HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-19, Page 44
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By general adwiaetua it has a larger circuits
ion than any other newspaper tri this part of
the couutry, d is one of tho raciest, netDie°.
t w
tellable journals
iu Oa
j ar
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t - costa
possessing,as it dors the lure la
and beinin addition to the above, gip first -etas.
family and fireside paper it 14 therefore a
most desirable advert ism(' otrdewest.
bei,et confidence in the electors;
but ORGANIZATION only can get
out the full vote. A good organi-
zation has existed in West Huron
TYRY$. —$1. ,O in advance, postage pre -paid
b7 pDubltabers; 11.15, if paid before 'lx woi.ths
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t or turning ort work le Ooderich, are prepared
t , do business it that line at pricestbat cannot
be beaten, and of 11 quality that canuut be
surpaied. - Tests Cask
FRIDAY, JAN. 19m, 1883.
1 in regular trade fur th, it sup}a,rr, thou BONAPARTIST MANIFESTO.
t14,MY5,Otf7 137 is tae ,moons .,.
„0 1'rvtr reface aar.te.a. r'•r Nbleb /obese I A petition a in ciret:laljat auwug the
Ontario surplus Quebec is said to be cut r. iia than dupla without fear rate ,sen, praying the Initial and
some $20,000,000 rplu.iu de! t. N', c, gfws favor. Aird they do it. t• esu• I I'. I ; y'
towuai.ip CuuurtL+to rrtsti b.rlcrersrats
that a surplus of nearly 0,000,000 must -- P. touts, Jau. 1G .'. ►uantfatu Aum
be great temptation to the Ontario Tories Cue A. M. Rosa, M. 1 . P., made one'
of his cliannteristic speeches en financial Prince theNapoleon ntu .ulrt t Plt on) appeared in
l Th 1 d
ill years one by, but to rest on a I to try sod get ,.tike by hook or by cieok•
\past record is not a good policy.
We would like the organisation
of West Huron to be, if possible,
Unproved upon, so that election
day, come when it may, a larger
anti stronger vote will be cast fur
Ross than ever before. A couple
of weeks ago West Huron sent a
strong delegation to the Provincial
A VAaa$D improvement in matters
Convention in Toronto, and the
success of that Convention must
criminal has prevailed during the Twat
thrue menthe in Huron, but one c
have opened the eyes of every del nal ease havioi tviwe before the Comity
Coate to the fact that perfect 'h[- Court in that Bute. The old rec,�rd was with the ilea that tie
some twelve er fifteen cases a quarter..;
ren. P. tint. Gives bra. -..ire urd tart ,their wor.hiu of Gru,lxttp,., Bouaparttst$ and '.• dl hr. eo cw;,hahc as t i wash 'hose
What has I,uer,me of the hard canes b h knowing it 4s there was no who meddle with pr+vincial rights, that
! 1 I succeed item aetttt,
• To win an election itt ars: eon-
tituency three things are necens-
ary : 1st, a good cause ; 2nd, a re-
liable candidate : and 3rd, a per-
fect organization.
In West Huron, and in Ontario
throughout, the first of these ele-
• menta holds good. We have to-
day in Ontario. and we confident-
ly expeet we shall retain it in On-
tario after the Local election is
held, the best Government it has
ever been the good fortnne•of any
Province to possess. Economical
without being parsimonious, the
Local Government has succeeded
in placing Ontario in a position
financially • f which every- elector.
in the Province has reason to • be
proud. TLe retort' is a gosil one,
and when placed side by side with
the almost bankrupt, condition of
the Province of Quebec -which
• has been under Tory mir:Kovern-
iit•nt almost. entirely since Con-
federation — becomes more than
ver a subject for congratulation
to the people of our Province.
But the comparison does not end
there. While year in and year out
the changeful Tory Governments
of Quebec have reeked with job-
bery and "S,:necalism,” the most
bitter Opposition partisan or the
most virulent Tory journal has
failed to point to a, solitary "job
perpetrated in. the distribution of
the millions which the. Mowat
Administration, since 1872, has
given back to the people of On-
tario, directly and indirectly. To-
day the Mowat Government stands
forth with a stronger and brighter
record titan ever before. They
occupy the proud position of de-
fenders of 1 ittnrio's Rights in the
'matter of the Boundary Award,
and as the fearless champions of
Provincial autonomy in their an-
tagonism to thedisallowanee of the
Streams Bill. If for no other rea-
sons thea the two last mentioned,
the Mowat Government has prov-
ed itself t•, 1:.e deserving -of the
confidence and renewed support
of every well-wisher of the pre-
mier Province of the Dominion.
On the second point:—havitig a
reliable standard bearer—the 'Re-
formers of West Huron stand in a
position second to no other con-
stituency in Ontario. Col.A. 111,
Boas, M.P.P., who has so faithfully.
earnestly and independently rep-
resenteil the constituency in the
Legislature for the past ten years,
stands in the front. rank of the
public glen of Ontario. A good
debater. a clear headed business
.ran, a clever financier, and a _.tan
against whom the finger of re-
proach cannot he raised. with his
long experience as a parliamentar-
ian,('ol.Roos holds to -day a strong
place in the affection and regard
of the people of West Huron.
His public course has tier been
od,raio,htforwar,l and upright. and
But it is new i . honest and safe hands.
Taa d ty oh grain is pressing heavily
un turtle and dealets. At the annual
meeting of the Montreal cern exchange
last week a long discussion took place
on the import duty on grain, the feeling
id the meeting beim; that it lessened the
trade rio Montreal. A resolution to that
effect wee carried.
atttire in the House lust wev'• a the atrMe: ounsthuworujngar
It crate
fact that the member for West Huron seruetiuw, and toil to the arrest of the
was asked by the (l.vevinietit to fellow prince in the afternoon. Figaro war
t - iii 11 show_ that seised and the placards effaced from the
the leader
c. 1100 ppur ,
debater by `awns lir the ulatufeeto the unuze
he is held Ill high
esteem :w u t e ur dwell_ ,iu the iwportauee au,l the tura
the a,lntiniatrati"11. A. +opsit of his pwcity of the g•n'ertt,te11!. the disunjon
speech will eppxe.tr dour beat issue, and „f lwrlialuent, the decadeneeof the army
peruse it. ami of the finances. ,l10 deuhtiw th.tt t, nits e f l .•v, soil are there -
f• tends should c irefully 1 peace is attacked awl theobser . c loxidora le re}
It will be testi to he one of the ablest ralj�iuua too, I by o�ueh im iroeal.
contributed .luring the budget debate. ra10Ce of the a"ueirdat j.tu aleneestebli_h ' Tlte• Jet. states fro,,, this viciwity who •
ruligiuua pwwt. He rejectsauy cmmprotu
Cul. Ross is ruguded in the House as
vie with the royalists. Ile adverts tithe attended the great Reform C .nventiun
b which the eai sire was sale- `a' T"n'ritn .11 the 3rd and 4th Mutant,
one of the hest anthoritirs oil wafter plebiscites y l
tret urne<1 home exceedingly well ratip'fie,l
the Maitland river at _aulesenvitle.
The timber Illt't1 of bee are at
work in. t11e (Still .4 lir. PP..\F1 hur, and
flue pima•►_ of square etta testify their
Mr 1Villiam Mclntreh has Leen engag-
ed as awsieent teacher in the school hero
for the, present y
Our school preirl►ses hove ►w.1u• „ne
turned. with the result. They 1,.•lievu that whet.
The manifesto w,csagieedup.n+ the day'
' after li:u,.i ttta, funetal, the national ' Mr. 11„sat appeal_ to the eunntry for
character '.f which impresae.1 .Jerome an etdursation of his policy that the
,1e wore in smatter .%ill be decidedly in his f it or.
gonization had accomplished a
great thing in that instance.
These doltgates aro .now tonic in
their wchtxd sections aur: polling
s et.
without 'u„ . -
- -- republican w to could 1 they must du .0 tin longer
fhe squirwiu5 of thu t Hit:trio t rpu- I Jerome thought that only a member of Aecanst;T - As Mr Alex. J1cKunzic,of
Herrn Totr11.hi .• was going tufo lite
sitem em 11.4 Boundary question is,ume- - the s,vtrer.;u fust!} c•eild till the void. 1
it is supeosteil the ineitoesto was punted etebleo11 Tuesday evening to attend to
Surely they haven't all emigrated.
Mn. OnarALn Seem.. license inspector
• his hrraes, one ..f then, kicked him
severely, knockinoc hint over two or three
time* ash.. attempted to rise. The horst
ie generally quirt, bet it le believed that
it became stet -fled l.y Mr. McKenzie
gotta• in without alight. He was sevcre-
Iv bruiar.i in hi. thigh and side, and
was e•onfined to his room fur a day or two
pmt is now able to he up azain.
Thele are a great many marriages
[akin.: place in this nei_hh•,rhool this 4
d let , t tor East Huron,was rtreutly asgiltd in thing painful to witltrse. they are try-� in '► town where Imperialists prwve►1
some alleged irregularity, and on writ- throw suspiejou upon the manner in were sent to aeentsin y
int a ,hurt but full denial of the charre which the arhitrution was conducted. city stein it was p'eeted.
Part1101ls of Prones \'teturat0 ta;d to
he was refused speed' in the columns of But the taw,• went work. The follow- lw erectly irritated by Napuleou'r cou-
the Tory organ. A more unfair sheet ing article, front the pen ut Hem. David duct. It is etatrd the Iloua{artist lexd-
than the Toronto Med dues nut exist. Mille, i.o scorcher fur the invertebrate era ar:. practically imanlwcW0 in rldleul-
leader of the 'ft:ries in this I'r.vinee :-- ing Napule' a end his utanifesto.
Tea East liruce elation etas has e.•1 -LAT eR..
Mr. Meredith said in his recentsp,eech , Jerome wets interrogated 11•4a111
lapsed. The petitioner in the case has int the Boundary Award, that " there t 1 He denies that
w ithdrawn hia charges, and asked that wua a strung su1picion on the part of
the talance of the 81,000 deposit be re- many that there was an understanding
between the Attorney general (Msr.
fouled. " Coniag events cast their Mowat; and the Hou. David Mills as to
& bedews befure," and we may daily look what the settlement should be . If that
for the Conservatives i10 \%'est Huron were not the case he wished Mr. Mowat ed the step which would rill the :Mete
adopting ,similar muds of t siting out to give it an unqualified denial,' which tial of the patten to the facts asserted in Thr fin, mrettag of the lea• Bua-a of
Mr. Mowat did: It is worthy of remark hcl.'i.el Trustees for 1883, was tel 1 last
Of their election muddle. It will be the the taanifcsto• Welty evening, an the member being
that MIs. Meredith is, himself, the first A slight le.napartist dem iestriteen 7 e•
only chance afforded thein of getting to expreen such n suspicion, and it strikes was trade before Jeronle's residence to present -
Tee old Lbairntan, Mr. Crabb, was
reports be true, they are badly in need whom Mfr. Mered• ith refers should, for raised. -eocral artici'arta se•c ar- •i'a:n nu. no inotiy re-elected to the {qui
of funds et present fol the ordinary pur- a" long a time, have kept their euspi rested, hut, were preleased after their ton, and on motion the committees were
Mona so closely. But why did Mr. names and addresses were taken.reap The uIedt s he of Isstsame amr..r bast
year. toad
Meredith mention such a matter we q,nigee, one of the Bonapartist lead
take it that a man of common sense era sacs the Prince Napoleon has no fol- and confirmed.
would nut believe a statement so absurd, luwuag at all. Hia party consists of a Tho 1'rinciprAl s report for December
and we conclude that Mr. Meredith did few i11tivaate aax,ciates. Nut a general wa>. read, showing the numb_[ of pupils
not believe it. Why then did he men- ! „r regiment in the army would respond un roll 670-354 boys and 316 ri Is
average attendance, 516. Filed.
kccennts were read as follows: :Vans,
$1.50 ; Mar, fjr2. 50 ; S . R. McDoug .I I,
Janitor's sundries, $5.44. Ordered pud.
Were received from Mies j. McKenzie,
..regarding her appointment as teacher.
She bad accepted another appointeemt
at a hither salary, hut the chairman in-
sisted upon her complying with hur"first
agreement, and she relinquished the
second engagement, and 'notified the sec-
retary that she would be un hand at the
opening of the schools. Also from Miss
A. O. Bond. tending her resignation to
take effect March 31st. Accepted.
Fr S. R. M�Dougall, asking for in-
creased coil penaatien for work dur n7
Model Schools and Entrance Examine- 4
tins. Ino ecter Miller explained to .he
Board that complaints had been mide
that the janitor's duties were nut prop u'-
ly tilled, and he himself had ooserved
evidence of negligence. Referred to the
School Management Committee.
On motion of M. Ball,' seconded by
Mr. Swanson, the Contingent Committee
were authorized to open the tenders for
weed, and award thein as they deem pro-
The secretary was instructed to notify
Mr. Henry Haled that his agreement t,
supply 20 cords "f woad in accordant:
with tenders asked for in 1882 roust ba
The following resululiun, offered by
the special committer appointed on the
acceptance of Miss McMahon's resigna-
tiier.. was recd and adopted :
Whereas, the resignation of ►Hiss Mc-
Mahon has been acce ,ted by the Gode-
rich Model �dbool Beard. `
Therefore be it resolved. That the
members desire to express ,their regret
that on acc uit ' f personal and family
affliction pitch a c note was found to he
necessary They. further desire to ex-
press the very greet satisfaction which
tete services of Miss McMahon have given
to the trustees mid parents during the
17 years just closed. In parting with her,
all part with as faithful, energetic and
successful teacher, and the children Iona
» w.ir.n he _ted, devuterl, and sympa-
thetic friend.
In giving utterance to these regrets
the Board of Trustees hope that after
her resterati.'n to health they may be
again favored. with her services in the
work of educating the chi'dren of the
t twit .,f Godrric•h.
�1r. hall annt.uneed that complaints
nail been made t.! him that children made
but little improvement in their writing
eaprci.•lly in the Centre) School. He
himself was cif the opinion that this
branch was greatly netlecteti, for while
with public affairs here. Mention is in every other study and 11i general
'nide of the fact that salt existed all over management our G.wlerich reboots were
the country. notwithstanding which it emend to _!one in the Province, there
certainly should be more Mention paid
to writing.
sub-divisloas, an a lets s• -n to "
it that tl e lesson of the great Li) - the editorial columns of the Mail for ing to d.,dge the real point at issue, and' among the artizan clans, antl the copies
garters of the
oral Convention, so far as organi-
zation is concerned, ht.s lxune
fruit is their ca-vt•.
Men of West Huron, .las up and
doing, for the'time for that Work
which is going to carry the next
election is even Now. Don't rest
on your, oars in the belief that
Ross can be easilyelected without
hearty and united effort. Work,
every man of you, to swell the ma-
jority, so that utter rout will be
the portion, of your adversaries.
'You have the good cause to nerve
you ; yon have the able candidate
to lead you on to victory ; it re-, poses of the campaign.
mains with you -every man of
you—to determine that the organ- THE Montreal authorities are claiming
ization is perfect, to make the vic-
taxes from the Temple Immanuel, al -
tory decisive. To your work, then,.
at once, gentlemen. and Organize'
Organize ' ' Organize '
Prince tttce stout`winter, the lsteet lseing that of Mr wet
u -t nv, - � he intended t..
overthrow the Republic. A11 he wanted Deu°Lst and Mies Christina Matheson,
was to ascertain by means of the phew -
stile what the people thought of it. He
anticipated expulsion but not imprison-
ment. He was glad the Minister order
hath of Ashti.ld. We wish the happy
pair eveir success in life.
!Recitals of Wettest Beard.
EVEN on so vexed a question as the
Streams Bill the rival leaders of political
thought find time' and occasion to in-
dulge in a little pleasantry. . A report
of the debate on . that natter in the
Houde ow Tuesday, informs us that
when the Speaker` first called, for -the
yeas and nay., Mr. Pardee inadvertent-
ly gave his vote with .the yeas, of course
rectifying his error when his name was
called in course of the division. When
the result - had + been announced, Mr.
Merodith rose with great solemnity, hav-
ing a volume of statutes in his hand, and
proposed that 'the Commissioner of
C Lands' to should tie added to
though churches are exempted by law
from taxation. It 11 claimed that a
bazaar was lately held within the pre-
cincts of the buildiug ler profit, and. that
in order to escape taxation the edifice
should be used exclusively for the wor-
ship of God. The case will come into
the courts, and will be watched with in-
terest. et e believe the time is not far
distant when church property will be
taxed just the same as any other- The
poorer the .congregation, the lighter the
taxes will be.
THE Premier of Quebec. may be able 1
to get Sir John to obey him, but he
wouldn't pass muster as a letter writer
in Ontario. The following " hull '' is
one of the richest things ever penned by
a Government official, and is ,causing
much amusement in political circles :—
_own vo Sir —At the request of a number of
that of the minority. It had been laid I influential Conservatives of your place,
I have appointed you Justice of the
Peace for your parish. This is a mark
of esteem considerable enough, but it to
only a alight reward _fur the services ) uu
have rendered the Conservative cause.
As I have been informed that a certain
number of those whom I have raised to
the Position of J. P. are dead and fncried,
you will be kind enough to let me know
down, ho said, that the voice of a mem-
ber was to be taken in preference to his
vote, and he read an instance to the
point. Nor could the hon. gentleman
shelter himself by the plea of having
made a mistake, continued Mr. Mere-
dith, for it had already been decided
that in such a case the vote must count before ten days whether you are deed
as first given. He instanced the case of nr rrlitr. In cats you du not reply with -
a member of perliament, who in 1843 in the next ten days you will he conoid•
called out inadvertently, "the Noes have tired as being dead, and another person
it,"and who afterwards voted and went will be appointed in your stead.
Yours truly,
out. into the lobby with the ''ayes," but Signed) 1. A. Dlottasgic.
whose vote was nevertheless counted in Attorney -General.
accordance with his first �expreesiee.
The House laughed heartily at the
solemn burleeit'e, and Mr. Pardee re-
torted • rather neatly that all he had
done in the matter wag to change his
mind, just as the hon. metyher from
Lonunn had done ja the Boundary
award. 1
(lee a contemporary the .Guelph _Mir -
eery points out that the Ontario Govern -
went has always been the true friend (if
the municipalities. It says :—Muticipal
government finds a warm friend in Mr.
Mewat. it was his Administration that
relieved the municipalities of -so much
of their debt, and expended a large per -
tion "fits surplus in municipal improve-
ments, done under the direction of the
local councils. Wirth such to record it is
the wildest folly to speak of the Mowat
Government desiring to certail the pri•
vileges •.f municipalities. “Homo rule"
is a goad motto in every style ef Govern-
Telmer, if'orid :41 -The Mowat . Gov-
ernment need no better fighting ground,
and the resent by-elections are proof of
the fact. They will in, this contest have
in their favor: (1) the moral'aentiutent
of the community, which does not want
and will not tolerate the slightest relaxa-
tion in the regulations affecting the
liquor traffic ; (2) the active sentiment of
the temperance workers who prefer a
good license law to a lax ono, and regard
the Crooks act as an excellent vantage
ground from which to fight ; (3) a large
contingent -,f the licensed vendors them-
selves, who have a proprietory and finan-
cial interest in keeping the law substan-
tially as it is, and (4) the sympathy id
all --and their tame is legion who do
not want to see 'the provintial legisla-
tures shorn i,f'any of their powers,
whether by direct spoliation, as in the
case of the streams hill, or under cover
101 the ehtter diatom of some cru: t of law
whether the supreme coati. at Ottawa or
Ter recent dce+.u,n of the Supremethe imperial privy council.
Court on the McLaren case has nothing Wa soil-heir—
tillhear a lot of stuff atom the
to .poo with Rivers and Streams hill, return of the licensing',ewer to the inu-
unless to 'thew the need of such a Bill.
niciptlitite Apart from the fact that
The Judges decided the eerie on the eh' the municipalitjes du nut want the pew -
law, and the Bill was net in any way I bo-er the great advantage . f the present
we Are speaking Within bounds fore the court. as it had been disallowed
system it tee. apgatettt to warrant so
when we Mate that no ilnetnber oil by the Dominion government. Thal re": a ode • step. There waa •time
OK11a/r of the Houseis inure nucha Bili is needed, nee intelligent sed wteu the nom tcipaluies had that
htirtest 0111511 .it will yet be ., power," and we all know the rrlarais-
thoruughly r[ AlR('tt el, not only by faw, when ,`-_14"..1."3-.,111_' sows that she u
lies friends. phut by thot:c who d)f- tsar out her esu factory state of affairs then. 1?nlieens
b and . to :,eke .misl qn gRerra w' -r • A.'nn,hing erery-
fer from him politiclaty, than the ',,,atutea
ea where there was practically no cheek on
able n lire .'tltRtiv't of ` root Hu- Tux Mn1 has been esttglit w an..th• r the sal. of liquor. the insps' ting was a
ronc"ntemtltible-falseh•>•>'l. it recently fart_. and the money paid for that work
The third teem -ire for earrving(stated that seven of the dI delegates from was looted upon as utterly wasted. Or
a, cm>,titue 'u''e -- 'sin. ing a thorough
organization - i•. i e Alai_. • the
ntO?t nece$te1ry sof all. Mostar. 1•v
Win/jeer not ons was . a liquor dealer. !tit persecution at the handiest( the law-
iiis gets d tkflminivtrAtive yuali.ties
T4l,I/Ai' can pot more fiction into its Iereaiinq liquor dealer .and him friends.
Inv inspire tllositletrt,t Rt**.hy eanapelgn articles thso atty other ieapnr Now that license iuspect'.rs ars salaried
Fitt it all .t+ , ,' i ,.,,ry,r1' 'in i'ttnarfr
Windier to the late Ref,'tnt Convention ea.iowally 3 ze.lo0$ inspect, r world a'.
were holders of licenses. it now tarns tempt to 'bo hitt duty, hat he did it ::t
out that of the urate delegates from the tisk of bodily injury. and a certainty
non it ? Mr. Mills had investigated the
subject on behalf of Ontario before he
became a stember of Mr. Mackenzie's
Cabinet. But what impression did Mr.
Meredith wish to Convey? Was it that
Mr. Mills had favored Ontario 1 o>tthat
Mr. Mowat had favored the Doininion ?
Mr. Meredith seeks to insinuate that the
arbitration was sham ; that Mr. Mowat
and Mr. Mills had arranged beforehand
what the decision should he ; and that
the cause of one of the parties was be-
trayed. 'But .does nut Mr. Meredith
see what he is doing for himself when he
is Inking this insinuation 1 Mr. Mere-
dith intimates that the other Provinces
have to be dissatisfied. Why t Be-
cause two Ontario glen had deter-
mined what the boundary should be,
and by this improper preceeding bad
secured for Ontario what does nut be-
long to her. So, then, Mr. Meredith,
by his accusation of others, exhibits his
own real position. The Detninion was
betrayed and the arbitration is a fraud
cpon the ether Provinces. lt'hen did against Cathnlicg, a monarchist n•stera-
)►Ir. Meredith _scutes this new light ? tion may be quite possible.
to his appeal, and had not the (luvern-
ment committed the mistake of at root
ing him, in a week the manifest' would
be forgotten. Victor, on the contrary,
has a large section of the army devoted
to him and ready to act.
Ruuher nays Napoleon took the step
without previous consultation with the
party. Rocher is convinced the mani-
fest. yell wake an excellent impression
upon the rural population. He says the
peasantry muster twenty eight trillion
against eight millions vs town. If they
hold first to our cause the Republic
sooner or later is doomed.
Cassagnac seems pleased at the Prince's
arrest and says he will make a deolereteiii
in theChamber repudiatinitall cot, fleet ion
with him. Cassagoac also thinks the
Republic is loft.
Jules Sinwt does not believe any im-
minent danger threatens the Republic.
No pretender would have chance yet,
though a couple of years hence, unless
the Republic ceases its impolitic war
From what source was it obtained? We
have here, then, Mr. Meredith's reason
fur wisaine faith broken and a new trial
had. But 31r, Meredith thinks we may
get more territory. Why does Mr.
Meredith think so ? Is it because of
Sir John's contention that he has includ-
ed Prince Arthur's Landing in Manito-
ba ? Is it because of Mr. Mouaseau's
view ? Is it because .,f Mr. Dawson's
report ? Mr. Meredith is in name, at
least, tho leader of a party. He owes
to his fullewers and to the country to
tell them the steps by which he has
reached the conclusion that Ontario, will
I gain by re -opening the question. The
question was regularly reterred to arbi-
tintion, and faith has been broken.
Why ? Because it is said Ontario has
got too much ; not because she has got
too little. But suppose what has been
done was reaffirmed, or suppose a still
greater area should be awarded ihntario.
What assurance have we that the same
men will not break faith again ? Will
Mr. Manson or Mr. Muuaseau be any
better satisfied ? Will they abandon
their demand for what they call an equi-
valent ? Mr. Meredith known right well
they would not. He knows right well
that the arbitration was perfectly regu-
lar. He knows that what is wanted is
the dismemberment of Ontario, and that
he weakly abdicated his functions as a
leader, and deserted the cause of his
Province, to its injury and his own, to
retain for 6ir John the continuance. of
Bleu support. .
We do not boldder*elvesresponsible for the
opinions et our Corr•espoodents. Contribw
ten to this departmeat must confine them
selves to public creations, and he brit i
A card risme Port %facet.
To the Editor of The Tintonttianal.
SIM — in the last iasne of the Goclerich
Star, there appeared a letter, written by
nn anonymous correspondent from this
place. In that letter, certain s'ricturis
were passed nts,n the utterances of an-
other person from hero, who had an ar-
ticle in the last ieene, but one, of THE
SIGNAL, signed -order." 1 have been led
to believe that 1, smog( ethos. have the
honor ascribed to roe, by. some of the
readers of reit teiwapaper, el being the
author o1 the letter in the Nits. .1 el -
way. Rea, Ice, *ever, eonseientions scrup-
les eh/tit tempting an unmerited hon -or,
and, to 1 have n' t rid of those wimples
Tet, 1 wi.), to make 511 explanation, to
Cas. my e• rsiience 1 wish to say that
i disclaim the ho nor of being the writer
of the article in question, that 1•. sseistel
no other person diteet1l yr Adireetly in
the writes of it, •itla'That i had not the
slight ten does tout their use utast a fetter,
until i saw it in the !;tor, newspaper.
Thos rnbhis5 wry self of moms literary
notoriety, i r ttsi!t. ttir, with thanks
for the *pane &lbw,'1 me, Youro bitty,
r. r Yortrn.
...._ s
An old !,erne.
Mfr. Arnistreni;, collector of customs,
has leaned us "The Royal Cullendar of
Upper Canada for 1839,' and we gather
a few ft.et: therefr'nl that may prove of
interest at this tiine. Huron was then
represented in Parliament by Mr. R. l;.
Dunlop, n person whose name is familar
to some of the ..id residents here. Mr.
John Galt was collector t,f customs at
"Port Goderich.- This part of the
country was then grouped with the Lon-
don district, which embraced Oxford,
Middlesex, Perth, Bru.e and Hite -11,
and in all thia neaten, outside of Louden,
there were only etyma 160 houses of any
description. Colborne was then credited
with a total population of 2419. Goderich
t• wnship, 562; Stanley and Tuckersn+ith
are not credited w ith any pepulatine,
although those four townships are the
oily ones recognized as worthy of notice
in Huron at that time. A letter fron
Toronto to Goderich then cont ninepe•ric •,
and for a distance equal to Winnipeg, 3s.
Among the list of lithe.. rs of the "Regi-
ments of Huron," appear such familiar
names a : - Dan. Listing, Thomas Kidd,
Ben. Nilson, D. N. Ritchie, H. Rahn -
ford, E Hanley, :V. Adams,tn, I. Adam-
son, Hugh Montgomery was the oily
Methodist "missionary. in ,ill the (lode -
rich district, and J. Campbell. of the
Epiacooal church. was • the only ether
minister In the list .d barristers
practising in i'pper Canada apogees the
name of Wm. Cayley, who afterwards
became somewhat noted in cenueetion
sometimes s,Id nt from $10. to $15 a
bushel. In 1829. te.i years before, He-
nn had only four families within its The cation. wtemhers of the B and ex -
limit.. Forty-four years have made a pressed their agreement with these ..pin -
great change in this county, and these ions, and other cempleinte were cited wt
wh.,oe memory came. them lack that the same subject
far, will rt-alv.n the vast improvements Inspector Miller said this was acoem-
that ener''v and enterprise hare accom- plaint frequently heard, and the ditii
'dished. The abnanee ,',.ntains thea enity seemed to be in requiring the 1 upils
somewhat oaressti" paragraph, which we
grate in full - "Guderich must, ere
lone, become it plsce of vast trade and
importance : and, in the nest Parliament,
its poprhtton w -it! entitle it ter return
two moorhen t . the Letislattire. puranwi; and farther, in the examine -
!New Ets. 1341113 a 01105 wu reunt«l at s. low a per
t ' write dean spelling and other exec
cities, which neceseanly heing done in a
hurry eneo,nragt•d carel'ewa writing on the
part of the children This was inevitable
while therein/bent number of stsdiee were
certage, as eompared with other subjects
that teachers were e'mp•ellecf,in ,trtrr to
w e are acted to learn that Mrs. Mtti;ann
obtain regatta expected from them, to
of the Commercial Road, Las quite re-
cov• r••.1 frail the e`fecte o1 her late ill-
Your c'rrespendent here wo111e1 like to
know if it was it bonnie lassie who re•
nae.ted the esteemed chronicler of pub -
devote less attention .o antic( than
would othtrwt•e iso shin While arith-
metic counted as 100 in these papers,
writing cc/ante/1 as hot 20. Ho believed.
bowerer, that every teacher was doing
the hest p.essilde order these eircum-
he d'.in,ta in Pott Alb* t to pop the **nee'
questi,m .mens the geese and decks lay- The matter va. ;natter discussed,
Mg at this point' Il. can inform the °rob seleehsr of the B tont heing of ^pin -
cations damsel that she will be kept duly ion that there *heel(' he increased atter
p tstetl as to the Ant evg'. and we rho tad lien 1AM to the atedy o1 writing, even
expect to hair of the hyperborean reyinti it time had to he taken from Aber
of 1Pare ttheet twinge- spit hrefeore li:a.ter tranches
wasters il►<-,M r•.