HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 22
FIRE AND SWOR 1) : added to thew dubious t1
A Stora' cf the Ma of
Thane waw ooasmotiott is feller fele,
Earl Breadalbane, the feudal laird of the
district, had important state business l4
hand. Ile held a oomtnisiva from the
State for the (,aci:ication of the dieatlect-
ed clans, and had invittd the Jacobi:o
chiefs and officers t.o friendly 'intercourse
at his Glenurely estate.
This was ,reception day, and his own
numerous retainers were attired in spe-
cial holiday garb, and had gathered in
,treat force Oa the siretch of green t
ground fronting his prinoely residence h
at the head of the Brae of Orchy.
The year was 16.91, and on the failure e
of the Jacobite party to maintain itself
against the Whig party, Breedalbane—.
who was a professed and :ousted support- w
er of King William's Government, now
that that Govexnneut was on the win-
ning side—had oecsivad a most impor..
tent commisaiou to eoticiliate the High-
land Chiefs by the distribution of £15,- th
000—an immense rem in these days— w
along with the promise of an indemnity es
from the oonsegeersees of put offences
▪ - against loyalty to the new order of
t things ; the conditions of all which were
etl1� aoosplance, oe the par, of the disaf-
fected Chiefs, of the Oath of Allegiance.
deep of treschely
at�111 the Hord O
EIiledber . Aim the Revolt)
heal, like others of Lis fellow nobles,
Jutned auslbstteyed every political party
t m tares He had event 'nail M W,1
Liam and lyary, aid had spire .ls
secreta and ayataatatically plotted
against thee& His uncertain autl.Aie-
Nett table caGrse—which had all along
heel full of shifts and doubffeme memo e
somewhat leas tortuous after the Whig
ascendancy consequent on the battle of
the Ione. His position and Welts
marking him out to the new Gomm -
meat as a man who could do :each to
j'ac'fy tie Highlands, he accepted, and
at once proceeded to eaeonte, the impor-
t/at commission entr'aatad to him, and
entre the convention of the chiefs and
flicers of the Jacobite party at Ciento-
"Annrher arrival, my Lord Breadat-
bane," announced an attendant Dunnie-
asaeil, saluting the proud Earl
Who f" he i nq uired-
"Camerxr of Leokiel," promptly an-
wered the atterieet.
A smile of eatiefaction momentarily lit
e dark features of the haughty Earl.
!lick was succeeded by a bun of con-
rsation amongst the Highland chiefs
seated routed the table.
'No word yet of M'Ian of Glencoe?"
he inquired, as the attendant turned to
lesv, the hall.
"None, my lord.'
The earl resumed his seat, from which
be had momentarily risen on receiving
the announcement of Loehiel. The non-
appearance of M'Ian, the Chief of (llu-
ooe• had mentally disquieted him. A
dark shade of wiugled anger and disap-
pointment clouded kis handsome count-
enanee, which was noticed by those who
sat in his presence.
The Earl's auspicious of M'Ian's per-
usal jealousy end hatred, apart from
his mer+ political daatutie.n as a Jacob-
ite, was natural, and perhaps in a sense
justifiable, Fur generations past the
"Mee of the Glen," as the Maodunalds
of elle Looe were familiarly called, had
been regarded as enemies ot iheBreadal-
bane blanch of the powerful Campbells.
The Earl entertained rind pe..,istently
nursed • strong, if not a just,
aver* the old chief and his "thieving
people," as he eau accustomed to name
the n, sed knowing .w,,e'! the stem old
&Ames perfervid ettaC.atnest to this Jaco-
bite cause, jailed to the'' personal dial
li !e and ■uapicion ot each oi;hsr, be
p.'omptly concluded that M'I*.i's octet
ed ieese.toe from tare convention -was
- insult offered to his dignity as con
vense of the meeting in the Ki••R's
r. o.
"The wily old fox will not readily
l .eve L den," Le whispered ;n s nut;
tone aside to Cap aro Robert Olen'yun,
an unscrupaloue pet'eroe of the Ferri,
aaa s lard on his domains.
Gleulyca smiled grimly, and sueges-
fivety shot his head, 'oV, venturing an
open remark lest the ceiefs assembled
rocnd the table should overuesr it.
e moos cor.,ectioa," age t whiape.-
'Yas, "' s so -t," responded Glenlyon,
at.'l-'ng tee massive hilt of his sword.
Further mirky was perant'y inter
rupted by the entrance of Loch»!, the
•"oestor, i.o a later veneration, of the
gallas. au d chivalrous eeeerenepf "'.ince
Charles of the '4b.
t'A coin -And welooase"," shouted
Eresdalbeie, rising rid extending his
Lochial retuned the frothy greeting
less effusively .nun the proud Earl would
have wished. He eau, however, too as-
tute a diplomatist to show his resent-
ment, and friendly greetings went round
the circle, with a fair show of sincerity
and good faire, succeeded on which con-
versation bestow, general, the main topic
of bl upness being studiously avoided by
the Earl, in the hops that II'Ian of the
Valley migh: still put in an appearance,
whose adhesion to the new Covernmeut
was the 'nor) to be desired because of the
re. pest in which he was held by Lu
en,ther chiefs, and the influence his
counsel had with than.
"His land 1:35 nearest ma, std he lathe
slo,t-es, of appearance," agai i muttered
the Earl to his trusted hcnch'ran Glee.
"Which means—
"Opax s'tion to our plans. " interjectel
. he angry )art.
By-a,t.l-by, however, the atteadao,
Dunnuwa'wail rushed in and almost ex-
eited'y announced the arrival of M tau.
oecripisd ' y his tee sons Jobe and A l -
lis er, the ole Caines piper, and a weal!
body -Quant ' f re( amen.
A gleam of satisfaction lit up the
Curl's dark face, and he smiled Svelte/m-
ay to his trusty penmen Glenlyon.
f resen:.ly the old Chief entered the
hall, supported ri-;i1 and left by his two
eta'.watt wine, who each saluted the
FHh $URON St�1�I�,�,, FRIDAY, JAN. 12, !88;;
was a striking figure t0 look at
before his old enemy, the
and over -meek* Marl.
apprlitad in kilts, sad ware the alter -
NOR( pinup and pale -den statue of
his elso, tn)Maliw.O with a piotursogn,
pcotsaitaa M1 tlf'iM.a sleeks, wN6 *hie
. bt4.trst filth ed a lighter color,
pIa , ort;-iitakioaad spartan, rgitLatlistti>i
aqd diens.„ ad with shots BMde od ;
;gin on his feet. The breed woof,
bet which ha held in his hand was fitly
adorned with a badge of heather blos-
som and a single white eagle's feather.
It was further noticeable that the heath-
er badge was artistically tied together
by a white ribbon erranged in a double
loop -k not.
The quick eye et the Earl netice.l
thew alight yet signiiieent indications of
hostility to the business at issue. He
promptly judged them as being equiva-
lent t.. an aasuurptimr, of the 'White
Oockade," and the arrugauce of . he ad
annoyed him. He accepted it u a de-
fiant challenge avainat the success of the
important comuiisaion with which he
stood entrusted.
" Macdonald is late of arrive)," re-
marked the Eart, affecting by the tone
et his voice to be more concerned in his
guest's welfare than dubious of his sin-
cerity in attending the busteens of the
The 'old (thief tendered the Earl an
evasive reply, and entered forthwith
into a spirited conversation with his
brother Chiefs around him.
The apacioua baronial -looking .hall
wherein they were gathered presented a
picturesque and roost striking appear -
On every side the walls were hung
with nuraer,us trophies of the chase,
huge hor-nsofbwts,euite otchain-armor,
old swords of traditionary note, wfth
rows of emb1ematio shields and banners,
and with rude arms and accoutrements
native to the period, and to presiding
ages of rapine and blood. Bash article
of honor, and each relic family history
and worth had a dory of its own to tell,
detail* of which had been traditionally
banded down from sire to eon- In many
cases battle dents, and dark stains of
eloodnndered longbladed broadswords
and short -hafted, heavy -headed axes of
great tra,atiuual vatne in the eye, of
succeeding chief of the family. In ad-
dition, the huge antlers of the latest
slain nag fitly adoised the centre of the
table, and pur.ioua of its fifth were aerie
ed up a repast for the Earl's guests in
another part of the building.)
These martial and strikinr, accessories,
oonsmrngling thus with the picturesque
andmany-huedgarbs of the different
Highland Chieftains, conspired to rep-
ly: the scene a notable ons, and not no.
worthy of the important historical epi-
sode which occasioned it.
Outside the scene was equally inter-
esting; to look at, and hardly Ism pictn-
raeque and staking in effect. On the
green plateau before the Earl's mansion
the riral clansman heartily fraternised,
and' pouring out copious libations of foam-
ing &Ie drank to each other generally,
and pledged each their own chiefs ieper-
ticular, dancing between times, horn-
pipes on the graaa to the scream of the
pipes and the approving abouts of spec-
tators. It was enough that their belov-
ed Chiefs were in oonferenee with the
Earl inside the ball. Trey were con-
tent to go, or -emein, as directed.
Meanwhile Breadalbane had cautious-
ly opened business by unfolding the
Government plan of reconciliation and
clemency towards the rebellious Jame
hitsChiefs. Put offences, he explain-
ed, were to be overlooked, additional
portions of land were in some mass to
be oeded, and as a catching bait money
inducements were held out them, and all
on the single condition of their accept-
ance of the Oath of Allegiance.
L)readalbare urged on their attention
the generosity of the Government terms,
an anxiously watched the effect of the
proposal on the assembled guests. For
some moments there was no verbal re-
sponse, and the profound alienee with
which the Earl's scheme of reconcilia-
tion bad been received argued but poor-
ly for its ultimate success.
Breadalbane urged a reply, and; all
looked to M'Ian for counsel. His cour-
age, his sagacity, awl his years all com-
bined to give hi.n that priority of speech
and place among then which his brother
Chief. with one moored ooecede.l.
Rising to his feet, lie spoke with firm
deliberation, and haring the courage of
his ceevicti.,na, he fearlessly deprecated
omen° of the Serene of the proposal,
atie*tse tba, loyalty to • fallen cause was
preferable to chicanery in the matter of
a successful one.
Breadalhane scowled enapprovel of
M Ian's roomette, and looked routed the
circle anticipatory of a friendly and
sympathetic discussion of the proposal,
e The Earl had therefore entered into
n3gotiations, on behalf of the Govern-_
went, with the priaeipal Chiefs and offi
cern of the Jacobite party ; and in the
hope of furthering a summate/al issue had,
invited them as guests to a friendly cun-
ferance in Gleuorchy.
There was thus commotion in the quiet
Glen that day. Kash Chieftain, accom-
panied by a small body -guard of armed
retainers, entered the 'seclusion of the
beautiful Glen with rapes playing and
ribbons and tartans aging ; and from
early morn till well on tis afternoon the
arrivali continued to pour in, from dis-
tricts distant and near, to strains of war.
line and inspiring music.
It was a bright, warm summer day,
the exact date being June 30, 1691. The
Vale of Oroby--beautiful in itself, al-
though surrounded un all aides by moors
and mountains—ease looking its very
beet in the rich, warm sunlight,
while the mingled assortment of plaid
and tartan which eraywhere glanced
along its level length added a pietu-
resque and striking beauty to the scene.
From Rannoch the clanitsen came ;
from Glengarry ; from Glenlyon ; from
amen, Apple ; from Lochiel ; from the
.wilds of ,Lochaber ; and from numerous
.other quarters, remote and near, where
loyalty to the Stuart dynasty of King
Jaime was still luvi igly adhered tc —
.even in the dark hour of misfortune—as
an article of duty and true faith.
Some of the Clans had been three days
on the need, but that was no hart -hip
in fine weather to men accustomed to
the rudelife of that period, and to tate
wild and 'Woody forays of inis:amine
war. They trod the rugged muuutaia ed to
posses with practised feet, and erhw the
shades of night came down they slept
soundly on ,the open heath, or within
the shadow of the silent glens.
Stalwart men and strong they were—
rough-bearded, broad -chested, long of
arm, and lithe of hint) ; and when they
awoke from a nights sleep on the rough
hiliaide they merely shook the dew from
theirplaida, and strode sturdily on.
Arriving on the ground, the retainers
were provided for outside the Earl's
mansion ; and by noon -day several* hun-
dreds were gathered, camp -like, on the
green plates* facing the house, where
they were invited to regale themselves
with great draughts of home -brewed ale,
and such solid refreshments as were
common to that rude period.
Inside the Earl'* princely domain a
special table had been setTfor the enter.
tainniont of the Chiefs, Breadalbane
presiding over the business of the hour
in person.
Over a dozen Chieftafru—the powerful
heads of clans or septa of Oban—were
assembled round the Barn's board, sitting
down to the table belted and "worded
am bereeened their rank.
The Earl himself wore the picturesque
dram of kis Clan, with a strip of dark.
green plaid thrown over the right shoul-
der above his sword -belt, a pair or silver.
buckled shoes on his feet, his stockings
being tied below the knee* with red rib -
bone. A pair of handsome pistol* were
stork in his broad waist.belt, and a sil-
ver meet of a boar's head ado mid the
top of his shaggy sporan, bearing the
motto —Follow Me ' engraved in silver
letters over it.
A word esgarfing the Earl's'heseoter
and standing may net be inadmieeable
here : -
John, Marl of Bresdalhslte, was the
heed of a younger branch of the great
house of Campbell, and ranked high
among the pretty princes of the moon-
beam. He Gould bring 1700 claymore,
info the geld, and was consciously proud
of the solid fad A man of double
character, he had regularly practised in
his eretaated horse among the hills
lbs barbarian pride and overbearing fer-
ectal rata Highland Chief , and snore.
Mian was • tall, tins /oohing, nsns,•u.
lar man, with broad, square shoulders.
upon which rested his long white Rowena
loc',s. Hs was deended from lea
F..t'.ch---from whom he derived the pat-
ronymic of M'Ian—a brother of Joh;
Lana of the Is'ee, who Anoris)1M in 1311,
and is said to have seinowl (71wr,e„e .n
right ,1 hi. eq.-,
In this, however, he vise doomed to
thump. : n tment
Mctan's disparaging and defiant acna.
tate seemed to give a menta keynote to
rhe Jaonbite circle From its fish ince -
tion the G»vrreinent whamsp I
had Mann j
regarded by the bulk .4 the disaffected
Oheiels with euspieion and distrust. and
the esteems persona) e,nferenee with its
spited author --the ambitions Marl
did not seem st all ',nett t. further it n
any arsenal eat
Ignoring Il'lan's argutnent*, and even I
his ex .tent ,'t the table, t will' Earl
iia Ilcoe , -to ,
a.,,, pt. f
the esu'.of ut mosey i wtut
again held vain sad largely d i . tt ups by
timeattte earl, who t.new the ftiiyM,laoyd
O Who wee
IONS a suer
VedhadiagthiNice inland,,
fume disectlyiassisissa for his ow nperso
al court fereffasit ptefertnen' than for
the social welfare of his bruther Chid -
„Nothing will be wau'it:d on the batt
of the Ring, Uoueianslpnt," to continu-
ed, 'to we`re 'he social ptallion of the
Highland Jacobite l" re l etrer thin
lores*erly. quay dial a11,etgry a new
social stendiey of adberente of the King,
and int;ny of you will have court tole la
rtes ex:ended to yuu, with actual money
meth h. But as for cud ::lend Minn,"
lie added, after a letai:.d statement . f
pecuniary rewords, "he must, of ower•
forego his share of rho looney in tespoct
of certain Just ctai:,is which I have
against his lawless and thievish tenants
for plundering my lauds of goods and
cattle (M'Iau glared at :he speaker), and
for which I insist on compensation and
retention out of Glencoe's share of the
reward money entrusted to my oars.
An audible nurner of element super-
vened on the Eel's concluding remark.
and the assernbied Chide each turned
Usk eyes towards M'.Ias to ase how be
would take the open affront.
"Sir," answered the aged Chieftain,
"1 date your false claims, and I
ditto you to again tall the Men of the
Glen belsse or °bluish. "
"And I press the charge, and atn.ugly
insist on the retention or your portion of
the revery," retorted thi unabashed
Berl, www whom and U'l'nas a long -
steadies at feud was otos 00 -
pecte4ly renewed.
"'L'bw I deny it, and appeal to the
honor of the sword," exclaimed the her-
oic Milan, std, suddsaly unsheathing
his cisymor'e, he admitted a atop on the
confoended Bari "Draw !"
In a moment the crafty and schemrttg
Glenlyon was on his feet, cud, sword in
hand, had treat himself between the
"Stand aside, caitiff t" mid the boom
sad chivalrous L.,Lia& *Flinging sod-
denly to kis feet and thrusting Glenlyon
*aide in tura.
John eldest son of the aged chief, also
sprang to kis aid, sward in hand, and
momentarily there was a misers of sword -
hilts and dirk -head■ all round.
e'Cihitit t' repeated Oi nlysa, defiant-
ly branceshing his sword in the face of
the brave Osmsron. "LOehiel shall not
thus speak el me ! 'Whatever Losheit
may be in point of rank, is armor, at
least, Gkanlyon is his equal !"
Thc rival eispetants glared savagely at
each other, and seemed on the
point of open and deadly conflict, when
Breadalbene, remembering the kindly
dignity of his oommiteinn, at once de-
sired to sink all permonal feeling in lbs
matter,and fervently petitioned the roma -
moat Jacobites to do the same.
Peace thus restored, the proposed was
once more pressed for acceptance, the
astute Earl enlarging on tits power and
wealth of Ins reigning Government, their
firm determination to suppreeedsaffec-tioa
at whatever cost, and the hopelessness of
farther resistance which amid only sad
in disaster to the recognised heads 0t the
Clans. "Were there any real chance of
encore in the desperate game you are
playing, he added, "I would willingly be
one with you in action as I am in heart.
Brit there is none. The Whigs are
powerful and numerous, the Jsoobites
feeble and few. Therefore, it is good
policy tr submit ourselves to the king"
The Chiefs, however, with one &ceerd,
declined acceding meantime to any de-
finite arrangement, requesting liberty to
send Sir Geo. Barclay sad Maier Hien-
aiea to France to obtain the sanction of
king James, permitting them to inter
into a treaty with the new Goverr.tment,
sueh as Br'eadallrane now proposed.
This request was relubtantly acceded
to, and, during tits neesmmary interim, a
cessation of hostilities till the first day
of the proceeding October was subscrib-
ed to on both side■.
The immediate buanees of the conven
tion thus concluded, Melan beatify got
to his feet, and, adjntting his shoulder -
plaid, hi summoned his two sons to fol-
low him, sod having taken a formal
adieu of the haughty Eel, and a warm
all-round leave of his brother chiefs, he
harried off northwards in the direction
of (Mimeo** followed by his trusty body.
ham, his " piper " playing • defiant
pibroch as they left the grounds
(several of the other chiefs followed
suit, setting off homewards in different
directions, but the majority --who bad
Ione journeys to end,rtake--agreed to
remain over night, and soup! the Marl's
hespitality at Kilchurn Castle, • magnie-
ewt feudal oldie situated some miles
distant at the foot of (Monarchy.
(to SB cowmt:to: /
Mena tasrwty-
A Fact worth knowing. The beat
hossekoldremedy Asthma, for iiConghs
o. j.'
and all threat lead died
sag toward Pahne on
meg of say Diseggist
ls Hahne tin b. pt:
composed largely et powdered ltea c r Li-
r, In the world—tie BEST beaus• It noes
not Bum, but tonxi.4 a hWhir polished aur-
onSr. the site, reduolnC 4tot�On :::i 1
Ishtentnr, Me graft' the CI EA'EST b'
antie rt coots NO MORE than ¶,fence
brands, and OM baa edit a0 the *Or a Off
► or any other maize. Aurae. a ra .,A eel"
$arrestee&, tlUi Gearteg, : Ortel ing Mi 1
ea, Coru-1't,ro•ers, earn.:. a, Eugjlee
eta, s• !.►f Wagons. CUARANTEEO to
aontaln so Mtretwm, ,3014 by an dottereltan our rp.as (' si.y ifs V l'�•w w'e re
H,werL g aunts nee.
site Plummet Bt. Mew York.
Mereesene, ,. ani O ne.Brw tit.
SAMUEL. ROCt Ra a CO. tomeio,Ont.
tole Aima r't Int the tron,toln ..
Bkk moues* sad all the trseMss la&
ant wta�am�t� same tlm nese see piaa-
Ws wxleite�W a elven le swig lE•'
mmeamoystostskktasltositt*LserleMsa esvuly
=Waiblee7 ell*
Atha !M� ftfMtwight ~� re lenssoprieeless ts, 1.t towot
Mtslabatbsre.w� �wdi�
t afire slistek
L lbw based .sop Wes teat ice is alas w
Mago apram vast d our powe it trims
darters Lett* that NU au airy sire and
me, ewer te tete. One ee me pate maw • Ilia
rtser sayable me do sal vtos ar
m lot by theirIs .Ipodsass as Si o� pi.a.storya et
ay angels ~umbers, et seat by mai
CA*TICIt Mluncrers 00.,
MEW Y.. t City.
1'..r rale by JAS. WILSON.
The &liter i t in DR. WILSON'S
extract of wild chem bark, villa the
irritated vertu,. in that aid altr�ass�s
actssateaktothe wantnat�iat 'skss by
appetite, has a ..shire, s,Wtitie ktllasaes
on the Meet and 1,:.,.41 vemala, pariamaine
The 8103N 1) ltrown* and displaces the tough,
stringy t.hlegui which ceases so sash paw
sod reties*, sad wkisb is Ito cease of the
creamier", a.ariiag.
The meat ingredient steals. It is the vital
property of the peeabarly sootilag mid heel-
ing tow of the white pigment! trot Oakum ,
dams, at the same time Fateful aai id -
dal to the attenaah.
The rearm seethhighthrkom
a $as4ec
rearmm s iGapiaes til w
healthy, coats the s'w mucous seermieswhile thesus a~
it soft lad sataral. Itat Grat sus the
piece of bks deeremed amstiossawl maids in
tkss Mas to potions their
CURREY Inc threat me -tea best amen knows
sr Sold ii /S lad AO Csst Bottles -_the
40 CentAsm eai� double the at Coat
Wm Median bf an Desrgtiat. sad Dealers b
I would respect-
fully intimate that
1 stn ' eniyg up an
immense stock of
�31)J i1J)i:1
for the
EngIandufljted States
Principally from Manufacturers and
Lame Dellen, and at Picea from
20 to 40 per cent. Lower than the
Reguar Rate.
i am thus enabled to sell at
Very_Low Prices
la Maas Outs_ will illhow the Zest
Prom Every Keown liesalhMeyer
In Albums, Shell Goods, Work Bowl Writing
Fancy Cups and Sewers, Vasa, Toilet Setts. Dells,a u ' Pipes, Toys,,
My Stork cannot
be mtrrpasse,d Jorv=ri«y-
Powis. /tildes andd Christmas B��k,
in quality and prices
Csttas Asses4 A ;fell hoe I will guarantee astiafsttwn tv
The $uron
School Book Depot,
tun .
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