HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-09, Page 1TWISTY-iIfl H YEAH. ) WHOLE NUMBER :977 1 GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1883. 1 xCGµJS A YEAR IN ADVANCE =ry slew L.lirrU.rwealm. L..si. .apply W this otfle,. Seeds. D. M. merry S Co. Bngraving.- C. J. Newsome. Public Meetings. -A. M. Roes. Hrown's Balsam -Joe. Wll.00. iii Aces !Rea -H. F. McN•II). Mostkly Sale -J. C. Uotlor ! Co. Loans area insurance. I D�j Tr m oc 4ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATES ' i fends -oa freehold security. 19'fto Geo Swanson Goderieh- M lend COL. A. M. ROSS ONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO on bor- rowers.terla same to salt bor- rowers. AL1. MoL) Aura. Reliable Seeds. -J. A. Bruce k Co. blot Nov. lath Mit. iallm. will .ddnse the Electors of W set Huron (e300,(1110 TO LOAN. APPLY TO asf.illew•:- wood Wanted. Ctediton. -9. lt►h y Bros son. tP LONDICSBDROUGH, Friday. Fel.. Oh l'A1lItRON, HOI.l' a:CAMllROli, OeM- H•use andr S eUaW. Bros. 1715. TAYLOR'S SCHOOL HOUSE, fioderivh Ick. Ayers and Lot for . -D-t.'..\. Ayer k . Towashtp, Hattrday, Feb. IOSb. .,0,0W PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Ayyi ► Sarsaparilla. -Dr. J.Tits C. Aver tt c DU NOANNON, Mods►, Feb. Ilia. SP on good Farm or erntd•%s Town prr�r 711 Kcysnioss C. mage at Ts. Allem.SIONMarto,. . •iIIper Mk Aim!), to E. HADC:LIBTt.- iari DE t3C400L HOUSE. Eset Wau- Duvlwlnu Carriage Works. Ales. Morton Aver%Cherry Psotorsl-Dr.J.C.Ayer dCo. MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to M per mat. Private foods. Apply to bitriatut aid Modems. Oodorrts.. MONET TO LEND. -A LARGE aooaat of Private Funds for lavestmset u Iswast sales on Intoes Mortgages. Apply to OARMOW t PMOU DIl'OCYr. flentistl j. lki( NICHOLSON, BURGEON DEN- Jil . flit r% olosee4 rest Anew. W este! est loops below Bank of Mostreal. Dede- `'tek "15 . I LOANS FREE OF CHARGE, - ll.sey to lead a< lowest rates. She People's dotumn. LOOT. -ON FRIDAY JAN. 46th between the Woodbine and Mrs. Writ` necks eland ornament tor mar. (t7 return- ing to this "aloe will oblige. lett-lt WOOD WANTED. -TENDERS' way be reoeM•od at this office for Sasso or tweni eorda of ire wood, dryand green. ep to l y. Fen tai. Addrwe lLcUt U - caddy iltalkera Tim 011111M., Cioderlck. KEY8 FOUND. -A COUPLE OF •msY heys. se • straw. were fumed dur- ing un i ng this week kid let •t Ws secs. The owe - or ase have trim by parkas ler ibis •dvt. Ap- ply at this Whim. ilp7. WAKTHD, FOR 11. 8. NO. Ib ASH- MILID�._• .W�Ilsyd�dy.� ate rerAmity toe11 1W BALD. S%a. �• t'.O. 1g71-41. ENOR VINO• AtI tlsds of stets sad ° rmind neatly chiPlaad mysnuylgrss� dr y. ssy tibiguide as itr,a, � JJ.IISIWYAN. t1A .Oelssok. srsdleat eogrever to the 11$40. 1"77-wtt jjOL't3E AND LOR FOR BALL - 11 �1 A frame house warty sew, with M fed ceiling, esetside" a roams beside, hail. pan- try e%ILr with wood ,heti and other out M ea the premiss For particu- will he sold on reasonabio terms. lars good HYNAB, Newtmte Street Tan alypV to F/.A.R MTV 6,.. of stag esMs or oboionsgaa IMAGER ! MORTON.eMRsed•Irtre Illni March Iri. 1776. $ 20,08o PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND rot Tana mid Tows Property at le Mortis/es rmed, no oe oO.ssaakag/7..reousabr. N. B.- wen con obtain teo$ry in essay If tido L ssteisW.-DAVISON & JOHN PION. Rarrl.t.rs. to.. oodertek. Mt RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life .ad Aooidstt Iasersnoe Agent. liniment's, first-class Companies. A leo agent or the Cattails Live limos INetntANei Co. NssWVM Issd os Mortgage, either is Tows e tan ep i a ay way to suntan beesew- or, gar's Moat Oederish. MARES FOR SALE. -A FIRST ala spin of farm mum t reale old. /s foaL is offered for sate on Fpppll HENRY SEt4iM[LL1R. HOUSE, AND LOTS N08. 33 AND 16. corner of Victoria aid last Mrets. In Ito l bs xoyn�gsdInc tars propert.T tcOehirick, for sale cheap. or umrs alto Jas Sr AUL, Architect, o ce Crsbb'• tfiiek or J. C. CORRie. auctioneer. smooth, Tuesday Feb. lltb. W1NOHAM. Wednesday. Feb. 17th. ST. HELENS, Thursday, Feb. 15th. GRANT'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Ashfield. Feb. 11th. KUIOSBRIDOI; Saturday. Feb. 17th. The Meetings wi11 highs at 7.30 o'clock Bash evade". The Cossrrvett.o cedidste is invited cost- umed the mwtleirs. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A obrl•s.m•s" ye. thin' notes. As' faith hall privet It You TOP= The t 0s0rfmctv low ta0onJodrl w Sallow&Om ���her raa't make • paten that will setyfn the asset ordeal admirer of photos. Olvo him •call sed see for yourself. Look eat Inc Pref. Woggles' storm and don't ratite ear at W. L s Rotas Mere sad ash. &as,....rn0i.a ter thews'''. >r. Creeps Legal the roe eloWSW- thing in his Lae. and dost Church both snorntng and evening by I Thom wbe pat •e thou mons oo W Lew the Rev. Mr. Cornish of Winghem. The &NIGH% AND CAnalAulta, - Mr. A. PAs1.O.. Cosum6T. ---The wrier concert tions se have et er found you affable and Murton, .,f the Dominion Carriage at the residence of Col. Ross M. P. P. , polite, and a t borough gentleman to every V% arks, is to the front with a stylish ad- vertisement. Mr. Motion believes in Making first-class vehicles and -adver- tising theta. Call and see his styles, and get his prices for • nubby rig. A gentleman In town is said to have received a tetter last week from a Motor in Manitoba, in which it was Antoci teat the thermometer rei1iM eredb0 degrees be- low seri., and that the breath from her body (while in bed; crystalised and fell in light snow flakes un the counterpane. "Doou skate baokwardsr' be Ioqulred. "Oh, no. sir ; not at 011." "Well, then. Toa ought to learn." meld he. "But I'm afraid 11l fall" Slow!y they glided o'er the ice. And talked of Love and weather. A small bey skated la their path. And down tbey west together. -Ki. Send postal card, with name and ad- dress plainly written, to Mr. F. McNally General travelling Agog,tit- Path Minneapolis t Manitoba R. K, 28 E. Front St. Toronto, Ont. for full partic- ular and sectional trap of North Dakota Country. See advertisement headed, 320 Aerie Free-" A Clinton paper says :-- "Judge Toms, Chancery Master Maloomson and Mr. Phillip Holt, were in town on Saturday. they were only about three hours getting down hen by the G. T. It. They were on their way to Easter on legal business and were fortunate in being able to gp there by train same evening.•' Next Sunday, missionary sermons will be preached in the North St Methodist for the purpose of liquidating the debt incurred in seating 81. George's church Sunday school, was largely attended and WW1 a success in every particular. The following ladies and gentlemai kindly loot their aid nn the occasion: -Mr. Toms, hens. R. S. Williams, Mrs. M. E. Johnston, Misses Meldrum, Cooke and Bluett, Mrs. Elwood ; Messrs. F. Bond, A. B. Henderson, 0. B. Robson, H. Rothwell, R. S. Williams, Rev. Mr Walter, 8. Malcowson. ORGANIZATION MISTING. A Reform organization mooting was held on Mon- day last in the Association Room- There was a large attendance. After the organ - ration was ample/ad stirring addressee were delivered by Mr. M. C. Cameron M. P. and Cel Rosa, M. P. P., which were well received. A pleasing feature of the meeting was the presents of w many young men, who took the oppor- tunity of thus identifying themselves with the Ontario Rights party. Active working oummittess wersietnick in every RC. H%YE3, dJL[l:[rJR Aa, U 11 .3 a oraer of the square sad Wont Myst, 3 . h erl eh. er 'Beakers bookstore. some1 to lead at lowest rates of lateral". LEWIS 11 LEWIS, BARRISTERS, du•emori. 11o1cturs in Cemesry kn. Omoe In tae (curt House. tUuderich. 1i. Lents M -A., BC.L. K. N. Late. L'*OR SALE- .I first class brick Meow. cellar under Use HIM I %'1 ARROW- Jt PROUDFOOT, B AR RISTERS. Attorao°ys. its Os seen. J. T. Osrrow. �I QRAGER & MORTON, BARRIS TER& to.. &c., Hoodwink and W ySoSoM or Jr., (iodcrlck. J. A. Morton, Wim" CartR.ON, HOLT * CAMERON, Sollaitors o Chasoery, t ).derich and wtarham. M. C. C etea. C.; P. Beit. M. O. Cameron, Goderick. W. Macara, Wtagi�m JRebical. dos otter!. she not left. Anniversary irioottnq o0 salvos by anise at remedies V a-M%y Mors. sod Bet ar�pr1or. and no banks. SIT, IoW ; Monday night, when addresses will be isRlls mosth in or'erro..r11 e.ty. � delivered by the Rev. MeosrMclk,negh, �•• nyder thn Bun.' sae nameele them- will be held DB.W. G. S. MACDONALD, K. D., C. M.. Ph Seem, Aoasechewr. eo Ogler an residence, Mein street. As - beat 6m.-1105. GR. McDONAGH M D PHYSIC- .IAN. SURGEON. tit, Mute of Tor- mos or rw University. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London, itinglead, &o.. &s.. IC C. P. 8., Ontario. Omoe and reeldeaoe whole home. sad 11 • •I rai stable read • to Dalley's Hotel. Hamilton street :od °cid road. Ooderick.were is a rood el, Clinton, Wingham. Cornish of Wi m. Miss Nellie Ayoagh is in Iona.Mr. J. W. Ytnaill, of Crystal Ctty, Capt. Green is steadily improving in i was lair. (ireenwaj s agent during the health �°`a'M of driving shed.ksrd and soft water on the prene- 1,... grounds well lard out. F rticulars TR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - Amu on the premises or to t1. roller. D G ON. Coroner &c. Odle, Lad residence lch Foundry. 1 1tI. Bruce ffi ere w,ond door teat of Vittoria Street. 1161. crick FOR SALE. G. MACKID, M. D. PHYSI Mn, "Golan offers for sale the foltuwleg •cls& gargepa end A r. of 77 recent election. Mr. Greenway pulled Mr. and Mn Kirby, of T..ront•', are 300 votes to Mr. NLrquay's 140. We see by the Crystal City local paper that in be held this evening town. Litten devotions at St. Peter's a ill Mr. Smaill kindly lends his office OR Sundays for Presbyterian services. Our Miss Morgan, of Bay field, ;s t he quest young friend iest:is to be in active demand particular. Under these cir•cumstances,it 1pivea us pleasure to take this opportuu try to present you with this little token of our appreciation of you, and hope it will prove to be more of an orn•ttent than a useful present. Still in the sr doom duties of your othhce itis sometimes nwwary to carry a little instrument of this kin , and whether the "bulldog" barks or uut, it will always prove &deter rent to evil -door. Should matters so shape themselves that you might be call ed away to another sphere of action, our best wishes will ever a000mpsay you, and our most fervent hope is that you and your amiable wife and interestingfamily will always be able to find in their ac gwaintasoss,as faithful and hearty friends alpine who greet you to -night in Dun Bannon. Signed on behalf of you' friends here present. Arrmiory BLAct. JosarH MALLOUOII Mr. Currie, '.tri rising to respond was warmly greeted. It was now about ten ward, and we look for good work for years canoe he first came to the oounty of Roes in the town of Gedeciar. Huron, and during all these years it had Smote FARL-SUD 'shoot work- been his endeavor to deal fairly between en will be glad to leash lest the Grand man and Man. On the occasion of his Trunk R. R. has kindl/ oonsentd to i first visit to Dungannon it hal been his privilege to put up at this hotel, then kept by Mr. Anthony Black, whom he was pleased to see at the festive board to -night. In his public capacity he had endeavored to make nu distinctions in the discharge of his duties aitd norther creed, politics nor the color of the hail will had ever influenced his action in tho large number to Exeter. The pro- I slightest. He would always remember gramme u a splendid one, and every I the kindness he had received on this oc school in the county should be largely caut'n from his Dungannon friends, and repreeented at this non-sectarian assemb- ly of Sunday school laborers. We understand that the people of Exeter are tasking preparations for • warm weloome to visitors. of Miss Annie Currie. in his far west home. Services were held in St Peters and Bt. George's March on Ash Wednesday. Read our "Lost." "Found.' and "Wanted" advertisements in The Peo- ple's Column. Mn. H E. Johnston and Miss Mc- Misking attended the bachelors ball at Ioedon last week. carry delegates to the Dosing Sunda School Convention at Exeter on the 14th' area 16th inst. at a single fare. Tickets will be good from the 14th to the 16tt. inclusive. Delegates will please carry with theta oseti nate• to show to station agents. We !tops this offer of the reit- wayll have the effect of drawing s BISHOP CARMAN. -We are pleased to learn that the Rev. Bishop Carman will visit Goderich on the ooeesion of the an- niversary services of the M. E. Church. The Bishop will preach at eleven s. m. Sunda the 18th and 6.30 . m. on y , and on Monday evening, the 19th inst. after the tea service, will deliver his. popular lecture on- "Fort and Fire Arris Drs. Agee McNair, is notate; her of Beacon. parents here after a lengthened stay at Mtt.ITIA CAANUL+.--The fullowiug ap- their Toronto homestead. pearl in the last (casette : -33rd Mrs Patrick Carrell, of Colborne, who "Huron Battalion of Infantry -No. 3 eras seriously ill of inflammation of the Company, $eaforth-Tu be captain : - lungs, is progressing favorably. I Lieutenant, John 0. Wilson, M. S , rice The Messrs John andWillistuMcVicar Bret et -Major Chas Wilson, who is here - have returned to Mexic), whero they I by permitted to retire, retaining his bre- hav ebeen employed for some time. ! vet rank. Tu be Lieutenant, 2nd Lieu - Mr. F. F. Lawrence, district master of tenant John Sidney Roberts, M. 8., ries. the 1. 0. 0. K, was at Clinton on Tues- I J.0.Wilson, promoted. To be 2nd day, giving instructior-a to rho brethren. Tues - Lieutenant, provisionally, Alex Wilson, vice Roberts, promoted. Mr. A McD. Ailan road a paper on Ammo!' Gtdeate l "Orcha d plant:ng" at the late meeting I Our genial confrere of the Exeter Re- t Goderich. L 1 Calve/shy.OAoseeeosite Comer F (, 4 I Rector, who by the way gets o ut a tip- pr000rty in the town o of Toronto the eau halt of lot 175 and the west malt of lot i ,vs e, es esquire ess Blink. Lttakaow. It Mot In of the Ontario tort .rowers .+acacia• I top local paler since he got married and 716, Torero V •story and •malt frame aware in crone, esewYe at the "ask. VMS -Y. � tion, has to stay at home n nights, denies that enol repair. 12 coca and Hackers. good sinus helm • b0 cent piece foto a collection ,ailuro bard and rots water. Terns sem. For 7 tRS. $HANNON & HAMILTON, I Mr, Robert Wtls.ut, who w:ls Gtr icken ppsd p further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, LJ L,y� geos�a A000tsoh°ts �o with a pstslytic stroke recently, was re- (,Isco by mistake for s penny. He soya idlcitor.Uoderich. odtoe at De. Mammon', rreddesoe, near the Ked a little be`teryclterdvy, although'...Wo asinowledge the aft impeachment FARM FOR SALE. -THAT VAL GodAr's"' tl- C. SHANNON, J. C. H761. dill yet),low. I of beim" once the happy possessor of a LIABLE farm, known as lot 12, 5 con. Teat as we •. t•. press we learn of ' any, but, alas, that was [many years W Wawanosh containing some S0 scree West KNOX CHt:RCs B. S. -At the annual meeting of the above named Sunday school the following were elected ofbeers for the ensuing year : Superintendent, Thos. M-Oillieuddy ; Primary Superin- tendent, J. Mitchell ; Sec -Tress., Geo. B. Robson ; Librarian, T. Dickson. The average attendance far the year 1882, ex- clusive of a large Bible clava taught by J. R. Miller, P. 8. 1, was 242. The largest attendance of the entire school on any single Sunday was 333. The receipts for the year were $203.61, and the ex- penditure 8162.04., and on Sunday last the handsome aunt of $13.76 was obtain- ed by a collection taken up in the ordi- nary way for missionary purposes. The school is, we understand, the largest in the Huron district. CorLteu. ----On Friday last a game at curling wits had at the rink between the winners of the Caledonian Medal at Sea - forth aad two home rinks which resulted in favor of the latter by ('. shots. The following is the record the deaths .f kr. Ben Armstrong. before we tackled the newspaper business, ISO Clewed. iS acres of black ash and the hal- INSIIRANCE CARD. BRITISH ASI. CO' 1', Tonne o- Ketablulte IVO PHOENIX INS. CO'Y. of LONDom Rngtando Established trim. HARTFORD u,a. of HARrvoitD. Conn -Established the owest rates by Risks takes In the above Ht O TON et The eaderstzsed he &iso Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Tonorro. Money to Loan on fiat -Orem swa ity, row 7 to 6 per Cent. -ChargesO moderate. Under' :b Sept. 1a tush. amiss in other hard wood. A good frame house The funeral will take place on Mno• I and se for the fifty cents, why we never bents, wells, etc., on the promisees. also three day at three o'clock p. m. saw one; and couldn't tell it from •ball's was ota am orchard. This fermi thewilbe sold M Archibald bald Btahu M P P fiat se nsssonabe term.. Apply on the orem►sss or address WM. LEDDY, Dungannon. P. 0. 1 apt -4t- -- BRICK YARD TO RENT. To rent for one year the KINTAIL BRICK- YARD with Ma°klnss, Barrows. etc., sagdrousse of hers* for desired; clay tail �ssn� Yard. Apply to JOHN K - MA > Mate&P. ft NOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS hereby given that all parties indebted to rhe uderslg ed b or book seeming are e quested to MAIM Busse a once and there - try save an 1 mesaIlb 1' nen. AAR M WIl H• ISM - VOR SALK-THAT DESIRABLE ■■' reetd-sos, e.raUr Brittania road wad Mo - Donald shook oee•alte the High School, with two lots. The home r in good repair with °orris* Wass end stable and other oat nnlldlaga The garden Is rw�eelllr�@tt000ttted with colt trees, swim etmse. ehli 11. tAl riNft. Woe r•rrat terms apply to Davison !Joh . Li Id NETTIK BEEOMILLER, Han oompested her Median Is meds ostler Prof. et Lead's. sad harlot re- 'vive' a e Mw to r°- .vlve • list awwbv of for Mace ,Mrsntios. MM Seegtaltler Is aim as sake orders for Owes to $tiS. Nd%moo, nam r every %ass neaW Cambria sail Newgate Street VOR SALE OR TO RENT -TA AT ii Vtdss*M Prop.et keens as the Shep tmi410 Sara aid Past Ogiee. *11* enmity ed se sen of rad$ eared ter ease or to root Meek la store se« sot husk UM year. The ereftteser W ether 0ssamse whim% will no - MOW •gam Also the went half of t5` sea. 1 8 0. As0said ; all now red ; two onbards. good wont sae modem frame sea The lot � widish M oro slearsd wo��od.� messes ltd flt�, althea : ISM IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. Ia the wetter of partition, between Arohi- held Osibniith. plaL01W. sad Jobn Oalbrsith, Nate Oslbreith. haDbeeias Otlbralth. Mary Mo- W111tam'. Janet McDermld, Mathew MoDer- mkt, Mary McTavish. Hugh McTavish, John Moaavrk• Neil McTavish. Helen Anderson. Jannllem AA dersoa Thomas Misses. Williams James Stinson. ary Stinson. Edward No - Terme and Donald McTavish. the last one now of Detroit, has challenged the chain - named beteg ea Infant under the age of twee- Von skater of the North-western states ty dsfsa other leallt>K vlag.er claims. say Ist%rrt cellent skater. to the MMw� is -oda that r to sal an aid 8tta Animals. HONE TLIM. No. 1 Rink. P. Adamson, A. Dickson, D. C. Sirwhab, C. A. Humber, Skip -27 No. 2. E. I: Watson, T. Hood, T. Moorhouse, Jas. McNair, Skip --18. leNDAL TRAM No. 1 Rink. Sheriff Gibbons, J. M. 8'tepparl, W. A. Colborne, M. Hutchison, Skip -18. No, 2. W. T. Walsh, Capt. McGregor, E. Martin, T. N. I).tncy• Skip- '21. after thanking them for the kind allusion in the address to his wife and family ha resumed his send, amid applause Speeches were then made by Meson Black, Sproule, McGillicuddy and others, all of a highly complimentary charaetet to the guest of the evening. A number of songs were also sung by Meears- Wil son and D. McGillicuddy, and a very pleasant gathering was brought to an awl by the ainging of "Auld Lang Syne " -- Mee seastel Trusser rlleetty. Goderich, Feb. 7, 111+43. Tho annual meeting of the Board of High School Trustees was lielo to -day, the secretary in the chair. Present -Wm. Kay, Dr. McLean, Di Taylor. F. Jordan, Jueepn Williams Moved by Dr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that Peter Adama..n be re elected iecretarytroasnrer for the cur rent.year. Carried. The minutes of iaat meeting wuro read and approved. The report of the secretary -treasure. upon the financial condition of the school was read and adopted. I A memorial front the High School I: teachers for an increase of ealarv, to the name extent as paid ir. other schools of Ithe saute standing and character wan I read. Moved by Mr Jordan, iecended - by Dr. Taylor, that tho salaries of the res- pective teachers for the current year be as follows : Mr. H. I. Strang, $1p,200 ; Mr. A. J. Moore, 1800 ; Mr. S! P Halls, 1800 ; Miss I. E. Oliver. 8460 Carried. Moved by Mr.Jordan,seeunded by Mr. Williams, that the secretary prepare an Total 4b • 39 agreement with a otaute in it that either party will be at liberty to withdraw front It upon giving three mouths notice, and that the respective teachers be required to sign. such agreement annually, or Si may he required by the H.oard Cam ed. Mr ro i p, foot." H. R. L S. Dsearr.. Thr- regular South Huron was in town during the AHOLD BIBLE; --Mr. Thome:. Dodd, tueeting of the Literary Socy. in con - week. He is sanguine of increasing his of Colborne, has kindly loaned ns a oopy I noction with the High School was held majority at the eoming election. of a bible issued in 1607. The prefaoe last Friday seg. the 2nd. inst., and the Arronrrsr. -Messrs. James Lang, to the New Testament was written in committee had their efforts rewarded by Wm. Bowden, and Edward Cash have .1668, and it number of interesting and I seeing a gooti audience. The feature of been appointed License Commissioners instructive comments are to be found in the evening was a debate on the question for the South Riding of Huron. the margin. The type used was a black -solved--"That Home Rule should Tb. total receipts of LheGoderich Hi h letter text, and the entire book bean the be granted to the Irish people," which p g mark of the Elizsbeithean period. B7, wasdiscussad with much vigor by Messrs School fir 1882 were 83,970.63 The Hawkins and Blair on the aMnIative ex ditntes were 83,399.06. leaving A the way, this iv the famous breeches , edition. that word thein" •ub•titntd far and Messrs Dopald and Shannon on the n on hand of 1671.61 cents. "apron • in Otm. 3:7. The work u an negative. The deoi•ion, however, was Mr. Fred London paper's formerly of the so accident to 1 interesting one, :veldt) from it, religious awarded by Che chairman, Horace Hor character. It u deuhtlee. one of the old- ton req. to the negative. Miss A. Trai- ner favored the audience with a vocal and Miss Wilson with an instrumental solo. Mr. Strang gave a good rendering of several of the poems of Oliver Wen- dell Holmes. A ohorua by members Closed a very successful meeting.-- Jo11. PREBHNTATION Jabs 4 50150011 Carrie Wised, ennead and Presented. hi the evening red Tuesday last a num- ber of the personal friends of Mr. .1 C. Currie, the popular Goderich auctioneer, met at Smilie•a hotel, Dungannon, and banqueted that gentleman in richt royal style, after which • handsome silver mounted revolver was preosnted to hint as a 6skes of the esteem in which h.- was held by his fnends in that seeticn The chair was taken by Captain Jose -Ai Mal neigh. who presided in • wet satisfse tory asewe$r dories the evening. After the good things prepared key "mine host.. Smile had tura demo sot!. justice to, the chairman expleiwed t e object of the gathering, and after payee* a high tri buts to the worth of 1 . guest of the evening. road tb i following Albion. A bottle exploded, in hu hand. l est books in the county. and lacerated it, s' that medical skill Foo-nwrnv. -On Thursday evening, 1st was required. Parker Tomlteon,formerly of Goderich, �'arY F^re te� tool( planta fait Clinton,nnt n nvig f tation having been issued by Court Maple Leaf, to the surrounding courts to anted a free supper and entertain- ment. The following courts responded : Bayfield, 8eafurth, Londeshom', Holmes- vi11e and Goderich. Thn Clinton breth- ren had several candidates for initiation, but coving to the blockade, the pap(ers had not returned from the medical board, and they put one of their mem- bers throgh the initiatory ceremony to illustrate ita wettings to the visiting brethren. On mottos of adjournment the C.R. invited the brethren to adjourn to "Pike's Hotel," where steaming bivalves were awaiting them. At this point a pitying incident took plans, lir,. Rennet erose and presented Bro. Peter Robb, on behalf of Court Maple Leaf. with an address accompanied by a hand- some silver water pitcher and oup. Bro. Robb was completely taken by surprise, and in a short address thanked the mem- bers Inc their appreciation of his work in the interest '`the Canadian order of Foresters." He briefly reviewed the history of the order, and poisted orward to more glorious things in the fetter" Tho brethren adjourned t.. "Pike's Hotel," when they found an et • oellant repast prepared for thus by the Clinton brethren, *her dispensing with the "Miring,' song geld epitaph followed in rapid suenessiou, uatil the "wee soma hones, when the gathering nlossd with votes of thanks to the Clinton brethren, and singing tie National Anthem on' sure. ° or the trophyHe is Laid to be an et To � •kens named detesdastr sad all CAME Olt THE PItZ1QdEt1 t F the eabrorl .bat the bop kwhig oal•bwr. INK a sed baser. semis lire yews sed. The °wiser le rept t.ieretr r! _er' ty end tale the amino away. I.RD let ll, tab .rete." Wen Wsw..esk. P.O. • 1 or tract of land _BS CLING. 11.e youngster will have !Skit &ad being la the Saturday afternoon for rink skating at Sc _ , In the County o Harm, t� o, and being composed otete .m� em• , In the fifth ennososMn of the 'Mpshti or Stanley. aforesaid, na•- sdmraseremest ems headree soros Tia *% hssehy rs irri take wales thee iwea�syss My . ttheaist fester�es t°►.ei te. n o t%a�ji (�sse� of 1[erra. pses�selq� ! stiesmti.W M - etssY DOG FOUND. -CAME ON THE �tssstees Ib wbe*Abor let 1 roa. A tevraerp of •gyp leek sad white dog with toe-oovlente1 besI, gt�ihey owner sae tate quested �s-r Jf1i*N M 1,LYCHANAN ou- twit* :It. Oath"' A. at at bra y hose beds Court tthts mal tee Ow mentos K este �%r�m�a �Mr sor say he fsear rsaisd rre Mau r. eb ssMd �ae�Yts to the o gsaid sa'l la meater,t „woo 1. *seem that the ssM atss� tta5t seem aims tied Ora bete is ltt st a Owes. 1teereawtIN Mos o this above t*d b the wpm Mew QC' . hooses. t Doted feed 7hr..A.D.1111111. a head. The head will hi present on Saturdayevening first, and on Tuesday and Friy evening of next week. A Bswartr Coltoaa?. -Prof. Newman is bony affiancing the programme for a benefit uncut to be held in • few weeks. He is an •co omplwbed muuieien and we bore to see the benefit rwteert well pat- ronised. JC. 'E b. oat. TMAR0 BOOKBTADTNO.--WEHAVKMADE onwwgwss.ra with Mr. D. M the ws0-hw sss bsokblsdor of to Mks orders for wort le hr lies, All wort dome the Melees' to the twontido %lVerbatt WAN. Orders MR .t this epi. eeelre to. poroset•I wt•."'Ms Omani roa Livaarno. tont week • ler'"e est of gnu was made to Liv direct by our meal buyers MOM A. 1 eNeir rad eamtsel Sloane. Hr. WNsirshaped bloat 4,0001euebela, and lir. show sheet 3,000. ),aa■o1r CAnou.--Tillie distillery will ra"g"a ssaiesi.1y =mess in the M. E. dm& es Ietiday, Use 18th itid. , and hiss M iii snwi.enary Asanewsting on Me hollowing Naming as "Test sell F1re- snob of Firm " Ho M s very able taw. The West Hems Tenobss.' Aaaoeis- lise w U hold its seat seedlissea1 •nn- t►wtina la Exeter, ea Frills) awl Peter - slay, ]Isirw*ey 1810 sad 1,th. An in- ter 84I1I programme has boot prepare! ()w Fife eremitic • lecture on Wil Bain Tindall •• • fl be deli veered he Re v Mr Wehner The report ,if Mr lioag3. n, Imipectuo of High Schools, upon Goderich High School, was rend and ordered to be filed A statistical statement frau the head master, in referenoe t,, the attendance at the High School, was read and adopt ed. On !notion the Bard •dj..urr.'wl D*arM Ts J C •('srr1', sof Oasis Sta. Ws aro IAM her. ti.• nigh as • repre sut.tsus from the village ed Deugaonos nod vietwity to pay a slight tribute to you and 1s make 'mani- fest the esteem and high apreei.tioa we heft of your away good qualities of head and heart. In your peWi. eapaeity we have always foetid you to he c►urteows area Algin8e.11, *n4 in your private* eels Ceesteag• 1) ,wit from the top, Faster wad !'water Shrieks, crash 1 A s'.o' And a d$s.trr. riled overturned ; MtrunTIinn ha nume'y Some unconcerned. Moms well, profantt• Joy turned to woe Awful contusion "IleauUful anew- All a delusion I t; ee•ea all torn Hemp 00 your tureh,•e.+ Royyeo look feelers : Olds say "It's horrid .. 'sew doors yaw nook. t :older than (Marl, y, Sled • brad orad ; Ditto aU•rlty. Wind Ilse a knife ICvory owe shoo. 1.. roam" Well, *soh a {Y%, very Mae tumbles , e.. Mr Charles Young hh..a the snoop nm tag reseed for this year with fiver latah. barn CNN the 24th Jaswary Early Awarding to the Wesal ••ustnni "too beer" teem nut on Friday aA (Candle ism) to observe whether he cold see his stash,* er *wt. Foiling to nettles tie meal phenomenon he returned to his den, mutUring something about tankfng ready for an early spring Mr Henry Nebel who has been for a tong 4we ill, and whoa lite for $ time vlhiindliffeed of, in thew on the Ong** ossa My