HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-26, Page 3t THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 26, MB. r t11\ 0• r• V £r , -E7 defeat of that G..vern.usut tt was their was $178,934, and attention had been the leader ed the Opposition or the hon. sed 1 w )arta las drawn to the tact that sbeeut 58U,0;gt .ef I member fur Leeds to make the people of ' ' lr'sltto.o W hao• rat the . 1673 the present Ueverseiueut mimed that expenditure was in connection with The Member for West Huron en ens that utteu•wn, and hop. gentle- `the Agricultural Commission. and do. th. Situitiou. men uppxwtte were just as osp. nsitde ductiug this they had $118,954, which for thia pact ..f the o,cresese as the Gov was almost exactly the average expendi• as able epee.1 by t'.l, Ems, I. P. r. Tire Coltish= of tise •ppwttlea ea Ilse litatige$ Time Ie Tellers. Mr. Iters aid hethnutht the hun. Pro- vincial Treasurer was entitled tea great praias for the lucitl manner in which he had presented the financial stetteneet, and he was satisfied that ever) Inver of his Province—nu matter what his politi- cal proclivities might be—wouldlepnwd of the statement. The Reformers nt the Province had especial c tow• tu be proud that after eleven yu.us mf office such a financial steitentuut could be presented on their behalf. He was ele*sedte see that after the criticising of one of the ablest financiers of the Opposition in culpahili ty could be laid to their charge. and though he had doubtless been anxious to present as strung* case as possible, not a single instance of ad kkk l iistrative wrung doing or extravagance cou:1 ha alleged against them. It was true that they had general atatemeuts and general charges made, and eenerel comparisons between the expenditures for 1871 and 1833- or the years 1873 and 1881 for the purpose would bear,thter share of this increase. rather the wtilueel fig 1843'3, fur uv ex *r J,tmpariwu. Then there was also in Passing to the AdministntiuuofJustice, poems could be said to have been iucttr-• 1873 i:rrKeiy iucreasn l >;r*nts to public he found thiswas another point wheredcarn red erument. If they took them years lee thought they would here a fair meesurw ur lest of the ulAr.+t•.s,tance or 00.11 uf the Government Mr. M•,rwlith- What ,s the lecream arising from the entree you refer to t Mr. [t•¢e--Thu mtcreameof the salaries in Civ 1 Government will wily account for the steelier part •ot the increase, but the honorable gentleman would remold• ber that there was a ante expenditure uu public Institut imus iu ttntailled in 1873, which had no existence in 1871. There was the Bilud Aryluni ut Brant- ford, the Agricultural College, the Scheel uf Practical Science, and the largely iucreesdd capacity of the Totunto sad Lundonasylutna. Hon. gentlemen up - petite could tee contend thatthuincreas- ed expenditure was improper or ut wise, because all these alditv,nal institutions had benne:e metic:1 by Sandfield s Gov- ernment but had not got into operation until the present Government assumed office. Ile thought, therefore, it would afford the fairest test if he were to take titre fur the nine years between 1873 and 1881. He would go a little tutu de- tails of the tem -ease. Hu thought it would be in salaries where they would find the expression of an t itravavant Leiverumeut's expenditure, but in this tltete was a decrease itf $1,550, while in the matter of sessional writers there was an increase of x$1,866• Tbe(iovern- nient was nut wholly responsible fur this increase. because it was well known that the employment of these men was sub- ject almost, wholly to the needs of the House. In connection with returns end printing snd that sort of thing, the House must divide responsibility with the Guvernmeut, became if members called for returns, and the House ordered them to be printed, tho Government could only obey its wishes. Mr. Meredith—That is a new doe - trine. Mr. Koss --1 don't think it is u new doctrine Again, they had an in. crease of 34,973 fear indemnity to mem- bers. He was sure that the Opposition rel fur this year—and he wuudered the people of Ontario had reas.'n to be grstihed that the Opposition had not Leen able to p,i:'t to a single instance of maladministration either iu the adminis- trative •r eteoutive departments of the Government. I.i comparing the surplus at the present time with that of 1871, the figures given by his hun. friem, — *ndhu presumedthey were correct—were, fur 1871 c.►sh $3,847,003, an d library 5105,00, or a total of $3,752,003. He would nut go into the advisability'uf in - school+ which was just relieving the reit- the on. mete Lee from additiunel local taxhive, Ii) to make a point wrest the Gevernmsot. ;,:ase any hon, gentleman wished to dia. Here, again, be took the estimate. for pate the aivisability of the Increase in 1883, and out the actual expenditure for this particular be would be glad to hare 1881. In 1871 the expenditure fur the them go to the county hu represented Admtntatration of Jesters was $182.021, and discuss the nutter there—he was and in 1873 it was 11e04,41(U If Hwy uuly sorry the marease had not been took the average fur a number of yeasts rester en this amount. The increase and found that thele was • rMtsl•r •a1 in the salaries applied t.. the whole civil undue Increw, dm, then gating mis- government, and the institutions sup- elude that there had boss solillmaloom ported by the Pr.,viuw, and it was a For the nine years from MU to Irl the average was 51113,8110, end in 1801 it was $1.119, ur leer 1W the ae r ► Hlge . found that a how psupertssaelf 1`, increase took place an esemesmon with criminal patios. As leen. , OSSIIIIMIND errors* were aware the err e ea tics were expenditures made by she county and rection of sty slamagistrates es a Mieisoder * amb ewer which the Government bad no asst J and which were met by bail hinedisa The Government remiss sal iw Ile municipalities a portion of that expendi- ture, which ritmbertl.ment was chee si in our Proviaetal scsoerts tin Criminal Justice. The Government had hoes more liberal to the tnnaseipshtiss in Iste years. In 1873 there was paid M+ ,11L std in 1881 $119,90!1 as towers. u( 310,721, which was jest $18,71Mt more granted to else tnunicipaliteea He would like anyone to go up to his emote and challenge the wisdom of the ucreese un- der this head. Per the psrpass of illus- tration he would take the comity of Hu- ron, which he rep.seated. and show the amounts the had received in ole meets'years. He found that tht1 were reim- bursed by the ram of $1,817.50 ie 1871, and in 1881 they re.eiwed $2,8371 en in- crease of $S10 a year, which kis county was now reoeiving over what it received in 1871, He would like any member of the Opposition to go up there soil chal- lenge -this Morass . (Applause ) In the matter of Crown criminal prosecutions there had bees a decreer* of $678 in the nine years, mud this was one of the items that the Opposition had formerly attack- ed the Government upon. In Ii 3 the atnonnt was $8,273, in 1881 it was only 57,595. Mr. Meredith—Have you taken into account special services. Mr. Rees—I hare taken into account all the expenditure under the head of Crown prosecutions. Passing to the public institutions, he might say, as he had said before, that from the very large number of these institutions which were w sa nut eve been general not in existence in 1871 the companion without such aid --find erecta: numerous general cumpariaun u the • expo asylums and reformatories to meet the ddure of one vear with another. It wax I was useless. The Government ofSand- meemeary care and custody of the unfor• only by coming down to partisulars of 1 field Macdunald had only three or four h increases I of these institutions, and their ezpendi- general oueall along the line. He would eluding in any estimate of the surplus quote what the leader of the Oppueitiun the varietal trust funds, though he tie- had to say stead the increase of salaries tiered, as the Treasurer had stated, that these trust funds are properly and neces- sarily*. asset of the Province, and, if necessary, could be turned into cub if the interest of the people demanded it. Taking the position then and ►sow, he found that the cash and securities in 1871 were, w he had said, $3,846.030 In meutioning the surplus, his hun. friend the member from Leeds had taken particular care to pass over Iiabi'ities in 1871. He found that $1,500,000 had then been pledged to aid tailway con - 'traction, and the present Governutout had always, in making their statement. to the House, deducted from their sur- plus the leibilitities of the Province. If they took the surpluses of the Sandtiald Meed.u•ld Government and deducted the railway debt of $1,500,000 it would lea.. $2,252,000. Taking the year 1889, be found they had in bonds and debentures 81,I56,788 ; cash on deposit $249,483 ; and cash on epeeist deposit at 5 per cent., $850,000, a total of $2,255,- 251, and if they added to this the vari- ous small essetr, as library, believe) of municipal loan tund, etc., $195,000, the total was $2,431,953- This was what they had in 1882 in cash and valuable se- curities, and deducting all the liabiilties ,of $42;,438 which were as follows : — Railway.id t 17,190 Des for sarpdu distribution .. 11,ttll 385.517 L impressment f nn do host t 13,518 un.) SWAM they had .►t: actual surplus of $2,024,953 leaving out the trust Wade. Compering this with 1871, after eleven years •.1 sdwiiiistrrtiun durice which they he I cut of the surplus and surplus and surplus revenues of the in 1873, sad it would peeve that if there was any fault to be found with it Ile must bear his share in C 131II,n with the Government. He said "It was vary much to be regretted that the salaries paid the vetoers of the Government should be leas than the sala- ries paid by inarchants and bankers to their clerks. He quite concurred an the statement that it was the duty of the Ge,vernment to see that its officers should be properly paid. The hon. member fir Bast Grey (Mr. Lauder) Mau acid "that he had nut so much objection to the Immenss as to the seeming want of equitable discrim•ne- tion." The hon. Mr. Richards, • mem- ber of -Bandl eed's Government .puke also strongly in favor of the increase. He, therefore, contended that if there was increase the Opposition had net only not objected to it but approved of it, and if they lead assented to it, they should be held equally responsible with tb. Government. In 1873 the total $enditure uuder Supply Bill was SS,4G0 - 212,and in '81 it wee$2,281,053--a reduc- tiou of 3180,000 from what it was ulna years previously. Did that sh8w extra- vagance or unwise ezpendittre 1 Nut withstanding the increased grants in aid of the iu.titutioas built or started since 1871, they had a decrease in the expen- diture. The Opposition would, say that the years he had mentioned were excep- tional, and in order tomeet theargument he would give the average of the nine yeas from 1873 to 1881, and if the Gov- ernment ov ernment had been guilty of ezravagsoce it would surely be shown then. The average for thew years was $2,290,0110 and the expenditure for '81 was 32,280,- 000 er less than the average of nine Province paid out in *td e: railways years. Applause.) He had always $3,300,000 secured the construction of contended, however, that mo accurate over2,000 miles of railway which it usafe1 test could be applied as to the economy y could I constructed extntvagance of I► g•overnmert by a f h total n- tunate in .cur population, and had du- tributed directly in the municipalities, to be l improvements, the ezpendtture, seeing w ere or decreases had been made, and what ' tare must necessarily be less than Mr. et retest in local i.nprmemen s, "ver they consisted of that a fair test could I Mowat'. Government which had twelve x,000,000 they had at the present time hs made. He would, therefore, !Gavel or thirteen. He would just read over a surplus only $227,000 less than when this part of the`'sub•ect in order to take the list attune not in existence when he took office. If the trust fends were up the items where they found increases, i the Macdonald Government left office. The Central Prison—it was true that the construction sups commenced by the Sandtield Macdonald Government, and if there was any charge of extravagance under this head the Opp^sitition ought to share rt ; but he thought that thie was a wise thing, though the Sandtiold Mac- donald Government made no expendi- ture for its maintenance The Idiot Asylum,Orilli*;the Blind Asylum Brant- ford; Lunatic Asylum, Hamilton ; School run of Practical Science, Agricultural Col - then very properly pointed out that he i loom, and Kingston Asylum -these insti- had omitted to xotice, in making the I tutionsall came into existence since 1871. compariso.t, an item of 329,725, which Mr. Rose then proceeded to show that was expenses in connection, with the there had been no i•acrease in the cont Education Department which had been per head per annum in the public inati- char•Fed tc civil;ewerument in 1881, but talions sine° the Mowat Government came into power. In 1871 • the number of inmates in all the pulite asylums was ' had iM pc 1,563, and in 1881 3,063, and we were new maintaining in the Central Prison the prisoners formerly kept in the coun- ty gaols, and it was most ,ppuerile to say that while more than double the number of these unfortunates were being main- tained by the Province now, the total expenditure for this purpose should not he increased. Yet that was pteci•ely what was being argued by hon. gentle- men opposite who attempted to charge the Government with extravagance be- cause the tend expenditure hid increas- ed since 1871. The (.oeernment have expended on the erection of these public institutions apace 1871 31,594,000. and the annual cost of maintaining those net in existence In that year is $290.000. Hon. eentlenten dare not say that this expenditure should be reduced. and the support of these unfortunates cast hack upon the municipalities and the families of the afflicted. in the matter of eodn- °stinet he wished that the increased ex- penditure had been much larger than hr found it toiler. in 1871 the ezpswditere p.tblic eebnrls was $351.308, and in 1881 it was $502,824. in 1871 there was ped CA' Hirth *hoots $71,488. and in 1881 $64,449, an increase of $12,983. in re - Bart to Public Schools, the Govern- ment cent.rihutel for the sepp..rt of Clime iu 1871 5178.970, and in 1881 hu manly or any other county which bell weaved pt'4pur i utile increase eve that this liberality o1 the Goveniwent merited condemuseiuu. tie king as the revuuueaof the Province permitted it he n should like to see this liberality eon- 11 E tioued. ))ince 1871 they had erected an additiunsil Normal Scheel at Ottawa, and I 'BOOTS AND SHOES At the tildes' Itatablished Shoe deer. in Town:, if the leader of the Oppusitiou had had wiNTE what he tLon [ there would have been MY another at Louden. If this had been done be suppused they would have had him holding up his hams in hely horror at the ettravaganoe of the Government. Then there was a large increase let the accounts paid to superannuated teacher& Iu 1811, the net outlay was but $834. In 1881 it was 1140,796. This was in- cluded in the total increase in education which the Oppusitiou condemned the Government for, but they themselves parsed the Act in 1871 that established the Superannuat' Fund. He thought it was time that this Act should be re- pealed. Of ooures no injustice must be done those who have contribut- ed to the fund, but it is time this expenditure was checked. In all these nutters, the Opposition dare not emus down to particulars ur place their finger epos any angle item and say, here has been as extray.`ant increase ndless Vari,ety ti suit the met fastidious x443 the most or there an unwise expend:ten. Weil, perhaps he was cwt @gristly sonnet iR that. The h... memberfer Leeds is bis premeditated awd deliberate areaytnaseat of the iesesial pul+ey ultimo o government, u pon which hem grtlasom an =1, to ask the elece rs t» cond@asw has pasty htsdisba them open two One ilea Mc. Memel. dad same Mee ma geese cgs, pay Mr. 14 044 - ism 31433 withers .rsisrsty 4 Psslis- meRt, cd the etlhsr that ra soother cess whew IMAM was woshnssad se be paid, he had .M..ry pard WSW heti m- ining, sinw@i approved ey rims lam. W.i, he ee•Swt to the Ws. Penner tact later ter grass ea •d- mid entf@n. tem www ter.. speed" W epp@wtecia4 ketnee/tiret hieme ,, , rra ad he weld whet sinned lint t!, rpt. of the Pro- mise appreciated honest .red woseemaml AereMnm'st tee iamb to he ideated aper tray each * wee W whehdrsw their estaadrner ram hem. The hoc swam sat down atmsist oatkuaaatrc ap Ohms- c added to both amounts they would fend and tint of all Cn d Government. It that the surplus left by Handheld Mac- was under this bead that extravagance donald was about $5,000,000, and. as would be found, if the Guve,nment was given by the hon. Treasurer; the preset an extravagant one, because they had surplus was $4.8''25,x, or .just about the the power a -f coutrnllina it and could same difference by either method. This, increase tic salaries or the number ie he contended, was a very gond showing, the servants in order to save themselves and he claimed that the policy of the work or responsibility. In 1873 the ex present Government had nut been to tic- diture un ci y it government was cumulate surpluses ; but their policy had 15541.G4C:, acid in 1881 it was 5174,8. 3 been to relieve local taxation, an cue- These were the figures given by his hon. duce to the general interests of tee peer friend d the member for Leeds,and it was plc, by nw;stipg mechanics tc •tttutue, and agricultural societies, tot taking upon themselves the maintenance of public institutions to the large extent already indicated by the honorai le Treasurer, and which was relieving the municipal burdens of the people. was charged under the head of Educa- Says "Men.ws ser Ilan and when, . t rant, sad 'wear. Cue dew yes to her with • suwle hair.' Bet it meet he braetitul hair to have sack power ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the nae ext CtaoALnstl Hata Rstrawsa. Bold at 60 eta by J. Willson. 9m Secaseai's Arabes salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded Price 25 tents per box. For Nile by Jas. Wilson. ly. 1 BI( PUSH! Finest coeds ! Lowest Prices JAS.SAUNDERS& SON (Applause ) This was the wise policy as tion in 1873. If this wee deducted they opposed to hoarding up as liege a sur- plus as possible. Te do the latter was a narrow-minded policy, which no Gov- ernment oertainly no Reform Govern- ment -would be guilty of. The hon. member for Leeds had made * compare aa regards the expenditure under the supply bill of S•ndfield Macdonald and the estimates of 1883. He thought the hon member had taxen a eery unfair advantage in taking the eremites for the forthc ,eine year ; he had done this, probably, because he thought they were high and the comparison would be fever. able for his purptese The better w•.. and the fairest would be to take the last tor of Division Courts and expenses ..f suis.mants of the public ar, 11E03 $2,30M0 These a ted to $3,700, and were the only items for which the Oppo- sition were not responsible equally with the Government. For every other dol- lar of the expenditure under this hese in 1873 the Opposition expressed af- prove). That expenditure was u Mann atstee $150,647, and In 1801, notwith- standing the increase in population it wan only $154,078. The expetue per hese of the population in 1873 was 9 cents, in 1881 it was only 8 cents an 54000 as the net expenditure, which showed n decease of $2,000 from 1873. He lied already shown that the Oppsition had approved of the general increase which took place in 1873. If they did not approve of thein it was their privilege and their duty to move for their reduction. They had taken ad- vantage of that pricelege and moved re- ductions where they thought reductions necesasry. in all the opposition to the increase, the Opposition had only moved to reduce the Clerk of the Executive Council $800, the inspector of Pesten $0011, and to dispense with the lnspec- w*igh they hal 1,. their hands 18. 1 sits liempars tbem with 1871, and they wselki thus have a period mf ten years. rh• trial .zprendeture in 1871 was 81, - AWN? 1,-ltlse: ar an average per capita of the 1ime aI $1.11, while in 1881 it was $1,11114111110 or an armee* of $1.19 per heat a shell increase of 7 cents per hath New tel years This he thonght wee a vert mall increase, taking into :.ecerees the eery Targe burdens which the Onvett•seeithd take' off the muni- evidence of economy of which the l4're- cepslitses, 11e proposed now in his fu- mier might well be proud. CompsrIwts ten ooteparisews to babe the years 1873 had also been instituted on the subject d he would Rive his reasons I ie LogisMN• n, and here he wonld re- Everything New and Fresh! LOOK AT THE LATEST ARRIVALS. 1 Cask, 1 Blb. Plated Ware. 2 Caste, Writing Desks and Work Boxes. 1 Case, Japanese Goods. 5 Caine, Toys and Fancy Goods. 2 Parcels, Jewelery. 3 Barrels, decorated Lamps. 1'Case, Musical Instruments. 4 Cases, Vases and Toilet Sets. 2 Barrels, Majolica Ware. 1 Case, China Cups and Saucers. 1 Case, Presentation Books. .snd Itlill• ar fee this °ours.. it will be rec,llectcd I mark t':.:t his hon. friend hail IncoIoni- an at the commencer»eat ------ fyn*Id self an injitt e,and he li said heel I er Kmlitnro wa• s, he he thought r tits pmre id rerbman. for econnntie boyar STOCK Is stow nompleie, and I take pleasure in internee* my ousteiners twat at no pre violet) none have 1 had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. 1 have raised the Standard i0f quality and Le,wervi the Price unci it is a positive fact that no such value iu fust wear can be get elsewhere CUSTOM WORK of every grade still receives my prusa,s and careful attention, and will bas u a a uo in the most approved syisa by first-class workmen, a red of the very beat material obtaivahls. _ D -VT N1ZJTG-- A soon INVESTMENT. Yon :ill Base Money by Buctre \ ur Groceries z Provisions D. FERGUSON'S HAMILTON STREET. We are Now Selliupp; This Season s rTE-w `17 _A_ S From 30ct. per !t. 7 -)Cow New Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar. &c Will be Sold Proportionally f;hc-e Extra Family Flour AT $2..25 per 100 lbs_ A Full Supply of Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bran, Shorts, etc. Always on Hind. The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices. SH15GMILLER Chilled Plow —AND— AGRICULTURAL WORKS. hating purchased the underit h Poundq. am fitting the premises for the manufactur o CHILLED mows and AORICULTU.A IMPLEMENTSoaslslTetsosle. MiU Work Gene's' Repairing and Jobbing will be con tinned. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Runctnianis the o*Iy man authoriso to Coneot payments and `Iva receteta on be half of the tete erre. or Rnnotavan 1 ere., .n all persons indebted are requested to g•,• er theutsclves accordingly. 9EF40111Llaar, Proprietor. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF TUX Goderich Mips (LATE PIPE1t S. H- te return their thanks to the publt, the liberal patronage received during the pas , year. sad to state they are prepared to dc G-kt IS'I• ING1- on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of pa-tiesliving ata detaaoe will erchange Arleta at their town store Late W. M. i'#ffiiurd'r,) Masonic block. East 8t. Godernch. AO—Highest price paid for wheat else 41600.00 Reward. we will pay the shore reward for any case of levee teat'vleisi. Dyspcpsls, filet Headache, Integestlno, Cnnetifruton ,ev Cost) ee we C Black. aa,.eathum tviti nearsw est' tIct yoomtable ver Pills. L alien the directions:ire atrtctlyoom ted web. V They are pure) t'rgctablo, and never fail to lire xatta ••tion. [Anger Coated. Irsge8ozs.. .__ =ring cat Pills. ti Teats. For ani a by W [hagq:ste. thwart of countertettap d TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN ►lona, T:.: Rcnu.ne ntanufaetntrdon 30H\ 1 tt' `r' & t Ie.. ••'fete P111 r, sea. — tl arid N'1 King -t. l:e .i 1'ogvHtw, (Mt. Yeti. turedlon shortest notice. New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufse trial pec lag, writ b) mail prhpald en reedK 1of.tcin•.00101. For Mae al inwa's a16I'4 ,T•11 .te All kinds of Repalrisg'txecuted under the The above goods will be p rennrtlsupervision of the i'ropt'ineors oho Heath is sold at lowest living prices with special rates to persons getting up Christmas trees. The Cheapest House Under the San. (Next door to the Postoffloe.l 1883. Harper's Young People. 0 ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-I6PAGE At'1TLD TO SOTS AND .TILS nP Pto71 SII TO SIXTUS/I TIARA or Aire Vol. iV. commences November 7, 1882. The Versos /'ramie hes been from the neat successful beyond anti. lost IN. Y. Even- ing i1 has a distlnet nnrp.,"i. to whit h it Stead- ily adieus that sotefnt•1), of supplanting the v news tossers for the young with a paper rnnrnattraetfve,a. nell a. in arc wh,leeetrse. (Plosion Journal. .ties, the Hon Send hail so experience of what t11' expendi- tures of the Province would be, anti everrateneed wisely, no deuht, with a reify low scale of mlanw Greet dis ,acid .tion existed in the Civil Service, t:d it rag know:.) that at the time of the advantage of i . e i under this hesd was in 1871 574.071,, distributing seeping revenue. Bs own and the average of the four suhe,etnent , ronnty, Huron, was now receiving from years 5108,000. He had found that the; the Government 32,905 more annnelly average for the nine rem hetween 1873 for the support ,f her schools than she and '1881 was $118,217 What was the did is 1871 X11 . thanoiight ii .k t r uwMiitake sk f sereinde reindeer, ' 491 ' f n this year it mate thint. 'q Prov aeatne-ss, ries to of eogrsving, and contests genera111. 1' Is unsurpassed by any paMlnatlon If the kin 1 pet b -ouch' t.. nor no - loot.. 'Pittsburgh Gazette. TERMS. ■,rent a Tar e14) rearm •l a. ►rr tear roan., Trepm$d. RInee \nmbrrw. rem l'entaraeh. Que-1mm ropy pent on receipt or Three rents Tbr Volume. of ffeeepeev rosy lie e the Ms owl Ion tmairm 1, iR' - mated Cl, ^ . 1 ,•••sit by man postage pm, DO. on rept of • ossaComm. Cofor Yellow ppe es tl/ Te II crate : posts te. H seats midltfaraL Rrw.;ISApIsAmtl.l hr made by Peet flees •T me), Oester Sr Draft. to avoid elms°, d "we. Nth.,ss//nn perm .err me to mer/ ties sed rer Liar on wf wither! the rspres* once► of H avreal at It t ,,Hawn. mires. HARP•:it t HitOTHEW), !1.w York Ant Pracrical Workmen. P. 0. Boy 101 sC -l.G1 7 Pro 00 r r*t F4 Om - 1787 'wealth! • lea. E. C. Wv,Ti's NCiYet AND R.AI:, 'fnEAT- MCNT, a gnarante d specific for Hysteria.. Ins- ,inrw. ('onrnlaions, nits, Netsous Net. resets, Headache, Nervous 1`rostrat Ion ea, 4,11 bay die sae of alcohol or tol:aceo, 1t'akefuill. ei. Mim- ed I4•pre.+Inn• rtnf•rnInt( of the Rani, . !I milt- ing in to-rnitc and trailing to 1111., r) . decay and death. 14rmntnre Odd A. Kart miler. Loss of leaser Meitner sex. jjet taunter) lessee and :(permat.rrha•s. enure by excri Kurt len at lis twatn•.,ItsL,.se or oter-indulgence. One hos ,T 111 filo. reveal 1.50.0. With hie%,aat- t.iinn one nn-LAh'.,n rin•. •.• a h... caner. Acs, _ ,r a. h,,'n-+fn! 4; •.5.'t7ars: sii t 1.) L 1..1 pre - f 'r '>. y g . - s - widon ,neap of ort. e. We gam scree els d -t ' - - boxers to e'er any came. With each order re- E7 3 s e 7 mem by Wifor.it Ilettac.mnp•I•D•d with " s 7 ' flier dollar.. we will mewl the tibr, l a.cr our ▪ C 'O , a9, '+y ( a s =•whit. a /Ir:.,rntre 1, rigid,'" I5 mime) if Ma ., le G CD _, - a _ • _ 1rNIrneat.nwM, i rlrr,-I a i tor. Guarantees ' n 1@Neeerd only by JAUItN esUs•t .ole author- r P•• ' n s WI WWI for0eetrrk h. o.t. JOtlt \ 1 • tv RAT % 1 c7.)? p r, t. at CO.. sole proprietors, Toronto, I . e - ° • c 262 r f'. d s , e ; t ,' c •' r O 7 Gray's Specific Iedicine e - E A - ,7r n r-, TRAO! SIARt4Toy Gln it TRADE HARE t w o , ; ? ,. ...11-11 t;, . •3" n i E i i Mf ,1 \II , ?t' 2 .=-' ` ' tc7 . - S 7 0.. I i 2 NetHvr:" L 9 a a _ Ri -I'ertnnt A• ! ,,,. 2„ rhea, rent.. g envy. anal all jt e • t 5i / -; :r sty aarw .aiAFTER TANN".. 1 ° o $ z 1 , aa.e q,Idiselow sa atist .e, '7 t. t.:' i T T ndp. as on. of M,mo,•)j.1 at, ..-..tl I:, ,. e-li a .. ,,f-',' ' a )tide. Nail, ;tar k, Moines• .•f Yin on, ,s 1 ('exact' ,: , ••,l meat nIL.•, .eapea O, a '3 •. 1Mtt Ms 1 I. ,• .o;►, or enasan,t,t,, , ,, ,l a O j. i' ' P. - [ i prem•, n,-, ,, rat.., •r:, 1'011 paiii. r '! 33 1c1. "1 I. w iC 0 , ' = I 1 5.NI vl 2 is ii 3?L.U,v .