HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-05, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY. JAN. 5, 1883.
DOORS Zoeliner, 3 L Cowan Read* , 1 E. v" Eton. Literature, 1 P. , 2 A RE -OPENING O
I , BLINDS, Cowan, 2 L McAllister, 3 A. .oeliner. it
\Vnttag 1 E. Cowan, l A.
ton, 3 L 1.. McAllister. Map Draw-
ing, 1 D. Hetherington, 2 A. Rather
ington, 3 M. Liufiald General pro
ficiency, 1 A, Loellner, 2 L McAllister,
3 E. Cowan. 1II Class --Arithmetic, 1
J. Linfield, 2 S. McAllister, 3 J. Heth-
ingtun. Orammar, 1 13. MoWhiney, 2
S. McAllister, 3 A. Thurlow. Geo
raphy, 1 J. Linfield, 2 A. Thurlow, 3 e.
McAllister. Spelling, 1 B. McWhiney,
2 S. McAllister, 3 A. Thurlow. Lite -
Description of Interior Finish
A Specialty. Send for Price
Estimates on applici► •
' tion. F4 Address
• There is now plenty of water at Pi-
per s mill, and things are 'mottling.
E. R. Watson, painter, of Goderich, is i
doing some tine specimens of graining at
the house of John Stewart.
J. K. Durst and Wm. Madel took a
trippe, to Stratford during the week.
SToteN, —Several valuable whits, bells,
eta, were stolen from sleighs the night
of the teameeting. It is a great pity that
the scoundrels could not be brought to
TEAMEETINu.—The teauieeting held
here last week was a Errand success. The
night being favorable, the church was
filled to its utmost capacity. James Gled-
hill acted as chairman. Eloquent ad-
dressee n ere delivered by Rev. Messrs.
Sabine and Sanderson, John Fisher and
A. Shelter. Singing and recitation% were
given by the children. Mrs. J. Miller
sang a couple of excellent solos, and was
warmly received. Mrs. Sanderson pre-
sided at the organ for the children, who
were admitted free. The proceeds
amounted to $31.
rature, 1 S. McAllister, 2 B. McWhiney,
3 E. Linfield. Dictation, 1 B. Mo -
Whiney, 2 S. Mcalliater, 3 C. Weise.
Composition, 1 B. MhWhiney, 2 S. Mc-
Allister, 3 F. Strong. Reading, 1 F.
Morris, 2 B McWhiney, 3 S. Thurlow.
Writing, 1 F. Strong, E. Linfield, 3 A.
Thurlow. General proficiency, 1 S. Mc-
Allister, 2 B. McWhiney, 3 A. Thur -
low. II Class—Arithmetic, 1 W. Ful-
ford, '2 A. Bogie, 3 D. Weide. Geogra-
phy, 1 A. Bogie, 2 W. Fulford, 3 R.
Cousins. Spelling, 1 A. Bogie, 2 D.
Weise, 3 D. Hall. Dictation, 1 A.
Bogie. 2 R. Cousins, 3 D. Hall. Read-
ing, 1 A. Bogie, 2 R. Cousins, 3 D.
Hall. Writing, 1 W. Fulford, 2 A.
Bogie, 3 P. Foley. General proficiency,
1 A. Bogie, 2 R. Cousins, 3 D. Hall.
Sacran • t.t will be dispensed in the
Presbyterian church here next Sunday
We regret to report the death of Mrs
John Buchanan. Early in the fall she
had a severe attack of inflammation of the
lungs, but for a time he rallied, and
hopes were entertained of her recovery.
However, about a week ago, she had a
relapse, which ended in her death. She
was one of the first settlers in Colborne,
having emigrated from Scotland about
thirty eight years ago. Sheleavesa large
family and r wide circle of friends to
mourn her loss. Deceased was sister -in.
law of Mr. D. McKay, of Goderich.
Last Monday was a busy day with
municipal elections around the village.
The old councillors were all returned
with one exception, Mr. Gledhill taking
the place of Mr. Malloy. The Reeve,
Mr. Wm. Young, is said, to have polled
the largest majority he ever did in the
township. This must be gratifying to
him after his thirty years' experience in
council matters. Long may he honor
the position, and long may the position
honor hint.
termed to Dewar a. Motrsebaek.
LExusioroN, Ky., Dec. 28. —Last night
Patrick O'Neill, while lighting gasoline
street lamps, overturned a lamp. The
burning fluid poured down and complete-
ly saturated his clothes and covering the
horse he was riding with a sheet of fire.
The terrified animal ran down the street
at the top of his speed, and, turning a
sharp corner, threw his rider. O'Neill,
in a perfect blaze, ran to the nearest
house, but was fatally burned before the
flames could be smothered. His entire
body to the waist was burned to a crisp.
The back of the horse was 'derail cooked.
PERSONAL—Miss M. Ivers, of Wawa -
nosh, spent last heck with Mrs. Horton.
—Mr. It. B. H. Williams was the guest
of Mrs. Morgan, of Clinton, lait v. eek.
CHRIYTMAM GIFT.—Mr. Horton, at
the Royal Exchange, received a novel
Christmas gift from his brother, Mr. W.
Holton, of Axe Lake, Muskoka, in the
shape of a fine hide of a moose deer,
which he had shot in that wild region.
COOKED HIS Goosi. — Our jovial
friend the ehgineer tried his hand at
bachelor hall keepinv last week, the rest
of the folks being away. He declined
numerous invitations to dinner on
Christmas, but procured a goose, and
prepared and basted it with the skill of
a housewife, and enjoyed his solitary
steal. Some of the ladies who called
upon hint found that he understood the
culinary art Ito perfection, and declare
that no roan in the county can hold a
candle to him in the cooking line.
Lesbos -
SEASON 1883_
Public, Model, High & Separate Schools
THE Dominion Parliament has been
summoned to meet for the despatch of
business on Tuesday, February 8th.
Col. DeWinton has purchased a cattle
ranche near Calgarry, N. W. T., and itis
his intention to remain in this country
after the expiration of the Governor's
term and manage the ranche.
The St. George's society, of Toronto,
on Christmas day distributed among the
poor and needy 1,000 pounds of beef,
1,000 loaves of bread, three barrels of
sugar and three chests of tea.
-\ fulls sleeting of the ministers and
official laymen of the London district of
the Methodist Church of Canada has
declared the Union Committee has failed
to reach a satisfactory basis tor union of
the Methodist Churches in the Domin-
A Pittsburg gentleman will soon have
patented a new process for manufacturing
whiskey. The new apparatus will pro-
duse it in solidified form, and it can be
carried in the pocket the same as plug
t ibaoco, to which it bears a striking re-
semblance. It leaves no taint upon the
breath. It will produce intoxication as
quickly and as effectually as any other
liquor. In short, it has all the good and
bad qualities of whiskey produced by the
ordinary process of distillation._
January, 1883, is the Holiday Number
of this charming Magazine, and is the
most attractive one yet issued. It con-
tains five full-page, and about twenty
other, but not less beautiful illustrations,
all drawn by eminent artists expressly
for this work, and engraved in the high-
est style of art by Mr. George T. Andrew.
These pictures are instructive and elevat-
ing to the taste, as well as exceedingly
pleasing to the tlittle ones. The poems,
stories, and descriptive articles are all by
the best writers, and all are such as will
interest the pets of home, as well as im-
prove their minds and hearts. The pub-
ishers announce that no cheap edition of
the bound volume for the present year
will be put upon the market through the
book trade All who desire the Magazine
therefore, must subscribe or purchase the
The Misses Helen and Louisa hillier, numbers', $1.50 a year ; $1 for eight
Goderich, were the guests of. Mrs. months. A specimen free. Russell Pub-
iohu Ji•xbo. phis week. lishing Co., Boston, Mass.
RETURNIN . TO STUDY. — This' week
Mr. W. Clutton returns to \\ oodatock
to resume his college course. Mr. Har-
ry Horton will put in another terns at
the Goderich seat of learning. We hole
that each will ultimately get his 13. A.
Linklater has engaged the well-known
Dunlop architect to build him a veran-
dah at the south end of the handsome
house he hes lately put up. There the
bachelor friends of the genial owner
hope to spend many a happy evening in
eurnmer, until to voice of the mistress of
the inansion is heard.
FAR AWAY. --Mr. George Hall is visit•
inz friends in Muskoka, and will proba-
bly that region. He was the guest of
Mr. J. Itoino at Axe Lake. In a hater
dated from the top of •' Def'il'e Seat,"
he says he is well snd luipny, and at
times fancies he CAD li .,r the Uu.iorich
town clock sari tiny; the linur, hit .nissoa
the merry laughter of his ell Colborne
chums. Methinks that Geordie is els,
lonesome because of the—well, not the
There was a lie ,e attendance at the
Presbyterian c'ntrch here en Sunday,
when an appropriate sermon for the
New Year season wee preached by Rev.
John A. Turnbull, B. A. A choir of
ten voices sang with touching power
One more year's work for Jesus.
One fess of life for me.
Darinz the year two who had been in
the habit of attending this place of wor-
ship have been called home. One died
full of vears, )it the other WAS taketi ud-
denly away in the 1,1.,o,1 of earl wet
manihoi.d, while in a distant Province.
He leases behind Lim a memory fr.,-
Trent end Lonored, as a friend and a
!'.DC'('ATlos Al..-. The follow lug are the
names of the pupils of i.eehu•n pub! c
s.hool who obtained honors in the dif-
ferent subjects of the various classes e,t
t0a Kew examination. vis : IV Ciae.—
A!fthntetic, 1 L McAllister, 2 E. Cowan,
S A. yatellner. Grimmer. I A. 7.r.oll-
net , 2 L McAllister, 3 P Stuart.
Geography. 1 A. 7•.,tner,.: 1/. 'Jethro
ington. 3 E, Cowan. History, 1 F.
*nisei, 2 A %•liner, 3 11 lis,:.ering.
fan. lactation, 1 K. amen, Y A. Y..".
nor, 3 L McAllister. Cietipner•. r• 1
P Stuart ., E Coe,- conn
.i. C. C.,rrle's Auction Sale List.
January 13th. --Great sale of House-
hold Goods, etc., sharp at 1 o'clock, tak-
ing place at the new auction mart on
Hamilton-st., opposite Colborne House.
'January 13—Bailiff's sale of the goods
and chattles of Martin Fenlow, Charles
Kendricks and C. J. Reeve, taking place
at the mart at 1 o'clock.
January 27th.-- Sale of town property
at the mart, commencing at noon. For
particulars see advertisement.
Goderlea Markets.
All New $oohs or lastest �clitiosis
1e w
Tea. 4. 1I. Old
Nottoe. Peter
Medical Hall
Cheap Hard war
Card of Thanks.
Servant %Panted
.TIST. 011
irk ss ora bell
Ito P
Students will consult their own interests by purchaaing their Class Books at
as by doing so they can depend upon getting the latest edition of each book at the lowest prices.
Special Terms to Teachers and School Trustees for Quantities.
JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse.
A Mlnt 5. Unab.ads.
Love and appreciation are to woman
what dew and sunshine are to flowers.
They refresh and brighten her whole
life. They make her strong -hearted and
keen -sighted in everything affecting the
welfare of her home. They enable her
to cheer her husband when the cares of
life press heavily upon him, and to be a
very providence to her children. To
know that her husband loves her, that
even he faults are looked upon with ten-
derness ; that her face to one at least is
the fairest in the world ; that the heart
which is to her the greatest and noblest,
holds her sacred in its utmoet recesses
above all other women, gives strength,
and courage, and sweetness, and vivacity
which all the wealth of the world could
not bestow. Let a woman's life be per-
vaded with such an influence, and her
heart will blossom and sweeten, and
brighten in perpetual youth.
GODERICII. Jan. 1, 1F.2.
Wheat, (Fall) le bush.......... 10 85 (4 $ to
Wheat, (Spring) IP bush........ ( 80 (.e 90
Flour, io barrel.. . 4 50 Or 5 00
Oats, i bush ........ ........... 034 he 0 M
0 2s
Barley. II bush .............. . ... 0 45
Potatoes V bush .. ............. 0 30
Eggs V dos. lunpacked)... ... 0 11 •
CChheeee. ..
Shorts, i cwt ................... 070
Bran, • cwt„
Chop w cwt.... ............... 1600 ..
Wood................ ............
o ” a
Hides.. 0 • ..
NMep*a the ......
Heins dress'd 770 "
0 12
0 80
1 70
3 75
7 00
1 50
8 0s
TOE Property in (&oderich.
Under a power of male contained in a Mort
gage, w hi, h w ill beredness! att et Noy i
wLsde by ttalcolm MeQcarrlikaad
taw Fates -it h .ray of Maud. A. Wes
will be add by pelage .aesid.l Iafb
r1 ane ,oneerSATURDAY.at his sadism
tbCnlbovae .Motel. 1� i laws
SATURDAY. rose tab tN ��rvw• A.
Il. I get, at r weave e' she.
y, rig : The Rost half of _Int ronntre
number INC to the said town ofMederirh.roe
talatat t of an acre of land. mon or lets.
t.. s property is *Ousted on the northsole
of Ne wgwlnst reeland is a desirablethere
hams) plop rt
be puttee's..'. There Ie (Teeter'
n..., lane ame building tomer')h has m
p's-tina mind by the mottrag..n'.
a' Kenn or Mita . Ten per cegt down, and
the lenience within 311 ,is.. thereafter. whoa
M• n.. -emigre will be
entit.kd testes
pe0aes.Mn. The sail property we=
, red for le act tea reserved bid
le..r tart „" t. tears atl'y to ,be Atse-
tio,wOA , to4111't tot,
venders Sol itsots.
Doted at sentare tvd.
Fire and Sword. Holiday Presents Extra Value.
Literary .(Ire.
CANADIAN M R11OD19T MAG A7.1] E for January
1883:-96 pages. Illustrated. Wm. Briggs.
Toronto, Publisher.
The Seventeenth Volume of this Maga-
zine begins with an excellent number.
Among its contents are a beautifully
illustrated article .•n "The Land of the
Midnight Sun ;" the first instalment of
Stanley's "Through theDark Continent,
with ten graphic illustrations, and an
article on the Poet Lowell, by the Rev.
L Hooker, with fine portrait and copious
citations. Dr. Daniel Wilson, President
of Toronto University, contibutos an
admirable article on the "Native Tabes
of Canada, their origin," a subject en
which he is one of the most eminent of
living authorities. Rev. E. A. Stafford,
President of the Montreal Conference,
contributes a striking article on the con-
trasted characters of Wesley and Voltaire.
Rev. Hugh Johnston, B. D., concludes
his Reminiscences of Dr. Punshon, en•
riched with copious quotations from
writings of the great orator, never before
published in Canada. Two chapters of
the Serial Story, which promises to be of
intense interest, are given. Methodist
Union, Missions, and our Educational
Work are fully treated by the Editor.
The Febuary number will contain art'
cies by Dr. McCosh, Dr. Nelies, an•l
probably by Dr. Sutherland on Methodist
[inion. The new volume gives promise
of largely increased circulation and use-
ExaMINAfOR.—The closing ('summa
tion of our achnoltook place nn Friday.
16th ult. Notwithstanding the stormy
nature of the weather, and the almost
impassable state of the roads, a good
ly number of children were present_ The
teacher, Mr. Lawrence, was *twisted by
T. W H is'gtna, of Porter's Hill *chef .
fly the rapid answers which the chlidretl
gave to themany intricate o nestiens pm
psnnded, It is quite evident they are
making good progress, and reflect* much
credit upon both teacher and pupil*
The people of Hnlmssville have a gond
leader. let them retair •,.•es•- and
./flit him ih itis **WO
Look Out For It.
Fire and Sword.
Fire and Sword
1 ►i R NEW' STORY.
Look Out For It.
Fire and Sword.
Fire and Sword.
t l l R NEW STORY.
Look Out For It.
Fire and Sword.
The subscriber has received'oe conslgaoe.t upwards of 1500 yards of mins GRA IN
SILKS. of all Fashionable Colon, with tastrso ions to sell up to 1st of January next, at 75cts
per yard reviler price 61.15 ; also several pfeoes ?ran* Cashmere, at 4501 per yard, word.
Sets; all wool Canadian Grey Flannel at Met.' all wool Scarlet from 10ets try. A few of
those Ladies Cloth Jackets lett. cheap to close: 3111ncb Brown and Bleached American ('ot
tee 10 per cent cheaper, and 5 per Dent better. than the Canadian at same price. All wool
Scotch Tweeds at $1.00 per yard. usual prise 61.75, Canadian all Wool Tweeds from S0ets up.
G- R O C E R I E 1$, , 8c C
Teas • Specialty ; Japan giftless, from lOcta to Meta per Ib: a good Young Hyeon at Zeta
per Ib, better at Meta up to 40 50, Nand nets per Ib ; a good Black tea at Z.Na ; extra, SOeta
fine, 00ctk; finest imported. 75ota per Ib. Moe, 51be far Mets, 3 Ib. for fleets. Finest Sant
Currants Seta; off stem Valente."' ns, l(cts per lb ;' I2 eta ; Loose Mu.catela 1548.
tarA11 Other Groceries Equally t3eap and Warranted Acre.
A R D W A R E B T 0 1. M_
stock complete. Bar Iron. Steel, Nails, Glass all sires, Petty. Paints and Oils, Saws, and
General apartment of Builders Materials, all at re.owsles low bticesi.
not. life is sweeping le, go
and dare before you die,
something mighty and sub-
lime leave behind to conquer
time. $66 a week in your own
town. 65 outfit tree. No risk. Everything
new. Capital not required. We will furnish
you everything. Many are making fortune&
Ladies make as much as men. and boys and
girls make great pay. Reader. if you waat
business at which you can make great pay all
the time, write for particulars to H. HALLgTT
& Co.. Portland Maine.
COUNTY OF' HURON. t By virtue of a writ of
To WIT : I Fier' Facies, Issued out
01 !ler Meafeety'e ('ounty Court of the (;oenty
Of Huron, and to me directed and delivered.
against the lands sad tenements of John S.
Walker. at the suit of David Rees, I have
seized and taken In execution all the right,
title. Interest, and equity of redemption, of
the above named defendant. John et.
ker, in and to all that portion of lot eight, in
the twelfth concession of the township n Grey
In the County of heron. lying south of the
River Maitland and containing sixty sine
sere, of land, more or leen.
Which lands and tenements I shall o4br for
sale. at m ef1Me in the (bort House, Is the
town of (nderich, on Saturday, the Thirty
First day of March. 18 t, at the hour of twelve
of the clo.-k, noon.
Sheriff of Co. Huron.
sheriff's Office. Ooderinh,
ftecember18th.188"-. ire-iM.
(;a:teTr or Hrlmt, tt
.y...0 a Writ o
+ 1ort ( Fieri Facies-jatwtd out
of llaf esty's Comity �Oou01 of �itghea((buatr
4M� q er J dei tnetryi A Ne
at the telt r tN Y $a1CIRBON, 1 have
wised and taken In pip all the t.
title, tnter'eet „w s ra.lsrMOS of he
sndtlot five
aft 5 In the
ee>t Rero..
▪ � and a.rtetor
e[ � ^ of --
A week made at home by the in
ustrioua Beet business now he
. thee public. OapltaI n. cotMneed
edwin start yoee.
men. boys and girl. wanted every
whore to work for us. Now (be time. You
eau work 1n spare time. er rive your whole
time 50 Ib. business. No other business will
pay yea as.rly so well. No one can fall to
make swirosous pal. by engaging at once
Costly t and terns free. Mone made
fast, sadly, and honorably. Address Tera .r
Co.. Augusts, Maine.
at ▪ dm TNllr it
t1heMf of Hurts
ser R. tMl-t tledoeieh.
,...• ..,) alar' •!!t :we
(19,500) Nineteen Thousand Five Hut,
(5,000) Five Thousand Cords, Good
R&ss*ot*I Neadiog Bob
(38) Thirty -Eight inches long— Pries
$2,50 to 22.75 per Cord.
(2,000,000) Two Million Feet of
Consisting o1 Soft Elm Reek Rim, Baas
wood, Maple, Birch, Black Ash, White
Ash, Hemlock, and all kinds of Ings, for
which cash will be paid. Apply to
altar Halt Warks, Godeeio`.
TravMUag hew.
Itis -!Med. Mix'd
Oederlea.L..$.4tlsu. t pee ..LtOpas8.70ain
Pass, litlir'd 11011M.
Oed.rieb.Ar bar Nasalse..y. ?Mimi
Lamina* Stage
Ma& arr. MIeam/pai .. dlep
Eldwttlai 1 ISPOIMMI..
t isksaiai lot [�Itas
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Bfaces:. e
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.° Pee
The Annual
Hnrea t
Lhe Ho
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Mrs. Nola,
Property is tl
the east half
lie There 1s
good repair,'
cellar. bard ■
further part
solicitor. Go
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repaested to
by save an e
nes.. ABR.
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�(r14 S.
two Ice.
carrlsfe hz
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