HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-19, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL . FRIAY. JAN. 9, 1883
THE HOTEL FIRE to ere the building. The evidence 41
• the watchman and those last about the
premises on the fatal morning confirms
Milwaukee's Terrible visitation. the dreadful suspicion.
Dearest *mete• taarted at lar ■•Ievaal. WHAT a %AD• HAAN MAW.
Mr. McKenzie, ought watchman of
the hotel, states that he nude his rouuds
the night of the tire as usual. The bar-
room was open until 2 e. w. Mud Ge,.
Schiller, proprietor, was there three
quarters Of an hour after. About half
past three the watchman took a man L'
the top floor by the elevator. The
watchman looked around the halls, and
got into the elevator to go down when he
noticed a little smoke. He immediately
started down to see were it came from.
By the time he reached the office floor
the smoke was so dense he could go no
further in the elevator. Throwing open
the door, he started sor the stain, shout-
ing to the night clerk there 'was fire be-
low. When he reached the bottom • f
the elevator shaft the smoke was stiffiing.
He called to the engineer in the engine
room to arouse the servants, and thea
rushed back to awake the people, for he
knew there was no chance to glop the
fire alone. By the time he reached the
tint floor above the office and rapped at
Mr. Cramer's door the heat cracked the
glaas doors of the elevator; and in a mo-
ment the flames poured out. In the
meantime he rushed into the bank build-
ing and aroused as many lodgers in that
portion as he could. Afterwards he ren-
dered what help he could ravine people
He is positive the fire caught at the bot-
tom of the elevator. There was nothing
anywhere around the elevator that couli
burn so quickly. It night have caught
in some of the shops in the basement
that back up to the bottom of the eleva-
tor, but on the bottom floor of the hotel
part there was nothing that could pos-
sibly buhi that way or have been smol-
dering throughout the night.
Thefullowiug particulars regarding the
great histol fire at Milwaukee give some
ides of thcluxtent of that dreadful dis-
J. Maxwell, on the third fluor, tinditeg
his key w•eild not turn in the door -lock,
let hi. eel; down by unoatia of bedclothes
tied together to the roof of the inner
court, clad c•nly in his undershirt. The
roof was partially glass through which
there was danger of falling, and was also
covered with snow. Another man was
there utterly bewildered, with r.o cloth-
ing on except his drawers. These fell
down to his feet. Maxwell then broke
intothe window of rootn and entered the
hallway which was full of smoke and
fta,nc and stifling hot and escaped.
A detective says that the girls came
down with a thud, and "we tried to
catce each one, only to have the corners
of the canvas pulled from our hands."
At one time the alley was
and seven girls were piled there dead,
while r ',umber groaned in agony. Men
cou:.i ..ear the cries of the dyiug as far
as the corner of Fourth and Chesnut
streets. A :eau crawled from window to
window, down three stories and then
gave out, fell, and was killed. His
clothing was torn in shreds from falling
and catching.
'-Mas Chellu, who perished on one of
the tipper stories, was within reach of the
of tee fire -escape, but wits helpless from
Judge' laugh jumped from the fifth
storey into the,canvas ; both his legs were
broken, and he was internally injured.
He wase visiting Allen Johnston, and was
agent of the North Western National
'Insurance ('nmpany. He leaves a wife
and four children. With a ;great effort
he raid t•• the bystanders
5•41 pawn: WIFE AND RCRY,
and then •1,0•1
SEVEN LOP. +A%RY AN ereice .
An officer ascended the tire escape '.0
the fourth sto-y and entered a window,
aroused a -ember of sleeping inmates
and conveyed four women and three men
down. 1''d'did not quit until his own
life was tit danger..
Milw.iukee, Jan. 11. --It is not belie'. -
ed Jelin Gilbert, the victor, whets° !,!'Ids
perished aurin.• (luring the fire yesterday
can recover from his injuries. His. reel
name is. John Damming. Charlie Kelsey
(colored), who wee burned to death, was
Toni Thumb s valet.
Milwaukee, Jen. 11.—This morning a
large gang of laborers respined work
hunting for thll dead in the ruins of the
Newhall Hetet!. The streets in the
vicinity aro packed with people. The
greatest excitement prevails The entire
tire departuient are pulling down the
walls. The police and firemen are confi-
dent that fifty are buried in the ruins,
including a number not yet publi lied.
Crowds are arriving by every t.,iin.
The hotels are filled with •
seekiii,; friends or relatives supposed to
be in the fire. All the injured are doing
pretty well.
Business' is all but suspended
throughout the city, most of the inhabi-
tants swarming about the ruins.
• cadre. Jati Peg. Lis
THE BUD4>s'�' BPs>•08 r telt
or a appal seeatrod, Jamas Las t� •a
4 , I s work. oastaa 7
T Mriaelal Treasurer s lasp7 RE�as,1. trees.. (ltsetee— —lvo—
The statenient .,f the Ontario Treasu-
surer u a most cheerful one. It, bring-
ing down the budget, Hon. S. C. Wood,
delivered an able address, of which the
following is a syuupsu :—
In rising to make bus annual financial
statement, he war recuived with loud ap-
plause. He resepituleted the receipt*
and expenditure* of the past year, and
auuounced that the surplus at the clout,
of 1882 was $4,826,666.87. (tpplause.)
It had been said that were it not for the
receipts of the crown lands the Govern
meat would not be able to carry on the
administration of provincial affairs. It
was said that they were liviug upon tht
capital of country. Mr. Wood admitted
that large sums had been collected frt•tn
this department, but held that they had
been expended in necessary permanent
improvements and enlergemonte. He
(simpered the rune of the government to
that of a farmer who draws out his capi-
tal or sells his timber in order to eruct
a barn or make some other permanent
improvement on his farm. But it ought
further to be remembered that the cost
of carrying on the crown land deport-
ment should be deducted from the reve-
nue of that department. During the
past eleven years, however, the Govern-
ment's receipts from that department
exceeded the expenditure by $2,221.341.
The requirements of the c,ontry had ad-
vanced so much since the days of the
Handheld Government, that a compari-
son with the financial expenditures of
the present day might with advantage
be made. In 1872 there were no asy-
lums for the blind, no Mercer reforma-
tory, no asylum for idiots, no refuge for
girls, no agricultural college, nu normal
schools, no bureau of industry, no insu-
rance on public buildings, no board •.f
health, no license grant, no inepectiene
of diyisiou coupe, no school of design.
The sole representative now in the house
of the ideas of that tone was the hon.
member for East Grey. Another source
of increased expenditure Ives the agri-
cultural commission reikZf1, Over {be
increased expenditure in connection With
public in.tltutions, he thought it would
be admitted they had no control. He
maintained thet what the Gcvernmeut
were doing now, in view of all the in-
creased requirements, would compare
favorably as regards expeuditure, with
what was done tew nr twelve yeaago.
In a young tied grewine country like
this anythin;( like uniformity of expen
diture from year t o year could not le
looked fee. He proposed, however, to
c ompare the expenditure since 1879 with
that of preview. years. In 1873 the total
expenditure was $2,460,212 ; in 1878 it
was $2,408,532 ; in 1879 it was $2,285.-
282 ; in 1880 It was $2,433.663 ; sud in
1881 it was $2,286,314. He did net
think these figures left anybody much to
oemplain of. He went on to compare
the coat of administration etf govern-
ment, of •legislation, etc., during thea•,
years, with whet he claimed to be favor
able results, holding that the increase,
whenever it occurred, was satisfactorily
accounted for. It might be interesting, money, uy adltr eemeg
said Mr. Wood, 'to note how fast we 7l.tt'lc'a Il.CNRTN lane,'1/z I e..
Windom. out.. eNand+
were travelling in the direction of in sold in thiderich, ter- i tMrsr tr :1 ...N, ua.
creased expenditure as compared with all Druggists everywhere
our neighbors. It would be unfair to -
chuose Quebec
for urposes of c�em pari- "" t i '
Q p 1 ; .t l�gtraordiIlal� l,::cr
There were 1I0 guests and 67 em-
ployees in the building ; 20 have su far
been identified among the dead, 48 are
missing and 67 known to be saved, leav-
ing 42 unaccounted for, who are sup•,osed
to be in the ruin& The commune -elicit
this aPerpte n engaged in a
now;RAfl nn• itgtAR*Ls
over the expenses for the resceie of the
dead, some members demanding that
the work he stopped 11 t',u stockholders
of the Newhall 1' use Ausocietien are
not willing to reimburse the city. Tan
scene created indigation amountamig to
treats. The alderman who opposed the
w•,rk of hum, nity were Horace Ceese,
eaeitalist, one of the pioneers of Milwau-
kee ; Peter Barthof, wholesale liquors ;
Hominy, contractor The Council, after
two hours' fighting, concluded to go on
with the work e•1 rescuing bodies, but
made nu appropriation for night -work.
Tho feeling here is intense. The men
whose greed and recklessness in part oc-
casioned the calamity receive unlimited
censure. The revenue from the rents
amouuted to $10,000 a year, yet the
management would not employ a night
watchman. Ono man acted as part
night porter and watchman, but had to
attend two trains, and could not proper-
ly watch the building. There were only
Milwaukee, Jan. 13. -During the
aftera•on work on the Newhall House
ruins eight little heaps ot charred flesh
and bones were found, supposed to
repsesent so many bodies. This makes
sixteen exhumed bodies. Lizzie Ang-
land died this evening in jumpis.g from
a six story window, Thus far the iden-
tified deed number thirt'-nine.
Taking the chief clerk s statement of
110 guests and 67 employes as correct,
there must be 43 bodies yet in the ruins,
95 are known to be saved, 23 identified
dead, 16 charred bodies beyond identifi-
cation, snaking the total loos life as near
as can be figured, 82.
The wont features of the tire will not
be revealed until the excavation has pro-
ceeded 15 feet farther. It is predicted
that the opening of the court in the cen-
tre will reveal a large number of belies,
as the inmates of the Home there would
be forced by the flames to jump iron the
The girls themselves say the tiret they
knew of the fire was when Lineharn, the
engineer, ran up and yelled "wake up,"
"run out," "follow me, don't wait to
dress." He says the halls rewarmed tull
of maids, and he thought they were com-
two firs eecaees. ing, consequently he made his way down
Three years ago repeated attempts at only to find one behind him. It appears
incendiarsc. were made in the hotel. the rushing air, the moment that Line -
Six tittles in succession a person who.
was never prosecuted set the place on
fire. There is no regular building in-
spector here. The hotel had no divid- prevented the heat and smoke front en-
teringtheir headquarters, es that those
who did not escape met death full reali-
zation of what was open them, Mid w ere
half dead from suffocation.
Mary McCauley says she was awaken-
ed by the shouts and screams of others,
and ran into the„ hall, which was full of
girls rushing madly about, crying and
streaming. She rushed to the end of
the hall, peered through the door. and
saw everything smoke and fire outside.
She then nun back, passing a teem
where seven girls had taken refuge, and
joined them. and they all knelt in pray-
er. One of the girls had a crucifix and
a woman prayed out loud. Just as they
had given up hope the window was crash-
ed in, followed by the appearance ref a
fireman with a ladder.
a .po.00ea .
,-6es..14Aanl�arr•'• ...TWO' TM
han and one girl gof through the Rep t-
ratingdoors, closed them with a bane
and they never opened again. This also
�flIC[►GO{ '' 1 1�U1D &PLC911C B1I
Valli the.tNaries
1 tttri..i..e tae •afs.wt Wail;
yet its Us"the sa eerteld * ta. i a _
•withoutm Otte s et1 11%4
Ce O..a.d
DDepots wets .n She
the Atla..t.8 ase
went ,• unrivaled
et ao,. Cow
was'. )' one
emu's Y:.itlew
Liu. u( D.stst
W ive:, ����e
Tye... w:
Pani. ,n. th.
Ira, law
L 1C: w and DW,�rt..r.ta.. :esa.a aoka-
Ades., Am-
t .a.l :mots 1. Wr Y.c.,eap-
. •.1 dL 4 L.t ntte
oiA• a ••t tlt_ I!.rd asdsst.rwe•vel osT m
:: 1^e-;i.['e t'ass.sa••is Travel on Test Esc cess
. , •n ,ale at all DrteoiDai T!ekr. Otenen is
tin: a..: d *ratss Quads
¢aNk.d tliroau� sad rates .e M» ac.
.. - • .sires at vowD•tt?u . Ihat offer les .doas
ycr • LW 1ub-msuon, pt U. Maps Red Pold-
ro ..r the �1
r nor ue.reat Tieka Oto., er address
rtes r.-. r. e.. -s NV. Real tit. a rood Ag
0..ae et.
ing of brick. It was a
worthy hof an Eastern watering -place or
frontier town.
The frantic fear with which nearly a
dozen waiter Kirin flung themselves from
the tifth story- was the most dramatic
feature of•the disaster. There was one
fire escape, hut they were tin, terrified
to think of it, and clothed only in scan-
ty night-dress, they appeared at the win-
dows. one leaped out, and whirling
over and over, fell, a
upon the stones. Others followed, and
all were killed and shockingly mntilat-
ed, Some awing themselves out of the
windows, only to ile p instantly to the
curet, shockingly lacerated and crushed.
At one time nine of these bleeding Corp.ses, Noone blackoneel and ahrivilled by
the flames, all devoid of clothing, lay
one uls•n another in various sickening
Six lersens hat+gin� from sills on the
fifth story on the Maui street front !oat
heir grip and ward whirle 1 •leivn ward,
one by one.
TOM TMLMR AND 01.. «11.5
ware rescue.i he sn ••fftcer who t •• k •,n,•
under eseh arta. They were in their
night clothes. Mrs. Thumb .iii t,d
niuch from cold. The s:eneral 1•egan
m•ouruin_ the I .ss of hie ':aln,hle dia-
mends and other jewellery. Hs wife
reen•v-ed him and then be-.wu relieyintr
the wnfter•ers.
Polies wee who visited the 1 otsl before
the Marin was •risen dote.tul m• indica-
? it•ns •.f fire, soil think it 'aids ine••ndi ry.
Rna1TWA till Drat,.
A thief tried to take jets .0.17 from the
halter and errs of Mrs. tl'"meet, _s rtctiwl
„( the tin.. W. Wiles met W. flew•,.
well-known ,a 'road men, are missing
and are 1o1i• rod t• ire •1,.f.t. len.
bete, 1,.145 n ar^ •,t, was M•trtie Lotion.
and resided It Ble d's Ih-pr•t. Stentein
Cr., N. Y.
SVlto5Ne•F or .'i, ErutAal'II,
-\ gang tit II. • M
rums heti fosse . n.t
this evening. TF.
stronger tleef for f
onc.nds.ry \ R .'
-tome in the h••'el
Ampts made •• thin
to St ••, ,neon`, the
...dins try, to severs
hs+ •1 Mier y Qwrwe
sods the rrot+ a1 sn
let. in who occupied
,leacethea ten, at -
Jibe pot two rare
L111kby Little.
The constant dropping of water will
wear away even the hardest stone. So
the constant irritation of a cough will so
wear upon the lungs as to induce incura-
ble Consumption. Hagyard s Pectoral
Balaton will cure the wont cough, speedi-
ly and effectually. 2
Perfect, i'ositi'e and PIeamauent are
Om cares effected hy Dr. Van Rnren's
I Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
, ney Demme is obiaiatd eters few dire..
' Bee that your Druggist gives you Dr.
1 Van Rer•n's Kidney Cure Sold by J.
triose••. CevIeridl. .ul
kreesw, Mae. Aka. 17. tt1M
Mimi a year 40 t was teems web a ea
eel/ .s fwtllses "1+.17
au -y e.4 &all Ir.w
e 1 efts May► 1 *4 vee?
au/ was 1 i lsarwi M we+Y
sa.e retsereme. �. hoe ei
Gauss* .wt i1 I snow of IR.
ortq BRAIN •t4 ERVE F
Lor *IC ash 1e.wj, Mate ails Fc:uatr.
The Best General Newspaper
Contains $ewnty-two Columns of Reading
Matter, and Is admitted to be the best author-
ity upon Agricultural and Commercial matters
In the Dominion.
Subscribe for 1881 now, end GET
HLLh Oi OF 1882 FREE.
Cedars geld Iemi1~Ms1 W be addressed
Positively cures Nervo.n►sa Ir. alt It. gases.
Weak Nesters, loo. of StrainPower,
Prostration, Night `lueet.i, nto•'rA.en,
Leurorrhua, Barrenness, Semet.al {1'n,kwess
and tient-rat Loss qj Pourer. f' •-•'pMes
A'ereou.r IVwtt, Rtfaseaates trw Jowl -r1 ••
Zee t, st', not hens the Enfeebled !urn in, e• sof 1... -
stores Verpprisewwpp Town and Vigor to tee F--
hausted Ofae.wtfee Orisons. With • io.le or-
der forTwat.vw Paakait+ a000mpenit�i with
11Pe dollars we will rein air t\ rltO"a altar
aatce to reload the money, tf '.n tre.i:►.en!
doe-' not effect tire. It is the, ('firmest sad
nest Medicines in the market.
i4Full particulars in our pt:nith.^t. whirls
we desire to moil free to any ,vldn•,ss.
lack'sMlataNkN.dtelae •scoot i; 1rrn,t-
rimts at 50 rte. per box. or I! boxes '.r M -.t. or
w111 be mailad free of postage, on re. arta -,i The
00 l'O—
r�e'�we 1'.1 t7a-" a .
ijeAraee • 11e wig sad assume ewst ►r
risen. 'whitish thes thin ether- may
ea aareL
Yen's trot .
J R Newcombe.
dart 'rsR.
An Oasts in the desert is no brighter
litb1 too the wandering Arab than a bo11le
of 11)r. Van Ruren's Kioiney Cure is he
the unfortunate s.6erer frost K�
Div.sao. it is a perfect, positive s.
pe •newest eeret Pn)d by ,L Rrilsnn
clodetieh 2le
ss C ut Saws & Axes
��.YO n
Table aid Pocket Cutlery --Best 4��,
And lamest Assortment in t Lr (•untr. also s full line of Sheet Hardware.
Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices.
-�F:F: Ills
ire --Best Made.
son ; and New York and Pennsylvania
he would also omit ; but there might be
a round for a contrast being drawn be-
tween the states of Ohio and Michigan
and the province of Ontario. 13,•.h of
the former were agricultural states, pee -
want, to start in a business you can make
searing the same public inetitutiuus as from 83 to $10 • day clear, :n;•: take n,
Ontario. The total expenditure in nal of I. .a, we will send y.,t- r. rtr••il•t
Ohio in '71 was $5,259,046, and in 1881 of $I1 • ,,els that will seii • cadely in a
$6,740,643, or an increase of 14 cents few da_ -door t2 t. If tl e A,, -..r. dais n
per head, snaking allowance for the sell th.;re g .••c'.a in font, e.,.3. "..an
increase of population. In Michigan in return ill unsold to ns s05.: :e r(•'
'71 the expenditure was $1,274,364. in turn them their • . : ry . .
'81 it was $2,302,569, an increase ••f 39 fairer ' We tare •i! ••-
cents per head, alae making .411o':;:.•'t . Agent :eats star , • ' • 1
for population. In Ontario in 1871 • ee . be pern•..rtenr.
expenditure was 111 81e 866 and in . i...; 000 i ,
If y, ;i .ire •out of enipley.n' t aid
• , , a yl�ar ...
$2,286,314. •,r an increase of h cents : e tier •' \� e w t - • t • '
head, reeking allowance for pepuleti' o county Full pt. ;r:i A 1,1
;Hear, heat Compare the expenditure of fi• s Iai.ufa finers < ;11; em t
the province with that of the domini••t.
• .et •
government which was $15,324.881 is.
'71 and $255,502,841 in '82. Take tl,e
case ofthetewnshipexpendituresthr u -'
out the pr„Pince. Their expendie
had increased from $1,912,040 in '7.2
$3,878,915 in '80. That of town coat c:'
had increased from $880.666 in '-. to
$1,750,034 in '80. He felt that the e -
ppeenditure of this government compare 1
favorably with that of the townships n;oi
town councils throughout the prof ince
Referring t•• the government's expendi-
ture towards the development of agricul-
tural interests of the country, Mr. Word
stated that during the pant year Gime
had been produced 143,600,000 bushel,' 1
of a!1 kinds of grain valued at $94,200.-
000. The government could not benefit
a•.iriculture by adding to the bread acre•
of the province , or regulate the price eel
the farmers' grain, but they might assi t
is bettering the quantity and quality •
his products. Mr. Woods went t n (o
specify the various ezpenditeres of the
government ire this direction. charactt t
izing the agricultural college at ''th,
crowning act of the Mowat admiuisU
tion.” If any hon. gentleman mutt Ie•e•
his scat in any tgricultural mnetituencl .
let him attack the agricultural college
He erodaded by ayit:g that no govern
ment in Canada or the United Pelt. -
had done as much to advance aericulturi
to encourage the tiller of the evil. to in
crease the rabic of his labor. of glace
his •rccnpatiewl •,n a hielier plane that: the
gerernment of Itotem. Applattee.
"\\ by sleashe adman whore bit se wit
Kit like his grandsire cut in alabestsr'
Or Ie ns hair grow rusty, scant and thin.
When "ClwoaLOPS me riwan" wilted
it grow the faster. For sale hy .1.- \til
eon. 2a
There arc many foolish things done in
this world, and one -1 the most foolish
(and we may add wished) things is t.
soiled a Cu.gls rye (ied, how we kn••"
tlatOetspKs, Nide, lirrnrhitia, Catarrh
and all Chen, Throat, and Lung Tree
Iles, it m$iaowd, are sure tr. end III
One.nmptios alai Death They may I
be easily col YJ Wag as directed Dr.
Oarson's Poban Lary Oough Drops, then
is nt. remedy equal to it 11 now fails.
R ,Id ererywhere in large betties et ph.
v , ,,.Ir 1.,, rte Rhvns•
tiel(l tir.ieet, P:• Inn�i:
7M etlUTItI.n VVItal l aleCHRISTMAS.AIrA allJLgt 1,n- a Rel Joapt
MAMA In tows.tewlge. Te,t,rYs, Del•
Nebraskasisimirt•tea- � •„ e,I�..,IMI
rs, Ret Heat, •. horses. M• • , rests.
rasa sad Tessa
Amu bee • superior ter AibSIt 1
1'stnraal • _ Mtesespilt lie R. Yash.
Kadassay repeal isis •
beim MInaniese t'' nall
Li" An Inspection
M Mame et fes. .
R_ W_ Mc=1NTZS0-
I have now on hand a very large .stock, sneh s•:
Chairs of all kinds, 'Tables, Bedsteads
Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat-
tan Chairs, 8ic_, 8&o_, azo.
2 Doors West of the Post Office.
1,4 IR
+ revere+ �.• , .
la t', ••
MIEN via to
0110.1•11 Lao re
t5 V.11
Try 11,
•14 yea mid
5,1 travelled a
511.57, t.ste.a
« . d•e-
ed rev Y Ness:. vers AP-
.T. Pasrami,
Canadian Pair. Ate,
B. Jost warm,
'Pileb.t tl e'Irr e.
A Discount of 12 per cent Allowed on all Cash Purchases in
Feathers, Silk Veliets. Flowers, Hata, etc, l etc., etc
off My
This is a Genuine Offer, as I am anxious to Clear
Winter Stock.
Miss Jessie Wilson
THE ,V' ARE, 00p41114 N
A Lad filial Mandl
Woken Hla.s
1 he hospitals of
to be outdone if tt
of 1',iris, and the;
0 ,u11Ce to the 14.4
of which they are
At Cretnoua, for
interoet is not a I
IDA/ WAD, ur a gi
feet who cannot r
who lies tluvelopec
jy h$.loecillur liki
es4•ia)wtaaru Bopp•
�i D4 otic a$o of
strAnze appetites 1t
ly, and without an
upon pebbles, iso
glass. His cai,aci
s000mmodatin; th
was only develop
coulee a trinin
he etas el#4 eVa
rinalitl lbatie •
Art. But, by lion
ily improved. H
sizew'as, welltoem"ottrr
there should be m
they passel down
internal paaaages.
cane able to eat f
, - n
and a half niches
•lupe so readily a
was oonaidere.1
docen or two ,.f
inches in length,
in diameter at tit
ever, when ill e•w
with plenty of th
down, been kilo'
such nails at a sit
formances are ati
to the atisfacti•
chief of the Cron
should not hive
a still more trim'
Why is an►biti•
Because it is a
to aspire (a spire
Whet preserve
Codd sit 1--141
What is the did
master and an en
the mind, the ot
Why are railw
13. JIle lhty'ha
and occsionally •
-Which is the
catch t The 12.
one ti yen do ca
What nation
most i Gender'.
What musical
to fish ? Cast -a
Vs'hat trees
hearth 1 Ashes
Which is the
why i The roe•
cause it rains (r
Why is a dog
a good manse
both ends meet
A Ct:Rtoom'
sent engaged in
fm tie poesesssio
of awaiting at
the property
chief, a +
been written.
"1 the soldiers
aided in the
Monarch, and
pysaesaion at
well -carved far
point contain(
which has be
light, and doth,
been made for
of the Huller
8ociety took p
on Thursday
President, in t
of members
transaction of
statement _ of
the society by
ing ve;itlemen
the ensuing
bertt; Vice Pi
Cole and J. It
Elliott, (lode
fltaol...y ; J. 1
Biggins, T. T
Robson ; Tea
E. M. Rueey
f thanks wee
InR •iSeet7. a
-114ew $ra.
Thi ..ands
195155 year wt
the defier* to
ant he serer!.
M (8erwte RI
Tan ranch
faithfnl wif.
wss•hing as
n ever neeler
)rets5f. x1'11
e ase. and t
f hnr,orh e1
heves rose,
rwaisvtal t.et
kw** that R
. win rieswah
puna* +owl,.
raft My sour