HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-02, Page 7•as
Fun ant. Tsncy. ! "!Mesa .1a Dear Aeart.-
A Cleveland dentist says the big wen
give hien most trouble. Ile is not able
to drag thew about thn ream on the and
el a well dieted tooth.
Kentucky rapers are bragging allyut a
beet that teuasurexf two feet. Pleat '
that's nothing. There's many a "best -
in tilts section ..f the human hegeteble
kingdotu who has two feet that wake
about a yard.
A 13uuta Eat woman L••o.ps uuly one
servant to d•, her work metaled of two
She says (help is Oro* leaving, al d
when you are left atop: it's much easier
to do the work of Vu., servant th:t:, of
A sc:lot. iu t!i con.. egatiuu, thinking
the preach:r w.s tuo s!ea in !raking his
quint, shouted : "Come, sir. crowd u
little more sail there.' The primh•a
pleasantly replied : "1 will as
soon as 1 have weathered this ,wine
The railer at the c.,ngregation senium
sat it!f icti":t,
A facetious buy asked ..roe ..f hi,
playmates how a hardware dealer differ -
etl fruit a btotma'.er. 'L he Litter, :....
what pealed gore it up. "Why acid
the o•di-,r, "because ona bold the
end the other nailed the guiles."
Of course there are some of us n'Lia ate
a trifle bored when cu•.ipelled t., li<!eu
s soet.nd tinge to the saute ►crutch. The
weariness would be a little alleviated if
repeaters -would bear in mind the remark
of a little girl of twelve 3 ears, the tl iiigh-
ter of a clergyman, who was asked,
" Sadie, due. your lope ever"preach the
saute scrmou twice i" After thinking a
moment, Sadie replied, "Yes, 1 think
he does, but I th:ekhe hollers in differ,
en, factors .t"
Tom Donovan was severely hurt. His
friend, Tito Murphy, heard the doctors
talking of the injuries. "He had," they
said, "a compound, comminuted c m-
tused fracture of the • tipula,' n etellat-
ed fracture et the conium, and a$ abra-
sion of the or fronto," Tim listened
awe-stricken. Phil Donohue came
quickly to know how Toni was '• Bad
enough ! The doctor's (heaven be prais-
ed for larnin' !) have tnwld me all about
it. He's a dead man ! All his Latin
parts aro w. undo 1, and he won't live
fkive minus."
Apberlsias (Felt tee Quarters.
Mule don t kick 'aiding to no rule.
Dun t take too bid a chip on a, saplin'.
Sat'day night hep de reuulstiz pow'-
- fel.
Sun trabbles slow 'crass de new
grown s.
Mule don't understan' du whoelber-
Nigger sleep warm' of his head kiver-
vd up.
Cutsin' de weather it mighty no' farm-
Tin plate don't mind drsppin ou do
De plow Out is clow kw for de meal
Black sheep hide mighty easy in de
Nurf wind allow you do cracks in do
De public ro.ri.ain•t free for de rattle-
Corn -cob stopper don t hurt the lasses
in de jug.
It takes heap o licks to dribs a nail in
de dark.
Smart rabbit go hun:u 'fu' de snort
done fallin
Hot sun slakes de Little, dull in do
harves' Bel'.
,:.cod signs 0' rain don't always hep
do young crap.
High 1'a.nt nigger ain't 'nue!' service
at de log rolling'.
Daad limb on de tree shoes itac'f when
de buds come out.
Blind bridle can't hide de fodder stack
tum de lean hone.
Better keep de rockin' cheer in do
cabin lef' till Sunday.
Dribin' 4the steero wid mule talk is
flingin' 'way your bref.
When you make ole jail too nice, you
better atrenkin, de hog pen.
Books don't toll 'when the bee wattle
and de chicken haw fall out.
De new groun' is de bog' yard stick to
ntedjer a strange nigger by.
Dar's seine f:tc's in do wul dat don't
slide dungen de telegraph wire.
You can't coat de mornin' glory to
clime, do wrong way loun' ole cornstalk
De preacher noetI hoop mo' grace when
he wnntt pray for rain till de wind t;et
Nu o ,ueehold should be con.iderml
oempltte without n bottle of Dr. Vaal
Buren'. Kidney ('aro is in the cle.e:..
it is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all ferule
of kidney diseases. Sold by .1. Wib•f a
••A set ere coil settled in quick con-
su:uptien. T bought two of Dr. Wilson
Pumenary ('berry Balsam and she t,a,k
them. They worked a complete chanter,
and by its continence she was completely
resteeel to health." This is Mr. Janes
T. Fitch's testimony regarding the meet
Popular remedy for cough and cold.,
and threat and lung diseases generally,
and a testimony somewhat simi:ar is
given by all she hare tried it. Dr.
Wil,.•n a Pulmonary Bherry Balsam is
mature s cure, and its effect, are rapid
and beneficial.
Seeing is l,elicrin&. Read the testi-
monial. in the pamphlet on Or. Vim
Buren's Kidney Clue, then boy a beta°
and relieve yeomen' of all thee. diet roes-
ing pains. Y'eut Droggest can tell you
all about it. Sold by .1 Wilson (l. sterich
`iu1 ,i,y inirecaloita is ad i con say of
the effect of Dr. Van Bernn's Kidney
Care in ray case. An elderly lady
writes this front Anitgenish, N. 11., who
had suffered from pains in lbw hack for
twenty years `;'•)d h'- T ,l't's,•n (lenle-
rioh in.
lu a very elegant ;Alecto car entered a
! weary faced poet ly dre..ed woman with
! throe little children -one a hate at Ler
arms. A look of joy crept into Ler face
at she settled ddwn into one of the Itis
unouschairs, but it was quickly dispelled
tis she was bold by the 0,11(1 :toe to go
iiite the forward car.
i A senile of ainuaeuleut was seen un
I several faces as the frightened group hug-
I1est ..•nt to enter .ane of the c.nnuton
cars. t.1.,an one point; force, however,
Ogle res a iook which sliante l the coun-
tenaneesof the others.
"Aunt's," sail the boy to the lady be-
tide hint, "! am.gning to carry say basket
of fruit and .tl,i.+ box of rnutlw•iches.tu
the tae,r it onion in the next er. You
bee willing, of c. urse !
Ile apo::e ea;erly, but sloe answered :
"Don't be foolish, dear ; you may
n. ea then aaa.rtelf ; rad perhaps the
western witted tut want to tare them
f -eon rt.,"
"Nu, I do not need-tha:u, ' he ..u -
soured, decidedly, bet in a low tone.
"You know I ta.: a hearty breaks st,
and don't need a lunch.. The weenie
1.,..ked hungry, auntie, and tired, to.!,
with ties.* three little babies, clingir✓il( to
Ler. 111 be back iu a minute, auntie.
1 Inot:w• my another wouldn't like it if I
didn't try to be kind to thus* who ate
poor or iu trouble."
The worldly aunt brushed a tear from
her eye atter the boy left her, and said
audibly, "Just like his dead mother."
About amiuute later, as the couditetur
;sassed the mother and threecbildien, he
s uta 1•tetty right --;,the family (.-sting
as periuths they never done befe re ; the
dainty sandwiches were eagerly +:eaten,
the.fruit basket stood open
The eldest child, with her ,nuuth 61Ied
with brentl and butter, said, "\\'as the
pretty Lay an angel, mamma t '
"Nt," answered the mother with a
grateful look brightening het faced eye*
"but Ile is doing angels work, blies hist
doer heart ?e •
And we. te.., w.y, "B!`,. his dear
heart !"
De not take Pills or Powders eontaiu
i.'g Calumet, for at this time of the year,
the results rusy be serious. If you re-
quire a Close of physic take Dr. Car. -i, s
Stoinach And Constipation Bitters : It
acts _eptly on the Bowels, purities the
Ble..1, improves the circulation, mime.
late. the Liver and Kidneys. and
speedily cure. Biliousness, Headache, 1
Dyspepsia, Tndigestiou. Search the
Drug Stores fn m one end of Canada to
the other, and you cannot find a remedy
e'1ua1 to it. Try it and use it in your
families. Sold everywhere in tense bot-
ototles et 50 cents. Fur sale by Geo, Rhy- - -
To the fle/Isal rrdkaaMn, sad all whole
11 slay eeneen.
Piuspatine, or Nerve boon, a'Phos-
pphat. Elentent bused upon Scientific
Faets, Fortuuleted by I'eofessur Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mase., cures l'uluien-
ary Coq.tuptton, Sink Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of •the human
syt'em Phosphatiue is not a Medeeit.u.
but a : .'rirrent, because it contains t:•
Verde:...' ? nr t' inernl Poisons, Opiate,
Ntreutitw, and no Stitnulagls, but snub:
ly the Phosphatic and f it•lrie Elements
towel in our daily text A single la,etle
is suflfcivut to convince. All Drugitrts
sell it. t!1 00 per bottle. l .. ut .. dt
Qo., sols agents for the P'anint••n,
5b Frent Street But Tot'rntn
6iveR .away.
We cannot help notion:, the liberal
eller made twill invalids and sufferers
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumption. You are rreoqyuested to cell et
Wilson's drug stor), an. l get :► Trial Bot-
tle free of coat, if you are suffering with
Consumption), Severe Gra;its, Cu1ds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of
Voice, How settees, of any ag.Lt?ou ..f
the Throat or Lungs, It will positively
cure you. •
A CIBeral ataaspedr.
Never was such a rush made for any
Store as is now at \Wilson's for s
Tr' Bottle of Dr. Kine•s New Meer.
ery fur Consumption. Coughs and Colds
All persons afflicted with Asthma, Been- l
chins, Huars`ne.s, Severe Coughs, or
any a:fuction of the Throat and. Lincs,
Trial Bottle o this eat reme-
• et a fr tl t hu rr ttne-
s.• above 1
dy Fhtip, by .C:l..tll•,{ 1 rU¢
Store. id; • i
Mr. N.G. Dean of C'harhiton, (int-, )a ,e Ott a
severe cute. In a few days the 4vuaptuut. be-
came so like 0, those of consumption that he
and his friends'Mc:me alarmed of the old-
ie!'• result. 11s 1,I.yr!t.4c. ttLu ti,uuglat
more of hi. patient's aelfat'e than of the '•ett-
gcitte of the profr'won:' r ,ennnen,h.: tar.
WYtlson'sPutn,00ur's Ch.r•-. !,Meath Cot,
eery bo.tremedy i,uu1tn:nitunan-.lf.1tl, at.d
Mr. Iran on ta1.1'ng 0 VIAA in a eery seer
restored to health. It is a genuine ),ira.ure to
rote.fo101,6uus.lerfutvart os:h. to thew;
days of quackery foal .et' ' t ;u•••. ....::1 i;i-
•VI K'S FLORAL •!...U11).:-., �l I Ii ,tti >' 1
• 114 I.iI .� :i .,/ .1 ‘14,
� 1883.
11. TJ r &rn r
liorpar'a IL'esldy stead, at the head ar .lm-
• reran iilnstratrd weekly lournala. Hy its
neat titan poa.tamle oluau,its adlullrabl.
Asia rello ,a: lta wtetnlh chosen iterative -foie
'ori.•, sir •'• her obit put m,. coetributed to
Hasten moo artlstabnd authors of the day, i'
terries iastruatiun sill teaer:alnwcnt :u t hou-
setsds ut Am'rie u, home t,
1t wit, ea.vsys bathe aim or the publisher.
to lake lltrp:•r'a IVak(ythe most popular
and attractive family roew•ganerin'hc aorid.
ran titR:
HAI.PEtt', MAGAZINE. ....std 00
The THHEE above publicatiens..$10 CO
Any TWO above named $7 (1(►
LIBRARY, (52 Numbers). , ..$10 00
Puw(q;e Imre to all aubsert,•,y.(a L'o.fed
Stairs and Caaiada.
The volumes of the Weekly beeinwithWa-
Arss Number for January of each Vett. When
W tial ' s to iuenttotied, it wtil bi en.lertojd
that the subw•r then wlabce to eau nito., w,ib
the Number neat after the re •'ripe of or-
The IastF':-tr .Annual- l e:Uur • of ll,irpe re
11'(eS.1y in n'•at ..loth Lindh•. ill be bent b
uta1.potasgr patd. er by exprc a,tr j of es.
t"'nee term tiled 10.- freight .ti",s nut etccwl
ole dolma^ per oluate;,.ter t. :•t:• t, tet:.:•-.
t'!c'h !`awes fon• each veinier. ,uita rot
t: •.•lit r will bew•at Ly trail. pet-lr.': ' • • •. -
. :.t •.t LtS.00ouch.
lawn:ttae. es should he Made .1- b
l!onc, Pete r er Ih'ah. to lu( i• a:,< .-
loA'-I :•r 'p:rf.7,'. seism ..•-
a,.a.l• .. t, - .t•.
For 11sS r an Elegant aloe,:: r -f 113 Pages, 3
Colored Plater of Flowers al.:t 1'i. .tablh
and more than Li,'lO Illttstratioua of tie choic-
est Ylewce.t Plant,! mid Vegetables. and Di-
reet;rods for gruwlag. It t. Lauri, eat.' t-t$.n,gi,
for the t'• -etre Table qr.. ao'S"a, 1't
Pend on youseeme guts Post tetter address.
with 10 et»t., and I. will .,end you a tui y. Pow
lagepaid. 1'ni.•LA not a gqtarter of tat eget
it ie pr.ntcd Inakith Kleist) and derision. 11
you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 etc.
Steles ssedaare.lbe Meat In tee Wove/:
The FLokAI.(it tD..will l•::how toget end
grow them.
Vie& . P'towrn Ain �•f':i'7ARL}; (.taDKN,
175 Pages. -e colored Plates, to 1 i't,.�tvutyts. '
Per50 carte in paper cloven, : $1.00 in elegant
cloth: In German or Leone!,.
Vit't'aiLLrwrnaret, VTBLr MaoAZIXI:.
-St Yates. aColord Plate in every camber
and many fine i ave nviar,. Prlie
rear: "ire ('ori...for /Late. i ee.:ltara Nara -
her. sent for ad "twee ; :s tial . -alai. for Y5
1farp-eit Napntine l.r�;;;. 'st I,'•-!;-simel
marine n with ith
December \, leu w
i, lianaLer It 1
ni• Daly the most point: al . r tial ; •ti•
:n Aare^tr1 and I, to c mer : n t
In r e..; in Ito scheme, the sans l.•nuG t l•
a1',•►a-an.r..ii,! the bat ut.t:.aslt 't t
Lt•tne. 1 ni w note! et 1,k•1
!e• r tar/stance 1'enimore' tS a .a. tk•
aether of •'Ana "was bruins . +lie :.clone•
Isar Number. a literary
p n•r the .Mappan_Me lmpror -e "'• i n, h'.••:tt
er'r•[vr nurnbrr. itprt-!al effort* Miss barn
lnadc for rbc 111/2.b er euferta?r.ne• a of Do
reader, t.'ar•sch 1temo-o-• : .:yes .h •tete•.
Rete sestee. N. Y.
Mci.OLL E;': : el 00.
Thousands bear witness to the peas,- TO�.ON TO_
tire curative powers of the GREAT GER- ,•
MAN InenumATna,-the only remedy OW af. ': ' . (.:i T r I , V'
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc and and all diseases that arise front self-
abuse or overus=ed brain, tinally ending
in consumption, insanity and a prema-
ture grave Sold by all druggists, or
will be sent free on receipt of $1.1)0 per
box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J.
Cusxsv, Toledo, Ohio, solo agent for
the United States. Send for cirealer
end testimonials of genuine cure.. Geo.
Rhynas, Goderich. 3m .
l week -made rot home by the In-
•Iuatilone. Beet hnsinewe naw be+
faro rhoj public. ('apical not need-
ed. We will start you. Men, wo-
men, boys and girls wanted every-
ahere to work for us. Now is the time. You
can work in spare time. or rive your whole
time to the latrine**. No other hushest will
pay yon nearly so well. No one can fall to
make enorrneint pay. by engaging at once.
Costly outfit and terms free. Money mads
fast. easily. and honorably. .lddre.tTRUE et
Co., Augusta. Maine.
NI ;'1•:t 3rATrS 31AII, STEAMERS
`anal Weekly to and from
O aMscSaA;a1r TDE OXLe_.
Four Medal., ' tl:ere ' !pletnae awards
them late year sr the leading' Eabibl•
• time, in the . Deainton -
And all men rowan); ritt..bincri will rave
money by using one oil.. Our LA IIDINI. and
CYLiTN.1►Ait 011 has no equal. Facts speak
louder then words, and the public can and out
that the foregoing assertions are trae. by try
Ing one sample of our. Oils prices ate.. on ap
'fleet ion to
IcOoll Bros & Co Toronto,
The Laraine is lot .nle in Goderich 1.y •
1 S3 -
.116K Yoko ANn 11.Al.luw, VIA NIK)NnERRY
l,ahi❑ 1'n•=•n,r.=00!o>)M0. 1(rhtrnt,11101oiI10.
Kreon i Cabin, fife. Return Ticket*, {; 5.
Krrrntge pataenger. booked at low rates. s
P:+sacugnr accommodation. unexcelled.
I'assengt•ra booked at lowest rates to or from T1t.* T Mau,
liermany, ftaty, Norway. Sweden. Denmark.
'Fur Rook of "Tours In Seotland." Rater,, Plans
del•., apply to iHENDER.`SON BROTHERS.
New York.
.)r to MRN. 1'. WARNOCK, Hamilton St
182)1. O odcricb
The ab.n c new and flr.t-alae hoose, close to
the Railway Station and convenient to the
too n, 1t acrond to note :n Ontario, far com-
fort and aecommodntior. is heated by Hot
11 SALISE BITRat, a t1N►11i4 RATA
Croquet Lawn and garden nn the p:emine.
Hot and veld melts at all hour.. for traveler.
An (ha^:hns to and from twat. and cars cot: -
tinnily ,'1 attndance. 'no. lineman, Pro
prleto:. late.
Thr great lung remedy ,a alto 1 valuable an
',dote to !)snap. tlrs. {Tonto, Wellington It
ilreatfnrd tr.y.: "One of my ehltdren was
sewed with aa alarming att1: k OP Croon, A.
the .l.•' -t gat black in the face I was frighten
ea ado ran in for ray nnprbbor. Mn. Plnfllth,
who handed me a Mottle of 'tMminlon Omagh
11.laam . welch Mr ICng1MIL had been mane
for re:, ',net The Mrs do.' grey^ rempIMe
relief 1 anon give another, and very ahorily
taw rill 11 w*. all right and at play, 1 sent for
t a hM'1 to keep in tbe' trot.* at l believe 1'
was : • ,' -. of aasiai rry obitd'p life."
1) -inn." all '1 15 (bees per Fettle
a. T5Tst1TT t cur.. aete Pr.p'i ewe
it',Satt.o t.' Ml►ole
t W . J C. Nre1�aft41. tT�,irlt.
Neuralgia. .fcaLc ,.ere 0,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Son Throat, .girt!,'_
ingt and Sprains. Burns end
Sea/dr, General dos,/r
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosts!
Feet and Ears. and all ether
Point and Ache,.
w., Prop.r,tl^n ro •.,t. n)'-•}. 5- 1. •e.. Pa.
u a ►n/,yaw.w. ttmph. •u1 eh...1 Ct,..a•!
Ias'4 A trial watts M•1 '„e r.'rar,e.yrrly
l ulsv rd N COSI.. ave •.err wn• weir.
tea a lb pole net h... clasp Aad purtty, pr.'.'
.f la, stow..
nhwt$ ..e Mewls laefaaets.
,c.. VOGELER k CO.,
nakM..e.. Km. P e I
fist. it t t.
HARPER'$ 1[AI AZINE... . ,.$d mal
HAAI:PERS WEEKLY .-,.....640)
H .Et'Ei;,'S BAZAR. L.. 94 0
1 he THREE ah„ve pa 1'4.4 i•.rie .%LO 0.1
Any I'N'O above tattootl, .: : _AT M
IiARI'ER'S YOiiSt: PF. ►;.•l.rr'.
LIBRARY. ,52 Nttubera'.....=10:00
P,•.deor fes,- to all Rwiu-rtbero is f4,s United
Slatea and t'aasadc. • •The volumes of the Afagtoa-inr begin with
the number.forJune Bed Dre+mber 0t sack
tear. When r.o limn is £1'.- !aul.t p: ;1 bn
liege to auuouu,o to the people of Godetic .rod this section of un}n, that he ha•
purch m, d front Mr. A. Phillips hu shock of Groceries, etc., and will
continue the business in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria andBruce Streets.
Ila• • I. -u4ht the goods for cash, and as 1 intend to stake all mypurchases fro
wholesale men for casht also, 1'- will be in.* pawitiuu to ell at 1
Very Low Priceslfor Cash
My attack will always be fresh. I will ktep the Lest brauda of] teas, gold sugars,
and eterything itt the grocery lire tram the hest 1ptoducers. Bacon, rt.tetd ;Hata
etc. , always en hand in season. 1 aw determined to please, both in.luality and price
Jen -Call at the stand, Victoria ..react, chem,. .•tu the Fair (,round, near D. K.
•1tntchtn's machnie shop.
; I,•rich, March '!th, l.S_.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Cr. Bi+;RR Y.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A eoed',oisortmeut of i:ittlien. Red -room, Dining Itounl and' Parlor Funtiter.. ono 1, as Ta
hie.. Clothehair. C•4110 and wood treated t.. ('option Ned-•teaut, Matti 11'at.l -sten
Lounges, so,'%hat-Pict', Looking Ott:••
N. fl.- A :omelet.: a..ortnw'pt of Colln.and /throngs alwayson hacd"tit-r, Ileac tee for h
reaau-oh'e rate .
Picture ITamine : he.,:atty.-A e.il ,• g
, I t 7ineta• in the' al. ,' Store
1;111 parch:viol a large and
'osi rgutc., ne lett determined
rdlru•1,.•a• . . !,'
; .. . •
. en,! !': bh i'} .•- i !•t.,,.
1 f 4IN: & WEDDUP
11 u..an',. True t'atet0.
A f ,, 1 .! 9,...1 it f: , ud ia: C. T . C - _ ..CTO 1
i l.Isuol 1 t..,: ,I• toy. o';•'.; i! eh,•.•
'+ta-.ce i:• 1a'n.1mm-a - when 1)1 0 it 1e•
.ffiieteJ with •'.lanae, mote ,partictt?c.l'r
rh,.aC t .,fa and weal. hereat ,... 0., .1-
: :7 /o t.:' a J•.le i q,t tat,. n.. I':. •
.•-..tett (h. old know that Iilei:tri: I :.
ere are wiewtn's tri:c friend, and tt .
,•ifirel" ee•t..re ter t -i health, eve!,
•+thio•i teutu.{ie. f.•:!, t xi:a•Jle
flied alw:.J s t t'.V t nRr a•oiestian. '11. ,
.re pit:, tart t t th8 taste, .tall •, ly c .•i
fifty cents a bottle.: Mil:h'y Tp . e, WO.
f2f .
a Tec.d Il lesglgtsan. '
Even the patience of Job w.ul1 be-
came exhausted were.he a preacher end
•mdeaveriit to •intere.t 1 i, .'':.L.•utu
while thio;, :.' ;eeping 1!•, .1r tvv. weird
coughing, unaloitta,f if iiupo:.ei.i i.4 hint
tT%b a hear'. Yet, how ser, e:.ry ca:, all
this be aV t Tea by ori.,,; !y usnt Ur.
•Kitts A New Utweo'vary tor Connts.t;•ti..n,
Coughs and .1.1.. • Trit1 Bottles amen
•way t.'
3 ,fit
• .: eo . it It ilwnrr .. i11 run
•`e:1•,�Ii 1. i., MANITYO11A and
-1 1.l • .tit r. r: 1• Lr.1 June
; oto we r t • ivies eeifg TUHB-
Sl►q, r 1.d. ice:.,
Faros Reduced.
1•••.z. t iwinati. it, tickets, etc., apply t
�p.•eial 4':.'..t (;cwt Weatgre Uailway
is lh • t":•.. 1'•" 1811~: •
�� . r are antnuWy tnbhed PI1(ts(tIII1)lI(II .
" 71 t' pnWn•^i • 1
a s,
: WWI haat • • ' u• d
bythe u..tmit e:• -tat .
GEI?lofAAI /AI V I GORA T OR 'a"°' `h."lag M"g,,.
understood that the sane( eih••• :wit ter• • , to- T.tatd Nettie Combs, *1 ..,
gin with the.•urn•n: ti on ear. ' whie h iso.;::', .- and ):^rnuti:ent y cures low• t
sedeeer ii.re•evetp 'etr'w•s of any ki t,,) - r.hglish, 1 retie): aril
T:ti'last lt:°i, V e. tett' , :1 •, - I1/..
, ot1..: Meantns?R'eal.nesa,.,1 rigdlteatee's tints fee
rei-. to nein oto hie 1 , w :: is ,.. t • h; Ica s, 1 -e" ntat'clf ‘1,,,l4-. as !ass •a rt:• Canadia Perfumery.
mail: postpsla. iia ret;etp t St DO per ..!o'no, eruy. 1 • •t 1 ,einory, to ivenial 1 U'bllude,
(':nth Cawfor' p!t$ia o ..n+• orae h by rtlna,• trot c. •1'Lnnes. 0(' VI'.In:h pn'nm- -T--
m 1.1, tw.tlntG!• tare tail a . and many other disown:, that g f) �j•
tn) rot Low.
lades to ll.ltorw.,.:Jou s:;:i... tijp,hhalie:!.'• al. 'cart to!! -,::•v (WI onvinnettr,n end a minu-
Inu- .L 1'l7r ars rllll ill & Pri.,l S 1Jo 11 •
Analytical. and Clio -A(0 f,- .•nintriet 1 to taregrarr. t
e), inclusive, frolu'
inn `y:.1: -:n Jane, laity;, Staid Lot. '• tl.trrwith te�thnuni,t
one vol. Sea. Chili.. $1 tet • mall.' The ITtelH ell1T0R !.' ,".1
!temitlencr., sh'•uid be usii • •' t•ost•O'Sie- box, er "ix hosts for es, l'''roll 48( 1 '1 � il.No tniubie to show Goods and Prices.
Money Order e: ,:rnft,pto aV.dd obsnee of will be sent free lir molt ia•curel) r rho;
lora, meip• ,,{.-;,�w, h addn•tusing. ..�
.\ru•annprraut- not 'n rnrtrn^.:•r roles.?.,so- ••_ •t• C11F.\1ty, !):•'ants•.
ni,nt tr(ttort f!'r r3pt(.••rrr,irt a' HA1Cvc i .1' 147 Pum,nit �t,,, To!,r'
DRtrtue.rs. lit - l''tt .(::,
ul^ A:. for Goderle! .
Addret. H.v.RI'ER&H!':''i!1t:Hiv,- - -- -
. `ler• York.
'T Et )'j,?',' )', i T.
Tea INnr:'•t(11t?ar needs a:.y to b' hetler
known to add to its a!re.s. v targe ;;«t- of
fiends. 1' has been p ab10,11ra for thir!r.nt o
fear* and bag a.-ulred n wor'rt-w'ne -repine-
eon as the tweet relig:nut and tile -vary news..
Im'p's. :..
THE iNDETENnr.T 1r net o enortiva!:nnal.
1:. treed aed field are breeder than any Pert.
A.* ('hri*Nan jrmrnal,!•. sires i s to strengthen
and extend Evangelical retire!, and to dwtctwi
it ngaims the attacks of Materiallwm,AtheGm
and nnbeliet. It it free teat/prove or rrfflrie•
In any of It. dentmtlnst inn. whatever 0 be-
lieve. it dethrone to Mvan••. or Vaasa tee
t"eymea of tLr Gospel of Chris:.
7i pas Iarg• rices toahtaatthe. wort emir-.
e•,' writ. es. Bowies the ,diter.41.• :herr are
wenty twa eirt departments,1,,
edited _f
twnraty-two, rpectalife•, which 1:tehade Bial.
cal Re.en-'b. eanitarr. Lstal. pine Ars;
abate. !Teel .•^, I'ebbiet. I'enoasltLIea flltr'
.tees,■: Re¢t.0tr, Hymn Notre. $' beol and
t nllete. l.tt.ratare. Rwlieteti.
Miwir'nw. Anandsebaul, Neva of the sleek.
Ilnunee. (tosiolw., luso net. ripe.. Per. i
stet. fie•e(ttse., and Ai .are: T.1 Vase.
In ail.
11. w111 rw•w.rt ;n (.1, Pee. ]sere Carfet.
erlwhrattd SeMan IWrtday Lectures. ullsh
will bat* ,snowy. Mr. Cook I•ab on r..
tamed hom a two year; •rep mote rhe *Kath
awd ►is le•tniw. etas Wifttet will atiteet
pester etteetlenit/kr ever.
0111110 TERMS FOR 1883
Per.wtlsrriptics et:rt•..- e.
(tae wt.a-vtptfets Iwo elan. .. , . . . ..
(tae subrattption rte years . ..
Taro rat need prices ' 12 per ,:.- . 1n
rlsla of Rw Moire, re, ars, eery nweh lee•wer
Owe any of the leaf ear,: religislat week.
1a order tMteue m•.) wale few . now*
the anther of Thr !.rr : . :, • v, seed uhf
Nara it• ratao we rlr• - m mwi) •. ,yg,a,•rtf,.
that. ata 'Tr.altit TnR' b.r iO nM, A 1
we t' i
e1!e4 h poster. •: AMP".tea! K i
titin addition will we, re 'he Its
rw (+f*
yeses ribeert pt ie n. 1
toted Jamal card !Ur In.,. 011$14 ietl espy 1
mid joshes fee yourself.
Tint 1N1)1 PEND.eNT,
11Itresewree. Maw Teat.
Ire 1,7, roan: to take. l'ontain thrir own
Purgative. Is a safe, awe. and 'Nocella:
Je.lrvyer of wersaa in Children or Adults.
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' ' '..IRC Oil REL:EVI:
I 531%
1 • ' /ON,
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ft. /f7BURa,
And emery se.r:.a of Woo*** arl.t"tt 'Vote
e'wrd.-. ! t' V!R, KIO0(V$, sunset"
0.)wr Le OR n.A00,
T. MILBURN & E0., Pr°°'':v„ eclat
led. by PI'rntrt:lns.
C t7 E'er '
;lure of the J : !rC vlty L•-:csad Ukeradest
''etv a otitis an Eye M ant Three. 1. 4 teals
larEP,NALLY.. tad act* Im,a.CTLY vie
ui Blind and (1.' as farts of the
I dim. t the nest 11^.',1 V ttlhr
M the wan ', ' 1 ti rifle ,tit
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)fy Ult 4 .., , a 1 awe 1 • w,' •e. 1�.
`Or two .1•rA�l •
tr • •. r na A.•a•.•;l(ad
;tet tub n' • tales t:+a. e H •,' 11 tt
a..oi easel.- "W `T. 11 ,Urs.
!hews 'IS .1••ifnUg•• welt OVA' • 1"120,
:011 ,. 1 Parc i ,., t'r1 •... , t .trowel ' ',a ge
:1 1: it *CI r she .w-.s'•aubaw
..,. ,. 'a.' •-11. if is r die be ea:0'w k I fes lb
aa:n.., ... ., .-.th of time. -
IV. t-Hs:.l.raft
wttK,I,A�D. Noe* 11, IuRl<
•. J, t war, r k G.., T•ea •b.
sI.••N.-lBares,.l A.•r,rates ., r r.,g>�
ss,aaR att.! MORO, e',; aittfnsil►.0
HUtMet'. t tr•stegll11,
dall's Catarrh Cure
-•,' 1 '•r .1: alma. Is 't.,rt Steel Oyu 'Ls r
sat 14.4 r• fa 1:1•1••P'.5,.4Ila/ It
die 1:1•1•• 1 list -..a 10 t1
i Ceuta a Usatlia'w =Curl 11 ie,
Th. onto asaatne /10re 'OW yet 1. ora 1,
Asetorwd b,r V. J. deli, 41tIf 104., totr•'a
aarlfe,t•ra of Inei:at',lna.
1164.'"1 ter tele n„t . . 'do by
H. W. H0136t1i, WeIk ni. Jet.
On*)((1 HUN •
:!(fie t net: � oh
In Paris f leitemsl Thr % si !A„
ap„plectt" tet elft I1e,•''ii eel 1' i
(:morel Chaney, why wl*aos,'
it 11,9011
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