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The Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 1
r • F fe raw. sl ii441 f thi ti4 EM1 ILSP:41;4 osis X WI THIRTY-Ftr'•rlt '. 1 .1 r. WHOM' NCMI:f :•. GO )ERICII. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 183, McCIILLICL'DDY untie. Prattaataas 4 WA IA YEAR IN ADVANCE. ' • • Loans aria insurance, Wanted. J.. •. t . , + - - --- -_ \uotlun,l r. .r 1.0 •I I ONEY '1'O LEND. - PRIVATE P gLITIEAL Hair Vigor. .1. ('..1 foA 14 o i freehol l .ecurIty. Apily to 1blltlral. !'ol, �. 't. 't ,. '.I !' •:,u. tiemene,U.tio.ierwh. 1876itim. I '•S70,Or)O 1' l LOAN. APPLY TO t'athe: Wit 1'::•: • . • • . •, ,. ; \ t' t's. .' CA d,'.d )S, 1W':1' at4 AMERON, Oode- 17411, '1 ATS FUNDS TO .. LEND 13.ltlSt"�I, 0,11iJJPRIV 1 j' G. I(tlw1bn1)ur4)U.assCLI.1r„ponyV BLIP IEErriEEPM I 4 i,J: c•:nt. Auuly to R. It ADCL1FFk. 17.51 t1')' Y TO LEND TN ANY t [ -(fit , t.' IV • 14i, bnrrower.at 6 10 6; per et•n . .'.'.% 14 :tunic Apply t0 emehat and M_, it ,.. ,,:, tcri.;tt. TI►YI,Y 'ft► LEND. --A LARGE awtoeat ut Trieste r'tmde for tarestment tt lowest r lues uu first -chum Mortgages. Apply tor3.11t-t )',V S I'itn•-'irF00T. Town I,f lei 4, el 'it HON IreiN- e :li. 1 1• t.' ,11 r' 4':'ect . ire 1 . , • , •.. r I .. 1 I , t': tl, 11 11r- �l ►71: lZhe _ �,J'.a'a w3!umn. K(► ['.lit Hots:,i,)at :J: • iter 111 WA3.81p:t. I It ten .li•po4e I of m: a•1. I /o b,Bows to ]Ir. Jam••') t'rentice. wD.t own • to et t at tis reewmmuud- /.d, aid wan lams tela 1.1 w.0 all the bill. I Ira% that ntv tiara 1st e the county w,ll give heal tial ii', --II s•';':'- • ;vie • . they ea gowns nasty aeric 1: 1 ,n • u, p t'•1 nears. 1 will r,) - mein her nail 1.t .tarn ea 1 in the mean- time will onnin.'t all , t:cs eatrnae l to ass. J. (•. CUR:tHE:. Tie I'.'...." 5metloueer, 14474. TASTED 1MMEDIA'TELY. - A 11 stout 1)113 as as apprent►ee to the t: 'smith bwin.wt. J. 1•. RR 1\\'.' , \t, l er, Auburn. P.O. 878-21 Tt►OD WANTSQ, TENDERS will be rooks -Mat at this office for fifteen u: twent • cords of Ire wood. dry and green. up to Friday. Feb. lath. Address Ho011li• misty Brothers. Tas rtesA1. OJlerleh. COL. A. M. ROSS i it 4 Rtegt.- The skating rink will be ! I...ti nt of the storming party first t.iade I the fact that the bankrut:t stock malt •n to 'eel ....I children on Saturday , it raid upon the barn, where Nemo sixty from London faded to attend. Mr • • Prig's' TIO'' '131111 will he in attain.. lwsheL. of eats were soon depiwited I,y Wataou appeared on behalf of the 'limos ..• testae:•.! n Wednesday fleet; a theta te the minister's credit. A supply 'tion candidate for West Hurut. Able . t•,. foot prepared. ..f apple*. potatoes, fi•w•1, tut 1 other pr,- speeches were made by Col. Ross and duets of the fauns were also rained ul.,u Mr. (pitson, and great enthusiasm was • ta:•.Lra , „ dnit.g mu• tees :tstenished mater, and his larder and 'manifested by the audience iu favor of r, AaLfiuhi '.or week fee 1harn. wo helie.0 were never sa fully the Mowat (i.,.enimelt and its candi- a.rior c.as.liJat.•. Vro,u cur I stored as when the delight s.1 visit• hatl date. in Hivon. The absence of the as- ••r...e• "..!.eats we loom ti -t Lc waa nu►bedewed upon hint all their gifts. The • pirant for %Vest Hum, wee the subloct 01111: sal ^t ural. 04001:1.444 0110 ill. ieumlai.y spent savers! hours together, of much comment ,ta:. : 'te that , rc .fit of there iris ?Aland . song, sentin)ealt, recitations and TAYLOR'S SCHtIt•);,HOUSE. late• •i • 4 r. L :• t'ee `'.•pit ' ' us:; a 4eerful cancer.,• wt•Ic uohalgetl ill b.). The meeting at Taylors schoolhoua., wtt Io.• ! 111 :, !it.rid at,an•. the happy (arty. Mr. Turnbull, .•u be- 011 Saturday evening was fairly attended !`cr,',,' ;4::t1 oeteunind fritu.l .I half 01 hituself and wife, thanked the by the electors, considering the almost •f d f the' kind•'t 'd as fall. ws r ;veil dared, ico, h.►sa,,cett'relationsh h h d t'J beet 1 will addres, the Ere:- the : ,.r. 11cr •:• (htrr :•, tie• esu,nty hi,h eanstahle (4 friends '' " stat aur Satten,usi impassible state of the roads. As In all - , ! l offered, i onation, and alluded to the peasant the ether meetings the e►pt:osition can- GRAVT'e '4 '110 )l. t,l ., c:1 a. i:rcr::;n0 p...it:-.0 iu t13 Shuri0's of- which a 'Mittel ween rim ; ee,,,,e fade(} to appear.. Cul, Russ ad b 1 % ami the LevLurtl people since their Bunt- iltease,l the "teeters tit «lnsiderabh• Slutll►tiE Sat :,r ir.; . ,::,-:. - _._ - rridal. te , Wt,. nor.ot 1 u t t.e_ 1n.l aill le►.e ,e•r the KiNt. North-west about the bevittning :d A{iri1. 1 O FltEE OF CHAR(lE.- J Money to Ian 1 a! lowest rates, free of say closes or ebargcs. MEAGER ER & MORTON, opposite Caborae Hotel (tolerlch. 23r.1 Starch 1881. 177e. 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in - tercet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged, ('onveyancing Feed reasonable. N. B. -Borrower„ can obtain money in one day H title is satisfactory. -DA V I:4ON & JOHN IITON. Barristers. &c.. Goderich. 1751 1.11.;. RADCLIFFE, FIRE, bMARTNE, Lite and Av.:tient Insurance Agent. R -pre .ntiugtlr•trlassl'otupanicr. Alsoagcnt for the l'axana i.n it tlrttcg IxeruaNca ('o. Stoney to lend on Mor..._. either 1n Town m '331IT'1'S HILL. on R udne.day, rebr'ta:•y ; The peonlo of (3ndorich and vicinity ll,t. ' will ue i..rry to lose John C. for d whiter etnd. ,est. d .a.' t live : stet the universal cry DONNYBROOK. en Thurs•!ay, February (4OYERICH, Victoria Ha!!. rrtd1). :ei,. t wilt be, 1. \y p: no' mine h,tt•k aga,n • .1".1: cenucome back again r n ;3.1 tj everting . last. although net Tury.ut the old school, and clerk of tilt. Ti.h in • err• ;, •vt:rbng:u at 7:11 obloci each ' licucrhed you'll never tie - evening. 11.11 ye no come hark again. ' s•. largely attended as last year. was a' Tory township of Go' aderich : "Mr. Moss tog t.,{el110r Hoar iw-., pont:• at•". 31rn• length upon the boundary award, the Turnbull appearefeto lee as pepolar with' (disallowance .1 the streams hill, and thecumpany as her et/teemed hoidend. I other important gnestiona, The feeling ldeeieak•t Seet:u_- -The annual c•.41- of the meeting toward', the (dblonel, eregatioiial minting and assuagers' ' after he hod s eikon,, is best summed up eeseil of Kuux Church. held en %yea- in the reutsrka ,l,f Mr. Jawet Patton, a . I F':,•'tn t'n• \%'innipeg tie), we learn that decided success considering the weather. ' is an able man. I never heard a. letter ltliw Yerc.w Tremor, -formerly of Godo Rev. Dr. Ure was called to the chait.' political speech un thew li)estiunsbeft rt•. tend the racrrings. ,10 •, is f...t wiuui.ig celebrity to s vocal- and after calling the meeting to order, if he was oft MAY side LA work fur hie. le Ate '4'reirie Prnciecc. The .Win. announced that the first item out the lase (day iu:d night until the el•elem: of the "'' T says • 4dias Bertha Trainor, ane of Dr examine was the good things whidh the ' • etil i�E1ti� ABOUT IIOME to use w theatrical I est easian made a 1/f the young f,.lke. who had turned .out : .kc.:ordutll to pw►icws aunoulicenaeut Tae t •oast rvat i t c c owd.date is i,:1;' • -1 o n at- ' McLaean`sttu wile tirade her ref. it, and. ladies had provided, to the great delight . IWSG,AN•N(IN, Farm -Property. in any way to suit the borrow--' "A china's tali I t er. OMee--4up-atair,t I:a% • block (.oderleb• I • •1e samaagTe. ^n notes I' LYS, FOUND. - A COUPLE OF Tj� 11. email keys. ora nutter, were found slur= .3BebicaL i•,g this week and left at ths *ace. The owa- _ ---..-- = - _-- er can bare these by paying for tbls advt. AP- -- - ley at this office. nit. W. 0. S. MACDONALD, M. D., - kr C. M.. Persicla0. Surgeon, Accoucheur, 'ANTED, FOR S. S. NO. 13 ASH- b • Omer au 1 residence. Main 4m � Au - 1 r 1x:1.1) • third-clar toucher, dntles to (,,mq,erce immediate)3•. Apply to JOHN tsslsh 1•.lh ]f� esti N(iRAV1Nt3. qn n u cEngland. Ai 4 P S Ontario. Office and residence the bloom b on the ltye." you will ave to His hue• r delivere[i ludi(ineot ,(m the .\44kl.4sof plain •and ornamental engrev- furnished by the choir under the, Ing, twitef,it►r; hRs finger, nuc} wrig;lint 54 . VON ALD, See.. I,a I '. in la. numbers. After the refresh -.I a eilitical meeting was held in Martin's 4lthle7lpeewtit. h' e.t. ati.s Trainer m•miats wall, �K i `t and is ,-ti_deutly receiving t tea ;,roper melts hart, been disposed of. The chair- in hall. the iutereet of Col. Ross, the Tf)W2t TOPICS. training More Dower tt. our tewgs- man called upon the secretary, Mr H,,, Reform candidate. Mr. Charles Oir•in wniaen. T. Steam; and the treasurer, Mr. Arch. ! was chosen' chairmen and. perfewnsed hie \Varied. at: cLergetic, rctn(:,:e roan cu •in Dickson. to Make their reports. The duties to the utmostsatisfaotis,n of all. rasa for the sale of Organs teed .•t.•wlrtrr 1Ns- t [.peso_-Jfcf:uau s Mc(lmrc. This see,etary rend the minutes •of last Wiest- The audience, throughout the dteetinY, chine',. Address J. i%. \.'eat :era..1. (ole was au mitten that wap tried at the last rich• in and the treasurer read the financial I were very orderly and roil the utmost y.o tatl•tr e r s ones •• a ear etttt,hon. a( reeved meet .1,,,11: ,rho nhall Le t.,c 1:.111 t(, ,.. •r tt. ,,,g! ��. : his hot.•,r c.e t ' t, i, ,• ,.:(•r eh. et •.f cures -tit a,.•(msre 'rhe 1 mg tlr.t, tat•iuu the bunuu,K y1.8stiuma 4.: s •tial! of tilt (aunty Court at (.adench I Thr anxious Its!.•:ars gr J• �. s eat f til past yeJ 1 n_ cl Mr.F3:rosa 1 1 the G It McDJNAGHr M.D., PHYSIC- The ans..er rotill. ,�e, uq,'t.a�•nmat llfet.n n n• a reit ,, secreta it► a short addrtse s ,oke in the da a t.luir,. h veutilatis,mt, Mr. l: 6L''OY B Ord l T �� mss and •tt(x t tAth t;. `+:a1:uv:J •:.... 1 ttar.t 'n faint t to clelj rr tw t � I y � . IA, R c., nate o or con t e v o unto University. r certiatc of the RoyolaCol- be the peeph s photographer in Weat Huron. ` tar;,r of the uwregenort►I aduptiom .•f the; Juhnatun waa alae �(y!t'esemt, au,l seemed 1 t P ni dans Landon ace., arc 1f von avant to •'moot In the evening. w•!'•n' 01, .5k of cheep sold by bio. t,. Mclxxn, envelope system ,.f e't.11eetinr,a. Meade ! quite Herrin, while Mr. Iles was al.eak E Opposite Bailey's hotel, Hamilton street. •:od- call at my liquor store before 7 o'clock.as 1 ata was Wit inat when h•- entered a verdict for • tug. gold silver, :very pearl ear..utrd neatly each hy coot expeditiously. boor plates nude and engraved on short notice. Estimates s ►cticalengraver to th ' ,t.. tade�1877- 87h, 7-wtf MOUSl E. AND LOR FOR SALE.- i A frame house nearirsew-, wan 10 foot retie. containing 6 moms besides hall. pan- try and goo4 collar with wood shod and other uuthu,ldings will he sold on reasonable terms. A dna d well is on the pyremiacs. For particu- lars apply to )V..t.ItHY•NAS. Newgate Street. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 74corner of Victoria and East suets. in bo tow,. of Goderich, for male cheap, or will be :changed for farm property. Forparticulars pplv to Jan, farces. Archit.x•t. office ('rsbb's !ods or J. C. CcRRta. anetioneer. FOR SALE. .t neat chess brie: 6014+ cellar under the whole hots Sad 14 acres land on the Bay •Id road. lioderich,there is a zoai stable and Arir,ngshed•hard and soft Water on the prem- ,e.s. grounds well laid out. For psrti.-ulars .4ply on the premises or 10 H. Seetotslfer, e: ods rich Fonndr•r. trait SALE. 179.3-11m a conscientious npbolder of Ute ;root.. Act. ; ,,: ' leadership of isle. (.eo. Robeoni. Mi 1 have un hand the best liquor,, of all kind to : 44.34(41(4-. fee $170 and ce,sts of action. 11R MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY O5:Ole, Co*Ooer &c. Otbce and residence Devoe direst, ueoand door west of Victoria Street. 1751. 11(ACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon and Aocoucher. Gredaate of Toronto University. Office opposite Carner -on & Cameros's Bank, Lucknow. !f not in ogler. enquire at the Bank. 1701-v. IRS. SHANNON dr HAMILTON, J Paysicians, Surgeons, L000ucben. fta oeloe at til. dhsanoe u residence, near the grol Ooderich. O. C. SuavaoN. J. C. Hs1110- TOY • ti01. Oliver gate a reading, which was well block JJ Doyle t,r (iefeudant eked. Messrs. James McNair and house. they are like windows through whist, (1511 sal .-,fri Xeubert Wilson, nue were re-elected, and Mr. Alex, 'dcD. we see distant lands, and sumo. climes 'hat of the ,eldest pioneers of this 'seetioDf Robert take t the dull routine of everyday :itr. I ( Allan was elected in piece o be had In Ooderch. N,. tr Horton. Albion (}arrow .l• Prondfn'•t for plaintiff. B. L. ICC Pictures well el/ascn. are oru.tment. 1 , .u, 'y Ales. Saunders. the retiring managers, ee from " cased away ' i Satur a miming Saunders ac Son have • fine stock. which t:;er ; p Y H Thompaun: the other retiring manager. are selling cheap ; they have engage1 a nest- j lest, tti his 71.t year. He, wait horn to After cotes of thanks to the chairman sten'', speech he would have no new A `, about la his •eat as if he felt very u, comfurtahle. When Mr. Roes had oe. copied what be considered sufficient time, he was abwit to resume his seat when Mr. Johnst ,n gat up and re 4trested that Mr. Rosa should go on anal finish hr.. speech se that in itis reply tat Mr. John clams g depnrc to attend tot err picture Con,. el lend, Enu. , and emigrated t , and the ladies. the meeting closed with E around - to go over. Accordingly Mr. lromirfrdepnrt: Deur, and 1111 orders wlil hr filled promptly. "Th Cheapest House me outer Auarirya when a youth. He rime tg' the Sun." (i(dariel. in Jb31, and located oto a farm Dr. G. N. MoDot:al.i of Auburn. was! where the Intereetuonel salt •:rel1 now in town this week. 'stands Fee teeny veers be occupied the Mr. ,Tames Wilkinson las retirrt:ed I positiee .1 elder in the i'resbytertnu lye to the disgust of ecce his own }a'r'te from a sojourn in Winnipeg. ' church, acd was rot:ch l'ea;l1eto1 and es - the benediction. There was 41C*bergsI Rosa proceeded and went over the whole at the door. A c,dlectien wive txkeu up 4 ground.. Mr. Johnston theft made a at the elhse smeunting to le25.1 '. lung luralIgue of miaatwteiatttts, and got a let of nouleeuee through him, great fHE- 'A WAID► \ . Ar. Ross replied to hitt/, ahewinz up M7. IN THE COUKrY COURT OF THE Rev. Dean Murphy of Dublir. ••'-.e. teemed by all who knew loin He leavers Johhaton a .misrepresentation* in the COUNTY OF ? p.rtON. aced at St. Peters on Sunday last. most ludicrous light. In our spin In the matter fit partition, between Archi- and friends t • mot rn his loss bald Galbraith. tL1MIR. and John G vbesrth, s wife,an•1 a ride connection f relatives l Iwai.,3 a:C.of©ORes s,ffi PP tut i 1 r Johnston would have g caned Mnbc"sumack,af Cleveland, (tine, well irr:,rler.' ilyt7.-•Arnlr:v; Kerby :aa more rotes in this vicinity. had he stayed Kate Galbraith, teatime eubrege Mary Me- is the guest of her brother. M' James' ytJ' Williams, Janet McDermid, Mathew Meter- Rd. a mail clerk on the Buffalo and (ildlerich • mod. Mary McTavish. Hugh McTavish, John at home. Mary Ceneerrativ,s hero now el McTavish, Neil McTarbh, Helen Anderson. Mr. T. Mc(itllieuddy will deliver anad- i' ht st lbs Hi h tirhoJl Liter- ,lumber or e.l area :teryw ere secti•.in of the 0. T. R.. tiled on Men day Titbits. Meetings f endnelrd by its I openly espouse the eaUae of Coe Ross. James Anderson Thomas Ytrnnen William last et Clietoo, of heart diseese, For r h' M s Y dress to -n g g. a been 1 u andhad cry Society. been relieree front duty daring the Mr. Jas. E. Merle, •.t Illinois is visa- Kretterpnrtiott cf the time. He had int his friends in tet 1burt e. He hes a just retired upon a superannuation when big contract 1.n hetet death overtook heti. Ho wawa harmless,: Miss Emma : Duane, wile, has ',ren inoffetta?tu man, end well dad f•vurabl "Ross •, T1ie urgauieer-n-chief for the Aapirau' visiting relatives in (helerich, left f• -r krtowr. Re was a member 44 tilt Mn - smart is (I1 Mai for west nUNIII n \y est Huron thinks he is a 'nighty her home. Stretford. on Monday last. !emit mit fraternity and of the L (t. O. F , smart nota, and it taper a! gator{ that he \\'c are pleased to see Mr. Jas. Vivian I and his funeral,which took place at C'aa- ar•uud again after a severe illness. Holten was largely attended by members of MANCHESTE}'. had a hard sieve . f it f. r ,iv er set en 1 Moil; order free. (:•-iderie ; and .they I since he wan a hat iter of the market, aims The public meetingheld at blanches- w•eeke. I P i butter -holing this one, questioning that Itev. Mr \Napes:. has leen duly ie-+ Ti(.: 1,, . Lo,rteee. -That. ri:ere j t(r on Wednesday ,night of last week, and stalled ate assistant rector it St Geerze's have been many disappointed ticket' was,well attended. Mr. John Washing, 0140. things to fruslntanothercolic.tl►nc church. We welcome tl.e rue. gentle. I holders in the fate lottery Home can deny,, ton f West a nosh, was called t • real man Jure palled themselves fools 'the chair, and ably discharged the duties . Saturday the organir-er-in-chief met n man u' our town. , staunch old 4i/devotee from Ashfield and for indulging iii a clam of speculation irelthetine the evening. Col. Item, M. .1 immediately [x• Miss Kirkbride arrived frau, ::vaginae r n;t beim called epee, gave an account of Y began to talk upon the which only a few reap substantial ret erns uestiou nuarent his heart --the coming h•vin been telegraphe3 fur 9 and the ninny arse. The amount ,.. election. He was anxious that his Irish money sunk by time diaappcinthe ones friend should vette for the Aspirant. itut must have been very large, as the tear.- t` f y the son of Erin declined with thank, saggera of the enterprise have fully ,calix- Then the org*niser-iu-chiefreforredt', the ed all their expectationsa safe over 1141:en R f G benefits which had accrued to the eget ori would be that over ail ex- whir•!, waa necessary to secure to the N.P.t1 $100,000cultural community through the I pe'.fry K province her 'eat rt ht, at this critical ' r ince to ems f have been gathered from the pock P J - The con of Erin chuckled broadly w icor ems of those who ought to have invested period of its existence, and asked the tit© would-be missionary s ,oke o the N. their spare funds in a snore substantial electors, nue and all, 4.. stand 'inn for 1, and then quietly asked manner, and the. t1.e -•nhlio prase I Prmint:iel right,. He discuss4e1 fully If the N.Y. is sncil n geed thui,.Low JudaoC.C.IIuron. 1 Dated T:ndJun..A.D.Ia&1, aro boundar nwar.l, the disalL,w.tn• (• of Carman, and all interested may rely on ie TII00,000 out. y ii it that I vet only tilde. for my wheat is presence on Sunday and Monday. A Lases FOvsa... -1'I.e ri,.•ene! ,if the stream, hill, the licetso :uai other tilts warning w•hen the prict iu the Ktatee James atlrwon. Mar Stinson, the las one ever a year h had al i g, aaeres.fnl Tee Opposition 1 asdidale "CAUGHT A TARTAR " Tavlrh and Ooaald Merit the last one named being an infant under the age of twee- ►•dards up to tw Knocked Down fit Yan- Annana. Ilop. an t•kneld trbkmaa Made Nae arra• wiser nate last. ward alc- y-ane yesrs, defendants. Ws: Nolan orf.•:- fur sal.• t:..• following To the above named defeadante :and ail o- - ther perso ss having or claiming any intereat la the following lands. that is to mav, all and singular, that a rtain parcel or tract of land and promisee. situate, lying and beipg in the Township of Stanley. in the (•ounty bt Huron, cad Province of Ontario. and being compos. -4 of Int number eleven. in the 111th onneesaion Stanley. aforesaid. con- taining the Township of y, areas ,, taining by admeaaurcment one hundred arrre of land be the same more or leas. property In the town of Oodertch. Lot L 1. the east half of lot 175and the west half et lot 11)1. 1 herr is a story and a half frame house i[, Orel repair. 12 room and kitchen. good stone •ellar. hard and soft water. Terme easy. For farther particulars apply to E. CAMPiON, •ollritor.OndeNch, 1S70 -3m. RICK YARD TO RENT. ll )) You are herebv required to take n.ti -e 1'., rent for ono year tae KIN TALI. BTUCK• that the above named plaintiff will, on the Y ARD with Machines, It•irrows. etc.. and use ; twenty-arventh day of February. A.D. 18E1, at ..i home it desired; clay nest -class and great the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the drw.snd for Brick. Kintail Dock near Yard. • Court Honer in the Town of Goderich. in the ysply to JOHN K. MACGREGOIt. said County of linen. present to the Judge of 187"-11. Kintail. 1'. O. this Honorable Court the petition in this mat- ter for the partition or sale of laid lands under the "Partition Act" and all persons interested 1.1 hereby given that all parties indebted to or claiming any inter/ad in said lands, are the undersigned by note or bo_k account are then and them to appear and Kato what remitted to settle the same at once and there- claim they have to the said lands. and in de - by save an enforced celloction. I mean bmsi- (*nit of their appearing the raid matter will fur - cane. ABRAHAM SMITH. IRV- he proceeded with in their ah.ence. And fur- ther. take notice that the !aid Judge will at same time and lace be applied to to n DESIRABLE the stn m � SALE. ---THAT p pp p' i �1 ►RMe-point a Guardian torcprelent the said Infant- Donald ntsnt- rnsldeetc, corner BrittaniahiroadcSchool. with Defendant in the preoeedin in I w n lot etrect opposite the High repair with The above notice was nettled byi then! Age ar Note. The hound s in good repair with of the ('ountt4Coart of the County of H•,rn,, carriage house and stable and Miler out noildin snit trees', grape vines, shrubely Ac. The garden is well ed with R. H. C,OZZ4.NS. For terms apply to Davison d• .1.hest . llarieters• 16164. 1INS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, 1 Having •ornpleted her studies In music �:adsr Prof. Sip pr of Landon, and having re- colvud a certificate, is now prepared to re- echo • limited number of pupils for Piano instrnotion. Mies Seegmillerie also peppered to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satl,fsc- ann in every cele guaaat red. Residence, ern •r eatnhrla Road and Newgate turret. 1"OR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT fie ValnsNe Properl known as the Seep- se 5 0 011 Mere offered ed for salet•oquarter , to r� rent. Mock to store all new and fresh thin year. The I,ropr.etorhas other Madness which will re- quire Mitosis attention. Also the west half of .1 6..os. 3. K,I). Ashfield : all sew land ; two suo-i ,rrob ods, two good Wells, and peatfort- .(bte frame biomes. The lot comma MO acres. tt whish 120 are .Neared scall well tented. ltrn)tlalge 50 acres beavl Umbered veldt h rts000. r�l!rs sddres+ R. T. ti AY' She O Iaa!- should have that opinion of himseti, for no one else could la.wbly conceive suet. a emcee regarding him. Seine time Y, g • her mother Latin bee.: seri .usiy ilio of inflammation .1 the hangs Mrs. Kith - bride is improving. 4 Mr. J. Struthers. of Ktnc:trdine.sem of our townsman Mr. (clave, Struthers. of this town, has just passed a very summ- on 11000 e- onthe 22nd of January A.D. 18E1. 1 fel oxami:cation before the Pharmecauti- PHiLiP HOLT. Oodeelch, cid College of (1ntari. Settled by) Plaintiff , Solicitor. ISAAC F. OMri. 55.a -J has la;en received from Biah^p leis stewardship (luring: the existence of the parliament just closed. He dwelt on t .e tmpOTt*nce o unit • ofaction W1 fhb part of every lover of Ontario__ whether Reform .:r. enservative -- INSURANCE CARD. 1Sth and 1941• in connect •.n with the M. 11,0 late }ten'amin Actestrone, .clash � E. Anniversary Sete ices. it ' k place en Monday afternoon. tr ae 94(0 BRITISH ASol. CO•V. T01107.1-0 r:ataWiahe Yesterday and the day before the Sun- of the largest- which ever tram seen in PH(RN X IN*. COT. of fury 0'. England' I day School Convention met et Exeter, Oaiendt. The two town betels paid and to -day and to-morr.'w the Public :tlrcir respects to the remains o = t:4(:ir school teacher, will meet In convention i OMleae�r by heading the caste• a :,laying at the same piece. Exeter is high; fa- dead rctes alternately The streets F.atablished 17at. HARTFORD iNS. (WY. of llAnrvnan. Conn --Established IBIS. Risks taken in the above first class°Mee' st the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. vored this week. were lined (.y hundred's of spectators, The undersigned 1s also Appraiser for the Mr.Cowan. oils a .unutc-rt(it the . f, r the deceit/eel was , favorite with both CANADA PER. LOAN ♦x11 SAViNOP (O•Yur.e and e1d. Mr Armstrong died at TORonm. quill acisaorg and paste -pot ion the Ree.; T• Dtoney to been on first -clan security. rom 7 te 8 per Cent.. --Charges moderate. HOII;ACE HORTON. Ooder' :b Sept. la. 151 Straveb Animals. �00 FOUND- -CAME ON THE remises of rise subscriber let s, Dew. A township of Colborne a Oman black awd white important questions and was enthnaias- according to silo Mail is tically applauded when he took his seat. . In the absence of the l)ppoaition Candi- This was • poser to the wire -puller, date, Mr. James Johnston, of Wnwan nn`l he hurtiedly said tel.. 'sly: iron gained a prof incial repnta• Oh, never Itglnl the N. 1'.. Tum. tics as s eublic critic) took the platform This is the Leal I.e'gielritute rection. ngaitst Col. Ross. but even this doughty I and vote for Johnnten anyhow. Take a exponent of the "R' htatout Palicy'• of drink Tum ; take a drink.' the 4 )ppositi•.n failed to make n point I But 1 will mind, and I'll rota for the aittiie member for West Hu- Roaa ; and I'll tall you another thing :- against ron or the Government 4 f M. Mowat. (Isn't chi'k •You 04411 Ley up an Irisrman'e ter Ref rte , etc In town during the 1 the hely age of 32 years. At the house , colo for a glass of whiskey, and you a week. He looked like a newly owed!, Archdeacon Elweed read a portion of The reply of Col }.was at the c!aao cath• III temperance man. sideman -an far as thec•,rporation hesi. Scripture, P.ec. Jol.n %Yaket clot led it audience in valu,dandle information Tuhn touhe (1 Th didn't t f more general e ergantzor (1 it Wal for r 4 I N,%waI (ill in particular. eh. more than uafor Mr. James Ytronticu, . i }faster. has naunoad by Rev. C. Flet,. a I:•" Ur. ,err• was item to oeserre, "I never) like an arrow from tt bow. t' re officiated At the Kravc b,utht out tL aucttoueennQ baseness of know tie.. before ; I really didn't." A , The ran mills belonging t. Mr. .James vote f thanks was thea tendered to the Watt "f Itrussels, were burn: d' wn Sun chairmat . and after cheers f.•r Moires, I da "turning at four o'clock, The total Ross :.1444 the germ), • meet anceineful I. as is $3000 ; insured in the batt bier• n.,•.••:' rias hrnnght to 11•..r. I nal for 812,-1). The esus., ..f the fire ie IILYTH unknan•n. 'i Lr .litical tweeting at Blyth ••n' The Har.,nE.•1n14',h,cwutnd..the .tfai Theriliay was well attended. CDL Ross, that in 187(1 it wan usia(( these words it. M.t' I'., rind Mr. The, (;,Loon, M.P.P. ittu :,nide on theCna:1rs license net: "i' the I;o•ttinll.'t.t eat4didatt's f,,: West 1 was a step in the ryht direction whet and Rant Hur.•n, real,ecticel, were pre-; the issue of lieensee wag tnket from the me.'t Anti ally addressed the electors on 1 municipmtities. ' +• " A oeo point t', the oceasinti. Neither' f the t)pposeion 1 tele is to wholly diesociete the eventing ealidid•at••s were preach, het in their ab- . 4.f licenses from the financial edvantaWa sense Mr Watson. • f %% leathern. n11d a i which local trunii ma (kris. tout multi- plying d inlci.. ( houses. any ,O o and tt:a T,enediciim tees ,rtentatiou but shot of the"%% odbine Bess was concerned ! prayer, J. C. Currie.' the people's aeotioneer, 1 La(.TuaL• Tl:e Ciintui. '•• Fant and will henceforth reside in 0oderich ; ways -On Friday evening la*t Mr. T. �+ We welcome Mr. Prentice to our !awn, , McO1licuddy, of the Gederieh Summer. �egarl. _ _ _ disc win tan -seared prat. The owner is re _ wasted to prove prh a d. TphT *Wear re.- end lees .tree f•,r him the te'r.mete f the I deli. Dred n lecture in the Baptist Checks O "Back- er -64 3 Get grid 1t c., take it away. JOHN N. II '(`HAMAN.Cet• public• (this testi, the erhjeet rein, "}deck- ■ ` end 'Vest borne. ta7a ' 1 which 1 the later { 1 ie ver Meters I tta ...nee as Nae , lector. on ..n ay even,► . stn - , itaa Ls•r1s. M.A.. B.C.L.E. N. Lawns. I o� . TIONRRR. Ooderich. Ono 1751. "Fort and Frrearntm of lhteason '•A,i- and coMetrtstiunsl style, that gave place ARROW & PROIIDlOK►T, BAR ( 1 AMIE PBENTTCE, AUCTIONEER I mission to tea and lecture, '2i ce• cleft Intl WWI a vote of thaaksSt to ew-as mere.' hytthe Ritt7:I�`L Atternryy■■.. SeRoitKw' rte I! Isnr('rau"r t�Johe .Cectioneer ; (Mee l, wow. I ing of the high school leaved a trustee*. flattering as it deserved -and. 1,rief (►y11TT*4 --Tn our report of the t..evt- i Res. Kr. Rice, B. C u;inister, in s very UM'tkla h nice. W. Prompts**. 17a I k t state that Mr. Wire Kay was re-elected I henete manner Tlesolutir was 3octipied I chairwian .1 the honed. Mr. Key las . now----IHOW, HOLT & CAMERON, a 4.1111/11111. . then:my/lily understands the...tutees } of the 1i E. I ore, w u q was utero ,o etc name Rev A. l'alanan, heln,i, o) ,i • ounce et the snare bookstore for tlN tom, push and perse ensue. of in- wee, Nh0 i see)LEWIS,rates of Interact church et Canada, will preach in the M e SW= �13t7h AUCtlOrieerlrig. F church. f.oderich, at dcaer. a. u, d I 11 t r i with and 1 J ,ttterwe s Soilcttors to Chancery kc.1 30 p m of ':nada. nett He will prwtc At,ectu,tos, and delivered in an ec-sy TAE PEOPLE'S AUC M d biers c dividu►1 lift The subject was well chits- BARRISTERS, _'�' ; cn, i us ra a wi numerous a d apprt- �oisR 1 osttse. Oodertoh. • C. Ci. RRTE QiRA3iR & NORTON, BARRIS•1 • 1' 'lEltel fie.. Re.. Aodwkk sad w���, tMQ. Jr.. per►, J. A. Yortea, �6tg At 1,�, en the IR► `ant.. ,,�. ...:.• of R. - Ii at fewws, tereber. S ase.: occupied that yeeition for Nate year, end ebunite last week, we aceolentally omitted to spesab,' ata given by the andaoat in • 1a Ctrasef/. be. At the r•wM. r• of tts Ar(AI,-n father. fir. the x. O, Q- 715 fgst., by the Rev. K. W. Lett.... Thom. I Oederfeb. a at Purley. 4.) irah It. ■meth. an of west Rotuma Marna.). -The, shown niter• atniabft wife, were rather unexpoctwily 1714. - -- (ia. 1 gbh. O*1 s 1\dtltita Aassciasirts. I waited Th shout 54:47 of chefr Lsciwee aasill►'s i triode, Ai* young erten and uIIwi I1 trios feels of the manse, and RUO�[BT1fIHN0... WE 11 A V E MADC arfangemea5 with Mr. �i. M 'he well -k wa aookh(nder Pike o -den fie wort In M e %stelase hem 1N w=tase M .. * at ,t(r. U.l ea t\'awenosh. is Uedesieb Tour lar robrs.rr ate .-t t will !w aai11 +M tie sowtlabip neeesonia Armsssaal/,(ft11M=Mee. 0111, eft WdtllssiIT cretins. prosisiem In Oodorich 011t1a�e1av Pabewser 'vow flat st 6:30 Ftlls o si(.ck. All • l (rete w,1141lsi basket, preatic d an in• Robert *ilsoa. as" 1�yeuslad • Urea. ' ors ati relwatlted to attend (',.' A. t1i. menet( gasatity of •and*icl4 S, cakes, 19 Aahllnld. nn /Mndany. buer1.st a"a t Rom will address ♦1 1 5 ere stitch. the young belies Lieber% Mary Ann at... � 40 ream feeler/it sawn to once' in making TA(' ^J•lw 1,A: ere' t deck Nan frons Lend. 44 spoke against the Government candidates. The aspirant for Nest Hurn, waa it town What is the country ceeeng t• en- during tha afternoon, hut tieing very' nweksi•r7lon inneeiage cera on Nay when wet herroue, lett and went to Belgravia, al' l reed it>, the St. Thornes .►ot.,•q..' that R that hcwould not be' *mind when the , eentln is th-tt teen an interesting iota•t mrettee nag hel Ereu the r•,littenl w tg t.e'k place between Master 'hands of the Opposition (sndidate in liprbtger McDnuald and ltlwio lwtan,e Was Huron admit that he is a little n, Their waited ages were We' yuaer. "weak in the spine." it intended to he funny the announce LONDF.' I4 ►R(►U(}Ji mens falls short of the mark : if the 401i 1ha.`t'oiitieal meeting no Londe slier,. 'nation ofan.Mae si occurrence s•s• IM itid*/ detains' waa a repeltinn • f no longer diahnt;,.-.. tee. inM,pa(a