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The Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 7
1'IIE IIU 1tON SIGNAL. FRIDAY FI?lt. 9, IRS.,. se Fun ant) F9ncy. t:.arty 1'sabacr. and Totttatee., A tailor was startled the other •lay by Many people go withuut thu.0 etcu the return of a bill whiskke load bout u, ; Litt], t;ardeu t iiug., tecause they me, a ui editor, with • notice that Use "maim- !ung distance away from the place whew beript was respectfully t Anted. the plaids aro sold ; or beeau3;" they A cynical old bache:..r wonder& why gaged opera is confined so uiueb to d fur- on't want the trouble to make a bud to ohm tongues when a woman tato at:rertun radio seeds of such plants when they prat as well in the English hinguage as watt but a few dozen of each kind. Let any other. where this is the case all our needs niay Atter a cabbage sew! lets Luer Buss it be tamed in a box of earth in the kitchen Iran sense enough tuiluuw there is plenty wiLdow, or any part of the house where of room et the top, and always snakes the mw of it. Wen lig thing to hare ultra is light nasi a vary little' w.trat th. a grist I rad. • This is often done with the tomato, but A Phi del),hia bride found seventeen thuc:►b,Ibnge can tat rtisel in the same full sets of dishes among her wed ihq ; (say, uy even Letter, for the tomato mutt i ,ereuta Her far s, .:ug friends vi- i be always secure !rem the frust, while a ,batty know that he .....s g itlg to I: rp I littlerrf thiswill not ad'uct the youn44pluot :1 girl. A women's hared is a a. reat truublu to ox seed of the cabbage. her. When she gels out to walk aha 1 of t! t early :',I,a„o few people want she must have something W hold in ii ; mere than 25 ,t ..•), and a ten cent paper otherwise she knows nut what to do with Sufi a 'vex *bent :t bee e.{uaru will pro - it. No wonder she is ready to give it l +{nee this quautity with a very little away at the first uppertunity I First young man -"Well, dot .yeti ; t rouble. Fur early cabl�.e they may be the eequaiutauue of th )t trettrg� 4 `:t o f ,.t'(U in this wary. There Is of- makelady you were raving over rl;i feArttl !tet un•ru trouble in raisute Lite eabtia;;•+ ditto- "Yen, followed her home." Fist t t d, rya account of the ravages of thu Yowl wan -"lbw di1•,tuYtriiie 44,1' •:. the attempt is trade in the, u,,en Second ditto --"She diew't strike •t -ti i .: ail ; she got her bi' ha.t{.,mess.i.+ {, r A bacidqr F been: eelrutle r altar/ ilea* p r ,.. and the 1•i4 r.initeiii 1• deal t ut whrro }'.1y a few are treed- „ , heat pie t.. be rgisc\jirn this ., . this le e'e. i •. .,gttinat deli.. r r 1•the !est Ne .!.Hit festa GU t" An '\ i. v wall t , r,,it men lite n great ' ea ib.#, +1 0 , ' 1 in e the bachelor replied : : lf., k ,f f:tis-kiwi, a::,1 ublesa where to the hest tittle se stet'le erre , : . • :, • t:'lAtrably la' •• eaticr!<raut Lar- yeers old;, nietertit tire:: tl kill . 4 hater ! y v,•,t,,iy t•, fat win:1 a rui, et;tab'r Sup. you hift'en ,0011:-. ..t. t . t'. i i ; iuc a.ar,ttudernte L surly. ;,:e j is 011 e►ti:actin • h4 ` talo r'te:,,l on lit not to lee sewn' LC- �i nit( W� .,f K>F1!'Clt+'eml t!.0 to. ��yy �O��ta',b�fir Oft'*IielSe'Yt.f •, 1 '. 4ijeuc11 L,•f.f :e 1 ili either. •. • )4 O .fR:.VI Vs7,', 1pu mole is covetu sur.+., squ 4,41114.111 til!+ y:1. l A u t).iriaar JIG; desert is uu brighter Fry fedyy,p�&YeeT�ifzyiidu a sitaLL' Cts ..tt l:_;.t t.. t:w,AtWJeriug Arab than a luaus it is bll ef!✓oae•for 't{I :Wit- ioo :. ..' i i),'. i:u1 llurcu a Kidr'y Coro N to 1 i It's.: 1aai,rtenate satlur•er from Kidnt;v �S�q, • 4'44(`-',' 1 Ei:atwlf, If 1 •llise„s,: It is it perfect. pxnitiau sad wow ANIS claim t 1 It. ,, , ,•t.,tr... ,••r tete Ruld by .1. \\"i'eun '�rreZCn a Mier• of triol.: ' '4L _'I:1 on`l_some ,,men a faces' t`t ltith i, h lisle d I•. __r_ w'ra.verstia g Iiieit.A I7 l -- w The moat tco:•)trle„t L.: 1•I ile•titttte 1_, It „.,„1,4 tee telt! like '' llll of it ll ,'t ly fu t!: rola: fo:riLl. ei�,: the)!1e1$ tusi4j Fejili like tivt,1 ii• 1'lutikne! shall.,.1 sur ilbilrvi.IUdd Who was pH,iaibq 'Yc. or•w," the Kevat reule•lylurC.otelts 1)e in arta a i', , Hearsuu.s., Ala 111114, 'Itmrn- i•:e and unben:ir.r • -a it v fere,. Mag ilii._.-11.lillaie, plrta.tat roti etfeetmd. wartuth,shi+old beam truth ou rtki)''iat, it t•,,ti •after, try it. For wile ny ell L, n_, 1t tiftd ,enetal dealers at 25 Cts. ila a battle. Fry rale by (leo. tthynas.• J u lout. always "A severe cold settled in quick c..n- �' ' sutupt ion- . I bought two of Dr. N aeon's What a delightful thingltaFIs ! The I Puu.onary Cherry Beleam and she teak bent has beernne a place of luxury to me I them. 'Etio.y worked a complete change, I would not exelaangy it for all Cit. ' &4x1 t,y iteeenti,tance she was completely •tis nes(in tie Gratis -N {eau. ape rush„: i to health." This is• Mr. Juwrn "rhe gtulits of mercy is riot r trained ; i T. F,telt's testimony r•el'+rdi ig the' most It dropppeth at the gentle dew Irom heaven i! pen tie pjaoebeneatth. •fie twicebleiaeo l- 1w,pa.ar,re:nrKly for coughs and colds, It blesses diva that gives. snit his that raises, i and IitIr. Ont. and lung diseases generally, • rl, mightiest of the mighty .-acne a testimony somewhat similar is The noble silent men 'clattered Here j girt -rt by ::l1 who have tried it. 1)r. and there, whom n.• morning newspaper' , . u s I' 1 uunary Bherry Balsam is Makes rie on of - • y, r )ho nit i' I Ttttllre's cute, and its effects are rapid .the milt:•..- A hti mina dr I'$ u•t tual, " Ail, Ots few of these is in a bad way ; a - f.irsat, 1 - _ that has uo roots, all turned into leaves fiwwrands Lair itats to the posi• and loughs, which must wither end be I fiat ct rntiv.ipso of the (}Rent GKIF nu f 1. - maCarlty 1'-+-- Sha t Ise).:o(uu{,tnrwa, the mlt emedy that l�y f bas prov-ed'itselYgit Cretin(' 'for general ITo sehotb - ants' tlebiii.y, ...initial weakness, impotency, eta, and all diseases that arise from self - Fur barns, hind on moistened baking ; abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending soda. It will give prompt and reruns- I in c•at.ru,lptnn, insrutily and a pteura- nent relief. ' ! titre grave S..Id by all druggists, er Rub eprait*, bruises, and lameness will be sent fro un receipt of $1.00 per ees with th3 paste trade frons salt . and the HE 1'box'.r six boxes for $5.P.10 age F..1, NEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agefor and iepd,evi •rpiretll ty II .a Pleur on ,tlo tiff 1 head,notuan can take it a An inveetteettt •t►; iIt pays the best tnteresf.= white of au egg. tau Uutt.ed States. Send for circular 'Thoroughly wetting the hour once ted lr •iii„rials of 'curdle curry. (bees twice a week with s weak solution of Belt lthynas, ()odericll. 3m water will keep it from falling out. To stake lemon cake, one cup Adger. four eggs, three tahlesp•,onfula uf'tk#ee: milk, three teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der acrd one sup of dour. For butterscotch, take one plt of ! t (reek made at home by the in- •iestrk+ns. Beat business, now be. foredo, public. Capital not need- ed. Vt'e will start you, Men, Wo- men, boy%and girls wanted every- s'rgar, three-quarters .:f a pint o to acurk for u.. Now is the time. You da we tin •,pare tlmr, ur Pive your whsle and set over a Slow tire: when done add tgae'M ile bosiner. Ni other busi,wss will one and one-half teaspouufuls of buster i'sy Ybu nearly so wets. No one can rail to and lemon juice to flavour, snake enormous pity, by engaging at once. ( 1.17 outfit aad terms free. Money made For drop cakes, put six well -Luster I fast, ea•t!)• Sed bnaoesbly, Apdrecs l'Rt'r. eggs into a pint of thick cream ; add a Co., stn rets, Yatae. little Balt, and make into a thick hatter --` - with flout. Aske in ring or small cups fifteen or twenty minuttet'. The saint, may bo made with Graham flour. UNIT.t) 9TATNSMAILSTEAM h1tS Sail Weekly to and from CHOR LINE. Perfect, Positive and Pleataanent are the carer effected by Dr. Vali Buren's Kidney' Cure. Belief in all c.teep. f Kid- 1 Hey Disease is obtained a(.er:i few doses. See that your Druggist gives you Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Sold hp .1. ' Wilson (+oderich. Lon There are many foolish things done in this world, and ono cf the mist foolish 1 (and we may add wicked) things is to neglect $ Cu.gh nr Cold. Now we know that roughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all Chem, Throat, Ind 'Lung Trou- bles, if neglected, aro sure to end in {, Consumption avid Death. They may ! be cattily cured by using as directed Dr. i Canton's Pulmonary Cough DropQs(yy bete remedy equal to it. It efeiet fain. R )irl +-e ywhere in Targe bottles tit hOc. It .r .ale by (deo. • Rhynes. A I: twalta-Of oar dogma " TSABlat- xY" 5„ any one es:Wing the best four line rhy'tn. on •'TeaestioI� the for ark able little gam for the Teeth Breath. Aek y0e? dieiggst or addreem take P111. nr Powders contain - log at We thine of the year, the - b. Krim, It you re- =itch Asks Dr. Carson's ti itch sad Constipation Bitters : it acts gently (in the Nowak, purities the Moral, impn+ts this droplet ion, etimu- letes the beer Std Kidneys, and s{�(�•Aily cute* Diilloati ter•, Headache, fcapepaia, itrdigestiotr. Search the Ikeg Skate ft'rm one Bari of Canada t . the other, and on cadnott find a ready equal to it, Try it and Ilse it in Yoe, families. Sold everywhere in largo bot- tles ea 60 cents Yee ale try net). Rhy• - nes. No household should be c,,nsider•e,l i. npl.-te without s bottle of Dt. Vali Buren s Kidneys tires is its the iln.et. it te the only remedy tlttlt Il ptritivety, punts.. atly sod rasa all forums of kidney aleveres. BIS; fy J. Whoa ens t. , 1 • Nil Y N GLAMOW VIA LIONPOMDNRRY F.w Volta( A D t Shin l'a,biage, (110 to $90. Itetnrns, $ttOto {N0. Seeon 1 Cabin. 510. itetnrn Tickets, 575. .tetra. ' paae•ngera bo ke.t at sow rates. L'ssenger ae omm(xial ions luIcxeclltd. , --ILL STATEROOMS ON Mara DteK. Passengers booked at lowest fetes to or from Gerniany, Italy. Norway, Sweden. Denmark, Etc. For book of "Tours in Scotland." Hates, Plans rte., apply to HENDF.RSON RROTH4•:it$. New York. Or toM!t.$. 1:. WAliaNO(;K. Hamilton St (ioderich {A1TLAND HOTEL, GODERICIU l• ONT. The above new and first -clam house close to the Railway Station and convenient to the .tow u, is Mcoc•t to none in Ontario, for eom- tbrt and scaoesmodatt0w. Is bested by Hot Air, it MELEES IeATay. RW8114111148 IATf Croquet Lawn and garden on the premises Hot and cold meal, et all boon'. for traveller* An Omnibus to and from boats and eareewe- sAntlt in attndnnre. ,(nn. Primness rom prielOr. tio DO MINION ).UGH BAL The great lung remedy Is &Iso a valuable atr tidote to ('roup. Miss Qalns. Wrl�ts ye Brantford raga: **fl_,a of �m.yo� �1M seas se•sed wall apW lame teem t k1 relief. i soonave a the child vine Rall s Nita.. to keep MIL was the means of• 1 Fe Cie (neat+ -.,t Mwfrst.roa. sot ett wawa . It ems macro. t'ln,S lupins, or Nerve Trutt, a Pha- pltutu Eleu,uut WI WI Ills 41 SCieutilie Feet., Fertuultted by L'refessor :Austin, M. 1). of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Nick Headache, Neu Wee* Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia tel all wasting diseases of the human System. 1'hoaphatiuu is not a ?Iedueium but a NI iriment, because it 0 IItaiva 1:0 ut.t.+t:+ er Mineral Poisons, t'lpietua, tr.,.' . and to Stimulants, Lot snug•. the Ciaaphstic and Cartric Elements and in our daily food. A single bottle is authiciaut to cuuvince. All Druggists sort it. D1.00 per ?Riffle. ►.0 n•osv rl. Co., solo agent& f,r the Drnnituou, I fir) Front Street East Toronto Gaeta Awa)✓. We cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all in olid» and sufferers by Ur. King's New Discovery for Coe- suntptio). Yee aro itsiucated to call at Wilson's drug etore. and get a Trial But- 1 tie free of cost, if you are suffering with Conaumptien, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Ito, t:i!,i•,!lay Fever, L -a.. • Voice, Hoa e,:. -/. ur ) ., .'n the Thn,it r !,boat. it w ,. • erre voa, ( Hewers: ••ttiasyctr. t!e for only 4sop'a for :t , Cw !Nasky• ' and Gelds. I !'leas lirv.t: d tali i . I at itl.ove •nruMC Z4) Mr. Ylitfq. Ikon of t'7leselotsa, the ., .. - t: ;..1 .......7.......''" -- greeted. In a tsw stays Ilia witionfm las+ 0 tl co m , : n t t 1r I t to w.c to a rIl► u t� 11 T o tat t - :u• its fr •ads Lrcattre aiet4hrd of •tic n1fF ♦- mere earl$. Ilea ptJstsiaa, wjio e . et t L� inure ed ♦1'ia pMieat'r drug; u on of the eta. [ uncut'. the p��'rer,'f h" rrc,.tnmenee+L fir, !'germs�'Neme is Tawnyy iielsam AS . , r"! t eel.wd$ known L.togan skill, and 1;1 vii takyf1u�g1 wi .r. a ,cry a::art1i;a- tt tt to heats!,,` it f n -re:none pleabue to •r'rt :�ttr11 wonder u1 a .sv •+aa thin in t&' r 43, 0: ,t•nr ken ,1 <• rotceelousl N!- •t•a•tte' s II comp:ateIL ► :; . : Y1'•a:ae:Ietn- ,L::T14ib-:ca- , LI t he tr'rh1-C.1i it t9t, i t'ee.. use it dee. 305SUM, lott.psMslnasure tae over rho t:a:e, 1 c (1- ::Ari *lotion and 4thatileata I• ChEAPERT u:- li costs than irfsrtor triads, r:. l c -e h : t:o the work o• Of an; o _':c r c. ere as wcie hr sass s:.. tt ,•r! + I slang tlai L'h1aet l',ra-1't r:,' 1::••etea tL . as SM 15'a; ( .. :aD to aYa' YpPe'roSlo::^. . ;,,neral s � MCA ic'ivR:Ifye�'i�, i. N'Q,-1) T. o. -7aj ::...:1: •i '_ a.. ....r.: ossa .--, I•I. lCK'S FLAR4L.!, iDE, For W,Sd is a a KW oleic 1u0': sr ICU :'as(, 8. t Colored 1'lwrw ..( i P+.t . r. uta: V • taMeas and snare than 1.010 11:;111rn1 tea • of t lir- Oat dowses. Manta awl Veo'i inns, :Ina lai- rer-tio(N,for 4re0iuif. Itlab • it..+r�tte enough for Ilse ('arta, Tab.+• ter a 5IoHltff Pretest. ''!1 1lvan mow, ant vitt) nt)dr &tri nn • r aria Oa1oa sats. with 1e r•r_ 14 and 1 W,IL . •,r l you 4E00. poe- taIt 1.. p ! 1, Tis is n •; + u +rtrrat- fe and (1-ru pnr.l cel Ip both Enrii•+i, :rn. It you afterwards order etas. dedeet I lar 10 eta. d'let.'i bees►are lb, Meet IN sae p'u•U: : TAetlFulta . GINnwill tell Pow to gel.ae4 • S�y,a-'tl e Iuw'Vat ANDVe.o ETAm_Y (GARDEN, 1:5 Pages, tt ('olored Mites, 4.00 I ngravinga, leOr 440 cents in paper covers; 51.00 In elegant cloth. In Geru,a 1 or 11.1.1g1iah. Vi,-x's 11.1.1 e•'rl. tTED MONTHLY' MAGAZINE. -32 Pages. a Colored. Plate In every number and many line Sugraviaga, I'riue •Las a year: Fit,- ('epic. for 55.00. Specimen Num- bers Rent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for .5 cents. • 1-\MES VICK, .. ltorheatrr. N. 1'. Lrrsopaso 3.11 10. in. Tarecort a 4'... '.)C7. J. C. *et ear ear • ) begteee it my attire MR." :freers/1 stn r Bari, 'lets se HrantDari. (kltarlo N aftel . t pilot 'or r: n.l e McCOLL BFRJS & 00, TORCULA - 'TO_ it .1 ,,C N t ' I' L f'. . V � .� tZ . 0; LARDINE OIL yr Irx:r_uZI-t OIL. Fu:tr 51••x1.-.- • •:.ere diploma, awar•'e 2 .'•!••adirg 1-:xhlb4 • t0 e lanolin:on MANUFACTURERS Ani all 11 . ' . in rel:inerrt'y will sac, money by tilting cur o,.,. our LAiSDLN$ and UV L.INUAit OIL ha. ho equal. Factk louder tbeu word.. <d the public coo a out that the foregoing aseert lone are trnr. by try 1ng ono samnlr of nu-. (ails prices etc.. on •p ,:,.•&tion to McColl BroB & Co Toronto, The Lardinc is fa rale in Ctoderich by R. W. McKENZIE, 0. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACRAN. 1435-1 'On GRIM co *435 • r 47 l IN NORTH AMERICA` - room T/,Oat and Lung DiS0o- 1 et D'.tWiLSON•S PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Would have Prevented. Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles In One, 40e. .1. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL CHEAP GROCERES1 ' _Li E 1\T S1 AW-1FT flog, t atin,• outNto tie ``scot „o of (ludettC•1 ani VI'S c.Lellull •-I 1i...• , ilia: l e ha. ,uri:beerd halm Mr. A. Phillips hi, bt,+!, of till emit,. .., :.n,'. t' CI eon ince thebusiness io tae- „'..l staid, on tae.• Corner of "ict�oria and 23rnce Streets. Flavin!, houyhl the goods for cash, and .is 1 iutvnd to ii.ake a:: toy + wehasea (tun w'h,•leeale Hien f"r cash also, I will Le in a p.otiuoil to sell in . . Very Low Prices for cash M. tock will always be heal]. I will keep the haat l i;u•ds of tees, goud sugar, an verything in the grocery line from the bast pits/neets, Bacon, Spot d heats rte. Iw'a •s u n baud iH ae sou e' •t' +. a I ani deters ux , t l tssu toll in+ n: . • p o { fitly : nJ price '9r'•C:dl ut the etanJ, \'ictotiA.arc r . ppo; to,: o tl.e this lir: •u:.1, lass D. K. ~trachea's machine Sup). ID OS``;'F' 1:1-1. 7_ t.loderiuh, March lith, Jri+'1_'. A tf �J ,,,E,_� �,jt„ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GFRY CABINET IAKER AND UHDERTAKER Hamilton Street, God©rich. •A good nsnorltnnntof E.34e rut iso! -rent. Inning !room and Parlor 1 urartuie, such as To l veef4i4MjDsiwip emir tied, Instep a(71t(edt. e.upls ars'-, lkd-btruda, \Sal;r .. . \\'ae 1, -Stan 1,Pt1.•�rtq 4.440. \• ,at \Its, Lpul.ing .4.u...-. `t• 14.-Ardemeteseaseestairrct of yenta:, and rhron.l:, alt cy i + 1, h•,nel ra:v, 1!, arbt, ser h 1 1, Swill,., i,:U rule , la Ann. Pealing a -e.ta harpy. ---_5 ea11 0 h.,: •: 175i BOOTS&SH ES cEz tl�lvu::cu to the Ptibli(that. they Lute 1•eul'il resin, :. on the ah, ca Store Stere Jyttely occupied 1•y If ,trate Newtoe. tint :. i uichart ,l ., 'Ill o and : un asipck of Spring and Summer (It car, 1;4 C!,,' .risen. r., to t`, wined to give the vol tic the L. 1 , fit. ,.. SAIIFS SCALL PR OFITS WILL, 13E if. 40170 ATO ..... a call ut1 exxdrntno our loud& ref ,to purC.'.1irh: c' (n { tlx: pLtcc, erxt deur to J. Wilsonte`Drng 1 ,��!► t w work will reeeir•e; our apucial sitteptiurt, • •Few i et fluty Luat •:f material US(d nud"tir'At.e1 a- wnrkn" ("111.1 -e • •., Iia ,t vt;' neatly tl,ou the *hued: t i:u(1rC. DOWNING & WEDDUP {Itrasad •, Tear Tricot!. 1101 1701 AN I t friend :in treed is a friend indeed. '1 atone can dem-, especially when aa - rt 1,:fY :•. rettee4e11 a lieu one is norrl) 4,41 taitlt d{w.-, pe. more particularly complaints and weaknesses so com- l.) „,:,f female p.+pulatiou. Even' I 0:441 ah:wtf.I know that Electric Bit- - are wourte's true friend, and will positively rentor, her to health, oven ,ehate 1111 other rerrtrrfies fail. A single ire.,,tit. ' rev. • ..Ile irsreation. They are ttletaant to the trate, and only cost Ilifty celitt a bottle, .Sold by Jaynes Wil - font 121 AI bemire' rtersyssaa. Eve!, the t,atie :'re of Joh would Lc. c,olie exhausted wore he a preacher and eteleaeoring to interest his audience while they were keeping op on inileseant :on: Lin:4, utakimiia' iiirp Nettie f•a. '.iia „ hehe'et• I. Yet, haw ,est ••r.,v 1'•:, .11 , to L• ar•,iderl 4,r', • nl.. I. ict'a NOW 1.)14 . -Ce, ` r'ottghs and Colds. •i tt. : :twtty at Wan "u a drl:L al ore 4t••. Gases u> . :c a .L �. - THE RE',. ,. I CONSUMPTION, GOLDS, ASTHMA, Z'ROIIP, All Diseases of the Throat Lunge sail `I Pnlm,aary Orga^s. 51 1 i 1. 1 eI TNI': 1 rale OOIg$O04r'r1ON IIA$ ah.L;1 CUtics, When other Remedies and Thr,de!ans have fail+•d to effect a rnr'. Ree••mrnended b Taystrt,'s. Sear:.na a;.•) /if aarn, In fa -r fact by even body .,!:e hes wires 41 • gond trial. It n!rrr obi.. ro l-ssg rrli!•. As as IIYtCTORANT it L_t nt l:quar. It is harmless to the Most Delicate 4-11,1d. 32 rwaaatwa un Opf►•.t! In any fell, litallt•n;met ,n.-asnremns1l• each bottle. P'Forrat bye:lLra gists, -- ��,„.1 GE MAT O^. I' The Great, \1`estein Medlar:) .+III run their excursions to 51AN1'1011.\ and DAKOTA manta duttug clay : nal June every two works, coon,!;• L. ._ I'1)ES- DAY May, 2nd. 18£" . Fares Reduced.. For ufnrivati•,n, tickets, etc., apply t GEO. C.JOHNSTCN: Special Agora Great 11 eatertr Italllauy (;ott••rieh, On l; udcrich,,.t aril. -4M. taw. 1535_ l!i 1)1(�1 S1 ,.:,; I l' : ! 1 il arc white resat every inn part e....1 ., 4 in 1's t.p- i 0 'treaty (roused by +:.u.c.r- , r: 1.:ntt.4 , nitnaltlrnhnr'.t:en1::!1.4 tbitfo!-{ a. r. i 'r4 scare o+ ate lf• 1, n .. ', bra sf.en. y lo,-,,, ,.f me , n • 11 ,i1' 04ie, ,t : 1 ,o kw lt. diol•+ •• (t r,ma- t t : :,.• :of a n,n e A a e teat ILira,n, s Il ; 111 & Prrets Low. '' -,tln ins. nf' of . n�ntr.{.'t,..:.s+..a1,Ri.:a- , tlire Era vel .end•for ••i:cola.:- aa Rh ,,,-tinioLi.:1i, rr!e by ',init. The 41,414:011: *TOW . bbl At .^•t per l boa. or lis hnxr., for $5, I+• 1.:4 '1- ,e4:: i, 1.. •. 1,-;:l h:• .IO); I :'.'^ n,. 1»Ai1. . u . 4`. 1947` almostrt..I ••1.. 1.. ,. 4:11,- ' 4- .', .\c•-1.: for I:oiler:el.. a, shaving Mug,, ".011et Letts, Combs, Brost,•, English. i rt'neh a, C. nanadta Perfumery. Fr'it.F. art A.I 'L; WORM POWDER. Are't,loasnn: 1., take. Contain their oar tPurgative. Is a sere, sure, and efferrsal &answer of noels In Children or Adults. CERiainY. iNYY V £4& u i • NIII+LA' Iserelsar.frofica, Lu nbego, SI.J H'io, Semen of the Chest, Mor Qeinsy, arse Throat, lap end ons Spode Burns and Scalds, AI[�'a/ Bodily h'%Rs, Tooth, Eer and Headache, Frosted Aro and Eire', sad ell other Pahl[ sod kket. Y1 hseensiSse serassa ar. 7a +m1 A tsltl dsitw tet for~oestpswY,dr awn, et M Art& see essay see wiest. d N dolmaase ties ems, e moor* pew"' awsswsas m, t\was t &genera OMIT ALL Mt100MITA AND DEA L11L CO..�T tLa IR 11413WOIRS. S. w EER iA a.. r a • t• , r. 1 cle Toni. : 1a \•:. _L GAME OR REUEVC 'O:. - iE3S, r,. IR VaF LA. SALT RN£il:l, (HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIMNESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STO.SIACII, DRYNESS OF THE SK/N, And every species of dare.. arising Aon disoeMred L:VEO KIDNEY& $1OMACP4e enwet k ow 944.000, T. MILBURN & CO.. A'O°' Toaortia HAt •' /17.-----,...!, - ATidiRI-1 iteratii•t:rude;! ' i•tne. r+r.rs=400•111 URE Ctil tR - C.tarthef the Nasal.davity .t J4.r,nwt catarrh a't` 1, Nr, Est of 1" ': 1t t,kes hyfER'i _'i, aro asst: 111 upon Oa Blood and Macs. ,•' tl.s Syncs, rt N the es t ;. • , ',Mot if, Ike WJRIr), 1. 1 1 net 1• t'• - it+'l ONLY COW WW COI: Hi �;ATARRH TUUY. el t 1: • . r $foopat:,^,lt1a. ft.•a:iRt::e1 • $Io0 wob Wr1.LA:. •:1214, Neg. My 111ate .ls'rgbt"r wx-e • • ith Catarrh ter it u )r3, ,. W1 r.. ) •- ....aerated by ,1:6 ns.. of ^ ,t CVO Vat ev.a - 1445• re row snout ,Ire t ; liOURrl. R'ri.r.e.e, rh,•,. 0 ,r• -b 9'1, lWL tbace+plod." Ita:l'. (: I....11 •: ,..,' all.! Inds. :na hoer Nee q•)o! reset!(• 4 ,4 -(.vert trout ons ia(tte, („ 'I.•yu ft w,.1 rte.. • V; , vto„t stubborn A lis of •'aUwtb K lie na , N 454944.4354 for e 1 aatests:e le'aaiaa ut tlyte. W. If. ltht.t.l:tt9. ,.t Watteau the,Y•eehSO, UPS. 4,J,CwusstlkCn.,T,O94 Asst.. -,flay, v44511 t')ttlr11 Curb for Oat • w ;eat, best Ogilvy toeMre tater t..utnt. i i• 15 V tttlhN() i, Druggist. Hall's Catarrh Cure ..old b, all Wh *Iea'Ia and I4 ill nrizrests Sad neaten in reboot M. beams au the truest States ani ('•rand► i Cen1.e4 a 1k4410. $1.1111 a Doi. Th. ed.!! (+Sitar ilatrs ('nun,, ease is man. ,tartans by V. 4. CIIIiYRY R Ln., Toledo, 0. egeMw$ro et Imtea5e5a Hnttlr4 for lee Ontario tr.,l. 1.r H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont. I1EultCF. It,i I Sole r• •'3•I••r,h In Park Renewal De a: ,L -.l of an lira'll'ude Att►t hsarinl • - - '1^ath Of !entre! Chanty, wets. w•+ . 1145194 R am,.,