HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 6el THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY. JAN. 1?. 181''. •r %...Lfag. ,.,+ I lag; : ^get 'ed dertlntt' .,_•:uu4 ret; .eu .1, u. eyes, U• 1 pion .a•u a1 aL.,na, • ; d:ar mother a.,., sot • ta. s .tat -kith t .• r•:.• ..•re; •s -its, t, goodies, 10 tai ce. . terra .'beta I.a•entl•a at etetorm rlat:erne n,. .r • r,..•latrons passel at the gee !a 1 . t' ' • . • item ere l in Toron- on 'Ye 4 . 1 1'I r .iy el l est wee. • • re ; 1 • tee priacipil planks of tbu ..•: •cru :or the nest con - tett 1• =•iu_'►, ace [:cat it is I. • : . • i•i . rue liberals to st. : t' e trends of bar. e.. • .. senses ems. 6. 't•'•.• ‘.IC Se.n and Ciotti.' ant, whio.i .,t,.•; w .. eu • . t•ta ie:t by the con- atitu•tis•, t, •.. -leer, jurisdicthet of the le,{.a• .t. r : • or tentaraewaste no man- ner itl.•.al, uu emeitu.ioual, or Antagon- istic to dollen 1•n iutereses ; that the re- peate•i o;iettiewroce of the act was there- fore. io t 1e upinleo of this cuuvertion, a vtula,10 1 "f our ,,rot incial a.ltunonty and .an atta , ,.. • 'ire fun la ne.ltal er.cciple of lots[: mil- e'er-111mt provided by the conf+rde.:a ion act.. 3. t'.I: irtee +lary award. It is assert- ed dant t''c award should be Notal and ttrnclusieo ; gist tins award esu accept- ed by tete eevetu gent of this province as in he to .• bound, but west repudiated by the g•ove..tarda of the theniuion;that • such relludi.,l ion' is, iu the opi.ti.nc of the conventicle a viulatiuo t., eublic law end natiou.tl f.tith, and an in-iereusible de- nial an the part of the federal authuri- Lias of the lust claims nod terri.olidl rights of this province. 4. That the convention deli • a to strengthen the bonds which un: • the province. 5. Thea refers to the progress made in legialatiuti, election laws, school laws, ju- dicial retorma. 6. Praises the ;,„vernnlent for its, elu- tion of the muuiopai loan fund ditlicul- t.y. 7. Tilat in the opinion of this conven- tion the naanagement of the provincial finances by the liberal governments of the province has evidenced their titieli,y t i the reforrn pri:tciples of prugress and economy. 8. Details what the refute., • overn- meets have dune for agricultu.e. 9. What they have done to enc urdge manufacturers. 10. Praire+ the p,oerest made in mat- ters educational. 11. Does the same for the crown lands .ulMninistrahon. 12. Does the same fur the colonization IN 13. 11, 21 the same f•,r the public mini- t uti(,res. ea oil r OOLDIN WEDDING. Description .ra t:•ldea Wedding teat - reeler •t Interest to alar traders. •Ibe following, from the San Frruci T. Fanta. Wasted. AG [Ni S Work. . Ste Yom,;::.,. One fact, which we have were than or Capital rytthed, Ja lisp Last ► l .•. trial ueeees •ITR_ •r once alluded to iu cenuectiun• with the _ ul&rcner iu which the finances of Ontario have been husbanded by the Mowat Government, was brought remittently .' rico out in the speech by Mr. Bar our iu [nor- ... was..wareeesnavw.a..•• me the address act re141y to the speech w"•v..:+wewarrrrore• es from the throne. He alluded to the fact that while the (Government had ex- 'ar"1 Is►` pendrd over $26,000,000 in improving 7 i 1 > w the l'rovince, not nue scandal in counec- +fl; Jr . ' tion with this large outlay bad been prov- ed against theta, and that the Treasury contained • surplus of about $6,000,000. -jttroc)tville Recorder. (' 1t, refers to a brother of Mr. Charles Girviu, the well-known Reeve of W t Wawanush: On Monday evening of lest week there took iesce in this city one of the t notable events in society during the pres- ent season on the Pacific Cent. Alex- ander Girviu and Catherine Daly were married in Kingston, Canada, on the 4th of December, 1832. Their golden wed- ding wee celebrated on Monday evening of last week at the residence of their daughter, Mrs. Jas. H. \Wallace, No. 2,- 618 California street. There were pres- ent on the (evasion three suns, five daughters, three sons -{'-taw, ono daugh- ter-in-law, fourteen grandchildren, tine granddaughter-iu-law and a great-grand- son. One of the remarkable feature& of this event was the fact that after a sep- eratiun of 1'.4 years the family was reunit ed without the hose •4f one link to time fancily chain. The house was tastefully decorated with smilax and flowers, and uta the certain' of the bay window in the front parlor were the ttgures wove 1 in evergreen, "1832 --1882." The dinuer t..ble was also beautifully decorated, and en the weddine cake, beneath claapedhazels, ap- peared the in5Criptiou, ' 1832-1882." The bride And groat', with their ei;ht children and sons and deaghters-ise'aw•, sat down to dinner at 4 o'clock Crane WAS said by the Rev. 1. B. Howard, pts - tor of Mr. and Mrs. Girrin ie Brantford, Canada, 25 years at.•o, and lately frau Tororto, Canada. When dinner was fin- ished fourteen grandchildren, a strss id- d.w titer -in-law and a great-;randeoe sat there to :t seeond table. The family watt then arranged i, ole, inginning to the right of the eatendieg Mindy around the d ro•.nis, ant; ending en the left , bride. Ti,,, children, with their fa sat in the order of their age, the being nest ;o his father, and the young- est sitting hy Itie mother. Mr A yecupied a place in the middle, and making a brief address he repeat rnarriage core.noa y. . Wm. Harrison, Genie, the gra,' ,.-ucdio'', aft months, wc,t' tech christened b clergyman, who 25 years before christened his father, Mr. E. A. %lr. Charles Girvin, the grandfather Wm. H., is the eldest son of the and groom. which ncakos fourgene in the direct male line. When the christening was over, bridegroom feelingly addressed his ily, briefly summing up the experience 50 years of wedded life, and reminding them although he was not a mart tern, he had, in former yuan deal anvil many a sturdy blow with his mer, arid consequently claimed to twin of mettle. rhe present qac he characteritea as one of the spots of • long lifetime, and like tie old; Le said "it was good to la, he 1 4 t'i: - gronu4, rawing- .1 the 111111+3{, eldest Wng- oward after e 1 the nal 11 y the had Girvin, her of blade -tt ions the flint- ily, of 'ding of let - t the ham - be s herieg Kenn le of here." The bride s lifelong Christian, then ad- dressed her children, and touchingly re- ferred to the impeobsbility of their ever meeting &gait. Her discourse consisted, in great part, of scriptural quotations. Beginning with the oldest, each member If the family then contributed his mite to the general entertainment Most of those present contented themselves with a few wards expressive of their enjoyment of the occasion. Mrs. Margaret Gillen, t he eldest daughter, an artist well known in this city, exhibited a number of sketches, painted by herself duringa two yrrearS'i visit to the Sandwich Islands. Mre. W. H. H. Hamilton read an em ay, written for the occasion, in which she drew a graphic picture of her parents fin years of wedded lite, and pointed to same of,the letranne whteh were taught by its contemplation. Mr. Junin W. Ircn,, the youn rest sou, gave an inter stunt description oI the Sandwich Is Ws, where he hes lived for nonny yeara Ir. Earnest A. Girvit, read an erigina p Tern no the subject of the ''Golden N'eddins," and his brother Ltwrenc ng a snug of his own composition, tall "The 01d Fashioned Couple." Al- red Anderson, aged 12 years, gave a ecitation, while Edith Wallace and Rachel Anderson, aged respectively seven rid six years, entertained their eeni.,rs nth songs. The bridegruoni addressed is numerous progeny a .econd time, and ited an original poem. Tho rest of e evening was spent in the enjoyment instrumental music, conversation and Sir. and Mra. Alex. Girvin, the bride d groom, live in the surburba of East kland. They are seventy-one years age, and reinerkably well preserved nd ye nthful in their appearenco. Two their daughters and a son came from o Sandwich Islends expressly to attend e golden wedding. The remainder of Gorily lice in Califnraia. The pres- to", which were4tisalayed ori a table in e dining nom, were numerous 81111 autiful. The following is a l'st of those preeellt, ginning with the eldest daughter and r family and ending with the youngest: rs. Margaret Gillen, her daughters a and Kettle, and her son Eddie ; Mr. d Mr. Charles Girvin, their son Law- ce, also their inn Earnest A. Girvin, wife ittid eon 1. alto : Alexseder jr.; )fr. and Mrs, N. Anderson, it dant/germ Eva and Reatel, and it Sons Alfred and Herbert ; Mr. and W. H Hamilton, and their sons rry nn.l Milton ; llir. nml Mrs. Jaime' Wa leer, anti their daughter E lith Mr. Janna W. Girvin; Mita. W. H. Hr- lwtr, her soon 1.1,uis and daughter Kettle, "fr. Janina W. Girvin'a Rif , and two eitikitaa. and Mi. [forum wens is the Sandwich ldande, and were the only hens of the family absent nn the i.c- ,n of the golden wedding. • 14. Dues the seine for the municipal 1 'etif actions. 15. That tlt4 convention views with gratitude the great improvements which trete, under reform yuvernments, been made in the laws affecting fempe::,uce ; protests in the strongest way against any of the retrogradewltanges lately advoeata oil, such ns extending the hour. tof e1: iag,lesenine the restrietiune in the uutn- her of licenses. and the re -transferring to 'nee:ciptl cnuneils the rosponail,;lity ••; ( licenses ; believes that the general interpretation of the come itu: inn acted on in all the provinces ever since eenfeeteratiou, heart been that the prtvin- cial leeislatures htve authority iu the cattcr,aud that such interpretation is in eleordaii,a• with the spirit of the consti- tution ; considers that it is for the beat interests of the derninion that the local legislatures should have such authority; d^prccalos any assumption of power hy ti.e parliament of the dominion in this regard. Leyoud what may be needed for pearling a general law an to prohibition ; declares that the locel legislatures can best interpret and - 're effect to the feel- ings and wishes of the i.eople it, e ich pr= eeee as to the license system ; and insists that action by the parliauttet of the dominion would 1m nn undt'e inter- ference with provincial rights, Anil det- rfirent'1 (n the temperance ave.', e a w h ret th o1 .i an Os of a th th the th be be he M Ey an ran his cin the the north, of reser. Mrs .t.s a cul' r e do ri-t revieumend Pa- I Ha t, tit Medirint8. het *hen we I:nnw of one that is n public benefactor, and does pnNtively cu. t•, then we consider it unr duty Impart that information to s1), Electric Hitter are tvnly a moat ridea- ble meelieme, and ail) surely tete 11.1- iowanoss, Fever ?Ifni .1gne. Sentinel', a mai, and Kidney Cemplanita, even where ell other remedies fail, We i.noe., know whereof ee speak, and ren (.eel) recommend them to a11. --Etch -Sold fifty ,elite n bottle by J, 11•ils,n. (GI 11'orrtl/ne iI Vahular &semi 01 the, heart is not very common, its distar'oed sNion natty lie due to indigestion, liege irretwbrlties, Ar A Stomachdisturbed with wins, it indlge•tikefood will cause pain and Esetterillg 'mitt( di the r.eri-es - of !fthoar► Rurdeot Meed Ritter+ will attw.'•Iil, roti anehdiA!- ,te:, Why go ,.r, dray after day 'uttering with splitting headnelow when a bottle of f)r. Austin's i'hosphatine will cure yea 1 ifnn do Dot believe it ask your druptist ter is mitultlr -and Jose what these *he have Used 11 sof abnet Price el On 2m Beautiful Heir is one of the most strtk leg sine pleaQtig of charaetenstles and et. sadly he ohtalc,l by the as& o/ the eines!~ Heir IteMwrr add st trAlrenta .Ar h•,f/l.• 1., .1*aM Wil D r. Strillb'acress as -aa Wesasssd Is as agreeable to the palate of the child as the most delicious confections. Sold by James Wilton, Guderich, Ont. 2 When Idaho papers tell of hail stones weighing fourt fen pounds, why not call it the fall of an ice -house anti be done with it 1 When hail gets beyond a man's head in size it's something besides hail. If you are desirous to obtain ire mediate relief from any kidney trouble, and thus prevent the fatal results that 'always at- tend the neglect of these distressing com- ppsiu:s (and who does note) why take Dr. VAN Bt•ttga's K11,NCY CUSS At once. It is safe,; simple and effectual. Sold by J \Yilsun Gt•dench. 2in: Tree M Her Tend. Tau much cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and [either, constantly watching and caring for her dear ones n ever uegl•cting a single duty in the behalf. When they are assailed by di saw, and the system should have thorough cleansing, the aternach an bowels regulated, blood purified. and malarial poison externtivare,d, she must kin w that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world and only cost tifty cents. Sold by J. Wilson. 141 Ladies who suffer periodically trent pains in the back will find immediate re- lief in a few doses of Dr. VAN Bemires KIDNEY CURL at was never known toted. l'ry it at (tux. Your Druggist keeps it. J. Wilson Goderich. 2m: The Tories have been singularly unsuc- cessful in their attempts to fasten upon the Licence Inspectors charges of impro- per exercise of power. In every instance where they were induced to offer particu- lars, the chargee we' -e prnmptoly and emphatically refuted. 38.JA GO,Rocx12rJJJDIPACf'! C.1Lthe .t•entto,t 01 travd.,s tO • he orgtr., ta0'.t •f .-• line. 8000.0[4,4 the bast and tap r tna shortest route, .•44 u.z.. as pa • . ant boo chis.s of os Maw ser cso..4owd G {p .u.o.l yual, Lsavenwotth, tnas laa a0d •4. caul 2t . ..eta et a-' ttl 011 t . rtno,D.t l star oft One Lw' s. tae t aLat.e aid alta Pget Owns. era clot•: et i Id marl +a1M 504 old be .rat, 'rig * pOs. M ..r-.. n.rat•ut n and lntog l Maki • ,-^wt Horton S.onntoa Chair -:. Y►, st..•+ i'row.st Takao. sl CCams.sad 4••9 L1.:; n Dtntaa Cato the World. ib, -w t•. b_w ---1 Lose ,e ud ]a...cor1 Ulcer )' t. • ••'r.. , b'e'es., Ch...a. Ydtdla•esDa./ 01.'1 lr ..' : •soh_ Enos. ALBERT LEA ROUTF. ' a A r:.:: sad nt..ot L,ue, ria a teta ,-ttd a 1•t . dkee,h .a r.oettr bio. c p.aW s l r ,. •1 t, .wystt $4,WL p.0 0 lobe sad Lar -vette, nr y ad, ,7;F oat, 7a.. s.wt a -us 1:r, Tr •d ' Al:: h"..LL.h t'.a.wug•:[t res last is ?••` Trams. T :a re, ea. et aft p1- 44pa1 Tls►et Otrt.w ane t Wanda. ;a -cut •At,eaed ta•otand •.tea • ..au of Wel .r '.. ! tntacga: 70, i.e. th -SCK ISLA Y a) R )UTE. :;&dell 01111s3, or site» R. R. u*SI E. E. sr. , J HN, lr ,. .: •..a'1 a'.,, tN:l Tat. a rata • CHICAGO CINOALnrs. -A name well known in ,Inect.ion with the Hair Renewer,whiech estores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilso.l. ?m The female teachers of Kingston are agitating for equality with the mets in the matter of salary, sexing that they Malt have the same qualifications. 'Do not take P111s or Powders coatsin- ing Calomel, for at this time of the year, the results may be serious. If you re- quire s dose of physic take Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation flitter. ; it sats gently on the Bowels, purities the Blood, improves the circulation, stimu- lates the Liver and Kidneys, and speedily cures •Bilinusne.s, Headache,' Dyspepps.ia, Indigestion. Search the Drug Stores hem one end of Canada to the other, and you cannot find a reined equal to it. Try it and use it in you families. Sold everywhere in heaps ties at 60 cents. For sate by Geo. Rby nu. A CURE GUARANTEED NIi'!!': Ii T eA MANN 4 BRAIN total BRAIN & NERYE FAODr%:• .. t•r Old sad g•rias. State and I'eWr. osttivetyebr•eeNerv1enee. is allIhta y wok' .1 r les st Breen Power. ! a lig Smuts, Sper cache fault. 6ewrrwa st Aswwnrirsa, Yrntteel fr' and Oeaeral Leas of Power. it t•d•sWa Nervous Waste, /tejerenatra the .Fuj i 1'4d• um Sime( awe Re- stores Surprising roar and Vippeorr to •. a ex- hausted Generative O rw ans, With tat* or dor tet rwru.vs packatree accompaull•d w.n. Me we w sen_ d our Wratten float stales to d Illitt nibae . _ti he treatment toes 't h re tbba krl. cana/a et and does fee 4t our addretlt t *mei, we dee n• man free to, any ogress. alasiett Magnetite I.Nirrae is *Ad t, tktiet oasts at se cu. per box. or 1! Boers for $..t, w will be mailed free et a on r cr i p t of tits money. by addressing 114 ACl lou: i' *rat' s1 arlC1Nt Co., weenie. th,'., t}tn.da Sold in Ooderlch, by J alta W 3tM . and all Druggists every where tanS Iv n Bitraordina1 y U:f r 1 7 TO Ata -231\T tee. U.rtr I GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. - If you are out of etl.ploy,oe►a and An old lady, the mother of Mr. W. McCabe, of Goderich Township, is a liv- ing example of wonderful vitality. She is a native of Fermanagh, Irland, is 94 years of age, and can walk to town, a distance of six miles, as lively as many girls of eighteen. A REWARD -Of one d.eseu " Teeat'+ NY" to any one sending the best four Ilii rhyme on "T eetniRRY,•' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Breath. a'k your druggst or address. Thousands ars being cured c: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh lure, that the doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 Dents a bottle. , Sold by George Rhyme, sole agent for Gode- rich. 3m Love and appreciation are to woman *hat dew and sunshine aro to flowers. They refresh and brighten her whole life. They 'take her strong -hearted and keen -sighted in everything affecting the welfare of her home. They enable her to cheer her husband when the cares of life press heavily upon him, unit to he vary providence to her children. To know that her husband fovea her, that even he faults are looked upon with tele denies. ; that her face to one at least is tho fairest in the world ; that the heart which ie to her the greatest and noblest. holds hoe tittered in its utmost recesses above all other women, gives strength, and courage, end aweetnes, and vi"ncity which all the wealth of the world could not bestow. Lot a woman's life he per- vaded with ate+ an influence, and her heart will h), mnnt and sweeten, nn.l brighten in perpetual youth. Of all the ills that flesh is heir t•e kid- neydisease is the most distresan1F. To yuanees, we can only say, take Dr. VAN BrRR'I'n KIDNEY Cl'RR at once, and thus obtein a relief you osnnot,find elsewhere. All Deimgists have it. J. Wila•,n (lode - rich 2m: s speed fitter The Chieaq.., Burlingtmt R Quincy Raitr,ad Company has just mooed as illustrated treaties, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wtinderfotl growth of the six Orient States, The 1rt+4k Is bettutiful) printed, and nbenu ,s en graving* of high al igh reerit adorn its pages. Any ono sending their name and ao ewes with two three-eent postage famine Will receives Dopy by return nail. by applying to I'erceval Lowell, General Paasnnger Agent. Chieaatrn Illinoua in nerLlka'a .\rale& awe. The haat salve In Ow world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Raft R17012/fl, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hans, Mil Mains, (lows, and all Skin Eruptions, , and positively erne. Plica ft is gnsran- tend fro give perfart twtiafeution, or money refundevl Pries 94 cents per I hoe For wile by .las Wihne lv want to start in a business you eau make fro -1 3 fa) 110 a dayclear, sticliake n.• risk of loss, we will send 7, u uti receipt of $11, geode that a ill sell readily in s few days for $s5. If tl e Agents fails to sell these goods In fenr ,lays, they can return all unsold to is and we *ill re- turn them their money, can niiything Ur hirer 1 Wa.take all yisk of Lee, and the • Agent ell1a atartedel^Y, leteinideArat. esti: be peri nent, a p•wy fr.upal,0 )1, $3,000 year n•s C. 14 drta,. oro 1 a.A mem e wept 3'c .1geet 1 : o : n'y county. Full pat ticulats f:, v. A :•l . , as. L'. S. Manufacturing (le., N... 116 yes e- field Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. PRINCIPAL -4.M Aas all points In tows, u ]tebeka,tl I..ourl, Itis- sea, HOW Rosie•, Anions as tease TTexan SHORTEST, Pt' ICI - awl REST Ilse to a'... lo..pa. Waimea.. Top•t 90n. flatIY 01101111, 1JO LLAR T 4 , . HE WEEKLY GLOBE ii;-=": THE LARGEST - THE CHEAPEST 1 `v ANC The Best General Newspaper IN THE DOMINION. i d THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES • Contains elrenty'two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admltted to be the beet author Ity upon Agrioultural and Commercial matters In the Dominion. • for 1083 now, and GET -a sLL &1 Z OP 1881 razz. Orden and nesi/raoes to be addressed SE GL PRINTING COM I DOLLAR HARDWARE. ---•1111 TO- R.W.McKENZIE'S !IVY Y YOUR CrossCutSaws&Axes -YOUR C0 cH.es ivs YOQR.-- rabic s laid Pocket Cutlery --Beet 'Value, Aad I.rsest £assrtraent ala the CosMJ. ales a tall line of sash tiatdwaee. Paints and Oilsat Bottom Prices. fl -- Barb Wire --Best Made. t ''_ W_ Mce"'1NZ2=_ N DAIEL GORDON GABrY rET'MAHER, \\14-- THItE AEINt UIINWERTA.ZERL Furniture at Bottom Prices for cash I have now on liana a very large ytch oek, suet av Chairs of all kinds, Tables, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Hoards, Rat- tan Chairs, cS o., 8zo., Ike. 2 Doors West of 'the Post Office. CHAS_ .A_ NAIR1 NEW FRUITS _rot--- '.n.N. H cal _eoaoa i S - Rntrrna it 000e.d.d to be the teat wrippo1 1Wln,.d I0 tb. *'oriel MI clamors of tn•.•, his knot. tau no arp0efor for le r,.. al Innespata one K Neitona'r rewind se beteg IM KANSAS CITY merman ?term vett c.lrbntes tem Ole 4allase.., Ow U. a (lss. Ter t; sed yrs trig aN 'ts+s1111/ • ,rsa.sat se • ennilidi a1 . 1. ,e,vIllt .t'f e tase AMyw t. reeetre trlresee, (headiest Pam tw r heroes.. t:a• ti. Joaftetox, ricked Agent. MAMA. NEW ARRIVING EVERY DAY An Inspection Invited. Mt/ RTROUSaAQUA Rt•' SAVE MONEY IN BUYING. A Discount of 121 per card Allolred on all Oe.sh Purchases in Win Silk Velvets, Flowers, Hata, eto., etc., etc. • bennln. Offer, as I am anxious to Clear oR My Winter Stock. Miss Jessie W1Ion,' TUX 4,0. AI. relfPRI0P