HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-26, Page 811 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY, J Ji N 76. 1883. Stlnm1119s. I both ass kind memento of the happy Fl S days spent iii the association REwOPENINGOC HOOLS. Iii respect to tho article in your last '1kaVZI.LKh. IYue anent the Foresters' deuce, I beg to (30tta%h FASIr tion -Mr. Henry Cook has sold rut number 37, 9th concession Gude- rich Township for $3,500, to Mr Adam Curry. The farm contains 50 urea. Hotta - Mr. C Nesbitt', of the 16th ours., has returned (mat Manitoba. He state that at the last regular meeting of Court 86, Iteumiller Furestcre, a reso- lution was passed appointing a cuuuuittee to arran;e fur an entertainment under the auspice." of the Court, to Mt held ou t to 10th of January. The committee Ind full instructions to pr . such on- , ,comet •.a thn,y though a.•uld best p ..ne (11,roe whom the a.•timpated invested in 640 acres near Butte, but ut .,,t he l,re.eot, and they ucted u s Inot sufficiently =premed with the at - their lu1gament was fur the beat. Int tra:tions of the country to move there. tapped. hu the Chief Ratslei, Mr A. Holmesville, Jan. 15, 1889. to ; . and some others• •ve taken I The Council met today per statute. Members all present. These having legal- ly qualified, the minutes of last meet- ing were read and passed. The regular business was gone into. Moved by J. Cox, seconded by J. Beacom, that the municipal election expenses, amounting $59.60, be paid—Camed. Moved by J. Laithwait, seconded by J. H. Elliott, that the back school tax on lot 64, con. 14, amount $19, be paid to trustees 8. 8. No. 4--Catried. MCved by J. Beau om, seconded by J. Cox that the salaries of the township officers be as follows, viz : Clerk $100, assessor $75, collector $85, re each $4, treasurer $75—Carried. by J. Laithwait, seconded by J. Elliott, that the clerk send samples an apply for tenders for printing_( to Tse SIGNAL, New Bra, Star, News- Record - Carried. Moved by J. H. Elliott, se- conded by J. Laithwait, that W. Wake- field be assesor for the present year— Carried. Moved and seconded by same, that Wm. Stanley be oolleotor of taxes for present year—Carried. Moved and seoonded by same, that 8. M. Lawrence be auditor for present year - Carried. The Reeve appointed J. R. Holmes as second auditor. The application of J. Woods to have dog tax refunded, was refused. Moved by J. Beacom, second- ed by J. Laithwait, that J. Sturdy be paid $18 for keep of horse, and to de- liver him to A. Knox, Holmesville, on the 16th inst. , and that the horse be sold on Wednesday, the 17th inst., at three o'clock, p m., on market place, Clinton —Carried. The following accounts were paid, viz: J. Porter and others for work done on 3d and 4th con., $8 ; C. Crabb, do, LAI refunded, dog paid for in Gode- exception to the young ; •oi)•u enjoying a dance ,.her the eute.tamment, and have announced their sit-.pivasure of the same through your columns. I think it ou.y ukot that I should state that no re - striation whatsoever had been plaeed up- oi he committee, and as a large number of the committee beleived that many uf the visitors would enjoy dancing, and u no objection to it had been made, we de- cided to add that to the programme of the evening. We are glad to know that the general public appreciated the enter- tainment, and I am only sorry that Mr. Robertson should lune thought it his duty to express his opinion throw h the public press on a nutter whish affected may Forester's Court 86 Benmiller. Instead of a deficiency u stated by Mr. Robertson, there is • surplus to be paid into the Cout t. He also states that thorn were only four members of the Court present ; there were six utHioers of the Court at.d other members present, be- sides many brethren from ether Coen, 1 it • :e ;his stetumr,nt in justice to my - ,,1 i al.d other members of" the committee, sin,hoping that Mr. It„bertcon has be n misinformed of the real facts of the case. burn respectfully, THOw. GINS. T'ailraa.to s Surras. —The storm and snow blockade of the last week alone prevented Ulu Teutlmrance supper, held in tow Teni'herance hall and M.. E. church here in Wednesday evening, from being a great success. The friends u. charge of the ,•r'ar•tainment had spared no pains or expense to get up everything in first-class style, but.the terrible weather of the four days preced- ing spoilt the preparations to a large de- rich, 11 ;bola ce of fe rate school rt gree. About f.'ty persons, however, county; rate for ; (s1, '80 and l p t put in an appear -tome, although the trustees, $4.68 ; J. Curr, deg tax re- funded, jf2, also for work on 7th cot., 11 ; J. T. Anderson, dog tax refunded, el ; W. Collins, indigent, $18.75 ; J. Weir, damage to' fall wheat hauling gravel, $7 ; J. Elliott, Bayfield con., for gravel, $21.44. Pathmasters were ap- pointed fence viewers. names J. Sturdy, jr., W. Clark. 6th own., Simon McCul- lough, Isaac �lkeld_ Jas. Porter. Wm. McMath, Isaac ?dandily, Jaa. Elliott. 6th con. G. Weston, J. Middleton, J. con., Herbinson, sr., Wm Laith- wait, Elliott,. Murphy, Jos. Proctor. Pound. keepers, A. Knox, A.,McGuire, N. Stur- dy, G. Cooper. The Council adjourned to meet again on the second Monday in February.—Ju. Parrott, T'p Clerk. On Friday evening last the annual teameeting of the Union Presbyterian church, Goderich township, was held, and was largely attended. Tbe refresh- ments, which 'were of a first class sort, were served In the school room, after which the people adjourned to the church. Dr. Ure occupied the chair, and after regretting the absence of Revs. J. Wake- field and R. Leitch, called upon Mr. T. McGillicuddy,of Godericb, for en address who spoke upon "Gumption" and self improvement He was followed by Rev. J no. Sutton of Goderich in a veru practi- cal address on "Sociability." During t�svening the church choir, under the srship of Mr.' Greaves, rendered some sacred songs and anthems in a way which did credit to the leader and the choir. Mr H. I. Strang gave a couple of good readings during the evening. The meet- ing was a most enjoyable ono. Pro- ceeds about $60. �nald. a rumor (alas, too :rue) had gone abroad that the oysters had been delayed by the snow blockade. Rev. Mr. Sanderson was voted int, the chair, and addresses, were given by Messrs. J. Mitchell and ! XccGillicndd , of Goderich. The ,geggpari then adjourned to the Tempe - ea, hap] titere the non-appearance of the oysters was ani;;' compensated by an excellent spread Of Warm i�wl, mash- ed potatoes, canned salmon, Celery, cakes, coffee, tea and all the appurte- nance- of a top top supper. The com- pany was a merry one, and the entertain- ment was voted a success after all by those who had the pleasure uf attending. The Benmiller Sous of Temperance are .reserving of success, The Literary Asso:iation held its meeting on Tuesday ev'ng,Jenuary 15th, with a fact attendance, and, jedgrug by the Larmony and good feeling which ex- ist among its members, a fair prospect of suoceas for this year on which we have entered. An evidence of the prevailing harmony, and a pleasing feature of the meeting, cor..tated in the presentation to their Preaido nt of a costly merchaum pipe and case, accompanied by an ad- dress,expressive of appreciation and at- tachment, which could not fail to be highly pleasing to the receiver. The following Is the address which was read by Mr. Dan O'Keefe, and the preaenta- t ken was made by Mr. J. Long ♦PDRR`,`L ' We the members of the Kingsbridge Literary Association must express our appreciation of the valuable services which you have rehdered to us in pro- moting the welfare uf our society, Yuur COUNCIL MarrINo.—The Council met kindness and gentlemanly bearing mingl- at Smilie's hotel, Dnngunnon, on Mor- ed with a quiet dignity and force of char- day, the 15th January, 1883. The acter,have completely wan our hearts, Reeves and Councillors having made the and it has been wieh a very great amount usual declarations. The minutes of last of pleasure that we have seen you oc- meeting were read and signed. Mrs. copy the important and responsible psi- Hardy of Lucknow, presented in ac- SEASON 1883_ JUST REfEIYED A LARGE SUPPLY OF SC11001, BOOKS USED IN THE Public, Model, High & Separate Schools. tion as President of our society. Re tcount for board and care of Jehn Boyle have already felt that in you we have had not only a kind and considerate friend, hut also one in whom we could place implicit confidence, and it has been very evident thatt'the deep interoet you have displayed in promoting the welfare of our society has been one of the princi- pal causes of the present popularity which our society has attained Yuur energy and enthusiasm have at many tinsel; given fresh vigor to our work and gave instilled into our hea.•ts a lofty am- bition to strive and support the noble ends for which our society wasinstituted. Let us againof sure you that, as a gentle- man and a Catholic, you have inspired us with feelings of the deepest respect and friendship of the warmest character. We ask of you to accept this merchaum as a slight token of the appreciation and .teem in which yin are held. Hoping y.,o may long remain among us, and wishin•• you 1111611y a merry Christmas anal a happy New Year. Signed o•• be- half of the Literary Association of Kings- bridge. Dan O'Keefe. Cornell... Dalton, Morgan Dalt le, Janes Sullivan, J. J. Sullntan. Dan Sullivan. . John Long, P. M. O'Rielly, .1. J. Dalton, Joseph Or ffin, Thos Dalton. Simon `Riles, J. M. halters. Mr. McPhee ear taken by surprise by t .is generous act of the donors, and was a' a los; fat language to express his feel- ing of gratitude for the kind we. ds ad- dreesed too hun, and the valuable present. He, however. returned his hearfelt t''soks to the members of the association f r their kindness and expresaior of rood . will, and asaured theta that his greatest care would be to merit a continuation of them He atat.••l that he did notdeeerv. Il 1 it a ntained in the address a sick indigent. 'rho Council refused to pay amount of James Mitchell, for printing ballot books and other forms. Moved by D. McMurchey, seconded by J Griffin, tnat leave be gaanted to in- troduce a by-law to appoint auditors of the township accounts for the year 1882, and that said by-law be roan the first time. Moved by J. Griffin, seconded by D. McMurchey, that the by-law to appoint auditors be now read the second ,ted third times and posed, and that the blanks be filled up with the Darnell of P. J. Sullivan and John Murdo h, and that they be paid the sum of $8 each tar their services. Moved by P. Mc- Murchey, seconded by J. Whitley, that the trustees of 8. S. No. 9. be paid $4 ec forth. use of he of house for nomina- tion meeting. M.•ved by .lone hGriftin. seconded by J. Whitley, that Mrs. Ho gan be allowed 70 cents being the amount of her taxes she being unable G. pay. The follow ng accounts were paid: J. Millard, lumler, 1113.30 ; 8 11. Sinn - by, repairintdbente at Dungannon bridge, $5 ; J. Mitchell. tax cells -tar's receipts, $2.25 ; do 25 sheet hills. $1, 1 book, orders of trea'urer, $2, 6 !allot books, $9, total $12.25 ; Wm. Ken.pton, re- pairing culvert, con. 12. 11.50; John .oke, "pe, au sending ballot books to polling subdivisions, $1.58 ; J. Hagan, deputy retort ing • fficcr, $f. ; Hugh Me Phee, do $6 ; (1. Armstrong, do 56; M. Dalton, jr., Mt ; D. Mclncyre. $9 ; W. MoNay. $ . The Council adjnereed to meet again .t 8eltn• 1 house Na 9, ea Friday, 16th February, 1883. -Jotter Conor, (ler' ..11 X New 001 OT Ike' t ..td.i'ti021.0 SATISFACTION CUARANTEEDI'' PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Students will consult their own interests by purchasing their (`lass Book. at IMRIE'S BOOK STORE as by doing so they ran depend upon the latent edition. if eAd'i book at the lowest prices. Special Terms to Teachers and School Trustees for Quantities. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse. Thomas Bowyer, of Gorrie, died no Friday last at the great age of 100 years. There are a large number of persons in this county over eighty years of age, and a number of them give promise of reach- ing their "centennial." Clemson. FARM' Seto. Mr. John Johnsi•or.. •,f the London road, Stsnle has sold his e to o tom , farm ,.f 100 acres to Mr. 11. Andrews, of Mit lamed he w,.1111 serve them mote the ties." line. for the rem of 98.100. faithfully to fltt-Ire. and 'vitn• ss the still This farm is •tdmirebly aittiat4id, 'til is greater nr..apenty o f tine amm eia:ion. considered a veru IIo"d cue. Po.tl..ebee Re also eta•.rd 0.s1 since its ince; ti n i. given ,n Myrrh. Mr. Jnhnatno in - die greale•at c..urtcsv warn practised l.y ten•ia to move into Clinton, aid will t.ke the members towards each other, a .•I I a crib ►o• the worst tlnritty the aMe1L1r hat is never yet at their meetinfn, even in •he Mr. lege Rattenhury heat et debate, did he hear one ntfenei.e known as the Irnahell Vivra, /spinal t 111 ase oxde.e ,.ort In hr Ilse, e,ord attend. 11 ' again thanked them 3rl con • f Hellen, to Mr. James l's son d«1t frees tee pyl �irft ►n the paw•- their s,MM iuand present, na tlnng of the Herm R• „ t (.w the .non rad : _ attentive 1s^k�1s. err ,ht ire wveil'l-arrfelly peewrre son SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COUNTY or He Rex, 1 B7 virtue of a Writ 0 TO wr r : t Fieri Facies trued out of Her Majesty's CountyCosrt of t�heiCounst tec of Lamaa bton, and to me directed lands end tenements of JAMS.`t ST RA CH A -K, at the suit of FINLAY McKIBBON, i have seised and taken in execution all the nght. title, interest and equity of re icmptsonlf the else above named defendant, in sod o hundred and ninety two 150?;. situate in the Towo of Goderich in the t•ountt of Huron. comprising a dwelling house and oOe quarter of an acre of land. more or ler. and subject to a mortgage of three hundred dollars, which lands and tonItgmenu I shall offer for sale, et my office in tb'e Court House, in the Town of Goderich. on Tueeday, the 30th day of Jan nary, Iiia at the hour of twelve of the clock. noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff of Homo Sheriff's Office. Goderich. Oct. 18th, ItlBY. M 1,SHINRIFF'S SALE OF LAND`+. rit of CocNT W R HURON. ; nen virtue issued out of tier Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron. and to me directed and delivered, against tho lands and tenements of John Mc- Leod, at the suit of John Persons, i have seis- ed anal taken in execution all the right, title. interest and rgviiy of redemption of the de- fendant, John McLeod. in and to that oertalo a parcel or tract of land. situate. lying and the tug in the Count; of Huron. and Mli!J North half of Int 7. concession lb of the oww- ship of Stephen. comprising Oft, scree of land more or less. Which (ands and tenements 1 shall offer Inc sale, at m7 once In the Court Moo.e inthe Town of Goderich. on naterda7 r seven- teenthhe day of Marte.1»a( the hone orf torsi re of the clock. noes. HOBRRT GIBBONS. PbrrIBnf Hume. Sheriffs Office, t:oderleh. t'ttl Dee. (ah, WE. _ /141*.s4 SHEKIIF'5 RALE (►F LAA DO. Cowry of Hutson,By virtue N s writ of tRtli : M Merl hMes, b.wd oat •. rnY17 Cassa at the ( omit• r/.1i�itl sslsee sled tabes 11110. lse's,rwt, M4 h • alms. o it I _ ► t- in kcr, in and ton/ AM �„ 1i thr to Camel � sn the CMlM1 slaty slate Rivet I I one a few court i.saa is the tows Pa* at ea %martial • t twelve d I. at the hoe et vis. OIRHOV+. »hrrlff of c'e. H aron fllerlfTeOlarc, Onderleh. BIN Lb Deeemhsr lath. /1111. f00KB1"(DING _WENA`IMADI iy Vf%Il(i uta wi th Mr. n. Me011ySr• he we Il•ksS 5 MothInder of 1 s== +a s PRic rtALLAN LIN E, ROYAL MbIIw TugY .ata ;iArr1A1 A Tin! BASO al Nd YOU Miff 0t? aT THE WELL KNOWN MILLINERY STORE M1SS STEWAR'If- Deese (foods, Dark (Garnet, OIue or Brown 1; cts. Plaids L7cts. ' in Invisible Cheeks in Bross. and Brows, ;acts. Navy Blue Oletk, 18cta. ' • Empress Cloth in Garnet and Navy Mae, . `mss. Cashmeres in Black Garnet, Nary Blue and Cardinal 75cts. Black Velvet 50 and 95cta, Brown Velvet 75 and 95cta, Winceys 15Cts, Flannels 125, 28 and 29ets, Childrers Kid Mita 50 and 62, Quilted and English Felt Skirts. SI and $1.50- '' CALL AND INSPECT_ Sarnia Agricultural Implement N[anafacturing Company. (LIMITED_) ALANTTFACTTTRR8 OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Thrashers. See the iDontinion Separator before you Purchase The Easiest Run- ning, Simplest and Matt Durable Machine in the Market i,IVV: ACS 1F. TN Ir WA IN 'T II. %ddrea, a• Parr l3EO ROE A. ROfas, Cenema Ag^nt. Godes" ,--11 -oHN A_ NAF"TE2.t_ CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. New Firm! New Goods 1 New Prices. 1.1Rt.h iItRTV-AL (►F NEW GOODS. GOONS ARRIViN(' DAILY NPI':1•IAI.Tt Arnet hihMkstem *ail CanaaWmethintnew). Owing 'n the novena; deuasd for the .*ewe. there are few to he had is Tomato."Mates from Or np to MAD. i ld tokeep a toll and well aaaorted MMwti stork of everything in the Haarr Hee see wilt soil rrash at ones. whk h cannot he beaten. F.NC(►i'RAOKMENT TO THE ('ANN PURCHASER 1 will flees this day tauteni per cent on all win -bases paid down, am/metier +$am1,110, tex- ahoy. et hey trots the wbolenala dealer at these terms and will dot • Se aka aaee bin, itresn in, 1 .w • 0! tallier • ts'r►'aeleljt. epee et d Aunctt of 'not to iip„vemit .TO Iv A.. 7177 L(t'ERP(NtL-I.1(NDONDERRY-' LAst..N'. alaetsTBaT CIA r.taaAaa. Sardinian from Portland 25th Jan ;Halifax Parisian from Portland 1st Feb.: Halifax Caspian from Halifax 10th Feb. Sarmatian from i:'oroland liU Februa, y: from Halifax Ylth. Feb. PAssaNusR4 VIA PORTLAND C11111 leave Tei onto on the previous Friday of day of sailing at 7:18 k.m, A Pullman Drawing -room and Sleeping (jar will be attached to this Train, and will be run through to Portland for the convience of l'aawengers pnmr•edlaa by the Saturday's Steamship. The Steamships of the Allan tins leave fog the ()rand Trunk Railway. For tickets end every Informatte■ apply to H. ARMSTRONG. ge Ticket iOoondencch 1883. IIARPEII'S ter. ILI.LTerr I86D_ IMrper'.s Weekly stands at the heed of Ani - rrlean illustrated weekly jountals. Bg, II nnpartlsan position In polltJcs. Ib adm bt•• Illustrations, its carefully ehoeen seriala,sbdr, stories .sketches and poems. ooelrtbuted hi the foremost artists and authors of the day. carries Instruction and entertainment to thou sands of American homes. It will always be the aim of the publisrhers to make Harper'• Weekly the most popals and sttractivefamily sewspaper In the world. REPO'S PERIODICALS, PK. 5 EAR HARPER'S WEEKLY... ..54 Ott HARPER'S BAZAR .. ..54 00 HARPER 8 MAGAZINE. .$4 Oto The THREE above publioationa.$10 00 Any TW() shove named 17 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE91 5(r HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE } $5 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE, LIBRARY, (52 Numbers) .910 00 ',non!, Free 10 ell estee*Ibrrs Is I'n(leA Atte, and Casa... Tbe seaums of tae Wottkdp btrtewilatk. fir.t Number e. :Art Monno tiroself• es that ape the N der. nett The last Four Mussel V Wesky 1a SWIM MOIL tMel•M. miss wesBaMeN fir esade l4 �ese7 Oft'dtr fir. DIaR. to avoM =et Anses net nee In ropy Hastekeeaynees"miren/H Adi.* 14At..•ae• aa1ROTHICRS. New Tea - iNIS met emend pm, v em*. T.IIKTY-FIFTH Si WHOLE NUMBER Tem Adder *3.,01,000. Miss Mews Money tolw•ud.—U. SRI lteforru pally, -W. Pro, Mares for ia'e,—H. Neel `b1 vent Wanted.- G nnenrr,•d .tastiest ala 4eIliagal Low Prior. - Dent ` { N IUHOLSON, L. r14r.Ofiaoeaadr lett l an * below San i.Y She People II RES FOR I 1(.cM.r *pea aN bei foal 19 ..";41.11,11 hr sale APO? to HICNRY 8E1 Fouts ry. \/()::.r. ' Tel LI 1 to on freehei lieo, us snow, Gedertct (-1Er ERAL BIR) u Ina entail badly given to a suitable yarn t his once. BRICK YARD T( To ront for one year tl YARD with Mackinaw, .f horse If desired; oral demand tow Brock. tis Apply to JOHN W ANTED. FOR FIZLD awassenee YcDONALD, eco„ Loc HOUSE, AND L( Te. owner eft ♦b1 is town of Oedertak. to =hl!anged for tarn pre PPc Mock or .1. . Comma, ANTED It411 T V (leseral Serum permanent emp4o7isses Apply to MRS. GARR REWARD. -1 W Lrtt Al. reward to mere information Sadly the party that defaced hosted, 'Hach u Fu The People's Anctioned FOR SALE. A first class b, ick 1 whole boom. and k1 as field road. uuder ich.tt usres,,tng ggrounnds we 1 w, apply on the premise ()oderieh Foundry. • PIANO FOR s L writuu'ED to purchase of a se ven-o now at Mrs. Thus. And chasers may refer to las known the metros to Prof. Newman wk tne1 and Inspection of RIE. T110 People's And e�► CASH WIl tP2 J G•.ad Cacar. FOK BALI . Mre. Nolaa offara prooerty in the town the omit. half of lot 175 116. There is a story a good repair. 12 roam t sellar. hard ani soft v farther partienlars a Holloitor. Godericb. L"ARM FOR 8d U ABLE farm, I West tVawan a t, con 150 clearedt t rosea o mre In other hard wt horn& wells. etc., on axles of an orchard. is rssssonahie terms. or address W M. LSD 1864-+t. iTOTiCE TO DE hereby given tb the undcralgnvvt by n requested to settle tb Iry cave an enfnra d nem. ABRAHAM L'OR SALE. -1 residence. corm 1lnneld street, oppoel twnlote. The homy .nrrtage boosts Sid minding,. The Bard ,7ult trees, grape vii For terms apply aarristen. % I8S NETT] Having eomn 'ander Prof. tipppl of .•elved a oertifloeto, ..eive a limited num nvtructlon. Miss8 rn take order* for OI floe In every osae crises Cambria Roo L'OR SALE 0, Valuable Prep IardMes Store sN as aces of Mad, is e *eek la aims am p,.,#IMR las *Me .ire fir sale — nt It otos. 3, R.D. mad fraame rasaceta .. f wlleb 10 are ek Iteaanleltttt 10 act !lord wood. For 1 1AYNE4. Raeppet rf liR'W.t;.N. Li C. 1M.. rb .1 .to. Moe as/ II R MoDOC kir[AM, e(/ halo Uslverslty, 41 ts��ge of 1'b 1.saelsi, , Oata 1po, le Halley', N UR. i►[(LIAI Drees West, M Attest. 0. £u0I r URB. KHAN Payekvians,tree a Dr. CAa oral 0ederich ,1 •or