HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-02, Page 3tIbir1aril Poetrq.
t■ Loving •-so -no 'warier of Caarl•srlaoh.
rH 11.
who died Iali.l , •'1 1'.441'..irp,(kit.1.116,1.891
Illy! 014.4'448•'1 rh is lett u
in ;iii ('4, I lir.,.* 1 blmintn,
Aad our wit -1 '.r. ere laden.
Al we lams hits 1. the rub.
liar' fondest Itsx•s lost a lobed,
An 1 aerrew deep and .,
la bl,' • lin r h.• lets 1.4 n ourished
Sue him we see no more.
11 t* loving yokel.' 611,•need:
We hear 11;4 Sun •6 no more -
High appy • 1111e, oh! never,
1' t ...Leer as at before.
N , cannot wake his ,dumber*.
II . Int In t .•. a '.r -.mil
Ne utorc sit .'t '. • ,''. '12. 84 us
.a• • .:4'"1114 bayay presence
.s...i 1* 'many weary da
tv,..t... 10411.1..::. est his pale fa
••'•.r nR+m..ry 40 keev.
Vet w:4 would no more recall him
T.' this life of toil and pain :
To thestru'nfle anon an:ulsh
. if a trot of •L•a,h mshi.
i t 's 1..11 • t...' n carr, and morrow,
1t .' ., r ••.doureart dy wa,.
..a•1 fr 1'11 hi. Leavehd.1 bt-,
Hate w414841 Its ewli •..day.
1141 alas ! the rale rib 2 youthful
'.jr its in soh 441'4 1. .nlr he stool ..
1144 paoo d 13 the r4.. • n.; hopeful.
T.I',c aro. ••'. dark .wtii tide.
.v flow. r'no feat awl lovely
To Ital.-soh herr 16-I..w ':
l'nre Ang••l hood. 1. is r borne him
When' pia .1. ,teen. vial grow.
1 .•t bl.me.l•'l .w ... it, 'among 148.
Y. nee t'. 10 (rain ,nor love.
.(n,l tnt':r n• f.•1 ..1 r e Innel,
Te s84• hilt. h. orf., ..!...t : .
,lar :Har . err .out .•'sol Wetly :
Oar hone 141,...eIy mew :
Hot W. k•wiv t,' ''Iso. .re ort.wr
Is r atlu's on Ids brew.
:le has gime. all wildfowl staiale48.
Faun tlse tom:, or wt.rtal clay.
Asti sol•Inowlie isnJolting
la the ligan of endless day .
Ito tired to throw upon us
Tile arfga4D414 of his opal.
And m oke a. toolwaorkser4
Tuere Shat briabta•»edown.
v ala are the tears shed by as.
Whick memory renals
We have .w .'et comfort, knowing
Voir slit 10 d;.' wa.sain.
Yet Ilke a six that glimmers
Far tit UJ.e scars sky.
11e boekon. to to fullnw,
Aad seek the Immo on high.
Ilcavna'4 gates received his spirt: :
Wacky Hes 'math tae sod.
May we obey the summons
-Prepare to wool Lay Clod.'
"The aim and object of Sunday itchiest
taseliinst," iutruduood by the Rev. L.
Stewart, of Cfuton ; the Rev. H. Ceute
rou,j id Kip and the Itev. 1'. Mos -
grails, of Me Mop.billicuities and discouragement* con-
. tented with Suuday school work, ,aud
' how to 0vercutue thein," introduced by
Mr. 8. Caruochan, of $ .ondvitle ; an
Mr. D. 1). Wilson, of 8eafeuth•
"How to secure theeD !dice of
parents aud guardians with tesmt•rs in
H. S. work introduced by the Rev. 1'.
Musgrave, of McKillop ; the Bev. J.
Pritchard, of Manchester ; and the Rev.
J. A. Turnbull, of (;uderith.
After each subject hal been duly in-
troduced by the persons appointed by
presbytery, it was discuss.d by the con-
vention. These discu.si ins were Prubsb-
ly the most interesting and instructive
part ef tho proceedings.
A cordial vote of thanks was
to the people of Egmundville,
hospitality, and abort 9.30, p.
c, nvention:wall closed.
for their
m. the
Pat /Mot
In last week's SIOXAL Mr. T. F. Youug
repudiates the authorship of anarticle in
last week s Stilt•. As far as I am cOo-
cerneel it wa4 not necessary. I know
l Mr Young t. o wee to thunk ne would
j• write *.tett reuxte... Lead+ll, , aud 1 would
not hays relrrrr.l to the matter or treat-
ed cru .currituas soriboler to snythiug
but silent contempt had Mi. Young not
referred to it. 1 will just say that there
■re other ways of trausgresuug besides
thew method taken by the young tion oil
the bridge, as parties who have missed
fruit from their orchards can testify.
Contemptible creatures who go sneaking
about, peeping through their neighbor's
windows alter night, and duinA their
little best to blecken their more respect-
able neighbors' charseser, are more cul-
pable than the young 111811 on the bridge,
particularly if they have the great ad-
vantages of good example and uub'e pre-
cept in that sat.red "sweet home." I do
not say the yuuug met or old men either
in Port Albert are worse than they are
in other places. But it is time to try
and ats•p all kinds of open immorality.
The good teaching of the family circle are
lost when children hear language
and sueconduct tending t . corrupt their
morals. The open scoffer at religion
deem less injury than the inoonaistent
professor to the morals and conduct of a
J. 11.
A 444.041 Offer
1 lords of Wisaom. - 'She Chiuyp., B.rhagt.n & Quincy
lirritb, bop*. lw•-the Arm assent iuls' Balloted .'"lupauy has Lust issued an
illuatratad treatise, T!.. Hear+ of 1.411
toahappy fife. Continent," describing the wonderful
Preis hath two suaauus --es forward FiuwM of the o
six (bat `states. The book
spring and an surly (011. . ie beautifully rioted, and numerous en
No de i neuttiou to so ehapueut es the gravities of high merit adorn iia
anal iutles■ue of a good example. Auy one sendi's/Abair came aud address
with two throes ewR postage stamp.
Will receive a copy by return trail, by
applying to PercetwlYwell, (Imeral
Passenger Ageut, Illioois. bt
A moble part of every true life u to
Leon to undo what has been wrongly
do •
Be courageous and rocs-Iuiirded ; our
own heart, and net other Iueu's °pinkie.
of us, forms oar ttee honor.
VVit is not the produce of study ; it
cosies almost as uncap ectedly of the
speaker as the hearer; one of the first
principles of it is good temper ; the ar-
row t of wit ought always to be feathered
with smilax ; when they fail in that, they
become sarcasm.
Physical couraee which despises all
Bangor will make a man brave in one
• -ay. and moral courage which despises
all opinion will makes brave man in an-
other. The former would seem utast
necessary for the camp. the latter fur the
camp, the latter fur the council ; but
to constitute a great man, both are 'woes -
fturaa rr•r•lysery.
The Presbytery of Huron met m the
eabyterian church, Egnioadville, on
lbeaday, the 10th unit., wt U a. 10., the
m„d•rat'or, Rec..t. Stewart, in the chair.
The attendance art ministers and
was unusually large• conducted
devotional exenlses,
.y the moderator, the minutes of the last
register meeting, held in Clinton, were
-ead and c.nttirtned.
The moderator's teem of u & having
expired, the Rev, Mr. McCoy. �g in
will., was appointed fo the Hilt six
The aat,uuts clue by the various con- Webstem Brawn, of Lyeburu, wishes
,regations .,f the Prolbytery were called � to know "if it wore one ..f the highly
r .rand were mei' y all paid to the tree- socl.mplishtd young Colles ef the P. A.
surer, the Rya.:- :. Thumper. win. desired the information concerned
The an.wal reports re; i.r.;l by the the geese and dunks in his ueighbnr-
?resbytery from o•.ngretatiuna receiving hoot o No, Webster. it wasn't. Nur
fid fro -o the home mission fund, were) until last evening did I ever hear the
by the Rev. Mr. Tunbull'
'slightest allusion made to your thrivint
p o
Upon the Mule of these reports the Pres- hamlet, from any ..i the young luli3a f
bytety r ntwtded the futlowtoggrants '; the village. The remark then moo'•
+'r the current year: -To Bayfield and', w.us. "Where is that L_eburn aoyh ,w ! '
Bethany,8100: f-rat:d Beni $.'OO ;
Joe Maywred gives us some very im-
Eaeter, $100.portant information atn'ut the remarka-
A memorial was read from the trustees b1. laying . ualitie's of .he h n. around
of (3ayfield c.on>Ztegat:ur. stating thet they I 1
would not bald Ciet.aelves responsible D'ultlu o. Phis nosy be owing to the na-
for the Rev. Mr. 1'atters•it 'a salary, after I tun of the soil. In sand', marsh_ dis-
the month .•f March. text. The memo-
emo• I tricts where 1ittir else can he cultirated
ial was set aside because the trustees pn,fitably the raising of heu4 should prose
were not held personally respensiMle by I
highly retnuueratl%e- But Joe, my
the Presbytery, and because they had in friend, here's another question for you
this case acted without the authority of 1 I am tnidthatyou have oven harping away
(about the number of old bachelor* in
:;he c.,i:Xre:-n,o the our net0hborh ed fur a long, lung time,
A call from the congregation of Exeter
Mr. Goo. Hawkins and daughter Lis-
zie, have returned from a Visit to friends
in London and Exeter.
The "oldest inhabitant'• says, with i
shiver, that Monday (22d ult, i was the
(widest day he ever experienced in this
country. Poor old man he has been
heard to give ezpression to the same
opinion every consecutive winter during
the past twenty years. Bad memory,
OUR SJ.J1OSi$G PARTY. -The jovial
Capt. Andrew Bogie, aoocmpanied by a
number of the young ladies of his vicini-
ty, paid a wit to the Port the other
erening The party .tapped at the
Royal Hotel, where for several hours
songs. music, and dancin: were in lulged
in by the light hearted captain and his
fair companions. Miss Saab Bogie
presided at the organ displaying won-
derful musical talent roc one .o young.
The captain's speech . n temperance was
highly appreciated.
.days Dryden :
"Site knows her man, sod when you rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a 'Miele hair."
But it must be beautiful hair to have
such power ; aud beautiful hair can be
ensured by the use of CIANAALillit HAIR
Raleswee. Sold at 50 eta. oy J. Wilson.
Frees.' cess
All persona wishing to Wet the merit
of n great remedy-uuo that will poet
tively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Broocbites, or any affection of
.ha Throat and Lunge -ere requested to
cull at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and get
a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dim
oo.very for Consumptive, free of onto
whiic!t will show you what a reviler dol-
lar -nae tattle will do. (1'
Tse Agrseatleeal watsr■e•
In nddressiPg the East Peterborough
Reform convention Mr. Blezard, the pre-
sent member, alluded in highly compli-
mentary tonna to the Hon. S. C. Wo.••l,
aud gave valuable testimony as to the
success of the model farm Mr. Blamed
remarked: "Some will say why teach
our boys to farm when it does nut pay.
It is the object of every fanner to experi-
ment. Many of the experiments fail.
Those that succeed go to the country,
aud we get the benefit both of the lesson
11f tho ..aperiment, and the advantage of
their experience. A boy in Essex went
through this college. His father didn't
believe he could have learned much,
and thoMbt he would test his knowledge.
Taking him t.. the stable he said to him•
"Which of these oows is the hest." Then
theu,n handled them and chose the heat,
Nxva,R forget that at your Druggist's
you can always obtain Ds. VAN BURIN'S
KIDNaY Coma. It is the only known
remedy that speedily relieves all Kidney
Diseases, and if i:ersistod in will effect s
permanent cure. Sold .by J. Wilson,
Fined ewaa► Lowest Prices
At the Oldest Established Shoe More in Town,
In Endless Variety
tc suit the most fastidious and the tenet economic buyer
Is now ronlplete, and I take ploasute m inferming my oft toineri that st no pre
cion' time have 1 had such a
Everything New and Fresh!
which, was the worst lucking. That
night the horse took sick, artd John, by
hie skill acquired at oollege, was able to
cure it. This father is getting a new
suit of clothes for his second son, prepar-
atory to sending him there also. '
say Post.
1 Cask, 1 Bib. Plated Ware.
4 Ceres, wrttingDesks and Work Boxes.
1 Case, Japanese Goods.
5 Cases, Toys and Fancy Goods
2 Parcels, Jewelery.
3 Barrels, decorated Iampe
1 Case, Musical Instruments -
4 Cases, Vases and Toilet `zeta.
2 Barrels, Majolica Ware.
1 Case, China Cape.and N.11cers.
i L C8u•, Presentation l4s•ks
Yever more w
If you are suffering with low end de-
pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general
debility, die inered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a
bilious nature, by all means procure a
bottle of Electric Bitten. You will be
surprised to see the rapid improvement
that will follow; yon will be inspired
with new life; atrent,•th and activity will
returu; pain and misery will cease, and
henceforth you will rejoice in the praise
of Electnc Bitters. Sold at fifty cents
a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. [5]
"How do yon feel, my little man ?'
asked a youth of hie sweetheart's little
brother. The young fiend looked up at
him sidewise, and with a grin responded,
"I feel just as I'd like to have a dime."
Be got it, but his prospective brother-in-
law now avoides the health question.
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Luweredthe
: '
it is a positive fact that no such value in food wear can be gotelsewhere
of every grade still receives my prompt aud careful attention, and will be 1113 1. 111'
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, viol
of the very best material obtainable.
_ J 0 VCT N I N C- -
The above goods will be
sold at lowest living prices,
with special rates to persons
getting up Christmas trees.
The Cheapest Hoose Linder the Sun.
(Neat door to t he Poa:om..e -
and would like to know how fila ny you
have got left ' Don't shirk the question
this time, Joe, by speaking of horses
and cattle ; not don't answer in 1.Atin
but come to the point.
to the Rev. Wm. Martie. of Norwich was
laid on the table by the Rev. Mr. FIet-
cha.r, ,moderator of Exeter seamen. The
•'il was cordially sustained by the Pres•
bytery, and Mr. Fletcher w d appoloted
to prosecute it before the I' esbytery of ---- - i._
Paris, of which Mr. Marto. .3 0t present wriMrr.: I have Smith, ofy Jime . Ohio,
r Sick
a member.
A remit from the general assembly re- Headal�i►Oshi'tesetr's littlethe
l Liver Pills
commend:ug the ai,teintment of a ora- teen years,
tral board of examiners for all the thee• did me more goo3� the rest. '
logical colleges connected with the Mts.McArthur, of Hopecille, says re
church, was ed to hold
sled t„ hold :. conference on I he would ■pPectoral
h.use wiithout itthat
can not speak too highly of its merits as
a remedy for Colds. Coughs, Bronchitis,
Asthma, weak lungs and all pulmonary
troubles A cold ma} be cured by it in
ono di). 1
mimeos Chea Away.
Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have been given away as Trial
Bottles of the large size. This enormous
outlay would be disaatrcus to the pro-
prietors, were it not for the rare merits
possessed by this wonderful medicine.
Call at Wilson's drug store, and got a
Trial Bottle free. and try for yourself.
It never fails to cure. (o)
:t, gentleman while bathing at sea saw
his lawyer rise up at his side after a long
dive. After exchanging salutations says
he, "By the way, how about Gunter ?•
"Mie is in jail," replied the lawyer and
dived again. The gentleman thought no
more of it, but on getting his account he
found : "To consultation at sea about
the incarceration of Gunter, $3.
"Why should email whose blood is warm
Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster 10
Or let'ti' hair grow rusty, scant and thip.
When "Creoat.sasRLLrswsa" Will ind•
it was :'-d
the state of religion within the bounds of
the Presbytery, a' the next regular
meeting in Marc,.. dat ti The 1'resl. tery adj,,..tt ep.iu.
On the following dal ,• very success-
ful 4. S. cnntentibn wail held in the Ego
moodville ehcrcl„ under the auspices of nese, rind__MIL
the Pree'oytery :g'•twithatandir.g the
110 14$ very unfsverable weather the attendance The ter is
coria . McIntoshced s'f and
10 1"" of delegates and Altars was -Me- sed I tbk•od WS sots rind consulted
� d: the iyaerMt ase alwtshsed t': � sloe. tt
M OW$' A prayer tneetlllg will 1,eld In tale • till. dul'torII and tau their medicin',
,nnrniton fe, 1, !' too TO n'd\ek This was' hut obtained n.. relief. I was shwa;
r seems fele'. •hc rati'•ns alarmed, tl.e more 4• *� 'all for- wed } * anwall�
t;,a enr4
4 �OHNtiTON'S``OQ'
v .........3.1.31a3 . 'heal' Mail
• 1 tui: Yt if7ing tbS •
i' torr
•, °, years. . `ram
.... , r • t.; : •'s• 1 yr-- nntlon m Le
..;.:!t tl 1 Midi.. Lit t O
'• • „ i: -t ' US alit, Fhb:
•`1 ;.f f,inn ewed.redl2.ir�
, Idrai, Thousand's of our heat
.1e t_.!t, it end give It to tlo;r :ha -
: I`t,..ic.am3prenrriboitdial; Those
•.,9 it isms recti end i' to roller,.
tor.ie from Yellow I'ock.li'•e.der
Niki Cheery.1••r:'In.
r.,4,inr:►Pa• -;,s- Wit i
...,,wfrae, a .e - and
. , •O ,.-..-44dei valtubl
.. i . :strictly vegttlitel8•1110 to or • rA L
.:nisi to cos.ittut ai■.
4 4 • h , beet w,ed1ct¢as t• arse tar
. • 5'14 li.nrels a,1r 4e,rrl'•'r
I' •r .Tbottla.,:r•wa
.. .' •, for • quart
ece.•.ie .••r nye .'Blare.
r 1 1e aro cannot oldaln a 'mrM d
••Id"e' 440.8 duller tanddrwe t`seedts
toe's ;".f"t'. _ if It CO . ttasr lt=e1.
P. eshytery 1
yepresentitt', [Matt. The reports were
of every ecr•teveRinsf nature,
and shew-
h n the
�! the jell* al
'a, , 1P rah y gc nv t as tt Sd l 4 Mletee am hoe
e,d that t3nnJ•�11 li.•h.K.l work wit ' coat louver aud loA�
polite sod h l
Presbytery was pro,sperirg. r + 1tathms, bronckirta *ADM (l.,dwrch.
111 divaaes 184'
:IaWn 1.1e.
I/liesem ed Dr. \noun's
Pulmnaary Cherry itrlsam. Good testi-
nwu mud reply giver•. Those aro hun-
dreds like it. Tn all eases Mat co
You will Elate Money by Buying Your
Groceries Provisions
We are Now Selling This Season's
From :lOctsi per int to 7borta.
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c.
Will be :cold Promrtionally ('heap.
Extra Family Flour
$2_25 mer i001bs_
A Fell Supply of
Ostmeell, OOTnAlwealays,on Bran, Shorts, etc.
The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices.
H: £.aart&Co.
� C h i l l e d P 1 o W r t0!tI:Rt$ Or TRK
C oderich 'CMS
!laving pureaaeed the Godertuh Foundry.
asn• Cateig
for the manufactur
1r1[PI.iYltl/l'If on a Sias scaatilt Wore
GeneralIlepa(andb !lobbing will he con
I/mud. All worst ruareatesd.
eta. D.tR canon payments d e owl ree4 eipl' on bn
tae late nem of tcuncitaaa & l:eo.. an
alt persons indebted are requested to gon er
the: nMet. •♦a-.',rdinttlY
it grow the faster. Fur sale I.y .1 tt i1 -
son. 2m
With every bottle of Dr. Canon's Pul-
monary Cough Drops, et temple bottle is
given free of charge. If, after using the
trial bottle, yon are no'. satisfied with iia
effect, you can return the Sante bottle
tis your dealer who will refund the
money. Thousands can testify to its
prompt action in curing Onu bS, Colds,
Bronchitis, etc. if you serer, try them.
Price 50 cents a hottle. H..Id by t:eo.
Pe- fect, Pu sitive and Pie aleauesll are
the Cars etteoted M i». Vass huren s
Kidney Curs Relief is all oases of Kid-
ney pjesta• is mhttained &t-er a few doses.
year Dreggiat giveetyou Dr.
� 'it Kidney l,■N•. Sail bp J.
the afterrio• n at 4. r41/ a OW.
t I terestllg and ttwMnatire aei sty heerry
In yea" Wilsons Pulroo■-
n wN (at►d all then nbe D*• ale
meeting of Sunday `'•'• not cjttldr• j - r
For sale by
Chryital 8& Slack
Sento return their thanks to tae public
thtsillbenl patronage received during the pan
year. sad to state they are prepared to d;
CE Al I PA 'IC I N 4[1.k
05 the shortest notice. or for the 4un.enienc•
of pe"t.•vliving ata du.tanhe will exchange
gnats at their town store
Loo, ff'. M. HJivr:i'•, l
Y.aioni'• bio. s. Eas' 41. Goderire.
I }I!$i,xt.est price paid for wheat -let
$600.00 Reward.
We will pay the abm.e reward for any case et
Liver ls,mplaI!1 . Dyspepsia. thick 1(oadache,
['idiomation. constipation or tipptivenew we
...moot vire with West's Vegetable LiverPUIs,
' when the directions are strictly allinplied with
They are purely Vegetable. ad never fall to
o beetalp r (te
ggi1ve aatisfact Son. 8tysted. large Boxes,
eine lip Pins, !l orals. For sale by alt
IDruggists. Beware of .ouoterfelta and (mita
Ti) MILL MEN •a7_1 -
ALT W E.L MEN Ilona. Thr erotic mannra•xpmd nnly by.
JOHN l'. YV�;iT S ('• • . "The fill Diskera,
BI std -83 King 4t Ba.t. Toeooto. 4)nt. Free
I trial package sent b1' mail prepe'd •m receipt
New BJILBItii and SALT PANS m:►nat a':: of ;a' nt stem!)
Paw IMO. Mrs WILOS\'a OM C *TOS1 -
1 There an many foolish things dons in
fined we may add "oohed) things is to
this wwed, and one rf the lime foolish
..soul v h 1h. .fe 1■es ; - • , Aie�ee t»
,jnewe were ie4 ostr•rl l (� 1 neglect • Co4wgth or G.ld. Now we knew
f lies• l The Lest t arts f.,: rats, of Cioel•riel►. st d ills Dumas. 1 bruises. Closes !Suet R am, leve that Combs, Colds. Bronchitis, Catarrh,
aud d1 Claes[ Threat. and Lung Toro- �t
Inseam shortest notice.
All kind. of [Lepainng executed outer tl. •Health is We 1t
perneal4nper'vlrwen of the Proprietors who
Practical Workmen.
1 . 1►. Box 103 1715"
int. F. C. N'►ut'. Kawva ANY no:ata TaaaT-
■xmT. ts.,asrsetr4d.pt„ .true for H] item. IMr-
+in••e. Com ,tl•lfieo. rims. Pleyemie Nenr•slgta.
H.wdao, e• $t•trw Prow, atony. •v..a..d b the
se''f . o.1 ••" tutees -0. Wskuls
etess. men-
•.• ., Ito 114 44411.1 +,re*lasrOfitrwlr. resell-
.f� u- I..,,9:5 • soot l' a.lyl• o.ha'ry, 411•4-481an4 '' ..0:. 1.4.-••wtetr•• t •. Ilar•tranewr•
o4f t81 Pu
I.ienser *84.hss 'ne*85.K. f ua ±t:atary iAsaal •ts..r•lAr.4 -lou.e. meet olrr-. 0
11 Ir,. AI 744.4 ,:IoM. NM,
$let: h nod '-lave all the vestries stale
t :r yr:aesra.iawr shot.
dr., t ti. `bd s!� eta►. of ttw.�slsa seek as DM.' • .�jtw,�p id by nail pre
A k prewda.s D1etr4es a/aee a�y� - r ppm n.•. •. wa x
roe °eee Orollidn cols'► On enols their most 'stir rfif ' 7• '! �'' 'J0 : ? - _ �{. 4.3"8.4 ► pt'•i r rr
ettNaressw' W sem shwa to tarot i •` ' I r' 7 3 . - " N ' a ii "' u e a i . w^ 014: t at k 1 w 111
f . ... " eAt red t\r wsreiase r •u-
•trn' ... ta,.i k felewwi tt,r if the
f era' l,•'•r t war e�•e a ' (re.
eal.t4 -. Wl.WvowFiIUareo�aat
Comelisstles, caring Dad
t>v'>~ assehyqa, .rt�a-lain. Me ay*
iseimy i *PAL ' es it ti.y oily taxed I .
i •
off 9 + (i 4+ �, 4' �° 7 v e
Turebell, t,{ (Honest. Mr J. R. Millet,
TM remainder of the time wee scot•
ieed in oke Aietneat('n oil the fs'Wrwttng
`The reletkwv'rif sersiay 1ich ^u
Om &arch,' b the Ret IFNI
f *g --'.11is ; the Rev. C. fleectr•of
of ftroa.i mut M-
domee, Tetter,�•d,sod ip Akm lrltpsioes,
��'STM' It it srsa-sand positively seise Piles.teed to (1cw �w'�eet fatisfactlin, or
money ref idea Prier' 25 cents per
' !.'x. For Dake hr Jai ntl.on ly
tars e.
An Oran in Use desert is no brighter
..� ins ke
tls��• 1't�ht to the w�g1•ing Arab than a butt
of bringing the dis- ems Dlr, Vas mi.'. Kidney Cin it to
of ods church
beton t - !ls • eetOrteeale Nine from Kidswy I sr' W any ane winding MS rldttlaa: try the >� iY. Pat- positive arts rhyme ow '"hAstuast, the tensarkabk
' Ray6fM ; the Rey. M. Danby Demos it is a pkkctr Wilson little for the Teeth and Rreeath Ask Q/seren MRiNCTNS 00•, 4 y Ta t.
yMt�Mieei is
by J. ' your s or addree. New York Ott,. : & 3 $ •
e( :and the Itev K. Herr, of sdt{eriuh I
^S1St�t unixr(
s..A +i'.I . J4'►)f 41' WkM,' Gr aar.,..It
4 nes . we u e►`rvor'rs. Pl woo. IMS
9 fie n 4 B ! ;
r `It' „•� omit res,ty„�AftYy Twatt,s NARK
k i . '1 r - . y. Rv
C a __ • I lli';' r•4rr V�
y 151 ell'n1�..1
i 1 . r',' ' t Wt..%aa I.A s. �1
s ! . am +-
1 4 a
rex-', M �tl
thinr, 'we&,'a t• ,
'a one IoW ,t W. ane''. 1' n,t'teen Lane
• .A.•, 1'' 'he R . k Iain n.••. of thio'',
���s■lesss ys
rues mut sed chew eitk
war that they •� � �'
�, if segL.d, ars sure hi end in W as ails' AI
DsesraoiNa■ and heath. They may
be smutty semi by mina as directed Dr.
Doreen'e Pelain■ary Cough Dope then
fid st • • .7.t. -
i o
nn remedy equal to it It never fails 1 lataatze r. masa oar ow tt r* ,t
leas y P"• Opaw WN We is w her ser ...71
_ j .
pre • ;kit i W .•0 . -t : s'e.• '4 4.1 equ• WI -et .1.4448014.44
R ►id everywhere in large bottles et 50e. I ■ t 3 at,a a' •,..184.1• 1
-' ", .11.,44 and a
Velar's Mule 1J tfil. an reef sad n } n.. n-• arrive.. Via, hr.n ienttirs In Nr
OW *am D - -S 1 h4rt. apish w do r• to end
--- _. �1 M tr. •e r. •we 1 c a
A Rswase Of nee eases " Tars- acs t peso yr leer
Rhyme For este
by Oen. rias ,sates Owe two a F ; ymai 1 eery wee aero' rh• lit ilMie la
styr+.ttbr�•ss� e.!'...
di the beat four line "'rpm a. fe •taN Sal ~it: a
�. !•t esiAlryall AttLSw5sMslAt■rr !white..?
tie anion plow*
d^ ereywawe, * wet be ar
.r sir
pyo y,.; t• -e.N 'ti`TiT%tFFacT,l IT\',' a: ata'1
'„ i>• a '. Rlry ��/g' tNtd��'.tNt
'� ' li'•. , f • '( ,tfY.t'H.•1f: (tr.. Tnr.mta,0AI,
ekN' J. Wilma.