HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-26, Page 1oEvo Ef 0 roVN?Y. MEWS THI ltT Y-FIFT11 1' EA 1:. twHULK Nl'MHP:It INTELLIGENC GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1 .saw .d.ert4reerat.• Strapea Animals. Leu ord. J. C. Currie. Dog Fouod. J. M. Buchxi un. rtsrvaut Wanted Mn. (:arrow. Teacher Wanted. J. llelrunuld. Brisk Yard W Root. -J. K M.c'greiur. Balesoe of Winter Stock. -Colborne Bros. Dr. Wilson's Cherry Balsam. J. W. Brayley. Admin1Ar.tor's Notice. Garruw .1 Proud- fuot. In the Count Court of the County of Huron. Philip Holt Dentistry. IAME ON THY 1' t Mlo/ a alt' t/ time subscriber about the ►.glens/ October, of tober, L. ted subscriber, mann two yaws Md. Tbc owner israQ sstod W prove ppeeov.ppeerr-- ty aad take the ralmal .+say. W M..LIU)U . lot */ Sth cow., West Wawuurh, Dnngw.inos, P.O. 1104-6. V4 NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - el. TIRT. 011w an•t rest pence, West Street three door. below B ink of Montreal. Oohs - 17011 - She People's Solumn. BRICK YARD TO RENT. To rest fdresm the KINTAIL BRICK- YARD with harrows. eta. end line of hers u BretNees cad great dsmead for LIMab Desk soar Yard. Appir to JOHN K. MAHinton. BOOY.O. t. WANTED, FOR S. S. NO. lb ASH- nELD,. third -claw teacher. duties to )& O 0 e.U). leo1meN,dW. . Y.e1 Apply0. to JOHN 1I7$ 4L 71OG FOUND. -CAME ON THE .1.7 of the subscriber lot 1, con. K. to tp of Colbores. • small black and white dog with ta$oolored head. The owner is re- gaested to prove property paand 'tike it away. JOHN M. i3ULLHANA . C Col- lieries. Loam ane insurance. NlSiW1 i Alto tvssa!t aav eat were - Aonivet- ABOUT iIOME. .ary services were held in the North - Street Methodist Church on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday the pulpit was occupied aorsitng and evening, by Rev. Mr. Philips, of St. Thomas, who 1 delivered intereattng and instructive Th.blWearyfracacteat,sur'he workingat *erosions owboth nrnsions. On Monday A esteem eYsete, 11.11 us ruin, wet or dry, I In take, end ybctne ,t hs ;n.tlery Lorn.'r I evening a teameeting was held in the i''rom Smturday until Thursday even- Port Austin, and a large number of great Mo.$realot- tun the ttir>ww. lecture room, but owing to the Mole- lug Goderich experienced the unpleas- grand children, the families of thein. 1'•. The Costr t-tacncil beim w +encu du an t matt weather the attendance was not so ant sensation of receiving no tram mals. his grandson Richard W inwr, who live.i make any dllltwoee in brie price of'liquors at lA e w had been expected. After re- Owing to the snow blockade on the lies with him when • child, he clung to the M. V Hort„,„ Hoe mime. a Rudd *nide in 1. sag Pmt g wises or ivrwotn all this year onset ata reason- i f reshmenh had been partaken of, the between Goderich sod Stratford, come last with a father's love. The funeral will able pr. ! audience adjourned to the body of the munication with the outside w .rid was take place at the Methodist Episcopal Mrs. koiet- Tye '4 liayavilIe is rho ; Church where atter a few remarks frost completely cut off, and a quiet 1.rc.1 church to morrow at 2 o'clock in the " time" was the result. afternoon ,and the remains will be inter The storm did not strike Goderich as ed M the grounds of Richard Winsor near violently w it did more, inland points, the Presbyterian church, until they can and we , with the thermometer at its be removed to his old home in Canada. worst ranging only at b' below zero, and with ne uncomfortable exhibition of Death .f Jolla Sedges.. snow, could hardly comprehend the hard- ships endured by our brethren in the in- It is with the deepest feelings of re tenor with the thermometer registering gret, says the Clinton New Era, that we 15' to 90' below sero, and with four to `a+. to chrunide the death of Mr. John five feet of snow oil the level and terrible Hodgen., which occurred at his residence drifts in the railway cuttings. Yet such yesterday morning (Thursday, Jan. 18th) were the facts of the caw outside, and as a little before nine o'clock. For nearly we piled high tt.e fuel, any sympathy we seven months deceased had been contin- had to spare welled out to our brethren in ed to the house, and for the greater part the "oold interior," whose thermometer of that time to his bed, and esu a most red so much lower than ours. intense sufferer. Fur more or lees he Mr. Gramme Cameron experienced has been ailing for a number of years, the first trip from Clinton to G.derich being afflicted with dyspepsia, to which during the blizzard. He arrived here he at last succumbed Possessed of a sound in wind and limb, but, u he ex- great deal of spirit, and unusually oiler • pressed it "mighty cool" on Sunday last, get►c, he fought for a long time against The next arrivals were the umbrella his nialedy, and never gave up until agent and his chum, who walked from compelled to do so. It esu otten re Clinton knowing Goderich to be a Gov- marked that he was at his business post eminent barber of refuge for "craft tri when he should have beeu in bed. About the middle of July last. when he Was preparing for a short trip up the lakes with some friends, he became too unwell to go, and hes ever since beeu unable to attend to any work. During the time that hes intervened, he hu been a patient and heroic Christian sufferer, never complaining, and always hoping for the best. Twice during this long ill nem, he took a turn for the better, and slight hopes were entertained of his ulti (nate recovery. These were all falls clone, however, and he passed away yes terday morning, at the age o1 forty years. • The deceased was born in Queens county, Inland, and when quite young, having lost his parents, camp to this country. Ile was at once apprenticed to Andrew Chisholm, then one of the lead ing dry goods men of the west, doing an extensive businees at London. Here he remained some time, quickly developing those superior business abilities whioh he showed in his subsequent life. Lt 1862, though but a young men, he waa entreated by his employer with the management of his branch business 11 Clinton, then carried on in the premises now occupied by Pay and Wiseman, and known as the Albion House. He served his employer iu this capacity for several years, all the tithe, displaying great, adaptation to the business calling he had chosen. lie next entered into partner ship with Mr. R. Irwin, and subsequent ly, having bought him out, he carried ea the business alone. Mr. G. Pay, his hook -keeper, then joined him and they xnntinueed in business for moot six years, during which time it was largely increas- ed. Upon the retirement of Mr. Pay, Mr. Hodgens continued the business alone and built it up to the colossal pro- portions it has now reached. He had the reputation of being one of the best buyers that visited the Toronto market, and was known extensively as a success- ful and pushing business man In thus respect alone he will be a great loss to our town. Of asoma what retiriogdi.p.siuon, and partly on account of poor health, the de- ceased several times refused to accept of public positions offered to hint. (inc, of his death he held medals with uumor- he was elected Mayor, hut declined to ous clasps each having thereon the name serve. He was, however, for o lung time of some great battle of that war in which a member of the High S.ch....l Reard, he had distinguished himself as a soldier. and carried into that position, so far as After the surrender of Bonaparte he re- turned to Irelnd in the service of the crown as civil engineer. In the spring he d his mmision in of 1830 and emigrated too('RSON, arriv- ed rriv od at Quebec in May of that year and entered the Canada Company as civil en- gineer, and soon aftermoved iso Goderich, where 1►e built the first !muse in that place, and the first house built by white man on Lake Huron, and had charge of the public works of that company. He resided in Goderich continually for near - 1 63 years. Lest October his grandson, Richard Windier, orf Port Austin, made hint a visit, and finding hint in doclininv health induced him to return with him wilt hold practice every Monday evening Dente, $5.16. '30 That we remit 85 on im Port Austin that he might have the in St. George's school room, and all nee. •int of Mn. McCarthy'. sizes cane and attention of his children and who would like to loin this musical club J. C. DiTLOk Chairuiaii. grand Children, and ,n the 20th of the should do so early, so satobe thoreuelily Mi. H. E. J"hnaten, clerk and tree- tl red what d t drilled for the a,neert The secretary• surer, tueti tendered his resignation, to Mr. R H. Williams, of the frank '•f date filen Meech 1st, 18112, and mind Corsrnerce, will he pleased Go eilelain that the same be eeespted, the object of the union too oil who are Moved by Bingham, seconded by "A o4ia s esteem re, tete nota. Ase talth !ss'11 west tt. `` ONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO les sat ea OW terms In same to salt bor- moors.its.tt . Mob At,t.a. Ouderiuh, Nov. 171A fir. 1allla 4300,000 TO LOAN.- APPLY TO CAMICRON. HOLT & CAMRitON, tied. - Mk. 17tL $ 76,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES - 11P E - OOYL•E Oed4lhvsemYls. A4 le I75J (1150,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND dP on good Farm or first-class Town Property • t $ per Deni Amide to R. RADCLIFFL NO WORRY TO LEND IN ANY ..seat wean borrowers at 1 t. hi per Dent. Private Nada. Apply to Baas mad Monroe, Oodwlek. ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE TGR' TOP:OR OUTSIDE THE PALE. 1 Goderich Loft Alone in Its Glory. 1JM S lkeede nett es festseet---The Treek Sleeted Op -he maw. s e ersulteseeee, \e Dass Hess Ns.tde. )MCGILLICUDDY BROS. Pvst.»Mswx i $t iO A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Neil and Miss Jennie Longworth, of Port Auatin,Mrs. Judge Lizan, of Strat- ford, Ont., and Mrs. Robson, of Van ooever's Island,aud among his grand chil- dren ere Mrs. R. W. Irwin and Mrs. Jas. Jenks, of Send Beech, Mrs. McKen- zie, of Port Huron, the families of Mrs. Richd. Winsur Sr., and Mn, Neil, of rest ui Mrs. Cottle. Mr. Joseph Williams ham been ap- Hipth Sehrol trustee by the town Have you renewed for Tea SPINAL for 18833 f Look at the yellow beset on the paper. Dont forget the sale of h ,uaehold furniture, eta, .t the Rt. ll'.1mo, on Wednesday neat, Mat of January at 1 o'sleek p. m. No r'e.eryw On account of the severe weather the 111 amount of Private Funds for invesment children's Christmas F'estical at St et lowest estee on first -clan Mortgages, Apply Stephen's Church, Huron Road, has been to HARROW & PROUDVOOT. postponed till Tuesday 30th int. Looe.. Srertersca -By the certificate from the Repstar-Geeor&l's of toe we tin d the following for the year euding Jan, 1 11183 Births, 86; marriages, 34; deaths 48. LOANS FREE' OF CHARGE. - Money to lend at lowest rate., tree of any oasts or charges. SEAOER de MORTON. opposite Colborne HoteL Ood.rich, tsrd March 1fst. 1779. 20,0110 PRIVATE FUND*. TO LEND 7v on Tara and Town Property .4 lowest la- terest. Morlgoges purchased, no charged, Oonveynoiag Fees N B. -Borrowers can obtain goose la WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - A it title is setletactory.-DAVISON a: J3,.., General Servant. Highest wages and 9TON. Barristers. tc.. Goderich.t7al permanent employment to s suitable person. ) RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Apply to mite. GARRO« . tercet. 1 Life and Accident insurance Agent_ R^presenting first-class (;ompeniee. AlMasest for the CINADa Live errome l,r Oa Money to lend on Mortgage, etcher (yat a Farm Property. in n way to call its er, Office -M Say's block OmdertoL. REWARD. -1 WILL GIVE A LIB- pKAL reward to any pews. that w W .givs tafottwatton leadltytto the conviction of ib�e. psrty that debased my auction sale bill sd. *Such is Tb. K. Peoples Auctioneer. - J. <' CU1 e7 . VARM FOR SALE. -THAT VAL- UABLE farm. known as lot 22 S ooa, West Wewanosh, containing some 900 acre. 180 cleared. la acres of black ask, sad the bal- sam la ether bard wood. A good frame house hares, wells, etc., on tho premises. also three sores of an orchard. This farm will be sold ea resectable terms. Apply on the premises or address WM. LEDDY, Dungannon. 1'. O. 1874.41 FOR SALE. A And claw brick house. ce1Lr under the .whole house, and 14 acres land on the Bay - Sold toad, Ood.rlck.there is a good stable and driving sbed.hard and soft water on the prem- ises, grounds well laid out : also a first clam ;For of working mores 7 years old in foal. Ror particulars apply on the premises or to H. lesseminier, Ooderu•h roulade. 1873-11. 7 PIANO FOR SALE -I AM IN- STRUCTED to receive offers for the purchase of a seven -octave Steinway Piano. now at Mrs. Thos. Andrews. Intending par- doners may refer to Prof. Ue Peudrv. who has known the instrument for over a yearend to Prof. Newman who has made a special trial and Inspection of • same. J. C. CUR - RIE. This People's Auctioneer. 18711 $25 CASH WILL PURCHASE A Good Cutter. Apply at this office. Legal. RC. HAYES, 3JLICIrdR & O:tt-.;e corner of the square sad Woes Wet, Ooderish, ov er Batters bookstore. (honey to lend at lowest rates of Interest 1 EWI3 LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J Attorneys, Solicitors in (Thmaoory rte. Office in the Court House, Ooderich. IRA Lents. M.A.. B.C.L. K N. Litwin. 18i. Cl ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T MISTERS, Attorneys, SoMdtore. etc Goderich. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudtoot. 475 R. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND 1, Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, Ra, Godetioh. Ont. 1711. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TERS, &c., &c., Goderich and W e. Seager Jr.. Ooderloh. J. A. Mortes, lag, ham, iT01. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, NJ Barristers. Solicitors in Chsatoery, So. 'loderlch and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, Q C.: P. dolt, M. 0. Cameron, Goderich. W. L Macon, With/ham. 1751. INSURANCE CARD. BRIT1tH ASB. C'O'Y,4Tof0NTo kat*Wiehe HIM FOR SALE. P' It NIX INS. CO'T. of LONDON (Englund) 11' Eatabllshed 1782. Mn. Nolan offers for sale the follow ing HARTFORD INS. COY, of HARTFORD. Conn property 1n the town of Goderich. i.ot 177. -Established 1310. the east halt of lot 175 and the west halt of lot Risks taken Is the above first-class Offices st 1M. There Is a story and a half frame house In 0.e lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. good repair, 13 roma and kitchen. good atone The undersigned fa also Appraiser for the cellar, hard and soft water. Terme e•syy. For CANADA PEI(. LOAN AND SAVINGS COY further particulars apply to K. C'AMPION. TORONTO, 'tolicltor, Goderich. 1"0.3m. 1 Money to Loan nn fir.,t•class security, row 7 to 8 per Cent.-t'harges moderate. NOTICNOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS HORACE MORTON. E 1 Oodee'3b Sept. Ifs 18M T C. CURRIE THE PEOPLE'S AUC f . TIONEER. 6oderich. Ont. 17M. b given that all parties indebted to the undersigned by note or book account are requested to .eine the same a once and there- by 'aye an enforced oelleotltn. I mean bust - ens. ADRiHAM SMITH. 1862 - HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East stmts. In he towu of 0oderich, for sale cheap, or will be epch77anged for farm property. For rttculars wiooat or J to C. Ceases.limataaottoseer. « Cnbb's We understand that Bishop Carman will visit Goderich on the 181h and 19th of February, in onnneotien with the anniversary servioee •.., the M. E. Church, PURSIIANT TO AN ORDER OF the High Court of Justice. Chancery Division. made In the matter of the estate of the late James Dnocan. and In a cause Sym- Iwtton vs. Duncan, the creditors of Janne Duncan, late of the Township of Wawanosh, in the County' ofpHuron. who died in or about r before Set - FOR $ALSomTHAT DESIRABLE the ttee�rd.dayLo Febenary 113,, send residence. corner Brittania road and Me- by post, prepaid. to J. A. Morton. Eli.. of two Donald street op use i the goodigh Bohn ply with firm of +eagger .f• Morton. of the Town of Gede- two lute. oTus and .t bl rot ilr with rich. the Solicitor of the Defendant Isabella oonUdli g house and stable and ' ked out Duncan. the administratrir of the deoessed. :trait tre . The garden la well ata ked with their obrlstian and surname.. addresses and .rapt trees, grape visa, shraberf, gals description, the full part lculars of their clatwe R.H wagass, Wtement of their acoounts, and the For terms apply to Davison J l� nature of the securities lit any) held by thorn. B.rtipers• or to default thereof they willbe peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the sold order. Every creditor holding any security is to pro- duce the same before me at niy chambers in the Const Howse at the said Town of Goderioh on Monday, the 18th day of February INS. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, being the time ep pointed for adJudioatlon on the claims. S. MAL(`OMSON Master at (historic). Dated this Lttbday of Jwsary INe. 1374-7t. Rave. Dr. Ure and J. W. Sutker, an ad- dress on "The Lot Art of Giving," was delivered by Rev. Mr. Philips, which proved of deep interest to all present. The ohoir rendered choice selections fr.•m the cantata of Immanuel, in a very pleasing manuer. The custoutary rites of thanks to the speakers, the ladies, the choir, and the chairman were duly car- ried st the clow of the meeting. Mr J. H. Colborne occupied the chair on the oteasiou. len Wednesday evening a .e- cinl was held. which was fairly attended. OUR TOWN FATHERS Stew Thal Begun Their Segalar Uesi •g. The first regular meeting for the year 1883, was held ou Friday, Jan. 19th. There were present : the Mayor in the ohair, Reeve, 1st Deputy Reeve. 2d De- puty Reeve, Councillors Bingham, But- ler, Cantelon, Colborne, Elliott, Jordan, Mitchell, Murney, Nicholson, Scuhie, Seeger, Strome. The minutes .•f the statutory meeting agree from Death has :teem ,weed he family '•f ,.f Jxnwry 15th, were read, approved Clmt distress to Chdrri hotin A blizntrdataha,k. our respected townsman M r J. H R il- and sic need. llama This ttitne he has host a tine little ing it," war "a tang time t)etweeb boy of four years. The other member mod - Tali T*RA.tUtEa x MATEY.�T drilttks " of cash was read, ehowiu Om Monde the weather hadn't mod- ot his fancily are getting better. 8 y Mr. F. Jordan, drug[ist, hue returned Amount paid,received .... ..183,594.5205 orated to'"any perceptible extent, ant, and the to tow. after a lengthened visit to the +mount paid out ... 3,694.06 trains were cancelled on the Goderich north-west. Ile looks hearty, and is branch of the G. T. R., and remained full of good stories about the Prairie Balance in bank .... .. $1,171,87 cancelled. The railroad employees had Frovinos and its pushing people. The following communication from a little picnic in consequence, and en - the Clerk was read : joyed themselves immensely. The Brussels ballot -boxes were expect- ed on Monday st 11 a.m. to be examined by Judge Toms, but failed to connect, and reached here on Tuesday Afternoon, having taken two days on the road. The members of the County Council arrived after the style of Noah's board- ers in the ark, -"one by one," "two by two," etc -until a big rig drawn by two horses, with a span of mules for leaders, drove into the square with ten representatives on board. The meeting at four o'clock to elect the Warden was a failure for want of a quorum. Wednesday last at noon Mr. Polly's stage took the mails to Clinton and re- turned at night bearing le H. & B. mail and the forty-eighth County councillor, Mr. Wat Oliver, .cooed deputy -reeve of Grey, who had been working his way -to Goderich gradually since the beginning of the week. On Thursday at noon, another stage arrived from Clinton with thirty-one s of mail 'natter. The postmaster didn't take any interest in the curliest rink during the remainder of the day. 17p to the time of going to press no railway train had arrived. During the put week, owing to the severe storm, which has prevailed, there has been a dearth of local news. There has been but little to get,and a difficulty in getting it. But -look' out for our next issue. QIIASTIRLY Seacioi. ----The quarter'y services of the M- E Church, Gode- rich, will be held oe the eramng of Sun- day. 28th inst., at 6.30 p. in. Rev. Dr. Gardiner, presiding elder . f London district, will officiate. Two tramps paced from Clinton on Sunday last. They reported that there was no particular daager to be appre- hended from bask Gres eking th > route. Constable Yule kindly furnished then( with lodgings for the night, and they were duly grateful -es tramps usually are. MISS NRFTIE SKEGMILLER, Having completed her studies In music under Prof. itp pi of London, mad having re- ceived o nertltloate. it now prepared 'to re- ceive a Ilmitet number of pupils for Nano instruction. Miss`Meem(lleris alsopreoared to take order. for Crays Portraits. Sat duc- tion In every caw) nisei. Residence, corner Cambria R aai Miswrite erre it. . , -VOR SALE OR -TO RENT -THAT Valuable Property�kp.00we .e the Shop- pardton Store and P.'st0 . with l6tllselet et es acre of land, Is sabred �r sale oe to rest. Meekin stare all sew eel trash Ude year. Thr proprietor has other besieges which will re- quire his sole attention. AM the wet half of tee s, eon. 3, K.1). Ashqfeioele1d ; all new Wad ; two g orchards. two lewd wells, and oomfort- abis frame houses The lot eoutates iN sore. of which 60 are cleared and all well folioed. Rwinetniag 60 sore heavily timbered with ifAYR >�ppeed P.O address :IR T. Tiebical. Mr. Henry Tennant; of West L} one, Manitoba, whose family t eatdes '.n the "Best farm" on the Bayfield road recent- ly purchased by him, has been returned for Morrie at the recent election in Man- itoba by a majority of 69. He is a Con- servative, but not a bad sort of a fellow f,•r .oil that. ed fe•r the same, but the town has not IiRNatrrr CowcaaT To-Nf .HT. -We hope detailed statement money.celyed the the casecannot is I have that all who can go will attend the bete- not had time to check the book over. fit concert to be tendered Mr. Ben Ann -•H. F...lomxmoN, Clerk. strong in the Temperance Hall this (Fri- day) evening. Mr. Armstrong is deserv- ing of a full house, and we think he will ,get it. Ticket.' can be had at the bock stores, and at the door. The f lintnn bed bugs ulnar be greatly to this Council --Carried, ti y THE $EXTON.r. RrroKT dreaded. 'lite Neu Ere says: -"A farmer of Htti1ett, who resides within four nmlea of town. stopped over right here last Friday, hent the first night !:e A communication was read from T. N. had remained et town for 34 years. Ti. • Dancey, resivning the position of chief one other occasion when he slept in town. ..f the fire brigade Referred to Fire was when ho came west to leak for land committee. Tho fort Elgin Free t'reea at A dommunication wile read from the, On Friday of hat week, Mr. John C'• town band, asking fur the balance of Currie of Goderich,who is well knows, 1.1 1882 grant. Referred to Finance com- thia village and neighborhood, waa i'r. - niittee. sentod with sr "Whip of Justice," he Le A numbei of accounts were presented ing the prosecutor of J. L. Sturdy, wlie :old referred to Finance committee. The Finance committee presented the fallowing report : (1) The following accounts to be id : ---D. Ferguson, $7.91 ; W. Mitchell, $4; W.J. Hilliard,ARobert- son, Thos. W eatherald, $4 ; son, $5 ; R. Radcliffe, $5; 0. F Strau- he], 85e.; E. Graham, 81,90. Goderich .Scor, 84.75; G. N. Davis, $4.10; Boehm - nen. Lawson & Robinson, $103.611 ; de f!g.)tte• tl.rni AI.nit thirty jr :sons puty returning officers, 848.110; Hume attended the first practice of the Glide- Stoics., $4.50 ; Yfor, $5 ; News, 8b. (2) rich Choral (inion, on Tuesday evening That the taxes for 1882 on the billow- iest, and the society airs'. promise of ing 1 noperty Ire remitted, viz •-Mrs. beit,f highly succor,+fol The t"::i•.n Eitel(, $7 ; Mrs. Hislop, $8.75; Mrs. Goderich, Jan. 19, 1883. To the Mayor and ('oaweil. Gz-evrizizw,---I would beg to call your attention to the books and plans of the Maitland Cemetery, I find, in several instances, that lots marked as sold in the cemetery book are marked vacant on the plans, and persons going to the cemetery to pick out a lot very often come back into town to find the lot has been taken up by some ono,and not mark- ed off the plan. Again, persons come in some time, and pick out a lot froth the Clerk's book, before going out, but find nn reaching the cemetery that the lot is taken up" and a body buried in it. I would suggest to your honorable body that you appoint two persons to compare the Clerks b.,ok and the plans, and correct them both, So that they agree, and lots cam be taken up without any trouble. i [could also suggest that a committee be appointed to check over the cemetery book with the treasurer's cash book, as I have found several instances where lots have been takeu up, paid fur, and deeds issu- W. G. 1 MACDONALD, M. D., a 1' s. Hnrgeew, Aerowgtesr• rte. t7�oe�awg t'Iddoso.. Male street. As - bar's. em. -t SA A McDONAGH, Y.D., PHYSIC- . IAN, SURGEON, se.. Orsyeasis Tor Me Usiveret7. L3eeeelet..1 the Royal OW 1i�e ef p����a., beaSes. Meglud, to 8t.., M. C. P. A On$stlw OAoe awl reel* Saes tlglssite B&W, .0 Hegel. Hagoiltee stew(, )ed Da MoLEAN, PHTRICIAN, SUR - 01011, dream to Ogee mad resM.see nine Week eeeen4 deer weet of V baeria 1»t. [� G. MAOILID, M. D. PHY81- . ulna Ewrfese end AQsevWarEat J� (.5 ai ,1�sJ Omen . N ret t. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. in the matter of partition, between Archi- baldGalbralth. plaintiff and John Galbraith. Kate Galbraith. Isabella tisllwaltb. Mary Mc Williams. Janet Mel)ertnid, Mathew Moller - mid Mary McTavish. Hie, M.Tat-iah, John McTavish. Nell M'Tmvtab. Helen And.rwon, James Anderson. Thomas "•insor.. Nihon, James Stinson, Mar Stinson. Edward Mc- Tarts1 and Donald IeTavieb. the Met one .aaM4 being u Infant under the age of twen• ty-ese ,sun, defeatism*. Thous miser named defndan t e end all other having or (it imise amt *merest M tis hada, that M to say, all and , Oat certain paten OF (Met ft( land 'Shiite, lying and being in the I. In the Cmtnty of Iluron tarin. and hying eempeu of is the fifth emieseeteu Stealer. sawaietd. e.s- • gaes a moreftmes bemired mora. �teas•ee Mew � .b.by ed take metes tha �g�itat .g � of glen the gi . at the A rill, ION, at Ohwi l0emse kt' .tett tM'/etH6� fax, the .1 IIs Iwlasdsr I) RR sa iRNOlr t HA>rIL'lblf. Paulette& Suefe ems► Aees_*__C db. Oboe sof Or. �s"sme mreslies se.Caria the 801 yodee4eb f t101 U10rr NV" OBITUARY. Mored by Johnston, seconded by I .,ketch of she gate Joh■ L.n2w.rth. Bingham, that P. Adamson, J. Addie 1 son and the Clerk be a committtee tr, 1 Prom the Bad Axe Mich.' Tribune. examine the cemetery book and report Capt. John Longworth, late of Gode- rich. Ont., died at the residence of his daughter, Mra. Winsor, of Port Austin, on the 17th( inst., The Captain waa born on the 7th of April. 1790, in the county of West Meath, Ireland, and at an early age entered the British army and served under the Duke of Welling- ton in the Peninsula war. At the time er elsllsiitlt say lamest was read, showing the interments "ince last report, three ; adults 1, infants 2. The report was filed. as� Outdo see IM VARA re fo (11.{alga ao l in de N the amid smatter tem be preeeeded Im their . •M Mr u.ke Dean that the will at he b i1�. ee��.. "aeswpese.t gropeerShwjit t 6s�s - grie..,sebeve ss Wile r !N b the Jadgt► of the Vest Overt d� Ct.�eaaty et Her ,n, rieittler• tl��nd���.I'y NiLIP AattiElR s lee. li e•. ISA ACCIr 'u.,,., IfbrW RaA ton ,m Alit Juin wns f 'and guilty of tlieLal voting and perjury, at the Huron Amines. He has since roceit e l abuse front the /Noel and ether Tory organs, ate., for doing i,is duty as a Stan and the whip was pre- sented as a small token of appreciation of los 0.411• conduct %' tali we had sumo mf Mr (;Ilrrle'a it tuop in Port Elgin." musically inclined. Butler, that such resignation be seeq/t- "Ti: STORY of My Lien ' Tbts i, the ed - Carried. story H the life of the late Rev Dr it was moral by Butler, ..e owded by Ryerson, edited by Rev. le. 0 Mills, D. Marney. that H. W. hall b.e allowed to D , L. i. D., Rev. John rota, D U , address the C.oun,it in regard to mtate- and J G. Hodgins, Esq , 4 L,D- The Stents made st l.a.t meeting referring book will include Row. Dr Ryers...'s to him as sediter-('srried. own account of his boyhood and early H. W. Ball then addressed the Coed - training. reference be by entree into. eel. the ministry. and other interesting do Rineh:.m ,tate, that from personal tells of los eaontful career The liter wbeertatt.•n hr belie,e.i that the markee err character of the were will M of a by law was •icily being infringed up'm (ugh render, and a nuw,bet ,f eandame i,y buses, and he mored, seconded by Masi enertvings will also embellish the boob Th. nenvearer for the towr..hip of Cobb, me a now an 1, a rounds, and will, it is believed, meet with enceantge- mere from. all who are enemas to obtain tin binrsp1 r of the greet • -t • g -.ter ,f Oetari'i s R.'.eabnn+l eye .w' Jordan, teat the market committee be empowered to app int a spinal pers'n ono' was the one pneau,s by his aide atoll to see that the market by-laws is .n he ole.eed Ata eye in death. The deems - forced. and also that they arrange with ...I leaves a wife who has resulted the ail the ma►ket clerk to take charge of the •ante.! nye o1 83 years, a s•'tt Wdliem market -Carried. I Longworth, now of lle•ndnn, Ont., and The Council then adjourned I five danghreaw Mrs It Wooer, Rr , Mrs his strength would permit him, the same energy he displayed in his business en terpriaes. lie wax for many year; fond of church work, and was a tower of strength to tho Methodist church here. Ass a membor r,f the trustee and quarter- ly boards, superintendent and teacher of the bible claw, in the Sabbath school, he was constantly identified with the in- terests of the church, and no face or helping hand will be more missed. Dur- ing his long illness he was tisited by large numbers of his old friends. who Anxiously waited for encl. .lay's report. of him condition. He w;.. cttee•rful std patient t.. the end, .often setnr, to those around hien "if (:cal want take m- ine home I'm ready,• if i'o.t 1 ni wiahn- to stay. ' (hie night, ehen mufferine more than usually, he a:.. h.•ard 10 et nom i ..ecu w a roved .'• claim "1 long to crook .,,-pr Hon Con ins last farewell to the hntne of mora ttdence nd faith in God w,•..• 01,.• sub than h.lf a '•entury. Since his arrivol. jeCt 01 more than one c.musent. and n" , Richard, Jr.. and Ames Nins..r hoe that he has palmed away they are the 111. given their great *rand sin, their devoted perishable remeiuhntnces of a We wheel, attention, Stud dime much too cheer his they M, rontinuelly distinguiatied decln.ing .lays. with their rnmmendable Mr. Hodgens leave a wife and fee, respect and esteern for their aired Armes- children who are all known t'• us They ter. Theseymnn ! ei •n .etmn l t•' find Coe hare the c"mmnnity in their hereare hitth'e.t ple stir' in gnntooz his 1ish••a most. Two of the brothers. Edward n.' and reineye.l hint /nen place to plow mond Themes Hrtditasa ate well known cit hole iced to bed wherever it seemed to sons of London, and a third. Mr. Gee . minister to his a.mf,wt. Rut *wee all Htrigses, is a watchmaker in Tor,"t.,. WAS the self sacrificing devotion of his Resides thew he leaves three ,. ter- danghter, Miss Jennie Lwtiweet8,whose "elicited* *nil oars knew be ehwtessent. Tea lire CtRHIVAL -The At -.,o.• ',WO.* fill of herself and Lor own interest skating rink will !oe the scene off the oar she seemed te give her .»,t • �n th. uRht nivel (t...• N. °ion on Turads,)' Milmi11K and strength to minister to his comfort. next. The Prises for cnseuess soli Mee% are may and costly. amass them being a bandsman pair of gold eetstetl, silver bladed skate Deist fail to rend ter posters giving all the particular's. The rink will he epee its issue! for ch Ir•t. eisi Aatwr44y