HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-19, Page 1I THIRTY-FIFTH 11:AR , WROLJ. NUMBER :x;4 GOI)ERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1883. v GENM INTELLIGEN Md3.801 A alit IINaADVANC=.a" New eivertir treats. Dog Last. - John Oak. Allan Lao. -R. Armstrong. Farm for Malo. -W. Leddy. See the eremite -al i• Ste w art. Came os the Premises. - W . Led Agricultural implements. G. A. High Court of Justice. --tl. Malmo 8trayeb Animals. CAME ON THE PRI:KIti�e OF the subscriber. &tout Om bsrsslat of theoloer, lite • ied bmoles oles we years dy•old. The owner brequested tomove ppeeevppeer Rm, 17 sad take the aatal away. W M. *EDDY, 14 e3 nth eon., West \Vawanuah, Itanpanon, mann. P.O. 1171Jt. Dentistry. 11I NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - ...L TI4T. 0Iles sad real lent*. West Street tea dsors ►Sow Bank of Montreal. 1 ede- Zhe People's *Column DOG LOST. - THE SUBSCRIBER tat a coda, [tag ►ea Tu.sda7,16a b late. A* pet Information leading to her rmyeverg • will be amiably J011136 Y& Colbor*e. 1171. ARM FOR BALL -THAT VAL- V AfLE tares, known ss let M. 1 sea. sat Wswswh. oostabeina same 810 awes IJe dears% 11 sons of bt ok Soh, aad iM bai- ami la other bard ber , well*. oto•, s■ W gelwemrssod abs tterhame �ee age'eliof re�etof�eYs�etWeY�a�am.�.This eweAppls � mL sUrem tWW. LZDDY,- Dasgsanoa. P. O. SERVANT WANTED. - A GOOD STAY eeratst to go to Port Grrttot dur- lag ILe meati To n omni *tent per- son wadeswill be given. Apply to ars. J!p TON, Tratdgsret. 1373. CON THE PREM1idE8 OF Subscriber Most the Ma of December. A )ori tow. Durhagrey color. weds t toll. Thm cher The owner r resisted to prove peo�or tr, i••> rhacpe and take It away. CHA$ BLAKE. tut lti Huroa Road `yTRAYE.' FROM THE PKISMllllCg kY of the sttbecriber. abed ibe middle of October. • large otter. Parked m toat time betee,-u the p.n b.,ne a.,d romp tbo fair be- lay elag cut In twee platws. Any information lead- ing to it, recovery will bee tawaedsd. Iu0HCR r McLEA N. butt . Uodertck. Loans arab insurance. MONEY.-PRIVAT* FUNDS TO loud en mei terse le moss to snit bur- rowers. Ariz M cI ALux. Gedertob. Nev. 171.1i 1161. 16i11t.. tt►f5OO,000 To LOAN. APPLY TO 'P CAMERON, IIOLT fL CAMERON. (lode - tole US11. $75,000 TO LIND ON REAL Z8- �\vv TATE. IIOYLTerms meemble. Apply to 1171 L. 450,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LKND on good Parra or Bret -dale ?owe Property • t , per oast. Aooly to R. R ADCLIFPK. 1781 UNEY TO LEND IN Ali 1ttwoaat term borrowers & t $. y per NOTICE, osat. Palate fends- Apply m Naomi and llowrom Oederfoh, The column ot the corporation of the coot..y #CON ` EY TA LRND. --A L A R U E d Karoo will meet is tate Coati u."" TSW\tg 004"":„. oa Tee.", the itdrd ,Jas- I AL amount of Privet. Funds for lave:11110nt vt lowest rata on gest-lams Mortgages. Apply to OARROW t PROUDF00'r. SW. UM All s000wu against the Council o ne be oast la before the lest ss•elon of the � day ot Clerk. 73-9t. PETER AU )3-91. FOR SALE. A gilt oleos brick be miler under the whsle yea, sad It sores land on (he Bay - Seed n�•ssdd,, ,Pod [bare is • Rood stable and drlvieg.ed.kad toad nett water on the prem - well laid out ; aloe • ant elms % mares ares 7 yeon old in foal Iter �ar�pel�rs apply las on the pram s or tea 8esert ere oeder1 h Poe.drr. 187111. &usIC. 110W Skimmings id rop•red to receive a ltasWd cumber of pu after the Xmas bd. 1 ter bestruouon Vocal and Instrumea- tel Mo. Terms, 96 per quarter to Memos. Jas. felt. 10) 1)7L8t. PIANO FOR SALE. -I AM IN- BTRUOTEI) to receive offers for the pe obaoe of a sevenootave riteinway Piano. D owel Mn. Thos. Andrews. Intending pur- chasers may refer to Prot. Ire I'eudry, who Ma raleNewman who has made r • oepeeist trtsl sad Isepectloe of the same. J. C. CUR - RIZ. The People's Auotloneer. 1)71. NOTICE. The Annual Merton. of the West Ft !ding of Heron Agricultural :icor ety, wolf be held to the Corot House. (lod^-Ich on Wednesday. Jas. 17, '01 at 1:00 o'clo•• . 0. m., for the purpose o freodving the annual report of the direc- tors, electing directorsaad office -1 or the sh- ills. year, and other business. .+.+on Vl&rooe, aricretsry. $25CASHCWILLApply PURat 1613 pencCHASE e.A Good sttar- FOR SALE.Mrs. Nolan - following ere*erry in he town toeOooddertcb. e the Iot177. theorem half of lot 17.5 and the west half of lot 19L There 1. a story end • half frame house In geed repair, 12 room ant Michele good .toss ostler. bard and soft water. Terms may. Fey farther particulars apply to Z. CAMPION, Sel *iter. O aerie's 11170..M. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lead at lowed rates, fres tit say oat. or Charge*. SRAOI.R & MORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. Godorioh. Yard March Ml. 1779. Q90,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LINiD os Tars and Town y at lowest la - charged. Mortgagee pare M (7 -. loo Conveyancing ere real -moble. N. B --Harrowers oaa deals meas la ens da it title r tsatfahscteryDAVIOON & JOHN 91.014.•1eaerlstaw. tel. °Morton. 1751 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Lie uA AooH•st Iseersaoe Agent. Representing erstehasaduManles. Abe agent for the CANADA Les U'reaa vaaecZ Co. Money to lead on Moetgs e. in Town in Varnaborrow- er. ORM-AIMes a RMav'S Meek OMe cal. NOTICE TO DEfTORS--Ni PICE IS hereby atria tam all parer, lodrhted to tM esiplea by Me K book '•.-eo i •t t are eeg■eded M Mfr We same et owe and there - h9 we as satires* oelleotloa. I meas bs•1- *saa AOtLLLx_ 10111111. ism HOUSE, AND LOTS NOB. 39 AND TM comer ety rterla sad LA Saito. la M town of Reiertft.forear cheap, jbe sha lee farm prop.particulars skto1•s..tt•ta. Architect, dice Creels* or J. C. Omani. sadtesser- jj•OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1 rwdesos. maser H ttt.Wt roA•t sod Me- pory enTb. epp*site the RIORIOSthoot with kw.. r t. good with Legal. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ohiel's a' yo, burin' notes. Au' faith 1e71 great It." TOWN TOPICS. if you want the oboioe t brands .f good 11 y that sou can heartily rucommead w Lrad dont fall to get your supply from W. A meager centag to Ooderich 1. liable to Ise bothered b the Ly of the town, la analog ►es/sefle places, but everybody know* that R. we 13 the people's photograph gallery. If you want a prettr frame, lateet Maitre. twit at E. L. Johnston s photo gallery. mod 1f pictureyou ou want utthee oe ple. o. H. Roboutt� et call 'rer- oute, M•asger. The town fathers will towel to-uiglit. Mr. S. Papst left for Mi-higso on wl- nesdiy. Mr. James tirahgtii, the artist tra,.;l • ler, arrived on Monday cveuiug fo•w New Orleans Capt. and Mrs. Jackal", who s,.eut the *unmet• months at the Albion, et t now in Florida. We are glad to learn that Mrs. D.Mc- Dnnald, whuoe illness threats uotl to be terbium, is convalescent. Master Harry Watson, messenger, in the employ of Mr. Harry Armstrong, is laid up with a very aorere attack ( f cold. 1) C. MAXIS, i)LW(C)R Aa, 1 V ()Moo corner of the square and West Ooderich, uv er Butler's bookstove. money to heti at lowest rates of interest. LEWIS .t LBWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in , Chaaoery Re. 011ie in use (,curt Holme. Ouderieh. Ins Lewis. M.A., B.C.L 1 , N. Lewis. 1a80. CARROW & PROUDFOOT, BA R T RISTERS. AtseAa7e. 8alioltor% etc Guderiob. J. T. Osrrew. W. Preidfoa. 173 B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Auorre'. SoUcttor in (Amnesty. ta, Ooderiob. Oat. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TERS, /ice., km. Ooderieb and Wl &aa C. 8sager Jr.. 13ed*Ncb, J. A. Morton, iWW tag ham. 1. CAMERI)N, HOLT & CAM*RON, Barristers, solicitors In Cbanorry,' &c. /eidetic!' anti tC e.rhant. M. C. Cameros, 11 C.: P. ono. t1, tt. omicron, Goderfob. W. 1I*e►ro. Wir ham. 17)1. Mr. Wm. Lanham, waduh..ker, is Foa iftasiros•.-tsatsrday at noon ettapioyed ins jewelry estahhe' homes in James Gordon, son Of Mr. D. Gordon, Gt.ad Forks, Dakota. His employer returued w W' •its Safra by showed leis appreciation of bis services his brother Marshall ( ee, George b presenting hint with a gold watch at Porter (late of Sheppard's) and Chanes Christina*. Will. These young taro leave for the A SAD trrut'ri 't. -- Mr. Win, J tat- North-west'tull of hops, and followed son, of Doti-, it, brother of owl. townsman by the good wishes of many friuuda in E. R. Wat.•.n, aim formerly of U, dt Goderich. A. Gosling, who started ori rich, hu met with a ore boreivetuent in &heel. ie to meet them at Flint, Mich. the loss .4 three of his childrttu e ithin A BICYCLua THsow0 sY • Reeser. - two weeks, from. diphtheri.. The blow The following item will be of interest to is indeed a heavy nue. our local knights of the wheel tad their Father L-un•.ut, :, veter.ii poetic. adrntrere: --Bicycle riders meet with out reecho(' at St. Peror . •et Jou I,y list. mishaps, A Fingal wheehnan had a re - The text ..f the .l.v, " 1u•t they .halt me •kable one the (Other day. While roll His risme Jeatis,'• e..'ied• front the going down Fetcher's hill at*borer itsof aged clergyman, the moat t..nu'tioz pr. .•.fr speed, a rabbit running across the nail that every knee *hood bort 14 t:10 111.011- became entangled in the large wheel and tion of that sobered 110 1/10. the serious finally clogged the spokes w as to bring illness of Arts. Warnock, F•it',-. Lon- the 'cycle t.. a sudden halt. The rabbit ..111'4 41114x.. nut, suet 11 . u 1 ., a to was killed and the rider thrown to the G(derioh. grimed. Mies Oliver retuned on Tumid*. to Tag lhoossiea Caoa•1. Unto,. -.A resume her ditties sob teacher III the Hugh tottsical society, to be known as the G•M' school. We are gla.1 to Iearu that the *rich Choral Uwoo, was organised I.t.t statement made taut week as too the 1tat- Monday evening, with the following ot- ure of herr illn,tss w.I, int .ern t. She fifers : President, 8. P. Halls ; secy. - had to dos weld deal of extra school trews., R. 8 Williams. committee -H. work during the later part of December, Rothwell, G. Z. Robson and T. Hender- and was ether "run down," hut rust sod son. The committee of ruanagentont a change .d scene has restored her to a was instructed to bring in their report fair state , he at h again. Miss 4 niter on Friday evening, 19th inst. The next is an efficimit teacher, and w.' oro glad meeting of the Choral Union will he th•t her •,rvices have been :,...'ired for held on Tuesday, Jan. 43rd, after which the full term regular practices will be held on Mon - Mr. W. Ralph, who has been in De- troit, fur some time, is now on • visit to his home preparatory to nr:tking a north west trip. We regret to learn tlit.t Rev. R. W. Leitch, of Duuriunoutissivottetvtl by Mt attack of diphtheria. \\ e Ito.- to hero of lila speedy- rec o '. . Mr. M. Welsh, private secretary to the Hon. John Costigan, Inland Revenue Inspector of Ottawa, was the guest of Rev. Father Watters this week. Rev. John IVakefield, of the North 8t- Methodist Church, although still confined to the house, is, we are pleased to learn, progressing favorably Mr. Geo. Sheppard, of the Huron School Book depot, has hired the skat- ing rink fur Saturday, and will treat the school children to free admission on that day. Says the Wiarton Echo.: -Mr. J. at J. Kidd's saw twill is running day and night to fill orders. Lumber, shingles, lath, tic., are being shipped by rail every day. It u not to, late to subscribe for THs Siexai_ The back numbers of the paper with the beginning of ''Fire and Sword" may be obtained at the office. Tell this to your friends who may want to sub- scribe. • The cantata - of Immanuel will he repeated at the teameet- meeting in the North St. Methodist Church on Monday evening next. All lovers of good music should not 'fail to attend. Our sprightly cotemporary the Wing - hat Times, u still improving, and is the nest paper byfar in the Junction 'City. Our friends Edwards and Wiley should be generntisly supported by the Wing- hamites. 1NBU tItAr CI CARD. BRITISH AS& CO'T, Toaotr'ro-EataU13ke PU(E IX I�Nt OO`Y, of Lonna (Magfaad) H ARTTORD M1,.� .sof [Islamise. Com ahbiliehed Rieke taZAMA kes•1410 ■ORno ilm•6 MC � eel et �� 13 oleo Appr,Ner for the CANADA P0)I.LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Torawvo. Mone> to Lout os lestMos security. rom T w a per Cent.-G'bargesW Rd � HORTON. Coder -h Sept. 1), Milk two Rysge how and sable sarepair d ether out o The garden Is will sleeked with ;reit trees. grape room- obnDKf to� R ii. OOfi S. Per term apply to Devise. A' Joha,too. Barristers. Mast IA ISS 18S N=TTIE BEEOKILLER, dw*M 1. mac imam �, Sad ►svl91 re- ttr.►� VIZ; waive . tlM1ad ■ h,v ,sinew.. Mies r to take enters ter Oeufe■ sag R� tioe isurger Qac bat POR SALE OR TO RENT --THAT ,,.JTall s teles ewes �ad Of e,wt h eoia4Me 'roe oe •• et lewd. is odlPrismereed ter tole f to rest - Sleek le Mew aM sew pe rmit*er he. ether beoM i55sbwheel' wilMin year.l yrs W sale t*wtlea /.mPtlr wet* bait of W!Lb sea t. D. AsheeM ; .il rad ; two m.a.m�. Wawa The Ise two wed tee tle1)1?tam11 d se. � DP. tp,11 Gn=detr►nsldos. o s w a„ s• labor. 8t1Mr � � $tdlo*Aulfl, s. Da.. PHTEIC- Vi.R��xLam a* se SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Covlava or Roat.N, t Hy virtue of a Writ • To WIT 91e+r'1 P•o1•a heed eat el a Comity Cavort et tie Count, et.IMlam avid to me directed aag�&aiinut the eMdrsesesse of J AMLS SIR ACB AN, Y ••r•i a■d bakes 71s emulation 1.1 he Irigght.. title, Mee est Sad equity of redemption of the *bow. named d•tendamt, is sad 10 lot err Modred and meets twp OM itu to isty of Ube gr Tema of Oodertob 1. the o•stsing • dwelitag hews sad ese ewarter td M lore of load. more er 1esR mid sesurw"ileb • et three bundd rittdl, tas,sa,•r i shall ear tet favi at my Ir the rt 1'teerk1. 8 tea Tow,' tot Jo deewieh. es Tee day ser,. WM at the hoar of t welt* of the ,•bot, aro. ROBERT GIBBONS. 'sberif er Hare D>R Ycl.tiAlr, PHYSPCIAA, Dress NM* wooed dM „ es AVDP. Oesosior ha w tad it* Amt. OMID. ��AIL SUR - ahead, it [quire, (teder.rh Oct- 19tb. Imo. latinee AelilvULTUIIAL IYrl (SNT AosItCY.- dwf of each week: T 7e ndvertisemeut of the Sarnia Agri- Reinert Comelier. -We are glad to be cultural Impletuont Company appears in able to announce that a benefit concert another pullouts Mr. Oecr,►A Rosa, will be tendered Mr. Ben Armstrong in geaertl @goat, i.i1i- osei ill-, _' a uut t .` t Tentper,.tlt.S tf`ll '+n Friday P,vetitng wa; i-lt..use iti Goderich, :out is rens • ••.is to n ext the .lith teat we know of no one get agenld to push the Ale of the ma- more dentrisag. Mr. Armstrong when chines. The buildings of this company in health was always willing to Rive his here been erected since 1st 4 Se tuber services freely to town entertainments, last, and already they are into the work and his long ahem has given an addi- of ,nanufactete. Our rural readers tional clam to the patronage of the should see the implements. Mr. Ross public. We know that the management will be happy to make all needed ex- of the concert is in good hands, and we planation,. hope to hear of a Lull house. Some of STILL ox THE Roueos. -It is wonder- the beet talent in town will appear, and ful how some newspaper squibs live and every endeavor will be made to give full rn .ve. About four years ago we wrote a value to ticket -holders. Tickets can be little rhyme, "0, do not Pay the Print• had at the book -stores. er," and after travelling over the Conti• Warr RIDI:MO Am.. SO CI TT. -The an• Hent, and doing eerie in hundreds of tidal meeting of the Society was held county weeklies, it turned up fresh and yesterday. The report ,hewed that over fair in our neighbor the Blyth Review $1900,00 have been received during the last week. Of course it wasn't credited. ourrent year, and that there has been a But as it is not copyrighted, ourootemos balance on hand of $118.00 The fullow- are welcome to the "pone,' settee hope ing officers were elected for the current it will bear fruit. and bring in the dol- year. Mr. Win. Young President. lar, for them. Mr. Hurnprey Snell 1st Vice President, EDUc1TION•1.-The Woodstock tient[- Nr Wm. J. Hayden 2nd Vete President, rtel heehaw says :-Mr. A. 0. Taylor has Ment. J. J. Fisher, John V'arote, R. severed his connection with the Ingersoll 11, Scott, Patrick Carroll. jsm s.Storart, Public School, having accepted the situ- John G1eu,Culborne,Robt.Medd, Wawa- nosh, of Second blaster of the Provincial ntrh. C. J. S. Neftel Goderich Tp. Normal School at Ottawa, at a salary noff Stephen Andrew., Godericil, Directors. $l i� bilyi aro Mr.Taylor is1YWo Messrs Wm. Campbell and Archibald Y highpromise. Dickson, Auditoot• lair. John Varcoe, h.r. just had the opportunity of lookingSecretary and R. B. Scott, Treasurer rot, a volume of poems published bCALL AnuerrJD. -The Ingersoll Ne. t, hitn. Many of them posses very highthus refers to a young minister who merit, and give indication of a genius preached several sermons in Goderich that will do honor to Canada. We wish during the summer of 1881. -Rev. P. R. Mr. Taylor success in his new position. Roes, of Cot,-de-Neiges, Montreal, has And so does Toe Sioxat. accepted the call to Knox Church, Inger- 8. S. Coxv•ltrrion.--Great prepare -'Oil, and will be inducted the 30th of tions are being made for the anus} eon• the present month. The call was an in- vention of the County of Huron 8. 8. uiimous one, s1 far as we can learn, and Association, to be held in Exeter OD we congratulate the congregation of Wednesday and Thursday, 14th and 15th Knox Church on being fortunate to recur- ef February. A splendid programme rat Mr. Stop, bo is well known u nue hat been arranged, and u the Association of the m rat ef�cient minister in the is tion -sectarian, the beet talent of the Presbyterian Church. (:oder Mr. Rosi county has been secured to introduce the guidance and tnstruotuon, we may ecceyt various subjects. Every school in the 1., tee the congregation of Knox Church, county is requested to send at least two ing•rvull, one of the largest and most deleeettes, and more will be made wet- influential bodies of thar denomination ,,one. Schools which have not received in this section, The con2retfiatiun is *1- hlank form, for reports ten get them by ready a large one. and will no doubt in- dn.ppieg a card t,. J. C. Stevenson, crease in numbers. rapidly with Mr. Secretary, of Clinton, who will also be Ross es pastor The salary is $1,200 [dossed to forward a copy of the pro- We Ptrsl.I.; slop THE. NgwsrArJR.+.-- grao.me to Any pester, supenntvndent An ter -haute hits the thing nil pretty or eenretary i4 a Sunday echo . i in the well in the following lines . -Never cuu,ity. growl because a neerepaper fails to give ,every weep 4 sets, so long as you take 0DD,sLtdlwA. - rho officers elect for no pains to give the editor information. Clinton Ledge No. 83, were installed on The average editor u not a medium or a e• Tbday evening 9th ins[., by Mr. F. mind reader, bat gets his news Jett the W. Johnston, of Ooderioh, &mated by same as the milkman gets his milk ---by Mr. R Matthews. After the 0. *esesy pumping. This list few words aro hard Aver the brethren, s000mpeand by oa ch. a.dkllaan; no matter, they express about twenty-five from G<derioh, repeat- the idea. Moot people desire to reed all d to Anderson's Oyster Parlors, whore a the happening, 4 their locality in the sapper had been propene', to which am I, cal paper. but it never strikes :tem pie luetiee was done. Mr Joh*Mon oto, that the people they like to read about then voted to the Asir, and the evening may ho as unwilling to impart to the p "multi)! ,pent in the usual csanner. newspaper man the necsseery informs- Moon- mat thaw* and Smith, of God.- tion as they tooatmo time ie their five ich, sad J. Smith. of (Nirtne, deliver- ham bee,, „ho. connected with .,r hay. ed short addretmee on the Of** and ex- inr knowledge of an oncurericr •,f inter- act of (ld-lfellows, Kr. JohiiMea sp)t, est Ws verily believe that the ntaje.rity .o the the toast of the legal probuson, of w•w•pPen readers imagine that "a Nrnars. T. White and Marian Itub laird' brings all the news to theea- the (.1051 al the hila*. Voo■I it..rtd sait►otsm .music br supplied by Mr. W. Jaaew - vew Era DB. bili ON DANCING. Tae raped ed <sex C■wtrelZewerw a daeaslema es tae tN$t►8rn$. Oa the evening of the first Sabbath of the year, Dr. 17re selected for hie text Luke 19, 40 :-"Be ye therefore ready also : for the Son of mai cometh at an hour when ye think nut. ' The theme of the discourse wau the duty of daily preparation fur the coming of Christ. Chu naoutenteus event as explained in the oboe of the sermon, and urged as a unitive for compliance with the duty, was one in which every person had a direct and an individual interest, since fru each it was s thing aha •lately ter tate in itself, &ad altogether uncertain es to the time of it. For .'very man, death was, in pint of result, equivalent to Christ's second coning, because, fur each ono, death meant not only the end (tf the world, bat likewise the detsr'mi nation of his ounditwn for eternity pre- cisely as it shall be openly declared tea be at the great and general este. The preparation for this coming as enjoined in the text was an actual es distinguish- ed from an habitual one. Habitual pre- paration meant the converted este tom mon to all believers, the chenge in con diton and charioteer brought about by saving faith in Christ, which secured their safety. Actual preparation on the other hand Isy in the faithful perform ante of the duties arising, out of our saving relationship to Christ, duties, the observance of which was essential to our growth in grace, to our meeting death in triumph, and our attainment of the higher posttiol.1 in alert reserved 1..r those who imp -ort to the theft advantage the ta''ents entrusted to then[ by their at present absent Lord. These duties were figuratively described in verses 35 and 36, "Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning, and ye your selves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he will return from the wedding." This exhortation impresses w with the necessity of daily attending, by the help of divine grace, to three throes : We are daily to lay aside all impediments to progress in the divine life,; daily to keep in' exercise our Christian graces; and daily to use vigi- lance and prayer in guarding against the temptations of the great adversary. We give the substance of what was advanced on the first of these points iti which reference was made to the impor- tant principle that should guido all in the matter of amusements. Those whom our Lord addressed usually ware loose, flow - ing garnte tta, and when work had to bo done these had either to be laid aside or gathered together in folds and girded close about them. In allusion to thin our Lord says to his followers, " Let your loins he girded about ;" remove every thing out of your way that would hinder yuu in your Christian work. What were the hindrances here referred to They were of two sorts : the one, consuhn,. of thing* in themselves sinful, such se unbelief, world worship, self worship[, "r pride of heart and those forbidder lusts of the flesh which the apostle Peter descrthee as warring sgainat the sent ; the other were to be found in things in themselves indifferent or legiti- mate which Wright nevertheless in pro: - ties be found in the cases of some to operate injuriously to spiritual life. He did net mean to include men's secular millings ,.r wor1i 1y relationships, out Of which .erit us trials to• faith might often *nee. Thee were divinely ap- pointed conditions, and' if the crosses that spring front them were willingly taken up we would by•and-byte find our selves not weakened but strengthened by thou. He referred not to throe, but to things pleasant and attractive, and in their nwn nature perfectly innoxent or lawful, but which, either from the sem- cisterns connected with them, or their unsuitableness to our temperaments, or to the immaturity of our Christian er - perience. become snares to conscience. He had been asked, for example, more than once by young friends • ',NAT 41 THnt'ONT or $*NCINO ? and his gnawer had been that no one could decide in matter of this sort for another. What mightl'e safe tor ons might be injurious to another. The general law applicable to all such ques- tions and capable. if honestly followed, of settling thea[ all, not for others cwt for ourselves, t0 that whatever on ewe - trace is found to wound c,necienoe and prevent communion with God is, at what ever c.et o1 self-denial, too be avoided. Any f••rn of amusement which you cart enjoy. and fur which ems curl hive God thanks, y..0 may awing se His gifts and we with His blessing tie long ea you use without .hn,ing them. He, however! H.r'rnvLvuaim N.. tt .. Thr an• earnestly ,•aln•rted his hearer• etsl nasal teeming of o Horticultural M•.ci. ss:'t'c.&Uy the y••uttg among them te sty was held .•n the lith Owe mos, a .t ay"tri ug, n•o aher u - ditTerenteterit thintgiht rte, main tter itself, thatowevcause bet wren them and their cited, and tfil.y nit tilt depen,i upon tneir being stile to 10 this cheerfully if they only I.eike.i to Christ for the help so freely given to all wh, in sincerity and faith Mr. G. N. Macdonald, the wellknown weather observer of thie place, was up in Bruce last week, and had a good time among his Highland acquaintances in the north. Mac talks the Gaelic, and thinks it the grandest of languages. Mr. 11. Crofts, manager of the estate of R. B. Smith & Co., died on Sunday morning last, aged 62 years. The de- ceased was in one time in business for himself in Goderich, and was 'much es- teemed as a citizen and neighbor. His remains were interred at London. Mr. John Longworth, the venerable hero of the Peninsular war, who recent- ly removed from Goderich to Michigan, died in his new home a few days ago, full of years. Ho was identified with the early'list..ry of Ooderioh, and will be missed like an old lead -mark by the old settlers of the Huron tract. Atewlvtt■aatT Summon -The anniver- sary services inconneetioe with North St. Methodist Church will be held on Monday and Monday next. Rev. Mr, Phillips, of St Theses will oewepy the pulpit on Sunday. A tesmeeting will he keld in the lecture room of the church on Mon- day evesissgg, attar which a lecture wilt be deliva'ed by Rev Mr. Phillips. Doers , men at 6.30 p.m ; ticket* 35c. J0. 017111112,11111 PiOPLE'S AUC .TI01R1MROedserb. Oat. tut DUN SCANT TO AN ODER . 1.�athe Midi 0sert�ot s�Jeset the eosin of S*w. Chummy1hs late Amit ilities, sad la • mime Sym ■*��y�a t tb an.dlofteto W.w.wt 11.714p4.13. s,t tae Tswosba�hwispey nods. s■esMs iaKypi� . A. Metes 1.. et 1b y the Teem et Osd► �e of 1h:�lssbi. y�eyb 150 _- tae Ndrsasss� 4segNieula1 ei by shass. el ■ wN dad r O sheet Ya, M K be9w+ >b1t stns M la• 2.6.a. If gat ti IS. ItyANNOK • HAMILTON, `. C 11a•xwewtlgl. eisP="1= say to e me K mkt Teltt isy of Pellmeri fry sob dap• W OS A. - A , . "MOON p.d•�M� imese tW GM der el Jesesry 1,N, swFse. LIIIIMIIMmwesemmoneemmisememeemsereseseenew Remus Mairriwo. -A meeting of the Reform Amnestion atGederioh will Le MUSShddhs the MUSS ab. •ve Ten Won AL .,60e on Wdsesdy strewing seat, at sight .; clnek, for the peeps= of •bo1isg lir mets, and gewe'&I organization. Eeery Reformer is townie invite.' to Stirs i. 1,4 Uwe be • grand rally. Other important business may be brought lteforetk. meet • Ing. vt Too Fasov.. --The Sta. has leen caughtlbbi.gqagain. Theleeknow Met% e st lea edit"' the MQowvrag :-- The edi•d th • (3rtd•ri•h Alm i• J a little ton ptreew.t, in his remarks vilest Dr. Teenageamt is newt election to 8. Oo ncil of Gros village. The Mar says : ''bore is no deny Lo•k■ow is pretty Gritty. and I». .1. N. Tensest is •�trally straits a gentlemanTory. Although that gentleman was charged with e.rjwry and illegal voting e t the Dowlismon •1eMu,ws, hie fellow animus el the reareip■1 (genteel lam Koedai showed their tppeseisese 4 him b pima( tile• et the Wed et the sa a Ceameiller, with?, oilete voles le pollen kat year. We ens' rel. tat rout Dr. Tensest wes not 01.4b at the heed of the pian se etwsetplee ei TbeM r.11d he rtive 711 voles mote lade vowthem he did lad year. Win tea 9t •r -llIttl Ilillili4Ilis arvemboa AN Ayres Wastuso. --Our hsrkwtud Overawes who MOW and thea reesltre a quiet hint that they shone yp ■$aR81 ern .mute th. fnrtaaate *mss .iia- a io winch their bet is seat. If they tired .s Wisrton line{ tone the BA. they wield torn hack with fear at the follow Mg termble ansneeceniont whist' it mob - fished past week . - "'rhe Bhok Lint. - We have or yd got this list tiers ready fee pehlirs'ion, a ere hare Mea Se hay to ;wt it &rewired. W haps, however. s have it is eh tpo for peblieatine welt week. This will allow setae an opp.r to sity 4 goalies their amass oft No w to teaks mcwee. Ws have bees Yatr,ing M esteem for throe reeve, and .01 }p an sore attentine to thorn. -aims delidgtwste of two yearn Wand int re paid tap haloes next Thnnd*y noon, their somas wn11 be published. This is Ike bit washed trete. Plum rusena- t'• statute The report showed that trio sum of x.51 had Imes received and eofleoted fn•m dl morose during the cur rest year, vis Members' subscriptions. elf76 ; L.gaabtive grant, *139.90 ; town grant, $1$f► and county grant. 517.71 "'ell t• r o• Of this &ssount 1482. ti was paid in prises, &c., to Sri different persons, and %veers" »aslant crane Mae". the balance of $62 handri to the Tress , -» urer •.1 the Vi tet Riding .Agricultural Teo court met on January 13th, pea goinisty The report wau adopted, and 1 want 1.. ad:..ururnent, Judie TSM pre - the following names elected for the our- Indies rent year . Mr. John Stewart. Pnei- Appeal Minna)* ov. MortMOS 9 dont; Mir. .1 H Williams. Vice Prw• tion argued. .lutigaceet reserved. dent ; P. Adamson. Reerstar. -Tressursr. R Appeal Yates re. Marts-Jtdgeent Dirrteton-Meeaee. A. ]lttf�• Alias, 1. resorted. Seibold, A. Diatom. T. hood. R. Bch- Thea. I inw, of Oodench, marmot. es. osier, P. Adanson. C Blake, t Wat appointed a e*,tisty *Rentable eon and P. rot Audit.•rs W Camp Tun motions re limits of Divisions hell and W R Miller i• wo resolved were also pttl to hold a summer she. . Oaiter'e!. n, Th. Boar t goo tad July res' 7rh 1943 adjourned t .Fra.usry i