The Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 8iR1SH PRISONERS. PLCii 1 X Park Aseasaius Evidonc•a Against The Alleged Nrr.tere.J -,*'clic la tar Juror.' •Lona[ - seraMIea au a earl .ter the rreatectler .f *arra-ul.itsono D.ralmert.. Dubhu. lob, L. • the iuvtstigatiou into the murder verve -ail charg was resumed to day. The c,urt was toluwded with lucid& and high otticals, rhowu.g careful dia.:ri,uuwttuu in the issuing ut tickets of ad'uiseiun. Jlichael Kavanagh, the car irtau, was marched iroo th% primm- er -4 duck between two pulicemeU. Tt.e crew departure caused much speculation. The prisoner hes a low retreattur fore- head, s !lister appearan;e, and looks anxi- ous and ueivous. A little girl witne.s, named Ellen Brophy, identified Kava- nagh es the driver of the car containing the men who intended toasaa+sivate Field the juror. Besides Kivenagb, Joseph Brady and T. Kelly were also arri.tgned in oounection with the attempt to murder Field. The evidence elicited to -day proved that James Cary, member of the corporation, rented several houses in which the constant drilling of mem oc- curred, and also that iu one house a perfect military arsenal was discovered, including hand grenades. After the hearing of evidence itgaiutt the prisoners accused of attempting to kill Field the two Kelly Mullets, ltagh Whelan, Brady, y were charged with the murder of Caven- dish and Burke. The identification of Kavanagh by Eden Brophy was particu- larly complete. She says she asked him whom he was waiting fur. She sew him when going on messages three tinter in half an hour. After her return the third time site heard cries of "murder" and ran to the dour. There were then two men beside* the driver on the car. The' third was just mounting. She was only OsLTCAai. -It is our sad and painful able ;to identify Kavanagh. She was I duty this week to reoord the death of severely cross-examined but never falter- Peter McInnis. The toad event took ed. When Kavanagh was identified he place at his father's residence on Sun - blushed and smiled uneasily. Brady day, January 28th. Almost synchron- entered the dock 4R'.: ^rinz. Kelly was ously as the people were dispersing from pale and defiant loskurg. Janes Mullet the asnctuery 411 Cod to their respective laughed when the charge concernlug the homes, Peters spirit took its flight "to Phoenix park murders was rad, but none the undiscovered country from whose of hu companions joined him. Much bourne no traveller has yet returned." time was occupied in proving the lotting He was a strong pillar in the glorious of a large room on Peter sttest to Jautes temple of t.mpemece, and in him the Carey; ostensibly as a reading room, but temperance ao_ -,y loose one o1 its really for the purpose of dnllieg mon. strongest and noblest advocates. His He let the room in Oct. 1879. high character, his mingled dignity and 1'HE HUHIO ( SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 188:; 41W t.NMI.....sr Tbe Nmeroslmwaw Alss.ea. It . .1. ,Iatuieaun, formerly of Godes- rich, and now lebo.uring at Magas.eta- wan, rend* the following de. riptiott of the stela of the mission there : A few notes in regard to Dor mission work in this district may be without MIA-nat. We have e f ur principtil preaele is field, Magauetseon. ake and Beggsboro', tit JW ie en average mein- ty-eight. U4tmg the y,lastertug ut the church at Maganetawan was completed, and a a stone foundation put under it, so that I- is nuc comfortable fu- winter use. Below will be (quid a list of the name, of those who by their subscriptions kindly assisted in this work. At Spence, services *re held in the schoulhouse, but here a church also is needed. An effort will likely the made by our people to build at no distant date, but as most of the settlers are as yet comparatively poor, a little help from some of the wealthier congregation• would be very acceptable. At Due Lake there is a anion church, in which Divine service is held both by Methodists and Presbyter - Deus. The leople in this ery tionare dtvtd- ad. into many different denominations, so that the increase in membership is not so marked as at some of the other sta- tions. Lastly there is Beggsbor+', in the township of McMurrich, and here seine tiree_ ago, with the sasistance of friends in (Mills and elsewhere, a nest frame church was'reoted. The presbyterian is the only service held in this netghbor- h ,,.d, so that the attendance is usually good. At all the above named stations fortnightly supply of service is given, and Sabbath schools are also carried f theon when practicable. The prspec field,• in regard to the work of the Church, are on the whole encouraging. lug itatiels 111 tq Spence, Ute -L emelt id which tat berabip two past autumer the rand, r.a..l Dared tte.n.g, Tar «.....* Awasd. Mundy Feb 5 The ttou-ratitkcatiost of the boundary th l'reemut C.l rabb chair opened the dour fur Sir John M+u:duuald ward owiug to a change of government The ttusteee of the public ashes/ u 1 met u eceuiug. man and Moors Buchanan, Nicholson, to dispute its justice. Did the gilded Boll, Butler Attd Swansum. knight and his esquires ever consider hlututoe of last naccItinf were read and whist would have been the effect if after uppruved. I : .:1 from Jas. ALIO agreeing to arbitration the Putted States kis secouut t. ts„ni, had ,l.eliutal to recognize the fishery award, or if England had decliutd to abide by the Geneva deeisuse in the Alabama caw f The United State* did not relish the Halifax award, and to this day they are murmuring /Ivor iL Sir Alexander Cockburn -a ntan of weighty and deliberate mind, a man than whom uu man living had had trreater experieuos in untangling knotted skeins -England's representative at Geneva, was very in- dignant over the award, but his ire had to fizzle uut is pamphlet and article writing. Again England did not relish, or lief 1 E recognize the justice of, the mperor William's decision its the San Juan affair. But in all these cases. havingouceagreed to arbitration, both the United States and England had in turn to swallow the unsavory tnoreela Their wry fa' es could not and did not help them As with those countries so it is with Cauda and Ontario. The feet of oar proviso being a portion of the country makers w differsnoe. The Destinies through its then representatives, the Oevernment at Ottawa, agreed to the arbitration and in honer it should be bound to abide by it. The composition of the board of arbitration has nothing to do with the questiou. Each party agreed to the tri- bunal in geed faith acid each should ac- cept the result with good grace. If the saw had gone against this province, this province would Aare had to be contest.. It is nunifestly unfair then for the Do - mintier Oo,srstneot net to agree to too settlement. It is an attompt to make might triumph over right, and we menet bol thinking if the gevernor-gesteral for trku,K school, cwusus was resolved. The secretary w4 instructed to forward it to the towu esu nal fur payment. The fulluwiu *counts were road and referred to tivau ••e a mittee, with power t" pay if foil correct : 1''. Stneetb $16.96 ; G N. Davis, $8. The Secretary read the statement of receipts and expenditures for the year 1882. aarnaT 07 5CYOOL YA.NAUgrtKNT con- YITTt& 1. Your committee would recommend that on the retirement of Mira Bond the following pruneutiois, viz : Miss Blair to Miss Bond's room ; Misr Watson to Miss Blair's room ; Miss Harries to Miss Watson's room ; Miss Sharman to Miss Harries' room, and that they receive the salaries attached to the different rooms to which they have been promoted. 2. That after midsummer the daises in the Central Schou' be reduced to six, in such manner as the Inspector may ap- point. 3. That a teacher te temporarily en• gaged for the junior division of the Cen- tral School. Mr. Ball gave notice that he would move the above report of the school management committee. as a motion at the next regular meeting of the Board. Moved and seconded, that the officers of the hoard be continued in office until next meeting of the Baird.- -Oarri.d. Communication rad from S. R. Mc- Dougall o-Dougall laid over for future considera- tion. The Principal informed the Board that Banking. Ut Nwr BaaTsa.-On the murtiug of BANK OF the. 27th inst. a ewe belougiug to Mr. Jetties Taylor gave birth to two tine lamb& e beat eyen this record by ten day, last tear. AIC. JHlll-* S'tirlmi:t and wife, e I Sti•ltn;. have been enjoying :t few day,' bait with friends at (hies: ' Mr. Percy Stewart, of Butternut ROW, is see- U. ing the sights An,l wonders of the For oat city. j Wm. Winter was placed on the stand to prof* the lotting of Temperauo:e hall to Patrick Whelan for drilling purposes, but failed to identify the prisoner in the dock. The witness, amid great laughter, denied that the term, "witness for the crown," was applicable to him. The witness Clinton. who let the room on Peter street, used as a drill room, idrinti- • tied Brady and James Cary as having been at a meeting there. The seizure of then en fornally proved. quantity f arms in R'helan's house courtesy, and his constancy and earnest- ness in promoting the interests of tem- perance, have had no slight influence in strengthening the attachments of its frielp s ; and whatever differences or difficulties have arisen from the founda- tion of temperance, he has always teen the object of respect and esteem of every one connected with it. Noted for his integrity and energy in business pursuits, for his generous liberality in behalf of temperance support and extension, in (A very iliteresting sketch of Lee' urn, in reply to the Port Albert enquirer, crow.l.wl out, will appear uaxt week, frour tt;o pen of Mi. Webster Br" it. EP] MONTREAL. CAPITAL, SURPLUS. - e11.00o,t111.000.0•11. Goderich Branch. G L A Yui - - Manage, Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, bpipit,et credit mud Macular notes Issued, p.yst iu all parts of thin world. 1154. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Thr Ym.sl MM etat■ mad L.or.. It is assumed by thu chief organ of the Censurvati' es that all who voted for the N. P. will vote for Mr. Meredith. Of course this u all nonsense. Mr. M.re- dith has uothing to do with the N. P., Jest u the N. P. has nothing to do with Mr. Mor.dith. Sourer of Liberals who voted for the N. P. will not vote against it' :r party in ()uteri., politics. The u reckoning without its host. But evert if it were otherwise, it woukt take all the votes mat for the N. P. to be thrown in favour of Mr. Meredith to mse ake up for those that hAve been driven away by the Moil's attaca Mnn the Arch- bishop in regard to armion, and tie ill- bred sneers et the delegates to the late convention. Toronto Telegram. the Educational Department had int I hod any quantity d backbone, and est duced drawing as one of the subjects be taught in the Public Schools, and ask- ed the Board whether they would desire him to take up drawing in the Goderich schools Mr. Miller, being asked by the Beard As to whether or not it was compulsory to take the subject up is the .shook, re- plied, that practically it was compulsory, as it was one of the subjects candidates for admission to the High Scholl would be examined on. Moved by Mr. Swanson, sec oaded by Mr. Butler, that this matter lay over un- til next meeting of the Board. The Board then adjourned. was tth a a y ° 'response to every deserving call of chan- After evidence of the finding of sin- ty, and for his amiable and gentle na- n:unition, revolvers and two daggers in ture in social life. he was respected and Joseph Mullet's house, the pnsonerl beloved wherever known. The tempo - were remanded until Saturday. ranee cause now mourns the loss of one The first sensation of the day wad ^f its meet devoted friends. Prepare - caused by the reading of extract t from ( tory to hle demise he offered up fervent books found when the Fenian armory in supplications for the af9icted. and to Croaal:even--street whir seized. One In some he gave good sound Christian ad - the term of a diary by Patrick Vi helan, monitions. The place of interment was records his appointment as treasurer of Blyth, and there his remains were w ti- the executive of the Irish republican posited in their final resting place, brotherhood, purchases in London of all the honors the Order could confer Snyder rifles and Bunsen's electric bat- upon him. He was afflicted for about tory, a meeting of the executive to oxen- two years, and submitted to his lot with aider resolutions afterwards proposed at Christian patience and resignation. The a rotuiida meeting of the land league by Order feeling the los it had sustained at the nationalist', and a tweeting to con- once prepared the following letter of sult on the advisability of sending James Maher to America to consult "our chief," James Stephens. The reference to Stephens caused laughter among the prisoners and the audience. The inspec- tor admitted that Whelan was formerly arrested but not tried. Another book contained a list of the workrnan'i club oto Luis. John Parker. murderer of Mi14e Payton to -day shot and killed his wife to the fury room of the court and afterwards tatslly shot himself. Several persons were pre- sent. It is thou. ht Mrs. Parker fur - fished the weapon. Among the entries in Whelan's diary ,s the following: "Prior to the death of John O'Mahony, I. R. B. lost its former effectiveness end prestige ; no longer dreaded as a revolutionary body, it has become a mere tool i6 the hands of par- liamentary aspirants " During the ex- amination to -day policemen deposed to finding the murdered body of the infotln- er, Bailey. The prisoners counsel de- clared this wholly irrelevant. Murphy replied that he was prepared to prove the primmer' were members of a con- spiracy. to which he would trace all the murders in the city during the lac'. few years. Bwibey was onnnucted with the discovery of aFenian ar,nor,. There is greet excitement over a report that Kavanagh, the car driver, has turn- ed approver. ONTARIO LHQIf3LATURK. rr.rgaaea .f sate Local Mate. derstood the pusitiaa, he would lung ago have used his power to compel the rati- fication of the sward -(Toronto World. Tomtit -re, February, L -The fourth session of the forth Legislature of Ontar- io was prorogued this afternoon by the Lieut-Govenor of the subjoined speech. The following is the speech : Gewtleunea of the Lepiskett re Assembly In relieving you from the discharge of your legislatlye functions, I desire to thank you for your assididuous attention to your duties, and express my apprecia- tion of the useful and practical results of your labors The numerous public and private bills to which I have assented affirm the zeal and diligence with which you have ap- plied yourselves to the parliamentary work of the session. I congratulate you upon the success- ful consolidation of the acts relating to municipal institutions and to jurors and juries. In addition to placing the laws upon the statute book in a conven- rued rp €Yapiful, 06,000,000. Rest, - $1,400,000. President Ian',. II' .V ale3dASTEl; Oosernt Mnaoye,. - 11'..a....,ui•.n.-1•• Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAoaa Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the prlacipal Towns and rifle* in Canada Great Britain and the l'ulta.tl Satre, bough &adAl s�essM F��es�ea Nose. with onoo► maw e�saeera, witM.t wort*see. ID's Donald Dtuiue, the celebrated athlete, Iles well known h,-,•", has been robbed of has gold utadA:s fes left theta locked in his trunk at l:unnel's Museum, New York, sad c•n Tuesday, of last week, her found that his crank hid been brokers open and only the silver medals remain- ed. twfte In 40. to tw fe of M H. L d'traaFehr of a daughtter. Is East Wawsaosh, oa the f 1sson.' the wile of Walter King, Nam. atlas. Siglashomt Tara. I In Hallett, on the it► last., Duncan NIelMaa- These are the resolution% voted for by In soderieb, oa Thu�d.y February eta. iaq Mr. Meredith and his followers in HMI, Edith, daughter of ICs• J. lt. F,dward.aged - THEFUNha:ALwilltake {,lace from the residence of her father. MW Road. boderieh, oa Friday, February Ph. at 3 o'clock, p.m. nock. aged s years. >,< and which they harm since repudiated et the bidding from Ottawa : "1. That this House deeply regrets that notwithstanding the unanimous award made on the 3rd of August, 1878, by the arbitrators appointed by the joint and concurrent action of the Govern- ment of Canada and the Government of Ontario, to determine the northerly and westerly boundaries of this Province, no legialati to has been s bmitted by the Sovernment of Canada to the Dominion Parliament fur the purpose of confirm- ing that award, nor has the validity of the xward yet been recognized by the Government of Canada condolence :- I lent form, the amendments which you To Ike Parents and tielatioes of the late i'eter McInnis. have made will he of public advan- On behalf of M. L. L. No. 367, I. 0. tags. G. T., we desire to convey to you our The general acts which you have pass - heartfelt sympathy in this your hour of ed to faciliate the construction of street sore bereavement. Death has visited railways, gas -works, and other local im- your home and taken a loved son and pruvements in cities and towns, and to brother from your midst. This is your provide public parka are opportune, and hour of aadneas and mourning, of grief will no doubt meet with the approval of and sorrow, an hour when you -see the fleeting nature of all earth's objects and the transitory character of life's fondest associations and most endearing rela- ti,onships. How vain are mgr.'s hopes, how fleeting his joys, how idle his pro- jects and how changing and unstable his �t considered schemes. We see youth's brightest hope. blasted, the stal- wart manly form stricken dawn by the ruthless destroyer, the strong arm for .ver paralysed and the loved one cold in thofl.°icy clasp of death. With no heed- less step or rude hind would we intrude as grief aridness and sorme, are lighten -1 L bringing to a close the last session of •'2. That the omission of the Govern- ment and Parliament of Canada to con- firm the award 1s attended with great inconvenience, has the effect of retarding settlement and municipal organiaatwa, embarrasses the administration of the laws, and interferes with the preserva- tion of the peace, the maiutenance of order, and the eatabliahment of good Government in the northerly and north- westerly parts /If the Province of Onta- the people. The meaaures of establishing public creameries and encouraging the planting of trees in the Province have soy warm- est approval, as also the purchase of new and improved varieties of seed grain. The agricultural interests of the Pro- vince cannot fail to be encouraged. My Government will continue ti guard the interests of the Province in 320 ACRES FREE! TIIF Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and blouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United ritates Lam. OS. c GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. sarrNMaL sum and FULL peel', alto - mailed /gilt to say address ee H. F. McNALLi', General Travelling Agent. ST. PML, IIIIMINIUS t SALTON 11. L. tis IL /soma .a. Toeass. etM. Travelling MMe. GRAND TRUNK star. pais. Sap's. Mtx',1. Mlz'd acideticb.Ly.3.Nass ltSPai•-40p0i7.15am Se.[.t4A Ar•LS LSI Lin 115 Strattotd.Ar.7.IS LIS lie ILM wane. Pasty. hp'. Mlx'd. Mii d. St:atford.Lv13elpm 7.3epm S.tlam 3.4Spo geaforth.Ar.IS.N 15.42 e.e 3.19 pederlohAr. i 9.43 7.1 i STAbE LINES Lack � Stage 'daily) aero les Mangan'Lhm ia =. dM HeamiSer (Wednesday and Saturday) Ar. 9.tmam..l)e...10. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, .kc. v Oise. ('r.bb's Dlmok. Lia pstoa rt., bode sad drawn cermetea jwteee i aad,masos's work rim,. That it is the duty ,•f the Ouvern• stent of Ontario to assert and maintain the just claims and rights of the Pro- vince of Ontario as determined by the award of the arbitrators, and this House hereby reaffirms its determination of give its cordial support to the Government of Ontario in any steps it may be necessary to take to sustain the award, and to as- sert and maintain the just claims and .ights of the Province as thereby declar- ed and determined." relation to the Boundary Award. 1 thank you for the supplies granted for thlt year. They will he expended with every regard to economy and to the etfi- into the sacredness of your sorrow, but ciescy for the public service. in New York, the other day, Prof. C. A. Young said " that the earth was $ I•ttle hall of water and rock --not hung in space as the old geographers taught, but rushing through space, around the san, carrying with it a moos It was abort M,00,' miles in diameter. A railroad train going forty miles an hoar without stop- ping would make the journey around the pith in twenty-six days. The mon was 240,000 miles away. and the sun 93,000,- 000 miles. it w.,uldtake A railroad train, at forty miles an hour, a little over 266 years to go from the earth to the sun, while the stars were 200,0 0 times furth- er away that the sun. Starlight was three and a half years traveling to the earth." It is important to know that the starlight we are getting is three and a half years old. it might have beet palmed off on an uaswapeeting people by unscrepulo.us persons as a fresh article. Vl hat threatened to be a clerical soon. dal in Brantford has turned , at is bus something like an attempt at The woman w in the ca, making serious charts against a n+pectwi clergy- man, he gyman, has disappear«, ; M that the whole affair may be said to have collapsed. This shows the necesesty of people being slow to re ,ke np their minds in matters -ef this sort. it is •tt�he easiest thing in inv a char a (o instr a la clenrgytran woman a aoct tri a charge Ifs sod attempt to extort money from him .ender throats of an etpusu'S. ed by being shared, we, as brothers and sisters c.f the deceased, can offer you our warmest sympathy in year hour of trial and bereavement. For we, too, have lost a brother, one who was often in our lodge room, and one who was ever ready to lend his assistance and sympathy to the unse of temperance. Our earnest prayer is that you may have grace and strength affordr1 to bear up under this trying dispensation of Providence, and that you may be enabled to hook away from the fitful and everchanging scenes of time to the unchanging realities of eter- nity- that your thoughts may he lifted above the eeaselessturmoil and etre, the darkness, sorrow and sin of earth, to pent,the holy quietness and rest, the light, and blies of heaven. Signed on behalf of lodes, R Hatanes ee, R. SouxiA, R. A. Wasowr a aereseed Bride. WZLBON'8 Psnptsi Drag S1ijri, people are always on the look ut for chances to increase their earw.nga,snd it. tilos be- come . -come wealthy ; those who do t improve their opportua- ltiei resadaTa poverty. We offer a great chance te make maser. We wont *vee, wo- taw, news cad girls to work for us la tbe.r owe localities. Anyone can do the work pro- perly from the first start. The business will pay more than tea timed ordinary sages. Ex- pensive outfit furnished tree. No one who en- tails to make money rapidly. You can Cdevote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full information and all that b necessary sent tree. Addre•.s It'rIN- sox t Co.. Portland, Malar. .s ( else Report Thu tate Admirf Bailey, who was dined in New York city after the capture of i New Orleans, explained the battle as follows :-"Mr. President and gentle- men- --hew, thank ye." And then, after a long pause, ''Well I suppose you want to hoar about that New Orleans affair ?' "Yes ! yes'" eschoed through tha.itn)i- " Well, d'ye see, this waa the way of it," resumed the orator,,' hitching up his trousers, "we were lying down the river below the forte, and Farragut he- he signaled us to go in and take 'em. Being as we were already hove short, it didn't take much time to get under way, so that wasn't so much of a job as you seem to think ; an then the engineers they run the ships, so that all we had to do was to blase away when we got up to the forts, and take 'em acc *ding to urde-s. That's just all there was about it " And the concise narrator, feeling that he had accomplished everything demanded of him, sat down in the midst of thunders of applause. the fourth Parliament of this Province I cannot part with you without referring meth satisfaction to the wisdom and pru- dence which has guided your delibera- tions, or without ezpproistng my hope that the new aasernbly will prove not lees anxious than its predecessors have been to advance every interest of the people, nor less resolved to retain intact the integrity of our Po evince. Halif.at Court House, \ a . Jan To - Saturday night Mr .lames Outline, a pmsperhts young farmer, wen married to Miss Helder Martin. A large company WOO present at the wedding, which was solemnised at the residence of the bride's father. Owing to bed weather the guests rettsmi ed at ta.taaniion all night. Yes- terday morning mien they had assembled at the breakfast table it was remarked that the bride sad groom were late rom- keg• lleid&m/y the ebrvok* .t • we mast were hteatd, awd the startled guests hast - weed into the hell, where they met the bride .1 a sight, who cried, "My hoe - hand ! ohoR sty hedsnd'.' When she awoke in the *&serums she found her hos bawd dead by her side She is almost insane front grief. Hie funeral will take plana front tie house in which he was harried. Hu four grxtmsmen will act Examination g. No. '2 for the month of January. First division: - V Classtotalmark• 640--1 Herbert Robertson 693; 2 Mary Morrish 528. IV Class total marks 620--1 David Gled- hill 473; 2 Sarah Heddle 434; 3 Henry Morrish 429; 4 Carrie Snyder 409 ; 6 Edwin Walters 403 Iii' Class total marks 435 1 Libby Ashton,368; 2 Mary J. Moore, 363 ; 3 Elbert LeTouzel, 348; 4 Ida Ashton, X34 ; 6 Ella Fisher, 331. iII Junior Class total marks 430 1 anth- em Oke, 351; 2 Harty L.Tousel, 990. Seonnd division, 11 Class Senior, total narks, 180, 1 Alien Maley, 966; 2 Florence Gledhill, 256 ; 3 Chris. 811ads*- son, 960 ; 4 Elisabeth Robertens, 11!0 ; 5 Jas. Roes, 236. i1 Cleas Jusior, t.ta1 marks 200, 1 Henry Snyder, 190 ; ! Carrie Church, 178 ; 2 Cleo. Media U 164 ; 4 Annie Stewart, 100; 5 Jan, A.Y4om. 117. II part I book fatal marks 100. 1 Ambrose Vassteree,1500 ; !Jabs Pies* 135 ; 3 Mary Rogers, 133 ; 4 David Fisher, 125 ; 6 David Fisher, 110. • "TME CIIEIPEST MOUSE 000E11 THE SUM " ROWN'S BALSAM -01- WILD CHERRY BARK. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, RO. DIAMOND DYES. -THE- BEST IN THE WORLD. 100- PAIR- PAC7gAa . BAXL. BLOAM GENERAL DEALER iN SEEDS, Grain & Produce, Saunders' VartclN Stores, DnaloD• Our tourist, Mr. Benj. Allen, jr., af- ter many days travel in the Western States, has returned to his native land, and pleasantly surprised his old churn the engineer. A serious calm of steknoas was in the hands of our sick committee lately. A new quilt was needed for the sufferer, and summons brought out seven of the members to their cnnaulting r•ooma. Af- ter it was made it was tested by giving ono of the recipients a roll in its folds, to the intense amusement of all hands. Mr. John Williams was under the care 04 the sick ohmmeter last week. Jack was rather puzzled with its potions, but he's sufficiently recovered to be about his duties as before. Oteasi1L it ors M. Wm. Morris and not Mr. N. Morris, who was inlurrd by en aall in ehnpp as reported last week. W. rs pall -bearers, and the mimes? who are glad t t learn that "Bill" is getting u married thew will read the burial ser on splendidlv.notwithstanding he vine severe rot 4 armee .f a s 1a.a cad •irs.e5 Mror't. BELLING IT LOW PRICES )To OWLS Rosh roe( A Comfortable Dwelling -house To Le, AL,o two bosses to -let on Nowgstestreet. Apply to S. Sloane. ALLAN LUNE, NEW GOODS. Downer Vtwotr•ATao. In reply te your Port Albert (mist, permit Claes to say We hays three bachelors remain - int here. ell tall, stripping fellows. over ea feet neigh. Cas you trate them t Meese tell es how many yes halve in year ohmic town t In roped be fowl, elms of our dame's ham oreught ort a Wood of shish... the we iMdem last Tee aim state the the lad hero is sot It for farming. Why, some e4 .w fan wheat yielded 40 to 47 boshsi to the nary int Tent, and when oar predsets bees tlsIMI is competition with yows at tits WI exhibitions, we sne..how manag- ed to win the best prem, Owr hay. *mots, and particularly potatoes, were never equalled to the more dismal re- gions of the Peet, Jot Msvwgtn 14tttIt1.4 1' onoatmm stoves. r.aina smets. rAM(T Gimes. rt $T ware. rtwstWtu ?rwwariR trait ►*mixt. ROYAL NE LirEs.Pu01.-LA)NDONDETtRI-ft LANG( 1M atNRTEAT SEA rAaaAsir. S,ar,:ta;nn from Portland 25th Jou . Halifax ±.- Parisian from Portland tit Feb.,; Halifax 3rtt Caspian from Halifax 10th Fob. Sarmatian trans Poroland 15th February: from Halifax 17th. Feb. l'AatANatuu via Poatt.ann can leave Tor *nth On the previews Prtdar of day or &*Wast at 7:111 a.m. A Pullman Drawisgresst aai Sleeping Car will be attached to ibis'lh�., and will be run through to Portal far it ooneiemhs of Prssagen promoting by the Saturday's Stesmihlp. The Steenwhipsof the Ause Liae, leave ft, the Grand Trust Railway. Fer tickets sad every tatormatioa *poi, H. ARMSTRONG. �" , Ticket Age�e ilmieriet• t rrtJmv Lu Prices to Cash Buyers. Ju. Sams ; Son i Yes t door to tut Postedll.e.i y11E CNEJP 11 NUM WW1 TNM 166 WILL YOU EXcIIANI E a awe of indoor B ousnee�sso�l for 75 cents? It le awfully unwise to agonise un- derthe many ailments arising from Ind igesU Dint somacch a Liver. whoa this ofbt Is etoyou in your ova home in aid slacerlty w11�p as abaftN eertaiaty nd eA� fib►ih~BBrasil) sores sad ioss relieves;ons. A mimeo stets directly s�oa tha Inver, mad u)i *syn s . Coreetwting d a cis• Ciare simply by wertsp .rr 'g' i acti tho lugintim dealer tai* Cialht/ila" *lie it at least eea� to east ami erraetw. t 1. to ioasnees. i •ri cit' .t t 11„ 1'i 110 .he t'n ti pe, fns tin u: up a• oa er P1 coH 1' R:. 1 1 1 w r. 1 ti I: t.