HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 5'IRON SIGNAL, FRIDAY .IAN. it, 1883. COMMUNTQATIONS. W. do slut hold ourselves roil.liathis fur tt • opinions of our Correspoode o.Contribm ters14 this deportment sous oislLue t L. us Delver publo. (wantons, me: he brief. To the Asir of The Huron A correspondent in last o elk's r...11:N.111 OVelr the eugnomea of "()nlet huii,. ous- t), deacailied a thrilling beenc.iti a tuidge in Port*Ibert, and ea,uve)td tLu idea that our Tieing men are Gettig dent"' Ala - by VI/Sting the lumberieg and districts f'sscle Ssui's duiiiiiitious. Now, cannot to Old nun in Pert Albert *11,, are ise geilty a. the yt. sue men of UAL Oho de and ACtier- able hamlet. 1 resaillect em1y many years agoati, Id wail -from Peirt Albert, DUDS to our t poet tile" respectable village, evygoutlyto lead' benighted 01,Ulle 1- inotisee jiugrapby. I is "tried twitl hen a well wore tams *Web Ift &est ed before our sages at the council boat . Mr. Editor, you know sons pions west have very profane names, but if tife. l'ort Albert geographer isone his map it in have been tile aloe' fame atlas ever issued. 1 deetit if Port Albert young mom at the brides ised viler tones thou the. 1",.rt Alla it ,4d man with the pollute map. And $ !sake matters Nook worse, some indiMtiel,!, preeent seid the uuface geogreillt. 81211.11, JLAUEMI;IiT • Cis ' lit, .7,111'..%.. 1.. 1.1,11511,41141i4/11 I LA"' with 11., . ,erve.:n 4 r ri.tiresr Ii.r 8,2 mi11 ...Ai , inole• po 'tale ••ii eu wdt *e ta *0 . ,..ry oho „ekes 50112. .1 .i111111,1fi 1.11.111t 15.5/ 4 1.,st :mat pail, i ••1 ' 4 . ass ow • 1.ssw sei U1,1 CX11111,11,u1/, , 1 IS..•11•. .1 .1 glIred 5 Cti "3 CC Thii:.iit le 4 •,•sereh' (r, wrl t. .I• te', Vt,r, thott ". v ,t)•. • • MW 4)11.0rt d. - •t "r.. uf is, very *et ati:,)" no*t.oar,'' i‘v i 1 • ' • ;11,•1.1•4S 11 51111,1511 ' 1 •lie • • •try in the ICtIl.. t'•-• . 1.• • a reorotitsto.ttr .' et' re lei; ?hi* Pi litre is a . , 171 by 1.2 't•I.ontor) o ..rtl• h.JkSotiniads. It mounteitlei heavy Plate Pater, mid apt securely 1,,tekkvi to 'rubes made cx prearly itis tLe puij NIIYbee 111 he !nailed, 1r) 1'iextra titli red fur held au oftice in the c torch. - ot atm Factieg,"'PoratIvi); etc. sequainted with Port Albert church mat. tars, 1 do not know, but bops it IS IRA true. Now is there not evil ex:..••A tinough shown to WI young sorb *see a• home to lead us astray.- tit* tarn relorm first, and set ite .young streff example, and there will 1.10 ij$1.1Ceb- sity " for pronouncing , hat niemoral,10 belled tetiop gigged by "Order.p, Duntaation; San. 9, 1883. Profess.' Mendelson gave a very in; ,,tructive lecture tot oho "Outliuos Phrenology" in the Kietail school how' es lee Tuesday eveniug. Mit W. Lute has sold his Sorra to 11cAsky of Huron for thu him of T1,800. Mr. 1511.0 intends t,. youggye in_ .0 a residence thss alma! the .s. ot Mara. . There never eeetiod to bs sum a east ety of young ladies in this neijiberhog baere,.as one wool(' irragine there was. New Years Day. At oue tiuw, that ,lay, there could be seen about a down young men, taking two youlig 1.41es uut for a sleigh ride, end whet made the cur- iosity more laspbabre wadi to see the anxiety each of ths young men exhibit- ed in endeavoring to get an roivaniage- . esis **Sion in the sleigh, when be could gehkihe _greatest share 4' tie young ladies' 1.ffectioii. Boys,therfeseeinve go for a sleigh ride, get a girl eneh, end don't be arousing be jealousy of deter Orli; you may meet, by allowing awes to bee a similar phenomenon, us that you exhibited on uur streets on New Years Day, a lady, with three men's arms around her at the same time. Mr. Johm Garvey, a very successful oenirectar.d(Claccirci was visAling at M. Jahn id oPters friends and acquaintances in this vicinity, last week. Tis parents were aniougst fr the eerly settlers of this Townebi and ehn, who was then a small b 1., endure the hauls along w ince of Chicago alrotit eighteen rs 7 .ge ,rittegistnisi. Another rant Boom in Wianipeit. fit UJ Medical nall-F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, 111HOIXSALY. 111111.k II. ItEAI Eli IN 1)Ttlip, Chemicals, Dye Stuff*, Home and ( tittle Ile e 111 By t soa...1 ...bscrtglilog, .... Mid all lar' *dimwitted and watch tht ups and' downs of prsperty. sus makim. large fortunes. But the whole secret is. they keep the 11,1itt lel in a healthy condition by th . • use of TIM rtleraiw TUN Igrods112100,4ir for she - We cao !sear us coute'to to darifier before going west. = lite wing statement We could give thematic:Is of the same kind it it wore ne ' 'I C ; ig c) NEW GI -GODS, NEW FR i.CT.t:S. CHEAP FOR CASH INT I.' :ISZ A Cr A 1E3 FL A. 1-1 S INA I rr CALLS ATTENTION. l's 0 • ti t Fill leA s, CLOTHING "it"' PATEST ithol .S. Oa Sr A FINk AtititnITMEN 11 AI ING (i(.1 -MS. Sarri ENDLESS VAltilcr **TALL I..kTES'fitt 10, STY th••••• AND I, tY Se ti 1. I'ATTEHNs, Nilt4111)4AIPOr „• , CD 5 ti)c Holiday Presents ExtraValue. was leombtcd with_ catarrh of p in the throat oksas oggighingat t 10e pear% so could not is eep. often troll ed with dullibattif3:-. ;ccling,, pains in the chest and sad iiiiaszins. I Wad tie Plums or After farlAhnsdrods of dollars to doctors. Tub 'yr' sew shin to do my work after be vea sickness. - MPS. JAMES MoN El I. .202 Idtmcoe Street, Loation. On "The aboveidsliasseat of my wifes eei rect. J•511:11 MCNEAL Prot A. ta. mangcnottreti by we. Sample For sa. d Ova feg Cad lad in rocdirrrh e toles. ne : Jobs Bead. Jas. WItoon. F. Jordan. Geo. laity - aria. amid. A. Monet. 18115 nothing except his own hands in- lustrions habits as a capital to stataiwith, in- di i It rfontery. ?Mkt Articles tool Fancy Good.. Cr 1=2. (DCM174IEB, ArlisliWN-- LINE . but by his persevenutee end eneryfy he WINTER ARRAIIGBIIINTS. has since sucieeeded In amassing au mens. fortuue. Although he is one of uAL113lu_ ,--IAITI LIFE. the most prominent contractors in the L Phoenix City, yet, he is as humble and sociable amongst his old acquaintances as he wan when • boy of eigliteen. Hia genial diapoedioa, aad opendlearted friendship is well known to al!' in this neighberhOod, who have had occasion to visit Chicago. And htglily may his friends esteem a pea from him, who peeaseeee rany of tbe real charsoteriatics el a free gentkotoo. In morality and industry, he is a grand example for all young men, who leave this country to seek their fortune in the West. BODY -SNATCHING. A Medical Oisdesi Arrested is meatreal The ilishjeet nand ta a Trask -411s5ett wide. --- Montreal, 3iin. 7.- Detective Naaby to -day arrested a student named Roderic Mignon nn a charge of body -snatching. The information was given to the detec- tive by a cabman who bad been engaged to take a trunk to Bishop's College, but as he was in the act of lifting it into his hack he noticed a peculiar odour from it. He refused to carry it, and the student then procured another carter and drove off. Meantime carter No. 1 drove with speed to the detective, and the latter, 10'0111;11i' unfinished dinner, went in oursint of tbe stadent tbe fall belief that he was on the track of s murderer and his victim. He came up with the student before the latter reached the college, and the tyro's face paled when the netective's hand was laid upon his shoulder. "You are not bound to ar- rest am," he said explaining that he wis student. The detective was Inexorable. He drove to tbe police station, never dreaming that the booty mold be in so small a tronk. Opening the latter, in - of the clothing he expected to see, the ghastly Peters of • human body. start6d him. Ele did net go back to finish bit dinner. The deed body wee at onee taken to the morgue. Tbe bod a that et Cypriot whn wee berried at the A1tosnle Cosstsity 0. afternoon. M oigfpr:dazi said bad unearth- ed the body on • evening, sad on Saturday took the t to Magna]. his freight arriving toelsy. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. The rulWerther ha. receives, 0011 eepolonnici o11.1i14.b1 all 17..shiinahloUtlin silt & i15101t.I. per m iNKithIT pl lee §1.25, e se% •,11 V.04/1 rantian Grey Fan eel 1.1 tho.:. smiles (loth Jackets left, cheap to ton its cent (Mawr. end 1 Der emit 1tt. t rwol. h t1.00 ant, 111. 1,,. tt .111%; tris of 1.04 • lob le •.il so its ea Vromit h ail %soot Vcarat (1.• . e Pl.% %%t% and 11. , • Mut, :1 Corn,..kin ... )1. 1 1,15.1155 .1.:1 '1V1,. 1 , • • NEW ARR1V Te.a- :-,p.ci:111,) .141.11141(1 Ingo, frot.1 10,. 15 4,11.1, Pei Ho: 1 „ /•• ocr 1!). better et Met • up to 40, 50,110 and 75tet• per n3: a pol1 ' r- • 4;.e; • 'tkr11:e•F:t1i ..‘;:111.1177:wri Irtri ere b "I': irmilf).-r pl•rt. (;rt, s ap Wat 1 • • ' R D W A. r sluek or-wirte ritii• !eon, ;1;•••.1, 311 l'.1,1` • FAIL& wiNTER .i.,.0"..."4!arartrelsit'er 'waders Meterhils...11 at r,1 )!.01 The Chicago House, Scotch, Desk Irish & WIN Tweeds liarmatiaa. fritra .Rostits. Nov. 30th. Froin 1111/11111X, Dec. 2nd. Po/yousiaa- irent.tlentioort afa t, Dec. COL Saralinian -from Beaters, Dee. 14th. Halifax, Deo. Pension from (Baltimore). Halifax, Dec. Mod. Caspian- from Barton, Dec. 111. Halifax. Dec. 30. Peruvian- from tilaittmerelnawal , Jan. ilth. Sarmatias. 'roan Boston. Jan. Mb. Halifax, Jan. 30th. Last train leaves Tercet° with the Mans and Passengers at 112 every Thursday111Jelk- Inv. eonnectIng with the Steamer at Halifax. -\2C.7 Sr-1-1-Srr . JD R I C . THE FALL TRADE IN M.LIIN!!=_RY 1 71=T G-1-1 U 1\1" Li 0 , Has now openekl at that headquarter, !! unit I iliti rattly ill a posjtion to statc -t -riot iusil most reasonable prices can .ho found there. :n the Millinery line in Misses, Young Ladies. Nlatroiii- •-., ".r on view at the Chicago House. A particularly lir.. !;t:.. tow.s' Carcan be seen. MISS WILKINSON is also ageot, for Butt, ' Parker's Steam Dye Works, Toronto. 139"Rernember the place THE CH [('AI ) lit )l PORTLAND AND LIVERPOOL DIRECT LIME FROM PORTLAiltlIk .4 Austrian. PAIMANoltsta 111A D oan Waif onto op the predate of du et at 711 a.m. 1431r110 Steeping Car to and 'will be ruts th to Aland coaviance Aftes=gaiw proceedier Saturday'y The Steanrishi arise Allem 1.ine leave -he e the Orand Tr Rairtray. Termites every =atom apekr to . A PAINT Ticket A risoLrsok rir oAY THAT THE rvonirevi .3N- I', HAIR RESTORER hill -ADE BY 8. TAP8COTT, td Brantford, pleases them better than any prepare - lex tom %hag ever msg. it is most refreshing to case of headache or feverishness of the Scalp, and makes Faded or Gray Hair assume a charmingly natural and healthy appearance.. Pico C Cera..to Z'ca 13ottle GEORGE RILTITAS, /A. C3r 11*.T FO CI- CD ID ID IR. T.C1-1_ ri Dugs ill Ell hors. .14 1 NVe-t-Strett. A. Ct P1NTUINI)it T Nit '144 )1 , V 1 . Hui% d0011 a poor. honest man 115Ve hard eareed money .t m•ser: -Hy .1. 0.t • DONDS 7. Musical Instruments just Arrived from England & Germany A Complete Assortment of the Following: Violin de :--tainer. Noted German A, 1'0: ttiobb concertinas, Violin C Bows and Strings, Pollan ouitare, Organ Hartatoniunta violin Reys and Bridges, Vases, Fancy Toilet .Art Ladies Satchel'', Purs.e., Shell Pura* Lined with Satin, Our Mr. Fred. C. Bond will guarantee eny of the above article., for rale at John Bond's Drug iltore, to be genuine, and of the very bee material; and will bo pleased to show custom era our entire Stock of ralICy Articles. (-Tour Motto le Quick Sales with Small Prutits! Please Call and See Our Stook. (;oderich, Dec. 21. JOHN Bt )Ni). Now is the tune. 11 you wish one or two nice rooms at home, to see Butler's room paper 2.9.19,00.09...13.,4pri°1110S00 thanoiveryhtmhucheinferiorla„,..dtse.sct,P0e, st5h:g-T,s THE GREAT .SLATTGIITElt SALE Re as over ithe boot lue la tol wn. a d must bewail. S - - CONTI:N:1, I....t willg 'altrils all(' Fashioos, 1)URI NG- THIS MONTH 3:3==12Z'S_ TTTT •T CA-- 07...an'S 111111110111111.011444111 WANTED -AT PPPPPAMM TIS- I.0. tee Best Value to Tows. 5. lissal fur Money. II and Net Tea Cab% be Meat by ass hind Reductiose diad• es Maud upward paresis of Star Balt Works! (111,500) Nineteen Thousand Five Hun- dred. CORDS OF WOOD tooner renew The tan that 4,000 denotes nen wohmetanly tagetber from all parts of the Provisos to testify their high sad em- 1=u. rienrst Ousrarent, sod 00111111041011 to sisatein A at the enaire eleetiena, tangy lora deep • hold it los en the alleetioneOn pow pie. No polities' lead* In (1a.& wee before resefited mesh ma 000,600/00 0.0- 000‘ 11114 111 41411 40101101111, add 10 has Mot tin PAWN, Ina Ns 1110 melt flellend bier fhtneelet_ end be is molly in notions tin Ileglit ILI ollr toe 14,11fil are goksisel - -flbmip1 Screwy (5,000) Five Thousand Cords, 0300d Paswoti lleafig, '38 Thu ty Met inches ',Nog £',,e. V2 50 to 10. 75 ;war Cord (2,000,00ff Two Million Ten of JAPAN, BLACK, AND MILKEN, • Asko .ad Wen Banking. BANK. OF MONTB&A.L. C A PI2 A L, - 01t,000,0o0. . 4,5,000,001). SURPLUS, - - r --- J. C. DEMOB & CO'S. SEEM= BLACK SILK AT 95C. D. "LA?:derich Branch. TO TO TURNERS OFTRECOIINTIOF RURON Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, lette. of credit and circular notes issued. poyab I is an parte of the world. 1154. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCI 0:1NTLIMEN, •By request of a large number of the yeoincil .)f the, County we I. ore decided to roansfacture StA_P '1ST C3r N DiLOWIlsT Cie litE.A.01=t HIS , in oonnection with our Plow business for the year 1883, which for material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders for reapers or mow - Paid up Capital, $6,000,00u. ere pntil you sae those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the fanners a good opportunity to inspect our machines. We will warrant our machines to du an good work asany other made. We will al so have a number of good President - MUN. WM AfelidSTAN .tAA. 1%T i. T. -J E Ft 8 Genera! Manager, - W. iv. ...... for the Spring trade. CIOCOICIINTa• STOVES Goderich Branch. hand, and will be sold cheap for cash, or be exchanged f,)r no.l. Cash A. M. ROSS, - - - - MAttst.sa, 4plawitalIZronoldron. SEW -MILLER & CO. the minciptil Towns and C1 in Canada Interest allowed on depositaikDratta on a °Wench Foundry. Great Britain and the United tes, bough sled sold. Adranceste Farmers on Notes. with one or more endorsers. without morktasre. 175 Reef , - *1,400,000. ELAXL. BLOANE GENF:RAI, MEALIER IN S=0S, Grain & Produce -rail Dress Goods TLAS. NEW DRESS GOODS A large shipment Nested 1st of Weiss. Geo. H.OId. somur saoces A of Soft Ma Rork is, Sow • BA. MA - , anal en kinds al togs, far ..be4b.psiit Apply to JOHN 800BIK muh, ga$ welt's. (Wend% 00.01010,41001.. GRAND 11117140 Pos011160. W5*'1. IlLed G•derteli.L•Adetwo11.11 700 1.11400 La ons _w 000000. A r SMA.. Pa141s. p= rid. wren* pa 11:= Lool01 sow dear* •1171 an. 0. Kimespolue 1 eloriter of Illamilima and 1telorta llereets A Comfortable Dwelling house To Let also two lenses to -let on Newirate-iitreet. Apply to 8 810000 W1 s --,.........-.,,T4.i. OTRIPEDsai BROCADED SATINS ÷7 ,...... p' -y, w. sew a pPOSI Ss *0 mew. Ira "MIN mem We = a:ISMto 10610wezl7a.rtes eeesslma Mar l=Xs ptMar. 710s0. --ftrdr v2re.,gritr a 100417. Ta 0 000- 1 C tbie wee .= egi 0010000. F10 Wirth= acCasettif: Mews 101/6 1 00 a OD.. Pro malt+ In ettleiffollrlfamloits OLBORNE BROS GODERIOIL t, I 111r Iltb‘ 0 imp weir 0. its rent