HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 2t' HE H U ItUN sI N AL . FEB. 9, 1883.
..A ('alt' ot• the Ma''at• tem
shine so •newly pure, our the snrnmer
beers seem so full of luscious charm as
iu those bewideringly lair and beautiful
hours when Love and Youth tint met,
QI (iitliettt' and walked, and talked, and diranied in
bliss together.
" Darling,'' said Malcolm, after a
lengthened pause, straining his eyes
across the western belt of ocean, "see,
the clouds are driving down on the hills
of Morveu. It looks lowering. Shall
we return
Yes, i think so, Jlaleulm," outoniati-
caUy responded the maiden, and casting
Thy afternoon being tiue,l and the
roads dry, a proposal made bjr Malcolm
that they should walk the leis tk. of 1(al-
aehltlish was gladly acceded tit by Heltw,
and wrapped in happy thougha the fond
pair sau'ttered leisurely slang the wind - hen gaze across the avidly stretch ,.f sea
ing avenue of the Glen indul,lilatt to- which lay' west of theta, she saw what
wards each other the co►npliment,•. cc to
ammo .11i1.8 welch had indicated--thata
usol to lorine hearts. alarm of wind and ruin was fast settling
The ttr'pearuice of the Glen is these
over the d:ukei.ing testers.
distant day's was very much the satue as .. \%•e la, a'u still time to reach the
it now is. Only a huge convulsion of
uature could effectively alter its sublime
physical features. The holder and more
striking aep ects of nature as revealed to
the eye of man in the sea, the I.:eh-bound
Coolly Ml.•irr. of Late Increase la Slru.
lamer of IIYe *•-Palled l'SHY tf %keel•.
Statistics do not support the assertion
that the festival of St. Valentine is de-
generating. New York has for a long
period eejuyed a monopoly in the valen-
tine trade, u firm there hiving the proud
distinction of takhng the initistiae step
in their manufacture. Philadelphia
also tomes in for a share of roet,geition
iu the production of the mach used and
ofteu abused ,alentino.
At the present time three New York
firms issue nine -tenths of these little
tokens which find their way t,, all parte
of the globe. They can be trade very
expensive, but this mainly depends upon
the size and contents of the purchaser's
• Well,' darling, before the rain comes wallet, and the value placed upon the
down. Let us hasten back in the dlrec- object of adore:iim.
tion r:f Glenschaolais. In half an hour
the wind and the rain will be on us ; but
we bate yet ticue. Come
shore, anti -the everlaatiug 1•11196, clranQie They both rose to lea, when a nlist hug
not with the{sasage of centuries. Thu noise amongst the thick whin brusliiseed "Why," he nail„ "I aou't expect you to
northem:tenantainramparts which barrel meaetu he one su him:
that the coal
beltr`sul theta art -acted their attenti. o, believe it, though --the three firms in. shall be held by him: Mr. Plumb raid,
the eonquefu:, progress of tete !Zeman and they were both cut much aur rieei NevYork di ose.�f over 200,000 rocs
legions still defiantly uplift their •'suer y Y P "h• ) v •u wiU'unJerataad where the coal has
t.. see tit, figure of a loan stealing away in Americ alone in s unpile sca•.ii. gone to then the .pbestten 1s settled.
red maQnif Oei.lcu" to henvea, uuehatt;pel from their presence with the speed of a They :pre afterward sent all over the )Sr. Plumb probably tied net sow that his
r towards the coveting lo.nu lit wurl� but of course u u
royal fol of Canute heedless of his an adjacent ravine. say where they all eo to; but ..c sell nicer truthful when put iu au they way.
It was the work of only tun swords to
fling on his hat and reach the street ; but
it was too late. An bout's 11 eel work,
including u walk to tete of the depots,
failed to turn up the utas who had
money to leave instead of a bill t., col-
lect. 'lino boy over there was l.a..kiu,g
touch cast down yesterday.
Pl.arb caws a T▪ w▪ o based %waid.
The Peel &,tour shows ep Mr. .1.
Burr Plumb's logic thus :--
"Mr. J. Burr Plumb was nue ••f the
speakers at the Cotieerretivo Convention It
held here on Monday last. In the et n• to
of his speech he illustrated what the evil- i
sequence would be if the stipulatieu
made by Mr. Alowat to the Ottawa Gee -
eminent - that the territory should be
placed in his kande while the question o1
the boundary line was under c,atsidera-
tion by the Privy Council 'were agreed
One of the largest ntanufaeturers says t.,, He compared it to a !icon ..f co•1
that the yearly soles of :he falle�•atl1 pout whicl%tllera is a diapnrte between
comic" vafentint•s cx eed by far tit two men, who agree t., rifer thequustioe
conibiued orders for all other varieties, Aowuerdhip en %mother, but in the
noels fee Me Girls.
Dont Hitt.
D n't talk slang.
Don't put on airs.
Dau't learn to be ersuky.
Don't try to arrest attpidiuu.
Dti�i't think it's pretty to bo pet t.
Dob't wake a drudge a your mother.
Dunt toy "nu" when ylou ocean "yea.
Dont meddle will, other people'.
Don't :let Lee too Much time to it rel
Don't u,ako :t fright of v.•uraelf to be
n faslli•mt
as of OW. n ren which inva.led file hill dee t t g g a impossible t illustration was eyttally as pouted and
kiugly luh4'l.e-&till ai.uslie.. the island. Malcolm, atupecting espionage, made thelia, and that's enough for us. u
upp,uute a were thus said : Two tutu
V Issrourar1' ine'we.---One of the.
in t important functions of the animal
Koom any is the deport ive actime of the
Kidneys, if they are obstructed in their
work great suffering and daugeroes
disease sna'tes, such as Deist', Diebetcs,
Bright' Deeseu and litany •.thcr painfulof edit s. D. Hut suffer fnae Lance
Back d i,esetlte Kidneys, when Bur
dock Blois: Il,it.•i&1 -1. -o I tees;sly upoli
the K1inc- •. L.vei It.ae::i fail all the
se em mire. to 11 v rambles: health
t .the , bi • es'., 2
Tu t: 1 lime eajjj►►►u prep.&
rtti..,. • •t .:- ,, ipt*%sal wont
cover•, . .. , ta.• :.1,41:40:7
.►t+su: is sfll.rd.,
and .• .,..•••a , :1 d1tmlr iu kite
net . I; co•n'a Itiency
I. • w, ndu:tu'. ti•i
Don't pick uo chanee anpinuitenree eu
the .tin -t.
Don't look en every young man as a
good uatured ice creatu freeser.
Don't run down your girl friends in
their absence ; it is a uaignty mean trait,
Don't make up your hind to he sweet
to everybody's bry her but your este
Don't marry a utas who it no evt:.
dent w.tr of supporting you. I,.ve • u
ata y:e'en principles ass played out 1•,ng
ago. .
Dour 1..3e y.au heart ton '.ne, 4.
Darwinian specimens who parte his hair
in the middle. Plenty ..1 •m.., rent
wires, wait and you'll get mutt
Dont beast of your iguurao.. f
household others In the present . -
shores of Britain. The stars of hcatcu la quick start in the direeUuu of the iv- Valentines retailing for over ego are of .ociet . there is Le surer atesele
which sjt me darn on the •ativity of i treating figure, but was restrained tr, lit out c.a t iu st•x.:., Wesec,il•ey are aetdom t referred
wont a heap of coal ; it has Loamthat ty. y r . b
Christ st.11 slriue -anti shape their silent referred to arWRntun and decided fFiri t
P' I putanit by the fiction of the initialed f re, bet txeiets ler upon eAjeu - - _- _ _ amt near► t.. se& mans altar b� d, s ir. i
k t st bek,s f W ♦ bat li artists how it y s w • b. AO AY* of tase7.asr. b u nu
the :a g:v.c.1I..r, .1 ;�1 could
not i. • . .r 1. 73 et- it.tt.ie. Fuld.
by 1; • 1: Y.M •.., ,e surest for 13,elt•
rich. n
c sure&-ui the lustrous Judean s les. t. , •
ussideu, R..t dull. Lint and delayed sive waristies ere by ne,msas ut'com- i refuses to abide bs, tate 1s+oisinn, „tad
Alan, 'the called !eel of creatiot� `km steps. mot!. .A Toronto s'at!cner heal u• eft fhe While to is using the coal. The
ounces and goes as the parsing winds. "No, no, Malcolm,' she breathlwei baud several r frutn $'23 to $$fa '
Only within the ;tett cities of the wart!' exclaimed '' stay by me : with you 1 ate �tuL '�ldtyst'ct0 ami w mks=+ where will the
These when coal s second decision duos he succeed in rearing temples which safe.•• tee reaen.blance 1-, the ,, Peery -clay %a- %tainted! This better, ie tho correct it -
.outlive hitnself.• rIu the earlier and ruder There w:a a tine of unnecessary „lana I lentiue " 'to be seen ie store windows' lust rat u a„d i is a t extraordinary
agricultural life communities, the glut!
el ant tl turf h il- 1
txtUt the 1 f 1 11 d11'u Wiry *iR►tteUy hylomas, and for whom
profuse ornamentation in gold deter,
what til, M Mamas. stn 4 obtaint
s completed will bear hot lit -1 t after thed d is ob
the y sts of winter torah .••--t
the calories influence of the ear '• :sp.,
so dies Bright's Diseese, Busse
in the Kidneys and Bladder, reed
illation of the Kidneys, leave kits beady
upon the administration of Dr. \'aw Ee-
n•u's Kidney Cure. S. 1.1 by J. %Glees.
in iter woe,is st'.aicb just pereeptil,ly sur They at, w'urka i f art, caakni-.haprei• thine, that an asearably of urea belonging
iy, ..r ce lir -. enc, a,nne c•.nstt- 1 posed Mateohn. The cltsm en his tire.- with au elegant .:over, 1.u•. d wee will uteri the simple villages, or doffed like l to /►ntanu, to whom this disputed ten•i-
, lection, however, was artleaady p.ut, and! tiiuita reel velvet truaml besides
e ::1 . v tee g tun ems, s, ail ! unconsciously cc mntanled him. For
i great pass of Ode eternal- I hivaelf he bad n . fear. But for her and artificial flowers. while the valen- r l striving , i i ,
• oul not 1willing o to
h 1 t urn be i lin t l toa
1 looked two r w e rr
a ke I t It n err -w r
y y Item/red year* n_ it very 'safety, if there was a lurking daua;er iu tine. gaudy in hilt lace Payr :. reposes" �pro- ,
-nue:: el/pears to -day-- - :t 1 mg. narrow I the incident, he rnuat curb high his bight j tle. •
pettyspeaker, edea:or e; to atgrte Om
gorge .;le•eiu, wrapped within the ice- I. spirit and restrain arsutt. il party re, einet-niirq theirs, but that they
P' I A handrwd'd.dlar valentine, a h 'ugh ! word. not nuly with
pending..ad.�wr of l.recipituus and al- ••A s„ he Lt am,,,
l %eerie t .,,,
pea -
most impaseihle mountain ranges, with aT' si1' angrily . •'an1 1 a variety, is net unktwwn, and a leading aawnt but with we Is it
1 ah , ld have felt happy se thrashing the politician, is said to .have id this sura
1� Bible that such s likrtase coned happen
black -faced ghee , and cattle scattered i wretched kern --for certainly he's no true a'fuw year, eines fur a beautiful epeci- t rf Ontario ; and this ods be' dose
onaon;g.t ti.e farzy dices, ant with turf- Ivan of the Glen. Some dark skieuedI turn ••:beep was sent to hitt piece thh`r til h d f I 1 1 Rhynes.
the cause of death. Tt is know«
moat toe certainty that in fa dram'
the individual dies either l,y t hratn,
heart or lun ni. How wtae that . the
effort t maintain w perfect state of
health ( Dr. Carson's Stomach ask
l)ematipstiowt ISitt.re wee • .ertIabla
'• Heath latter." They free the sys-
tem from alt inipuntaes ; cure Bilious -
Inese, Dyspepsia, and .11 diseases of the
1 Stomach, Liver or Bowels. In Lame
!,little• et 50 cents. C„lil by t laa.rge
chocked :achaes Tooling at wide i tier- I rue}{ ant colic wppr•rt u party t
.{ gipay man, I daresay, lir p:•ssible some I purchasers of these costly tribute, of u pitiable sod huntiliatinit ; pitiable that
Pe bis wanelenn • arberluuz►e tf t k
vale of space at their sheltering se. g g .' w ec ion are known, :inning the names threes whom we respect as gaud bttsiees.'
1t was a Sabbath afternoon, is we have I hope so, ' tremblingly retponded i two prominent railway magnates eunapi- men should of their own tree wiU be de -
Raid, and as the lures passed by the Helen. 1 cuously fi:'rre. The store valuable cal- paved of their, property andhumitiating
foot of the utast little village of Inrercoe "You hope so ' rejoined' Makulut, a 1 ent-ea viten display Y that this •sent should be given merely to
�J } y great ingenuity of
--%there \1'Iaa himself,, resided-ma:ty slight tone of surprise shown in hist workmanship, and changeable scenes -
1assist a man to keep himself in :power;
and happy- were the •kind greetitees they voice. "It mould be nous else than a are vividly portrayed by means of enTf-
received from the groups. of clansmen and that this ratan for wham they sacrifice
g 1 garberlunzie man, ..r a gip»y tinker. j nus wechanisua. A favorite life -like their righu . a man entirely destitete of
...ted along the road or lolling on the "Yea," thickly asseutee the maiden, picture is the voyage from the "cradle nobility of mind, who, rather than Inge
warn! grass- auxiuus -to dismiss the subject ; "let. nal to the grave,' which, in its effect, ep- power and pusitiou, will betray the peo-
The stalwart encu of lnvera,e all knew, uush . n.. Could she be thinking of the I sn aches realism.
ple of his native province and give their
Malcolm well, and loved him lunch, insidious workings of a rivals wiles ! � As a matter r.}' fact, however. the vaien inheritance to soother.
Apart from his personal charm, which I Dismissing further thought of the in- l' tines meeting the largest sale among the
was great, he was the favorite of their i cident, the lovers at once diverged from I gilt -lace and pace -leper variety are those . yew alas* Pencils are Made.
beloved Chief, and whom he loved they the main road, and turned their steps; which effect the pocket the least -from
most willingly worshipped. southward in the .lirection f the Mellita of slate pencils are used every
tive t.. nventy•tice cents being about the I
Paasint; en they by-and-hy,cresae.l a' " Well," which lay very much in the 1 limit of human credulity. • I year by the buys and gels in school in
this country, and yet probably but very
few of our young readers know how
these useful articles are manufactured.
Like maty' other thiugs in everyday use
they 'tee made up of odds and ends.
Broken slate from the quarries is put
into a mortar run by steam, and puunled
into small particles. Thence it goes in-
to the hopper of a trill. which runs it in-
to a bolting machine. such as is used in
flouring mills, where it is bolted, the fine
almost impalpable flour that results be-
ing taken into a mixing tub, where •
small quantity of steatite soapatone)
ti,ur manufactured in a s}utila; manlier,
is added, arid the whole is then wade in-
to a stiff duuuh. This duughia thorough-
ly kneaded by passing it several times
netween iron rollers. Thence it is car-
ried to a table• where it is made into
charges -that is, short cylinders, four to
five inches thick, and containing from
eight to ten pounds each. Four of these
The Pre yarseat.r'• Reward art: placed in a strung iron clamber or P
.mall wooden bridso of flue most primi- , line of retreat chosen by the figure whose The most extensive unannfactery in
tive rustic architecture which over -arched presence had thus momentarily dtecon- America is located in Brooklyn, where 1
in onesjaan the murmurous and rapid- certed them. ; about fifty hands, chiefly composed of 1
running stream of of the Cote, •r Cone, - In a very short time they had entered young ladies, are always employed the I
year round. They evit.ce undoubted ex-
pertness in fatthiuning sundry bits •,f
paper into a perfect and beautiful pie-
strains of his lofty harp with its strong l green brushwood with which the chain ture, and are well paid in return. Che
voice as it rushed down the Glen to min- i ed `• Well ' was &o fantastically everach • tuore laborious operation -.f • -stamping-
which is to -day as fresh and bright and t the Reclusion of Glenachaelais, and were
musical in its flow as when the white- suddenly standing within the impending
haired t l;siaii blended the seblime .hallow .,f reeks, alder trees, and thick
gle its water, ,s itli the tidal Hos-let Loch !ea and ci;wreathed• , ii, dune by men. . The order now receiv-
Leven• (ihlumitn• was already begiuuing to, ed &how a large ieer,ase over many prep-- '
Beyond that lay the. "Ferry ' at Mala- ' shade the secluded spot, and several stars i imus season&.
cbulish, and reaching that point, they i were faintly discovered in the sky, which! Among the -new designs m coati.: cal- !
still wandered ,leisurely on along the 1 was fast ;:hanging from a soft saffron hue I entines, the cigerette smokers" come - in �•
beautiful and richly-w,.oded south shore 1 to an angry tire rctleeted-loukiug color. , for a liberal share ....f ridicule, while ••The •
tf the sea Loch. ;t.\ hocam•an ran through the Glen, and I,extravagantt; woman,' .•An eavesdrop- 1
" The water looks see !aright, and ! the forest trees in the near vicinity seem- per," and a "female' billiardist' are]
fresh, attd puce," remarked Helen, as a ed stirred will' some unexplainable feel-. roundly excoriated in shockingly bad
bend of the noel diy-erged their aimless . ing of fear' thymi`. Others of the wale variety are ,
steps tottarc}s a beautiful miniature sea I "The sierie is approaching us, re- , inuet groes in caricaturing the whiskey ,
bay, crisp .pith tinted shells and snow- marked Jial.ubu. !'Let us pledge, uur,drinker, biiliatd player. tine masher., et I
white pe'iWcs, auu,ugat which tho en- ' mutual betrothal, and hurry back home. • i flee genes rune. i
atvored tiny wavelets. were ,toying uitii A slight shade of trouble einittrrs. sed
fond dalliance of a seeming here. the maiden's manner as she extended
her hand iu the act of plight. The ;de Tl.c w,-3tern sunlight lay aR'ee' ..n l t':•n
ware. ei Hi: I....vm of the baj, w'l,ich • bideut of the interruption, trifling ns n
seentc1 t.a mirror i 1 its cleat depths all
bright au,} beautiful imaginings : but
' was, hail visibly disturbed her. and
plight under a clouded sky only strenwth-
•rials• arse tad ItiaMsYa.
Any person would think, to hear the
way the !paid is crowing over the result
of tie Itartitulta elections, that it mus a
victory for Sir John Macdonald and dis•
allowance. Bet it is nothing of the
kind Mr. Nor1uay, the leader of the
go-enunent of the province, distinctly
pledget himself to re-enact the dieall ev -
ed charters every time the seal of diaal-
k.wartoe was put upon them by the De,- ; AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-I6PAGE
wait is < seer rattail.
wait is rca-.r
.s1.w.aim w w dams Meirhis
taw maw, :as
.aa s�;i asa+s• stype.
*ea • , . r ...aid he wisest prtuks to those 5 n
antresetsg awe : bat toe..
f:.t• W
�'f dye , lid pilo,
� Mt�y coif pals
„f e.irlty�wre *pegetvsewatu.e
IOW f, se mon t wy.taatodo allied to do ..:peal rhes odor Mak be.d
the base d ee Pao the test ase M w herr w:
�r+t bora. Oar palls cars r epic
mare oaf
Cane's 1411. Liver PQIs an vary man and
Ta ase we . iWm.iy W1 pr two Tqgnie wit ho sot
rii�p* or
whip. boat b rttaitr path palm phase all who
mea toot. lei •Ws Ws 16 mats; ova foe $1. Bold
by drawees er.ry rag[
New York City.
cga&I: y
cors' • ,
ase 5.-
y car•.1
Harp ;�1' 3 Yong People.
minion Government. Here is a straight I at ITEI en rot's AND olKt.A uP /MOM as
issue between Mr. Nor1uav and Sir John!
and it was the only issue of important• I Cul. Il eot„un•nrr• Ceire?sIer 7, 1882.
in the Manitoba contest. htut the Marl erne. for Ant
alwa -1 d h
ing Poet.
faculty of extracting nunhoime from cu- It has a dietIn.-t purpn.e. to wfil, h 0 stead -
llcumbers. - ilv adheres- that. namely. of supplanting the
' vicious papers for Ile young with a paper
- 1more att-a,ti.r.a' ern u. more trholeaome.
Some time ago my wife took a reYtre-1iMrton Jounat.
cough which, in spite of all we could do, I For nentm s., elet;anre of eagrscing, and
grew worse and worse and. She amen I contents gr•nen►lly. It W unaurparaed by any
poi cat ton if th^ kind yet br..141., to uur nu -
e b, twine blood every day. It was tire. lI'ittCMargh Gazette.
apparent to everybody that she Ras tit a TE RMt3_
decline and her days were short an;one
ua. I obtained medical advice and tried It .r 15.'� test ll: PEOPLE. Nl•te
Per lest Po.tage Prepaid, ,
Inc prescript/tut after another, but they i- ing a Nund,er." Fuer lents each.
did no goad. �m'hen all hope had ype -• le
...ay scut on receipt of Three
we heard of some wonderful cure. per- cense.
sever -
formed by Dr. Wilson's PulmonaryI The t'olaines of /larper'n Young /'roper
Cherry Relearn, and &friend drove sever- 1 cur 1851 and .ell tratxlearnely bound In ileum=
1 Mated Cloth,wtll be sent by mall postage Are-
al miles to get several bottles for us. ih paid. on re.eipt of aft m eaeh. toter for
two weeks she w'as entirely cured." This roomy I'ro .lr for 1252. ai cents : postage, 13
testimony given by 11fr. G. 11t. Rameay ! ceutaaddince--..
P.e mittwner. shrub! lee made Ly Post 1 iftb.
of East Say t, is that of theusands of Money order or ttratt. to avoid ,dunce el
others in this country. ! loss.
1 1t'nrrpnleerw fine not to ro thin ode, Hine
stent without the ...epees* order of HANYER &
1tno-rnva i.
n in Address 111HPEH 1. HROT11F:it1.
New York
ys pussesae in n arge egree t e succcasfnl heyoul anti senates.. -IN. 1'.
- A name well known
onieetion with the Hair Renewcr,ohiclt
estores grey hair to its natural color by
a few weeks use. Sold at be cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2in
. lease read 151s.
-- ret•mt, with a changeable nozzle. so as to Ttie writer is„Mr. 0. McIntosh of Irish
10" " t" ern_ t Veers=. regulate the size of the pencil, and subs Creek, N. S : I commenced coughing and
fhe occupalit of an ottice on Congress- I i.ete51 to tremendous hydraulic pressure ^rising blood last spring and consulted
west fixed matters one day this wee
I• ' two Hecto•- slid took tl ed -
k under which the composition sa pushed
Malu,ltu, t urnine itis gaze nn a fair one's ! cned her foreboding doubts.. • in such a thane that any caller had to i through the nozzle in a long cord, and
face. • to in its pure and ptasionlea, rap- j Tho siniplo ceremony of joining:head. i run the gauntlet „f a boy in the ante- 1 passes over a sloping table slit, : t c igh
acr•.'s the pt,luci 1 txaamn of tete ••«'ell r• ,rat, an,1 as lie retired into, 1 is den !.e- 1 angler with the cords, to give taassag
turn .: tri::heel and holier beauty. Rut was necessarily brief andunpteteutious. ) • •11 he said to the youth : for a knife, which cuts them into lengths
mitred he c,rca: m t a reply. It Ran tweeter Short as it was, iwwetcr, the set had' "No'rs'e Yours_ man. lo• , .• they are then laid on boards to dry, and
eIpwileACe to thus put the beautiful feel- I hardly been ceu,plet..1 when Helen ey'e- after a few hours are removed to sheets
,telt 1n lCt Ilea,
but obtained no relief. I was greatly
alarmed, the inure so because all my
t f.,thor s fancily deed of cousumption. 1
o am now well. I was cured Dr. Wilson's
Pulmonary Cherry Balsam. thrid testi-
• nom):and reply' given. Theta are hun-
dreds like it. In all cases of cough.,
, colds and throat discascr and lung
1 diseases, includiuil asthma, bronchitis
and all their tribe, Dr. Wilson's Pitlm-n
1 any Cherry Btlaam is invaluable.
mg he onsyllabled in the m•,st RacredI "Y es,
sir. I
archive of his heart. C'amerou, while still claeping Ler lover's ; of corru gater zinc, the corrugations sere
outstretched kande, in the act of hituntt "-1nd reun..:aK t ' I ing to prevent the pencils from warping
*Nese to the sweet, fresh eat,'• •d hw gaze t.. burro in :,t:.,tattun of hal "1 ea, sir. Burine the prows• ..f baking,i s which
Lochiel, near 10 my own native 1:"."- plielited troth, witneese } two grey eye,. "If any pers•.it estis supe asks a -1 ate -they are next subjected in a kiln, ink,
fern, continued the maiden, 'I think 1id eat -like intensity of eapra•sten, stat- in Yuu must say yon don't know," which superheated steam u iutroducud io
should like to lice bete, on the shore, ingat her •:hr,u h the thick matting a -i "Yee, lir." pipes ; the temperature being
g p p1e pe ' regulated
of Loch Levet--(.lent •o is a. dark and j coppice leavestiverhsa,l. -'You sal them ass their business.. 11 according to the requirement.. of the
ceritscout• in the night -thee when then, An int'oluntanly toy ..i al,,r t ,.„.,1,,„4 they say it is a financial matter you turret articles exposed 1-, its influence. Fret
clouds hui.e tome 410%11on the hills,her lips, and the next mumeta the face came in her. sty r a minute, and rcturq the kiln. articles go to the finishing ant
"1 -nee fe', its i..nelinus toe, Helen I withdrew itself, and the sudden creels- and say that I am out '.f town 5• take prcling-r•rom, where the ends are thrust
• ing o ,sig r ..ter . n y at a o rani y -res'•. ring •
Lately only the rude nisei of the chasethe ouster Of the fee: wee making level • --Y-es, lir. emery wheels, and withdrawn. neatly and -'-`- -
could dispel : Let with yea by :ay side. leis eecnpe free the sere. it vias hardly an 'me., tefua, ., e;at:_ti smoothly p••uite.l, ready tor use. Tney
Hekr, , r even c..ur mean,...)mean,...)•n any ptutsncti•'cly Malc•,b', s;10,.....,.iththe- .rune up, •and whet mike' his baseman l are time packed in pu•aMabeim,
:Mani Mei,
e.ralee's .amts naive.
The best sake in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Soares, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chi!-
blains, Curna, and all Skin Eruptions,
I sod positively cures Piles. it is gust au- tarsi to ive perfect satisfaction, or
j ur,nt ratunded Price 2t, cents per
• ter. For .ale he Jas. Wahine. ly.
added Makslut : •• a loneliness which till f {s 1 heal t 'd plat 1 th Laths pot my ncoumatani• for ere rad uu lerdl 1
s.ul, the 1•urple previpur•s and shelving c awe of Heirs •a ahtrns. His Mgh pint Ise repiie+l ` I tech e. etaiaing 100 pencils; reel these
elib of the filen neem the very stairway' was aflame in a m.Rtlent. Quid. as ' '•%Yell, 1 called so lath. ,errant a,- 1 buses in turn ire poked for shipment is
of 1'aradis' . With you, darling, then thought, he dnsLeof away (run !tet a,le, r•dties; a•u,P mime . wooden !saes, continuing 10) each, of
is deer me no r!, -,m," and the impiesionetl ucesdin;l the • t,`rhaneing crags with Thai was the enc for the bey. 11, 10.000 pencils in a shipping bot $.'aP
lover lard the warn• tribute of bit ark( tate o.Ierity •A' a hill agog, w,,: hi. i n h t presto.: t. rite lack rnitr, wi*iteti iv "its :le all the week is J•,ne by b. ye. and tier
tion on Iles maitre s glowing cheeks .:npinyer, Rud retlinied to aha an+e •••1. therefore. r Tight
and determined pursuit.
Bright and unfergetahle elements u, r.•om and reported • --�--
The action of pitman was a •twitters .. 1 , 1 1 f doh of e�tp.
the m•.rnm� rf exntrnar, wk. n nuc aktea 1 • i set c . , the ..Jetty . ,a
that the maid" it was ursal.le to .pay I.u'!. r ..AtwiA 111 p ers,n• suf.iing drew C..agbs, 4A,~y to t� sash hung, and seed -1
of are lain *r•wsv wit t the ! .carr C 11 1 h R h' Lovas f1t 'mind and .� - be
hues enol w.,nnth of a tint ,. T'l,e n•!e, sa ,aa 1., .0
of Ambition in aft 'r ;,t•• .stir the imprtnons t• ung Hiprhlac.der hotel an.i he sat sawn ani tank his departure. tar. twgflMted to call tt ila,tt sLlDrssy ]
Tne Bars LIFT. -The Wiart,mt E,l..,
says Aa then ars only .beet a down
tsawas left ern this list we will Dot pal•
ink it, bet iatwd to punt it vp in . ur
ease tar too is-o.l...1 bwiaan men
tt ebentt rinse wbe pass lilt aro pro-
tiesd bents, bat whoa tsM /ether
Time teases sle.ng with his alewdae
omeolkue to *Moot petit the great dei t of
ht�tA iestere, tbwy wdl hale to "a hack
,MPA. No dm to tell hien thtry,ll
rR Iba own ien, they're down. His
This pmnnlar loarnal iso tar. - uu.bination
of literature, art, nod taxi:Inn. lis atorica.
{.nems, a n.les...ye are by the lust writers of
F:ump.•t,wl Amerle* : its engravings moment
the high. --e artistic excellence; and in all mat-
ters pertaining to Million 1t Is universally'
in the lead. The nt•w tolnm,. a i11 rontnu,
man) hnillaat auvt•HIs a,
rem Stalls
HARL-Lit WEEKLY,. .i4 00
HARPEtt $ MAOAZINE. .ef 00
The THREE obese publiestions..$10 00
Any TWO above named ' 17 00
LIBRARY-, :.2 Number" 110 00
/'oa.t,e 1- two v ail rebserik. , • a Unapt
t11a1• r aaA f •sower°.
i T Toluaac+ortheB..grfire .Ith the
6sa cyan., rot Jaa :gat y rnr. When
1 M Yms 1s IawYtteM/. R wiY Yr cRdrrAacsl
j etIp. stlNeriber wlahet to rntawrwcr wit h
1 a[a wept ane% 11.w receipt of tK-
?WWII Peso- Altana! t'olun.es of Flarper',
! tem will I05 ,z ed
ala free of es -
aim tw1Ra, not ',weed
pre' �•trM. f�p1r. 1M cotrrme.
suitable for
r•;(*kai�hL ks ma .T•nrapail.,m m.
. -•int '
itrrnittawlttw should Sc ,wade by PostOfficeMoney Order or Draft. to ara.A rharre el
Id.1 1 1 I
'•Nal,..ln:. she cried after nun ; but •.. st ma. none it it u nice.
Theni"":ac, cel' orany *ti.,no �`
the rail an, Lungs,
IF, t h,•r restraining tenet, as he ,laa'red to
hart he hard Imre one tet, minutes the Mare cacti w Trial Bettie of Dr. r k..i Om t..t
the soul : the rich voice el fame -Pnq,t u plasmals A time pamphlet a be Y'.n
the sett. le datin 1 1 Yi 1 ,rad' fleetly forward thr•uth hreke an.l Mier aa,n,h4.'r arena ire •,rad it 1• read ' 1 Il:hill N w.rry for eimsomption 1ltsraa+
1; , Coo e ; An t• . . , , •
intent only lies overtaking slid calling n "Called to s you feet r bet h which will convince time sad •
7 a hnte/e loos.
dreams of success conte true , but never, I Y y i.i0, b! y u ,� merit's and show .hat a~'Gy�pt♦aee distress : A a me wet ro n� rsr. aolrerrrer
.rhetint !hP Aying spy.. were eta, Am ori f •r snit ••are Nee in Y:611;114
id sari tell7:111'
nn "prat wt t tAr 5- PI u or4rr nJHARd*R!
never mole, will the skies seem so, blue deti)Ylr tiro r•nttle •+I• + all
aha flowery •.lnnm vat foie •he -.',s1+..1; t where 1 t..ttrr.:. !armory T,,, I.'" M t ta�sMttt it Qnlei lrtr 1 "c411414"41
hnd rhe HRMweRw
t#arse. RARt'RR e�ARIITRERR,
Vow Tart