HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-19, Page 5• THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 19, 1B83. i1 Mrs. Jae. Young is at prevent visiting her mother and family at Buffalo N. Y. There area few'cases of diphtheria and . wrlet fever iu a mild form In this vil- ;age at pret►t111t- The Rev. A. E. Smith is somewhat in- .iispostel at present. We hops to see hits .ttwut again 111 . few days. Oerlair. V11.ITIse.-11Ilse Maggio McKay, •f t i ,derich, u,t lefties at Mr. Win. Yuumg s. The trustees Id S. No. 3 levy en- gaged Mr. T. B. )Biller, formerly ort Man- chester u teacher, ft.r this year., The Rev. Mr. Musgr. is expected to preach in the Presbyterian Church at sruith's Hill ou Sabbath next. Miss Annie Young, of this pisos, hu ',me to Kingston to pursue her studies the ladies College there. The Rev. Mr. l'liehard will deliever a lecture in the Presbyterian Church at Smiths HUl un'Weduesuay next at 7 li. M. Mr. Thomas M•'1-ris has :gene t•)tBe!. ills to pursue his studies in the bus.. "e's ('allege in that place. Dasallasr. A Disci.AiiER. - We are ievluosied by Mr. Alex. Robest+ino,Chief Rsneerof lien - miller Court MAof Foresters, tn'stete that the loading officers of the('ourtrepnndiete all responsibility for the dance' held un- der the risme of the Cr urt on Wednes- day, the 10th inst. A committee wait appointed to get rip an a*taetaliwent, but when the principal officers hf the lodge 1oarned that a dance was c•,;lteiu- plated they pyohibited it, as ninny u:em- bers of the lodge were eonscientinusle opposed to dancing. The ooainlittoe, however. went on with the dance, and the consequence was that only four out of thirty members of the court attended.and the conductors of the affair are out of pocket. Mr. Robertson says the Court will not pay the deficit. Inerts Sunil. --An oyster supper will be eivt'il by the Sons of Temperance of this place on Wednesday the 24th lust. Some able speakers will he 1!resent to address the meeting. Veva! att,d in - *t: amental music will enliven the pro- ceedings. S -me excellent dish:'s will also be serve 1 to those who do not relish oysters. The *peaking will he held in the church. Doors open at 7.30. Sup- per will be served in the temperance hall after the speaking is over. Admission 36 cants. Plaeo)sALJt. -Mr. Joshua Moore went off this week nn a pleasure trip to Bow- inanville. Whether anything else is connected with the trip, it is hard to say. -Mia Emma Wilson. (dremneaker of this place, returned to her home near ti ,u•manville this week. SPECIAL ANNOUNOEITe We offer the SlU.AL 111 mhlnati i' With the .interum* Agrierittifist frrr$2l .il► �1 a year, which includes postage on faith.Ts 3^ L.; In addition, we will send free 1" every person who takes beth papers. a Magnifi- cent 19.ut engraving of Ilupre's last great paintiltg, "Int .tats narcosis' new un . mhib,tion iu New York, and offered; for sale at $8,(100. Timeminent Artist, F. A. t'horch, sei!in'v, t . a friend in the country last 11, •,der, thus alludes to this Picture : ' ....1 was delighted this mousing to see offered as Prentiiim a reproduction of a very beautifill Picture. "ie Tar. yt tata)w,'' by Dupre. This Picture is an Educptor. .. " This superb • ripe 111 by 12 inches, exelttalve of wide horde.) is worth more than the asst of both journals. It is.wuunted on heavy Plate Paper, and spot sept x l ed iu Tribes made ex- preslly sof t�!' pdrp!oee. ' When to be maile.'., 10 cents extra is reynired for Packing. Pesttit;A, etc. 'I'ndc .Iletrn it. Ili atcr. eI. loather Great Boom to Wimilp€ . If) costal obe,rtutlon. rte tin,) all tan' speculators have clear head and watch th, ape and dowse of property, dols inakin. large fortunes. But the whole secret hi. the) keep the system in a healthy condition by th use of TUE .muse OF TIRE ♦ALLF% MFJ1t'11111, We can safety say that hundreds tome to u• for the great lung and blood purifier before going west. Itead the following statement We could give thousands of the same kind it it were necessary. rertih' that I was troubled with Catarrh taiga headdgatheting of phi in the throat tbek�g an ro inn at n for yeary, ei• 1 tt%fr 1 oZtea from with dull 1u' Dp141.L3021. Last Friday night, while the choir in the Methodist Church was practising, the team belonging to ono of the mem- bers backed out of the shed, and started horse on their own accord. The owner started after them hailing them by all the persuasive epithets known in horse• language, but to no effect, the unfeeling brutes left their owner and all the mas- hers depending on his generosity to plod their weary way homeward through the SUDS% On the mine evening one of our pro- minent citizens rushed into the stores cne after another, giving the alarm that Mr. John Cooke's house was on fire. Some of our local celebrities rushed at a terrible speed to the spot calling"Fire .An alarm was rung, and the whole vil- lage turned out to witness a chimney on tire that evening, but the people neem to have tot used to the circumstance, con- sequently no fuss was made, 0 LA.- -J i CC 0 - UJ Medical Hall- F. JORDAN. Chemist and DrllgSist, 1N HOLkN.J1.1. AND leer til. Dill YR 1. Drugs. Chemicals, Dye muffs, Horse and Cattle tlesMedicines, 1'erfl:inert. Toilet Art i.•1. - an!S NEW AR!V..!LS 2N' F'RO:1 - �.GAI2::ie. ABRAHAM SMITH 1:.ALt.S ATM.%TIo\ TO VIE Fol.Ll,wuu CLOTHING, LC A LAI:W A--oultTlitENT, .1N11 THI: 1..1TIERT IIESIONS.11 t!.\ VINE Ai1Y0YIN ENDIANN \'AItIF:'1\'.l',IIRNISHING GOODS. HATS, irAl.l. THE L.\T!ri'f STA"' t:,, AND EVERY n12E1a Sir 1. I'.1TTFRVP, MADE APFI'r GUARANTEED sTea:11 alt \Il 'Al.k.'3xl1LOTHS. NEW G -GODS, NEW PR1ICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. Holiday P 1.33 -3 ,1t9 Extra, Value. TL•+ .ubecriher has received on rnnci ran,, upwards of $SXI ya'vi�:..( U lteh GRAIN Fa.hionuhlr ('.dors a 'h "'-'.' , + 1, -et1 n;r to 1st of Jai lot •c rect. at 75cts ler )..rd, ti muter ',lief. !IAA ; +.1a - • t r -e. ` t'. t'.urre. u1 1:'. 1 , pAr Sar . worth 1 all wew'I Scarlet from. Iola. up. A. few of It-�o T1 and Bleached American 1cot• . 1',martian at same price. .\11 wool , "an all Wo.d'1'ueeda 1+ :.IM I- up. 'arts• all wuol ('.cwtian Ure) 1 Ihua• Lseli••a C!olle Jia-krt« ' n If* per Bent cheaper, mol , i t3 R. O C F R I E 3, dz C- T.a- alelAk1.tty;Jep..' "talo{., front IOctslalticinjja•rlb; agwet\count.Il)son at 'Livors Vex lb. better at Shia up to 10, fief. •,) and 7: is per 16; a gtaal Hla,k leu ul "`ate : e :trot. libels ne. lit tr: fined im•wirtr 1. 76.1. r, ;• lb , Bios, al'. for ticla, 211 low for Wet.. t'i,w,.t /Ant • lee utn*Y•tc;oA'stem Videnc,aItaild00.Hes twrlb: Malaga. 121eta; IA>t1�. Mu..stets Lists • •'i.'1 l:roc.:.t' ::, ..!1} tie al, alit \\'t,:n'tr'l Pule. t1t Tr A R r W A rt E t3 T O z2, , liar Iro •.!. Nails, 1:I0 II sines, Putt i• minis snit. (Ito+. ti.aa, and ., a ,. „toe nt of 11,10.1. - .T ' ertal• nil n' r -enable low poi es. c ' '_ CRABS, - - EQVAR$_ FALL & WINTER GO O-N7A TI NGS The Chicago House, � ':,y EST -ST., C�•C DERICH_ E� list Irls��Ca�adal� Twos! 1 � � _ , , ., kph, I �+ E'--Hla G][ D U _l_V L� u)W ,gn'tteoi at that h.!a'ltluari• • t':t.hion the Chicago House, tint) I ani flow in it Iwaition tot 4tlit4 i',:a ;lit' Iatt �t\'lt' , i's•.t material TIC= 2.�aA.=1=S imp! Blast reasonable priers can 1N• lo' :.t� t})ere•. it%t'r\•thin!, in the 1 liiltinery' line in Misses, Young [atonies, Matrons unll Widows' Wear it I i view at the Chicago Hoots' A i>artionlnrl\ tint' line in Widows' SAV THAT THF. (Cato. east be seenr Dann( M ISS \V' KINSON is also. a; tint for Rttft 't'iek'.s l'iltt.•rti-, -ur.1 r;*t'ker's Steam Dye Works, Torort4s it Fsri,o4R),-, T7Remewher the place : THE (! IICA(;(I Iit) ti41?. West -Street. I\L IR1 ,_, i AI.E BY TAPSCOTT, of Brantford, pleases them better thau any pre,an►- v1 tion they ever used. It Is mast reteewhinR 1^ roan of btndaehe or teveriehasaa of the Scalp, and nickel Faded or ()ray Hair assume a cparmiogly natural and bealth3 a -trance, 15rice 5C Cents 1"s' mottle GEORGE RHYNAS, co sot sleep, leas- clings, pains to the chest std back. AC'}ENT FOR G-ODERIC��- if.BCr Itl•,n•r hundreds of dollar* to doctors. and giving up all hopes, I tried the PlunE of TIM * ALLIrv. nod am now able to do my work atter upven year's sickness." MRS. JANINN McNEIL, 7a 4 Stmcoe Street. London. On "The above statement of my wife's is cot rect. J AYie McNeiL. For sale b) all druggists. manufactured b) Prof. A. M. Shrieves, London. Ont. Sample 'mange 25 ctrr, tive for $1.ot. Can be had in Goderich of the follow Ug druggists: JN* Meld. Jas. WYsem. P. JJeeNha, Mee. Rhi- nos. y - .as. sad J. A. *sAsR1.80 not. life is sweeping by go and dare before you die, something mighty and sub- lime leave behind to conquer Ill, time. lets a week in your own w+. •� town. l:7 outfit fret. 1u rick. Everything new. Capital not reuuired. \\'c will furnish tau ever) thing. Man)- are making fortunes. 'Ladies mike an much all en. 4404 boyswantd gyou reat girls nuke pay• buaineas.it which yob can make great pa) all the time. write for particulars to 11. HALLETT & Co.. Portland Maine, Some evil -disposed person or persons entered the Scheel on Sunday Inst, and amused themselves by destrnyinir the property of the children. It wouldn't be a hard task to find whit those charac- ters were, as they were seen entering the building, and the probabilities are that the next time they indulge in such a parttime they will be -mora severely dealt with, than they were this time. if the prosperity of a place is to jud- ged from the fact that new industries are springing up in it, this village may fair- iy be oonsidered prusperoua. Mr. Tru- ax, late of Blyth, has started a knit- ting factory in this village. No doubt if Sir John A. Macdonald ever c',r.,^s ra• hear of this he will try to make the peo- pic of this section of country believe that the beneficial effects of the N. P. have brought this "new industry" into our midst. AUCTION SALE -OP Town Property in Gabriel Under a power of sale contained in a Mort- Rage,whIch will be produred at the time of salt made. by Malcolm McQusrrie,*rid otbera,dated the Fifteenth da) of 'harsh. 1.ID.1576,there will he sold by public aurtion.b3 John C. ('ur- rie, auctioneer, at tits auction mart, opposite the Colborne Hotel. in the town of Goderich. , . .\Inose Interest on deposits. Drafts, tette. on SATURDAY. THE 27Th DAY AY JAwART, A. of credit and circular notes . Drafts, pavay. pD.r pert at twelve o'clock. noon, the following ; in all parts of the world. 175i. property, 1v.in The kart n of of dolot running Cssisdais�'� _ talnIn'r of n the said uric,oreo r l i s. eon - Art Besigus in Will Papers. Now is the time, it you wish one or two nice rooms at horse. to see llutler's roor.l 1 :11•' He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colors. and.at pre be 1>less thalae i i meuch n. i ndrior goods. Cal and sen them the) Latect , is rl��«� 113Ga311 P�ter�� itiritI F1aiiis Tlie � t t :37...TTI.. 'S_ j(� �!�j Banking. I t19 PO;;41;; `tJ BANK. OF MONTREAL. TTT ('APIT AL, - - .12.4a1. 1.4V SURPLUS, e.1,(S,. Ait'' Goderich Branch. P. (:L. 4.' CANADIAN BANK OF CO11ME1t('h V n This property is situated on the north nide of Newgga*te.etrret, and Is a desirable piopr y for building purposes. There Is erected tbhere- nn s large fr+me building formerly used as a p ening mill by the snot tgagors. Tsars or SALE :- Ten per rent down, and the balance within 3e days thereafter. when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and poe'eswtnn. The said property will be of- fered for sale subject to • reserved bid. for further particulars apply to the Auc• l'oneer. or the gndersiggnned. (JARROW & PROW/FOOT. Vendor** Solicitors. Deed at Goderich, Jannary 3rd, ► l. 871 td. The Rev. R. Davey,of Bervie,occnpied the pulpit of the Methodist church here em Sabbath. He preached a very im- pressive and appnipri*te sermon from Prov. xi : 26. The sermon had special leferenco to Mission work. On Monday peening the annual Mts sonarry}' ineeting was held in the Metho- dist churdh here. There was a very targe attendance. The chair was ably filled by Mr. Thomas Anderson. The different members of the deputation de- livered excellent addresses setting forth the. gewwl work done by mierlionarielt, and ahewine their great need of our symgi*thv and aasist.anee The sum of anti hundred and nine e1 lers and sixteen bent' was mitosis! the metetine. it is expected that this spm will be largely suppletmemt- .4 by remembers who were unable to be present that night. tsl+fell conned met here on Mon isy. WANTED Star Salt Works $110110110110 440144414 1.11b. itis nett Tea Meat Valise la Tessa. Net Tea No Squat for navy. Masa Meet Tea t'u't b. Rest by say Riad (19,600) Nineteen Thousand Five Hun- Reductionsmadeon Mb and upward parcels of deed. (JAPAN, glogeggall Mart pea. oes_ucs. Jas. I& 1.1. 'Wheat .etralutMag. . 101 M it M ►►ee►t.'f.pe7efA� MA.' Eta.• - litlMl potati.• 411 Ray, *tea.... Potter. 11 5'... itala. 1 des. lnspsrked► hats. a*t Chep, w eget Woolf HiAes fth eetwk nM Sines Aroma., 0 » aw 3110 e 1t1 ens*eR eta m e Oe Aif 0 e1w 70 v5 Ree n O p a� 17. 0M 0 10 Ta 0 *1 TO R p t tr CORDS OF WOOD (5,000) Five Thousand (Cords, (food Basswood lleathia BOLTS, OS) Thirty -Big% inches long - Prices 54.50 to $4.76 icer Corel i2,000,000i Two Million Feet of Saw S-.aczc Consist nu ,•1 )Soft Elm lock Elm. Bass- wood, Maple, Birch, Meek kola White Ash, itemlock, and all kinds of Ings, for which eseh will be paid. Apply to JOHN SCOBIir, Star Balt Warks, fiodetieh. BLACK, AND GREEN, TEAS. A 1 hoiee and We;: Selected lot of Brooch Paul up Capital , - $6,000,,000. Rest, - - $1,400,000. A C`4 =N1.71NI)It I- Ni,.)i,'1)! Iluw done a poor, honest man save 1wr.1 .:. -•,ed money 1 An'.wrr : l: ins eating in 13 0 �� Z7 SI Musical Instffuments just Arrived from England & Germany .� i'ulnplot• Assortment of the Following: Violin de Stainer, Noted I:ert an Accordions t'oltecrWtas, Violin Cases; Bows and Wrings, Italian (Guitars. Flutes, Organ Harmoniums Violin Keys and Bridges, Vases, Faney Toilet Attteles. ladies Satchels. Purace, Shell Purses Lined with Satin, I )'Ir Mr. Fred. C. Bond will guarantee any of the above articles, for sale at John hand'* thug Store to be genuine; and of the very hest material ; and will bepleased to show . •.ston- ers our entire stock of Fancy Articles. C Our Motto is Quick Salva with Small 1'rpflta! Please Call and See Our Stook. Goderich, Dec 21. JOHN BOND. TAE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE )ii K! NG rliHI MONTH �. 1. 1)if!A. -i &. CO'S. SEE THEIR BLACIC SILK AT 95C. President - lima:. WM MrMART1:J. General Manager. - TP. r....,uea.-. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Masee.rn. 'Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towns and Cities In Canada Great Ilritaln and the United States. bough and *old. Adrancesta Farmers on Notes, with one nt 1-' NEw DRESS 000DS morn endorrsa without mor4rae. mx BA1CL. SLOANE TOTIIEFIVIMERSOFT11.F4(:01INTI UI' lit111,0:, GENTLEMEN, - By request of a Iat'',n number of the yeomen of th( (county tie have decided to ntanafacturo rr REAPING- AND MOW TN G- MACf33NE8, iu .:o •Ino ction with our Plow business for the year 1883, whicli for inatctial and titin :tranship will be econd to nine, Demo! give your orders for reapers or mow- ess orbs you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in (,'t un t y, which will give the farmers a geed opportunity to inspect our machines. W. will warraut our machines to do as good work as any other made. Wo will al- so have a number of gond LAND .rt OLLERS for the Sens trade. COOKIN�i STOV FS t (ways on hand, and will he sold cheap fore .li, or bo exci n.idt afor CO.wood. Cash paid (or old iron. Ooderich Foundry. Geo. H.OId. Tea welting e.ws4.. ORATOU TR- UNK E AM'. Pa*R. �p's. MIS d. Wad goderh h.1,v.a.l5am 111.1111 pm t Blom fill AM Sword i wear. Fire and Sword Pass. Exp'* .3Ban. M{Mse 1(lodcricb..\r1SITAt A.LIIN 10.iArns LIRt(Mt A(IF. LINES. 1 s, v E' 14'i'(IR� ncknew P,tafr -t..n, • .er 10.11amipm dee hackers,/ gAlrw?s•• (ACNE RAI. URAI,F-It 1N I t , SE rnS1 Grain & all Goods 1 1Dress lamer d fa.tssIMim and Vteterta atreet. A Oissallerlable Dwelling -house To Let Awe twe Meese, to -let. on Newgstr-surer Apply to S. Sloane. people ere .Iway.nrlll'..hw,. STRIPED Intl BROCADED SATINS out her ebanoees to i.cr*ee2' M- anna e.l y improve their ear.in.a..4 In gess R w th . flows who do met rm ere their M•pnrtuse Elea reveals ie poverty. We offs. a Peat We want men, we. ;�we�i'nwto work for no 10 'Owe atone , an do the work pro - TM ttssrweea wIll perty Arles 1 t erns*.. wimps. F.s- fee. No ewewho oe. ee/.te drams moat/. Yon earl ?OW wird arse M the wart, of mil/ row impure ewesswts. tilt toio ttt.Mirn .rid ell OW w wooe/en went fres. Atilikeas Wits - one a Co_ ParrtM.d, Maine N T ANI S $)L ILL, ARUMITY. T, Ac. • 109c4..egorrde ot !t as4*..,tms.eltM ee, ' 1y 1_t OLBORNE BROS, T -i