HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-05, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. FRII)Ai' N. :t, I1183. ..>t�.. 8PBOIAL 111NOIRCEINIT. C A Mr. Juba Sturdy has ref .trned from - Pony Booed sham he Ma t en all emu- We o:fer the SIii uL in ci mbinatitta tor. As Mr. Pritchard was gv..ue t+, per - forst eke maarieste OarestnSy at Ne wed - :ono of lilies Howe his hawse took fright .rid o. Many, throw*/ km sled his rife est of 16e utter. Mrs, PljSahard soaped =hart. Mr. Prilehar4 Ant his ,es injured, and the shafts of the cotter sure d. The taansitotiog under dm *Mama of a YY is plass me thole/aging J J ,1st, was a groat austere -Tea was wool auin the tamperai halt, after which addresses were idol., _. vol w the C. alloo4111$191, le demes : W. $SSI V •swiss. gen- Mr. Sabine and Mr. Sonder•ou of Co borne, Mr. Grey, ,.; t'Iuatirerwp(l M �Yt ,► f A■buns T. sal ,rues'+ about..... Paulo. jik \1. McQueen, of the Yd e. ti. , has .alta hm ommoning of 100 oris, t, Me Al oho Gilmour (lila neighbor) ter 1 Mfr. If has has Jared in gas, to which 'riser hu mitotsds eco in the spent. trio A BAD Aa'IDR*T. --The many friends .,( J.hp L. Anderson, eldest sem of \IrOsten, :kadtttses, sail regret w lesethat he tint with a most Tait rluu ate accident a short time a,fn, ley *kctt( he bas loot his left foot, Mr. Anderson ha*D in Dakota fur several years. He as 'tfllrhhing at *is btu - chafe. k pint buns the engine lit Spon semi/ Mr. Anderson, 111 who wee leetiiwt the tnachiue, Jumped open the table tc, get at fhb stook. Ia. doihs mho atop wee os louse strew, onset�tg nim to aspired and his foot got into the cylinder of the machine. mangling it w, severity that it had to be smpstated chose toe ankle. At last accounts he wok g well. with the _in.trltaui ayrvc.lfnrirf for$2 a year, which includ.s post;t%e on both. In a,ldities, wMil►ilf dtttl item' 4. prcry person who takes Loth papor's' n 3(ad ni cent Plate engrariog of t-u;o.•'a last arm tainting, "IN rue Ms tnnw. ' bow on rihibiti in Ne York, an I offered for 'sale at i55,000. The titttlllenl Artist, F. S. (:beech, s� 1 5 STIAS GOOBSAP TIIEEDICAL HALL Froth ah Hyyact dh Bulbs, (JI i ser nd Fan...). FI ear -puts 1.ut,ot t,-.1 German Ever- lextiuo Flo cta and Grill,* III Vitt, and tlanxtua Baskets,Vases of all Kinds Toilet Sates, U leoge It 11':,r Parton 11.ii',le statuary, FNuey Opera Gloms, Pl::ah G suds, .utnprlsiuq l ties Co.nl ti,; it, Perfume (lows Purse, etc. H:+. , and Shavioii It ,n, finishes 1 Honor.. A felt luno a . ! kinds of Y•'rfu-nery, F:u.".iiia Katie.. 'Sachet Ilio,s, Fancy t'to+.ps,'rode • .\ i : ,; l; • and requisites. wrttinlfl.s Mwnt in the ouu:ttry 1t.t i d t1/ kiiYtde/tda�rtds� 7 October, thus alludes to this Picture : .1 pas delighted thi t Blot :sing t, ism ciferp1 al a Premium a reproduction I,iif a very beautiful Pic:tore, "iit Site u,; a This Piston! IS tat, This superb engraving 17 1 lo 1. I bodies, e;clttriveco1 wido bandit) is wort:t Plow') Oust 'the eblit'ot both-juproala. 1t is mounted on heavy I'tate Paper, awl sent securely packed in Tubes iii tde ex- prenlyfor the• purpose. When to be ?soiled, 14eents Metras ie rcgnirisl 1...1! Pac;.ioj. l'setiret al.'. -2� ?ort Albert A few evening,' ago our village nar- rowly cooped being the wane of an aw- ful mousers.. A youth man lately re - tarried from fie classic region* of the Lake' uperior copper mines, carrying with hint tbt culture and refinement ac- t gued in those pacts, fanned for their atandad of morality, gave a fuse ex db tion of his beautiful sad command- ing voice on the bridge crowing the river W this village. Some folks mi ht say tie lames rtes more forilble than vibin had it not been fon ant of the villagers, holding him back forcibly, death and destruction would have mark - d his canrsc, mangled corpses would have strewn his path, and there would have been scarcely enough villagers left abr. to bort the deed. At least a stran- ger would infer from his language thtit this would have been the result. Now, Mr. Editor, 1, weeder if other villages and nei8Abotloods i tt. t bis fair Province ever uperfeame one of these edifying scenes. Are our young men who are brought up with all the quiet family cir- cle, with the advantages of t rious churches suitable to all creeds, our boasted public schools, and our dabk+ta.ieeisr aro tf>b is Mall these influences dri tfng into and ignorant ruffliadla, particulagly they viait the lumbering districts the mining regional Well, if moral suasien is a failure, sthy not invite them Situ s saa- cttlary where the benedietiow u is the following terse but plain language. "Five dollars and costs or twenty days." Yell our constables did their duty these rowdyst1eetaoeneswaddr■w disappear. • at Trains Mark iteptsf. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPFJG. By casual ebsea•eatien, Ne bod.all, hen spesulators have a clear head and watch tbt ups and downs of property, thus makin. large fortunes. But the whole secretr,� they keep the eyeteia in a l•ealthy-conditiee bye th Mu Of ? E It106is1Y tlfRt YA1,l.RY Ys1pJ I F We can safely say that hundred. c..me to 0• for the great lung and blood purifier before goIng west. Read the following statement wecoulttgi t ossa.dsoethe ss..s nand it Jt ere n '1 certify t .I Via troubled with �tarrh In the head,gathering of phlegm in tbetbroatf choking and coughing at night for years, so could not slesp, otter. troubled with dull, life- less toeltags. Mins is the ohm, Mt hook. After giving hundreda of dollars to doctors. and giving up all hopes, I tried the Flute or THS V aLLcv, and am now able to do my work after /Oven year's A M1t�, [�1 ES IicOrS/L.L 302 Stmcee Street, London, On . "The above statement of my wife's is cm rect. Jaw rs MCNdL. Fbr s►I! bl�alkdruggis0t, ruire astnred bt Prof. A. 1f Shrteves, Landon, 6.t: &ample }}aaeckkaaggee 2S eta• ave for =1.00. Can be had in (}oderich of fife following druggists: Joss Mad. Jas. Wilson. F. Jordan, Geo. Rhi- nos. aad J. A. Varlet. ltiffi •Banking. BANif K OF MONTREAL. Aab11a}d The Council met at Smiley's hotel, berscm. on December 20th, the mien all present- The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Petition of James Joy, John Sullivan and others asking assistance fur Mrs. McIntosh, and indigent. Letter from Margaret McGuire, asking money to buy wood. Letter from D. McKenzie refer- ring to gravel taken from lot 33 Huron township. Moved by 1). McMorchy, seconded by John Whitley, that Duncan McKenzie be paid for 300 yds. gravel taken from lot 33, let con. Huron, st the rate of five cents per yard. Moved by Joseph Griffin, seconded by P. Clare that Mrs. McIntosh be paid 312 u charity, also Margaret McGuire $5, widow McRae 35, and Jeremiah Lucy 85. The following accounts were paid. Hukb Maginty, ditching on D. L con. 4, J310 ; Thomas Stewart cutting hill on S. L. 3 and 4, ccn 3, $40 ; Willem Holland repairing culvert on con. 2 and 3, 31 ; Kenneth Matheson be refunded, 34, chargedqfor 'statute labor as the work was dime. Daniel Campbell euttial: hill near the lake on the boundary between Huron and Ashfield 325 ; Henry Camp- bell gravelling on the boundary of Ash- field and Colborne 330 ; R. Jewell, for lecher es,t fled to by D. Demon 38.46 ; D. Doom for .repairing maven D. L con. 7, M ; R. Clare cedar snderdrain ammo S.L 3 and 4 con R, 37 ; Maurice Dolton28 ; R Clare ender desist mime IL L.A fifes 4 eon 8, $3 ; C. Me0r1►y wisest es SLS and 4 con 9, 31 ; R. Hamilton job on Pritehrrds bridge , $45 ; Assist "Volker job build- erffoireli to bridge on 18 stile river con. 11 W.D.*115 ; D.eid Karr Woe* oa lei ILL 6 and ; coo 12, 77 mints ; Wm McArthur account for stationary 34.44 Daniel Alton topstril.' bridge and plank - itag 320.08 ; Amid All.. !ember N comae am ewsilisd 4 Was Moran. . Mb- rsesfet, � :Saki Sassissi for 31 inal $41.10; wt7Narsfur otos el. $14 44 ; Jahn Willis be 33 for the repair -41g • f e velvet t es eon. 3 ; account of N. Uri A Co Inc prbM4 loft.. 31.32 John Cooke awe/teem $11.44; Andrew MsW1inney 31 hr dog tat M ke killed the d. g. WL •b rt Harr its* craven on 9 nos. 31 : dreg or wr•wttelly wowed. 31 ; Thomas O'Neo for hny tat 31 se he killed the dept ; Patel Stnrttur Inc Trotting atd foe- st dieter 1lle,•l••w Ni (1 R.. s20; Mr Penner refunded 31 00 rio ate Oust • f afatnte ish. he work baying nit. Thos, \L"h.ttator also re- fen.1e' 11142; John Cooke, balance sit sal - try 3M. t .. .oil adjourned. Pore doge. (fl.rk. 4 CA PIT -IL, - - - SURPLUS, - - • i 1:, 000,000. t Ole°,000. Goderich Branca. D. (,'LASS - - - 1f4ntager. Allows Intmeat on deposits. crafts, lette. of credit and circular notes issued, payab 1 in all parts of the world. 17ti4.. ANADIAN BANK OF COMMkRCE Paid tip Capita', *6,000,000. Rest, - - $1400,800. President - ttu:. TVM McMASTER General Manager, 11'. AN..... utanov Goderich Branch. A. M. 11.088, - - - - Mittal, tae. Interest allowed on depoeits. Draft. ni �s the principal Towns and Cities in Car..M Great Britain and the United States, bot* and sold. Advaneeste Farmers on Notes. wltb onto, more end.wtt'rs. without mortiaRe. p6 _r 1383. HARPER'S BAZAL ILLUSTRATED_ Tli is pooular journal lea rare combination Of literature. art. and fashion, its s a, and esssye are by the beat writsre mope And' A merica ; Its engravings p0s.aas the highest artistic excellence; and in all tete pertainingto fashion it Is unite y in the lead he new volume will eonta n many brilliant novelties. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Chemist and Druggist. lot EDIC _EL > i &LT , - (�ODERICH_ NFW AR(IVALS FALL & WINTER 000D$3 ovEaooA_Erzzvc s Scotdh, Eiilisli, Irisli & GauaUau Teods HUf�H D U NS,OY MR TRAR. HARPER'S WHICH VI. 34 00 HARPER'S BAZAR .. 34 00 HARPERS MAGAZINE. .34 00 The THREE above publications.. 310 00 Any TWO abote named $7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE31 80 HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE $6 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, (52 Numbers) .310 00 Peet* Pres to all au&rrtbers iso United Matra cad Cannata. TN' .A.GATINT_ ABRAHAM SMI'H CALLA* ATrKNTION '1'O THE FOLIuwINU : CLOTHING, sr.t I.%ROE ASSOItTMENT, w i AN,/ THE LATEST seA F'1Ni.: _tt;t:()trltl` s\DLK:ss \'Ait, 1:T, '•t1RNISHING GOODS. H` • ALL THE L.ATF-ST • tT\'tFi..' til Al i , MILND I::t' il' rttzc'in K.1Lt. PATTERNS. yADEOOD STYLE. AND ASV lN tGUAP ANTRIM Ott NO 'FA 1.E.'Stt. IjOTHiS. NEW c -OoDS, NEW PRICDS. CHEAP FOR CASH. ardwa me h=ardware ! cm.= L -'P 'F L N EVER_ Tt► TIIE TIRADE AND THE PEtPLE GENERALLY : Keying buutht out the' ;tock and hu.iness lately owned by (1 11. Parsons at a rote on the dollar. i am now prepared to utter great bargains in all lines to stake neon fur New Goals. Hasid_ ,ect:re.l the scrvicu of J. Payne, who is well known as an experienced salesman, 1 :uo 1•.0t111d to give satisfaction and ant prepar- ed to sell at and Iwlow cost. for the next thirty days. 'l'hia is no bogus offer. Call and see :.nil jad_c f.,r r o •recd r. ' '. t.• I, .:: 10 for c.t.h itnd therefore must sell for cash. Please r:'mt:tiler the 1..v. . 1:t tivthint tn:uk.•d down to lowest figures for cash. 7ol11Z Neftel_ r A= z = s The Chicago House SAY THAT TUE WEST -ST., GODERICH. rim , _lrrihnt .311440- HA1R RESTORER 1 JADE 1SY 8. 4;A.P8COTT, of Brantford, pleases them better than any pret•ata- sl tion they ever used. It Is roost refreshing in cued of headache or feverishness of the 5:.ttp, and makes Fadei or Gray Balt. ass tine a charmingly natural sad healthy appearance. Price 50 Ce=ts l"si Bottle GEORGE RHTNAS, AC -ENT FOR G-ODERICI3_ ri Besigus Mita!! Papers. Now is the ttme.11 you wish one or two nice rooms at home, to see Butler's room paper He has over 20 000 Rods of the Latest De Beantifnl colors, and at vetoes tees than very mush inferior goods. Call and sea th =m they are the bot v*l a in town. and must be sold. S rio Bazaar Paierns and Fashions,The Lalesi .A.t $ R S_ Tars cMernes of tM r �f■ year tie Ira Number foe homey el to y • It will WN earn aloha, to ee..esee with �. Item resoar the mint of 1.- Will bo by =sr. to wait etglesheets n iling ex - pee ...i N, ore w pet fir flsr each velenis, s.I1s1M far ha pat M mot postpaid. ea re- 1Dra1R ttoeLrvdA ehaw-em d �y� be edPoetOAlee ALLAN LINE. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. SAILINGS . --- MAIL LINE LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. 1F wof /r ropy rae iertiee- srn eJHAarma ! Aebe. it 'brill rt BROTH vier t'..r► Sarmatian from Boston, Nov. 3Ith. From Halifax, Uee. Ind. Polynesian -from Illult!atorel. Halifax, Dec. 91b. Sardinian --from Boston, Dec. 14th. Halifax. Dec. irtb. Parisian -from IBaltimore). Halifax, Dec. 3d. Caspian -from Boston, Dec. U. Halitsz. Dec, 15. Peruvian --from (Baltimore,) Halifax, Jan. lith. Sarmatian- from Boston, Jan. 11th. Halifax, Jas.30th. haat train 1 Toronto with the Mails and I'aeeengers at 7:12 carry Thursday m:,tit- ing, connecting with the Steamer at Halifax. PORTLAND AND, LIVERPOOL. DIRECT LINE FROM PORTLAND. sAIToINCOB = B1Ders. sBes Satardsy, Dec.9� AusanJan. lith. Paeaare neo vu D can leave Tor - Onto on the pr'5VN Of da of satllns at 7;12 sem. A fellness wing -roan and annd� oonvleloand Passengers Pai ethrne�n vers aproow:ding by tie murders Steamship. The stesmshipe of the Alban 1.Ine leave for the Grand Trent Railway. For tleketa sad awry Information apply to IL A RMSTRONO. Ticket Agent. Godertot AUCTION SALE OF LANDS IN TOOL TOWN rIOT 0) PORT ALBERT. sea favored with instructions from I Mr. John Dougherty to soil by Public Auction at DRf.ON(1'S HOTEL, In the Vil- srta of Port Albert, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd JAN. , 1883. The following state - 1m4s 11. 10, 11, and , Leit Rad 1d a an acre on liar - Men 11Noesis wether to acres tette meow s� anifi a rood hewed teat egta•s/d 1 we1N excei w UMpr'operty dere or lass. between Syden- stRaes, sowed with tall more or to. between ,ideate. adJolnlog the all cleared, wall with • good spring creek. t aad title perfect. at ?We p. m. ,-Ta par cent. er pnmha.e money on day of she. Liberal terms for balance which want/suede k.00 at time of aals or Mga les to Mr. betty on e pre- �/a . C. CURRi pre- 112tot. The P Me Auctioneer. people are al way. on the look for ebasoas to t.eresa. eernlnsa,M4 M Usie lie wealthy: these who do I.prove their .pporten L natnea�a s sty. We shwa vomit assn. Heys aM st wort ter r Is. t1., awe sem. 10 te '...........k e ipaag Imre t tee { sMM�laaa�erAtMartws�s�, pp�aaye�amsn tas te ura= fres. .riles eh- deveM y.erte meow re . yew gam i hole hoe a /o the eateneN allsot s "n iwl at o. Ore* �� Iras�Rw CftfistiiiasComing, Geo. H.OId has nl:tde great preparations to receive it. Ile has a specialty fine line in raisins consisting of London Layer, Sultana,' Mascatel, and Valencia At prices to suit ..he housekeepers throughout the section. CANNED GOODS GREAT' every kind t. GREAT PROFUSION. Also a large esssrtment of Fancy Goods in Crockery &Glassware, consisting of Toilet Sets. Cups and Saucers Vases, arc.. Rte. in addition to the special Xmas lines hi regular r Grocery -Business ha. been kept well tip the mark. and both Shelves and Cellars are Full of FIRST-CLASSiGOODS whihhe to Exchange for Oaah during the Holiday Season. TEAS A SPECIALTY. if yon want valise for yonr money, go to G.H.OLD. aeaa.. exoexa OKNRRAI. DEAI.F.R iN S S, 7 THE FALL TRADE IN Ni ; LLI N ERY,I Hns now opened at that headquarters of fashion, ('hit::_ • House, and I am now in a position to state that the latest styles, best uutterial anil ndo t reasonable prices can be found there. Evervthing in the. Millinery line in Misses, Young Ladies, Matrons and \Vi.low4' \Cs lir is, on view at the Chicago House. A particularly fine line in Wi,lows. Caps can be seen. MISS WILKINSON is also, agent for Butterick's Pattern., pod Parker's Steam Dye Works, Torunto. V' Remember the place : THE CHICAGO HOUSE, W .:Street. A Cr.rNUNIIlit ITM " Flow does a poor. holiest man save hardean.ed money 1 Anew er: By investing in BONDSI. Musical Instruments just Arrived from England & Ger many A Complete Assortment of the Follow ing :- Violin de Stainer. Noted German Accordions concertina.. Violin lases, Bows' and Strings, Italian Guitars. Flutes. Organ 1larninultmas violin Keys and Bridges, Vases. Fancy Toilet Articles, Ladies Satehela, PORN'S, SM•II Puree. Lined with Satin, Our Mr. Fred. C. Bond will guaeanteeany of the above articles, for sale at John Bondi. Drug Store, to be ganuloe, anod f the very best material; and will he piesoed to show custom- ers one entire stock of Fancy Article*. LwOnr Motto is Quick Sale. with Small Profits ! Please Call and See Our Stook. Goilerich, I)ec. 11. JOHN BOND. TEE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE DURING l�I�NTH hI� J. C. DETLOli & CO'S. SEETHEIR BLACK SILK AT 95C. TO TRE FARMERS OE TRE COijNTY OF HIltON, GENTLEMEN,—By request of a large number of the yeomen of the County we haze decided to manafacture P.M APIloT AND MOWINCI- .A. C7311%733313, in connection with our Plow business for tine year 1883, which for material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders fur reapers or mow- ers until you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs is County which will give the farmers a good opportunity to inspect our machines. We will warrant our machines to do as good work as any other trade. We will al- so have a number of good LAND 2e0 for the String trade. COOKINO+ STOVES always on hand, and will be sold cheap for cash, or bo exchanged for wood. Cash paid for old iron. SEEOMILLER ch CO. (aoderich Foundry. NEW DRESS GOODS Fall Dress Goods STRIPEDana BROCADED SATINS To match in eotorffor Irimmit..g,i. Grain &Produce, COLBORNE BR 495509M Uaa III.. aid y lM.eta Mret• A Comfortable Dwelling house Tet Lal ! Apply r. o Rlnane G-ODERICI3