HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 3r 2 THE UNION IION SIGNAL, FRIDAY FEB. 9, ISA Prise Farina. governed by local eircumstauues. Mr. en newly tree of eras, Varcoe does not alumna. r fallow much, Froj�r1w tlw F.,..It ..f t1r.• .\. r.ewlai ..I I but grows a great deal •.t clover and There are two distinct claurs of peas, and Arts Asiocioti..0 foe tette j•t.t - tarns that under in tk' . fall for springhround ose with small seeds, end others ceivud, we tate it... fotl..w;n1 r.• �•rt o[ comp, or in July for fall wheat, crows bith much larg er, irregularly shaped re umlaute in August for beta. peas, the aurfece of which is wrinkled. The wrinkled seeded, or marrow It as, are as much better than the others as sweat corn In superior to bald cora. The round peas, while not as good, are much hardier and earlier than the others. Unless the soil is warns. and they germi- natequickly, wrinkled peas will decay' before they tau conte up. Thu round peaa are vastly better than no peas, and are very acceptable until the others come. Tu have early peas, they must be sown early the earlier the better. After the soil has thawed for the tient four inches. even if it is solid below, row peas. If the ground was manured and plowed last autumn, all the better ; if not. select the richest available spot, and open a drill four inches deep. Peas should be covered deeper than most other seeds. Fcr varieties, the "Early Kent" is one of the best ; it has almost as many names as there are dea'ers. "DauielO'Rourke" is one of the names of a good etrcin of this pea. "Carter's firat Crop ' le an- other good variety, and every spring new eitra early sorts are sent from Eng- land, which usually turn out to be the old "Early Kent," with a new name. The peas should be sown in the bottom of the drill rather thickly, at least one every inoh,and stunt covered with about an inch of soil. It is well to put about four inches of coarse stable manure over the rows : this is to be left on in cold days, but when it is sunny and warm, pull it off with the rake, and let the sun strike the soil over the peas, replacing it at night. When the peas sprout, gra- dually cover them with fine warm soil, placing tie coarse manure over then[ as needed, until thu towering of tail reaches the level of the surface. If a ridge of soil, v few laches higher than the peas, be drawn tip on each side of tee row, .at will 'meetly protect them from oold winds. When the plants area few inches high, draw some tine soil up to them, and stick in the brush. When the soil becomes dry end warm, the main crop of wrinkled peas tray be sown. --Dr. Thur- ber, in Amerfean Agriewlhtrat for Febru- the jutl.ca •'m 1')Ie.•• Finite en the rn- trila n.rtlu from ilii. comity. euliteUK the report of 11r.\\ Deatksro's farm. lei Tucken•sutith. uhjell it}etwarwl ise our sue of 4 ). 4.41,, lt(dll. The mope thtsyyear cou,sist of all acres of hay ; bO acres; of it heat ; 14 acres mf batle, ; it acres ..f .ata ; 4 acnes of pees ; sad 8 acre. of bead ''mops ; hal= saes in pasture. Thio the Ant farm on which re found a self -binder had been used, Mr. Varcoe haring used ouu fur J�IH4 'iaiAall. 11 I, art, rawvent r' "Y l the list four )•ears. From convenetion oousafrte with farmers we are inclined to think Tlt4.4 farm 14 situated o4) the ILaytiuld }Coad, about 444)4) mjle...utli of tio.luriclt. It consists of 111) acre-. That ('-'1(iuu of the furor ''o w1icli the buIidjugi aro situated • (4115138 en ,hty lien's, 1114' .,1 her thirty lie toetrer the .otve, and eery, at that leireel of our history in, well twu)entberr.t :mol +'i.•::4),. of 4)w the tines of the Itunem.o 4):u. when urmty 4)t our taumd :end elite;••. rcw s•, rapidly tom paper , I:o,t 4),I,. to toe u les hy the late Joh.. Hilll'..tol l'nu.rou, hat now ferias put of Mr. Selkelti 4 trite. The god is a fair tiny lam will, :t stiffish su1.-soil ; :ti,,,ut twenty acres are wised land, the balasct ule.ire L. :1 }e'atiuu of tbia farm Nae at one time very a.dt and 1.'3)1, but is now well t1'ninc.1 :44,.1 is '.4.41 arable hind. The farm generally spt-skiug is rather on the rough side, al- though the crops 1on.k pretty fait. the rest crop above 1411 average, very dean and well worked up. Mr. Salkeld wx�cs somewhat of s speciality of this dere twilit of the firm, and is quite a noted prise taker at the Exhibitions, himself and family having taken tifty- four ;tri •s At last year's ahoy. ((.ern .slid other o4)' buihliuos not IIIUCh t.. !toast off ; dwellingeliouse neat and well .elepted fur the requirmenta of the faun ; a rather moo garden and very good ,orchard, with a Targe variety of fruit, and a Dieu 1..t of •rotund • growth timber near the buildings added a good deal to the appearance of the place. Mr. Salkeld we would set down as a go ahead pushing faroer with a ,.nod knowledge of his businesa. Some parts of the farm, however, would require a good deal dune to it before it could he classed as a model farm SM. *LAIR'S else,, yORNPBIr o► 14(40*- atett. Not much can be sail stout Mr. ftlake's (ante It is a pretty good 100 acre farts of rathher stiff clay Iowa, with a retentive sob-s',il, and pretty badly out of Shape. From Mr. Blake's we were driven to Mr. Varcoe's, going by the why of Mr. Atttll's the now well known extensive farmer in the neighborhood of Ooderich. This gentleman not only farms exten- sively, but owns one of the moat valuable herds of Shorthorns in the country He began operations a few years ago by buying up Col., Taylor's herd, and since then has made very- large additions ; some of.the late importations, we were intormcd, hawing Dant for single animals as much as 16 ` In conueet *1 wits this propelty are Targe data on each side of the Maitland River, which at the time of our visit were bearing a very heavy crop of grass, which was rapidly being «inverted jute hey. Looking down from the high bank or which 63 nee is situated on which we were dnvcng, the hay -making scene appeared a very lively one. and brought to oor mints the description of the way farn.ine is carred on out "'vest." Here were all the various oper- ations necessary in bey 'tusking te be seen going en at tli ,..me time. Mow- ing nachtnev at work, hay twirlers tos- sing about the partly dried lm.y more ef- fectually than half a dozen men could t'o it, teams drawing into th' stacks, loads being put en and others being taken off. and all going on at the sante time, aria with meny finished stacks in different pare of the meadow. Requir- ing as it does a large force of men to carry oa the work in that way. it pre- sented a lively picture of farm life which a not often seen in our little Province of 1 hitarin. ?1R. ..VAscom a FARM T(W4+H1P'or ' it- ItOESr:. naowzs EnA1.. Pesisanle, Mr. Varcoe's farm is situa- ted on the Northern gravel road, four :nail a half utiles from Ooxserich. It onnsnt& of 200 acres, 165 of which are clear, and the balance wood. The mist half is a pretty stiff clay team, but has been rendered loose and friable hy.befne thoroughly nnderdrein- ed ; the west half is somewhat fighter approaching a black end sae ly loam mixed with clay. (Ivor a thou and rods of under drains have ,wen Led down, the pipes havini' been made of wood and f different sizes to suit the flow of we. r, r. Mr. Varcoe informs us that, since lou land has been drained, he can begin week from a week to ten days earlier, in a great tunny of thew labor saving ma - chilies will be bought for next year's harvest. 'rhe harvest of this year, hav- ing Leen so costly and tedious to take up, lino mndu farmers more in earnest in leaking about for some cheaper and easier method of haudliug it. The self - hinder has also leen at much improved upon of late years that there is now comparatively little risk in purchasing, provided the farmer sees the machine working and judger by the actual work performed, iustead of allowing himself to be guided by the interested advice of agents. We would say that, considering that Mr. Varcoe only purchased this foul twelve years ago, it is astriking illustra- tion of whet labor rightly directed and farming o4) correct principles will ac- toutpltsh ; this is more noticable as Mr. Varcoe is in delicate health, and una'de to perform manual ialror. tsgasabaw$ Tara. This is how lir. Meredith earned the title of"Right About" In 1880 he said: `I will at all times give my cordial sup- port to the asrertio n by the Government of the just claims and rights of the Pro- vince, and to all neces.ttry and proper measures to vindicate such just claire" and rights, and to ettatetia the award of the Arbitrators. In 1881 he .aid : "It is the duty of the Government of Ontario to assert and maintain the just claiessand rights of the Province of Ontario as determaneel by the award of dee Arbitrators, and I hereby re -affirm my determination to give my cordial support to the Government of Ontario i4) any step which it may be necessary to take to sustain the Award, and to assert and maintain the just slaloms and rightta of the Province as thereby declared and determined." In 1882 the oommand was given liy his Ottawa drill master, "Rightabout Turn," and Mr. Meredith turned his back on his pledges, and on his native provinee, with a promptness that speaks well for his docility and the discipline maintained by his superiors. But the people of Ontario want some- thing more than a weU drilled machine to guard their interests and protect them in their rights and privileges, and as a consequence they are not likly to trust the management of their affairs to Mr. Meredith. -{Sarnia Observer. tallaalsa ,Rebated If the Toronto Mad has any oonseieuce about it, it must have been tolerably well agitated during the past two weeks. The shower of insults which it poured uoen the heads of the delegates to the Reform Convention must have returned on itself with ten -fold violence. Not meraly have the Reform journals resented its cheap, insults, but every respectable Cou .ervative newspaper worthy of the name has joined in the hue and cry. If there were any delegates from elsewhere whose appearance night have warrented the Mail's sneering.criticum, they were oer- tainly not from Lambkin. Nor do we wish to claim any special superiority, and believe tI.at all were like the repre- sentatives from thiel county---athorou. ly respectable, intelligent and respusaie tx.dy of gentlemen. But the Mnt[seems to have a capacity for patting its foot in it, and this is not its first success in that direction. If it has the good If a broad, enlightened liberal conservatism at heart and less party galloper, it weight do those it wishes to support very mueh more good. As it is now conducted it morel) pleases 'certain ruffianly -Clement to be found in every party and society, alhenatea res- pectable adherents, and precludes all hope of making converts to its own cause. We have no doubt that hy this time it ill deeply regretting its foolish remarks. Mad if it was honest enouuh would tneke the amends honorable.-fFerest Free Press (COISM'rytitiee). Ont., barber, appeared before the P M. Mr. James 44'urthtngtun, 4)l Le don, BEII O T S I.. yesterday with his son, a youth of *bowl 13 years. The old man had a rope Ma- o arvuud his own body s.. as to insure the safe delivery of the lad before the P.M. Ile requested His Worship to send the lad to the Reformatory.for seven years. It was impossible to do anything with hits; he. wouldn't go to school ; he abus- ed his father acid mother and, in fact, was given to all the bad habits imagin- able in one so young. The Police Mag- istrate informed the father that he was the proper person to care for the boy and the beat tkiug he could do was to to 1:t'(4e 11111 home and whip hint. tned to the boy and then fastened A Geed Offer The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treaties, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderfnl Frowth of the rix (heat States. The book is beautifully printed, and numerous en gravtngs of high merit adoru its pages. Any one sending their name and address with two three -cent postage stamps Will receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. fit are. Carter's Little L..iver Pills have uo equal as a prompt and positive cure foe Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipa- tion, Pain in the Stde, and all Lifer Troubles. Try them. WORRIED BY w Doo.-OnFriday a smart little boy of about seven years, a son of Mr. Page, London, bookkeeper for Dr. Moore, was skating along the sidewalk on Adelaide -attest. when a dog sprang out of the gateway, initialled on the boy, catching him•by the shin. The beast then threw the poor lid down, and worried him the same as a terrier would *hake a rat, only letting go his hold in otder to take a fresh grip of .he boy. In another minute the boy would have had his whale face eaten off had not a brave woman issued from a *tame close by, armed with a stick of stove -wood, fearlessly attacked the dog, who relin- quished his hold and ran off A doctud was speedly on the spot. The entire cheek on one side hung down. and • it is doubtful if the bay's eye on the tame side an be saved. The dweir made the beat job he could of the chin and cheek, being obliged to etich both of them. Should he live through the friulttful In- juries, the poor little fellow will be fear- fully disfigured for life. Says Dryden : "She knows her man, and when you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a sinvle hair." But it must be beautiful hair to have ench power ; and beautiful hair eau be ensured by the use of ClxuAi•Rc* HAIR RENEWER- Sold at 50 cts. 0y J. Wilson. 2m Nes me forget that at your Druggist's you can always obtain DR. VAN Beezx's KIDNEY CURE. It is the only known remedy that speedily relieves all Kidney Diseases, end if persisted in will effeet a permanent cure. Sold hy J. Wilson, Guderich. Meetay et,ratae. As s rule we do not recommend Pa- tent Medicines, b'.t when we know of one that is a public benefactor, and does positively cure, then we consider it our duty impart that information to a11. Electric Bitters are truly a most valua- ble medicine, and will surely care Bil- iouanesa; Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Connplatlttts. even where all other remedies frill. We know know whereof we speak. .end tan freely recommend them to all. -Exch. -Sold fifty, coats a bottle by J, [61 Be advised in time, and de net eau* what may appear to you as a simple bark ache nuw,to run into adisease of the Kid- neys, which iovariablyproves fetal in the end. 1)r. Van Buren s Kidney Cure will at once ease your pain and positively prevent these unfortunate results. Take it at once. Any :Druggist will have it. the afrtag, 4)a well as continuing later in ASt Lan* lawyer whose uniform cone- tfall tray is nae of his distinguishing traits Tho fences ate all either board 4)r won a suit iii thecranmal court the other herbed wire, ezcopt around the woods day w en and ono cross fence of about twenty chains, having 500 rode of barbed wire fencing with poste eight feet apart and one board on the Dotes m twelve inches wide, Red four wires above ; besides the wire feneiug there are R80 reds of board and picket fence. There are three acres of an orchard, •hrifty looking with a large• variety of tartest, includir g 100 peach trees. nervier ire, apricot, quitub A, pour, plow, cheep and apple trees, be4dea which there aro fort gra vines, which were !wilily loaded with large clusters of grains, and a eared stook of smaller fruits. t'o.nsider*hle work has been done in way of pleating shade and erne- t.tel teres. The different aorta stwoh,el .-.1 .are hhsck sob ri ter a few 5I s willow (the iris's gp.ea) and teens. gsa�t Peoapbatea area y • The stock besides working horses we. row r.. se and nerve fan'/ �y.sls enmities et a' tattle, Durham it•adms H heolphltes 4)551105 bee itnfM Fo rah a Prince.% hull bredby Merin Snell M.- le week,. & lion. Wiese to Nee tease. Tweli►y-eight sheep, Cotswold ant: Tao mach tatrlir.t M mid 44f the et et Leicester erodes, with a few South-derwa f d mother, constantly Leonides From ten to fifteen cattle are Renally fattened ; list winter thirty - `even pits *ere ted, and I...rk tieing his* it. paid well. The buildings are either all new or beilt within the last six rearm. they are well can t nice sod k g end pleasant- nvenier.t. The ly infested. The system rf fsrniing la snnlew•l.et similar to that practised on moat of the Fenno veered, heat is mixed husbandry and 'h the verdict acquitting h client had been read he arose and in his meet `impressive manner bowed N, the jury and exclaimed, "(Ientleme'n, thank• y,u1. When they had retired Judge Van Wagner called the lawyer to the bench and said to him • "I hope I shall never see another such exhibition in this court, sir." The lawyer uturmured that petiteness was always in place. "You are mistaken, "yon have se more replied to. the judge the ,wry when you win nein you Neve to damn the jiffy when you loss.". 1 VALUDS 111 IIST1MATTNC. THE 1 rotative Talue or Wheelers Pbwpeser, ■*A Calfseiti stet 14ypnphoserhltea 111 treatise debility, mast avoid atrveltatne preDarenjous Maes this wont like opines asp abohm, to. det3esa tent ferling of huoyeeel. wMS ik IS stat result of permanent t*Morsttve pyN evmem be epp tae Mer ea• ee- wk/sa mem be kept up or Ale AYER'S Cherry Pectorals ND -SHOES At the Oldest Established Shoe i4trtn.-it 'Cow u. Windless V6y •iet In tc salt tLu moat fnatidtuus awl the num,eeeeao.ioWryer MY WINTER STOCK Is how complete, and 1 take pleasure in infunrmie ray :asta.ex-i that at no p' vi,uR time have 1 had such a. Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality shad Lowered the Price it is a positive tact that no such velue in loot wen even w put elsewhere CUSTOM W Off. of every_grade still receives my prompt and ireful enmities, sad will in the moat approved styles by brat -class workmate. se ,l of the very beat material obtai•able. No other complaints are so insidious in tb.tr w tack as those affecting the throat and Isaias : none so trifled with by the majority of suf.rers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trilling or unconscious exposure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. Aimee CHsa 4)t er.. ;.RA,. tins well pmvelt 113 seemmy W a forty D O u n' OE e soon INVES'IMFNT. You will [Satre Money, by Buyien Yous Groceries Pri,isors AT D. FERGUSON'S I .A.MILFI'0N�Z'�ii :.ET - We 10 4 New Selling This Ssw/a's NEW 1T' From 'l4lct4 per Tt. t ' ' eta New Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar; fc- W4tl be S.'1 1 Pr• t'urt4 i'a nel'irrap ' Extra Fawily Flour year.' tight with throat, and lung 4iseasee, and et.•u ! be taken in all cases without delay. • A Terrible Cough Cured. • • • • I.. tx-: I took a severe cold, which aced my Inoue. 1 had • terrible eougk, passed after night without sleep. 1'he doctors gave ire up. I treed Alien%OtinanaY PacroaALe ielt re'nered my lungs, encased sleep, and afforded me the rest uecessar for the recovery of my strength. by the continued use of the Pltrr0UAL a. perma- nent cure was ettected. 1 am now 61 years old, hale rust hearty, and sen *Waned )our CRAZILY t'&cT',UAL saved we. I).. GACr: F.atr.BROTH*J1." Tto•cklrntbatn, VR, July 15, fatal. Creep, - A Mother'', Tribute. 'oldie in the eou.,try Litt winter my little t4rc' years old, wan tskeu 111 with croup; i4 ....mrd Rs 11 be would die from straaplati°a. one Lit the fanOly suggested the use of Ar'a*'. "sante psCTonAL, a bottle 01 auks sea. 5) env• kept in the house. This was tried In small an,l frequent doses, and to Mir delight to leseema 41•11 an hoer the little patient was eremitism nue ',Uedoctor said that the l'niKI1Y PC(T',RAL I�� l a1►..1 nn darling's life. Can you w-ouder at 4).n: araalttde:' siucerelp yours, blab. ¥*31.4.tir:ME -" leo West L'Sth Si., New York, Uay 16, s1atl1Sas Given Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. Kings New Disc:every for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, have been given *way as Trial Bottles of the large size. This enormous outlay would bo diaastr•ta to the pro- prietors, were it not freer the Fere merits possessed by thio wonderful medicine. C*11 at Wilson's drug store, and got a Trial Bottle free. and try for yourself. It never fails to cure. (5! In Peuusyl.anla, at least love staking on Sunday is legal. It has so been de- cided by the Supreme Court of that State oil a recent breach of promise awe, in which the defendant set binding he pis a that the proposal it was made on Sunday. The court said that in courting on Sunday paw could be ap liod, and gate the girl a verdict for 8.75. It is well far the young hien to understand the law. •' 1 have mid Area's Ctrr'Rry PSC -TORSI. I. le my foroily .or aesersl years,and •!o rut hesitate to r -nonuse sit the Meal effct nal egerses frit' coughs .i..LN,P have ever trie.i. ake Greats,, bums., Match 13,t144.1Cr..t�E... l suffered for eight years trout Bronchitis, and v t• r trying many retnedie* with no success, 1 was eured by We use of AYER'S raer a WALD01`"L nyhal.s. bliss., April 6, Ibs2. "1 cannot any enough .'. praise of Al hit's revere !err-moist,obeltrvtna as 1 do that bat for its ere 1 should long roues have died from how trn•ibles. R. 1i5Anti0' " Pale*1iI ,'reran, April :, II+ -.t• \o case DI au affection nt the throat or lungs e •..d, which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of t rrtt's'C.wtlway Proro*AL, and it wiHeald dis CM), whoa the diorama ts not already boy control of medicine. 1'QRPA Rr« RY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by al: Druggists. X25 per 1.00. lhz- A Full Supply. of Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Drain, Shoff,, eta. Always on rata,. The Best Quality of Coal Oil c the Very Lowest Pricds. SEEMMILLZR 111 S. H� & Gb. Ch iI l e d P l o e.1` PxuvxtlsTaltrslu.ref+ AGRICULTURAL WORKS... (LATLJ41P, tlt'te ) - -AND- Beletoreturn their. thanks to the publi.. thaliberal patronage received during Ike Y.'• ,laving purehased the Ooderiob Youndry, year, and to stats they an pes),nsad to dt am Attine the premises for the manufactur o CT3ILI.SI) LOWS and AORTCUL.TUILA 1 1 I l]e iMYLt1[ENTS on • large scale. Mill Work General I ines and Jobbing wilt be eon on the shortest Notice, or for the conveeleat. ed. All' work ruaranteel. lino of pa -ties living -at a distance will exuhanne Mr.1).Ruuonctmanis1heentsand gewty'manaittltorix^ I greets at their town aeras hallfofrthe late firm of Rondonia%r4 Cu., an e on be I. all prowess Indebted are requested to graver` themselves accordinttly. q.4hEfeetIeeeere 'Highesa price paid kir. wheat X Proprietor. lulc 1'1". M. Nhasar,lA. Nasoni;. block, East fit Godcrisb "Why should saran whose bloc la warn[ within Sit like his grandaire cut in alabaster?' Or let h.a lair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "Crw1Absn* RENswsa" will Blake it grow the hater. Furse hy' J. [til- son. People with gray h'llr may toetca1 from the world the. feet that they ere 1.e• coining a rood ease ng on M decay, hy the 4)t of Hall's Hair Reoweer. It is a fact that this article renews, cleanses brightens, inrigerstes and rrw`ores faded or gray hair tee its voutbfwl color and htatre,,choaply quichlyand aureate faithfulwife an watching and raring for her dear eine., Pries plop centi a both- Rol hf c4) letting t single duty in their Rhyne* With evety bettl e f Dr Carson* Carson* l- j ., • ilea* �poat7 Oaufth DMps, a *ample le is . , eyes (res of charge. 1f, *fame u� the 1 • 1 t�buttie, you are err! sati.fih1 with its `` affect, you cart return the large kettle to y..nr dealer who w•jll refnnd the mossy• Thousand' chit testify t' its, ►a , 1..r>M prompt sweets in curia (llhtghs. t'oltj4 ` Broschilis etc. if you sttfie( try them I -• d ,4 - 1 $600.00 Dewar& GODERICH BOILER WORKS. I we will tipsy the above :fur' t asd tlr 4)y ace Lltlrl,.wq•laint• Ityspe fife[ Chrystal 8: Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT 1*4 RLL GLEN New ROiLRft' and SALT YANH Mali Ufa( turedjon ahuttast notice. --- �a All kinds of,p Ri"lnn ft e" Pro;, cedar ' health Wealth ! personal supervision of the Pro;u room P Ie., all .lar Pracricai Workmen. rat tIee..(baettpatl er,(blelveneer we cannot care with West's ajee Liver Pula. �1etsnA when tie dlrvrtlon•, are it t plied alta They,,...t�••••• purely Veget-.tae, never fall to give Waitron Mr, W oalastk (write llo8,.. tt��oontafnius; Yrs 1'i114 8°.ocots. or sale by all ilrttprtlids. Beware otconsemeet$s Aug mita lingger� Tlu• 'rennin., iaS,nuftneturel only ►y JOIRS ('. W Ly1T fit 411w This Pill Makers; Si end e'4 Nang `it. 'east. Toronto. Ont. Y'rs.- tocol p.'asguari.1 melt Wwpakl on et cetpi • e; %,t eco' slants. YM Kate at It ss.tsesata SI't1: wrote:. Dever S. jgh' a- When they air Wailed by da - ease, ani ttie ej$tem should have a thoryuph tllMttsint, the atontaeh and bowels re[twillted, allied ponritie•1. and eetlrmhtated, she must belief Bitten are the only sure y. They are the heat and purest. mediate.• in n4rt d by he ere W alsod [+w4) nom fifty cant. j4 Mrs. Moerthnr, ef HSass re ' gaidiing Ilaggatct's Tectonf BRlaam that 1 she would not kNts hoarse without It ah I can nal *peek td( hIghty et its merits t• a remedy for ('"1d*, Coeglie.Cu Bronchitis, A"thma, weak lunge and all pnAwttary lrieabees. A cold may he en-"! ly it la ore dal 1 Tor sale by JAS W 11i.it(t:g P. 0. Box 100 17'4- 1:11,1 7q- s r6rv3� f�vt tPel is C PR. E. C. W,.RT'e sisiz%Y. AYI, AI; 'FarAs Iraww s.rttera*j••oil s ,Alerts, III. ' Hgneiss, ('oils nlslute, Fda, ,i Neural,gfa. twi[rio•. Nmtfsa Proot1 iA►y{•aweed b� tile .4)e 4)T{ nlcoln.1 or labs.vo. W s*dfulnrns, ea tat 1)epressior• t +aliening 01 the Brain. result Ire in meso it' sad leading r4) `misery. dee*, and dant*. IYveselure 014 Barrinne.r. Low, ofPower tositheroics, In ntaryInfers sad sprue aa.mbo.s. ceased bs Aver -4 •erttee. of the. hr•aln, •elfalmae 4)rintre.enteiareee (tae ben '.►.{ilei• rpt est wean, *awl' box rate teinn on. ..ort.141 i renlmehr.'OW dollar a boa. or ai' tao.,lf '•4..to cellars • I s msi1 pre y X- pyo*s$den ,:.••,..p tee pMer. Ail+°ftem'n',?'' d. A e '1� L. �• a o.l ,� • S y hoewe h..•e.•* Mi ''$Ir. W$th ' I. order re C ow %,eull"4 Ss+lMrriTMrcr••.5FrrAA1,.r.le-d *W. ave dwtlrr+. ear wlsl seAd �y��t n I **r ens I. sl �. writM, tsuvrwetrelnt.MMi 1W ;:;':::.In'fsea. y if rat taws[ftw l.7ses ` nteaw• 'b off -t1' °1; •.. = ' = f Mauer ear, iyi antaery•tfi (C$ �' - s& 4'(ll.44-' O OW$PIO.ya"Berl'a ii L - y ,� � � fw � � k o'oc, a!• p inn. 77 � x ` i ,: ° ~ ti ... ray's Specific mdicin� p ii rTss � M • t- e 3 i?. TOADS mARk Il.o..r,,,, toe MASE r g ff y' ., o f+! v«• ° M 6 ea r ¢. ,.r, w ti .4 s' �' i• n �• d a n i 1 i - a• ai a ri = ; I _ �7 21 1a J 5a"Nst :� e w ;s ° ':r ri Niiiii .0",„ c g 3 4:1!t? to - i ..,a a'I d4.......•. r A i 1111111111.1 nt s .•roup 1/11/1twde. 1'• .in e, ff mat :. s i45., Pt'remnt'1 .• t n;eny n4.1'.‘: •waw that lead to .••s.o•»a a f etl�al.4 a pretna'..r. .:. 1 dr. .1 ser t�a,1�l•ai. ' w lin. I. ear tttaske�t� lyr 1S}' .5 q mail 1" , . r' ." . The l4 '. fee f+ t _ b G M i I ata4A bywllrf• .Yas•ta *1 N Pea „ • •-. • r oil i !f 4 ae ,for lett welt ►a tr., r writ g• 'e1 r �,, 7 u 14 olio• • •Inst by lee 4,�-,...... • ,.. s, x e Q y ,. . ,, �T OR 1t'sttarit'tY?:t .rT..%,..