUSON'S Ne HAI t2ILTON BTREET. We are Plow Selling This Season's JT "CT TEAS From lt0ets per tt' t., ':acts w Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &c. Will lee Sold Proportionally Choir Extra Family Flour W'ertby of Praise. As A rule was do not recommend Pa- tent Medicines, bet when we know of enc that is • public benefactor, and does positively cure, then we consider it our duty impart that infort"atien to all. Electric Bitters are truly a most valua- ble medicine, and will surely cure Bil- iouanesa, Fever anti Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Curuplamts., even where all other remedies fail. We know know whereof we speak, and can freely 'rea,mmend them to all.—Exch. -Sold _ fifty cents a bottle by J, Wilson (el AT $2.25 per 1001 e. A Full Supply of Oatmeal.,, Cornmeal, Brant, Shorts, etc. Always on Hand. The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices SEEGMILLER Chille d Pl ow —AND— AGRICULTURAL WORKS. !laving purehased the Goderich Foundry, am tur 0 HIL thepremisesand AOfor RICULTURA IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work General Repairing and Jobbing will be con tinued. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Runcimen is the only man suthorivt to collect payments and ggttce receipts on be half of the late firm of Rnnciman se Co.. an all persons indebted are requested to gover there'd yesaccordingly s. SEEOMILLER, l'roprtetor. 1 GODERICH Seeing is believing- Revd the testi- monials in the pamphlet on Di-. Van • A wL Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle I tr & Black. and relieve yourself of all those distress - allpains. Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Sold try .1 Wilsont oderichli' tin H. S. Hart & Co PRO PHI ETII1tS OF THE: Gabriel lteills , LATE' 1'2 PER'S. ; Beg to return their thanks to the public the liberal patronage received during the pee year. and to stats they are prepared to di_ CI - on the shone -14 nMice, or for the ronvenlencs of pa -ties living at as distance will exchange grist* .d their town store Lot. '.t-. 3f. Hiflinref's, ) Mu*oui., 'lis. k, East St. Codench. .thea -Highest price paid for wheat 1a — I BOILER WORKS. •'I ase leery to hear of your uncle haring drowned himself at sea," said Gilhooly to en influential citizen of Aus- tin, who w.re a sold l.a.k and crepe on his hat. "Yes, it was very sad.' "Did he have any grounds for it 'I ' •1low the mischief could he have any grounds for it nut At sea, chore the With every tittle of Dr. Carae"'s Pul- monary Cough Drops, a sample bottle is given free of charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you ere nee, satisfied with its effect, you can return the large bottle to your dealer who will refund tlru money. Thousands can testify to its prompt action in curing Coughs, Colds, ronchitia, etc. If you stiffer, try them. Price 50 cents a h,tti.- :olel hy Geo. Rhynes. _ No iwusehold should be considered more absurd titan lete without a bottle of Dr Van p comp I com'an),as is very generally the fashion. water is a mile and te half deepZ Buren's Kidney Duro is in the closet. j No person can mppn'ciate the difficulty___ . ____ _ It is the only remedy that will positively,' De .l clearing the deep drifts, who has not • net take Pills or Puw.lers ,..retain• 1 j,cr.nanently and promptly cure all forms ing Calomel, for at this time of they eay,1 of kid'sy diseases. Sold by J Wilson tu•11Y seen them, and a very light fall the results may he serious. 1f you re- 2m quire a dose .of physic take 1)r. Carson's - Stotnach and C°nsst en Bi tlptten ; rt acts gently on the Bowels, purifies the Blond, improves the cir'ealatirwt, stirs s. lathe Liver and Leiser, speedily curia Bhouagesr hes, the Dyspepsia, indigestten. 8safeh Drug !Stores fr m one end of (laaada to the other. and Tel cannot find a rewtedy retail to it. try it seal use it is your families. Seel everywhere in large bot- tles at Gra cents. For sale by Gee Rby- naa ,f snuw, dri•een for miles across the cloter- evl fields from beth sides of the track by ,he winds, is muttiaunt to fill the cuttings ,n s few hours, when the arduous work has to be gene over again, being more difficult each time. As s means of pre- ventiug drifts, it was expected that the wire 1sntscs would be efficacious and though on level ground they have proved of service, wherever there arecuttings it they are worse than uxi seems that nothing short of high board Nieces will be of any use, and these hays been erected in Motile localities ens novas Roan. The O. B. and 1. E. division nworth the letratford, ham suffered equally d ,oderich branch, if not more severely, from the 'new %locked* For the past Flays iliydevi anal whim yew mat "She kaolin bar imam, shad ower. Oan draw yogi te her with a single hair." Bet It mast be beautiful Mir te have inch poet ; std heawtifel hale ewe be ensnred by the ase of CiwoAmMln HAIR Rvern►n it„id st 60!. 07 J Wihaon. Now that there is a reliable reit edy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed For this let all he thankful, and to Dr. Van Baren's Kidney Cure award all praise for having this removed a hitherto oowsidered fatal disease fr m our pstb. I It was never kn' wn to fail Sold t.y J. Wiles, Fres •f Fees, All I•ersens wishing to test the mein of • great rested,- now that will poet Lively cure Consumption, CeutColds, Asthma, Bronehitea, or any atiection of I the 'llirnst and Lungs -- sfe requested to i there and Ball at Jas. We-ltai'e UrttR Higat i a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Die• I cnvery for Consumption, free of coat, which will show you what s regular d.•1 lar 'ere " ttlr will de .7 (I > 1 tLei Y ear 46 10HNSTON'Sq° ' SARSAPARILLA —con— ' en--s „..1 ;3) MDi/1it YTii..la . -'t fes Purifying the flood. - -- igen in ur for s.ream and trnt the be et. M'.t stela t arc for BlcK liitADAI'HL, PAIN IN IL 91D OpR RACK. LIVER LOS- '. ) '.tTVTM1't.F4 ON THE TA(' ' . i, E.$ SIA, PILES. and all Disesaall ..a arise from a Disordered Mir trer roast as -wore-'re mel. Thousands .,.pie tatit and give it to their chit n rby -saes prescribe it darty. Tose k orma, mop, eater. Mr• aa td n Yellow k. I!r n•tu tiU;:.ntre ler mtsasthe. rhes, Interim rn. -11/1 wastatbis elit end _ p j eetfl'afeatl e ase tains a,adi le ss r ase ter dem ePigther. ogre Adler rot a taiga or sla sThsactingOraee m whe e* • hell tin tbla IWIldletne Brian tack toadve iwnd se !sae dollar and .e D lues.. *MEM e CO . ttseefer wwtj _ Tor sale Ur TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILiGtS and SALT PANS loanable turedlon shortest notice. All kind.' of Repairing executed under the per)onalsaporviaion of the Proprietors who JAR WIL4(►S ARO. Pracrica! Workmen. I'. O. Bex lila 1787 ec rR C7 Ser 03 r rrt ` /. 1 3 ro V n R aa -m ., ;. P 4 . '? " mr'`o ^ .p. " o $500.00 Reward. We will pay the also%.• restart' for any ,•ase of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. nick Headache. Indigestion. ('onstlpation er Coatis -ernes we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Livor Pita, when the direct ionaar.• strictly complied with. Theyate purely Vegetable. and never fall to give sat Lsiaction, Sugar 5'oatt.1. large Boxes containing 7) fills. •G. cents. For sale by all Druggists. It •ware of counterfeits and imit.a tions. Thr gennine manufactured only b) JUAN C. WEST & 1'0., "The Pill Makers. al and fit King St. Fast, Toronto, Ont. Fre.- 'trial package sent by mall prepaid on recolp: of e 3 cell! stamp. For ante a( WILCOY'a BRI (a STwlp. i1oa1th is 'Wealth! y ' -) DILA I, TItF.A UR. E. ('. W RaT'a NRR I. A r t MAYT, • glatr'nntrod si'reiflC for 113 *eerie. I)Is- ziness, I'ou%uI,ton', Ef1*, Nervou. Neuralgia, lletulache, Noeve ns Prostration tati.ed bribe ' 116C of nkat. I or mho. co. tt'akehdnc*s, en , tel Ilepn•ssien, Sof, ening of the [train. tumult Ing in Insanity and leading to misery. decay and death. Pro ntatore Old Age, Harreenrea, eon Power inolthersax, involnatery (waters and Spern'aterrhorvs. s aurae -d by ovrrr tell l of the bran. -•-If-abttee or over-1u•'.n'Terrr tine box :+,;1 . 'ir,e tee Vtli 5*,,.. Vat h ta.x son - tains nn - e. n n, W. tr. ni n c..t. (Mt ,dollar u hes. or six lane•a fur ttl.• .l.,lisre: sent by mall pre s '_ ..... paid on reo.•;p ••f pri. , . We a .r.ern sal en ►tx ...I ? r .e' w taxes to cert' an) ease'. With titch meter re • ✓ : cctvrd h) n- for sit boxes, accentpatlyd with et 5 it . : flue dollars., cc will send the pure a/ear owr sit st e : ^ written geani..te a to refund the money 011ie treatenet.t dot. not effect a cone. °narantess r ; S w naiad eely by JAIi• ws11011%. sole angst $ ° ' 4 s 'red agent for Onderirh, (Int. JOHN f'. W ERT W 1 a ? .j y a li > ,^ A CO,. s. -k proprietors. Toronto. tort. Gray's 8 ''llc Yedicin p ••• el wa t% . B ,, A -• - ! TRADE MARK ittR fler VI' - fwAOg MA Cu 2 i S 1ss loon Itw• g c er ' o - "tiny-. An'•• VI IF?Ilri ii, V. 9 ' 2 wraith t it + r c R w 'g that »a. o t^ f+ a'sf3 s . - Q a i$i a $ asci sMj_ TRIM a M elf,' r I NNE t e.s1.y lllAver.at *Acer 3 ,O '7 - r, , i ar s P. nth. teen , l Burk. pilaw, d 'Mlew, (!„• A4 • n►' . tett iMnj (Kier w L g -.`$ I 11..1,4„4,--1,,,,.;1 wn te- r sir t ltf n M 4. OC: R pr•ts. ra.Fw11 N'wtrtis M i _ i e4, watch we ieetir e t e mart Ale tr. .,i i hwatf L. ct ro nwc iM• ftpr t :lis 4 -.Lela. to ji• -7 I• l,1 r,, n1tAreet(•t. dM Mr psetMt, y n T' i pwe.k►w.,. (,- s.• '.• ,rr 11tote M• arnt fr.e' 7 'el —. n y O . 2 „r r ,„ r ta.intr C a >: i► : C TH t. 1r.'. tt Fitt, IV C1)•, ..... 6 t (t rr r P' 71ea. s