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The Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 7
Fun ant) Fluty. Jo�{n -"Miss, could you ever loot a lomat'C" Jane - "Am I to . ,resider tat in light of a proposal r Mr. Kingsmill -"Patrick, that is the worst looking huge I ever saw ; why down you fatten him u , 1.' Patrick, "Fetch '. the pour beets can hardly carry the little trate that le to him awe." A certain clergymen asserted that of his e00!writt.o sermons, not one had ever bean repeated. The person with whom the conversation was held, wistl, remarked, "A remarkable lot of lemons aha/ suet he Made dry . b/ the bat " ',quieting.liltle pit gear ultf t s, hang tee*. tvdttR-4K gniltgabirts whedi wore tuts rue day after • bath put keit, our too large, the little fellow shrugged his shoulders, shook himself, walked around, and finally burst out with,"Ma 1 1 do feel awful lonesome in title shirt.'' Gus. -"What are thus purple posies down by the bn.ok r' Ceara -"Ii y..0 moan those glumus mamma t.f esu unw:•1 ellitgeitieiosi tlitsIshiosi, 1n b . i.{j.1, aad'isint,►al ItltslfEatta••t Wog are campanula rut and Jtu.a." Clara nos just hose from a ladies' udlegu. "Pray, sir," said Lady Wallace- ti . David Hume, "I'aret a,ftria asked lomat type I ata ; what answer shutkl 1 ,hake f Mr. Hume, immediately guesaiii her ladyship's meaning. said,"Madam, she , you are asked that question again, answer that you etre not yet come to yesto of discretion." befofin ot1Dii trlr-onttOne s4.,Mt.iwJ re • ben i of`fingistngtea nor being' II ' drunk andirdiaofdbrly. The Chains's. addressed him thus : "Do you knees what brought you here 1" Pat -"Fait, your Honor, two policemen," Tha J. P., (frowning) said, "Had not drink something to do with it r' "Sbprely," observed Rt, "They were both drunk.' A minister who had • reputation for being a very hard student, and a most learned preacher, was once settled over a certain congregation, A Scotchtuan, in making inquiry about the newly settled pastor, asked of a frieud, who sat under the reverend gentleman, how he liked bini. The reply of the friend w tit as fol- lows :-"Ah well, he's a' w,ves•ible six days, and on the seventh he's a' 'Doom- stair. Never exaggerate. Never betray a confidence. Never leave home with unkind words. Never laugh at the misfortunes of oth. ars. Never neglect to call open your friends. Never gives promise thgt you do not f Idtill. Never make yourself the hero of your own story. Never fair to be punctual at the time appointed. Never fall te give a polite answer to a civil question. Never gessiion a servant or child al out e family srattemlt litiht.ristet to a gift you have ma, le to favor you have rendered. Never sseseiate with bid company 1 Have good oespany or none. 1 Never appear to nulioe s soar, def, •-- ruity or defect of sa1T one present. ' Never answer questions in roars! -umpany that have been put to other. Never exhibit anger, or impatience, or excitement, when an accident happens_ Never loan an article you have bor rowed unless you have permission to de so. Myer pass between two persona who are talking together without an apology Never eater a room noisily ; never tad to close the door after you, and Bever slam it. rreh Weir M Loyalty T The chief organ of the Government, which neat out of its wee to insult seve- ral tboneand delegates to the Liberal convention, acmes one of its aontem- poraries of disloyalty, on the ground that it does not speak in the highest tonne of the Princess Louise. It seems to forget that people can be loyal to the Crown without pbyiag the eyaphant to every member of the royal family, and it 4 also seems to forget that it is only a few weeks ago sines it published an account of the doings of the Prince of Wales, whom it aiaraoteriied es a sod r.tke. Evidently nobody is loyal but itself, and ism loyalty permits it to Insult all who differ from it in party matters. It ero dd • e great deal mere to the purpose if it would pay mato idiefkt reaped to the re- pteeentative men of oar own ctunt,y in stead of wasting it all on people nu the other side of the new. The inn duty of freemen is to be loyal to thetltsslves. Tf:e idea of arousing any paper of icing disloyal because it says that the Princess shows plainly that she dor not please to lire in Canada, is wildly absurd. -(lit. rims t0 Ile 1. u.1. _a *lost sal•--tor:tau. ureses. - Milt.•ts. J.u. 6. -.• who niurdend 4.t ,. hos deuvhter u. !Nuts tun county, iu Jas ••t. at 8:10 the 1114 11g. the Inst, but iiia ie est r scaffold, F.itber U L; ) words in hit In,h+dl. people .hares •.4 rib., was carried out ,rip, • t ♦NuT14 r.0 A• .. Miltuo, Ont., Js• . of 1/.61,urlke tome p•i,t�t Will 44 lifter t) Mit o eras 8 toot, east: 'Lo j t, spletotid stype. the. 11.. the men dying Ilia leo, kneeled un toe se,l;ot.l •• aoy sign ..t lei., , without :. tree: .. hail .t naso .1.. and fattier le., .. .. . 11�t Lts• . • tor. .s •• •tenni/we 1i .+ . I, beet. :v tlutrotf.u. o: In tilt 41.•1.1 /sine .1 . wu1.t ;ho t.. • 1, is such li f ni:nitilt, 1,A ....di..., 1 . Gots sour are not :" I is tw difcu is wi'lin_ t,. . w 1• V s IG N A L. FRIDAY JAN. ,12, 1883. .i preIWIM. and at1 water lenosy remora. , ur Nuevo how, a Mot - Ali lased upon Scientific .ted by Professor Austin, • ton,Masa., curia Pul tem, Sick Headache, Ner- Vertige and Neuralgia .,..eases of the human apliattiue is not a Mette:ine, •,ret, wawa. it contains no 'moist Potatoes, t)piatetti dol no Stimulants, bot situps oh.vic and tiartric Elements daily food. A mingle 0.tttie convince. :111 Drugists ':p p:r butt*. ryes dk n teats 4.,r a iooa, • ft &An ToVito. , ;'� a 'adore toe▪ s, t i:,•lp noticing the liberal t., *11 intalida and sufferers !,Y s New Discovery for Con - You aro requested to tall at • •rut store, and get a Trial Bet- ' • •,-t, if you are suffering with Seven. Cnnths, folds. '11f!!Inc $is, 1%ay Fever, L as tad at Lolly grect.ftt or op. It Sill.iukively (6) • it •e ..1 i t.ear,aI aissrpeste. .s. r ages e - rgallb a tinny bracelets', tar l - at• eat 4. "ottlu of Dr. Kings New Decay- •sumption. Coughs and Colds. • • • afflicted with Asthma, Bton- hi, • •• netts, Sctere Coughs, or • oil a:f.•t • of the Throat and Lunrs, • , 4a . Out jet rd v rviq� i o . in . dY"!". Py c ane .1, t rttA e - --- 1883. lARrE ,'S BAZAR, ILL 1:1i3'1' IR This puuuler journal le a rare combination of literature, art, and fashion. Itc s,oriee {crops, and essays are by the twat writers of IL's te and America; its engravinwe pusses 1h ughest artistic excellence; and i0 all est - 1, 1.. pertaining to fashion it is universally io We Iced. The new volume w111 contain many brilliant not cities. HARPER'S PNBIODICALS. Plid 4,..p4 00 $4 00 R �fAGA%fiL... .. .$4 00 The THREE above publicatiwteg10 00 Any TWO above nantod t; 00 HAMPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ..SI 50 HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE J r:i IN H.\I1l'ER'S FRANKLIN Sid(' \} K LIBRARY, '112 Nu nbcrsiR10 00 !'sett • I',rs lu aU se!irriLrra 4,i [railed st.t4 aid Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begun with the ant Number fur January of each year. When no time is mentioned. it will be understood , thaUhgsuh,e•ribcr wishes , tommcnee with the, limgar next after 1• •,-eceipt of or- derv- .. Terre ii Sir John Ii etto..•.e only an let of t:si„ o• t,e.n•nu e-.1 4,1011 iv or in the decreer. f, -vire property ed of e little valise. i 1► ,'•eimply eatratrdivarl tact we cam, .t nice teat li.t.e icon' the.-•. r. M•.e o •t ..,e Ouoreutiuu. Maw t:.In:.e t , .eo/ lir r Pa.• s, Jan. 0.-Reirach, ao in;inlate friend, its a detailed acoetuet of Oambet- les wound, LIU,* new at,Mt dist 01 bet to „wilt Witless. Given Away. Millions of Betties of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and s, have bttan given away AA Trial t of'the ize.r amputees .ot iy 'would � itrrt- `f rt the Ora prietore, were it not for the rare menti .seined by this wondorful medicine. Call at Wilaots'e drug store, end get a Tile! Bottle free. and try for ,ourself. It never fails to cure. (51 VIGK'S FLORAL GUIDE, ti wing. properly. Bildin- The pistol the cude he endeavored to close the breech forcibly when the cartridge ex- ploded. The fatly f1&lnoiy mssatiosi.d Osseous,' of t he accident, was the one who nurse.` him. • Lncknow. A visitable blood colt beiangiqgtoKr. Wm. Meths, broke its, leg in the Stehle, uu 1\ edueetisy morning laat. The ani- mal lied to be destroyed. Mr. Walter Campbell, son of Malcolm Campbell, Esq., our ted postmas- ter, who ilea Sees his ntm harriers in title village, lett wit Tuerad../ Latlas +dilt,o•i. where be in- tends ,iota* into the law business. Wal- ter in and fence bill samise with h m the well-wisher s a Inge circle of friends, elm will always be glad to Leer of his s000eaa The knack oligeMntaapply of eggs summer aril winter is to keea the pullets ret the early sprint end summer hatch. Feed them all they will sat demi of the cwt and most nutritious and egg produc- ts, food, with such simple condiments as pepper, ginger, and mustard to stimulate them. Kill off the heirs before they moult in their second year, and keep none but young hens An old mils, in >itontreil, named .1no. Dunn, over 50 yens of age was almost instantly choked to death in Joe Beef's restaurant on the 7th iwt., with • piece of beef which stock in his throat. rem et Case All persons wishing to test the me, it of s great rwss.d7 -s.. that will ford ttively our. Cleionlignen, Ceelthe, Colds, Asthma, Blowpipes, or any election of LiNig at stet, the Threat Ind oro agaset.d to mill atsarl Jan Wil'e Stars and get a TrialAil& d Dr. 'a IWow 1 s ' CesselRallow yea wh' a reviler dui - et -ire 11=orile do. 01 • Wee ppggeessvvrris et etio e. AIR inlning heat Orlin. trial, BroneMUs,Lt s .11 M Mg rislita of the Throat and Iwli11s, M• rw01MI_l to eail at Witaoa'a Dray =sad gea a Trial Bottle of Da s New Umoverc for Consampliou, het et gorge, whish will eoavbei dam of weniartal merits and show what a pigshr dollar -sir Mote will dn. OA •rb (a) De Irmo bel Iseearage1. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to the ow remedy that is worthy of praise, and whisk really does es reoosmeaded. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being a true and r bi- ble remedy, and one that will do as re- oaamended, They invariably cure Stomach and Lw Complaints, Diswses of the Kidneys and Urinary ditieultiea We know whereof we speak. and can readily say, give them a trial. field at 50 cents a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. (3] see "You are mistaken, sir," said Miss Snifkins, faudhWy to bashful young Thompson, who had just stepped on her flowing rnbet "my train does not carry passMtgera Thousands beer wittseis to the pori• tiro ccrative powers of the Oilier 0..- NAn IxewoaATon, the only remedy that has proved itself • peMlic for general debility, seminal ermine's, impotency, ate., and e11 diseases that arise from self - abate or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, amenityand a peema- tare grace. Sold by adruggists, or will be sent free os rose* of $1.00 per boa, or sit breis for IL Address P'. J. Camey, Toledo, Obits, sole airing for the Uaited Stalls. Send for oireulsr and testimonials of genuine cores ileo. Rhyne*, Ooderieli. 3m u Eloga wk of 1.i0 nes of 1.010 tions Planta eseta Vow ban he T a Hol Sand es your nate aid Para (Mice address with lr.wtts, aid i wtlleeod you a copy. pas - tags paid, This is not • quarter of its oust It Is printed In both F.ngliah and German. It is. afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 as.. TIAPs needs ewe Ibs soar h t s westd t The *moils Gums will te0 how to get aid grow them11B I1yis.`-T Usior.dnPlates, ide Lgrav non, Per M omits is piper ..vers ; $l A0 12 eternal else!. 1. Oscines ar W.ea.I� Y MAGAZIN/. red iLaje u every 01 ear: nye Copies for . specimen mo- ies seat for 10 cents; 3 trial metes for >i oenta. JAMES VICK, itochester. N. Y. The Last Four .tna .al Vol..i.iet ,f // 'tweets Bazar• in neat cloth binding, will be sent by rnaiLpo.tage paid. or by express, her hof ex- penselprovided the eight does not exoesd one dollar per %mantel, for 17 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable fur bi; d,_; iU b•at by mail,postpaid,onr0- be by Mice Y or ft, nee of toss. Newspapers are not to ropy this advertise- ment without the ex, est order of 11Ant-Int Q• Bao ens. Address HARPIaid-IDHOTIil'.1:'-. Cow York. 1883. NAlll�lik5 MACTAZIN. ILLT7 S'T .A21'11:13D_ s' elm,7erine ins its sixtyitxth the /l)tr 'traced It le' - tbr anted period - but also the beautiful In Its ipe for eke nes/tttitei nil tad'For the Ma- jor." b7 Constant* imam Wedwn, the aalbsr of "Mute' was begun 1a aero Novem- ber Number. In literary wed artistic exoel- leacc the Magazine improves with each e»sslve cumber. Specie' e5brts have been Zj for the lighter entertainment of Its rsdero through linmorous stories, sketches, epee. wear. 138.. & Co. TO3F4O TO_ `.: ANT'FACTURERS -OR- LARDINE OIL CYLINDER) OIL. rear Kedah and terse diplomat, awards tier Iain year • teas Wadipetsg K*bill- lfl.as. .r .:e poordproo MANUFACTURERS Aad 111 mea running rnechlneryry will save lesteel uala�ear elk. Oar L.A DDE and Q1pp$ (Rio tar M meal. Fate spout Yat tleysn waNs. and the public cent dad out t hseMlsg asseetiene are true, by try lag ase alM7a el our. One prices etc., on ap die.tlen te 1011 Bros I Co Toronto, The Lard(ne is tot sale inl0odeftich by R W. °KENZIE, O. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. hila-) HARPER'S PER ODICALS. Fin. l" tinea MARPE1f$' flN11. - ... . • $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 The THREE shove publ:catious$l0 00 Any TWO above towed. .$7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE..31.50 HARPER'S AOAZINE. 6 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. BXitY'Eti'8 •-IPDANEL&14 CQ A RE IsISRABY, (P2 Numbers)$10.00 I:weave fed to sdt 111rb.ertbers is the United States nod (\evade. The edame•s of tee Abstra/we brain t.:•1, the numbers far 3i1Orand ISeeember of ta. h oear. When no time is specified. It will 1t, understood that the 110/1/1111/1- wil.bcs to be. gin wtth the current nmttber. The hist I it Voda n,, of fl ar,i-r's ;1 siILL in neat doth binding. will be sent by matt. postpaid. es eet'atpt of In.00 per volutec. Cloth Carrs. for binding• 50 cent. c fah -by m•il, poet paid. Index to Rarper,., Atapasins, Alphabetical, AualyticaL and Classified for Vn nmes 1 to e0. Inclusive. from June, lln0. te June, ILIO, one vol. ie o. Cloth. M 04 Rem;Uances should he made by Post -O ee Money Order or draft. tet avoid ethane. of less. N erapapersare not to ropy (his advertise- ment without the e.apreasorder of HAAPrn ' tntonisms. Address HARPEIt A HROTHE}'8', New York. `TNN INDEPFN;ENT.' Te. loosed reroxvr needs only to be better known to add to 11. already large list of friends. It has been published for thirty-five yrirs and has acquired a world-wide reputa- tion as the best relIRtotut and literary news- paper. Tres iNou•KNna\T is not denominalion•1.1. Its inroad and field are broader than any meet. As • Christian jonena1,IM atm is to strengthen and attend Svaagelleal rviliden and to defend It against the attacks of Materialism Athetem and unbelief. it Is free fie approve or evil lelee in any of the denominations whatever it be- lieves Is designed to advance or hinder the progress of the Gospel of Christ. W. pay lareepnoes to obtain the most emin- ent writers. Beside. the edlteelata, there are weotydwo distinct dapartreMa, edited b t�'Faeeast�iso epeolaiMts. which 1 ude RIM ;a.m. Nanitarr. Lava Alae Arta M e. *Mese"Pebbles, Personalitis, Min- isterial Register. Hymn Not.., School and (�t�1►►rs,,�ge�. Literature. Religious istedl�enee, Mt.sfens. Rowley seheol, News nt the Week. Mance. Commerce. iasurasoe. Stories. Pus- sies, SelecUone, and Agriculture. es Pages In all. We will report in full Rev. Joseph Conk', celebrated Bnettwl Mender Lectures, which wail bs(In In January. Mr. Cook has)s.t re- turned promo • two year.' trip round the world and his Ie ctorre this Winter will attract greater attention than ever. OUR MI TRIS FOR 1883. CHEAP GR( . • -■ asi Bugs to autumns* to the people "f liudere:I. et, purcha d front Mr. A. Phillip* his stet continue • he business its tri Corner of V'icto az. Hat in: bought �4e goods for crh. •: 1 Mi. i . �h�Iw.J... m�.�i for cash ,�l . I .ill tui the cash, •a as I int. t • wholeea It suer for cash rel ., I will Very Low Prices foi 51br stock will vilwa'oe Iia fresh. I will keep t'.c arid everything in th• gr••cery line flow the ',cot , tic. , nlwaye "f hand in semen. I am deters. :. e, • ,ttr-Call at the stand, Victoria street, opfx,:. +1 Strachan's machine shop. T (iuelet•ich, March 9th, 1882. ID - 1� Extensive Premises and Spic, G_ BARB C;ABINET MAKER A1) IIBEIJt1'AKER, Hamilton Street, Goderich. e, suit its T hitsgood Chin;tkair,nt of hittehms, taane 01141 wopdgaealrh,,•Cupbboexds, ['NWT'Rooaped-rtearil Is e. Matir,-ia,b r ,. % as1.-. au a Lounge:. Suras.'t-h.it-Noll, Looking Glasser. N. it -A complete assortment of Collins mad SI:reuds always on hatd'falto Hearses for h at reasonable rate . Picture Framing • specialty. -.t call solicited. 1;51 )TS&SHOES ^� ni.�.� weddtip 1r, r t.. ti ,. Pnl.ln 1' i.1 doy have uprntd bui.1 eat in the above Store in the sere 1a4.4v e. -op ,iigl I -y !Iola,e Nee ton. Ifa%itg purchased ,< large and nes reed stuck of Spline aril C tw.tucr Goode at c1.1se fikures, we aredeterrninol to vice the Ptiblic the bencft, SICK SALES & SMALL PR OFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO }a•$eose call and examine our goods le fore purchasing Otte here .rrty-notueiliber $L. piece, neat floor to J. Wilson's Drug Store coCuat..en toe k tr ill se sews t re- spec: .1 attention. r,o-New,e 1.,i, tftu brit .•f o, it,'i .l used end first-class wnekmen employed. er`R•rsaii iity ne a' h' done ..n tLoa shorter• 1 otice. Goderich. March y,lam. DOWNING & WEDDUP M'eseca•. Tr e E's lead. A friend its iieo,l ism friend indeed. �0 1 i0$ This nuur. ecu dun.). •'pedally when as- .ista':co is rendered when tine is surely alDicted sith (borate., more particularly these 0uulpla•bts end w'etkneases so coin - 111.0, t o our female p opulation. Every ao..,au should know that Electric Bit- ters are woman's true friend, and will •.-itively restore her to health, even . hell all unix;* rruwdie. fail. A single u del always proves our aria stion. They cru pleasant tr. the taste, s►nd only start tiftv cents a bottle. Seld by James Wil - 1011. (2I A Vexed clergymen. Even the patience of Job would be - wino exhausted were be a pi eacher and endeavoring to interest lois audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it ituposstl.;o Tor him to be bearJ- Yet, bow very easy cm all this be avoided by simply using Dr, King's New Discover for Cunsutuption, Coughs and Colds. Tilal Betties given away at Wilson's drug store. 2) I'�--Thou,andeofgraves are annuli robbed at their vtuttma,lives prolongedhappiness cad health reignited by the meat thegreat GERMAN INVIGORATOR we're posettvety and permanent y cures Inv pasesop ti•aewd bp .xe.wes of any kindd,�) seminal Weak mesa, ■nd aU dioceses that fd- low Aa a sequence of tielf-Abuse, as toes of co- rm . Mss ..f memory, midyear! tueltude. pain in 11•e hook, dimness of nen*, ernes - time old ar.•, and many other dim:o ges that lend to Insanity or t'enenmplioe one a p.:one- 1 the bears. Send for circulars with testlslonlab: free by retail. The rt Vls1SsATaa is meld at III per box. or six poxes for Illi by all druggists, or will be seat free my mill, securely sealed, on receipt of price, by addressing. ICNRY, Drusnstel, 117 0umatt 81., Toledo..'t1,, • tit •. r.i • As, (Sole Agent for Goderieh. �`AGYA R q YELLOW tA FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are plea.sat to take. Cattalo their own Purgative. 1s a safe, sure, sad emt,etial dist ever et warm In Children or Adults fi uYA -.. Y Q L1 i Li4 � fe, • aha RHBOIATISI, lailridteg, seitrtioa, Le 014,1, Seton sed the Mpig. lydM,, Isms sof Ilimoral 4160, T«fi, ier std Illedimio, ifwtsl fief 1I eta ' Mt* sadwaft mirftss eeeisAaR ham 00. las t OW �ievery1 airw1 erwr sato et bei /�.•�.w ting rd sr�,rfir pa/ etlei4 ._ mets Immo, enatisam.anume D*&L* 111 A. VOOMILiIII k 00.. neem M.... it A. i��ra reilsaad (1111 fear casein ars clubs et' der se age very meek lower Urn say of the rdamdarl religiose week- lies. to `aTROstt)LL T1RZB." �ssk.yiat TRU emp mad a few racer*. ono shut bars Wee its , we epic a meNhti esbaertp dears 741p,' toe s a wy ca 4.75 to adtfe dlrt sap Mears tM.ttslser ..r • remote rahnolgelan. 1* gefeeyo ortf five sMrtwwn .y) Address THE iNDEPENDEN•I', •N>reMwy. row West rtesTAit{�ES, RM�AA'iTLL, 5.pPYis�&St a - wK••l,. CURS ON REUIVI NLIOIM.NB MII/NEIs. 11VSPEPN4 ~RV, /MNKaTIOON, EWTTiilwi JAIINOAOL OP TATE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIIITY Of SALT RHEUM DRYNESS STOMACH. IN NEARTvw, NEAfitA01rE. W TME Ift7I. Aral zt_441 cr 'r^•� samout v. IHJURI & 10.''"' 13© AND 08%1 The Creat Western Railway will run their excursi,•1 s to MANITOBA and DAKOTA pouts during May and J__ggnne every two week., commencing TUES- DAY May, 2nd, 1881. Fares Reduced. For tiformat.ion, tickets, etc., apply 1. GEO. B. JOHNSTON. !Venial Agent Great Westere Railway Oederfcb, On: Roderick. April. M. Itesy. IIUS WILSON'S Pr�cri �iun P Dftg -- Votes. Shaving Mugs. Toilet Sege. combs, Itnitl.• kngliel . French and l'asladlati Perfumery. Lane Wort a3at & Pries Ln►. t No trenb:e to skew etoode sad Mee,. HALL'S ATARRH URE Is *seemmended by Pkyefedart.. CtYTZE9 Catarrh of tM.p��.II ,sl c vlty -c t IMfTpEsItAII. its IlrIaohxkdc,at.. T/e5s1dLgk,.". nd1MvceowtipW0N4,rD, cadkwoorts tTA}.ed0s.e.n foe Yop4. fi uhat* ks hpta.s nl.stlav ar TUN OILY INTERNAL SURE FOR CATARRH t! Iia TN,t MARKET ,:e ' 00 •o Owr 0107 too rsoaM sf itsnt at waifs' iY nNl "NG.. 100 war.treo, gas Marsh ids My 11Ws da•,ghber tree troebl.d with Qtsnb for tiro yon sal was very r,teh bemalead by ts, me of " years, catarrh Cur " Nie Is stow Melt serol W. T. NORM, Watr..vn, aha. Mar,h* ill. ibay. sed " Sl'. .tarrh Cats,* sed yam, ins from so. rod it'results 1 derevM Ca eAs battik believe l is will erre ibe mon stubborn caw eat O•aarrb tl Its iia. be eoutSs.t be t reasonable !.oath of tim.. W. H. ',SLUNK WV 1.1.a. 0.4., Rarebit, MIL r y Cw.nov a Co.. lord.. o. ems,.- n.r. mid Hairs Os•arrk Ossa far tee 1401 year, sad IS gime satire t�sidle&Mals. R. Wk /3`40x, DraMM . Hall's Catarrh Cure • ood by all Wbsia.als..d ratan bvusb eel Deeks* b Name Me dentes lo Sb. OSMN 1*5555 sad Aarda Ornate aBottle. SIA• * Bia TIMM atkMwii►y i• l• C��1T A DO�j *'foss er tasfirsa SOMA ler tks O.bsts Weds by N. W. HOBSOII, WMia mot MOTION RHTN_ 114 _ hole Aas*t,Mttia 11 Mf dns 1 try Cretwh 1NIIr lion*1"fl1a1 nay ore s positive An Ar Mak headache, and all tics dispirited by Aimed wedIivar may." Am.