HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-19, Page 7TRE HURON .BIGNAL, F'1t11►AY ti 'N. 19, 1883.
e Lal that %wallow• "whales, Moral,.-,
Woken Class. and Lore Natl..
: The hospitals of It !y are readied tem
to be outdone if they can holp1it by those
of Paris, ,cud they are beginning to an-
nounce to the world the living wonde
Of which they are he happy possessors
At Creinona, for • noel the object of
'1 or'snot a bias t t girl, a
interest t P B g ,
ing man, or a giant with twenty -inch
feet who cannot walk, but a young titan
who hes developed au attack uI pleurisy
]ti hieriettliar likiett for the diet wait b
yalr•itilipsaru suppolo•d chitty to itll'•;pt
op* 'ilia 40 of twelve thug nom(
atr.tneftI)I)utttMS has beim feeling `filter
ly, and without any particular ill effort.,
epee pebbles, iron 0iils, and knobs •••
glaze. His capacity for swalluwiu r :viol
aceowmodatin f th I: e objects within Liao
was only developed by a considerthle
coulee oft `rr ningf.*Md it was not till
he 1/as ' E! t Ip,__• ' m civ -,Na ro,
Asrues& SAL Da4Iu.-lntellrltlnt
w Ia received here lately that Mr. Choi.
L.irta, late of Hobuesvill, had diets t•
at '.c hospital ret Brandon of tvpb., d
let •• . The pitrttculari connected w t.
hist 1, tth ate particularly sad, and di, -
,lay a )IC1%7isnt not often met ' %vitlt
D acing the summer he and a number
o Iters from this section were living o-
le district, wh *
er Qu'A
!t theI
typhoid fever btrke out among tt'.w
Hi a:tesl tl.e part of nurse, stand rw..aiu-
ed wigs the severrl petition all through
the fall, althoa;h Mends entreated too
t , return home. His last care :.as M'
E. Tebutt, alit after he was brought
home Layis wase bud with the frets.
( lie wee compelled to go to the h, a
eller, where death entered hie sufferings.
Where a man in the prime of life, utakeb
a ea.Sake of Li melt in order to save ttft'
lives of others, :: is an act that car ee
with it the evi 1 ace of his devotion, anti
should comcland for him a lakting trent
oriel ,f respect His remains :ire beteg
broueht house for intervent, although
the authorities of Bramdou wuuid not
forward them until there waft a deports
Sp a bank hereof SBA, guaranteesill
ex ellafs . - f New iii,ra
deal dialog's 4 L14
art, But. by diligent practice, he stead-
ily improved. His ins! usual ,,,she'd
was to take gladg balls of .1 .ottt.suytuk
size, well &mn,ottrid nr pnlisbed, w
there should be no unpleasant friaion as
they passers down the throat alai "titer
internal passages. By degrees hi Ire.
came able to eat frutn fifteen to twenty
nebt d Oticll111Agh',uy"roe
n ing ti 1a
and a half inches. -ails could n t
quite so readily stern a:uo..latuvl : .u1 I it
was considered good practise to take h
duaen or two of them elw.tsuring three
inches in length, and * third of we uic:t
in diameter at the heed. • Ile hoe, how-
ever, when in eo od fo.rin; and r i q iia.
with plenty of thick soup to wash them
down, been known t , do t seoty'tive
such nails at a aittin; ; seri these p.et•-
formanees are slid to hive been attestctl
to the satisfaction !)r.• ( moa, the
chief of the Cremona ha.; .,, and other
(in ise
1 nib th hes Ido
.leresuffeeln out leksu th that
should not have keen earliei a, 'acksol
a still more troublesome furor of malady.
'trier tate we
it )ochre bud' •iig with low anti de-
reaseti spirits, I_ f appotite, general
ilii nolle .rnase,i'- l'•e1i, week con.ti-
on, headache, ee-..y disbars
bilious future, by all toe toe procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be
wrpriaed to saw the rapid impzuve:ne;
w • v ) 1 bre fa re
w- 1
that ill f llu
with now life; coo:telt and activity wu
ru . jNtI n alai b. ue.•y mill cease, an .
v•t wit; reprice ilt tMphi
is hittauts. Said at tif'ttllrtta
ttlr, by Jas. "tlmn.
The Minister of Ctutuwsaud the le-
o-l•a•ct.'m were ire secret conclave tit Otta-
•a:. ••n Wednesday, am•l seeped large
lo, se1*trtta ate sail- to be in V
• .
Frye et feat
:1 persons wishing t, teat the merit
• 1 ,1 creat reu.edy-one that will teed
t,vely sere Conesirrpttan, Coughs, Colds,
iath,e.., Brunckltea, or any affection of
ee 1 it•,at an1 i 1 . ':re requcatrd to
I ., ,14a. Nils L Stole :111,1 ..ot
t T. : Mottle ' , U:. King's New Da -
... f 4f const
i !+ wlw )' t rr a 101 do
wll n - 1 •
de i•.t,►
• the 'logical rr.re.alaa. eau all w loos
II ay resters.
I'hos tine, or Nerve loam,1'
tato Sement tared upon :mile*: t ,1
u:ts, Forwul,ted by Prof, soar Ansti•
A. D. of Bimetuti, Mass., curt'- N.lnrl-
,try Consumption, Sick Hot !ache, Nat,
Juin; Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
wad all wasting disrobes of the human
erten]. Pbusphatine is o t a Vit, decino,
out m Nutrituuut, i., sues,it •o • I..a
reqs: de or neral 1'oiitl."' Opia •
u of:as, and no kltimutai ts, bat stria
y the Phosphatic and (iartric Klumentt•
.owid in our daily food. A single bottle
sufficient to convince'I
. All 1Ia4. :
opt it. $1 00 per bottle. 1.uwues
•lo., sole agents far the llotn) eo
iii Front Street East Toilette
Give. *wan ' ( ,
W e cannot help pekicigte fit item
offer made to all invalids and a TO.
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Cao,
gumption. You are reeqquestetl t.i coil .
Wilson's drug store, and get a Trim1 Rs
le free of cost, if you aro sulfuring wit
i'onsumptiun, Severe C„uthr,• C+,lois
Asthma., Bronchitis, Hay Fever, L sa e
Voices Hoarseness, or any affect on of
the r atror Lt op. kril Ito e
eon y'tyu, a- ' ..
r . _ s
A l',ronto soreist tan has shipped
Lt '_• •t4•arttu.nt •'f t'nta,lieu fame.t t run
(iert:but:• They' will be plot, fed
a'esetMrsaas t9 tett!' a view of rep.ienishiu;t the (Seriatim
Why is ambition like a weathercock- i
Because it is a vain and glitter v
to aspire (a spire).
What preserve would cut egg reams if it j (• ,
could Neat f< -ills -n:e-laid (Harass/bait!' to.e
What is the diff fence between a school- a
A Owners' as.sspede•
Never was such a 1,.ah )rade for art.v
Dna Storq..r„1s now a t Wil m's for a
Df aft sNei'
n for Consumption. Coe it; abdt7t,lds:
All persons afflicted with A<•1 tt:a, Bron
%Antis, hostas ness, Severn Couehs or
s and Lunge
any affection,of the Throat m
on get a Trial Bottle'''^ of this 'meat reme
y r z, ar ca g at aboveBruit
koreo C
llama Lits " wq.
Millitns of Buttes of Dr. King'" New
Discovery for Consumption, C,utths ant:
Colds, have been given away as Trim
Bottles et the lorsesize. Thiser.ormou
nosy wo,yld be ilia,tatrcus to the pro-
, tistiorsftrJftere it Tethe talus; merits
iawse,setl by this t•ooteleiiul Medicine.
Call at Wilson'+ drug store, and get a
Trial Bottle free, and try for yourself.
It never fails to cure. (n)
i t L.L 8 rI .A rlln_
.larpee's 11'aekty.taudart the head of Am
.can alma/rated weekly journals. 113 it.
yAtllduu p,...indt ret wither, Its admiral*
.etrat,uur. u., wtv:(ully %howl' weriale.ahott
,.nes rlctoLte, and poenm.ut tihad t 1j
0furew,*t urea baud author',4y, n
trries owtt•uctien anti entertalnu,ent int ou•
utda .0 Auwncau home .. it
ran alwayt be th,• alio it 1he publisbsu
mt..c llarp.Tc R'rekty1 a Drew, popular
d All tactive tatull) neWeiniper ire tl.,` world.
ri'a'1 EAU:
Ili BJP,41.10iiiW EURO LY $4 00
A RP S'ItAZA1t $4 op
he THREE above publicati,ons..$10 Oft
. oy 'l'11'tl above named $7 (Y,
tARPER'li Ytl('Nli PE()PLE...et re)
IARPER'i MAti.t7.1NE
I ►Rl'Elt'S Yt►t ti 1'EIiPLE S!5 (19
Ll i) Artl(, ens Numbers; $10 00
,, y. Law s, .Jt atttssrrtb. r i a r', ;stat
maks ,:out Canada.
roe . of tree n'e,Le L,a.t.yrfi.hWe
44,.... 1Wr. ,..r Ju war) of each) . ar. 11•htu
- , .; .i meteu.! t. wit ter• eidenstood
.1x•1- w'lid,as to eurnnience with
. v' after t'.c recripl of or-
t _e tett _hotel Volumes"! Ilarp.•r'.
1,41. ideding will b• went by
poo ..'..... I. or t ('Ypren:a. IVO ..t ell-
. ,d.4 Its frt Litt. docs tan ex••,•d
,b.1 r 'utumt t ,t` $7Ix-r tolutma .
to tinitabh• for
g.‘‘ h tear. atmafd, on re-
mit• Pia ow should be ma..e In 1'o l:a ti r
..y ..1tt,ror Limatt, to avoid teener cr
iii •vac not to COI* %dais ci.t
tlf,.t„tdridor0;,11.71. ' .1-
- I'AItP$.R.t•IiIt(TItkSS.
Vi(K'S FL() ; AL • UIDE,
For Itis 1. a IJ• t i:ut.i. of 150 page
Colored f'!at.-.. of t•'insera and Vegetables.
trop,• t:.•trc.tilt .►hie oma of the t1ow•-
oil. fel'
bare 3e <, •' id F
nn yo and sit • add
10. 1 1.1 sal on 1py,__
tam paid Thi. is . not a quarter of its coat.
ito unwed in'bo h '1g11aa and German. It
you after .varl+n-o '-1.dedncttic Plitt .
Wark'S weds err t'.e neat in the Worts"!
The FLOttAL (Smut: will tell bow to gel end
grow then.
175 Page.', 6 Colored Plates, 500 Er.gracuii;d.
For 1acentempaper covers $L00 in elegant
cloth. In Berman or English.
-32 Pages. a (colored Plate in every number
and tetany tine. 1'.4irrt)ing% Price $1.25 a
ear: Wive tie for app. S :amen Nuns,
Sews sent at 14 centstm arta tipi}s for 23
Rochester, N. Y.
liI i1
lit Ill
LL.'?f3Ttt !'
in tlliti t tires et ,
kit pontoon suffering from Coughs,
l Ig, FthlttA, lin nchitis,Loss of Voice,
ry e, irtti ••f ;lie Tbroatautd Lungs,
'-re And ^et a Trial Bottle of Dr.
img ; New Discovery fur Conrumptmn,
.f charge, which will ceovincc thein
w ouderful merits and.show what a
,rl.t_.j,,llasseizie ;leottle will.(4O. Cell
:%lo1:. ` Rat 4 ,
master and an engine driver' - One train.
the mind, the other minds the train. fro
Why are railways like laundresses' - , f
'l3eob ile they have to ironed" al/ •&►g1 »
and occsionally dine a little tuanglin
-Which is the most difficult train bio L - -----
t o! esters -Ito call at t1 ilsoa's Brute
McCOL -ERM a c0
lNot ta
. Not Ye•r..raged. TOFc.ON1'Q_
catch t The 12.50, because it is telt to 1st these tinea •f yuuck medicine dui-
` f
erne 1I yon do esleh it.• (=arose - everywhere, it r lsitly 11 .1 f
What nation does a criminal1' 011inl l itlr to Owl •'0* tweedy. ant -
tnost 1 Crndemalation. P
wort': • of raise- and which really does
as recommended. Electric Bitters we i
What musical instrument invites yo•u „at) %,ouch for as twin: a true and relta-
to fish 1 Cast -a -net (castanet). Isle remedy, and ,one that will du as re-
What trees flourish lest upon the coutntended. They invariably cure
taint, Diseases
of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties.
hearth T Ashes. Stomach and Liver Comp,
VI'hich is the queen of the roses, a. "1: We know whereof we spook. and can
why 1 The rose of the watering pot, lo. ' reedits- say, give them a trial. geld at
cause it rains (reign.) over them all. 50 esus a bottle, Ly Jns. \Nilson. [3]
Why is a dog bitinv his own tail like 1 .lest shMla.ate.
a good manager 1 Because he male.
both ends meet. - Ottn-tit Fr., Pre .44 :-The fact of the
matter is that the turn out of Liberal
,delegates was vastly beyond ealculstirm. 1
- • Bet one thing was net nt,tlble--there
was more homespun than broadcloth.
A CQalwalrY,-- Mr. Birkland, et pre- y e, let us rause t•, look at the faces of
sent engaged in the Organ Factory, has the men. These were a study. Honest
Clinton. •
Four Mo.lals aai three diplomas awitt'(:e
them last year at the ling Itihib:•
tions. in tie Dominion
And all tc• r. : -ti it.hinery will save
money by u- { t _r LAHDINE and
CYLINDA It OiI, l:, eousJ, Facts speak
louder then{p wit- .i. anal tee public can end out
Oat tho asset" 'u.. ars true. by try
leg on esmp1 r of o:: r. UJe prices etc.. on ap
.I•ontion to J
McColl Drog Co Toronto,
In his posaesaioo r ourto"tty to the .shops enthusiasm weather... Tokens ret success• • •
of a walking stick, which was formeiy fol labour wire there, and above all the The tardln,• .. int sale it (.oderich by
of Cetawsyo, the African , sturdiness of the people. How they R. W. cKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS,
chief', a rut whom to )ouch has lately ' cheered when Mr. Mowat came on the
been written. Mr. Birkeland Will nue pIAtf. "::a How they welcomed Blake. C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN.
of the soldiers of the Zulu campmate who Rio. 1 outing cheer went up when the
aided in the catitule of the African so ; • , elm face of Mackenzie shone
ttunarch, and the stick came ileo Li, a„ the arrirsli,ntt the platform.
pyssession at that time. It has two ---
well•cae, contained
facer on the head, while tit Thr usanc1
cont1i bear witness to the poal-
pointained an email, o• Tear,
Ota -
which has been removed. It is very tie c''ratire powers of the GREAT Gt*-
liQht, and although tem ting„utter+ have
MAN iuved itself
fes the only remedy that
p has proved itself ` a specific for general
been made for it, he prefers to retain it. .lability, seminal weakness, impotency,
Ataafrutrvlut.-The annual meeting , etc.. anal all disease, that arise from self -
of the Hallett Township Agricultural .% at+ttee tot ryarMxed beam, iin4ly „adult
Societyy took place at Kennedy's hotel, in e•-riumption, intanit v and a ptema-
on Thursday afternoon, John .Mason, halve grave. Bold by all druggists, or
President , in the chair. The attendance , will be sent free on t eceipt of $1.00 per
ref members was good, and after the hos, or six hoxe, for $5. Address P! .1. •
tratasaetiou of routine hu.inees, heal :1 . CHI:NL1, Toledo, (Thio, sole agent for
atatemont - of the financial standing of the vatted States=. Send for circ Alar
the society by the secretary, the Iollow- ( and te,timnnials of genuine cures. fico.
ing ve:ltlemen were elected officers •forIt ey cal i olrrich. :Ina
the ensuing year : --President, T. Car- i _ •
bertt; Vice President, J. Shi ls'y. PI- J1),I'arig t:eners' De A -alien died of an
C.'lreeteand Grainger, ,. flatlet, n.R. „ hctie tit on hearing of the death of
Cele .1. R. Mut: ay, for Hallett ; G. - al' P '
Elliott, Code. ich township ; J. Avery, General (*.henry, who was au old comrade
f3taalay ; J. Young, 'tnekersmith; Jag. , in onus.
Biggins, T. Tiplint, Clinton. I4ec'v, N.
Robson ; Tress., T. Cooper. Aeit,lret •.Cryyyft►Lr_m. - A r4tfine well known in
1111. M. Racey. and J. Macir* inter. ntli „toneAion with the fair Renewer,iwhicb
, f thanks were then passed to the retir- soaves grey hair to its natural color by
ins tiicers, and the meeting a,ljeutne•l a few weeks use. field at ISO cents per
-{flew Ess. hotels by James Wilson. 2m
----- -
Tho•a sands are being cared GC Catarrh Mr \. (s. fleas of ('h10e4on. Ant.. 'ants'' '
every veer with Hall's (sitwrrh Cure, severe cold. in a fest data the symptom.. 1
yyjp %.how of consumption that r.•
the darter, had give% np anti 5114. or: frkfdg rime alardled of the uNt-
ant he tiered. ; 6 cents ► bottle. ilo rte^ ^ gt►w 1r+: pArdela., whit the,
nrf t
more of bras t+tient's welfare than n the "et
by (le,wfri Rhymer. mole seennt for'5Gode- (metre et the neofeeeion." wwmatended Itr.
Orb. gas
+.f tP is r wr cherry t)*h.tin as the
and 1 t1p own*" MAIMS r ,. , ,. ,
*moth n a yr prtt, t, area
thews to Mr 'PrwN. Is 1p'h is a "mail%. aare to ,
Tun mash cannot be said of the ever weer sestina wonderful curliest th in thew
days of quackery and of proeaslonal pt(
faNital wife and (mother, outs! and) ewl{M' ." •
welshing and daring few Stat tl,wr noes,
Herr neelerti g it single duty in their
bAtalt. ''Anel they err a..&iled by du -
miss. and the system ' eltegold hove a
thewntsth ele.enaintf, the stomach end t
bee* eetrnbited. 44.4p*eilied. Ana it
tlthlseili lima* automat towhee!. sire esus!
A week male At WOW by the In
effete nest bleb eas now be
the pnhlie Capitol need
We will ettA fit. wry
lean. heys and gra washes peer%
term. Now to iM slase.w%n ,
m,pion. e. sr y pews s
attes, tie *thee will
klsww 0*1 laaetrie Ritter, are the on!y oa mealy sowell No
o eaertlaA{ I to ,
SIM a+ttegniy. 'They pro the hetet 5811 Are Owe. motley wo
dsil~ abedlamo in the worid and (tfly . filmes sic„ ren leeserabty %sidre,e err r d`
emit 1Nty gleam $nisi by i Kilt , t4; r b. °m(41 a. mats*
l e
Bap to announce to the people of Guderich anti this section of Huron, that he has
114rcha d from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of (lrocerits, etc., au 1 will
continue the business in the old stand, ore the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Having bought the goods for cash, and as 1 intend to make all nay purchases from
wheletale men for eat tt video, 1 will be ire a position t,o sell to
Very Low Prices for Cash
Hy stock will always bre fresh. 1 will keep the bust brands ofj teas, gaud sugars,
and everything in the grocery line tram the heat producers. Bacon, rl'iccd Meats
etc. ,always on hand in season. T mu determined to please, both iuquality and price
,Call at the eland, Victoria street, opposite thu Fair Ground. near 1). K.
Stott:Ian's shop.
Gudtlrfkh, March ftI, 1882. _ v 17 L _
t•a be:its e!c^•..a;th
,,!n ar•ntts r Number. 0 in
ate only e rat alar illustrated yyuuriOd-
asl England. but tIso the
ical to tl
lar_-c.t Inn itsi ts,uhrtu". the :::err (xwuMul in its
appearance, and tire• taw: :lma;;iuiur for tree
Atone. .1 new novel. rn:itiert mor the ata•
tor" by Constance Pen:snore Wool...n. too
author of -Anne." wast begun 'in the 3.044 :a-
t. r Nuut:. r. In literary and art tat it. exert-
len,:e the dimers_int improved wISIL each '+ue-
crssive ::nmb• r. Special efforts have leen
made f.:r the lighter enter'aintueu -'
readers through humorous acrl:.,sketahe,.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Ra.tai:ton Street, Goderich.
A g .real aw.orten4ited Iiit,4n'n, 1t..:117t.nu, I•.u:tog ltouut andl Parlor Furniture. sw-h as Ts
Men, t;1:.• tP
halt.ve ,': -alto ('n t•,.,.'do lord -stead.. Maitre: M. 11 .1. -sten
known to add to its already Iarg.. 11:-1 „1
friends. 1t has been pnbll.hed for th;rtv•flvt•
yeareand iia+ a•.'nn!rod m world-widn. reputa-
tion A. the 1.'+t religious and literary newt-
paper -
Tor, iww.rr.vng.'T is not dennm!nn'i 'tit.
Iter ereed and field are broader than any meet.
As s Christian joprnal,its aim is to in•rn,rthen
aril extend Evangelical religion and to defend
it against the attacks of Matrrialt.m,Atheism
and unbelief. it Is free to approve orritietae
in any of the denominations whatever it be
Heves is designee to advance or Miele, :he
progress of the Merel of Christ.
Wedente vpei noees to obtain the mo st. ret; t
entwriter.. deolde.the editor bilk Her, are
treaty -two dlsttnct departments. edited by
twenty-two specialists. wh/r+ )nrhmde R bl -
ail Research, $snitarr, l egad. Fina Arte,
Matto. taelenoe, Pebbles. l'ersonalflir.. Min-
Lterial Yt gister, Hymn Nolen, Reboot and
College. Literature, Religious intelligence,
llimitone. Sunday sehoni. News of the Week.
Finance. t!ommerce insurance. Stories. ?ha -
sl... Selections, and Agriculture. IN Foam
in all.
We wm report in fun ilei-. ,leae$h (1•"sk.
,,,ido 'atrd Roston Monday fawners', which
will beth in January. Mr. Cook hes Jew re -
leanest from s two years' trip mond the OWN
and his deet,,.►. fhb Winter .roll attest*
greater s,tentlnn than eve.
H''`PPER'S 1ST, -
. •1 el. pled.: ,a
1' .'rotr.i'• v a,, ,-- .1,
„sys uu Lard false 1'. rr 1 . for
'9trH OES
I"1 mice to the P1,bli, . , ' 1u to1i . 1 is iii tib ire -q.t. ;.hove Store
in II:, • . le lately oeopeiseli 1. o • ItilJe. dare. tuts; : t... I ::. a kip and
•. • 1 oted rookof ::: ►et r lit cd, a;.. his tl'_ct. :, • tel•niined
( A ,g. } t'u:,lou the lit , to.
r 11, 1
1IU:lid Sr`_Il l; '• t j'1 1)ii, . RL,411I1S rEI• t f L1.1; f011O
. .. { ,fore % inelnolt • t. i .
sfile'•isrnitembe " .. • . . to J. t.1 it on•r DTI ••t•-
t'uet'•:t,\t,..'..•.li1I•'. i'•c:' ;a. int nn!1 %%lino.
w%' .ue'tint the limit s,f err.:. • tarot seal titet,elaa. ti '1-i t t . t..t.h,c.tl.
o- !' : n rin7 Meatlyolone ea a toe -1 , :teat cruse.
.sternal. Mal 1, ,y::. •DO `; N ING & 1NEUDUP
ran. Ttt tt.
The THREE .shove pnbl:eft:i• sig11;) '10
A..v TW(1 ab 'VD na„led • U)
BARTERS Y(f1.1N0:PE+►1'1.: I.
IlAftl'F+KS >Gj%I\F. ' 1 loft
LIBRARY. (52 Nwnbet•a; .., t -1('.(X1
PosAyA f,70- to all.4u4aorfbere Ai th._ (,,:t ,1
Rtatea and C'aneda.
The volumes of the ;Jo uzinr begtl, with
the numbers for June and December of each
mar. When no time Is epperci8cd. H wit. bo
nnderstotxl that thesubet; fiber tv.ehc„ t., hc-
gin with tile cermet number.
TI,r 11...;: ;1: Vdla.n )t o' if rt f , , •.
i:l neat cloth binding, will tos: rt. by
mail. past.pold. on reoeipt of 11.00 poti.dutuc.
Gull Cassa. tui bhulin;S, 50 elan s•c-i '.1 -by
ma.1, pottp n' d.
In i it to If,rorr., V•tanctna.. Alphal. flash
Analytical. anti Clasait►ed for Volnmts 1 to
A0. in ana)ve. from lune, Elio. to Ju 1:. 184),
one vol. 8v... C:Ioth. I1 60.
R••mlttances should bit made by 1.10.1-I lmee
Ron,: fleder or draft, to avoid .7 I.•tl.• of
han/'op(rsarc not to eoy,p h o 1 't.,,-
m.^at without the express order. of 11 l , ... •(` its cipt of prier, by nddrtsging.
HnOrttr-ng. F. 1. ('IIKNF.Y, DrttR•.t:
Add:eas HAHPETI&HROTIIERS, IMHuman' Ft.,'Ial 0,10
New 'fork. wee, HIV. 1.t AP,
Sole Agent for fled' ret
Tree irked,
A hirntl i, heel is it Hien.:
Tl.is Dour asst 1i1aty, eepocially
.i)tauer is rendered whew one
slilictett with direasp, wine I.:.
tbtis•1 co a l it pi i. uta . re d wen'.
nowt 10 our foynilu topnulatiol, I ''n;
wrrltlAlD.IadM,ltld know that' 1Sl..i,• itit-
terts are wotu:uir true frian,1, :. i,1
;e.riflcely restore Ler to heats . • 1•ex
when all other remedies fail.
tiai aim:iyt, !,halo:. ,,i1r aarcetiop. 7. hey
are pleasant to the butte, :old oi'y trait
fifty Ceuta a bottle. SeId'by Jau,r•a
sun. 121
A Vexed Clergy wase.
L. on tie patience of Job would be-
come exhausted were he a Preacher and
endeavoring to illtereit his t.udience
while they were keeping tii, Alf ineeesnrlt
coughing, making it impossible r Lint
t, be bait i. Yet, how very ••u cin all
this La ;tivoide.4 by simply t}eu:. Dr.
Kiug'a New pisavvet s for Cunauulptioin,
Coughs and Colds. Trial lfottl •a given
away at. Wilson's drip!, afore. (2)
wuyata (rnret
nnnunlh robbed
T ,it let,,•'1,11,11 iivet
t ;rrulonfCi,t. I apploos.
► •t 1 heal'_ .:stored
T• the owr.CtL, great
wh'ch pot,ttvety and permanent y e:urenlas-
potency tcaut.t bl e.tcorsees of stat tondo
oolsomal Meekness. and all di.'s-,u,, - that f0l-
1ow asase.lAcncr of self -.1 hum.. n. {,• • f en-
ergy. Inas of memory. universal la.-itude,
pain to the back. dhotta•,a of %dela 7.. snrma-
ture old age. awl many other dioses. that
lead to Ir•mntry Or con,emptien an' r pn:ma-
tnre tray..
Send for ,i:c,ltar•a it ll 1eatinionio!a fr. r I.r
marl. The INTIC.R %TAR Is *old at $1 per
boa. or tdx boxes- for Wit. by all drt,riiste, or
will be emit free my mail, „ecu.•!, ileal, on
TllH1, 1I)EPE11)ENTtf.
Tnr;lxbr:•:: nl:v needs only to It, laaicr
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lunbayyo,
Destathe, foremost of the Owe,
Newt, Quint', Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burnt and
Sells, Ceders/ Bodily
Teeth, Ear and Headache, Trotted
Feet and Ears, and ell ether
AIiM and Aches.
tr. 1Mpv.l m• e4 .nvth 'gosh era loom era
e. a .aft. *wry, ,!.wets .lad .teles.;
ta.s4' A trial oaten. Dna tea
lates,ta .,flay rt AO (eats. and awry eee sods,
int .iia pada twn haw' ease, cart pashas peace
.r He elating
*salla.. to Dere trtag.,.ew
A. VOGELER k 00.,
Lass...... ma. D e A.
0-nts,1r,,,riptinn One veer
fere months.
Mi entha
Ogg e.l,sertptlon two years
flee aetweelptIon eve years
}base redness" prices I tf per son
etwbc of five or mnrrt amp very mnrh
than any of the standard rel;ben•
I -7C% 1 3 P Z.-' 0
'a Rhr:S :•.. C1
The (lie: r 1l •,•.• '' . , will run
their too' - \' •!BA and
LAft:(1T.` •. .1 • it u1 Juuo
evert tee TITES-
I?A"M v.._
Fares Reduced.
For uf.,rt tatita), titkelr, etc , apply t
1 a0
t' i
In (n 1
week- 1
10 l
►vncal .aewtteaCsfile mtm
lttge'*will gartse pp xTaaase te1
Ar. pleasant to take. Contain
Purgative. Is a sale, oars. and
desrrtyer of worms in Children
thtle own
or Adults
J', O s e S i \ ,'
Special Agent (boat 11•, tern itailway
tiuderieh, Oat
Oodc'irh, April.
224, Sb::. 1835.
A .. s0 N's
ft 'Ail )11011 D#'U}} •.► ' S1M1e.
Vases. Shaving Muses.
Toilet Setts, Combs, Hrnahe..
English, Frt-i ch and
Canadian Perfumery.
Late Auortieit & :Prices Lot..
1f; Nu trouble to ...o•• Goods and i'rices.
W!LL Ct./Mt
SALT IiftEutf,
Awe _ wr M011 Why a,m't yt'n toy t':'•o , Little
' > e k LMdechc, >m 4( o
wtttth►wde►ar. les* fa1'h T. ■iLRORN I U. , P"'"
Kesel pranat Bard for fret .peei.arr ropy
awl ywAtw for room., r
le Reenntmrended by l'l:v.leb*na
C TJ T?.
Catarrh of Lite Baba! Ctv'ty Ironic and Ulcerative%
Count' m tq, EEv vo erhroat. Itt b taker)
thBlood and Al::ceras fiurtaces d M.
System,tt is the hoot ;oo.t P er
si tat wORLP, aid h worth Its
that Wriest for tt, for
THiT al,:as.
1 4' 1,I TIRE 11 ARK .rr
d' 100 wbtlkilcJ trstyct:ro! $ 100
es arr .araaaiar
.o_ a>_
WLLLAND, tins Mitrnh 1
ley little tonight -•r was t mchie) wi 't
for tee year., and was wry Woe!' heated
the nesof"11 1'. Ca.trete Cure" Hito ta
:beet et,ret. _ 'v. T. 11')
War.L.t.xu, (hp., March d).
Share nes" " Hall'. C ttarrh Care," sod=
g from the good remits i dertve.t front eels
hanks, betteee ft will .:sae 1110 Imnat outwore
sass of ''nt.rrh 1f it, es* be nlnnaued for a
raaaonatde loacth of tim0.
W. H. IHF,t.t.E118.
WaLLaisn. (Ont., lfnr 1h 20, olid .
F. J. ("we ply At Om. Toledo, t1,
weld.. -Hato Nett flair's O':tarrh D•do for the
I.MJear, and it gives satire sati.tattaun.
yeti,, triol
H. W. QOISON, itr•t tgla ,
Hall's Cat rh Cure
•'o.d by all RLnlep t netsa1 nr'edges
and 1)esaers i tet («'iese••-:e
the 1'nit1J '. •1 r stoat.
"Mist cStR i
Cents a lief %e, $S.i)0 a Uos.
The enly wortnIA Cwtart's to aro is eaasf,
obaletro,l by ! i A C •,., clot O
IsrBel Below* ofttft
Bottled fon p g r **do h :
IIo 7UIt1,.ni1111I' Out.
Seal. •'I a, • , •rich.
nowt (Litter Pitlt►1 T',oy are :1 roa•t,.. suss ht
t n t lie 11 rndRpsd
4 1 dienratered111•er. lel, • • • a