HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 14, ls8& WHO SHALL GQVHRN TABID. Neta t• t'ruh feriae 1Je4 lis. ON- RUL1l8OF CONDUCT FOR'B . were Wise Yartatleas .t Old -Time Addeo 1. Young Mea Martine la U. 1. Steak your 1 freely «, that peo- ple will know that you have a mind. 2. Never !caro to write if you would be sure to make your rnrk in the world. 3. If you hear •tything against a per- son repeat it es often as you own. It S well to put people of their guard 4. Never stop to consider, but stake up your mind on the blatant. 1t shows pr ptitude of decision. 6. daring made uu your mind stick to it, though y •u know 1'••u are wrong. Tne moot obstinate ovule is likeliest to win. 6. Never inind about priucipro unless it be the principal of u:' ney. 7. Don't bother about details of busi- ness. Lave small things io small minds. 8. Believe flu; you are uu:de of supe- rior clay and turn up your tome at every body else. 9. Bow that ..11 the girls are dying for you. 10. Shun work ; it is vulgar Hang round the big hotels and working imoo Who shill govern Ontario ?--the elec- tors of the provtuce, ur the Prettier of the Dominion 1 What,(rery prirtiuuutly,asks the Ham- ilton Tiusea,) is the use of a Irroviucisl Legielatuts which is to be r-tsp,usible, not W the oleo of the Proviuce, but to Sir John Maodo.ald : Si: John Mac- donald has more supporters fi the other Provinces than from Oulaiio, and he is apt to be guided in hie decisions by the opiuiuu of the majority of his supporters, In a case where the c!aiwe or prejudices of the rest .,f the Do ' ,loft of Ontario conflict with the claims he would enforce the will of the Tories belonging to other Provinces. Where, then. is the reaio,wibility of members of the Ontario Legislature to their constit- uents f What becomes of the euutnd of the people of Outario over the Provin- cial Legislature 1 The Mowat Government acnowled gee responsibility to the people of On- tazio ; the Opposition, led by Mr. Mere- dith, prefetp to :na:.e Sir John Macdon- ald the judge of Iegia1ative acts. Will the people of Ontario retain" their c"n- trol of their representatives, or abdicate is favor of the Premier of the Dominiot.? TM .Is.Mrs ea Mr. a•iert) . The slanders of the Mail on Sir. Doh- erty in charging that hotel keeper, were compelled to buy their licenses ha :e re- ceived the meet complete refutation. And yet the organ doe. not apologize. Nay, it even refuses to publish the let- ters of parties whose names have been wrongfully used in support of the orgals's baseless charms*. One of the names meetioned was that of Edward Haulan who gave the contradiction in the follow- ing letter, which speaks fur itself : "In your issue of the 18th inst., under "the heading of 'Mr. Duberty's mon- ' opoly of the cigar trade among hotel "keepers,' you soy, 6I1 is openly stated "that Edward Hanlon and Mr. Mead, "hotel keepers on the Island, were fore - "ed b purchase 10,000 cigars each, from "Mr. Doherty before their licenses were "greeted,' Aa tar as I am concerned "tie statement is wholly u.true, and I "outsider it a slander epos Mr. Doherty "and myself " He states that he was i. England in April last when his license was granted. After his return in July he ought $150 worth of cigars from Ner'iok k Co., as he would from any other firm. He continues : "In future "when you attack • political opponent "please leave my name out unless the ``statements you rely on me to prove are `'true. I am a. good Conservative, and • •I will not conquer an opponent by foul 'Inmate, I have not done it in my pro- "feesiooal capacity, and will not do it" "any way, nor for anything." li will envy you. 11. Make acquaintances of people be- neath you -if you can find any --for it is pleasant to be hooked up to 12 Avoid men w Ito know mune than you do. It is unpleasant to be patron- ized by such fellows. 13 Newer mind about the lutes of pnliteuess. Leave such stuff to old men and school girls. 11. Never throw the mantle of charity over any but your own sins. 15. Never miss • chalice to sneer at religion, or to denounce professes as hypocrites. Thu. you will show that frankness of opinion which should be your pride. 16. Honor your father and mother by calling them old fogies, and boasting that you know more than they ever did or ever can. 17. Avoid hard work. Never use g -at muscular power except in a boat ram. 18. Eadure the trial of other people with placid resignation ; but about your own make Rome howl. The Lew s *teamed Calate. seesaw. Th. habitual loiterer never brings any- thing to pass. The young men whoui you see lounging about, wattito, for the weather to change before they go to work, break down before they begun, get stuck before they start. Ability and willingness to labor are the two great oonditluns of success. It is useless to work an electric machine in a vacuum, but the air may be full of electricity,and still you can draw no spark until you turn the machine. The beautiful statue may exist in the artist's Drain, and it may also be said in a certain sena to ex- ist in a marble block that stands before biro, hrt he must bring both his brains and his hands to bear unto the marble, and work har.1 and long,in order to pro- duce any rreetioal result. Swears also depends 112 a good . measure upon the man's promptness and skill W seize op- portunities, and take advantage of the rise of the tide. A great deal of what we call luck is nothiug more ur law than this. It is the .tan who keeps kis eyes open, and his hands out of his pockets. that aucoeeda. ''I missed my chance," exclaims the disappointed man, when be sea another catch the bait and "go in." If he had been as alert as the other he might not have mimed. But soauathing more than alertness is ne'ded ; e• must know how to avail ourselves of the em- ergency. An elastic temperament,which never seems to recognise the tact of de fat, or forgotts it at ouoe and begins the work over again, is very likely to ensure success. Many a great orator has made a terrible breakdown in his maids. speech. Many a merchant lues one for- tune only to build up another and a lar- ger one. Many an investor fails in his first efforts, and is at last rewarded with a splendid triumph Some of the most popular writers wrots req pour staff in the beginning. They were learning their trade, and could not expect to turn out first ohms work until their appren- ticeship was ever. Oso great sweet of snooes/ is not to be di.enuryed. The cause of death. It is known al- most to a osrtsiaty that in fatal dietaries the individual dies either by the brawn, heart or lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain • perfect state of health 1 Dr. Oareon's Stomach and Constipation sitters are s veritable " Heath Giver." They free the sys- tem from all impurities ; cure Bilious - new D�spepsis, and ell di easss of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. In large bottles at 50 cents. Sold by George Rhys as. Westgate, the self accused participant in the Phoenix Park assassinations. born been discharged from custody, the au thorities having satisfied themselves Boit he had nothiug to do with the affair. In answer to a correspondent request- ing information concerning stray cattle, the Collingwood Enterprise gives the following summary of the Lw, which we copy foe the benefit of our country read - ere :- Properly speaking all stray animals should be taken to the nearest pound - keeper, but stray horses, bulls, oxen, cows, sheep, goats, pigs or other cattle, may be r•etain3d by any person, provid- ing no claim for damage made, and due notice of their detention is given. The owner, if known, must he notified in writing. If unknown, the Clerks of the municipality must be sppplied with • written notice, containing a description of the animal. The Clerk is required to entetthe notice into a book to be kept by him for the purpio se and to post a notice to a conspicuous place. or near tho door of his office, fur one week. If the animal is worth more than $10, the diutrainermust also publish • notice in a ountry newspaper once a week for three weeks. The diatrainer must feed the animal, and recover vales for the same, as well as for time, trouble and attend- ance. If tho "stray " is not claimed within the time mentioned in the notice, an affidavit to that effect must be made before the Justice of the pesos, and no- tice of sale given. The ale an be con- ducted by any poundkeep er but not by private individuals, and the animal must be sold by aaotion. Notice of sale few pigs, goats or sheep, may tit Sven one month after the animal is taken up ; fur horsesind other cattle the notice may n d be issued unttl after two months AO chaeta are led Doted from the amount rt•lised by the sale and the anrplus, if any, must be paid over to the Treasurer of the m,saadpality If the charges of tb• dietraisar .re dmp.ted. any three mists tette Parser. ISUIrbY same. The constant dropping �t aof _ e. will So wear away even the h• the constant irritation of a cough will se wear upon the lungs as to induce incura- ble Consumption. H•gyard $ Pectoral Balsam will cure the worst cough, apetdi- ly and effectually. owe There are many foolish things docent this world, and nee of the moat foolish (and we may add wicked) thing is to neglect a p0, 0 or (Arid Now we know that coughs, Orta, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all Cheat, Throat, asil Lung Trou- bles, if negkvted, are sere to end in Consumption and Death. They may be easily cured by tieing as dictated Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Deem there is no remedy equal to it. It Bever [•i a. Sold everywhere in large bottles at We. For sale by Geo. Rhyntm. Add • littli glycerine to the grease you put on your harness It will keep the leather soft and pliable. In storing cured meat select that to dry, cool and dark. Plant your ourn when the leaves of tbe oak ars seise of a mouses ear. That is the Indian's maxim, and it is not a toad one. Black walnut trees make better growth than almost say other. A strong decoction made from sassa- fras roots is reoomroended Lor killing lies on horses and tattle. Do thorough pruning in the early summer. The wood laid bare soon b000ees aeared and begins to heal at ORM. Sod ground is beat for Dorn. The oleander, leaves, bark, flowers atd fact the whole tree is poisonous to stock. Tanbark makes a good mulch and 1. an excellent absorbent. a room Never Ogee If you are suffering with low and de- preased spirits, loss of appett.e, general debility, disornered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any dismiss of • bilious nature, by all means ptucure a bottle of Electric Titers. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvemset that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoioe in the praise BOOTS1AND SHOES At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Tow*, In Endless Variety MY to suit tho must fastidious and the most economic buyer L now roniple.e, and I take pleasure in informing my custeutors that at no pre viol *true have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price tint'ts of Electric bitters. bold at fifty an rt is • pt»itty het flat no such value in tout wear ena be got elsewhere. a 1o0111., by Jas. Wilton. [6] tensors nice Parson sad sesatwes. Thousands of dollars eon be saved by using proper judgment is taking are of the health .1 yo.rs.lf and Wally. It you are Bilious, have scab. nomplmr poor appetite, low and depressed manta, and geneeally debilitated, de mot delay a moment, ink go at one* and procure a bottle d those vouderful Electric Bit- ters, whisk mat tail to ours, sad that for the trilling sam of fifty easel bane. -Sold by Jas Wllsue. [1 CUSTOM W ORK ANCHORLINE. , of every grade .till receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma cut. ti NIT[L STATES MAIL HT1;A YYRt3 I in the snot approved styles by first-class workmen, end Sail Weekly to and from of the very best material ubtaitsahle. Now YORK aRDtiaaseow, eta LONDONOmY n, ie. actors. eta, Ste. D 0 -w N i N C4 - ...a 8l $110140 - Sewn t (�ab(P to Return ns. $1 a, paeosogers booted at bre Passenger somesmodatlons unexcelled. ALL titsteu eoso on M Ant DUCK. Passengers basted at lowest rates to or fres Germany. Italy, Nor'wMar. Sweden. Denentek. e. Yoe Book of "Tours in Sootlasd. Net,as, Pta•s dc., apply to HENDRRSON BROTHERS. New York. Or 10 MES. It. WARNOCK. Hamiltos St tuioh INN. G A BIG PUSH! Finest Bolds I Lowest Prices Mr. N.O. Dews art a came s to Nave[ Set he Nikko and his treads became tlti. lig- mate .MI we L result. Wteee weftarMsNei eette et ossa - wawa'. 7 Cherry Bahsa% se the very besttAoen to Mimsa led p Mr. Datums ft west• M'eee? = Nem restored to health. It tea ooh is••ra refer to such wonderful vireo seam 1a time dale of eaeoksh aim of -professional etf- ,u.tte.- JAS. SAUNDERS & SON A Beao•rrrvi. Haan Or Ham -There le nothing more pleasing is t , at&nal ap- pearance of women or mien than a beau- tiful head of hair, and itis possible for every person to possess it by using the long and well known Cingales Hair Re- storer. Sold at 5lesnts per bottle by all Druggists std James Winton. 2m: Everything New and Fresh ! LOOK AT THE LATEST ARRIVALS. 1 Calk, 1 Blb. Plated Ware. 2 Cases, Wnting Desks and Work Boxes 1 Case, Japanese Goods. 5 Casa, Toys and Fancy Goods. it Parcels, Jewelery. 3 Barrel*, detested Lamps 1 Case, Musical Instruments. 4 Cass, Vases and Toilet Sets. 2 Barrels, Majolica Ware. 1 Ouse, China Cups and Saucers. 1 Case, Presentation Books. MAITLAND MOTEL, GOD*RLCN ONT. ?heelers w vs se•ad drat -class house, close to the Railway Shallot and coevealent to the tows, is seoo d to nose 1.. O.terto. for com- fort and a000mrsodatlon, Is heated by Hot A ir. 17 eAUNS •ATtaa, SWIMMING SA 1M Croquet Limn and garden on the premises Hot and cold meals al alt heats. for Comecon. Aa Omaibas to mid trout beets sad ears our scantly In attndanoe. .Ino. Bronm$a�Pre- prietor. I onsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTIOAL BAR. - T . DER ..d FWrdre�gD.ert.bpaegt rn�e. to �rve,,turn BAR. - Shapiro to the pubtto tot pest reasge, and ,sl4Mts s cos nsesece ofHe always be found 81a tt taring Parlors near Past OSce Oeaerieb• o The above goods will be sold at lowest living prices, with Special rates to persons getting up Christmas trees. The Cheapest House Under the San. INe t door to the Posta/Soo., 1883. ar r's Yong P*.P � AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-i6PAGE A 600D INVESTMENT, You will Save Money b Sissies Your Groceries F I rovisions AT ifs D. FERGUSON'$.-' HAM 'LPN. STREET. We are Now Selling This Season's s NEW. TEAS From 30ety per 1t, to '; 5eta. New Raisins, . New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &c. Sures, To DOTS AND ells or sloe ill 'ro .Vitale TZARS OF Anil. Vol. IV. commences November 7, 1882. The Fosse People has been from the first s.00eadul booed anticip tton.--(N. Y. Iron- ing Peat- It ealIt ora a distinct purpose. to which it stead- ily adhere.. -chat, eaglets, or suppandeg the vicious papers for the young with a paper more atftadlvs. aa well as more wholesome. - (B,Mon Jmnraal. Queen Viotoeis has recently won, at the Birmingham Cattle and Agrtcdtueal Society's exhibition, a premium of £50 for • shorthorn Hereford from her Wind- sor farm Always avoid harsh purgative pilin. They first make you sick and then leave you oo.stipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Done, one pill. With every bottle of Dr. Carson's Pul- monary Muth Drops, a eataple bottle is given free of charge. lf, after usi.g the trial bottle, Ibu are not satisfied with its effect, you can retnrn the large bottle to ynnr dealer who will refund the money. Thousands ran testify to Ib illsaspt.eta. in Caring Coughs, (]olds, etc If you suffer, try assns. i a bottle. Sok( by Geo. DO MI N [ON Will be Sold Proportionally Chap. Extra Family Flour AT $2_25 per 100 lbs_ A Fall Supply of Oatmeal, CozLmeals,on HBanrand., Shorts, etc. Alway he Best Qllak of t Coal Oil al Lowest Prices. 8K11IGYILLNR. Chilled P1*sew -AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Having the Gederieb foundry. Mee tor C TU tnenagerMsOuro o C n RA large IMPLItM as ► eras. MillWorkGre and Jobbing will be ens ttnnneed lAllow* snares/red. Mr. n. Rnnettw.e to the *lily east .w15orir- to oolleot payment. and give tenet on be half of the late arm of kneeholes a Co.. an all per.oas ladebted are requested to gover tbem•el vr. accordingly. P. SE F.0MILLEIt. Proprietor. any For aeatatostl,- eteganoe of *engraving, , and theoontsstecm y) it is unsurpassed 7 publication 1 kin.: yett brought to our no- tice.Witt shores Oriente. 2'S1RM8- mAEP's TWITS PtsDrag. ! `Ione Per Tear r'est.Rs rrs uM. t Binge Numbers. Four Cents each. keen copy sent on receipt of Three The Volumes of Llarper'a Young for 1181 and 1158. handsorselT bound In - hied sent OT�postage pre- void. h. ver Tweese Poo*, for 1582. 36 cents; postage, 13 cents additional. ttemittan,:es sheet(' be made byPat Mho Money Order or !)raft, to avod chance of Iota. Newspaper* are not foropy this �Y advertise went without r ne .servos i- .r RRartHSRs. A Admen COUGH BALSAM. 1 The great long raraedyi5 Moo • vtuable aa- tidote to Uroup. Mrs. Qulmn, Welbngto.rt.. Brantford says "Ose of my children was erred wttas aa alarentelf attack of Croup. ss the child gust Meek la the hoe 1 was frighten- who ,�d�.dm *p Mn!t ('o Ing. .4dr" ddd ' !Man English. Bn ha fetish 7Ur. .ret .5. � using for .erre Wags gave complete relief. i soots rave another. and very shortly the oblld was all rt end at play, is the house as IResent for • bottlecess tM �ateastees of mein. nay child's life - it Drolyiar. of i' `r t'•',ifs fret Soule a. TAPMte're • se.. fele Mt/rsasors, Rrsntferd. O.tarto fet•ce viewer+ areempowered to sat as ser hi t retool it made mefa� a •' Band of Music, ' was the rather forcible exQres- aim of an individual whn was praising " Pectoris," the great remedy for Coughs and Colds, II. softness,keffectuandal. , lBron- chitis,it aide, pleasant If you suffer, try it Far sale ny all DveWlsta and general dealers at 26 eta. • bottle.For sale by (leo. Rhyme. m ptelhbeeddimmerof of tiontWtar re New 'Fork en Thursday from TritebyriTTNOTTDAIVED IML LOUIS tea . A i . et Prin ints. Illlsttuaatsdaa he .v stesse Meta tM of •fa the t t..,.Ma late laurree Bias fa wvwa silos• t..gtt.t.,.....t ryll.e gesM t t ow r li n .M sltNoaya whish eerie a (oras veneration of nese thee any pesparatlnn bliteetotaew'n. W. J. C. Nafte1, 11A'WICK & RitOTHERS. New Tort. 0811 BE1t=DY FOR CCR1]<O CONSUMPTION, 'OUQBS, ()ODS, ASTK[A, 02011p, A:1 Dismiss et rte Threat, Laggs sad Palawan' Organs. jIif ITS ►*ITrrt'L r,Nl COw.USPTIOR iIAS SEEN OV ft D Wheu other Renedles and Phrsietans have failed to effect a etre. 13.eee.rend1d byParsrrn4rm. Mtrta,ra, Ant News. In bet by everybody who has Ares It • f aror. faits i 1 As sa IISTN+ilp't*NT it tss se Brat. rt is Nnriar le oke Mn.t Deliete tltld. 1 L. eseimew• sea ortt 'r o.. any AWNS. fRPltirent .nris see. -nonan' wk battle. roc we IW art U: ,orgutr 1t8M %,seat for (Mdee*ib. GODERiCH BOILER WORKS. Chryatll & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN W. S. Hart & CO. New BOILERS and SAi.T PANS manufac tarot/on shortest notice. PROPRIETORS OS THS Goderich KilLs (LATE PIPER'S.) Beg to return thetr .baaks to the public the liberaltronage received during the pas year. sad is Mate they are prepared to dt CI' El I tai 'V I IN Col- on the shortest notice. or for the convenience of p•-tleeliving at • distance Will !schism/ye lyrists at their town store Lute W. M. 11illiard's,) Masonic Moot. least lot. Ooderich. rlHigheet price paid for wheat ilea 5500.00 Reward. We will pay the above reward for &yY cane or Liver Complaint, Dye pork, Sick Headache. Idamsstlga. (wMlpattoe or Costiveneas we o.aaeleere with e.t's vegetable Liver Pills. whoa Se beckons are sired, MOM led with. Trey ors Vegetable. and ever fall to Mire. Sager Coated. Lary. Boxes s Pills. cents. Tor sale by all Beware of counterfeits and Maltat The Dwaine msaafsotiked only b1 JOHN C. WMT t CO.. a Pru Makers, • 81 said 5 King 8t. Istat. Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mil prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Per see at WIn.sea'a MEG Weeks:. All kinds of Repairing executed ander the ELL = �, Woth personal supervision of the Proprietors who �f,the e ARIL Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103 b b te--4 F Pc/ 00 1787 f lei s O b en 4 g ►'oiL� 56 xto e Walter Liebe, of Waterloo, writes that 1iees Ytllww Oil Sas time great goodie ois family, hes wife b eared of calle's lump that nther m.dieiies puled to remove, elan states that a i itiWibor was promptly relieved of Ithee endirt by the setae remedy t Mss. sse,.r.as ..rw•sw w . ,y... zt. i.. 9 i' t . ° t $. ttttfi; . r a ftt fttigiS g•;1 DR. R. C. Wsat'a Nueva &Rn Hosts Ti,.. ttaws,astt•rastoed ap.oilic for Ilystens.. Dir alneaa, Convulsions. Pita, Nervous Neuralgia Headache. Nervous Prostr•tlos telrsed hy the Ws) of aleoh•l or tobacco. Watefulness. Men tai Depression. Softening of the Brain. resulr lilt la Insanity and lean to misery. de. s) .ed death. Premotor. OM Age. Ilrrrennees 1.01s of Power In either sex. 1• voluntary I .ossee and Pperm.tmitioes, teased by over-ev rtieo of the Meat., self-abuse or overindulgence One box Will cure recent ewers. Each box con Mins al one es at e e dollar'.: One by lar& boy. mall pre or sir boxes for ave dollar : sent paid on retalp of price. W guarantee sin hoses to care any owe Wish <sch order re OPIYM try us foe sit neves. ser-otnpanled with SYS dollars, we ,will rod the purchaser oar wrlttee gtar••tteto refund the money If the issued only hb JAIME Moulin Guaranteesolt hied .gest roe nederleb. (Int. N 1'. W EST t CO.. sole propr{eters. Toronto. Ont. Uriy'e apecilc Iblicine tlltwlllt 5845851*. near - Tomos MAIM .ousts R. - wen? A. ea- t•ere1016 . eir+le4. f W nasi use. Pig:. raator r Iwtale e awryases at "5 dr1M.w se sae-` a • s .P V vKnene► of welt w7 s0 V. S : I M 1 easearrellet Hwa eft olalon it.. �I e MOT AM' atersar• _ y t INs► r+ io r�eNll •ad s °rr " .11 I loan wbMt e free h, .yr fi s mall to eror+anr . c adi.1'' 1 'd F - 'a' (wn1A ty► aM drwsMbwor to •' • `i e ' 3 i g. packages for hi. wrrww�lolfr/tishe I., „,s, i d a i. ,7' TH1s 'IrVJMt'frlt ,saran i 1 e I tfS r� 8mdsrirb M i.