HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-02, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL N�fi paYtbhed every friday Moratast'hy MO- OILIBROIL, BRat their (ice. North tilt toff the *tars) OODIRRIOH, ONTARIO. Asa Is esep•tahee to all parte ot the surreertd MaReesatry by the earliest mails and treble- iMIlliberal admission it hu a larger tllreabe tea Mee limy other newspaper in this part of • d L one of the raciest, newsiest reliable joorna1 in Ontario u it dos.. tie fore -going essentials it adagios to the above, a ant -elite. and treed* It is therefore • desirable advertising medium. Tansas--jl.50 in advance postage pre -peed h publishers 11.76, it paid before six months Ito if not so paid. This rule will be strictly enforced. RATIN or Anvl1TIHINo.-Eight cents pe in. for first insertion ; three cents per line for rook subeequentlnseNlon. Yearly,lalf-yearly and quarterly °entracte at reduoed rates. JN rniirclNs1.»- We have shwa nntclass lobbing department lnconflection, and possess tog the most complete out-flt and best tatIlitieb 11r turning out work in Uoderich.areprepared so do bunnies in that line at priceetbat cannot be beaten, and ot • goallty that cannot be surpassed. -Terries Cash and TILE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY. FEB. t, 1883. ples.sdtho►erd.y ,d y074 and to be turn- One esteemed c'ontempony the Lon - toward fhb setting sun bleach- du. Advertiser very tersely says: --There ed kooks, but tranquil heart. If it we.~' `/I" mews 1n the Kate sent, but the les- wn alintit bo too thuru.ghly taught,tbat ballots do 1,-,e1. count till alar they have ti been deposited in t.. beflut busesmoral is, therefore, Chet et.� buses. The ucmer should cast his voteat the vAom..r( eWe' ti•n and see that all others in his neigh- borhood are out. Organize is the watch- word of the day. Tee Mail newspaper does not think it right that Reformers should act as Crown counsel and \receive pay from the Prc- viucial treasury for their services, and %Jludes to some of the gentlemen who have been st, engaged as "Paid Patriots." Will the Mail kindly point out to us wherein hes the wrong in the (natter of receiving pay for legitimate services rer.- dered 7 Dues the Mod do a wrong act when it publishes Governmeut:uitertiae- wents,or when its job presses are print- ing Government work 1 And is itseditur a "paid Patriot ' bt cause he is well paid fur the use of his pen who of us would not be guilty of it must willingly I No, no, goutlemen, your candidate must have other qualitl- oatiots besides an Inuperielesd youth- fulness, otherwise the remark of the late Daniel O'Connell (peace to his ashes), regariing a is tl man sin i any Se Jibed, wilt hold good in the CAM) of Mr. John- ston "lie may be s very foine young man, but be's not the man fur Ualway' ' FRIDAY, FEB. 2ND, 1883. Ci•+ fc• the liberties we fight.Ontanio, 0n• tario !' OU R TICKET. 'int MIST ■CIW I, COL A. M. ROSS, inek814011 rpt, MR. TlfOB:M GIBSON Fen *WITS Msee%, M R. ARCH. BISHOP. TIL ITCH FOR OFFICE. It is understood that on the retire- Inent of Mr. H. E. Johnston from the position of clerk -treasurer of the town on the lat of March, Mr. Wm. Campbell AB to be elected as his successor iD office. Already a scramble is being made by the office seekers for the position of collector of customs at this port, which is likely to become vacant by the retirement of the present incumbent, Mr. D. Doty, un an annuity earned by long years of active work in the civil service. Mr. Campbell, to such an event,having worked earnestly -often to his own detriment --in the in- terest of his party, considers he has a claim to the kindly consideration of the Government for which he lots for so many years been willing to spend and be spent, and would not be averse to holding the collectorship on Mr. Doty's retirement. Mr. George B. Johnston, we understand, Is also a candidate for the office, and every Tdry out of a job, or nut in a good billet, ie turning his oyes longingly to the corner of West street and the Square -the custom's office -as a Ma- hommedan would look toward Mecca. Mr. Campbell is a worker, and at present has a good deal of time on his hands to press his claims. Unless he is shelved in some way, he is likely to prove a for- midable rival to Mr. Johnston in the race for office, and there is only one way out of the difficulty : Mr. Campbell must get a berth ! The position of clerk -treasurer is held by Mr. Harry E. Johnstou, a brother of Mr. George 13. Johnston, at a salary about half of that accruing to the collectorship, and what could be nicer nr more fraternal than that. Mr. Harry E. Johnston should step down aid out so that Mr. Campbell would not be a barrier in the way of Mr. George 11. Johnston in the race for the collectorsliit. --always made and provided that Mr. Doty, who is still in the enjoy- ment of trental end physical vigor, shoulu see fit to take advantage of the superannuation which his lung and faithful service in the public employ en- titles him to, and provided also that Mr. Richard Radcliffe, the deputy at present, is not promoted to the position of collec- tor, as he undoubtedly deserves to be. It is quite true that the emoluments of the clerk -treasurer are not to he compared with those of the collector, but a half loaf is better than no bread to a Tory out of office ; and it is probable Mr. Campbell will look rat matters in that, light, and accept of the bird in the 'hand rather than run tho risk of waiting for the two in the bush. We want our readers, on both sides of polities, to watch this grab game care- fully. The gamesters are endeavoring each to get the start on the other, for each candidate is anxious that he and not the other shall feed most largely at the public crib. They all claim to have fought and bled for tbo " Party," and and now each applicant wants a pan- e'• for hie wounds and bruises, in the .tape of • fat billet for his " disinter - sated sed patriotic" political see -noes in the post Me. Maaau•K, M P., for Leeds, may be a very fine nun, but like many tether very tine nen he doesn't like a rule which he lays down to work both ways. In the course of a recent debate in the Legislature he grew virtuously indignant over the fact that, anterior to the June election, the Globe had published a ce:- respondence drawing attention to the unhappy prevalence of the .octal evil in some id the large manufacturing centres, land Mr. Merrick grew almost apoplectic while dilating en the great wrong that had been done the factory gills of Cann The aeressa .UL onthe said publication. fps also 'The difficulty anent the use of streams contended that the Reform Darty shoeld in the floating of timber dates farther be held ..countable for the utter•noes of back than most people are aware of. the (Aube in eve.y instance. Mr. Par- dee, who had listened to the remarks ut Some fitteeu yeah ago Mr. Playfair, oof the hon. member, quietly interpolated; tthe tt•wuabip of CIsreadun and Miller, I brought the matter prominently bele;. A RIG ie LAV. A tl tads. l'etseerratU, a ea the Creeks Aa. (tense t.be tiealorth Kaptsitor.l In view of die disoussioos new going un concurniug the workings and benefits of the Crooks Llamas Act, and the un- usual interest in the 4ot which these diacussioua have oe s1vuWlf, the follow- ing interview between a loos/ reporter sea 4 Mr. Movies Kidd, of this toy's:. will be of it.t.ure.t. 4t iy well known to most of our ruau:'r• Mr. l ,t4d is a life long Conaervatiwe, and is .. pr0DliibWtt lneni- her of the party. He is i Iso esten�Iivoly engaged iu mercantile and u allupaeturing punuits, and had fur thing ve,"• Cu ducted as one brarch ut his 6usiueas wholesale liquor trade. Ile it also, a shrewd observer, and from his experi- ence in the liquor trade, as well as his general knowledge of business, his opin- ion on this question is iuvaluable, as it must be entirely disinterested. The in- terriuw whirl. we relate below occurred in a casual way. and without any previ- ous arrrugelneet b etwe,u the parties, and it was after it took place we receiv- ed Mr. Kidd'e consent to publish it, toe follows . Reporter. -Mr. Ki1d,1 have just been listening to the con vet sation going On luetween yourself and friend on the Li luor objec shall Mr Qu setiot An Morrish, Thos. E FIaLy, J. Grlttin and .huhu Balentyne. Probes wishing to insure in this company by applying to any of the above directors or seLdieg • post card to Robert Murray, set rotary, St. Helena P. l) , will be puuctuaIly attended to "And how about the attack on the dele- gate. to the Reform convention by the Strait Should the Conservative party be Lend accountable fur that ?' " Oh as to that,- replied Mr. Merrick, some- what bewillered, "why that was only • little joke on the part of the Mail.' Only a jeke 1 Well the 7,000 delegates who were slandered, and their friends throughout Ontario, will show how they 'appreciate the joke when, they come to mark their ballots on election day. In this particular instance, Mr. Merrick evi- dently does not believe in the homely aphorism, " What is sauce for the goose, is sauce fur the gander." the Council of the County of rronteuac. At that time the people who were set- tling on lands and largely depending for income upon the sale of their wood,com- plained that they could not profitably get it down the Mississippi in conse- quence of the tolls which Mr. McLaren exacted. They did nut dispute that Mr. McLaren should receive a consideration for the benefit of (us slides and dams, but contended thst his charges were ex- A cessive, and such as forced them into Q conditioua the reverse of comfortable. der Some Lound that they suffered too many A. embarrassments to succeed ; they diapus- sold of their property and left the county. Q Mr. Playfair draw the attention of the bet Council to the manner in which the A Township was being depopulated and con urged the memorializing of Parliament Q for a law which would afford the people ala a measure of protection. It was not had, A however, until the McLaren -Caldwell trry Chancery case demonstrated the nece.si- is ty of it. The Stret.ms Bill has been passed twice and twice disallowed. It is being again passed by the Ontario Legis- lature, and it is one of the things the people will be asked to pronounce upon to the Local eleotion. It is based upon justiee end aims at dealing fairly between t .. and man. Caldwell andMcLaren are nut only affected by it ; it protects the rights of scores on other rivers besides the Miasi•stppi. The local history we have cited will strengthen the candida- ture of the man, who, if elected. will cote for the Streams Bill a hundred times, if necessary.--[Kintatun Whig. License Question. Have you any tions to answer a few questions I put to you on that subject'? , Kith!. -Not any. station. -I judge from your conver- t you are a Conservative 7 ewer. --Yes, -How nuny years did I understand o say you had been engaged in the r trade? --Over thirty. -What is your opinion of the prea- as compered with the old system of sing ? -I believe the present plan the -Have the hotels improved under present system 1 ,- Very much so. • .--h the sale of liquor curtailed un - the present system 1 -I think not, materially, bat it is is a more respectable manner. -Do you mean that the hotels are ter kept ? -Yes, tt1ey are one thousand per t. better all over the country. -How dues the Saturday night use please you .-It is the best thing for the coul1- that could be •dor ted, The mecbad• and laborer, when they get their ges, find the liquor stores and hotels osed, and they turn to the grocere and e home provisions fur their wages. Q. -I understand you to say that you pt two liquor stores in differnt coun s for 12 years? A. -Yes, I have. Q. -Has the present system wurkod ually well in both counties 7 A. -It has. Q. -Have you ever known' the com- i"sioners to interfere with you for the rpose of influencing you politically 7 A. -I have not. I must say the cotn- isaioners have always acted like gentle - en with me. ou say you are nue uor trade 7 A.-Yea,for ever, I hope. Q. -You can now speak independently erefore 7 A. -Yes, I can, and were 1 in the quer trade I would say the same thing ough the sky should fall. Q. -You don't believe, then, in allow - g the licensing power to revert to the unicipalitiea. ' A. -No, 1 do nut. Q. -Why then do you support your rty in demanding the change ? A. -I do not them! support the• It is the icensed Victualler's Association that is ushing for the change, and in doing ue think they are going against their own Itereeta. At any rate the change would ot be in the public interest, and 1 do ot see hew any honest man would sup - ort it. Reporter. ---Mr. Kidd, I don't find any Conservatives who wi:1 nnswor hese questions as fairly as you do. you t liquo A Q. enc licen A. best the D0a1op- Taa "Eaters." Frost bitten uuses and ears and sore throats were very pre, valent during the cold spell, and our sick ous►uuttee bad a lively titin •of it tu?xittg touies fur the sufferers. A Oar►T Barvtr.-There has been capital sleighing hereabouts fur the pest leunth. The wire (ewes were th 'wait Investieenls our township feth-Ie -vie. They are the only remedy scar L. -able pitch holm. The hike for those tt. - cue of the smoothest shore dere it nut. -All yard is tilling in winter. The sew L.. •-o. 'atomise up rapidly with les, and chi.. 1 to boon, in the lumber brie here. J. C. 5'wrrie's Awr$bea sate Lias. February �ih.-Sale. of houreh dd fur- niture, at the late'reenknco of Mrr. Weriock, Hamilton Street, also the re =snider of the 1liourhouse chattles, at the same Oleo, commencing sharp at one u •lock. Banking. -- BANK tiffMONTREAL. CAPiTAL, SURPLUS,fle, ewe el 600,000 Goderich Branch. D. IiLA.' Manua, Anal* tstegry e. ea deposits. Drafts, tette. of credt arid\ Wieder notes issued, Rabat)I In •U parts a(, the world. 1761. (CANADIAN BANK OF 00101iR.c?! Paid sip f:.pifwl, *6,000,000. Kest, - *1,400,0). Pre.+ideal leu.. WM .NcMAJTK1f Qesruu(N rnl Mar, - h o. n44-••• Goderich Branc tie A H. ROSH, - - - h1, At.ah lnterrst aw l.+ed on deposits. Drafts o.. a the principal . ^sons and Clip. Ia (]•nada Limitreat Rritaln and she United Stater, bough and sold. Advancceto Farmers on Notes. with enc of more endorsers. without mortgage. 17 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. iN TOO MATTte 0? PL ANN OMAN. Dtt K.taty The creditors of Ann Bplan. late of the Town of Goderich, lit the County of *lure.% widow, who died on or about the tweak) bird day of July, Ai/ cu', k r, 00 01 ..ore tole. In Goderich, on Friday. the 35111 inrt_ it., wife of Mr. H. 11. lanes, of a wren. Millar. At Ooderlch, on the 31st Jan.. by the Kcv. I tr. Dr. Ure, James McMillan, of tSealorth, to Janet Sophia, youngcat daughter of W in. Ilendrrum, Esq., of (loderieb Township. On Jan. Yard, by the Rev. James Caswell, John 11. (lay. of West Wawanush, to Mary \\'tl- lis, of Ashtteld. DI ICL. At Manchester, on the 18th iust.,of diphtheria, Kdmund Franklin, youngest son of Mr. 1t, Beadle, aged t years, and 6 mw. At Wingbam, on the 18th inst., Alt William Shannon, formerly of ,Wertt\rawanoah. aged G. COUNTY Master Johnstuu is now bid- ding for the Catholic support, awl would like to have that vote with him at" the next election. "Brother" Johnston' is counting without 'his host. Dues he think the Catholic of West Huron will forget the manner in which they were spoken of by the Tory party during the "Marmion" discussion, through the -me- dium ut the Mail 1 Does he think they will forget the contumely and insulting language hurled against their prelate, Archbishop Lynch by the Mail hireling 7 Can he conceive that he should get"the Catholic vote -in the face of the fact that a ukase baa gone forth to the Onn;outen of West Huron that they must support him simply because he has been a county master, and will fight, as this order from headquarters puts, it, for a victory over those "weak -kneel Protestants who are, privy to the shameful bargains of the present Ontario Administra'.ion with the priests of Romeandtheir henchmen"? What has Mr. Johnston ever done for the Catholics of West Huron thatheahould attempt to claim their suffrages 7 What has he done for West Huron, that he should aspire to ait in parliament as it* representative ? These are pertinent questions, and We ask every Catholic voter in West Huron to ponder on thein, before recording his vote. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD he quote) against himself said :-- "The Government of the Dominion would have been guilty of a breach of the Constitution if, because they held a different opinion, they should set up their judgments against the solemn deci- sion of a province in a matter entirely within the control of that province." "The Government of the Dominion would be gdilty of • breach of faith if. because they held a different opinion, they should set up their opinion against the solemn decision of the Province.' His action in disallowing the Stream s Bill, which was a law solely affecting the people of Ontario, looks strange in the light of the above deliverance. But con- sistency is a jewel never owned by Sir John A. Macdonald. can always He once Owe of the remises in fad, the prin deal reason &dw eed support- ers thsupport- ersMee of the Ce.etwtive sdid.te for West Hama .t the fortheosing elec- tion lecttion ie. that ie is • yogis( sen. That as the meat pretest reams admitted, and tie friends of the aspirant stop right there. and Nielattempt to f.rnish • MB of partitionists They don't tell es that b e is • yolks( sien of • high order .1 intelligence ; they don't say he s • posingposingOMR seaWimmense . has .Wised i wnss is his choses profession they never re mark then he is formed of the stuff.( which great men are made Oh 1 WI They tell us he is • young man only that, sod soothing more. Now, let es look Sato this matter calmly for shoat a minute. it isn't • virtue to he Tseng ; if it ween, then all of w can lay claim to baying keen poeawed of it at ons time another it isn't a -rime to have Mee iairrary *.r. CANADIAN AiareO)IST 61AGAr.IN6.-Price $2 a year • 11 for ate mouths ; 20 cents per num- ber. J'or sale at all bookstores. The February number has several noteworthy articles. First, an admire- ble paper of Biblical Exposition by the celebrated Dr. McCosh ; neat an arti •le by President Nelles, of great value, especially to every preacher, as an ar- mory of argutnent on the Educational Work of the Church ; then an essay by the Rev E. A. Stafford, M. A.; Presi- dent of the Montreal Conference, on the contrasted characters efWesley and Vol- taire ; and an article by Dr Sutherland, which should bo read by every Metho- dist, on the important subject of Metho- dist Union. The illustrated artidlee are a thrilling narrative of Stanley's adven- tures in the heart of the Dark Continent, and an account of some of the most fam- ous Fire -Mountains in the world. The spccess of the Magazine for the current year has already been so great as to demand two successive additions to the large edition printed. The leading article in the March number will he " Seine Points of Contact between Science and Iteligiou," by the distin- guished Canadian Scientist, I'rinzipal Dawson, F.R.S., F.G.S. RCM, COI. M.P.P. for West Huron, in his capacity of treasurer of the county of Huron, is thoroughly appreciated as the right man in the right place. The hIahly complimentary reference to his manner of attendlag to the dotage ..f his office, which will be found in the report of the finesse comsAt ittes the cosnty embed, which appears in this issue, speaks volas.. in favor of the ability displayed by him is the discharge of his position of resOeelwhility and trust Take kiwi is say position le which heoew say Ise pissed se oty trakserer, aal. beak esgsr or perliamentery repro senbbve - Col. A. M. Rd=will always Ise rated whose the heel. Be owe/piss so Moth- rate position in the vanities .1 his shear. LW every nee i. Merin whit was a delegsaes to the greet Liberal Oosventies at T•reeto on the 3rd and 4th of Jas last, and who, for oesepying the ponitioe of 404 h ra delegate was waetasid grossly in - malted by the mewthpisee of the Tory party in Ontario the Toronto Mail-- work from this day until the close al the polls on election day, air•inet the party se whohireling penned the insult& The ballot -hos is mightier than the hireling's pee Work work, work Obeid Ike Oliver dray Fax wa c.1l tak ke tie eq m p0 in to th li th in re ut 01 the Goderich Markets. (lODZRIClt, I et. 1 1113. Wheat. 1 Fall) i bosh. $0 µ w 1 90 Wheat, INpringRI V bush ( b0 ,14 b0 Flour, i beret •• Oats, v bush... Peas, a hush.. Barley. S bush .. Potatoes v bush .. tial , iM ton . .. Rutter, It b..... . Is, i dos. (unpaakedt.... ppheeee, Shorts, w cwt Bran, le cwt .... ....... .. .. Chop 11 cwt.•.... ... .. .. litre, Bheeosatns..................... Hots dressed Pa L I it n n The Troy Times of Jan. 8 says: -A short time ago some hunters dug out a silver gray fox on the farm of Chaflncey Hurd, of Sandgate, near Bonnington. They sold the skin for $36. Hcw this fox, whose habitate is "the vicinity of Hudson's Bay, should stray w far is a mystery to local hunters. Communication to the Rutland (Vt.) Herald. In your issue of this morning 1 notice an item referring to • silver gray fox that has recently base killed in this vicinity. it is a general belief that this fox u a distinct species from the red fox, but this belief is wrong. The silver gray or him* fox belongs to the ordinary red foe family, and its rioter is simply • freak of nature, which, however, eosins more frequently in wooded districts than is tie settled portions of the country. I hare cites loess informed by Northers trappers that where the dam or she fox was silver gray or black her Allowing was invariably red in Doter, and I lave knows lest one Metanym when more than one silver grey fell hes been found among a Meer of rooms loess. One of time was preseneed to me by the trapper who Nand it I met this fox to a relative of mise in Sheldon, where he remained eer7 3 jam et eggs, and was one of the meet bsentifsl astm.h i ,ever saw He wee akwrire d pershased by an .Rest of Lard ]glkagtas, said, if alive, is sow in that 0446004's park in 8. eland. Where the meds of the majority of the long hair. of this fox are tipped with white it r called silver grey, but if the hairs are tipped with black it is then known as s Meek foe. i ones saw a lot of sayers/ donee of these skins that were of all shades from nearly whit. to jet bleak. Mr.: E. W. (leer, of Sheldon, W WI years ago killed a very fine oilfired black fox, which was purchased by • Hodson Bay agent. The more inferior grades of these cratered foxes are known MO botetatd and tn. next route ah,ve as CVnas ham p m t 1 :U * S 00 0 le ub o 0 06 st 0 6s .1 dminLrrator. 0 4b M o 50 Dated JanwarpdnekolM Ie72-11. 7 30 d 60 800ss ti 1• to 020 020 be 0 0I1 " 012 090 w 100 0 70 060 189 1 7o 325 375 6 30 " 700 to " fot 7 30 " 800 he :":...ay of February A.D. um, to send by post, prepaid. to Darrow & Proudfoot, al Goderich, P.O. 1n the county of Huron, reticl- on for Daniel Gurdon. of the said 1'owu of Goderich. cabinet maker, the administrator 01N he ,:state and effects of the said deceased, their Chrlsttan and surnames. addresses and deacription.tbe full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitlMtif any)held bythem, or in de- fault thereof. the said administrator will, at the expiration of the time above limited. pro - teed to distribute the assets of the said de. coo- ed forthwith, among the parties entitled tnereto,witbentrr to any calms of which he has no notice at the time of such diatribe lion ; and the bald adtatnWrater will not be liable for the.ssetsso distributed. or any part thereof. to persons ,whose claims shall not have been received by the said administrator. at the time of the dr,ribui ion u: "id as seta. OAIIROW a' PgoUDFOOT, Solicitors for DANtttl, Uuwnoe, Travelling Gide. GRAND TRUNK RANT. Pass. Kap's. Allied...1118'd Uoderich.Lv.5.45a1n. 12.40 pm..30.pm 7.40 am Seaforth. Ar.6.72 1.38 4.35 930 Strati. • I,Ar.7.20 1/0 6.30 11.40 weer. Pass. Kip s. Mix'd. ' Mtx'd. Stratford.Lv1T.01pm .7.50pm.. 5.45am..3.15pii Seaforth.Ar.12.58 8.42 8.60 560 UoderichAr. 1.35 9.30 9.45 7.15 STOOK LINE4. Lucknow Stage (daily) arr. 10.1-rm3pm dap Kincardine ' 100am7am '• lteamiller " (Wednesday and laturdav) Ar. 9Aeam..1)e.9.N. Mr. Kidd. -Well, i must say that many Conservatives with whom I have spoken on the subject take preciselythe same view as I do. Reporter. --What is your opinion about the advisability of separating the liquor business from other business. Mr. Kidd. - At first I was opp.iaed to this change, but after several years ex perience of doing business in this way in Seaforth, I have altered my opinion, and I think it is in the public interest that the liquor business should not be conducted in connection with any other, and I would be favorable to the Legisla- ture making this compulsory instead of permissive with the municipalities, as Low, as then all would be placed on an equal footing. The Weal Wawas.sb Macau. Ft re gnaw 7 seer to. The above company held their annual meeting in the Court room, Dungannon, OR Tuesday, tee 16th January, when a full report of the business a the com- pany fur the peat year was laid before the mooting, .towing that on the 1st of January, 1882, the oomvany had in fore• 541 policies, added duels the year !34 ..nestled 12, leaving 713 in twos no Sl.t December. The asoaaaswt�wrat risk on 1.t Jaaesry, 1882, was A,3M. Added deriag the year 4229,800. aiseelled 411,184 leaving 4840,015 severed by ineeraaw es 31st Dee.sb•r, The pre Siam notes in force ons let January, was 113,973,1110 ; aided daring the year 11,194, eslasallsd 4111.3.18, having $32 664.76 ; of this es .mows* as .t.t of 41,3113.48, whist leaves the net pre- mium note capital es 31.t Dwsbw at 451,301 Int The company's les... by 9w was $1,348.76. whetwired aaes ass.s.ssw1 a 41.80 ea ek�1,000 at tisk on the 1th of April kat, and IOW. en east 41,000 of risk erne in form bet- ties** the 9th day of Apid and the 2'1th day of Jely, ths is the only ameesment the enmpsny hes enlleeted for tbe last three years, whish is something remark- able con.idssing the large •mnnnts col- lected by other oeieap•nree doing a simi lar business The total ,..t of the ri s.gerwewt of the c itnpsny was 4138.11t After;the several reports had been dely approved the following gen- tles*. were *Motel directors for the pear 1883--(Tharlsst;ovin, John Biek- ,.qhot*ere John McWhtnnriy, noose UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF -- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 1 -am favored with inatrui tions from part ice int treated to sell by public auction -ON-- Wednesday, Feb'y 7th, 1.883, ALLAN AT the premises of the late Mrs. Warnock Hamilton -Street, the following property. via :-3 bedsteads, 3 feather beds, splendid 3; dressing tables, 1 dining table, f kitchen ta- bles, 2centre tables, 1 kitchen stove and uten- sils, 2 parlor stoves, 5 parlor °bairn, 4 rocking chairs, 6 cane scat chairs. 6 kitchen chairs. 1 sewing machine, 1 spool cabinet, a number of blankets, sheets and bedding. pillows. Ir., a quantity of stair an¢ other carpets. 1 organ- ette, a lot of crocker'fy, glassware and kitchen utensils, a number o corner brackets and win- dow blinds, 3 looking glasses. 2 chamber sets, s number of lamps and other articles too numer- ous to mention. Sale Commences at 1 o'clock. Terme Cash. JOHN C. CURRIIC, Goderieh, Jan. 2711. A uc•tioneer. "THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER THE SUN." Satolcr8i1 *JON. SELLING AT LOW PRICES )TO MAKI ROOM 1-01 NEW GOODS. --).AROAIIta IN( LINE, RO Y1LL JlAAIL- LI V ERI.00L-LONDONDERRY-(1L &S00% .MwtT.eT eta rattsAt:t. Sardinian from Portland'1S'tb Jan„ Halifax 27 Parisian from Portland Lt Feb.: Halifax 3rd Caspian from Mutat 1011, Feb. Sarmatian tem I'uroland 15th February. from Halifax 17th. Feb. PAwa.act.Ra via PnRTL•ND can leave Tor onto on the previous Friday of day of sailing at 712 • m, A Pullman Drawing -room and Steep►ag Car will be attached to this Trent. ane will be run through to Portland for the oonviesoe of Pareengers preceeding by the Saturday's Steamship. The Sl I cla•kipeof the Allan Line leave forte I Goderich COoRal1. PTO/VW PARLOR • 1O V aa, PARCMM., ? OPLATan W AR R. R I$RLLonI. WALL rAPrm, now Ana. V ('TI�T. Lot Prices to Cash Balers. JAL 5Nnber5 Son (west door to the Pest.S...i M 011.11121 "TNM9E NMI MI sol" 11, ptistr.n wvrwyeaw klas•tese (4.4r tts.ergn sed 1• tri osso W Itbr : tkees sof. v .mpseve their eppsremn- Mem remota poverty. We eillbr • groat shames M sake messy. We went ime . w► k.r. mad stele res wart ter es I a their ewRTrsa-t the tLstmtles. M b one will rpy*Oteheaws llbp.. nes Inaserases. Rm- pensive celtltt fvsMM batst este whit ea- . Tees or all egesp•ry t hes. AMrw Mum - see lk tb.. PMtrM. Melee. HOOKBINDING.--WEHAVEMADI 13 errlsRss.sa Vet D. Mr0ragor, the well ksewa beet of Npaferth, le take orders for work la N. 11.., A11 week td'amee Irma the plainest is the mad .°pets at .seise kb pa wes�wl elf••telidt e thee es.. WM �eiotss�ileag pe119111111111111. wfi One yomrsi sl r M� iso the Gran Trask Railway Fer tickets and every information apply H. ARMSTRONG, Ticket Agent. SGML. SLOBNE GENERA 1. Dile .ILKH 1N SEDS, Grain & Produce, terser of llasslllsa mad rlelerta 5treeY A Comfortable Dwelling -house To Let Also two houses to -let on Newgate -street. Apply to S. Sloane. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. 5 Otflce, Crabtree Risk, Kingston st., (lode ,itch. Plans and Nees ifleations drawn oorrect ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's wort measured and valued. 1883. HARPEx'S BAZAR, ILLU8TRATRD. Thta popular journal to a rar+ combination rat literatare, art, and fashion, its Mortes. poems, a ndeavays are by the beet writers of Europe and America ; its rngravinea possess the highest artistic excellence; and in all mat terve pertaining to fashlon it L nslversally in the lead. The new volume will oontate many brlutast novelties. HELPER'S PERIODICALS. rim Tama, HARPER'8 WIR[LT 00 HARPERS BAZAR 04 HARPER 8 INAGAYIIfR 00 The THR)R above rYie.tis.a$111 00 Any TWO above ..deet f7 00 HAMM'S YOUNO P10PLs00 HAMM' MADAN= HALMS 70D Hamm TRAWILLINPL>s } AM LIBRARY, IS Ifeenber.) . AIM 00 Pei* Atm a► as setaasv4w's is Olseea4 sews,s tare f]t...ta. ese t MeemW to.rpotaerre�ars edyear, wh.e res IM.L .ether masse wishssA ss cememas se se the M west after tM reseti]1 of sr- ober. rder. The last seer Assail viewer et s Isaac 1e seat °list\ kindieg. sera t1 leek er bR tree et m- amaned fins pm wemet. mn eeleesnes w st ae Mesa =Ma, 7.14= shames d ere watt to cors eats adeerKer jesbaLe= the empress wider walrus= • A44P..r AARriat tenon, lt6, (sev► Tot The Rev. preached in % Sabbath last The Rev. preasbed iu u , Sabbath Uaiugtoth' small at but Mr. Jas sots, is at ie ticiunty. fll will renlelul the 7th con. s7b')ol hose Hekik' ba joke as in di Viktor of 61 [east of whit i Owing to ,natter was 1 'u til Thursd Mr. Jasep aiding here 1 few days ago Grey. edMimi mi its pIuscI bf Mis ' ed at the en, 'It aAyeuugl kw day: 1•ti phutn oil -pot success. A few Digi tered the eta stole part t4 thief would 1 part of it we the stable, a Mr. Danis mill to Mr. 4 his farm, act entirely to a Mr. Janie appieinted 1 post uf1'di4 general are heard, He has also the mpla to Mr S. Di tocaKedfall teed matt5 t wolve o ck each that it ang to t 1 ldettl for Maines KlcwiD armingy of Mr somewhat fed one of Doming out him on tt Before he again kat temple. 1 was atendi able t" pis reach of th have been close call, - keen bail almost. eprl animal we! kicking pr, terror of t who had b thenght hi it, but it s ing its opI caught its vantage of specie it v as MR Wi at once or it was so The youni won be n' ant adver Mr. Ht a few wet Poetry tion are r ing meeti desire ho Conserve come off 1 Tstlrzi of Leebu for the e meeting 1 Stewart ; W. S.,- McManu W. M.,- -8i& K McLeod. 8catxl standing school fu results a attendee tattoos Allister, 4 P. St Foley, 2 Theriot' 4e. sties --1 11md, 4 1 II i% , Part yes By He with h the Meer t1 the les NM of who 1115 as tea that tk R.ilwa eaad M told tl Tela A ether to Mr bk. of Ast as t1.as feetinl (Men(