HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 4HURON SIGNAL
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•1PARDONA RLR INDISCRETION." ti Iva honor -to Klatesi haonor is ewe ill E CAM PA
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Mee rr eigyvis1.•.. We have aleoafirstclaas
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be beaten. •fid of •q�ity that cannot be
earp•sd — Peres
The Londou Free Press in • criticism
of the " Lite of Hun. Georve Brows," Huron for Col. A. M Roes, M. P. Y.,
takes an opportunity of lauding Sir
John Macdonald's political career, and
&Hush* to him as being temporarily de-
feated because of a " perdouable indis-
cretion—if, indeed, it can be called en
indiscretion." Did ever a writer pen
such stuff 1 "A pardonably iudiscic-
tion " to corrupt the electors with
$380,000 1 " A pardonable indiscre-
tion,,' to squeeze that enormous sum out
of a man under promise of a paying rail-
way contract ' " A pardonable indiscre-
tion - if, indeed, it c.an be called an De
discretion," to barter the public property
and the people's lest interests for a
bribe, wherewith be alight purchase
another lease of power. This shameful
bargain was at first dented unblushing-
ly by Sir John A. Macdonald, on his
honor as a gentleman. But when Sir
Hugh Allan, and his agent Hon. Mr.
Abbott, gave their testimony, the de•
ceitful politician made a clean breast of
it ruder oath. The following, among
other interesting facts, came out at the
examination :
FRIDAY, TED. fru, 1$53.
'•'T1s tor thy liberties f fight. Ontario, On -
Tet Wier tslav,
Vern RAPT ete1Nh.
the tried and Dusted reprurtut.etlie oI
West Huron
Tux fight goes late , on, and the
canvassing bt..1.sare ra 'dIv filling up
d work,
, notch.
for Col Ross. Keep at the
friends. The result is only
of majority. Raw it to the
The First (iurjl, Fired at B
\Vitae is the Conservative candidate
going to Dome boldly Were the electors
of West Huron and present his claims
for their support. There are only a f ow
weeks now available in which to. come
publicly before the electors We all
want to know of what stud he is uu.de
politically and otherwise.
ROW 111441r. 11111Iton.
The Conservative candidate for
West Huron has instituted a new
method of conducting a political
campaign. He won't attend a
a public meeting face to face with
his political opponent, in any lo-
cality where he is not confidently
assured his friends are in the ma-
jority. Public meetings have been
called by Col. Ross, M.P.P., the
Reform nominee, and the Conser-
vative candidate has been invited
to attend, so that the electors
would be enabled to hear both
sides of the questions of the day
discussed, but at the initiatory
meeting of the campaign, held at
Benmiller on Tuesday evening„
the latter failed to " toe the
What a fallwat there, my c',untrymen
from • the time of the contest in
June last, when Mr. Robert Porter
courageously attended every meet-
ing held by his opponent in West
Huron ? We fought Mr. Porter
with voice, vote and pen during
the contest, but we never ceased
to admire his pluck—for In not
one single instance did he show
the white feather, or " fail to con-
nect" with a meeting. But
Old times are changed—old manners
A new man is attempting to lead
the Opposition forlorn hope in
West Huron. The open warfare
has been abandoned, and no lon-
ger do the contestants meet "man
to man, and steel to steel." A
guerilla system has been introduc-
ed by the Opposition candidate,
and instead of endeavoring to
uphold boldly on the public plat-
form the principles of the party
of which he claims to be the stan-
dard-bearer, he contents himself
with skulking through the con-
stituency, holding " hole-and-cor-
ner" meetings, and telling those
who meet him on these occasions
of the conipleto annihilation in
store for Col. Roes when they
meet face to face on the platform,
Ghost of Captain Bobadil ± didst
ever hear such an unmitigated
braggart ? It is stated by some
of the Aspirant's friends that Mr.
Ross's public meetings were not
announced until after those of his
opponent had been published. On
this point we are in a position to
state that Col. Ross has thus far
advertised the holding of some
dozen public meetings, and his op-
ponent has not made public an-
nouncement of ONE We unhesi-
tatingly state that the Lib. -Con.
candidate owf% it to the electors of
West Huron to appear before
them publicly, and fate to face stay be a nbok• w thus who. in A..poil an article than tors the oppo!ttagR
1 1 H'
Mostreel, 30th July, lint.
DRAB Sia /Woe. - The tweeds .e.1 the fund.
will expect lees. gad ea amount
wthe pe shell aRvanoe fur
which you or your company
that purpose will be recouped to you..
A memorandum of immediate re tuiremesta
it below,
Very truly yours.
(Signed), Oro. 13. Cut•rta -
;.oW w ANTED.
sir John A. Macdonald IMAM
Hoa Mr. l.nget'io.... AMMO
;air O. IL C.
lir Jobe A. (Additional) NAM
Hca Mr.
eirG. 1L C. ( tionW m�
Os the Seth et August the foliowtae eorrea
pondence took place :--
Toronto. Augn.t Hath. 1072.
To the Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, 51 Anne's.
(Private, immediate.) will be
1 must have another ten thousand
the lost time of calling ; do not fall me; an-
swer today.
on Tuesday.
people of the Pn,viutw through the
is impregnable.
er. His financial poMtth • Wel weMeM Ws Holo Ts+esll�e_
i• impr.cttabb• There is now N the , wtlit•F M tell' 1Pto.r.es me
Outeri., treasury in cash anti securities aver s..
1 f 1 15,000,000.iiieai,
shout 518,( t North in to ra - _ sou warmly received•
side of the Shore callous may 1tl As soon as 11 hominy known Hist she
duce it to 510,(1110,000 or $1-2,t ,000. hest really sailed tar these isluida, each
Our Government had spent some 23, member of the community vied with
00-t,t 00 in railway grants, "f which wme oilier members in lbs dein to waned a
This was00 fell to the share of this cuu
suitable remotion to the daughter of
This a direct return to the people.lZuueh Victurts. lis tl. , u roe sit a Hew
He then referred to the maintaivauee of hued the fust ensemble ikon was
our legislative and territorial rights, and cow`,letely chanced, rrwiuding-Doe
explained the federal principle which sit Hite tnnrforiust►uu e,eues in a pact
prevailed at the union of the pnninces. u.muue. Duc.oratiutr :uuai.rl to apnng
He quoted Sir John A. Macdonald I up as if by magic. At the e ,rperawu
against himself ou the disallowance
stairs, whore it was •rn.u. that the
question, and cited au opinion +ef Mr Priuceas here it land, w:u r.eaua a eau
Todd, the g. eat constant t I authority, spy of hlue and white, n. i i upoh six
Iin favor of the position of ()uteri.). oolumtu, arwtad LIN capital+ sit which
explained the streams bill in a very wore entwined heavy wreathe ..f gorgeous
lucid manner, showing that it affected Iiuuf#aiubilleas. On each tido of the
only the h teroats of this a personal
Ho landing place were rows of chairs, and
showed that it was no mere ttersonal or
e behind these stands, o:. the werteni
party measure. t as some 234 drtwur5 were s.do joy the accummoiatio,e of the mem
recorded at this Crown Lands departlx lairs of the colonial Peril intent and thew
meat upon whish iwpruveweutr had
families,and un the eastern side for mem-
Fvery lndicat.ion of a Sweeping I been made to make them d+totable, and bees of the cotpontiow ..f Claw lion and
I which came underlie saueeateytory as the 4t Georges, and their families and
Mnassippi Hepolnt clear friends. Paling along !•rout street
eastward the balconies and buildings
were literally covered with hunting,
flowers, audgreentrimmin;;s; upunevery
building along the street a flag,staff had
been erected, and at intervals arches had
been built. Necerhis Hamilton appear
ed to better savaddage than it appeared
on Monday, and all this was the result of
bjt a few hours' united effort.
The Rightabout Candidate Shows
Tas nominations fur West Huron will
be held in Guderich on Tuesday, Feb.
20th. 'Sheriff Gibbons has been appoint-
ed returning officer in Wes. Huron,
Registrar Dickson in South Hun n, and
Mr. Robt. Arwattong of the township of
Morris for East Huron. There will be
no "stuffed" ballot lane:+ , ti the '37th
Join+ A. lit acoon a t.D.
Montreal. Neth August, 1871.
To John A. Macdonald. Toronto.
Draw on Inc for ten thousand dollars.
J. J. C. Assort.
the White Feather.
a surplus U nearly
hoar.) hushes province, which has been Hiauaoe, Berouda, Jas. 30. --The
I a T y rule ie pr neess'Lottise ain•e't Yesterday, and
lth ugh the I
Splendid Speech by the Reform
Standard Bearer.
Sillid Arguments and incontrover-
tible Figures.
Tim time for the pen of the sonny -
woes correspondent to slander Col. Rtes
through the columns of the Tory press
u at hand When the editors of esr
confreres are unable to bear false witness
agtin•t him, the pen of the anonymous
correspondent will be called into requisi-
tion, Look out for the bogus coututtica-
Toronto, lthlg71-
At sight. pay to my order, at the Merchant's
Bank. the sem of ten thootasd dollars, for
value r.oalved.
JOHN A. M•come Atm.
To Hon. J. J. C. Abbott.
The draft was mattered then --
'.Pay to the order of the Merrimatw Bask
of t7nnada. "Jogs A. Mecnossia."
Victory for Ross and Pro-
vincial Rights.
Notwithstanding the cold weather wi
Tuesday evening, and a special meeting
being held n a neighboring church,
there was a good gathering of the elec
tors of the Benu,ilter district at the first
public meeting held during the campaign.
The meeting was strongly in favor et
Col. Rosa, and the nun -appearance of
the Conservative candidate or his repre-
sentative, was looked upon as a sign that
the' Rightabout cause was hopeless with-
in the precincts of the Benmillerosub-di-
vision. The Colonel was warmly greet-
ed, and even before the speaking he re-
ceived the most gratifying assurances of
a largely increased majority on polling
day. He appears to be exceedingly pop-
ular at the point. The meeting was
one of the most respectable and orderly
we have ever attended. Nut s single
figure or statement made by CoL Ross
was disputed, and the addresses were very
well received.
M:. Thos. Gledhill was appointed
chairman and introduced the Liberal
Ma. Thorns Hays, the Tory candi-
date for East Hu•on, visited the Blyth
Review on Wednesday of last week.
The editor of the Review was so tlostered
by the arrival of the distinguished visi-
.or that he immediately penned an
item that, "Mr. Hays was a very
popular man, and will no doubt be the
choice of the people of South 11 urea."
The editor of the Blyth Review bas his
"publishing house" — at least, art's
what be calls it—in East Huron, and it
is panning strange that he doesn't know
who the Tory candidate in his own rid-
ing is.
A1rD now the Tories complain that
the election hes been sprung upon them
—that an " early spring .' has appeared,
as it were. It is exoeedi'.igly difficult to
please smile people. If Mowat had post-
poned the elections tho Tory press
would have stated that he was afraid to
face the music, and now when he hur-
ries the conflict onward, they complain
that he wants tA, " steal • march on
them." It u really too bad that Mr.
Mowat doesn't consult the hireling of
the Moil when matters of oon.equesee
to the Province of Ontario are on the
Although the Conservative candidate
showed the white feather, and did not
put in appearance, even by proxy, at the
opening meeting d the campaign, held
at Benmiller on Ttloeday evening, be has
not been idle so far as the electors of
Benmiller are concerned. He seems to
be determined on a " still hunt " can-
vass, and will endeavor to be &bnet
from any meeting not held in a section
favorable to his party. But be is • man
of expedients ; he is full of premises,
and thinks he carries a thread for every
needle he Domes across. The electors of
Benmiller who were present at Benmil-
ler on Tuesday were convt_Ised with
laughter at • good story told by a speak-
er at the expense of the " promising "
candidate. It appears Chet three differ-
ent schemes for a new bndre in the
neighborhood of Benmiller have been
proposed, and only one bridge is to be
baitt. One day lately the " promising"
young man met enelactorfrom Benmiller
in town. and laying his hand familiarly
on his shoulder, asked for his vota
" I am going to vote for your bridge,
and will build it." '
"What bridge u that t" asked the
ed out very
ly, and with telling effect, that tu.:rmi
the streams till wait adopted Kiel cell -
firmed, any speculator could buy 1 ru-
perty at tho mouth of these streams, put
up some improvements at a nominal
c et, and force rival lumbermen up the
stream to pay exhorbitaut tolls,or ell out
their timber limits at the slide owners
own figure. The leader of the Opposition
had nut been honest or truthfu'natter. He, l out is i
s from
Meredith's speeches ohs etthe facts had
bc;pn grossly represented by that p,enuti.
In the county of Bruce, during the b)e-
elections, the member for London had
declared that it wan wrong to take wt.
man's property "withoutcompenastien.
No such attempt had ever been made.
The owner of the slide was to to paid a
feu compensation, to to fixed by the
Lieuteneut-Goveruor in council, and he
was given • hen on ever log powwow
through his slide, whish he could attach
if the toll was not promptly and fully
paid Wasn't that ample compensa-
tion t The boundary question was hand-
led in a masterly manner. He reviewed
the question from its inception . to the
hour when the Ontario Conservatives
turned their backs upon their province
and deserted their record of 1880 and
1881. He described the shifting posi-
tion of Sir John A. Masdoeeld on the
question, the influence which forced him
to obey s. majority from • rival province,
and in scathing yet dignified tangus(e
ex the "Rightabont of Mr. ete-
dith��and his desertion of bis pruvince in
its hour of trial He pointed out the
importance of the boundary award, and
said that any injustice done Ontario in
this mutter would be irrevocable. He
showed the damson between the policy
of the Dominion Government and the
Ontario O••vernment on the policy
selling timber limits, and claimed that
while the Ottawa Government sold the
limits at $5 per square mile. Mr.
Muwat's Government got from $600 to
$700 a square mile, Mr. Miller, the
member for Algoma in the Local House,
the value of the timber lim-
i� the disputed territory at $126,000,-
000. This was worth keeping for the
province. A portion of the territory
since given to Manitoba by Sit John A.
Maodonali was for many years represent-
ed in the Ontario Legislature, and in the
Duminion Parliament also by an ()u-
tas° member. The Ontario Govern-
ment had f -r years administered justice
in that region, and put up public build-
ings, yet now it was taken away from us
and oven away to • third party in )Ilan•
itube.. He wound up an able address of
nearly two hours' length by a stirring
and patriotic &ppeal to the electors pres-
ent to sustain the Mowat administration
AI.000L, beautifully lueetrated. sen
taint all necessary I tion for the .ac-
oeeefwl cultivnttes ofIeastables, newer.
held Roots. Potatoes, etc..ls now published
and will be malted tree to talCl sppllmota.
Sd .�w� 1yY non, Canada
Cel. Roes expressed regret that his
opponent was not preseut. He desired
this contest to be carried on with good
feeling. In the two former eleetone in
which he had tale a part, not one word
had been said which had left a sting be-
hind it. lir. Johnston had been twit"!
to mined, and he did not know that
gentleman had any ether meeting. He
(Cola Ras) would like the electors to
hear both sides. He came before them
as a supporter of Hon. Oliver Mowat.
In the ton years el his adminratration
there bad not been $ single charge of
corruption against his Government. The
Opposition had left fie atone unturned to
foals • charas against the Government,
bet net a single resolution had been
moved charging them with wilful cor-
ruption or wrongdoing. (Applause. )
The feeling existed among both Re-
im:oers and Conservatives that Hon.
Mr. Mowat was a square, honest,
straightforward man. Indeed, he had
been sneeringly termed " The Christian
statesman, and the speaker said that f rom
intimate knowledge of the Ontario Pre-
mier's character, he was worthy of the
name in its noblest sense. He btf sved
that when plainly stated and honesty
put before the country, his policy would
commend itself to all. After an allu-
sion to the ballot, he proceeded to enu-
merate some of the wise, progressive
and economic legialstion introduced by
the Reform Government of the Pro-
vince. He explained the settlement of
the Munioippal Loan Fund, and showed
bow the Government had asisted multi -
polities to meet their indebtedness.
Mr. Mowat had met this difficulty in so
able and satsfictory k manner, that not •
word of complaint had been heard froui
any quarter. The settlement of the
municipal loan fund had wiped off •
debt of $75,000 in the eounly of Heron
alone, besides other help. He showed
how he had been mainly instrumental
in gaining $84,000 extra to this county
on account of the Buffalo and L•k° He-
ron railway, by going to Toronto per-
sonally and putting the claims of the
county d Huron before the Government.
He also showed that the amendment to
the jury law, introduced by himself, had
saved some $1,200 to this county alone
annually. This amount was a direct
saving to the people of Huron, who were
tuned directly to y the Dods of juries
in the county. He cited Mr. Meredith
as approving of his (Col. Ross's) action
in this matter. He mentioned the win
fevers act, introduced by himself, as •
benefit to the farmers in encouraging
better mads in winter, end pointed out
the benefits of • little legialstion on the
matter. H. had also introduced the
bill to enable municipalities to invest
their sinking fund in first mortgages.
The result was that in Huron we are
now getting 6 or 7 per osnt for our
sinking fund investments when formerly
we reosived from 3 to 6 cent. The
financial peition of the Province is one
which cannot be attacked. The Oppo-
sition have not moved for a reduction of
•a; single item of expenditure in the
esttssate• He paid • high tribute to
Joan 1ssdS.ld 14aodeoald, but showed
where he W erred in his policy. He
stet that Saes 1871 the pep.la
elf OIMsVN had isewedlevsr 221 per
stat. , sod sold that the earned impose
ditor. fit the province should be pent ur-
ti.aately larger Yet, during the past
sine years the annual expenditure of the
pprroovv+Wes had not iswwwd. but rather
deetveaeed. The Dssiaion Ooveenment.
be .howed. for oohs d .nsip ris n, had
increased its ex sins 1Q8 by
Chinaman. Mien J. Mole the twelfth 1 v,me $3,624, He said the manse*
was b•ptiegd, twenty abitsame► witness -lie the item educational expenditure
ed the ceremony. Peme rrf !bort eek off t that the Govorrrmont were theins
their eerie. A .+overt named K.. Matt Vrgoe grants to the pow* schools. The
gnus cwt from the church as • mineios.ry amity of Huron arms W ieerltf.J by
to Ogston in • short time. Nis isereses enure 88,000 este • tear
The eunahlne this week was .nverahle Mr. Mlowst are nl believed
enrolee nheeimen. the
PI etre
AT the last meeting of the Board of
High &hool Trustees, the salaries of the
teaching staff were advanced so that they
would bear fair comparison with those of
other high schools of equal standing.
This u a step in the right direction. The
teachers of our High School are excep-
tionally good, and deserve to be placed
on an equal footing, so far as salary u
concerned. with other high school teach
ere. Should the amended regulations,
approved by Order in Council the 31st of
July, 1882, date as in fors from the .1st
of Jan. 1883, the increase in the teach-
ers' salaries will, in all probability, be
paid by the Government `rant.
Plummet to an order of the High Court
d Jess. Cbe.esrl Divtabs made la a
s,atter et es Garden. iteadeetelbeletellei As vs.
im�. wte
Towosen d a tees, le — Commtf ee Hera
widow, wtMtl*M ea etrdad the Nib dal of
L the 1 Nesth day w
wit aerlrisre ands
rich. their and
sad of their
low* s. fedl Oselr
i �o�ts, see the
nature of the seeerebe et.ell bold WI them
or inel default theme[ Ow will e�etfaa M peremptori-
ly excluded
ed frcrediom holding a anis said ois to
produce the same before me the undersigned
master of the said oourt at Oudetich, on the
eh day of earth. Iasi, at tem o'clock 1n the
forenoon being the time sweated for .dtudi
oases on the claims. 8. MAL001010N.
Mester at tertclb.
Dated 8th February. MI.
Benmiller man.
" Bally bridge,— the old bndge," re-
plied the candidate.
" Why. that's the bridge I'm opposed
to," said the Bensiller elector.
" Oh, you're for H.rnighan's bridge—
on the 1st and 2ad conceesion 1" asked
the ether.
"Yes, sir, that's the badge for me,"
said the fanner.
"Then tau vote for me and I'll vete
for that bridge," was the ready answer.
But it was too transparent.
The " promising " young titan will not
get many votes on the bridge question at
Benmiller. He is toxo anxious to build
A rt.s&utlro and encouraging feature
of the campaign in West Heron is the
fact that many who have heretofore
voted with the Conservative party have
pledged themselves to vote fur Cul.
Ross, and use every endeavor to .well
his majority. Many of these changes
have been induced by the strong posi-
tion taken by the Liberal party on the
quedion,ef Ontario's rights—legieletiv•
red territur•ia1,.bet not a few persons have
Riven se their noses for the change, that
the Reform candidate is a awl of brains,
ability, toed worth, and high character.
The liberals of West Heron Duvet bad
• stronger dues er a stronger man.
Still, every vete available for Ool. Roe
should be polled, so that his smite (y
Tux good men and tree of Wed Huron,
en both sides of politics are rapidly fall-
ing into line and taking up position for
Col. Ross M. P,P. He is recognized as
a ran ofbrilliant parts, a good financier,
a clear logician and an able speaker. For
eight years he has represented Wed
Huron in the legislative halls of Ontario
with credit to himself and benefit to the
Riding. He has no axe to grind, and no
personal ends to accomplish. He is
working for the interests of West Homo,
and not to "feather his owe nest." His
financial standing is such that he cannot
be looked upon as a political adventurer
and self-seeker. Can the Conservative
candidate or his organ show any reason
why Col. Rom should not be elected i
It Int not be generally known that
the Toronto Moil u edited by a "fonifrn-
er," so far as the Prnvinoe of Ontario is
eonsrned. Martin J. Griffin 1 a native
d Nova Seetia and en anti -Ontario ran,
from top to toe. For years he was •
lisksptttal to Sir Charles Tupper, and
was pitchforked into hu present pssitioa
through the influence of the "greet
stretcher " on the retirement of Mr.
Edward Ferrer from the editorship of
the Mast. Griffin affects greet htenry
ability which he does not in resift
peaces. sad rarely writes an •rtisle
without dragging in • ga*atioei or two
f rem old &others Ho would weber
with the Reform candidate. atm u Imo d senna defeat, have put this ty to sandwich in a tn.ppeoprste qs►
present shirking attitude is a vote eetrgty to the aspen** of an elseti.+n �at,,n Ysrita J w • literary"prig'.
of want of confidence in himself. ooMaeL
Let him ., face the music or resign
Cant. res
Roes is thoroughly p eetd by
all who know lies. He is a man of tie
people, but a "Seel among h is teuow•.
When he .peaks, enli4 common geese
falls from his lip, sod no claptrap or
bnneolbe encumbers hi. utterance. A
sensible man, a gem! man, • tried man
and • tyle men i. 'h. popular np(visionit
n ns.
in tl'e fall nesse of the term.
Tao Ttriaity Baptist Iberia at Me.
bis place in the set." Yuri has Bosom its mss twelve
We hope this article will have
the meet of bringing the valiant
e _poseot of fol Ross to his place
GB the public platform. The. Col-
ossi bre a kind heart, and will not.
reit flown on him nnneeowtaril\
and assist in preserving provincial proper -
ty and provincial autonomy by voting
bur him. He was loudly applauded at
the close of his addreaa.
A request ferMr.Johnston or'hu repre-
sentative to address the meeting ,was
answered by solemn silence.
In moving a vote of thanks to the
chairman, Mr. T. McGillicuddy alluded
to the fair and very able speech of Col
Rues. He had taken so advantage of
his opponent's absence to ridicule his pre-
tentwns, or to garble facts. He had
appealed to them on high grounds, and
he felt certain that the Colonel would
gat many more votes, ashe had already
got some, from the fairest men e+1 the
Oonsarvative party. He than told the
audience of Mr. Johneton's trickery re-
garding the Benmiller bridges, and warn-
ed them against trusting his promises.
The Conservative candidate's Rightabout
action on this question is explained in
another column.
In reply, Mr. Gledhill said that the
Mowat Government had given the fran-
chise to farmers' sons, and showed how
the Government had saved • good sum
annually to the county by the registry
ogee change. He said that a leediug
Conservative hotelkeeper un Ooderich
had told him that he was against any
radical change in the Crooks' act, as it
had help'td to make hotelkeeping a more
respectable business.
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