HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-12, Page 1.L -
dew .tdverilarmeelr.
Tea.- O. 11. OM.
Natloe. Peter Adamson.
Medical Halt Y. JorJar,.
Cheap Hardware. -J. A. Natter.
Card of Thuka. -Hugh Dunlop.
Servant Wanted. -Mrs. J. 1. Morton.
.Tier. Oiloe •adroalde.+ie, West Street
three doors below 13.1i-nk of Montreal, (lode -
id 1703
the People's 'Column.
genera) servant to ge to Fort Oratlot dur-
ing the present swath. To • compete it par-
ses toed wages will be given. Apply to Mrs.
J. L MORTON, Trafalgar -at. VIM
The Commit of the corporation of tbo Comity
d B.tM will meet In the Court Item to tisi
ltgwa at Oedertcb, ou Tender the tkd Jan-
ogq, MS All aeeea•te aealbet the Council
must M esat 11 before tie test session ot the
seem. day of meeting. PETER ADAC N,
O tee to return my bent
thanks t• thine who supported me at
the t i erste no per-
tb. r-
ein= M a vete, and on th►t
the kid spirit of
thus the cited me,
gave in my behalf.
oars very truly.
Wb lest ole.s brook ieaserea ar tae Bev
whallielde .4, 9 sol ls a Trod Maids and
dn1v water e•
also y
of mares 7 . pr. se to Mal.
arm t• adri. lZTLtf.
eastpm br.
Strayed Animals.
Subscriber about lbs INA et Lleeeubr.
Aon oow, Durham grey eater, with abort
t.f% T•Et wa.rrequeema Ps prove
los mi take (1 &waay.
d tpi't. H e.. ass&
STRAYED PROM T0. PtiJtilll3Jiq
of the enb.crtber. about the arias .1
October. • larp steer. seerted at Last Use
between the pin bees and ti the (r be-
Ing cut la two passes. Aar I.f.es.s s bad -
Ing toles reeovrI will be satiably mimed/A.
ROBERT McLEAN, hatcher, Osieris4
Loans anb insurance.
loud OS sea lartua a as
• ' o et her-
rowers. Alm'. MCDCiudad/4a(iulerloNov. Ifs'► . _ ►NMa.
N, HOLT It t
NEWS ABOUT HOME. 1LL. -He regret to learn of the grave
'•A elders smug ye. Lakin' notes,
Aa' faith hell preut lt."
coax TOPIOB.
illness of Rev. John Wakefield, chairman
of the Goderich District of the Methodist
church of Canada. He is prostrated by
(an ottack of congestion of the lungs, and
1great anxiety is manifested for hint ;,y
I his 1",.pie
Don't red Geo. Sheppard's advertisement A woman named. Margaret Ainley, of
flow thaw g#pMs, is tats was a he a been
*bun =leeches' aches' f wink. that wheal Wingham, sent to gaol for vagrancy,died
•arsolts• 1
[h.p to buoy the public in `moral that I was returned in occnrd.noe with the
/Meas l.redlt0. s7 .tu. of nus and Hard. facts. Her relatives live in England.
wars. W eeWef at the lowest remunerative
Teat your tt I Wishing ! The spread of the disease is not expected
patens hria to adve rt bis apectclol •hod I uu Saturday, of typhoid fever. An in -
was held on Monday and • verdict
pen a Men/ Christmas and a Happy New
Tear. Yue Indy, O. N. DA VIM.
'One .t the Seen utraph• 1 ever saw,-
a-.r -
w .the remark a with redenace to • rlc-
The would alJokester's
o apply a admi
lemma very Sae framerest received. at the
Suet pries gallery. (Soo 11. Robson. Manag' r
in the gaol.
Aeylvlesoal Ssavics'.-The anni-
reraary services of North Street Metho-
dist ehureh will be held on Sunday and
Monday, the 21st and 23rd inst. On
Monday evening a teameeting will be
r. t ec ora • e
oda have p• au d h !d tit base t f h h h ft r
Christmas holidays
BIMMOldire - M
ve a in e m
eaae.d, bat that la no mess wit U Philins
siedd aoshave nesters to the which Rev. A. . B. A.. LL.
For D, will deliver a lecture.
1.75,000 TU LEND -WWII A b NB - =ler di mmettt sed parr««
'V TATA. Terms femeeble. Aper till 1. • ars reason W. L Horton Is prepared W offer
LYOLE, Godrtel• the ehsymt hewers et the lowest price miring The Mitchell Recorder says - "Mr.
$50,000 PRIVATE 1[7Nild'ld4.PND Ther were t ci°g "round cbe Albion stove the Fisk Jubilee Singers on Tuesday
aPP oft . osyst arm lout way of kt be peace
Msood Fags qr Srstclarr TowaPraswrty ` t ion ••d Lala bad said best way eca.iDg at Listowel, having realised oon-
pR _iy` tLs thotra•d ons
the year sew caused. T. H. Race completed his contract with
• i s cent of se NU
amount Its .tilfarreeisrs at t to N par
seat. Prtveas (oda. Apply to Samsun saw
1LIONNY TO LE1D.-A LArate ter eR O. I
ILA magnet louse d MMegs At
L9 ,1 a+w CHARGE. -
iewrte. of
tifies Skimmings it to receive a
Binned .amber of pa .leer the Xmas ida7s for Iestr.d SU ted mrd Instrumen-
tal Musks. Terme. M per quarter la advance.
Jan. eek, lora
9TRUCTED to receive Wilms for the
purchase or venoctave Steinwayint Vat.
sow at, Mrs. Thos. Andrews. 1.
chasms may reds to Prof. De Pesdri. who
toPref Newwmaathe ho instrument has forever
made a special
trial and inspection of the same. J. C. CUR -
RIE. 'lite Peonies Auctioneer. 1872.
The Annual Meatiest of the West Reding of
Hues Agrioultnral Social will be hell In
Om Oran 113
House. (iodadeh on Wedneeder.
Jia. IIT ' 3 t lies o'oleek R m•..fbr the p
report of the "PI tf theaanWltors, directors and d rsterthee•-
eiag year, S sr bulimia . John VEL
V Good ('utter. Apply at this office.
was te
thys tea •re suited to bring:eme darlaf the
"Abri lopes oras *eked all round. "
y s the other geld, ' , drat the ittle
ehmss. Tv. seta tactics way than WtbM.
whim Mrehas a mad on. I calmly sits- tie he far Orth.
[ ad gE t
siderably les than 11,000 out of the
speculation. The best house was in St.
Mary's, next came Goderich, third Mit-
ohdl, fourth Clinton, fifth Listowel ; and
tter•sod ri 1 neearm r saw lir bolters pmt
wt confer & favor on by The Blyth Revise has boon enlarged
•at R. Sanews. soot has changed its shape. The editor
=air 1* my joy That dose the modestly hangs nut the following legend
Misa All gmeath is ill of plsssfsp, under his fancy heading: ''It is not in
.v. a. Miens iresented with as AMeese-
.1s el+w Teerv.e.
On Sunday evening last, after service,
Rev. R. Hicks, who has recently been
appointed asaietant-rector ot Trinity
Church, Winnipeg, was celled before the
congregation of St. George's by the Ven.
Archdeacon Elwood, and the following
address was read by Mr. F. W. John-
ston on behalf of the members to whom
the retiring clergyman had ministered
for the put five years.
Revd.ft. HickChurch, a, Aastatant-rector. alt. Georgi s
RIVE:. AID Dsaa lira, -Having learn-
ed that you have decided to sever your
connection with us, we feel that we can-
not allow you to part without execslsin*
some token of our leetings for the deep
interest you have taken In our spiritual
welfare while amongst us.
Coining to us as you did, a perfect
stranger, fresh front your scholastic
labors, we feel that you had not calculat-
ed the laborious duties before yon, but
act only have you wrutuunted all thus
diffioulties but you have tits lad satis-
iaotiou of kiwwing that in he comple-
tion cf our church and school hoose you
leave a lasting monument of your re.th sus
labors while aaamtget us, sad we can as-
sure you that we feel you have not only
dons this, but you have brouvlit our
Sunday School to the highest state of
perfection, largely increasing its numbers
the result of which roust, in time, be
beneficial to oar church membership.
The doctrines you have enunciated
have met with our approval, and your
earao sur ..AGER d MO'R'1" , Mr. T Saunders teff for Hm•swn last mortals to command sweets ; we will do
week . more, deserve it." If he lives up to his
.ts ISM MIL tTlf• motto he will never complain of his sub -
PB ?A'1'i TUMOR TO LAND w 116.11 til P has bene keld * ripti n list being too small. Blyth
arm port h Ravi
Cor. ...CTLY Aesermu 1. --An exchange
is JOBN 'o pts ,• know "Wiest is home without a
t JVHri Mr- Vi+tan, we aro• .. ' .: r , ...us nutesp per '" aitl the Plattsburl; aentiasf
nu 1
1R ADOI;di>1'E, Was MA t1MI,
.•Mrs. Nolan offs.. .or sale the following
vrooeety t• the town of Ooderich, 1 ot 177,
theravt half of lot 1TO$ad the greet half of lot
110, There Is • story and • half frame house In Mraa• WisRbas /TSL
good repair, 12 roam and kitchen. good stone
oettar, hard and soft water. Terms eau For
further particulars apply to E. CAMPION,y
Solicitor. Goderlcb. - IUlpim.
gives that sit IIndebted
OS. 33 AND
at Moss ta-
li - c -t- -
hada very severe attack of illoesa replies "It is a lace where old bats
Min Seegmiller Iles Pee to Nebraska are stuffed into winoow panes ; where
to vet her sister Mise. Cameron. children sr* like young pigs ; the hotree-
Itigg t Ball, of •Henault, is spending wife like a savage, and the husbsed with
herkendays with bier parietal in town a panorama of the dismal swamp painted
her New Yoe.
' shout liberally sup the new.
I! Kra Black is Plainer
vent, to the Quesa,City.
sad Amestisss Issm.mee Agent
hum haselamwas Oe.
sett ti h as
a ea
0.p as l Wart
saea7 t lend soWent ts se bh.hsfore.
AWLS $ LEWIS; itoorefernas,
1J eye, $elf.nrs 'Mincer, Re.
care yob sI oa Home, °vderion.
Ina Av., B.C.L. Y. N. Lewis.
A. Craig, who been Crarelhng
on his shirt boson: with tobacco juice."
Mr. has
in California for his health. has return- Cottony CO/MI.tBLBa. -At an adjourn
ed Gregorregc ed Session of the Peace last Thursday,
list Capt.
dMto winterr in a the gSa1t. following changes were ataHis Henor Judge Tomspde in the list
of county conatibles : William Cook,
qty. Winthrop;hos. Hussey, Ktntail ; John
Rev. Mr. Sutton end wife spent theirChristine.McLean p'Be ave, were appointed.
Christine. holidays with friends to
Joel T. Cook, akelet, Joseph Driver
Essex 1 and Joseph Yougg ; Hugh Camera',
The Epiphany, or odd Chriatas dayr, Constanoe (detaasend); Joseph Revillsand
was kept ass holioiay in the R. C. John C. Couper, Londesboro, were struck
off. John Brethaner was appointed con•
tel and keeperf the lock-up at
Cgoaerish. J. T. Harrow. %V. ProOdfoot.T RISTEItS, Attarseys SofiWtlert .. 171 Mr. O. Sturdy, of Chicago, formerly
of the Kinston sheet bakery, has been
B' t< DOYLE, BAR S1IiR A N D speeding his holidays here.
without iegatd to Moe distinctions, theo-
ries or creeds. He is now with his Med
spouse lining near his respected brethren
the "Young:"of Colborne, His suocessot
Mr. Sntall, of Kincardine also an old
warrior, will be "hailed" with pleasure
by all who knew him,to his new appoint
meat, and no doubt will most worthily
fill the charge vacated by his velars:t
btothor, John Young.
The Sig • Ilea.
The Liberal convention must be ad
witted to be a great souses. The dele-
gate, have fairly taken the town by
storm, and no doubt the result of the
meeting will be to give Liberalism inOn-
tario a groat "boom." We may be woe
that Ontario's interests are safe when w
many matt will leave their business and
travel to the capital to assert the
pie of provincial rights. The is
on this occasion appear to be quite as
much in earnest as were those to the late
Coeservative convention, when the at-
tempt was made to drag the N. P. into
the by-elections. The fact that Mr.
Mowat has been so successful in holding
the Province for the Liberals is an en
oouragentent to Mr. Blake in Dominion
politics, and the idea evidently is to
make as big a sweep in Ontario as pos-
sible, thus making this province once
o.o.rs the Liberal stronghold, which it it:
a measure ceased to be when Bit John
Macdonald oarried it with .the N. P
Tnere le one thing that must be Mid its
fairness to Messrs. Blake and Mowat,
and that is that they seem to be more in
earnest than the Conservative !seders.
The are mit se tricky M Bit Johan nM
so o ae[feable as Mr. Meredith. • The
bulk of the delegates to the Coaventioa
teachings have been most beneficial to &twined to be farmer.. No doubt they
us all, and we regret that they have so
Gees tri 00555.
Your happy and genial disposition to-
wards your parishioners while visiting
was always most favorably reosived, and
many of ue will miss those kindly words
of comfort spoken at the bedside of the
sick or the gists of the departed.
We pray that in your new sphere of
labor He who has guided you heretofore
will ever be present with you in your
food work, and rest armed- that you
have the heartfelt wishes of this congre-
gation for success in your new depart-
Signed on behalf of the Contrrvgation.
Archdesoon of Huron,
Rector of Goderich.
Dated 6th January, 1883.
stable " MR HICKS' linty.
W rnxetor.
Vaal( Dais FalsuDe,-Among 911 the
The Ceelericlt land" was re -organized painful and interesting associations in-
torneY. eoesiter ea Chaneer1
Ont ;y Mrs. Wm, Watt, from Beverley tour.- on Wednesday evening under the leader-
SEAGER & MORTON, BA R R I 8 - "hip, te in town visiting her cousin, Mr. snip of Mr. R Parker. There are some
TERS, Re.. to., Oodericb and Wle, om. John Mitchell of this place fourteen instruments in this band. The
C. Seager Jr.. Ooderlob. J. A. Morton Mr. Zebe Tolsma was in tow* during managing oommittee is Robt. Black (of
ham. the week unseeing for the repairing of Chrystal & Black), F. Smith and W
Obseoer7• to h - Mr.eines. There are now two
jph i Whitings. C. Cameron, MissOliver
Cia. Rol?. M. O. lamerne. Ooderleb. W. the opening of the High School having bands in town, e.'tctl claiming kr be the
bees ill of typhoid fever at her home of I genuine sod only original town band.
INSIIRA1fOC CARD. St Marys. i-- The teo,sidea have been offered our eel -
if Rei! ablitaapanied by his; "'n.1a to gives their version of the split,
CAMERON, EE N, HOLT M& CA][BAON, his tug bespatch, now lying ere. Ile.onirgs, Secetary, J. Storey ; Truant -
Ol ores enable to return for I er,
t he ma ¢7t•ie
"y save lin@corned
4 Ta. corner of V
be town of 0oderiob,
tenanted for farm
pppl to Jas. Suit
N1ook or J. C. O
'0R SALE -
t str
Mi. m. .• g 1 sod our readers have now a good chance
BRITISH (WY. T+waotrro-trtaWrhr de' been visiting friends during the
t k e two Ile friends
?cuduring in ' sl judge between them.
. x tNs. oo'T,ol gtewdi i ort •ores.
1 tl week
t PExalISTAT1•» iv v irnt,xiT(' HOT. PH ( w 11 h
emlabti.hd tees.
S. T. 01 ILI rreRn, Coon
tb .kanig r*ISs CZ Toa. e R 1s U .
a o
CANADAAereigned le MIL LOAN sA •S oo YY
Money to i se - - • 1. sem
money TOi.
°oder' :b Sept. 10.
two leak house
carriage nesse and
outldl•gs. The ga
;mit trees, grape via
For terms aptly
esteo a
Goa in ase trot.
corner Cambria gO/V1 and • trent -. •
arrangcmentw with Mr. 1f. McGregor,
the wi of Seafort
take orders fora wb kk In hisbindeline, It work
dew Months plainest to the most superb at
...117I11bstepAees. Orders left at Ibis oak* Will
a J Ree11e big persoaat attenties. tubi.
e (3MiLLE
k *u ,'e in
Leaden, an 1 having
II lbw a tared to
her f 11s for 1
file so prep&
Po . e&
Comore Or HtaoM,
To Wm:
Her + a Covet?
H laudass
Mr. and Mrs .. if i lama al all factory, Wo•,A.tock, on Saturday
lost frem their ctrcie of thirteen child- I Org
rim, Alice, a pretty little girl of 7 year eventug pret'luus to Christmas, on wl.ic
one of a pair of twins. occasion Mr. Quick, the popular fore-
- Mr- W. H. McCracken, Reeve of man of the establishment, stud who is
Brussels, gave us a call daring the wee. sede h son 01 Mr.
i.usnted byt his efellow
ri of
1(ae will look oxtefully atter the idtt4- employes with a handso
esti of hu constituents
I A very pleasingAffeirtook place id Kern's
A s n of horses beiongittg to Mr.
Wra. Rinks ran away oa bey Year'.
day. and running up against a ,. o1 a
of the animals wtu sev4rply Manure
Brother pack, of the Kipesrdine Re-
ar, !Sas improved his paper by erlarg- , handsome preseut
it Ind and siiterine its form to the E leswt rens Ye+i:. There will be
Vete pnpti eight rote . MAY -se0osea aver i two eclipses of the min and two of the
me silver tank-
arc41 salver and goblets as a token of i all understanding li,e your portion here
their good will and of the esteem in and in Eternity ; may you enter on the
which he is held'by them. Awritten ad- full fruition of the salvation purchased
dress wall also read t, Mr. Qaiek, to by the Dross, porion and precious death
which he replied iii fitting terms and of our Lord and Saviour, Jeuls Christ.
were The Ontario Goverment has al
ways evinced a lively interest in the agri
cultural class and has been particularly
armsful to cultivate its good opinion.
[Toronto Telegram.
Tut Lore KLsrrlox.-For the bene-
fit of readers hers I secured the follow-
ing returns for the polling at the Tem
penarace Hall, here: For Resele-W.
Young M, A. McNeil, 20. For Deputy
Reeve -.A. Allan 71, A. Milloy, 6 For
Councillor -J. Beek 53, P. Carroll 53, •1
Gledhill 27, W. Treble 18. No elector
was butted by the goat.
volved in the term "Farewell" I scarcely
know of any cirounstanese under which
it can be pronounced, with greater an-
xiety, or more thrilling solicitude than
by an ambassador of the Gospel of the
Lord Jesus, when about to, separate him-
self from those with wham he has for
some yeirs ministered and preached the
unsearchable riches of the grace of
The recollections that must conte back
upon his mind in such a moment, how
vaned aro they,diversified as the scenes
unto which the duties and privileges of
his vocation have called him. if through
his instrumentality any have been tutu -
from darkness to light, end from the
services of Satan, to that cf the living
God, then it tells us, that it is (iod alone
gives the increase, who n.aketh the weak
things of the earth to praise him.
May the grace of God which passeth
thanked then for the beautiful and l I remain, my very dear friends,
Yours most faithfully.
RIr'YARD Hrcxy.
tiurday, Jan. 7th, 1883.
Valuable Property known as the Shep-
pamdto. Store and Post 01110, with quarter of
SD erre of land, 15 offered for sale or to rent.
n • Steak in store all new and fresh this year, The
preprfoor has other bootie* which will re-
quirr he sole atteneiota . Alae the west half of
lot .5, con. 3, E. D. Asherld ; .Y new land: twe
mood oratards, two groin welly, and ons•fof6
able Mme bonne*. The lot contains 100 scree,
of which 110 Fire cleared and all well fenced.
Beene:eine 10 acres heavily timbered with
hardwood. For narth:ma rs address :l R.
BAYNE&. Sheppardpn r UV
#teai al.
n ')
to eel.
t, title.
the de-
la as , to certain
e1 . d. onsets. tied be-
nt In the fetnity of Huron. sad the
North half of lot ?, emu -maim 10 of the we-
enie of Stephen, romprloing ant levee 01 bawd
more or Inti.
tt'blrb lands and teeements 1 mall nObv for
rale, at my nave la the evert Rotate In the
To wit et (ledaek1. en cha r:`y H. tilrven-
teenah day o1 1fi.seh.ltilaot the aow-et t Wel v e
of the clock. noon.
Sheriff er Heron.
Sheriffs O face. Ooderleh. lea
Dee. eth. 11111. -
,H > Ate
• • TTO V R1R. 6edris.. Ont. 12111.
D %0.d.ASA. OSALD,M.o.,
a 11.. 1'kysietee. dereeee, Aesbaol ear.
etc. °floe and residence men .trust,Aa-
bare gas. -1
G- IAN. SURGEON, tc., Graduate •t TOi-
o_ coo •n t4y l ier ctlete of ti . Itoj l Io.:
1R WO, P. lS. Inas, sad f.e'c ace
O•s,sitel lays 701.4. R&tenten It 8ein
U -
GiCON,Cornier kc, OAesesl
Brno Mese% Wend dose welt ,
at1Md itis. I tnorow this year. The first is :a very
Porrrrolrsn.-Owing to the fluter of i small eclipse of the moon uta Apnl2tnd,
Rev. John Wakefield, the annual min- f visible from parts of America and Aus-
sipnary meetings of the North St. Meth o- I tralia The second is a total eclipse of
dist church have tool postpnflb! •: nail the sun oi. May 6th visible from FA.tere
fettber notice Australia and Centrist America. The
We fling our editoral slipper after W third is a partial eclipse of the moon on
H. 'Kerr, of the Mansell; Post, .led the morning Post, of Octvr 16, it being at
fifty-nine minutes after L a. to., the moon
risme Etta Key, of wish he to Lite mar- y alt an hour, an that it
nage altar We the young couple. is pa.gy°visiiblehhere. The middle of
the eelip.o will be at fifty-four minutes
after six. At the time of the greatest
eclipse rather more than one quarter of
New York Head Office long as he pro• i the wren's diameter will he en.
This eclipse will be visible in Europe,
ferret to live in Montreal
America, and West Africa. The fourth
The sale of periexlic hi. of t I e is an anausl eclipse of the sun on Octn-
Mechanic's Institute. hold *his week ! ,. 20 And :11, invisible in this country.
abundance of joy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noble, lf eek o
creel. are stranding a corp
Mr. Noble did not remain in the
netted re, this in a Sexed sum, an. ..---
tlKw. TR■ CARNIVAL. -- Them tiert.le car- ' . "eN►aseatlN and Appetetment• nee the statement of the alleged mental
bring the Settle' cost per annum of the
in A *y. i , cm Lia Lyth roc•• ea C1AMmas and magnton, a to a :pry :raw eve i at the Arcade Skating Rink tt the I derangement of John Maher, and claim•
Day. Ube IWO of Mr- Jame..afM of • papers `evcntny of Friday last ting well attend- The dawn of 1883 bmuvht •change orf the unq men is perfectly amthd mon
urea figure eel . We tovAhrh that portion of the governor at the Lighthouse to the north Y'
Mr .►. 1 . rn.uil. late , f Gale:icy.,e . I telly, althniegh nnweli lin ale" &tate•
lythe Rev Jam.eOmwott e• the > 4 Jen. b in ze:Act1 elf"r'ct"r hat which we li:eve been ire(' us,
fry a quarterofua cent cry i the party said W be dentngsd wag not ar-
11 II rested in connection with the liiddulpl.
Soot i r Terme-tees.-DefianceDivt
sion No. WO, Rlaltford,was organised last
month, with the following Akers for the
first quarter of 1883 :-Charles Stewart,
W. P.; Charity Long, W. A.; James
Stewart, R. S.; George Morris, Ast. R.
S.; Edwin Morris, F. 8.; Joss* Morris,
Treas. ; R D. Morrie, Chaplain; Harvey
Greer, Con.; Maggie Beek, Amt. Con. ;
Minnie Long, I. S.; W. Stewart, 0. S.
The annual congregational meeting of
Kau church here was held on Monday
Out. The Treasurer's books showed that
the congregation had raised for all pur-
poses during the year $706,64 ; expenses
4uring the year, including( stipend,
$860.41; leaving a balance iu the hands
of the treasurer of 865.21.
Th. Rev. A. E. Smith and wife were
visiting friends in and around Woodstool
last week.
Miss M. Kernighan, of Colborne, to
visiting friends about Auburn.
Those persons who are in the habit of
driving oyer bridges at a faster rate the.
a walk had better be careful. Tbere is
some one on the Zook -out for them here.
Arabi Pasha and his fellow exiles have
arrived at Ceylon. •
At St. Petersburg/ it is stated the Czar
has signed a decree dissolving all secret.
societies in Russia.
The confession of (i'Donell of his Cott
nection with the Phoenix Park murders
u discredited at New York.
John Devin, a West Flamboro toll
Rate-kopor, was recently fined for cel
lotting from a -person driving to church
"A tetter Frew .ewe•"
This is what they think of TunSIUNAL
over in Minnesota. We give it as a fair
sample of what this paper is to triends
der off
tet. Paul, Jan. 3rd, 1883
ToMcGillipeddy Bros., Gentlemen, --
Enclosed please find the sum of $1.50
amount of subscription of "Htrsox Sin-
IiAI:' for one year. fiome of our own fam-
ily find it impossible to get along with-
out the weekly visit of Tug SIGNAL, and
we have gut to look upon it in the light
of a letter from home, which is eagerly
seized and ravenously devoured, ire-
mtdiately on its arrival. Wishing you
every prosperityand a HappyNew'1 ear
I am your. truy. F. . MAN.
The administrator of Cephaa Woodruff
killed in a disasterat Parker's Creek, Ne-:
Jersey, has obtained s verdict nf-$28,00(,
against the railroad.
Three thousand oases of smallpot are
under treatutent at Baltimore outside
the pest houses. Great alarm is felt.
and other cities are taking precautions
against the spread of the ioathsome
James Cartel, of Ilioldaupli, wji•,lly de
Mr. ws1. Swab, td r Rsheee. N. appears to an institution to obtasn : A. Black, a tracts, .
tterai. as of weer wawansah (ileo Manitoba His name frequently (Jol.nstnn, a ncwalxry; Charles (clack. a has been run by its first and only keep
ie girl,
er, ,John Young Age and infirmity trngwdy, and was recur a member of tbt
alone cause hu Ironing a post that he viRilentr.
ever lot•ed. A moldier ire his younger Another f,-.trful hoboca tit, the reeult
days, the duties of the lighthouse were of tolerating mia n:thistiles traps, is re
to hire only a pleasure. His courtesy to from Milwaukee. The Newhall
the many visitors of the place was equal ruse Hotel, a six storey building,
led by his devotion to and care e.f that caught fire arly yesterday morning and
far dashing beacon light, upon whose was destroyed in a short owe •d tome.
guidanee ds nosed the safety of many a The house was .rM►ded -with gents
mariner in the dark and dreary night. whnse avenues ni sawlps, see and
His life at the Point has been one almost elevator, appear to lave been aimultas-
continuous scene of kindly assistants all eoualy cut of by the fiery - element.
rronnd whether by land or water. All Many were killed in jumping fr.'.m the
who struck that lnneenmo soot, found upper soiree, end Sit nnnibar
John's door open with a welcome. Hie perished in the ibsgsw There apparw
little Moat was always rend everything to have been sbeeletey Ian 11NtVri of ee-
in order ; advice and help in well eon- caps from the wee til s provided,
and .11 the lsdders, oil ties of the..
flu depailweeltf were M^ r • he 1►(
At the Msl4.,we J.J. IL Ornet. gee- Qrn.
W. H A err. rdflReM- ,, n K• [t.- 01 t M
Iyat to Mies Melee IOW.
El Rev. R. C. at the regisses e1
w M r. Wes edits/
MIL saw
J•nrrreet Mr.
I yenta T saendhe and
NtxM* Otst w p -iWM a •orient
►Seats et 1sNs/SIF
appears in the Nereid of that c,ty, to a negroFva M Wilkinson, a dark g 1
pmfgm+oa.l aspaeity. He is in the law `Nem Mi*ith agypsy girl; A. (inoding,
sad 0onvey.ncing line • negro minstrei; no. Horton, a peasant
Csoaai, ft0a'ISTY. - A meeting 1"111 1,u ri of the time of Louis XiV.; Nellie
held be St.Geor}e'a eehnol•room on Vim" id, " my aunt from the country:" A.
day evening nett at 7.30 for the petpo se Kirkbride, s poc►r, old darkie: John
ef o linineing a thecal "eeiety. Seery i Ferguson • city bootblack; Mabel Corne-
ae. wbn feels an interest in musical mat roe, a . iepherdsss. The aboveliet is in-
tuits is invited to be present. onmplete, owing to the solemness rat
Avc 1DE IT. We regret t., learn o•f a I eau of the margweraders in net regis-
very painful accident -which occure•d to tering .1 the rink oases. The (nllowtog
e•N 'ase telllltOn Mr. James Ssonders on
lNMe•. , le flats lett• As was driving a horse
Oct.,. fAl, ly D., uremcrena,- 'Mann the LW. 1 e•>• K• when ferning • corner
d hied afar tint
11. . Surge «md A4ror rte te1w 'ted t,, t ave chi r issd
st Oaee (:• h hire d Yt t/dittaa sharply the slsith was upset and he woe
oamerml s flank, Leetao !Why He dewe not display ____ d tor- thrown out, badly Imo
Omar iilew ed the pant. yp e are gild to say that nn ribs were
Turn LTM to w 11.05 la err,atmoent .t the
e* 1 Mn sing his eider.
SHANNOPI R H TON, mores at the terv+rledeed with M wafer., lad to ok hi has sinew hest, ere
•wesieseert Nwrerese anus bate ailSMWs ter Rh►nnnn a rredA ttrr
.MLtaw.tr vl.ewt •
!•s(G r H ra. ivy 0. s ..,wstwimiele ooi the rrimf
• near the
a.M14e9t n r 131 trrenv au
hope t„ ro 'F
the soaves whisk emlild whit Steed to toed O
prises were awarded : Lady's costume
Mies Nellie Smith ; girl's, Nisi Mabel
Ossteton . gents', ltd. Campaign
Chow Rrourhnn); cootie, the minstrel
trwrpe ; hays'. Neater Bettie tlmith.
and e'y. The town band ill play hived He one indeed a friend to all to
The js r were desacs, Payne,Monroe
at the tick n,i M••ndar +net Theb•riay I need. in his nw11_ r god M way.
mitt wady /Loch now.. ars fie Amer Mlle
id worth