HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-01-05, Page 2"al '-'"--0219191121111111111111011111111Nen ''''"1"120111111P4011111111122111111r 'refere" remeeN111•1011 £11h HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. '1, 188: 140 3eH C/L es. -s.... CENTRAL SCHOOL v unore-W. RM. mat, Principal. on to1118-present 1$. Promut- with credit 05%, 12 ; without 60%, 3; otal 15. Motors .- General proficiency, 1 M Henderson, 2 A Hennmvs, 3 C Yates. Heading, 1 A Henning's, 2 J Cos, 3 H Wilkinson. Spelling, 1 C Yates, .' Fer- guson, 2 J Allen, R Whitely. E Weeth- erald. Grammar, 1 A Hennngs, 2 M Henderson, 3 11 Wilkinson. Oeography, 1 0 Yates, 2 E Weatherald, 3 W Down- ing. Arithmetic, 1 M Henderson, 2 J Ferguson, 3 R Whitely. Writing, 1 H Donogh, 2 L Reed, 3 E Weatherald. Composition, 1 H Donogh. 2 J Fergu- son, 3J Co& History, 1 C Yates, 2 J Allen, 3 M Henderson. Promoted with credit in order of merit- M Henderson, B Henning', C Yates, E Weatherald, J Ferguson, H Wilkinson, J Allen, R Whitely, J Cox, R Jenkins, C Seegmiller, W Reid. Without credit -0 Martin, %A Down- ing, H Donogh. 2se Div. -- Mw* TRAIN isR, Teacher. No. on roll 34 -present 33. Promot- edwIth credit, 66 %, 18 ; without, 60 ; total 24. Honors - General proficiency, 1 L 4ffordon, 2 E Addison, 3 R Mu_.ey. Reeding, 1 M Wilson, 2 M Elwood, 3 F Johnston. Spelling, 1 E Addison, T Beteg and M Wilson. Grammar; 1 M Elliott, 2 L Gordon, 3 Willer. Geography,1 D Johnston and8fir fin ray, 2 A Cameron and E Addisto. Arith- rnetie, 1 R Murray and F Johnston, 2 J Dielmon, 3 W Seagmiller. Writing, 1 J Morten, 2 R Elwood, 2 E Addison, 3 J Williams. History, 1 W Paamore, 2 J Williams, 30 Campaigns. Promoted with credit in order of merit -L Gordon, E Addison, R Mur- ray, F Johnston, T Bates, F Bonamy, M Elliott, J D Johnston, M El- wood, F Mclutesh, J Dickson, A Cor- nell, J McKay, W Seeemiller,L McLean, C Williams, 0 Campaign.. Without cTt lit -M Wilson, J Morton, A Spree, `A Cameron, 0 F.szer, W I'llaMt on. • 3RD Div. — MIriet BOND, Teacher. No. on roll 38 -promoted with credit 70 %, 23; without 65 7, 9; total 32. Honors - General Proficiency, 1 M Craigie, 2 I Vanderlip, 3 H Hennings. Reading, 1 F Lawrence., 2 E Cempbell, 3 H Henning. Spelling, 1 E Balfer, M Craigie, L Vanderlip. Grammar, 1 M Craigie, 2 M Moorhouse, 3 H Miller. Geography. 1 Moorhouse, 2 M Nich- olson, 3 B Rusk. Arithmetic, 1 J Wil- son, 2 E Campbell, 3 H Miller. Writ- ing, 1 F Lawrence, 2 H Smith, 3 M Nicholson, Composition, 1 0 Polley, 2 H Smith, 3 F Lawrence. Mister!, 1 M Nicholson, 2 F Lawrence, 3 HI Smith. Promoted with credit in order of morit, M Craigie, L Vanderlip, H Hen- ning., B Rusk, H Miller, 11 itexter, E Campbell, M Nicholson, A Craigie, M Moorhouse, 0 Polley, T Smith, G Wilson, J Whitely, F Lawrence, E Hyslop, L Bar., 0 Rice, R Sanders, E Asher, T Hays, 3 Creasman. Without credit -0 Wilson, W Videan, .J Wilton, F Evans, J McIntosh, H Wes- ton, C 'Rinonons, 3 Edwards, 0 Addison. 4TH DM-- Miss BLAIR, Teacher. No. on r11 48 -present 41 : promoted with credit 75 , 26 ; without 63 15 ; total 41. Honore.- - General proficiency, 1 F Weatherald, 2 M Parsons, 3 M Noble. Reading, 1 A Seager, 2 'V Miller, 3 M Watson. Spelling, I W Miller, E Hil- lier. M Noble. (3ranimar, 1 C Munroe, L McGregor, F. Weethereld. Geogra- phy, I M Rutson, 2 H Cox,3 C Munroe. .Arithmetic, 1 C Pennington, 2 M Par- sons, 3 W Wilson. Writ ing,1 FWeethee- ald, 2 M Perim'., 3 L Graham. Com- itition, 1 W Miller, 2 Thomson, 3 M Noble. Promoted with credit in order of mer it -F Weatherald, M Parsons, M Noble, L McGregor, M Rutson, C Monroe, M Strachan, C Andrews, 11 Ball, W Mur- ra/, A Joenston, H Cox, A Reid, E 11111ter, W Black, M Mcllain, J Lawson, P Walton, A McKay, C Pennington, E Cattle, 1) McPherson, M Watson, K Johnston, 11 Moore, 11 Johnston. Without credit -.1 Bain, 11 Parsons, T Hele, L 0ralient, A Iteid, M -Shep- pard, J Thompeor,W Wilson, W Miller, A Bedford, (1 Money, A McLean. A Seeger, A Graham. 5TH DIvIslo:s Miss WATsoN, 'reach- er. No. on nil!, 3 present, 49 ; promot- el witlt credit. , 31 ; without, 70 %, 9 ; t"tal, 43 Homo% ommeil eroticiency,1 A Wat- er,, 2 V Itolwittent, :1 N Swaffield. Reatimg, 1 A I)ckson, '2 Malconison, 3 .1 Williams. Spelling, 1 A Dickson, C Smith, N Seritfield, W Elii,tt. Gram- mar, 1 M Mclvor, W Elliott, 2 A Buch- anan, 3 W Moorh iuse. Geography, 1 A Watson, 2 3 William'', 3 11 Henderson Arithmetic, 1 '1 Malcoinson, N tiwaffield A Watson, and E Simmons. Writinz, 1 A Buchanan. '2 A Dickson, 3 A Wat- son. Pro noted with credit in order ef nen- it- -A Watson, W Robertson, N rived - field, E Simmees, 3 Frazer, M Malcom- son.A Bnehiman, A Dickson, M Thomp• son. A McVicsr, A Andrews, C Smith, N Bolton. fl Clotterbuck, W McIntosh, II Polley, 3 Andrews, J Morton, W Toloorhdose, A Church, .1 Terranco, F Pretty, C Curran, A Bates, .1 Neter. 8 Malcomson, W Elliott, W Kennedy, N N Itelltereon, 3 Ferguson, 3 Bolton, D McIntosh, J Williams. Blackford. Wittiest credit -13 Henderson, M Mc- Iver, J Hall, J Ciatterbutt, 14 Fulked, A Miller, A Waddell, D Stoddart, J Ocean. -- 111Tel DIVIel Mfoe HARRIte, Tench - No. on roll, 58 ; present at eaamins- tiosiS, promoted with credit, 715 X. 211; without arida. 70', 13; total. 36. Homers - Orneeil Prolicieney, 1 It Ralph, 2 L Aehet,o, :1 M Kean. Reul ing, 1 C Smith, 2 IC Ralph, 3 M McIver ftelling, 1 1. NV Itethh, '2 3 Sin. *lair. Geography, 1 R Ralph, I. Ache- son. MArithmetic, 1 R Ralph,2 • 0Wet ..1411,10 Weethershl. Writing, 1 M Kew 2 L Aahoson, 3 0 Bell. Tables R Rill h, L Atheam. M Kew. Penro-Orwl with Red.' in order of seer it -A Ralph, L Acheson, M Keine T Straiten, M Acheson, J Orant, C Shar• Man, M Havoc, 11 Inglia, A Kirkpat- rick, 0 Watson, 1 Barry, J SoweebY, McKenzie, C 40lemphall J A Mayor, C Wortherald, J McPherson, gagle, M Cathcart, 8 illard, 013.11. Without oredit-0 Ciampaiene, 1 El - Hatt, H Bridget, 11 Reid, Ralph, C Stewart, R Tsit, R Sanders, D Matheson B McSween. 7re Div.-111.sa Seams am, teacher. No. on roll, 66 • present at examine firm 62 ; promoted: with credit, 80 per coat, 11; without credit, 70 per cent., 22 ; total, 33. Honore -Osmond Proficiency, 1 C Seegmiller, 21 Cari,3 0 Hilton. Read- ing, 1 1, Ball, 2 C Sceemiller, 3 M Camp- bell. Spelling, 1 D Ram 2 It Ball, 3 I Carl, and M Hillier. Geography, 1 C Seegmiller, 2 N Elliott, 3 A Seacord. Arithmetic, 1 C Seegmiller, 2 E Carl, 3 11 Smith. Writing, 1 F Martin, 2 C Seeginiller, 3 Cameron. Promoted with credit in order of merit :-C Ssegmiller, E Carl, 0 Hilton, L Spence, C McDonald, B Smith. S. Vitas, A Reid, M Ililier. N Garrow. Without credit :-H Rudron, II Yid - San, F Ball, J Craigie, T Elliott, Cameron, M C Lee, C Sinclair, 8 Wi'son, M Campbell, F Martin, Mc- Lean, K laker, T Gibson, A Green, C McPherson, N McKenzie, B Evans, D May, W Jenkins. mr. DAVID'S WARD. ler Div. -Miss MeMeriore, teacher. No. on roll, 55, present at examine tion, 52; promoted, 16. HONOR.. -Gen. Prof., 1 13 McKnight, 2 W Bollman, 3 B CroPs. Reading, 1 11 McKnight, 2 B Crofts, 3 K Russell Spelling, 1 13 McKnight. 2 A Brown, 3 W Blackford. Arithmetic, 1 J Murry, E Bell, C Seegmiller. Tables, 1 C Seeg miller, W Brindley, B McKnight, Crofts, W Bates. Writing, 1 J Martin, 2F McLean, 3 W Brindley. Promoted in order of merit :-B Mc- Knight, W Bollman, B Crofts, C Seale miller, A Brown, F McLean, W Chins, S Graham, J TrIcIdath, G Andrews, E Bell, J Murray, J Yule, M. Waddell. JUNIOR Div. -Mies RALPH, teacher. No. on roll, 84, Present, 67; pretroted, 19. Promoted :- A B Clark, E Andrews, H McLean E McDougall, A Nicholson, L Campbell, M. Miier, W Clark, J Mar- riott, 1) McVicar, R Bridget, W Smith, F Hilton, G Johnston, F Porter P McPhail, C Johnstou, M Elliott, A bat- tle, W Brown. MT PATRICK'S WARD. 18T Dv. -Miss Lawassee, teacher. No. on roll, 43; present at 07.114Min•- tion 37, promoted, 80% 9. Honors. -Gen. Prof., 1 R Strang, 2 E Buchanan, J Straiton, N Straiten, W. Robertson. Reading, 1 L Cottle, '2 R Strang, 3 E Buchanan. Spelling, 1 E Buchanan, 2 R Strang, 3 A Pa)ne. A‘ithmetic, 1 R Strang, 2 J Straiten, 3 E Buchanan. Tables, 1 R Strang, 2 E Buchanan. 3 J Straiton. Writing, 1 R Strang, 2 E Buchanan, 3 W Robertson. Promoted in order of merit: -R Strang, E Buchanan. J Stsaiton, N. Straiton, W Robertson, A Payne, J Noble, L Cottle, E Murray. . JUNIOR Div. -Thee CASSADY, teacher. No. on roll, 65 ; present, 54; proniot- ed, 26. Promotett-M Morrison, (1 Buchanan, J Sinclair, W Frazer, H Kennedy, R Sillip, F Eagle, W Stoddai Moss, B Stewari, J Haddon, L Fisher, F Bissit, J Hennings, E McGregor, H Cooke, H Ferguson, C Pennington, A Elms, J Fritzlie, A Roberts, 0 Wells, J Dunn, K McIver, L Noble, J Manson. 14T. ANDREW's WARD. 18T Div.---Mrss GRAY, Teacher. No. on roll 37 ; present at exemina- turn 36; promoted 80 %, 21. Henors-Gen. prof., 1 J McLeod, 2 F Lewrence, 3 E McIver. Reading, 1 E McIver, 'C Garrow, A Miller. Spelling, 1 Eva Mclvor, E Mclvor, F Lawrence. Arithmetic, 1 J McLeod, 2 A Murray, 3 E Mclvor. Tables,,, 1 E Mclvor, 2 F Lawrence, 3 W Coutts. Writing, 1 J McLeod, 8 C Garrow, 3 AMos& Promoted in order of merit -J Mc- Leod, F Lawrence, E McIver, C Garrow, A Miller, A Carl, W Coutts, A Murray, H Bain, H Naftel, A Moss, Eva McIver, B Cox, A Naftel, T Babb, W Campbell, R Williatne, H Black, D McKay, W Vivian, E Buchanan. JUNIOR DIY. -Miss HENDIMAON,Teacher. No. on roll 102; present 72; promoted 19. Promoted -B Bain, A Williams, M Campbell, F Stokes, 5 Dickson, 0 Clis- sold, 8 Henderson, M McPherson, T Craig, T Watson, L Bolton, r Hunt, A Rusk, M McLeod, W Little, M Nichollon E Squire, 8 Videan, A Squire. IMAM. Our agent here is authorized to receive subscriptions to THR SIGNAL, and will give sound receipts for Tits &emu and (Ake for 12.25. Dungannon. The Presbytery of Sarnia has unani- motialy called Rev. Mr. Leitch, of this place, to Officiate at Pt int Evlward,proist- ing him $500, with 4150 supplement ; also providing a residence for him. 1720590.412. At 5:30 m Friday morning an nnoc- cupied frame helm °wiled by Mr. %any, of Torento, was entirely consunitel by fire. Greet difficulty was extrrienced in saving the adjoining buildings. It 'tut evidently the work of an incendi- ary. z Z11111111Tillie EXAMINATION. --The closing examina- tion .4 gear viehool toost pleat /WI Friday, 1:ith ult. Notwithstanding the stormy natsre the weather, and the simnel impassable state of the nada, a gond- ly member .4 children were present. Th. teacher, Mr. Lawrence. was assisted hy T. W. Niacin*, or Porter'a Hill school, Ily th. rapid answers whioh the ohlidren gave to the many intricate questions pro pounded, it is quite evident they are making "mei progress, and reflects ninth credit upon with teacher and prapfis. The people of Hohnesville have a good teacher, let them retain , instate end mist hint in hi effort.. ltn isandllor. The Foresters hare doodad to guest only once a mouth, linefeed et tithe, as heretofore. The are still eddied to their nuuibers. A pelilic entertainment will be given shortly. Seesaw. -hi.M MarTish. s fecater pupil c)1 the school here, has bees sews - •i for the seat year, at a Wary tif WO, to fill the vacancy mimed by the resignii- tion of hir. J. It. Steep. He Tolima a good teacher, but having had souse ex- perience, will likely sustain the good reputation of the school. PasTrY Heavy.- -This place boasts the priesemicie of one of the heaviest men in the ouunty, in the person of Jonathan Millar, who turns the scale on at 290 Ib.. Although se large he is said to be one of the most nimble of men, and there are very few who can beat hiui on a short foot nos. In addition to this, he is as good natured as he is heavy. The Benmiller Literary Society held its regular meeting on Triday evening last, when & debate on the following sub- ject took place :-Resolved, that iron is more beneficial then wood. The chair- man, Mr. John Durst, decided in favor of the negative. The leaders were T. Good and T. Gledhill. This being the last night Mr. J. R. Steep would be pre- sent, the vice-president called on him for a farewell .speech, after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to him for the interest he ho had taken in organizing the society, which now num- bers about 50 members. Colborne. The social held on the evening follow- ing was also highly satisfactory. Tea was served in the church and after tea the evening's entertainment was opened by singing and prayer. The dialogues prepared were then engaged in, and drew much applause from time to time, as each piece was dispensed. The music also being excellent, held the audience in suspense during each piece. The tierformanee closed at an early hour .11 being highly pleased. Pros $20. Tho tea meeting announced to come off at Bethel on Thursday, 21st ult. was a marked success. Although the weather was not all that could be desir- ed, a large number presented themselves for admittance. After all had eatisfied the "outer man," the evening's enter- tainment was commenced by the singing of a select piece by the splendid choir. Rev. T. J. Sabine, the circuit pastor, was then called on, and spoke for a time on the "Building of Character," after which followed an address by Rev. T. C. Landerson, of Benmiller, on the "Rela- tion of the Sabbath School sustained to the Church," followed by an address from tio. 1".2v. J. W. Blatchford, of Holinesville, in " Care of tho Body ;" all interspersed with 'lively selections by the choir. Mr. J. Snider ably acted as chairman. Proceeds $27. HYIERNRAL. —OD Tuesday, 26th ult., Mr. H. McClean, teacher at Young's school, Colborne, and Miss Annie L. BrOwn, teacher at Oliver's school, West Wawanush, were united in the bonds of wedlock at the residence of the btide's father by Rev.Mr. Pritchard of Auburn. A goodly number of relativesand friends were present on the happy occasion. The bride was given away by her father. Mr. Wm. Symington of Colborne, and Miss Duncan of Bayfield, teacher, acted ss groomsman and bridesmaid. Amongst those present from n distance, were Messrs. Wui. Young and wife, James Symington aud wife, Ciloonne ; Wm. Grahain and wife, Stanley ; T. Holmes and wife, Wingham ; Rich'd Simmons and. wife, Goderich ; Miss McClean, sis- ter of the groom ; Mr. McClean, cousin to the groom. The bride received a number of presents. Dinner was served at 4 p. m., after which the happy couple were escorted to Blyth, where they took the train for Lucknow, their future home, where his services as head master of Lucknow school have been engaged for the incoming year. -A Gcsax. air *Hants Will. koiteriteat, Dec. 28. -The late Sir Hugh Allan's will was filed here to day. His estate is divided equally among his own fantily. His eight daughternrecieve $150,000 each on attaining majority. During theirminority they reciereannual allowances of 11,500 per annum. Tho married daughters to receive the interest on thqir portions nntil the estate is wound up. Hugh Montague and Bryce J. Allen will be made partners in the firm now as their portion. Alexander R. Allen gets $50,000 and a deed of the nrepeity he lives On III Brockville ; Hugh. Montinsue Allan is made heir of Ravenscrag, with $400 per week to keep it up in Represent condition and style. None t1 the ships are to be sold et pay the legacies, the am( unt to come out of the residue. The trustees are left 11,000 per annum for their trouble. The assets are estimated all the way from six to ten millions. If there ever was a specific for and one complaint, then Carter 'Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every wenten should knew this. Only One pill a dose. Thousands are being cured c: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that the doctors had given up and said could not he cured. 76 centa a bottle. Sold by ele..rire Rhyme, sole agent for'eGode- rich. Ain Tsai& A tack is • tipple, unpretindine sort of • yowls' nail, mead for its keen re - parte. when pressed for a reply, and peasessieg the pecular power, when standing on its head, or Mining the cold shivers to run down the bach of a man in seen anticipst inn of what **lit be. Tacks are io season all the year round, but tl.e early speing.ie usually the time selected by them for a grand combined effort, and then they fluurish everywhere for at least a month. Since the inaue- oration of the time honored ceremonies of hoes. -cleaning every thorough house- keeper -with lung experience in the line of duty -so takes up the carpet as to re- tain all the tacks in their original places, thus preventing it slipping from the shaker's hands, nuless the tack breaks or his finger* give out. But the triumph of the tack is not complete at this early stage; it patieutly abides its time, andel' the relaying of the carpet issues forth with double force. After searching the entire house for a paper of tacks. with- out success, the unfirtunate man drops on his hands aad knees to begin, and itn• mediately discovered four tacks at least, and as he rolls over and sits down to ex- tract these, finds the rest of the paper directly under him, and then, unless he is a man accustomed to put up stoves and joint stove -pipes, the chances of !ey- ing the carpet on that evening are slight. In selecting tacks from a saucer he al- ways inspects the points with his fore- finger, as the tack instantly loses its head when they come to blows. In argument the tack is sharp and pointed, bat the display of either or both depend. !seg.'', on the amount of pressure employed by its opponent. In direct contrast to a gond joke, the amusement generally be- gins before you see the point, and dis fact is sully demonstrated by walking the floor in your stocking feet, a well - kept room os each au occasion averaging two tacks to the square fucit. The future of the tacks gives great promise of more extended usefulness and unlimited possibilities, as several of our most eminent college protestors. having carefully studied the effect of • sharp tack of reasonable length placed proper- ly in a chair or under a not, are about to introduce tacks and do away with spring- boards in our college gymnasiums. There are many fooliah things done is this world, and one cf the most foolish (and we may add wicked) things is to neglect a Cough or Cold. Now we know that Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all Chest, Throat, and Lung Trou- bles, if neglected, are sure to end in Consumption and Death. They may be easily cured by using as directed Dr. Canon's Pulmonary Cough Drops, there is no remedy equal to it. It never fails. Sold everywhere in large bottles at 50c. For sale by Geo. Rhymes. A NIA Inveament. G. M. Everest, of Forest, states that Hagyard s Pectoral Balsam still holds its own amongst the many cough medicines in the market. de says that he has sold I it for nearly sixteen years, and the salei are steadily increasing. One family has purchased Geer 50 bottles kr various members and friends. 2: Why go en day after day suffering with splitting headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you 1 If you do not believe it ask your druggist for a circular -and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 2m IT IS UNNECI:SSARY TO ASK 1 whether W II 24121.F.Ifle tAPHATIM Al'l.INA fa may ta• marl safely In your specie] :on twine an atrowahle cor- dial &-r./Ms/hie to Me most irritable rondlt- iunstaf It,. -t-onva, 4,. it ie the (INF: PI:IPA R.t- TION I\ 24.14 IS rh:Acie, that may he taken without repos- awry by the mao. fastidious , child oradult for s lOrRperket in all :rims of debility with positive Melt anal alienhite freedom fawns harm. Its action is purely con - et /welkinwithortt del? ing over-vt 'mutating. Mr. N.C. Oran Ant.. •anchl.m *even, raid. l,iii re w Atty. the symptivemi rumor. so like to /loom of eonsatanut ion that be ATM his friends to • ante n n • met1 uf the tat I• mate revolt II iv phys,an, oho thnoght met, a hie pat if”VI V•N.11.,' thou of the "et.. esterc o, tee p -oreoptioa menromendeg 1 o• Wiloon'e l'olmonery 'beery Helmut as 11 • very heal rested known to human skill, and Mr. Dean nn tiat tar it was in a very short time moored to health. 111..trevielse CRIMIT, to mfr. to sorb wonderful mires th Mem Ups nI oesel000 and ••• oratfayskeria, et+ neetthe Beautiful Hair is one of the most strik- ing and pleasing of characteristies and can easily be obtained by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 50cents per bottle by Jaines Wilson. 2m: Ferri ones tor Farmers and Neelvivalea. Thousands of dollars can be saved by usi.ig proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are Bilious, ksve sallow complexion, poor appetite, low and depressed spirits, end generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure A bottle of those wonderful Electric Bit- ten, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of fifty centa..-[Tri- hune. -Sokl hy Jas. Wilson. [1] A. Chard, of Sterling, in a recent let- ter, states that he met with an accident some time ago, bywhisth one of his knees was severely injured. A few applications ttf Hagyard's Yellow Oil afforded imtne- diate and cemolete relief. 2: A sun thing. In the treattneht 01 Chronic Disease with that great system renovator and restorative Burdock Blood Bitten. there is no uncertainty as to its action, its curative powers are manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidney.. Every dose performing its work in a practicable manner. 2 A Cure for Crew, 'Mere is no better remedy for ('roup than Hagyard's Yellow Oil taken internally and applied accord- ing to special dire' -tions, this i the great household tanaces for Rheumatitm, Stiff Joints, Pain. Inflammation &c. 2 A WRIO "A atich in tittle saves saves sine," not ouly in making ;temente, but also in mending health. If Hagyard's Pec- toral Behar:were imed in the earlier stages of Colds and Coughs, many a "stitch in the side" and many a ease of torn lungs might be avoided, that, neglected, rapidly develops into irrepa- hte Consumptiin. e, ccenPosed largely t.,; p 'NV (111,41.41cl cr t.11r..- r IstlieBUSTaiudCHEAPsIti712- ! n - r, In the world -the CIEDT beeauv It coos not gum, but furmti a highly polished sur. thee over the axle, reducing frict'o-t an•1 lightening this draft 1 t ite C It CAP E Cal- b -mom N C.)111:5 NO MORE thou a, le •'or brands, told ono bc...: WO do tho work Oe ne an; other tru...:ver ...1110ACX111.1 weia Tar Herres', s NIL! t tearing. '. Ltel l' in(.. 4' i . '''. Llt 1 , %%31...0; tl. 1.,471le!. rte.. as !or V.,ez..-,,ca. CUr.P.A14TEEO to, contain NO Pet-ft:M..11m. •ci,..; by a II draleri. fir Our i',.. Z • lc ,•0.,,,,,:ici ( 7.1.1.... i on!. .t,' W3101'11:7 mailed n-'2. MICA ErANUFACTURING CO. t, 22.1 ti.ilcsn St.. Ilzei Vooi. '''. .• • - .... ). and Cis ca: , ISAMU!: L :es & "Ce•A _ . _ • CURE dick Headache and relieve all the troohles mci- 4ent so • bilious state of the system, such at Die- men" Names. Nemesia.. Mame after mottos, 704. 4. the Side, fie. While their man mask - able MCCAW hes berm shows la caring ICK N ehlache,y et Carter' s Little Liver Pills are equally valoahle 1* Conetipatioa, eerie/ sad preventing 1045 amoybig ornapislat, wine they alm correct all disorders of the stomach. stimulate the liver and regale/A101 howele. Isms if they oily cored EAD Ache ibee would he &Moot priceless to those who safer from this eletrelehhr complast; bet fortu- n ately their geomeseases sot end hre, and those who mos try them will lad thew note p01 ride- able in so buoy ways that they wan sot be wiling to do without them. But after airsick head CH Lithe base of eci any lives that here le where we Make oar great bong. OU pills care it while /Mem do sot Carter's Littl• Liver PEW are very small and very 2.57 40 take. One 9r two pills makes dose. They are strictly e and do not gripe or purger het by their vette moos please all who me them lo vials *1 13 emits: eve for $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sant by muL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York Otty. ths 76t 06_ JOHNSTON'VV SARSAPARILLA ccnin, SUrtra, eel ter Parifylag the lime It has been 15 urns tor 10 yeses. sod has 4.)'54 100o 11m beet prieparatioa , :Irma tor Mee BEA DACHZ. PAIN IN OR BACK. LIV l.tINT, PLYPIXII Utt THE "'Act, V DYEPSIA, PILE& and an Dowries ..•lat arms from a Diewarred L'aer or au pure blood. Thomas& at our best • ...,ple tako it sod give it to their cha- r. a. Physicians prearreva it dalty. Thom It mem recommend 11 10 others It is mode from Y.liow Dock. Hood., ras Aar taparilla. Mid C0.rry. Stall:mut. Daodelfon. Sammfroe, White/green. and .• w kaowo valuable Roo*. and ..-ha 1445 si rictly 'resemble. foil h :rt Vas most detests comattivauoo. thl bast useacioda1. m111.4 • it tits Bowels. v... I tiy 511 remonelble druccle• et one rivals: for a quart OIL* or itottlea for five dollars. Matte who ear 'Ka estate a haws ce • um medicine Irwin their armour" nme ma dollar sod we will toillAd Ij t theta. iv!.x5 41 • xa...thezme. °gm For sale by JAS. WITISAN. E. TI.. .,.,, ,,,...,,!;,...i. ti, 014..lavts ' I'l.s.s:tS t I: i' t:11 I' It !IV' 11.U.SA an ,,,,,tr„..! ..4 v-041 ... r. % 1`.41'.... ,‘ Bich sootheethe irri La, • .1 Aur.,' • 0. 1 ...• illikia 3114 air. .1 act., n. a ttelit !., .. '.. • -. 411 ie I, •giViair Ir=r7 appc•ti!e, lt,v,. , • -hilt .. vvixtiva innuippos ,0, Or ).,•,1r. ....•• . ..1 ,...soelS, )eves , , 4 O. rte ; .• ,tt illeplamis the tougti, strii,go i• :ecn OMNI MU 1114110borla and ,lustr-e.., 81.1 hiot. va the earns dria coarul.: h... vs, • "EE The -mote nr.di, ait heals. It is the vita.. property' of the iwose.:arly soothing and herd - lap gup.s.d the v. lot. ',vino and fir otf southern , chutes, at the w.e.. Dim grateful .ad bald . oat et -4. -,vol, FOUR. The Mt tugredient is • pleasing mad soothitightbricant that supplies thirteen et the MUCI!.. aneretitm which, while the organs are healthy, coats the mucous membrane,14.0ming it .oft and natural. It at gnat supplies the plom of tho alorevneed secretions end infests in restoring then) a as to perform their proper and moat lull 'cwt.. tit duties. All these working' together_, beneficially, make DR. W11.,.St)N"8 PULMONARY CIIERRV HALNAIII the hest cure known for throat and lung diseases. gir Sold in 21 and 40 Can Betties -the 40 Cent sirm containing double the 25 Gat size. Sold by all Druggiets and Dealers in J .W W. BRAYLEY; MONTREAL - t• MB ANNOUNCEMENT OF GEO. SHEPPARD.' I would respect (idly intimate that 1 mu (Toni vr.; t.) ;to !Intitense Wick of Fauy ii»11 for the Holiday Trade in EVERY STYLE THE VARIETY 18 80 LARGE IT w0ULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO EN UMERATE THEM ALL I HAVE BOUGHT LARGELY IN EnglancLUnited States l'rineipally from Manufacturers and Large Dealers. and at Prices from 20 to 40 per cent. Lowe than the Regular Rate. I am thus enabled to sell at Very Low Prices. In Xmas Cards I will Show the Best From Every Knows Maieuhietere,. In Albums, Shell Goods, Work Boxes, Writing Denim, Dolls, Penes, Pipes, Tape, Tansy Ceps and tlaseers, Vases, Toilet Sett* le. My Fiat& cannot be surpassed for variety. Miscellaneous Book's it Clerk, 1)roggista, Renfrew date of June 3rd, trete Burdock Blood Poeta, Bibles and Christmas Aimee's. A ,70U bac I will guarantee satioteati(1) Dary . Bittenthoneh comparatively a new in quality end prices. preparation, haa taken the lead in this lociality ea* blond purifier, our melee of The it being equal tn that 04 531 other medi- cines used for the pitmen fluting the Ce1RNIR NORTH RTREET AND SQL -TARE. 00D1KRICH lest rear •