HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-05, Page 71 HE HURON SIGN O. F[' Al J O. 1883.
Household Hints.
A pretty idea fur dinner table decors -
nee it a tray of wand Lille i with grass,
among which daises and p spies event to
be growing.
Li.ne water andilk is used in eases
of fever, and also ( children when the
livaba are weal. It is w, useful in
cases of acidity of the much. The
e 't for children is ( tablespoon-
ful of limo water to a tablespoonful of
In making potato soup ,put as touch
cold water as you think hocesa•ry in y, u
pot, along with • little ui,;e dripping, a
few onions, paper and salt ; let all ontn.
to a boil ; then put in the potatoes, and
let them boil dune, then serve.
Nies Btrxs.-One pint of flour, one
pint of sugar one cup of butter, one cup
of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of
cloves; one of cinnamon, four eggs', two
teaspoonfuls of bakinv powder Bake
in square tins and frost, or you inay omit
• the spice, and bake in bread tins
Porrsu CHiceee.--This is an agree-
able relish, and makes a plcaaaut tench -
eon when travelling Take a roast
chicken and carve uta' all the cleat. 'fake
two slices of cold ham and chop it with
the chicken. .And to this ono -fourth
pound of the hest butter ; add salt and
pepper to taste ; pound this altogether
to a paste, put the mist ure in a jam -pot,
and cover closely. It will keep in a cool
place ten days. -
VINioAR CARL -One pound of flour,
a teaspoonful) of carbonate of soda well
rubbed into it, a quarter of a pound of
lard, half a pound of currants, and half
a pound of moist sugar. Put two table-
spoonfuls of vinegar into a half-pint cup,
and.fill it up with milk, unix the cake
well with it, and if not moist enough,
add a little more milk, put it intaa plain
tin, well greased, and bake it the usual
SreNUL Yt!DDINU.-Six ounces ..f flow,
half a teaspoonful of baking powder, a
'little salt and tour ounces of suet' to its
well robbed into the flour. Mix up the
'pudding with three ounces of gulden
syrup, and three ounces of soft sugar,
two tablespoonfuls of milk, and one egg
well beaten. Put it all into e. buttered
basin, tie it over with a cloth, and boil
it three hours, not less. Serve with
plain melted butter.
How TO Phsasays itoom ANi' SHORa.
-When hoots and 'bees not in use are
(deposited in a damp place they become
covered ordinarily with 'pould which at-
tacks the leather ; when deposited in a
dry place they become bard and wrinkl-
ed --a fact well known to all, although
the remedy may net be. This double
disadvantage may be avoided if the arti-
cles are first rubbed with a rag on whisk
a few drops of oil of turpentine have
been sprinkled. The oil of turpentine
acta favorably as a preservative to the
leather, and it is a deterrent to rats add
mice, whose depredations are often u
injurious as those of temperature.
THs VrRY NEwsaT Tele° IN LAwse'
DRBA4a0.-The newest, the very newest,
thing in ladies' dresses in • hybrid gar-
ment into which the wearer insinuates
her limbs as into a pair of trouser*. I
have not yet seen one of thew robes,
but I am assured that they are going ter
become the rage. I beheve that the se-
cret remains with a famous ltnnd street
dressmaker, who is already snaking capi-
tal out of it. Ladies who have beard of
the style are said to he enchanted with it,
for it is claimed as a special advantage
that it admits perfect freedom to the
limbs. The male eye will detect n., out-
ward difference between the new and or
dinary style, for the mysteries of the
coetuale are known only to the wearer.
[Sheffield Telegraph.
Thousands bear witness to the pusi-
tive ot:rativo powers of the Guar Osa-
MAN INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that
has proved itself a .specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally endung
in consumption; insanity and a prema-
ture grave Sold by ell druggists, or
will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per
box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J.
CHsnsv, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for cireiler
end teetime'nials of genuine cares. 43410.
Rhynas. Goderich. 3m
Ogee `else.
•'I kw,w this : An maitre a the must
tidied and wont Infused esculent thtr•
is, end 3 et i is ow of the most delicious
to pet ns that the earth producer.
Mery is one thing that it lack and 11 t
is popejatity. I know men who, if th y
semisoft the slightest whiff ,.i an
onion, become sosick that
they are
the deepest imaginable misery for hours
thereafter. What I say is ve. exaggera-
tion In the haat. Aug i g 1'r•seeut ng
Attorney Hooter IS afflicted tl a w. y.
0.1 the other hand tLere are those eh
are so pwiunately fond of unions that
they w..uld rather nit a mesa of nouns
than to sit down to the finest templet
in the lank. (ane...! Samuel F. Hunt
ie nue of tliuw. tic -rad Hunt Is :on en-
thuti-.et on the subject of onions. Ile
t••d.l :,e •'1.:u that Mery time he 'Mats
the residence' of s friend ..f his, who
m i ii specialty of nsiaiug a particular-
ly flee %leen* of inion., he eats au umany
that T. is astonish of himwlt. Many a
time he slips off to a ruetaurant and en-
joys a feast of his livurites in several
courses. He gay. the: those ate the
happiest moments of his life. To the
travelling scan, the onion is the lett
friend in the world. Yuu can't think of
any shape that an onion is not good.
Boiled, stewed, fried, baked, fricasseed,
'scolloped, I -oohed, pickled or raw, they
ars palatable and delicious. Cooked
with p otatees, beefsteak, turker or duck
they are exceedingly ':,very. Just let
s fellow banging around the country,
disgusted with the fare he receives at
out -orf -tile -way hotels or boarding hou-
ses, eat a raw onion and see how it will
brace hitt up. If you have taken t..
much tea of an evening, and feel the
curie for your bout the next morning,
manage t., get outside of an onion or
two, and see how it will help you.
Onions are excellent cures for heavy
colds, as every body knows. Then when
a fellow taec,n,es wakeful, just let him
till up oo nice Iliad onions. Gracious
goodaayi, what a comfortable drowsi
new will c•'nne over him. He forgets all
care, and sinks into a regular old-faah_
ioned, forty-kn,t snooze that does him a
power et good, Teal you."
W.rsry of Praise.
As a rule we do not recommend Pa-
tent Medicines, bat when we know of
one that is a public benefactor, and does
positively pure, then we ooaider it out
duty impart that information to all.
Electric Bitter& are truly a most valua-
ble medicine, and will surely cure Bd-
iousntas, Fever and Ague, Stomach,
Liver and Kidney Complaints, even
where all other remedies fail. Wu know
know whereof we speak, end can freely
reconnnend them to all. -Zxch. -Sold
fifty cents a bottle by J, Wilson. [f;]
, Ctatsatsttt. -A .arae well known in
onnection with the Hair Renewer,which
e stores grey hair to its natural color • by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
A Secret.
The secret of beauty lies in pure bloop
and good health, without the one the
ether ,s impossible. Burde,c Blood
!sitters is the grand key that unlocks all
the secretions, and opens the avenue to
health by purifying and regulating all
the ermine to a proper action. It cures
all 13cr' fuleus Diseases, acts on the Blood
Liver, Kidneys, Skin and Bowels, and
brings the bloom of health to the pallid
cheek. .i:
Und..ttbtedly the beet medicine to
ksepp'on hand for Colds. fur Coughs,
AathNM. Bronchitis, and Pulmonary
troubles generally, is llagyard's Pectoral
laalssm. It will not cure Consumption,
pot it will cure those troublesome condi-
tions leading thereto. 2:
A Rtivean--Of one doreu " TeABER-
' aT" to any one sending the best four line
rhyme nn " T aaaaaRY," the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask
j your dtuggat or address.
Ire of fest
All persons wishing to test the merit
of a great remedy ---one that will poli
tively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchites, or any affection of
the Throat and Lungs are requested to
call at Jas. Wilson's DrugStore and get
a Trial Bottle of Dr. ing's New Dis-
covery for Consumption, free of cost,
which will show you what a regular dol
ar-'ire bottle will d,. 1'
Of ell the ill". that flesh is heir to kid•
ney disease is the most diatggsase Te
sufferers, we can only my, take Dr. Vaw
Brain's KIDNIIT Coes at ..nos, ami thea
obtain a relief you annotiftnd elsewhere,
All Druggists have it. J. Wile -al Oahe.
rich Orn:
ra the pedteal Profe..tea. a .111 11..41
It Ma) •+,area
1'huipltatine, 111 N.1t. i.,, '
phate Element luewt upon
?acts, l orwulatud by Prot, .car .tu
M. D. of Boston, Masi., cures 1. 1111,
dry Consumption,'Siek Hwa tache, N. t
vous Attacks, Vertigo • 1 Neur..Ieti
mud all wasting diseases .•f the hustwu
system. P' sphatine is not a Medt-eine,
but • N'111 .est, because it c.,t.tail'e 111'
VegetaH- ineral Poisons, Opiates,
N trcotics, and nu Stimulants, but situp:
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to *invitee. A 1 Drut(g.ts
sell it. $1 00 per teeth,. Lowrie, h
Co., sole agents for the Deuenten,
,5 Front Street East Teroet..
Given Away.
We cannot hells noticing the libel .1
offer wade to all Int elide arid enfferers
by Dr. King's New Disc.mvery fur Con-
sumption. You are requested to cal at
Wilson's drug store, and get a Trial Bot-
tle fres of opt, if you are suffering with
Consumption, Severe Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Brrnchitii, Hay Frier, L es of
Voice, Hoarseness, or any affect nn of
the Throat or Lungs. It will politively
cure you. i6)
a steered Stampede.
Never was such a rush made for any
Drug Store es is now at Wilson's for a
'Fria! Bottle of Dr. King's New Diseev-
ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds.
All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or
any affection of the Throat and Luntts,
can get • Trial Bottle dmf this erect reme-
dy FREE, by canine at n'•uve r rug
Store. (4
D.. not take Pills or Powders contain -
lug Calomel, for at this time of the year,
the result may he serious. If you re-
quire a dose of physic take Dr. Canon's
Stomach and Constipation Bitten ; it
acts gently on the Bowels, purifies the
Blood, improves the circulation, stimu-
lates the Liver and Kidneys, and
speedily cures:Biliousness, Headache,
Dyspepsia, indigestion. Search the
Drug Stores irem one end of Canada to
the other, and you cannot find a remedy
e qual to it. Try it and use it in your
families., Sold everywhere in large bot-
tles at 10 cent.. For sale by (leo. Rhy-
f111at..► Gives Away.
Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Cuesumptio., Coughs acid
Colds, have been given away as Trial
Bottles of the large size. This enormous
,utlay would be disesteem to the pro-
prietors, were it not for the rare merits
possessed by this wonderful medicine.
Cal{ at Wilson's drug store, and get a
Trial Bottle free, and try for yourself.
It never fails to cure. , 5
If you are desiners to obtain immediate
relief fnmm any kidney trouble, and thus
prevent the fatal results that always at-
tend the neglect of thew distreasing com-
plaints and who dries not?) why take Dr.
VAN Duette,' Kinxsy C('RF. at once. It
is eafe, simple and effectual. Sold by J
Wilson Goderich. 21n:
A Good *Wm
The C'htcag'., Burlington & Quincy
Company hasj. H*uisee jot iutirettatard trestles, "ewe
Continent, describing the
growth of the alt Great Staten its beak
is beautiful) printed, and Weleeeeee tlR
graving@ 1,f high merit odors ile 1s�
Any one sanding their name mid M
with two three -cent postage .
Will receive a copy by return sol, ly
applying to Permit's! Lnwell, Oeneeai
Pass'nger Agent (!hilae, illine,is M
For INS3 ts an Mewing Book of 1.111 Mattes,
Colored Platers of Flower. and Ve„slaWesi
and more than 1.000 Illustrative. id choler
est Flowers. Plants and Ve,cetaWes, and Di-
rections for growing. 1t is hre,.ls.,n.e enough
for the Centre Table or a 11o1m.1a' Present.
Send on your name and Poo (,Mee .kite•..,
with 10 neat., and 1 will send you a (wpr
tame paid. This is not • quarter of he�
it is printed in both English and German. it
you afterwards order seeds deduct the IR CSC
tlek's steeds are are Seat t■ err World f.
The FLORAL OU11iI will tell bow to get and
grow them.
VIpasFL.,wax AND VaxliraaLL 1 :ARD&Y.
175 Pages. 6 Colored Plates, 3y0 Engravings.
For 50 cents in paper Dorso : 11.0 la eleg•at
doth. ID (ferias or odis
VICK'S ILL1.5TRATabIC1[ON6.rm.r MAUAzaxt
-32 Pages, a Colored Plate in erery number
and many "tine Engravings. Price $1.16 a
year: Five Copies for 11.5.00. Speettnen Nuss-
bere sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for IS
Ladies who Buffer periodically troni
pains in the haek will And immediate re-
lief in • few deem of Dr. VAN Brnaii s
KlnasT CURL rt was never known tnfail.
Try it at env. Your Druggist keeps it.
4. Wilton (kwferich. 2an:
rear le tier Trwsl.
Tee neeeh cannot he said of the ever
WIN wife and mother, constantly
estmillii and caring for her dear ones,
fSOM Bsg1.'ting a single duty in their
I►.1alt. When they are assailed by dis-
ease, a,wl the grieve should have
thorough a meed �_ the stomach and
Lees!" revelilia. Mood puri6P4. and
malarial peisnn exterminated, she mast
know that Electric Meters are thn only
mere tneleely They are the Mut sed
parent Medicine in the world and only
coat Mtv emits geld be .1 Wilson (4j
fiochester. ]. 1
Four Medals and three diploma.• awar,le
them last year at the leading Exh:b.-
Uona. in the I,oeti•ion
And all men running m ichinery will save
money by using our oils. Our LANDISK sad
('YLEN iDAR OI1. has ne equal. Fou .peak
louder then words. and the public ran find out
that the foregoing assertions are true. by try
ing one 'ample of our. 1111. pri.•.•• era .. en ap
mli •ration to
McColl Bros k Co Toronto,
The l.ardine is fun s1:e in.l:oderit h by
\1'U' ; WEEKLY.
t LL UB'1' tAT1D13.
,r ,.per's Weekly stands at the head of Am-
t I •1 illnalraled weekly journals. Hy its
p;. Ati:.an 1os.tion in poliths, its admirable
i:uwus. 115 1 atcfully •husen seriala,ahort
....les sketch... and to�tet. 11r I used by
1l a foremost art i alN end attdhurs of the day• it
'arrival instruction mod alit Frtaimnent to thou-
sands of American home...
1! will always be the atm of the publishers
4m maKe Jlurper's Weekly the moat popular
and attt acti - faintly uewspuper in the world.
read t1:Aa:
HARPER'S (BAZAR .... ......$4 W
tlAltt'M;tt5 MAGAZINE .$4 00
lite THREE above publications.,$10 00
Any Mt) above unused $7 00
LIBRARY, (52 Numbers) ell) 00
Pasted( F1 re to all subscribers in United
Stairs aro! Canada.
The volumes of the Weekly bt w-itlidhe
first Number for January of each year. When
no time is Incutiuned, it will lx' v,uderstood
that the auts,.rils.r wishes, 1e 101111er/it e D1111
the .Number 1., \! after the rc.ciot' of or-
The last Finn Annual Volumes of pia -pees
Merkly. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by
resieeessege paid. oft by express. free of ex-
penno�i��r'ovidetl the Might dm's 1105 exceed
one nONarper volanel, for $t per volume.
('amus for each fol suitable for
hindiu„, will he seta by mail, post pni t. on re-
ceipt in ILW each.
remittances should be made by ['oat -Office
Money Order or kraft, to avoid chance of
e,•-.perpperrs are not to copy this (ulcer,ise-
*moat se -ahoy' lu rss w-dv r aJ 11.1nrs:lI c1•
Address HARi'FRcf•BROT11F:1:-.
New York.
Ilarper's .tfaptufru• begins its sixty-sixth
uiume with the December Number. 1t is
uud only the must popular illustrated period-
ical in America and England, but also the
largest in its scheme. the most beautiful in its
Moroe..ese newand
magazinethe best t noel entitled "For A a-
jor.- by Constance 1F'enimore weaken,. the
author of '-Anne." was begun in the Novetn-
her Number. In literary and artistic excel -
len r the Magazine improves with each sue
reeeive number. Special efforts have been
made for the lighter entertainment of its
readers through humorous gWries, eket -lies,
rad TEA .
The Tat= abuse pub4tttiuns510 00
Any TWO above named .$7 00
LIBRARY, (52 Numbers)....,$10.00
lien to announce to the pimple of Goderich and this section of Huron, thatjhe has
purchetl from Mr. A. Phillips his stuck of Groceries, etc., and will
continue the business in the old stand, en the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Haying bought the goods for cash, and as 1 intend to make all my
hases front
wholesale men fur cash also i will le in aposition to sell a
Very Low Prices
for Cash
My stock will always be fresh. I *ill lee', the best brands oft teas, geed sugars,
and everything in the grocery line from the belt producers. Baan, Spiced Meat*
etc., always on hand in season. 1 au, determined to please, both inq{uality and price
AtirCall at the stand, Victoria streetopposite the Fair (:round, near D, K.
Strxceiichan's Mane shop. 17_ SWIFT_
,odurich, March lith, 1882. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Postage /nee to all Ss ,au'ritrra in the United
States and ('nada.
The volumea of the Magazine begin with
the numbers forJaneand I)ecrmber-of each
near. When no time 1e ap{ clfled• It will be
understood that thesubecriber wishes to be-
gin with the current number.
The last Eirht Vuia:n •l of 71rrpr s 31 r is.•
:in,. In neat cloth binding will be sent by
toali. postpaid. on receipt of $3.00 per volmne.
('loth Cara, for. binding. 60 cents each --by
.nail, postpaid.
index to !!a r., M:pa:ine, Alphabetical.
j Analytical. and (9as10ed for Volumes 1 to
M. inoisaive, from Jane. 16,10. to June, 1890,
one vol. Svo. ('loth. $1 10,
remittances should be made tic Post -Orrice
Money Orie.r or draft• to avoid chance of
1t-rapopersarr not to copy 1Ai. a
meat doerlisc- R eat •,ithoottieern
pvsorrirr of IIARu'&,P
Addre•.., 11Altl'E11 & BItOT11ER9,
New York.
Tes.7sfori.S.abitYr neerdi only to be Lefler•
known to add to ate already Liege list of
friends. it has leen publi'hed for thirty-flve
years anti haat acquired a world-wide repntn-
tine as 111c twit? relig .on. and literary nee.. --
Ttn 1Yn,raanr.11T i• not denominatio•s•sl.
1ts creed and field are broader than any Neat.
Aa a 1'brt,tian journal,lts aim is to atrcm:then
and extend Evangelical religion and to defend
D aralmt the attacks of Materialisnt;Athcism
sad . 1t is free toappreve or criticise
in any denominations whatever It be-
Mesm to advance or hinder the
musing st the Gospel of Christ.
We 'brae= 10 obtain the most emin-
tw .Ihe editorials, there are
disttart departments, edited by
gerla11sM, which int•Igdn Hibli-
tinitarr. legal, Fine Arta.
Pebbles, Personalities, Min -
Hymn Note., School and
F(eltgfous intelligence.
School, News of the Week.
• - - Insurance. Rtoriee. t'.,.
tiles Agrlcnitnrc. *t Pages
We we
In fall rev. J(w•ph C'onk's
Monday hectares. which
Mr. Cook has just re-
velrs' trlp mond the world
Ws Winter will attract
WNW eamaww tdttta Wet.
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Le voltage,
SaettetM, Soreness ad the asst,
lout, Quinsy, Soto Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains. Burns and
Scalds, Genera/ Sally
Tooth, Ear and Headache, froth/
Feet and Ears, awl elf other
Paint and Aches.
'sire resp* atlea arta mi .e Ja w
0s10i sk et $O ase miry
rlst kat
leg with was ss. Sam drip sad seddre paid
.t Ir slims
moos.. t. Elmo teasemens
arMssq NEL. V e a
C'. _3 _AIR, :EtY
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A good tuoortnmnt of Kitchen, lied-rsona. I•i11'1.;r 11oom and latter Furniture. such a. Ts
Waw, ('hail* than% c,ano and wood watt 11? t•uldasree. C. t:-?'. no's, Maltreats s. Wash-stan
Lounges, Sofa.. 11'hat-Nuts, Looking etre,. s,
N. B. -A complete tissortment of Coffins and Sdnit ds always on hand' -f. sd Ilearees fur It
at reasonable roto .
Owe MI etre rear. $3 OD
h ellFee esaa � .. . r `00
One ire two years. S.Oe
One stilsertetiom eve years . 510.00
Hubs o teetered
nearal�pe pekes _! per ,rant h,llower
than say et oke ulead.rd religion.. week -
"j' T dial.. TRIP_"
1s elder tastese tsar read a few reesecn-
tie• viesebere et Tile lwna►axoraT, awl tats
leers Ib watee. ate oiler a month's :aele1'tp
Nue. es e -Trial WOW fee Se gym,.
ye•hg01 asc*e the balance ofa
its Ial easel for (ter specimen copy
• �s N . "me
rte► raw* s erect
ly Ca 'e ala,t'mawnw'e wart
deem tented sed
Picture Framing a specialty.-- .1 ( ell twltcitrd
�ourn��.g cSt,
111 t. announce to the Public dant tat) lint 0. op 1.cd bt•. s in the dente Stere
in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. H.tcii.t: 1 urchused ;a laude and
well assorted stook of Sluing nod Simmer Geoda at ct to l.kni t s, w e al 14 tel:tdated
to give the Public the benefit.
Z -.'r -Please call and examine our gee is lmtfe_ ve { t.rchnIirg cls. t..
1'��t`Rumember the place, next doer to. J. 1Vil' ft's Drug $t• IL,
...ea -Custom work will receive our s: o ' .! attt:.ilea',
) Neine but the best of material used ami C .! on,. r .1 1 11. 11,114 t,
;PO -Repairing neatly done on the sl e t het .
Goderich, March 9,1882. DOWNING & WED D U P
?'.tuna'sTrne retried.
IAA 'friend in need is a friend indeed. Ho 9 F'o>r:,
This none can deny-, especially when as-
sistance is .endured when one is sorely la
afflicted with disease, more particularly
those complaints and weaknesses so come 1�
nem to our female population. Every
woman should know that Electric Bit-
ters aro woman's true friend, and will
positively restore her to health, even
when all other remedies fail. A single
trial always provas our asrrestion. They
are pleaaant to the taste, and only sort
fifty cents a bottle. Seld by James Wi!-
sun. I'21
A sexed clergyts aa.
Even the patience of Job would be-
come exhausted were he a preacher and
endeavoring to interest his audience
while they were keeping up an inceuwut
coughing, making it innpxossibro for Linn
to be heart. Yet, how very easy, can all
this be avoided by simply using 1)r.
.King's New Discovery for Cunsumptien,
(loughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given
away at Wilson's drug etch. (,2)-
--'os0 EflLh1otn(tSofFrave5
pro onty robbed
of their rictims,lives
andohealthd. h restored
by the uncut thegreat
Mai positively and permanent y cures Im•
potency (caused by excesses of any kind.?
Semiwrtf Weakness, and all dioceses thus fol
lowr 9 r aequenco of Self -Abuse, 141 1011/1 of u
orgy, loos of memory, universal tendon,.
pain in the hack, dimness of vision, prema-
tureoldage. and many other diseases that
lead W insanity or consumption end a prema-
ture grave.
Send roe circulars with testimonials free by
mall Tae IBt7GORATOR is sold .t $1 Per
box, or six boxes for $5 by all druggists. or
will',c sen,. free try mail, aec•urely sealed. ins
recet,ss of price, by addressing.
F. J. CH[ENEY. iaruggiat,
187 Summit St., Toledo, fill: u
Sole Agent for ()oderich.
Are pleasant to take. Contain their own
Purgative. Ta a safe, sure, and effectual
I.stroyer of worsts in Children or Adtalta
And meet stase,ss of dimmed erlale fro",
dleoreeree LIVER KIDf VS. STCaIAC►I,
T. ■ILBURN dl CO.,
Thu Great Western Railway mill run
their exceniur:a to MANITOBA and
DAKOTA 1 015 during ;flay and June
every two weeks, ceutmeuciug TUES-
DAY May, 2nd, 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For tiforu,ation, tickets, etc., apply t
Special Agent Great Western Ituilway
0oderi.1- DM
GoderIck..tpril. !?t. 16042.
P1SrIiIil1011 I)ig Stoi,b
Vases, Shaving Mugs,
Toilet Setts, Combe, Brushes,
English. French anti
Canadian Perfumery.
Large Assartlent & Prices Low.
tt.N o t rouble to show Goods and Prices.
+�c'..-+ter II......_),-. v. .._pct
Is lteromn:ended hr P:TAleillne.
,tarrh of the Nasal Cavity - Caronic and Ulcerative!
Catarrhs cite Ear. Eye or Throat. I b taken
the Rlond a1id?tIr
Mucow Surhto!! of the
Syystem. the best RIoo1 Punter
-In the WORCLOO, and h worth ALL
That igHAhr alnneor 111 for
t3' IN TI(I! JLtI:KP.T sy
$100":11•21"..f.'7,.°'70:27,*' 1: $100
WELi.AND, /AIL, 316113h 23, 1009.
My I1tUs aa•myrtt.r was Dora--e•i with Catarrh
for two venni. n1L1 eras vers neon 1,1110161d by
**use of Hall's Catarr,, Cure -- Sin Is now
about curet. W. T. HOUSE.
V: rLLAYn, Ont., March 9n, 16PL
ihac. as•d " Hail's ('ttarrh Cure," and jade,
in tont 11,. fled rmsulta 1 derived from one
les .tie, believe 1t w111 ogre the most stubborn
cam of catarrh if ltd 1111 be entwined gar a
reasonable length of time.
Ws;.t.ivn Ont., Maroh 20, MC
r. 3. Cwitir.r & Co.. Toledo, O.
groats. -Have sold Hall's Catarrh Cure for the
last year, and it gives entire satisfaction.
Yours truly,
H. W. HOBSON, Druggist.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
sold fit all Wholesale am1 1''tail Druggist.
UM Dealers In Patent Medlciniv lu
the Unita. States and Canada.
Cents a Bottle. *SAM n Doz.
The only genuine Hall's Catarrh Cure is ma -
'factored by F. J. CRRNEY 1 CO., Toledo, O.
ta'neware et Tmttettons.
1 nett:el Mr the Ontario trade by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
Note Agent, tl.&ierich.
Wh7 don't yon try Carter's Little
fiver ItiIM 1 They are a positive care lar
sick heed -if -he, and all the ill, pe-4iswd
h7 die,.r.l,•rtvlliver Only one pills ttrtgs.