HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-02, Page 5'4 THE HURON SIGNAL. FIRI1)AY FEB. 2. 1383. 5 The Rev. Mr. Baugh, of Bayfield preached in the O. M. a inch here ou Sabbath last. The Rev. Mr. Musgr.ve, of McKillup, preashlwl iu t e Presto{` •erten church here o 1 Sabbath lajt moritisrf and evening. Ue i ig to the orm, the attendance writ small et both services. Mr. Jas Sialr, of Glenwood, Mince• sots, is at present rutting friends in this ticilllty. fussy of Tait SIGNAL readers will renieluber Jain when he lived on the 7th con. uf Colborne, ue,tr 1" oung s s')hool hoses, some 20 or 25 years ago. He k. k t hale and hearty, arta enjoys u juke as in days of yore. He is the pro- prietor of 640 acres of Isud tuMtnue.tota ,rpt of which be ha inset cultivation. Drod.• :Ku, A Itrpion . • (. inter Gari Boom ill Winnipeg. Owing t.. tlw rlurw Iran week no mail By .e,•:, „t,.,• anion, v find all lilt.♦ K sp`tuhi.wr L .•.. '.ear Lead and watch the matter was reoeieed hare from Saterdsy ops and dos rut ,., Dm the thus mak in. n1Mti1 Thurrda uveuiq . Large fortune... Bt e whole secret la. thy) 7 K L„ p ,i, system in a healthy condition by th Mr. Joseph Phillips who has been re- use of awing here for soma soot left a Tilk Y*I*E E TN VALLEY taltutl'rrr We use a►[� way that hundreds tome to u• 11%ass few days ago for Pn'm, int the tx.unty of for the great fiat` and bloat purifier before going west. head the following statement We could give thousands of the same kind li It were neoss�ry ' 1 cert ictyy this i was troubled with Catarrh th'husd, 'vlrtget iathethruat Grey. Mju .Maggie Ruthford Ins been engag. .d as asai;tant Catcher to our ecfauol, is place ifs Miss Ella Csiutybull who resign- ed at the end of the year. A young wan was III the village for a dm day.: last week teaching what he falls photo oil-pat..!i.V, but• stat. with, poor seccesa. A few nights ago croute sneak trite. eti- tared the stable of Mrs. Phillips and stole part of a set,atf aip a b trues'. The thief would have taken 11ttY w(ttile set Vic part of it wwha.ying in another part -tit the stable, and thus escaped his notice. Mr. Daniel Alton has rioted his saw- mill to Mr. Glazier and moved ip to his fent, and, purposes eevniiitl1iia time entirely to agncultural pursuits. Mr. James Mullen, seat, recently was i salionted . Peat . -...aster, has moved peat o� dello his reidsncu on t)' a farm, tied general murmure of tllartisfaction are heard, owing t. the inconvenience.'" He has also got tho contract of carrying the wails to St. Helena and Lases. in Worn choking and coughing at night for years, w 1 ecoid Dot ['untroubled with dell, L(r- leue feeling,,, pa to '-t the 'best ahs bast. After irtviatg huedmlr M dollars to Sectors, and giving up all hopes. f tried the Penni or rug ` ALL•Y, and am now able to do b7 work ass's seven�pa� s sichm�saess. Z11M -JAhis'Mc N P;1� 5Imcoe Mucci, (Ando- yr +• ^ nboln"ta1NN'' -. or m7 wife's is coi rect. JAsrt:x mat; Ll,L. ..F 'r sale by all druggists, manufactured by 1t4ot A. 21. Shrlevea. London. toot. pie package L5 cts• ave fur $1.00. Can be in fiodericb of the following druggists: M.J. Jaw. wttsva. Y. Jorge's, /:r.. Rby. was. said J. A. 'lapel. 1fiC► I1111t011th. Mr 8. Dickson, Postmaster, was busily tengaged.411 Wednesdayni:;httlistributing nal matter. The Wills carte in about twelve o'ckiotr, and the accumulation was each that it took until seven in the morn- Star Balt Works anti to int it cleared ..ft's„ the citizens would list their lette/s and papers is, time for.Msioess en Thursday. ' Kicgao BY A MOLL -On' Friday last a rilalft. man tuitt ed Douid, s, in the em - y of Met• D. D. Wilson, out with a somewhat bad accident. Re had just fed one of the mule. its oats, and when arming out of the stall the animal kicked him on the side knooking him down. Before he could get out of the way it again kteked and struck him on the temple. i'utturtateiy Mr. John Meisb was stetidutg emir at the time and he was able to pull the prostrate man out of reach ..f the vicious brute else he might have been killed, As, it was he had a close call, for had the blow an the head been halt au in h tither way he would almost eltrtaimll�ttee been killed. The animal w -as noted amontethe matt floe its kicking propensities and had become the terror of the stable, but Mr, Douglaa, who had been driving it fur some tinge', thought he had gained the mastery u\'et' it, but it seems the mule was only await- ing its opportunity, and as goon as it aught its master off his guard took ad- vantage of the situation. In other re- spects it was a valuable animal. As goon as Me. Wilson heard of the accident, 1 n at once ordered it to be destroyed, and it was accordingly led out and shot. The young man is recovering, and will rr;,ly �1ppV6 ; ;; soon be none the worse for his nnplens- �1(U(�i vel til ant adventure. -[Expositor. Lesbnra. • TI11T not. life to sweeping by, go aunt dare before yon die. something mighty and sub- lime leave behind to conquer time. Ile a week is your own townas omits free. No risk. Everythin4 sew. ('apltaiaot rewired. We will furni.. - you everything. Many are making fortunes. dies make as much as men. and bey" and girls make great pay. Reeder. if you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for particulars to )i. HAi.' vrz & Cu.. Portland Masse. WANTED -fit 1115. (19,500) Nineteen Thousand Fivr Hun- dred. CORDS OF WOOD (5,000) Five Thousand Cords, Good Bssnood lleathii $35,030,110 J, a .+.large Sum :i Mency.12 N F R O I ABRAHAM SNIIMH 1 tat shim What Se the strove 1r about tt. „utotaPt the h:KY Wiaa War coat (WI England. ameautofgood uusld be done with 'w.ty five milliuu of .1,,'I •-• rn euro•.... t 111d. els length of sumo It would lair to sound the :.enc, ray{rr fur day. rate of sixty dollars a minute, colliding twelt a hours 1e.' y N=O=T L C El will give to any youtg lady ouunder fifteen )arta ufiu s, tu,.ens Gieil em)y of hi'r.., lb' 11pair .tf1ttnt seMitts who w uta rret yper )ard, the above�umlwill purebare. How rsas Quilted Sklrtet $1.0, and 11 Weah.andhow ato-Ura., .1 Cloud sat whiceta. $I.00a.id $1.3111 wald bey, and now hill vdr. of I) gotIio.1.1ll adapted at in -.. rud,t tr•tthny yarns,t.ftIeIwe 11 l'frot Ird. at 1►.:. per yard.w Whlteaud Tuscan Calor, at 72.Lt. $1.11 •. 51.am. sed =:ha a pis.+'. awarr ded. Jus. arip tbeeorreetanswer shll be declared the win•e•r. and .!salfurUtwi ..The asst ya lady a1 grosd talk ..L ,it it to w a MISS STEW_ART. BOLTS, ,38) Thirty -Eight inches long- Prises $2.50 to $2.75 1.er Cord. '2,000,000) Two Million Feet. cf Saw Logs Consisting •,f boft Elm Rock Elm, Bass- wood, Maple, Birch, Black Ash, White .kah, Hemlock, and all kinds of logs, for which cash will be paid. Apply to JOHN SCOBIE, Star Salt Works, Goderich TMr. Henderson and wife are spending i T , a few weeks with friends at Napauce. Potrrt-Ar_ ---The Refonners of this sec- tion are right Into work, and aro hold- ing meetings for organizirfk. There is a desire here with both Reformers and Conservatives thatrthe elections should come off before seeding. Tg,trgRANcttt.-The following officers of Leeburn Temple No. 213 were elected for the ensuing ?quarter at their last meeting night, viz : W. C. T.,--Bro. J. jy � W. S., --R E. Brown; W.F.,_Br . W. is MW. . Horton; � ���� 1� ��1 McManus ; . F. S.--Bro. P. Stuart ; W. M.,-Bro. J. McManus ; W. I. O., -Sia E. Horton; W. O. G., -Bro. A. McLeod. SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the standing of the pupils of Leeburn public eshool teethe month of January. The results are based upon good deportment, attendance, punctuality and perfect reci- tations - Forth Awn cla.s-1 L Mc- Allister, 2 8. Smith. D. Hetherington, 4 P. Stuart. -Fourth Jun. class --1 P Foley, 2 0. Clutton, 3 F. Boyd, 4 H. 1luriow. -Third Sum. elaas-1 B. Mc- W11�s� 2 A. T2;urlow, 34. McAllister, 4 F. Mnrria, 5th J Linfield. -Third J en. ekiri- -1 C. Weise, 2 R. Futq 3 0. Fol- ioed, 4 iL Linfislat, 5 J. idly - Ietioadclaa --1 P. Fol►, 2 R 3 R. Bogie, 4 A. Bogie, 5 W. Telford. - Pan $.ecoid cissa -1 J. IdeAllirlter, 2 J. Foley, 3 F. H.Mdereoe, 4 R.. Boyd• 5 Ay Hortrw. Ar G'_ =_ Oz=)'3 WNW sibs ssee Tea 'sea Te. 1.011 Lee Mesa *slaw in Town. Me Sweat Ow Money. rs and Met Tea Gaal be Meat by say ■t d rrem sssi eageseilleu With regard to the morels& of the rate by the Federal 0soernmena, it salla sear that is jsstrfestioe neer be that the least set is prejwdieial to 1111 inter. rots of the people tido ether Provitt ees, wbo bare ateosgwretl7 a right to the res ref tha ins Government. we hoe' haws of opinion that the disallowance of the Manit•'ha RailwayAria was inetillehle, mid rte he same road w• should have held that the AidMwees of the Qwehwe' Tat Ad, widish sates eorp•retirtns ether Pr,.tttr+as in the Dominion. might to have been at else disallowed. On the outer f sad, the Riven and Streams Ari sed Ow Mit regarding liminess for the sal. of liquors are strictly 1..e.1, of hethb the people f Ontwrin slows. - !Meletreal Journal of l'ommwrv!P Reduolioas tams eeiiib ass upward paresis of JAPAN, SLACK, AND 0R>Q, A Mei n sod Well TSAR Wei let of 8fICxtiel W W Medical Hall- k I.- '.1.14;y1.11.0.ru'1'HI•:Fal.l..)'. lX(. `` r t �1 r' 1 t. kl c•. l Ol H1N�. l. l 'Nth: TLA'1'iir!1 7►F;n)I. . -t KAtrt\r:.a��+u1tT%IN�KrNul.k.nV.�LlI.l'. 1',1 It�rI 1IJI t 1 (.;001)8. 11 ATS, ILL TILE l.ATBt r $T1't A 110 1.v1•atl' `t19.R'011 M'.iLL PATTK)tNyt, .1.111). t'P IN lllhili car\ LF'. .t\D A FIT 1111'.lI1.\\'1'):1.0 1111 \o -.%1.1... ,CLOTHS. NEW (31-oODS, T W PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. Holiday Presents Fx .., <1 rhe aulririlr•r has received ua consigns, . ,11.115, uf all Fashienablc l'olors, with iron ^e per yard. regular price $1.2.5 ; 411111 ac k 1 rr1 73rte; all weal Canadian (ire) Flannel at .Ac 11.oec. Ladies l'IuthJackets lett rl•r,t.1.eke. •: tun 11) 11.,r .-.111 eheri. r. u...l ', t,. 1• , err belt,rr. `coteL To.•..I+at 1st in per s,, rd, wn••1 pr'. • + I upwards of IMO .,r''. ,.! I:1101N .,l:AIN :ens If sell on to tat of Jan (141 v nett. tt ;.Lela .•+ Fn ueb t'anhuu re at be la t,.., yard, worth • all wool scarlet f i , ur 10 is up. A iow of :i; Such Brown and Itienaled At. ere no Cot t1;Au the ('uuadjail at Male true.. .1'1 wool I -.. 1:, u.diuu all 11'0•.1'1''.,. 'Olt IA t.s. ' C 1t O 0 F R I M B I, 6r. O- TeLsa'-p., ally; .1uprt, tihln... 'run1 ltk•.ta tots. is pt r lb;n goo.) \' I -nn 111 2.11t.•ppe!r 111, better ut allots up to 10. SO, Mao .17:x t. per Ib ; r R.srl kiosk tea at Lir, ; e t t r,i, Neta nue, 410,1.; tem•+t imported, Susie. ts•r 141 • Bice, 311w for 2:wts,'al Ib.+ for. ! -t.. Ft:;..' %ant '.'urt'uuta feta: , 11',tem Viilene.n eta per Ib : \taln*•a, 1-±;rts ; Locos yt a ..o . ' wet. 1)lhrr 4.r... e: .. ::q nelly Chi a bowl 11'at1mnt.•,1 Pure, FT A R I W .A R ill . T 0 11 T• 11.,- t. ,.1'111 I-111 .1 ; ..f Ili ',I. C. CR1�BB, cI, Nuel., 1.:.:.• . .1 `nn 1. 111' .44 111'1-. :+:,w;. and \Laerials, HIV ,.1 r. wna':'e 1,n•, mire,. SQLT.ARF- The Chicago iTouse, Z, --Syr., GOf H•IC' THS FALL TRADE Ir»! MILLINERY! I�tL4 n'1\t ..I:t'ut•tl at shits heailynttrt.•rs. of fa,' awl 1 uta now in a position to stats' that site ant tuost re.wont1le prices can be fouu'l th‘ r Millinery Tint' in \lists., Young Lilies, \1:.tron, 011 Vk'W at the l'hicatio House. A particularly Caps can be seen. . MISS WILKINSON is also a=;t-ltt for Hitt Parker's Steam Dye Warks, Toronto. j'I:telut nil yr the plttee :THE ( 'H It':\t it t F JORDAN, --Cheiuist and Druggist, 1, tics 4'1.iru`;a H(•utle, •t. !AVIV., I.' tit material I'C.'1.1-'tllht, in the and Widows' Wear it. tine 1,1,1• in Widows' t.•:; . t'.1it and H( RISE. W;.,st-Street w'l1OLI14AI.1c ANI) iICT'.11. IKALER tN Drugs. Chemicals. l)ye :+tune. iforse 01(1 rattle Medicine,., Perfumery, Toilet Articles and Fan Geo. H.OId. Art Des�gus iu Wall Papers s Now it the time, it you wish one or two nice room. at home. to ace I',itler . room nap-, He has over How does a poor, honed ,.,an rat .- I.ert; earned ninon : ., ,.11, 11 BOVDSI Musical Instruments just Arrived from England & Germany AComplete Assortment of II c Foliown.g: Violin do -Stainer, Noted German Accord:onto comet -finale, Violin ('arcs, !tows at d f'rirr,'-. ttnl;an Guitars, ) lute.. (Irmo, IIL eatniuma Violin Key* and Bridges, Vases, Fancy Toilet .trtieles. Ladies "au ti 1., I'nrrcr. Shell fuss's Lined with Satin. tar Mr. Fred. C. Mond will guaranleeany of the above article*. for rale sit John Bond's I)rtlg Slone, to be genuine, and of the t eery be.t notarial{ and will be plre'ed to s.l use .uatom. ere our entire stock of Taney Article.. L4'Our Motto 1e. Quick boles with `small l'rnet' ! - 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colors. and at prices�de t v ns than oe very ouch inferior nd mmuch o sold .n' 1 and�e• them they The talk Sing Bazaar Palfilos and Fashions, .A.t 3:3at7T2,1E1ZS_ 701-2ZNT rA- N�.FTEZt_ OEED WARE STORE. New Firm! New Goods! New Prices. tonsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL KAR- . to return e ma eta[ Pester l7seer r� . » 1. theaks M s,11e1L • abet cll.. Please Call and See Our Stoolat, (loth -rich. Dec.21 .IOHN BOND. NFWAPP1V- LS -l1F - - FALL & WINTER GOODS. OVERCOAT��I°TG-S Scotch,_Ellglish, Irish & Callatitaill Teeds HGH =3 U 1V LOP LAM3L ARRIVAL OF NZW 0001)8. - GOODS ARRIVING DAILY a ter Mips. limnaMe toe lotz frnowom f amt co up to RAM IMsad b s fids mid well saias! of oveey Mao S•rdware the sad will sell ter mob et- which erssaaet M 111at ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE CCASHaidH PIIRCHABERit we feeem thin day news II preset ea ell . ree the same with b tom r i wrltat a reZ reelJOEL i sad H Ly Sank Ivimatin1 Isidant Irthcturing Company, MANVPA OF Reapers, Movers, EthLers & Threshers. See the Dominion Separator before you Purchase. The Easiest. Run- ning, Simplest and Most Durable *whine in the Market LIYI% At 133 N WANTED. Addeo,. at file Q1.01tIQ= l 115.0f313. amoral Ater' Aotte...-( ,A\' 'rIIAT'ritr: TVIETIVI AIR 1tESTO1ER \,i ADE BY S. TAPSCOTT, of Ilrautkrd, plcallea lheru ;.otter than tt,., ilro tara- 1.1 tion they over used. It Is mous refreshing I1) . it's of ht nd •• t..• or feverlshtiets$ of the Scalp, and maker traded or Uray Hatr assume n charmingly Mt 1,1;.. •atu1healthy appearance. Brice =ottle GEORGE RHTSA a, A.G NT FOR GC:1Jl1 ' TEE GREAT SLAUGIITLR, SALE WILL CONTINt7Ii.- llUR1NGTHIS M()NTH J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. SEE TSL BLAZE SILK AT 95C. TO THE FARMFRS OF TRE COUNTY OF N11RON OVI7LIMZN,--By request of a Mtge number of the yeomen of the County we have decided to ssattafactsr11 2 LA.PIMCL AI?D IlLONV•Ilg . MACI3IT7r18, to atnnection with our Plow hemieass for the year Witt, which for .oaterial and workmanship will he second to aorto. Do not give your orders fur reapers ..r mow- ers lentil you see those manufactured by ua We will attend all tint ..prise • fairs in °minty, whiei will giro the femora a good opportunity to inspect orr machines. We will warrant our machines to do as good work as any other ,rs.lo. N.. will al- oe hare • number of gond LAN D _ 0 L L E Ret for the Spring trade. OOOHIN STOVES always nn band. and will lend! cheat. for situ . nr 1a exchanged for w,.•.d. Cash paid for ,.1d iron MICRONILLER at CO. Oo•let'ieh Foundry, 1