HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-26, Page 7.1,H E 1111R0 Sit,
r : * eetMtsa4111e Y,•eea.trtK w•, j sew tt tech N rerer to wags.
From the Burlington Itawkeye.
A timid, but really rather pretty
y wog wan came step•,ing softly nate the
lfawksye sanctum a eterday afternoon
when nobody was in lout the advertising
solicitor, who was writing a half-ol•luma
puff of Slab at; Headstone's new marble
shtp. The young luau took utf his hat
and said : "(atoll morning," and the
advertising man strata. "11•hat M
poetry worth 1" asked)) tie tium'1 but
pretty Sour; man.
"Forty omits a line," said the eater -
titanic mail, Prong sly and surer ts11ldibr.
ly, "and you can't :!., better any -white
in Aniet lust. '1 he adtuutngt'.1 w c otrel
for the publication of poetry are unsur
vocal o" either aide of the Aliseir,ippr.
Our circul„tion standing in live figures
the first your, hut steadily increased
three timet an Lour ever singe, and I ...,-
try published in this papa- is pieced in
the hands of 150,11110 Lamili,- 1. •t. ,•
night. How much have sou !'
"Perhaps," said the t' 1 your..
fairly reeling with delight, "It's a little
tit' lung."
"hlakes no .htterence,' said the :ul.
man, belt uiiit/ upon him kindly ; we'll
put it all in if wt• have t , lima* a ,maple
hent. Anything over 3,000 linen goes,
at -thirty live cents.
Cha tined young roan •linoktal damp -
1 7 be pleasures 4 lettesiag are set forth
j by a Canadian physIcwu, t, ho lately ti-
)uyed them Hu tongue anti theft is
iAt 1116 be3uute stiff, sharp chills tall down
Ina hack, and tinally it seemed as t!tuugh
ibis whole body had beeueottgualed, Cana -
1 Otar as •atonaltare cesaat:ou of the
' heart's acti•.u. is tv,utiitlou ..f autferiug
ipsedlly Kara p' to a g$:.teiu) W4111411,
which seemed to autfttst, the aybta•u and
amuse an , xhilarating glow. He was
jrWiag audily thus t itav haul revelled a
wise, teal he nett on, tILLt!c►o1 that
eel). isle sass ems to Ile feared. The
k apptrail b. him to glide flhnuglt
tLa ...r Wat1s great swift..eta, and the
Lanes Dv* h:u Lirda. A auto,;: of uxal-
t.t.tiuu f.IL.d him, noel he urged the
bassets to great speed. Thu woods rat
emelt side of ti..; 1.,,t1 euro pastel" au
yuiI!.iy that they Iwo'tlue iitdtatiugutile
ALIO: iia ;k. lists -stylise!' t ti tt le of !lie
Latae ar,uDti*Il l�(�T:IIt( :mil i•Ihs•r .sway
.,.:.1 the, passel out ..f bemire; i:, tits•.
de..r,u.ce. Ile full grade:411y into a de-
ileums alulisi.er, 41:11101 ('11,4e pear beillh
Tot . iaedlrat Mt...ism:
11 eeay' ,....4
Phusphati.l.•, or !t,
phate 11,':1.4.». •
, .111111' .
of I; ,.t
try Cooeu ., 1'. ^I.
•.ins Atlnun8.
Ltd all w :pal
.4111 Nut r,
Vir:. !Iia 0.• li
a., 1 I.,'
I',s1'114:Ir I
I„m,1 111 o 41 d.0 l c
IS antYciwa to v....Vt.*,
Yeo! )X $1 00 ; e 'r ' •
(b. )(to a fail t a f..
tib Irtinit 146-w t least d
.,:Ire* t. ..
We cenrot belt,
offer outdo tit '11' III
by Ut. King's New e'
sumpthrl. You are
Wilsona (rug store. alt .-et '
'lefi'awofcu t, ifyo..:,e
Coa,urtlttl.•n, .alt ye ( C'.'.
rnna, tie.neltiiit, Hay 144•.•
e11, 11: /31 „ it
the'I'hr,.at ..t Longo. it will I•
cure you. (0)
rhe sleep of dent
Secusg is I,alart t._. Read the testi-
Imutuals in the pamphlet on Dr. Val.
Rureu'a Kidney Cute, they boy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all thuac distrrss-
patgs, Your DradACKE ran11 ou
bot . i'M1.Ii1y .1' 1,.. n t ; h
"It isn't w touch then,' he said when , re lea law 1►tar.ara;ed.
it is very lung"
"Never," replier) the ad. 111411. resena-
"Never ; less room, mere pay, that's .
the way yOU make yo r living 4:..t
your copy with you r"
"Yes, lir," replied the young Lain
Joyfully ; "would you like to reit•!.
or shall i seal 11 f"
"No 1 dcn't care to read it } net n.'w.
Sit down and we'll count it.')
He they sat down mod counted IM.
111 these tunes .4 eiui,uk tllwlieitie :u1-
vertisenlents everywhere, it 14 truly
,rat if) lug t.. find ..ue tented); that is
Iw•'rihy ..f Aire. aid which really does
41 resotnrommiol. Electric Dittero we
rat, . ouch fur as toeing a true and relia-
ble remedy, and one that will do :.a re-
commended. Theo iuvasaaWy cure
st.ewach and Liver Coulplaiuts, Dl'e:lrea
..1 the Kidneys and 1'rivary difficulties.
We ktauw .bere.4 we epw ak.. anti pts
readily say, give thein a trial. Sold at
50 cents a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. [3]
' My hllsup; my he:, t t 1 tltt,hhin:;� nut t
ills llwderg 114 in -
'lumbers fellaresdn • the Ad. uLul. at is tt. of the year,
to suite tL hr ss�t�y� If „u •re -
"Heart ruediciie, tool•' Ulan f" h., ask• quire a dose .1 phlsic )lieu Dr. lar,•,u'a
••1, in the patronizing way of ■ man who Stomach and ('onsetpatien Bitters : it
.news everything. acts trendy ou the Bowels, purities the.
•'No, sir," replied the young nun im1 abed. tW(woves the uu'culatiou, stimn-
lates the bier and 'Kidneys*,'lied
speedily curet. -Rilemenes., Head:wile,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Search the
Drug Stores fri ni elle end of Canada to
the other, and you cannot find a remedy
taloa; 1,4. Try it and u e it in your
Ltailiaa. Bol4 everywhiatri? ot-
n7 h j-
:unazed tunes, while the ad. man counted
away for dear life. "No, sir : a that -
sody sir."
"Oh, yes ; yes, of course," aid the
ad. marl, in reassuring louse, "lifee-
dred nine, hued ten,hund '!ecru - cents., ties at 50 cent.. 11-"r sate Get
hun fourteen - hain't done much in rhap- flak.
s(dies .Inco Helnlb,ld failed hued
twenty -three --good things though, we tare Thcuratiousanve teern
d. bear witness to the uvsi-
}l ta of the j z R-
MAX T$f1InORATo5, the ono ,
his ptosed itself a epecifff-for getl4ral
debility, Seminal weakness, impotency,
l:und hft',four -man of me. 011e hun etc.. and all dines.,.,., that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, fivalli ending
dead and sixty -right lines, and we'll
took a groan of 'eon last spring on Pad &
Lotion's column -bund for' -two- and I
wore one myself two weeks and it made
ill 0,41, aatptiva, insanity a>}{,a ptema
throw in a four line head and won't ture grave Sold by all dr gents, or
count the void half-line $05.20 call it will he sent free on receipt of $1.00 per
even $65 cash down. Just step to the Gelom, or amnxes for $5. Gddrese F. J.
business .•fficr and I'll give you a 4e- the Unoite, 1)dToStaten.do, OhiSend
ceipt. and testimonials of genuine cures. fico:
•4 i 1
1..1 v un floderich.
don't know what happened Teri. � - Lh (-Int
diately after that, We ,inly know that - - + • _ __ .� _ .
when the footman opened the door of
fit' HAA week mane a: linmr 1•y the in-
dustrious. Hest busi1ess now be-
fore the public. Capital not need-
atepSs of the Hatell-eyr• office, the ad. me:.
wss !ermine on the heavy btonze bales
trade., gazing wonderingly at the 6. urs
of a young man walking unsteatlily down
the street, holding a fluttering menu- I
script in one hard, and in the other'
clasping his pallid brow. to
"You may take y doubul
le-c.dun ANC1-ioK
head for a football, sir.' tespa'ctfoliy 4
raising his hat and standing uncovered ! 1 NITEL) SF.1'i'::� >' .0 I. S•�E.13I1:!t::
the carriage to let us out "n the marble
Sed. We will start you. Men, Inn- Four Medals and three diclom:,s a c . e t
men. boys and girls wanted every them loot yrnr nt the Icu'iin, I. 1i.'
where to work for ns. Now is the time. You tion.. in the Lomit:un
A iggiperral - J1 ..
Ncvcr was such n
Drug: Store as is now at
Trial Bottle of 1)r. ►�iu:'.;
ery for Consumption. Co..
All persons afflicted 4 1 h \
cbttis, flames. ►c"a S,eve40 I'
any alildcttoll of the Tits' at ,
QUI gist a Friel Mottle of this
,ly t'l:EL', by cal:iI_ :It
`torr. (4;
Mr.:'. G. 11e.ut of (t..arI-i..o. .
alters cold. In a few days the .,
espies() bite to wo..c or eoneatnpt a'1
attdhkt frtrnds`e(•anle aL.rn'( t
mare resntt: Nts 1 ysletau• wt u
more of his pat'ent's wel,.:,-.
queue of 4 be pro:cewton," is fro,..... • •
W ilmal's l'nhounary 'Levi v 1; ,1.
vey best 1'ellledy knit.... ,4, '.roto
4r. Iteanen takiti, Wit', :11: :•r
rest. red tobe,tlth. 11 Iso •'''.ni•,e 1
rete. 111 aur•) wondertl:l e,:ream.. I)
dant of quaeke,ry and of -wok
a i , 111 iOt,t T,uel,
Colored Hoes of Jrl wail 4
a��,,��.1ire t 13.np11,py� 1 hist r.Miultri'•
est �`lowcra. Plane arid y-,3114 t .b:.
rectlons for growing. It 13 hr,
for the Centre Table- nr a aria• -'-
fiend on your name •'.nd 1','et • , '1
with 10 eeit4. m'I 1 iv:ll m)t.rt you ,•
411114•eatd, This is no: r r.I}ua:t.: -
ft is printed in both English n •d GI
you after wants order seeds 4..luct 1
li4edssere the text antra* '
The 1''te,K..t. t; IDE will tell he w t
• them.
l tt'n- FLOWER AN1' VI.O13TAb ...
Pag!s, 6 Colored, ,1J'..tes, 01" ):
Psrapy,:ate in paper olive ' 41.6s •
dletti. 1a Borrow: Or Seel ab.
Vire :LLCaT,RATII. Mi. • T1114
-32 Pages, a Colorc,' flat, :n r' •
and many fine I:agrar:r
year: Five Copies for $3.61 r=p•• n..
hors sent for 10 vents : 3 ria' .•op
.1A t1 4 VTt•K:
lkselte1'' r
tA 1 J N. '.11, 1883.
1L 1.4 EPT12ATED_
4,.uular ;uarn•ti 1, a rare combination
ie..'4.r.•. del, ant (tei.inu, Its atones,
�, lad .Naar.' 1•e •i, Coo host writers 0.
lw t11.1 .4: 1.•1gt. .1: . ca ;ram taint power.
. ,{rest aeltlstiu en,eilenee; .tud luI aunt
• ('014. add.... to 11 3)...i It 14 au, .really
I , t.e ad. ''n. .w dwnu will mtarn
,.4.'nyb.:I.,!AI.,e •.ti.".
I'r:rt 1 FAQ n 1
1 IU'1';I', 5 \1 KE i;1.." - $4 00
it fro I)0
.11.ti'.:,. 11 1tl.\),INK.. Lt (N4
.'.1, I'NI: ':1' .( ,e:• i.''I,licathr4a..$l0 0(1
\n" 1.11'1) .,Hut a nsn4••I $7 pit
i t :.1'1:IC';: Y'41,N' 1'E.)1'LK ..$l 50
,IA.t.'ly.t IAtsA/.INL''
I EPl'::2'.i 1l)UNu l'BOI'LE } $fi 00
113rill; M"t' 1 *AN ifLiN SQU.tltE
L! HI; 1 ttY (6S N'iimlorsj.. , .$10 00
e r , . . , thte,lhcra in United
r 1 Vn;aw •., . . -.n v,;th the
•X,• . •• , -1 ,.1 ' 1. rnr. When
4.141 '•u a '. ' •t w.11' 1 - Lndrretotxi
.1,a ..n :I.•.. , 1 I'. U.lull:vtlee With
\uu. 444 ,.• - r t6c re, cipt of el,
I' . 144.34 ur .'11A11:I Vo! :!m -n. 01 Harper's
rr<t „' •1 i, n 'Mg 11 he sent by
Ii to 11.4, /I,a y s�y�Aa rem of c .t
j t► t c .Kht mss loom exceed
e''I�I,r,"vt. o,u .r gi volume.
. ' 4uln'nc, auitrbie for
, ,' Lp 'II 11 :, postpaid, on re -
1,4'' 31.44,..9 .
.ui1'au,',.., 1 ,all.' b.' made by Poet -Office
•'.41' •:1 1.r..1. Io avoid 1hates of
v •• err 1."110 cop,rrthis adocrtiae-
e•i 1e,t•f,!r..;fern tr..rtyHAarrttirk
1 1' A 1.1'1- !:.f 141(01ll}:}t$,
,. w York
;i. 11 r;4
AN p: \'''j'1'.'
n t'
C sbtLIR:'! t�,�'4 `.II`
4,1- a'r Fla/wiz/to- 114_.,'.. its alkty-sixth
te v t he 1e. I'.:• Number. It is
• he most p It • Iltntrated period-
. . me ,ca. and n 41•uld, but also the
"1 its s.hetne, 1. L mes1 bewut!fel In Iia
••, and •tae 13 .1 i t,•.r'.itine for Oa-
:, rPA r11)041.rii i•' ..1 -Far the 1111
•.neon 6'r•41,..,;o 1Voo:son, the
..Ina.: uo:m, in the Novenr
, ' . III rur) and artistic ural-
' • la r„ with each auu•
e utlusl. r ottelal e!4wts haVo been
11,4) 110..14 slow ainlnent of its
.11•;11 11'I.,, •e•us ..tor!.•., sketches,
M 4(: \415iL'........$1 09
"k".: 31'/.AR $4 00
!•(1(t-:;E.rt-'co 1mhl:oatioc.A$10 00
p'tVI v: or.. '4vne l.. ..$7 00
"1•'R'44 V•)1Tiifi PKOPi.E..$1.5't
e4AHPFlR'it M.
114714 F.. b. GU
, 1 - 11.1.1 S'S Yt.1'NG I')•;UYLR.
LII:1'hI.1' (5_ N4.thbets)$1O.00
1 r !e ra in the 'aitel
I l J "-eta Ks '' e7 ribs L
' 1q �t� d•c.
I I e vn10l�Ir"e the Jfu i.tinr begin with
II . numbs:S,fQ est a, d 14mbcr of cash
When nn tome is op. -called, It will hu
nnderaoa,d that tilesnbscailler wtnh'•e to be-
- u with the.•nrrer t r:umhcr,
('vItat : tat'✓, to 1' •!tr'r•,•a Maga.
:14,0 ilia ,.loth, bin limit• w'll hn eat by
1 n 111 , .4. o e !, J9 - •acipt of- Ltd..) per volume.
nth '`t+•' fur b;.).lin A .ta eachbv
an work in spare time. or vire your whole
roans to the business. No other business will
pay you nearly a0 well. No one can fail to
make enormous pay, by engaging at once.
costly outfit and terms free. Money mode
tea... as . and hmnon.nly. Address TRUE 6-
('u...tnrnstn, Maine.
as we ascended one bread stairway, "If l
that young fellow going down the et' vet 1
there isn't a three -square lunatic front.
Crazyville. Wanted met., pay him
for a long rhyming puff with"ut n le',•
of business in it, sir."
An O',sis in the dc' ,rt is no hril_hter
light to the wandering Arab than a bottle
of Dr. Van Buren s Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer frau Kidney
Disease. it is a perfect, positive anal
permanent cure. Sold by .1. Wilson
(lederich. 2tu
1NNIls•. 411.•. Away.
Millions of Bottles of Dr.
Discovery for Consumption. ('ou�ha .and
Colds, have bilis given away as Trial
Bottles of the lura sins. . This enormous •
outlay would be di.4.treue to the pro -
praetors, weer. it not for the tare mei It,
possessed h ibis wonderful medicine.
Call at Wada drug store, and tet 1
Trial Bottle fres, and try for yourself
it never fails to cure. (11) -
Sail \Vest.. ,,' y„1 frail
New Ynitit ANI4GI A. -:.8W, VIA I.4» n0Nn:Znnr
t obits Pa!w►ge. 160 t'. $at0. 1 tetnrns. $110 i o 4110.
Seesaw 1,, Cabin, 510. Return Tickets, $7a.
Steerage pa. "enders b.m.kett M low rate.,
I'i&oI/gr•r .t.,eotnm.alations uncxrellyd.
t Lt.STATicitOnsr. OF At AIN Oval.
4'aa ul;rra booked at 1,Reet rates to or ft-om
(.ernlnn7. ltaly. Norway, tiweden. Drumm*.
Fur Rook of "Tours in seotland,"flat..s, Plans
apply to HI'.NDER`!ON RROTl1Fl0.
New York.
Or to 111'<. E. 4%'ARNOCK, Hamilton St
13ita1. (iollcriel.
Pre, .f Charge.
All persons auftring from Cough.,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitia.L'es oaf Voice.
or any affection of tI' rifled sled usage. .
are requested to es t tt aeon's Druv
Store and get a • . nal E1.Atle of Ili. I
Kings New Discovery for C o.uuipet-'la
free of course• which will ('.'netime three
of wonderful mento and show whet a
regular dollsr•size bottle r ill do. CO I
early. ,3)
`i AITLAND HOTEL, Goine,R1('It
ill ONT.
Ttu• above new and first-class house, close to
the Railway Station and convenient to the
ton 44. in second to none In Ontario, for C0111 -
fort and accommodation. 1* heated by 11"1
1: '.OLIN'. RATER. S�i1M1111\ei RATIN
('roquetLawn and garden on the premises.
tlnr zed cold await at all boars. tor travellcrr
{•, 4lmntha, to and from boats and can eon-
in attadancc. Jno. Itrot,mao, Pro.
1,",,• 4_ 1tk76.
Thousands are biting cereal c' Catarrh
every year with Haifa CCat*rrb thins, th't' t
the docters had airlift tip anti .lid • u
not 1)e cured,, 75 cents a bottle. A..'
by George 111...• is, (4 • Tissot for f".;
rick. :telt
As the 'r - s .•1 r ie.., vanish mole,
thecal,.' •'.n•,••• . , •'e 111x•'. 144'-,
SO at** 1 4' i 1 . 1. riser. )r711,nv, •', sat
ilius 1. •r' e , sot Blades amt InRam-
eation •'1 .-•'i,tl N., '41 a the hotly
Ilett tt,e a n, "•t' ' " 1 1 i V:1.: 11.1
esti • Rhin. '(1 1•
T V • Bt t o nd I t c' foreatn'r, begtl to •,t e rn
coots,. M the public' for �t patrae.gr. tied
el 114. as a continuance o custom. , lir 4 an
nl4rctyrs be found his Shaving 1'a•lor, 111 at
1'041. O180. Goderich. 17:.3
The 'eta* long remedy ie aloe a valuabie ali-
t ree
n-tldofe 10 t»eep. Mr% Quinn. Wellington -et.,
• 'YMe of my eWNdren was
sis.w ie11 week et Crone...
In the fare 1 War frighten-
Vel{,e*w, Mrs.
Ila nf'l7owtlnton (.oug1.
WA. ha(1 5ren using
deft Ir•W orwtrlete
very shortly
1 seas for
-i heneve 11
the child
M WA rats ist ! M
who moanw
astasof wY�b
,ter aures �^�ee•al
O 'orttner Inst
a ars k Whet"
war. i 14. wawa to ••M,Mr child's life.'
flat said* aril if. ='b Vesta per lto(fle
a. T srafeITT 41•... Ante t1=14M./af
11M.1 , iMl
'".QCT . 7
1 sent for (lodes lets
MANUFACT.1REi t'11.p14tn:.Id. i. •
.and all men ru!lotn: rnithin•: y wii, :ell e
money by using our oils. Our I.A1tDIN ::u,.41
CY d..''Ai, '4.. .,,a., I,', r.!utl. 1''ttaat AIR al'
lou ler then w o: ds, nod tire public •tt . find mit
t. ,at the 'ore:)ing Hsi; -rt ions arc true, h,. tl
iug ono samole of 11'1^. l'1a pricers etc., ole it )
,!:cation to
McColl log & Co Toronto.
The l.nrdIncyis t'a sale in t;oterich 1.,'
R. W. McKE`ZTl'., (:. H. PARSONS,
L. CR.CBB, apo! 1). i\.•STRACHAN.
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu nbi o,
Daokachel Soreness of the test,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains. Burns and
Scalds, General Coe,
Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ear,, and all ether
Pains and Aches.
ata Pemsratk.n 01 r1't1 .deals A J. 44.3
es s sof., mem, •a.y.la awl Onto,. 1,1:.0.11
lsindr A tr, al wwea,0 Met tow .*'e'(e rause.,
motley .f VI 11.545, and own ."r' maw -
Ma *llh pain ram Mrs cheap awl pontos pee',
et as e1s..a.
Newt nes 111 Meyers toseo err.
Ra'Ilow r ars r • .'
lade< tm II -try,: rs, li•tga:ia'. Alphabetical.
lnalvticwl and Clnesitled for Vo)ltmca 1 to
4-0, Moles' re. from lune, rila. to Jure, 1940,
',..e vitt. 9v o Cloth. $1 4MI,
v, once, should he m1•le by Post -Oohs:!
\r order or draft, to avoid Chance of
.\'^wane-raure not to copy thio.. -n4 ortiae-
tn^al wit ',out the ernr,sr. cower of ItaRYi'Jt .C•
It4'n 01st a
1 it ',' es, ILA 1t1'Elt t.: 11ROT:IF.P,S,
New Y...
111l �6�If,i�CyI�NVT
Tnr I',lel, '.• , .• •v's eel.. to h-• het'.
',news to add t,r its al -cad ' lame Let of
'.Ten'!,. 1t bas Leen p-.bt's)e•' for thirty-five
• ..arts rind Coes('giered a wn•!d-wide rt•pata-
•!nn ss the Lest n•ligion. '13 ' Wet try news -
p seer.
T1114 1..nrrt:`•r-it 1: 1;9t 'lrnnminit toms!.
curd and ltr1.I are h»nn"e-' rasa any sect.
.1 s a Christian .t'.urnstt.lts atm 1 s(n strep; t lien
and ,.tend Rvangcl;'a:. • '!rz'on end to defend
tenant the atIawl, 444'If' 4.' -i' n11,m,A'hel.m
mA enbeWf. it iw for to4T/prnvr or criticise
'•, any of the deneminatlots Lrl'ntt err 11 he-
'irves is rtealame41 (O adrnree or h'nrfer the
nmItTeaa of the (impel of Christ.
We pair Large nr:c.4 to obtain the most emtn•
Pat writer,. ,Iraidea the rs'itnrlals, there are
wenty-awn distinct dtiewiriment,. edited by
twenty-two eprvMlln., which meted/ Bibli-
cal RcaMreh, Ssant*arr, Letr:al, vino Art,,
Meal... Science.l5bbles, 1'eranaalitha, St it-
'•'rrl,l 11e04.t4r, Hymn Motel', Schaal aria
Collect?, lAterature, Itelietou, intelllRenre,
111stion*. Sunday eeh o1, Neese of the Wrack,
~Inane, f`nmiaertx•. insuranee, Marie., roar.
r'em, 1a•lectlors, at:a .4:31 lent. n rr.‘. tH tart•s
in all
We will rennet in inti R,•v..lnseph (look's
celehtntrd Ibolnn M4pn'1••r I,rctnroa, which
.--ill herrn In Jan:arr. 11r. Cook has lust r'
Inroad from a two yes re. 'rill menet the world
and hie teeter., (hi* Winter will attract
'renter a(ten'Inn than 441 er.
(owe 5513154151151(10410.""rlaPn• 4 .. *1.M1
Mr11 . 11171%('e* .. len two rear. . !kt 0"
owe .at'tM•rlrt1o. Ree rm. 1111.55
There red eced pricer 1 !i now n • - ow In
torte of five or Me.H ars cc -v much lnw.r
than any of Ma 4treedrl religions welt
10 node, bald Ore mete ••11 a new •0•'1t.rm
M Tor tootemo-OVWW. aa•( then
ver nie •• a '11 "4., •ehan t -
.MIs r1Tr;0."for Mc/km Mw)Il.hran
),44 rontlitfol 14.4' ,Ire •rant^o vr,rnt of
IIt101aa1Mtlen W1'14"...•n1}... 1'a1►r•of
Areal red 41 nand 4.44 (: c sect .o n copy
se, fears few 'censor.
111Ms'.w*wee. tem Veer
1�EA�1\T SW=FT
Begs to announce to the people of Choleric!' and thin section ot It now, that he has
perched from Mr. A. Phillipa his nt,•ck of liroceries, etc., awl will
continue the business in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Having bought the goods for cash, and as 1 Intend to wake all toy 1:0 'chases from
wholesale mull for cash also, i will be in a poaitiun to sell at
Very Low Prices for lash
My stuck will always be fresh. I will keep the hest Mande oft teas, guutl sugars,
anal everything in the grocery line form the hest pt'pduc.'ts. Bacon, Spictd Meats
etc., al ways on hand mammon. I am determined to pigesa, both in.luality and price
, -Call at the stan), Victoria street, emseiite din, Fair Iit',.nn,l, near D. K.
St eschews machine shop. ` h ,
oicha 's March tithe 1f1R? Vv
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Sto
G- B H I R R
Ha Iton Street, Goderich.
A guar! aseinrnnrnt of Kit. ben, 144,1 room. Dining Itoom and(1'arlor Fortin are. 8114 l as Ta
tiles, Cluiralhawr, cone and wood 0, sled.. Cnplawnla, lied -steads, Mattresses, \Nash -,tan
Lanuag.' 1'91A-, 4‘ 1.11-1,. err, Lpukt, . 1:', ' • ,
N.N.-A complete ,wwwlswear ofcolons and Shrouds albs aye on hsnd1ulno Hearses for h
at rr.-onable rat.• .
Picture Frnmin8 , tin . Tally,-- .1 Ltd'. s' 1 ,• 1 • d
�O ?TY11 1t
13 t. announce to the Public that they l ,,.,• ..pen. ( business in the above Store
ill the store lately occupi•:d by Hon ce Newton. 1!.,, int p ea -chased a Iar'10 and
well assotied stuck of Spring and 51141111111• I:o,(ls at • e tigure-4, e e are (etet'nined
a•' ;aye the I'ublie 11 u lieu( !'1,
,, -Pieeaae 41:4.11 .,nd ex:uuinc our •''',!da Lefar'e pur(hprirf4 t!:cm! . •.
"Set -Remember the place, next door to .1. Wilson', DT c �.`. ore
tIr-Cuslont wort will receive our sp eCia) 11tt, ntiou.
,'N eon but the best of tuateri^' meed at''. liret•c!le, 4''•'kitten employed.
St -Repairing neatly (Tote on t1i sh..t., -t 4 slice•
'Goderi311. March, 4, Ian. DOWNING &. W ED D U P
r isismee Trite Friend.
A friend ill uee41 is a friend int;sed, Ho
This none can deny, especially whet.. ns-
,ietanCe inrenderer! when one is Lordly
afflicted with diwrrue, more particularly
those oompla'nts and weaknesses su com-
mon to our female pa4 ulati oi, Ecery
woman should know that Electric !tit-
ters are woman's true friend, au.I o i'1
'.ositively restore her to health, even
when all other remt'die• fail. A single
trial always proves our asseetion. They
are pleasant to the Mate, and only cost
fifty cents a bottle. Sold by James Wil-
son. 121.
A Vexed 411eratmiaaa.
Eren the patience ot Job would Le-
conte exhausted were he a preacher and
endeavoring to interest his audience
while they were keeping up An incessant
coughing, making it impossible for him
to be hear 1. Yet, h1.w very 4t'1sy 1.111 all
this be 'welded by simply using 1,r.
Kings New Discovery for Conanutptien,
Coughs and Colds. 'Trial Mottles 140cn
:sway at Wilson's drtor ,,tore. ;31
--T i,-.n9and-ofkrnt'(•14
arc annually robbed
„f1 ',"ir rictitns, Ines
prolonged. hapld11ceu
and .health real o ed
b:, the use of the,9. at
which posit Iecly and permanent y cure, Im-
peteaey lemoned by exeense, of any kind.b
Seminal Weakaese, and all 4.,:ea14e4 11.1(1 fol -
Ina as a mequrnce of SeIf-.1bus', as lose of en-
eriry, love of memory, ntiveresl lat.itudr,
pain in the hock. dimness of vivion, prema-
1 uro old ago, and many other di,ewata that
lea,) to Insan11v or 1:011,11n11:11014 and awe grave.
:•-tend ior,•inntlitrs 11;11, 1e-timoulab, fr. c by
snail. The 10*14 Oflt %TOtl is ,old at Al per
ho•, Ir '1x buxea for y'', h• all druggists, or
will lie •eat fr•v• el. 1.1 : .•urely sealed. on
reeeipr or price, h. ^r1,'r, •. ivg:
F. J. ('11::N KV. IRugI,gise.
tv7 ^ t:ael'• 1 )., To!r '-• i, n
(ire). it/1V4 .,,
0..1(4 ,•i,( 1,,; 0...'. , u •.. .
Are pl/ sant to take. Contain their own
VP. 1 a a safe, sure, and effrrenal
dsatreyrr .1 warms in Cblldren or Adult*.
Tilt' Great Western hailer)• will run
their cxcrr>i,'.s to ;,tA,'.!71)11.1 and
DAKOTA 1+:.,r.ts during May and June
every tn... we -•k', eomniesein!! TUES-
DAY May, 2nc1. 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For uforntatiou, tickets, etc., apply t
Special Agent Great Western Railway
Gollerich, (111
Goderi,-1..4, pill. 28 Irian. I!US.
w ..e•r ♦ . 1. y CO
1 1
Pr���i).i��1i�►�� �r�i��l 11111(1,
1'nw•s, I"hnvine Mugs. -
Toilet Netts. Combs, Rrn"hes,
English. Frets,' and
It nadia Perfumery.
Lard, Assortm-llt & Fri s Low.
t{.No trouble to show Goo 's and Prices,
Rre•trnn:erete.l hr . {•t 1•irlam,
C T2/
.,tank of((! Nils! Cavity 1:-.••••••41-• - O. '..*WM
Catarrh sills Far. fve at 4''••d. tt is t'ki*
INTER tI l an art, :i C :It.
tie Bln,d 51,11 Mum„: 13.4r,rr; ' 'ne
System. it s tau as .t It no 1 " r
In W 12111,ra1;• w4'0 4 !I1
slat is (".1';[."4 ' .' It • '
r II 4 14.1
- ONLY I1►ER4Ii. ' 1 if f 1.! 444 MOH
1_,•' t, 11 nt1:.
i l 00
t_ _'_ f+E Uri REUEVf.
•".LT RB_:
Mud ever, epee M. of Meese, arising from
4-.301ded l VCR, St $T�AA,M,
DOWELS OR 81'000.
T. MIL U N & CO.. Pr•ve roz.,a
00 a,r ` .l ...=
1101e ...,u
for two .e•r.
•b. ,t..•'•4 ' 1 a '
8,4wlt :WO I
Ia4 to) '•
4, .t.,
Honig I1
Ili oat,. 41 r .4
call's C,
44.1 b., IJI V4
Inv n .i'0'14 .
ut.. t: I . •
Is 11
. • b1
t r 4 . n
. r'arrh
Sod by
'1 +1.811.
1,M e
' n t('.$1
1.1- A Des