The Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 6rm. In LION SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 9. ithe Poets korner. I Vise reeepoM• 1a Sauce.. ���� From the Newra. I Old, Ofd gde.tMr. Ina short t tnu there is every liken - A spirit that hal just front earth departed Load that the puolda of this uouuly will Lin tore.t a to ,.ncnt o.t its u;,ward way. And looked ba, I, saw, as though broken- be called upon to elect representatives hearted to tho Local Legislature for a tutu of Its tri.•ad,ant!:itj tw: pin;u'crltn V. four years. In the %Vest Rtli g the •' it seam. illy 'orad rat d'art; - 1,1� 1 known it�,� Miuieterial candidate is Mr. A. M. Rout, lay fife h8d hrt n much A t foie';' it sat . who hu very slily represented his con - 'Why only at tonteartin;tej•nth.•yrhowa11; ntituents during two sessions. Ido is Their Modest kisses tee +d+; for the dead f well known to the people of the Bodine Sued to ttaereM. m fact by reputation he is known to the people of the prtn•inco- because of the active and intelligent part that he has taken in' the debates of the House, whi.h have given him an enviable repu- tation abroad. A roan of unimpeacha- ble integrity, ono who has been instru- mental, to a certain extent, by his finau- cial ability, in building up the county to its present advanced position, well in- formed on all the public issues of the day, ho is eminently qualified to dis- charge the duties of representative in Parliament. His opponent has little or no.public record whatever, at least note on which to base a claim for the support of the intelligent and thinking people of this riding, and we have no fears but that when the elections are brought on, Mr. Roes will be triumphantly returned. It is said by some that the contest wall be keenest in the East Riding, where the candidates are the present nietuber, Mr. T. Gibson, and Mr. Hays. Mr. Gibeon is ono of the old members of the. House, having been in for tbsuo terms, some people are bound to succeed, And swing itt thr lop of the tree ; Let's o limb as fast as ever we an, For it may be you or me, A beautiful ening It is to succeed ; To trample all obetaeles down ; And this is all in the world between The gentleman and thr clown. Moine people and bout 1 to succeed ; Their plane may be balled to -day ; They only turn the pattern again And toy It another way. A be•►ut ifnl thin_ it It to sn. ;:east. Wrll wqr;11 yo•tr i•1', tr al 1 care; Ani thin ii all in the wort•% between The tramp and the millionaire. Some people are [round to succeed. Th nigh th-y plow In the Curr two alone : lie steno thee- w;!1 r•tm • with th' g.ttnerin; throng. And shout at the Harvest florae. % begat M it thing it is to succeed. When noontide Is over and past : And this is all iu the world between The salon and the sinner at last. Paetearitentag me Hussy. ; i'rout Thr Baltimore Envy Snnliy1 Most married couples hat•o a "first Baby," except in rare cases, when they Though perhaps not distinguished by feudal barons on the Rhine obtained have t•vit.s. Then they have two first the same amount ,.f polish and fluency their revenues in this summary manner, babies. The first baby is always a re- 1 as Mr. Russ, he is, nevertheless, recog- which always reverted on the people. markable child. Such physical beauty I nizud as an able and rueful member of - . ---- -- such intellectual quickness and genius„ the House. Governed, as he is, by and such moral perfection were never honest convictions, his part in the de- befere united in one being Other I bates is always attentively listened to. babies may he ali very well in their way. I int t,uly this, but he is one of hardest but the first baby is something peculiarly working members in committees, and it marvelleu:•. All its aunts rave over it, would be an actual loss if he were not and even its uncles are moved to say, returhed again. But of this, we lave "Keecher-keecher-keecher," and chuck little doubt, if our r_wuda in the East it under the chin with a forefinger, by , Riding as they should. About the only way of ingratiating themselves with the claim that his opponent can advance is infant. that he is an old county couneillor; but Of curs the fond parents thin', that we bi4ieve there are numbers of his sup- pttOsee as couincillor who %ill throw in their 'votes. if'nnt their influence. with Mr. I;ibson in this election. Mr. Bishop, like Ms. Gibson. Las been so long a representative in the. South Riding, and his candidature was referred to before, io that little requites to be acid of him. Bee is, in brief, "one of the people,- a man of good sound jung- ment, common sena,, and every way qualified for the position to which he again aspires. No matter how close or how easy his election may be anticipat- ed, we hope the friends of an honest ad- ministration will leave no stone unturn- come , The mother wants him in a cer- ed that will legitimate contribute to his tain position. The photographer doesn't success. t>trtttta.1 Ike W..r'•fsesR- 1 AG E N1 S w •nled, i 1'sy. l.:,t Work . )$IInt ry>. t.N ue (J.pttl required. JAass I'm.' 111.471' V a Protection is now the trolley (•f Cato- treat. Uauebe. da ; that is, it tang', or tax, is 'opposed on - • - nearly all +'holes •ought into the coun- try from abroad. 'fhe object of this tax is ostensibly ti, protect Canadian mann- . aossmow+ttsw`nruyt•wow tar wt►eat p-aaec factures from fer•itrn competion and to furnish the revenues of Wtvornment. The origin of the word " tariff " is told in the following extract : lin the coast of Spain, just inside the the Straits of Gibraltar, there is a island called Tarifa. oro wsr When the Mo had ptasiou of the peninsula they established a very ener- getic custum-house 1: rce upon it. Thescale revenue was discretionary with the collector. All formalities of entering and clearing were dispensed with. Every vessel passing through the straits in either direction was brought to and rob- bed to the prudent extent of not abso- lutely preventing the captain from un- dertaking aucther voyage. If he de- livered up about fifteen per ceut. of his cargo, or paid its equivalent in money, he was allowed to go in peace. If he proved recalcitrant, and was then captur- ed, the duties were collected on a slid- ing scale, he was made to walk the plank and his vessel and cargo were confiscat- ed. When the vessel arrived at the port of discharge her owners amused the loss on the purchasers of the goods. This sort ;of duty collection ran all through the Middle Ages, a sad deterioration from the practice of the more enlighten- ed Greeks and Rouun+s of antiquity. The the infant must be photographed- The world at a distance should not be denied 'he opportunity -if gazing upon its linea- rnents ; a record should be kept of its loveliness. So some fine sunshiny day they go to a photographer. Then the first baby immediately begins to quarrel and fret and look leas beautiful than usual, although he is all dressed up in his best clothes He wants things that he sees in the photographer's show -case, and not obtaining them begins loudly to protest. He refuses to yield to pa ifioa- torp hlandiaments, and keecher-kat cher- keecher fail, to soothe. At last his turn The .art of tseaey tiettlas. Barnum has published a book called "The Art of Money Getting." He is frank, he does not say 'routing but get- ting. He has done it andhe does it still. We will help him and his book by con- densing his directions Get up dome kind of show likely to tickle children :—get a few Canadians, bleach their hair, call them Albinos from the African Kingdom at tIuskatingo,get every fat moinan—tattoo or paint her amts, call her a cannibal from the Jib - way, who has been raised on roasted children ; get an Elephant that .Swgladd has got tired of, publish 10,000 lies about him ; get a happy family and drug it well ; get some (spotted horses which will cantor round in a ring, and a few low and painted wen and women who can ride on them naked. Call all this A O}rert Moral Show. send free tickets to the Clergy, plaster every wall with gaudy pictures, blow a steam calliope about the town. have the schools all adjourn :— do this and keep doine it, and you can get every half dollar in that town, so that the ;inhabitants can't pay their grocer's hills for a month to come. approve • f that position, a+ul the baby — That is a Moral Show, and it is an won't have it. 'Finally p s eom romiae is Barts tar Temporise, Voters. effectual way of getting nttntey. effected. The photographer jingles a The ground upon which Sir John Mac- Morality and progress mark CHICIGO, ROCI ISEA11D &PLC1FC t to naw maatmttag eo l `10 tea, hr a.i «roses, w �' aM 1<aa Calls the attention of travelers to eV [los o an the shortest _• without moss �l�ytyaYsoaa, iitnan•ywoiiai�saS ss. PaaL .00 Mew••, the Atlantic, wtW all the ortaM�� � il le t1.eiand • Y 1�nt. 8.805 _asyd mens la unrivaled and s! HersV�•__ •f goat Comfortable Horton asst p� +r' .. �nlPecnt Horton 1eeilaia• Ose� sad 1* Lin• of Dining in 1 ng Oars taItatal•aoaWr lw laman'. Pelage lietwaen sad v este Trainsbetwegaciateall saeas• gew Paul, viathe "ALBERT LEA ROUTE," A New and Direct Lin�•e, �v•iad Moe••y d i.aka- km. bail rtweaW bout o,t�C�sa isiw•es Dashnaes4 Norfolk Nowppuu tN�� tioneeoaee�t,Aa. ta,an- sSusu, Nashville, e t.ouievlll•, Lxisgtea, Cipstartt. Indianapolis and Lafayette, sad Ossa. s ,aete- on• an et. Peal aad intermedia points All Through Passengers Travel on rut 'terms 'rain,. TioYeta far sale at an...2.7., Taoaet Ogles r the United ,taw sad Oawsaa e a+ v_ w Baggage check . ed lamed/ *al t�aa•� " al- ays as low u companies* teas ear as "40i and Pot& Icrs .111111111111 i Piw 2.333 ONE DOLLAR THE WEEKLYGLOBE THE LARGEST - THE CHEAPEST H ti a AND The Best General Newspaper IN TUE DOMINION. —ewe THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES Contains Sammy -two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admitted to be the best author Ity upon ASriouftural and Commercial matters In the Dominion. Subscribe for 1883 now. and GET BALANCE OF 1882 FREE. p,ders sad rwmittaaces to be addressed THE GLOBE PRINTING COM iN� 1, ONE DOLLAR detailed informae c �, got ti, M - -- DWARE or the CREAT RJCK ISLAND uTR• R. C.SLEt [. ST. nit a i . ■ vie.rt...eo•.ar•ir Owl nesr...eM CHICAGO. _ .- .e --GO TO -- A CURE GUARANTEED T At oar nearest Zabel Osteo. or R. bell, clucks like a hen and raps wit}[' • donald proposes to take the control of stick all at once, hoping thereby to at- tract the attention of the first the liquor traffic out of the hands of the ovincial authorities, is that according baby ; but when the picture comes out there are found three impressions • eerlyinl each oth r like tho scales of a fish. A second sitting is taken, and the photographer steeps his soul in per- jury by telling tho infant that if he will hold still a white m ous3 will run out of the camera. The r'ault of this ii a pic- ture, slightly shaky, with, the mouth open. 1, third picture is attempted when, at the critical moment, the baby seta up a prolonged howl. Thus are the rosy hours beguiled. At last a good picture is obtained and numerous copies are oi•ler•d. They are went to the remotest friends and relatives, This would cause great excitement in distant lands if it were not for one thing. It is that everywhere the likeness goes it finds stmt other young couple with a first baby. who are equally of opinion that their bel.} is the tineit in the world; indeed. disparaging contrast, are almost surely drawn between this photograph and the other first betty, to the disad• vantage of .the IIhotograph. Yet "young couples will doubtless pbotocraph_ tire! 1..11,10%. pr to the British North America Act, which defines the legislative powers rented in the general and provincial parliaments, the "regulation of trade and commerce" is handed over t, the general parlia- ment is empowered to ;rant ahop, sa- loon, tavern and other licenses " in or- der to the raising of a revenue for pro- vincial, local or municipal purposes.' Mr. Drury, tjie meanie' for South Sir John's contortion is that the provin- cial authorities do not possess tho right Legislature for a return ,bowleg the to regulate the tabors--asdfor instance number of reeves and deputy -reeves cum - the fixing +',f the hours during which prising thA various County Councils in they shall keep open dr the limitation of tho years 1872, 1877, and 1881, with the the number licensed to sell—but only amount of indemnity paid. He made amass the right to license theist. Ile some very practical and sensible remarks, also rests upon a remark dropped by the pointing out the necessity of taking some Privy Council which hears out his *inter - steps to check the rapid growth in size of pretatiou of the meaning of the Act. the County Councils , This was caused The eowmuni.y have nothing to gain by by the ine+,rporation of villages which change loving made, while it would cur- claimed representation in the County Coune:ls. The number of nieploers f the biuicoc County Coen 3i1 WAS fifty-two or fifty-four, and within the next few years it would increase to sixty er per- haps sizty-five. The present systetwh•,d become a serious hmr&lett upon the pen- ile. Tho Attorney General thought that there was a good deal of force it Mr. Driiry's views. The motion was carried. This is an indication that a rec• estrue- tion ere long will take place in tour County Councils. this age. 1� IE'S AQNETIC EDICIN ,`,eNI ,, KET\/J � T, ► DR's YOUR TM a MAlett ac>lortsl,-,/,-, BRAINdtitiERVEFOOD. ag,*w• C ro s C ut Saws & Axes Ser Sid sued 7tessa. lisle odd Festsah. ' YVt It--- c co �riia►•araa Free of Cost All persons wishing to test the merit of a great remedy—one that will posi tively euro Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Brouchites, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs—are requested to call at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, free of cast, which will show you what a regular dol- lar -size bottle will do yeasty Cea.Hta. Positively euros Nervousness in ill lis staeea.Asi WeakPro &RM., Ri>lr.trs Pews", Et+r•� stunt Ana• Leueorrhaa, Barroosso t start oe Loss of Power. ,*pale Nervous baste. Ref sotoeror tile hosted 1 Table able sect, strengthens the Ea/eebted titreiw, alai Re stores Surpnnwp Tone and V or to the / r- hnwted Generative Organa. Wal soar or - led wl* 1 five dollarswe w111 send our Written to•slr • t Bottom Prices. antee to refund the money. if the treatment Paints and Oilsa y does not effect • cure. It u the camped GL and Pocket Cutlery -.beat Value, Anil l.nrwesf Aio'•orttncDMw t`.r tour ..aso a full lin• of Shelf Hardware. der for TW Lt•a packages &re enges rw..0 ll particulars r market. pamphlet, which 6T1+'nll particulars In our we desire to mall free to any address. dark's Mattaetle ■edletee is sold bp hrt4- ' will at fie mailed per :, or will be malltd free of postage, on receipt eatJie gists iso til boxes tee N se money by addressing 8p1idl It r uACtDi�rVT sJ4 U indoor, Ont all IhuiR terer�iwbere•■ts wsW 1 1 tainly Ire no advantage to those at pre- sent engaged in the lila r traffic to have their number increased. The ugly per- cent who would derive any profit from the chance would be the frreacrs. TTcle- gram VIM Nita be sat e rsH- I1• Only bad festal' In these times of quack medicine,td- _ vertisemcnts everywhere, it ie truly "11 1 only had capital,' we we heard gratifying to find tine retired)' that is worthy tit praise, and whioh really floes a a quare man ray a few dates ag-, an he as recommended. Electric Hilton' we puffed aw • ay at is len centri':aro, "1 would can v„uch for ns being a true and relia• - do something. ble remedy, and one that will de, :as le - "If 1 only had capital- sni.1 another,c'rmmendeti. They int-ariably cure ns he walked 'wax fmm a harTrioln "mach and Liver Complaints. I)iaraaus 0 of the Kidneys sura Urinary difficulties t• here he had joist paid r (teen • cuts for 111'e know whereof we 'teak. :rad can it drink of 'tants : "1 world •tn into readily way, give then[ a trial. Sold at all emits :i b •ttic, b)' Jaa. V1'its••11 I tl biteities4. A .insist,' remark inttht hat t• been hc+rdfr•.etl th. n.lulr :nun Itwfine it. rreesatteou a'y There have been: many precautions against fire published bluff let a ptl$upl Le - come aeeuicntaly homed err seal slid few people know what t•, d" itt aleeuce of a doctor. The very heat remedy known inHartv:,rd'* Yellow Oil, thereat H.nseb,dtl Panacea for all pninful tntlt- - mmat•,ry diaea•es 2 leiter tone top-- street • If you are enflterinl wtrh Mot it 11. ... pep, •ser.Aalar•M Oerenan Worm Mussed, • lints set ebBfi), totA ewel boil. It., rwn vithold eau** Aur E 1 smoking away )our capital Yoe, from tut". hea(iache, r any (A1 "f e� �.lat %%ilaod, Gotlat�h, t1 4� Gln E traordinarl Ofar ! TO gCINENT8. GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED If you are out of employment and want to start in a business you can make fr om $3 to $10 a day clear, and take no ria k of loss, we will sand you on receipt 1 of $11, goods that will sell readily in a few days fur $2ii. If tl e Agents fails to I sell these goods in four days, they can return all unsold to us, and we will re turn them their money, can anything be fairer 1 We take all risk .,f lues, and the Agent gets started in a business that wilt be permarlent, and pay font $1,0110 t, $3,000 a year Ladies can do as well as meq. We want an Agent in every county. Full particulars free. Address. U. S. Manufacturing Co., No 116 Smith field Streit, Pittsburgh, Pa. oebait icsoi; e t f wl•petitr ttvsereel iivarialsl beta a• a tarda le',at 4 a+l,d1 Yong; nose, with toe c:par )on :uu Id 1, k etNo'p Y F it the drew' eh. 1 . are drinking up /Guru' billows nature, by all titans movie f t and deet' yid._ t, nr ►cooly at the same,bottle of Electric }bite III. Your will he ebonies T. Cesselman, Druggist or time : ,tuft )ea en the street ertm'r at, s,., ,. tti Row: area the niwil nnpwccme+t Chestorville, writes to the Proprietors of tint will •w; you will lyp fu'rl'ed that 'it•vrrei•gn Tonic, Rurdoct Iflontt bed dip Dimes make dolls.* - - - ! mi,ern1i mitt Ioniser will ?easel and wanting quoit in 'Menet/ and k•rn,iati 1' aM L•strong) i stiff Rent it) will time is money. hams wait f.or n fill 11100 henceforth you wilt relive 04 the p4tlse tot Tileetnr hittef* Field at fifty coots f.. begin wird . lit you haul ! 10[/100 • a soul f l?. by ,h •. Will"t -,! year amt silent it all yon would 'till be !littera, "Your Burdeek Blooa give tmivitsal aitiseictiees, i11 medltWtes gal) well, and outlay o1MIY customers will take no tither." 2 Now that there is n reliable rewedy for kitbiev troubles. half this errynstfnclwsl -5, poor. Our 111m1 of Ie,wer and intlnence r+tatl•ly mirapli.M�i..�a11 �o tut ,1st t,! to thrse eborlaints hive oat relieved tliufl Mot /tort with fertilise,.Yea,tie.. the eH• M or Uf. t nu '!3 h'e!t s KIeel per this Its all tar thattk611, and to M can make yt ui shark if you will i but Care in my ease. An elderly lady van Baron:. Kidney Cure award all j tit o ndins pair money for crusts this from Anti :,,nista, 1\. S., wXe praise for baringk,hus removed*Isithete$+ you mustn1' M had ruffrae•rl fr••ut 1 riff' in the hark iM conarrdereri fatal (limas(' from one "path.' what rots don t need, and w,'ien,lrrintt twentt• t -r; i.. ‘•) lot ' %Vit«,n (nate.. it was nrvor Itn,•wn to fail (1-1 ,1 ho .1 1 1110,10W R • .► 'ltilaron. `dun PRINCIPAL} iNE muir, T, ion •' tial sea Iia an '.�T ester Iowa- r is H lovi Rohde In rims, lejl.rr ,�A,oata.n. Tem**. DDeal•. webr•aka letsourt,Ran- V� aea,l,ally 'at, New Mexlro, Arizena, )1v.. s tl►L I, restos tans a* 1 Texas ^01.14011N4T1i. ttb,rt 1 .e, snuwerweis tad et. Pea rnivrrsa'• nat:on►tty Mooed 1111 1, eaereded .n tie rarest ben" Oral gslepe ►•saga An Inspection 1 d. be n"ke h taw toff fur - KANSAS CITY --iii:E•ltiy-- arb Wire--BeStMade • R_ W_ ,ENZ=E:._ DANIIL GORDON CABINET MAKER, TUE LEADING UNDER`tt Ra w ti -:at .re es-• FURNITURE AT tui '%'told YCfi.•'.. F'oR 1 have notv�tl Banda veer; 'nrgtt ..tock, xuch Chairsic4'allikinds, Tables, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Riat- tan Chairs, 8i0_, 8LC _, &.O. 2 Doors west of the Post Oce. `CHAS. A. NAIRN - —II AS RIF -- NEW FRUITS CHRISTMAS. 2 NEW ARRIVING EVERY DAY. ati Names of fro, 11 CN•batN 1.18•• fn West ail sear-, Ih• It, a. and C•.i1 snit t- 8 win ee•t t rs•vileg a • estrad . 1 as di vnfort. rp1137 "Win 1 QUARF. SAVE MONEY IN BUYING. A Discount of 12 per cent Allowed on all Cash Purchases in Feathers, Silk Velvets. Flowers, Hats, etc„ etc.. etc, Thle ie a Genuine Offer, 1><e i am anxious( to Clear tiff My T / t[rag FEB;.ft581 ItYwette *i 11,.e e l j' I+5sileuatlw w t a 1 WiwinterwinterSock. f 'Ammon,;`w 1 ...a� %r a:J,e . ssie Wilson. Tli�. -vl +rRf ,,(tl,r.R' Rao. 11..l oswttrowo t ri-tet Agent. t•odeyiek 11 A tltr al► seri' A glel eigl j usl any ., lute of r the a gi A full rel leo u gi A hoc. she the it. awe sial lad; ditt you Soo all ,A ben akkb ,Inc met t lie the al }}f sou 'i wh t l t :tis 11ie wa het be Up It 1 Ili' alt 1s. th, th LIC wi wl to wt fo in dl ev 41 til al ea li til n t1 m 8 V t1 n tl a b 1