The Huron Signal, 1882-12-29, Page 8P4 - :4 DOORS BLINDS, M01/1Lbtelekii, .ad every Deaeriptiens of In*** Finish STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEwitzs and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lista. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on amerce tem. pi -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, tioderich -- THE NOMINATIONS. Alike Candidates Breast t� Breast. 1 • * THE HURON 1316NAL. FR1AY, DEC. 188. At 8 o'clock aelerge number of rate- R EO fr ENING pryers had gaehserbd to hear chi' sonde dates for tee Itesivealups *plain their pusitions. On eiotion of Mr. R. W. IdoKensie, siosonded by Mr. Jaa. McNair, Mr. Jus. Williams was appointed cheirman. Mr. F. W. Johnstou was the first speaker, and said it afforded hiiu plow- er* to me so large an attendenoe. After being six years at the County Boarahe had bean elected to the highest pole 'on tn the gift of thee body -Tho W n- oble'. Although &mailed by a portion of the kcal press he had got that position at the hands of his friends in the Council. During his incumbency of tam he had tried to do his duty. As warden of the Council he had • great deal to do, but was always in his place. For six years he had been on the Audit Board, vas say or and Firs* Destaty seem mem- and had helped the Cu. Judge and Mr. ey meelaseassea -The nemeses, ame Adamson to audit the County accounts. assend Deputy fteeveghtp cstatested. H. claimed credit for the erecting of the iron bridge over the Maitland, and was 'pleased to say it was built within au esti- end First end Second Deputy Reeve meted omit of $15,000. He also took The nosainotions fur Mayor, Reeye, great credit to himself for settling the 1883, was held in the Council chamber with the manager of the Ham- for the Town of Goderich for the year difficulty Ilton Iron badge Co. and getting $400 e on Friday morning lam, commencing at 4„ fffina him. The erection of 1114 10 o'clock, Returning officer Harry E. Johnston, in the chair. Nominations County poor house was next referred to, ti and the speaker were sompted up to 11 o'clock, at which deelared himself in favor of the erection of one so that the large e:•• time the list stood as follows :- amount now paid out for relief wouldnot " For Mayor-Humoe Horton. have to be paid out. He had been to For Resive--8. Piste F. W. Johnston. the Strathroy poor house and had M- IT For First Deputy Reeve -J. C. Deem-. formed himself in regard to the working Deputy Reeve -Abraham of the establishment. The county had Smith, Edmund Campion. new a stimulus of $58,000, which could be devot to the erection and susten- ance of a House of Refuge. He believ- ed if • proper schedule was repaired there would be no difficulty in getting the County Council to te.ke hold of the matter. On the railway question be had last year thought it poesible to get in a competitive line, but at the present time he did not think it probable that • line would oome here. He went into • lengthy discuasion of the question and raised every objection possible to the building of • new road. He contended. there was no business here of sufficient importers* to lad** • line to soon ; if a Ines were but at all it would have to be all built by Godursch, for the town- ships would give nothing ; and if built it would soon be gobbled up by some other lines ; and other jereelia& equally woe- ful He was o i the Present occasion ap- posed for the reeveship by or. Mete and was sorry fur it. He had thought of TO - tiring from the reeve•hip this year, but when mews Campbell and Hutchison re- tired he thought it devolved upon him to remain at the post sa that three 'green" mien would not gotothe County Council. If mr. Platt had cante to him and asked hen to retire in his favor he would have stepped down in his favor, for mr. Platt would make a god County Councillor. He (ar. Johnston) was now before the ratepayers for re-election and if they thought he had done his duty, and was the beet man for the position,they should elect him; otherwise they should elect or. Platt. Mayor Horton, on coming forward to address the ratepayers was well reoeiv- JtVed. He Mated that the peat year had been a cromparatively uneventful one. d- o public enterprises had been inangu- -*tad, and the oontrellable expenditure eet the town, being only $1,200 or $1,500, did nut give much sco' for the Gout:el to work. It had been the 'me- ow of the Council in the past to act ecionomically, and the same should be the policy of future Councils. Three Inago the then Council advertised In the city daily pit p for manufactures to whom bonuses %timid be given OR 0011- dition of their establishing business in Ooderich. Hawse not in favor of in- discriminate bonusing, but although we should be slow to take up with every- thing that offered, yet if • good enter- prise was obtainable with the aid of a • • 16011t11 we should not stand in our own t light by refusing t. grant assistance. On ,. the railway question things were pretty much as they were at the commencement ' of the year, so far as getting increased e facilities was concerned. The G. T. R. had swallowed the G. W. R, and unless • the C. V. R.. or T. G. and B. were brought in as auxiliaries to the C. P. R., seas to prove competitive with the G. T. R , no other scheme offered. Until, however, it was definitely decided that these branch lines were outside of the control of the G. T. R. it would be use- - less to attempt to bring them into Gode- rish. But if it was finally decided on that one or both would be assum- ed by the C. P. R., every effort should be put forth to draw them hither, so that our grand lees privileges could be made * OF SCHOOLS. i• SEASON 18E33_ HST. RECEIVED A LANE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL MiliKS USED IN TIIE Public, Model, High & Separate Schools Mr. S Platt on being called upon to speak was well received. Ile was glad so many had turned out to -nigh. to hear tributary to them for purposes ef coin- his 'omens why Mr. Johnston should .. menu. A good oompetitive line corning not 'ue returned to the County Board as mise he made to the ratepayers two to Goderiok would utilize our water Reeve for Goderich. Mr. Johnston had finclities and in due time make our har- almitted thee he had been in six years, years ago, that he would get a county bee a port of importance on Lake Hu- and had during the past year been ele- grant to beautify and improve the Square , ron-najr, the must important of all the vated to the highest position in the gift inside the fence(Hear, hear, and por.a. 1Jaless this end was obtainable, of the County Council -the Wardenship. latter.) . W. Johnston -Someone has been and the way was clear for us to set the The admissions of long aervice and hay- . bill trolling sucerossfully, it would be ing reached the top of the municipal ituffing you. useless for us to expend a single six- ladder were good enough reasons why Mr. Platt -Not much. If I mistake pities. In refereuoe to the obtaining of he should now resign and give other men not you made the promise in this very manufactures, a section of the local press "a show." (Hear, hear and laughter.) hall, and you dare not deny it. Contin - had been finding fault with the Council No man should have • life lease of the uing, or. Platt said he merely mention- . Ser -not having initiated a scheme for the reeveship or any other office of trust, wee ed mr. Johnston's flower -bed project to locating of factories in town by granting the six years Mr. Johnston was in, was show what a "promising" young man bonuses. For the information of all • longer term than was his fair share. that gentleman was, and how he always concerned he .would state that formulat- Mr. Johnston took all the credit for failed to connect with the promise when ism of bonus schemes was not a portion of building the bridge, although he never once elected. With regard to what rm. the Council's duties. The duties of a opened his mouth in favor of the bridge Johnston had said about inexperienced council were defined by Statute, and or offered a suggestion to the men who men being sent to the County Counciehe siebe.nee having for their object the in- practically pushed forward the work- could inform him that he (Platt) had sat bringing of manufactories should receive Messrs. Hardy, Gibson, Girvin, at a county Council Board before John- theirMason inception outside, and if found Young and Allan. Not satisfied with ston was born, and was notinexperienced. worthy should then come to the Council putting in the bogus claim for the erec- During this contest all kinds of stories for iuunicipal aid. The tendency was, tion of the iron bridge, Mr Johnston had been started against him by ler. however, for manufacturers to locate in also claimed that he made a trip to Johnston and his friends. To theConser- the larger tor nu and cities where in- Hamilton and effected the settle- vatives it was said, "Platt has turned creased railway and other facilities were ment with the manager of the Iron Grit," and to the Reformers, it is said, obtainable. The day had passed when Bridge Co., by which $400 was saved the "Platt is an old fogy Tory, and John - good towns were located within 20 miles county. This claim was an unfortunate ston is a young Liberal-Conservarive." of ei.ch other. The radioed had revo- one for Mr. Johnston, for in addition le For his own part, he deprecated the in. lutionizod things from what they were being untrue, so far as Mr. Johnstorl troduction of politics ieto municipal con - when mud and gravel roads were the personal claim was concerned, it opened tests. He was now what he always had means for traffic. There was one pro- up for discussion an unfortunate quee. been, and because he was running greesive interest in town, he was sorry to tion for the Warden. The facts of the againsemr. Johnston it didn't make him say, and that was the increase of eau- settlement were these : Mr. Adamson, less a Conservative. mr Johnston had perism. Froin all pales of the county the efficient clerk of the County Council, said if he (Platt) had told hen he was the pauper element found its way to the drew up the details for the settlement, going to rnn and asked him to retire he county town, and the consequence was and proceeded to Hamilton in company would have done so. Well, mr, Johnston that the amount paid for rel.ef during with Messrs. Hardy and Johnston. Mr. didn't own the reeveship, and he (Platt) the year just closing was about $1,200 Hardy made the proposition to Mr didn't think it was necessary to ask Mr. or $1,500. He hoped at an early day to Jamieson, _according to the plan decided Juhnaton to give a thing that didn't be- seedefinite action taken for the erection upon by Mr. Adamson, and Mr. John- long to him. He was now &sling the Of a County 'louse of Refuge. He ston silently acquiesced. And yet he owners of the reeveship-the people of thanked the ratepayers for electing him had the temerity to come before the Goderich- for the moition,and as he was Mayor again by acclamation, and wished electors of Goderich to -night and claim now able to devote his time and etten- them ''d merry Christmas and happy the credit for settling the bridge difticul- tion to public, on account of his son he - Now Year." ty, when Mesers. Adamson and Hardy ins fully grown and able to manage the Mr. Hutchison suctgested that an were the deserving persons. (Applause.) private business, he hoped to be elected evening meeting should be held so that Again, Mr. Johnston took good care Reeve of Goderich for 1883. the working claim's would have a chance that he was not out of pocket when he Mr. ( empion was a condidate for the to he present. attended tocounty busineea, and charged second deputy reeveship.HeIhadnot been The returning officer at this point 120 for his trip to Hamilton when Air. solicited to 'tend, hut was out because declared Horace Horton elected mayor, Adamson, who did the real work in the he wanted the position. Ile was like tho and J. C. I)stlor, lst Deputy Reeve, Making of the settlement, chanced only man Twain wrote about : " Win or hoe, by acclamation, and niter having done $12. (Hear, hear.) The county buse he would do his level beet." If elected, so, ret -ed from the portion of chairmannem at Hamilton only took up two fe. he 'need do his best for the town. of the meeting. three heart, and the charge 1 $20 show- The chairman, owing to the absence of Mayer Hereon was eleeted chairman ed that Mr. Johnston placed a high the other candidate for the second dep in the place i.1 Mr. Harry Johnsion, re- value on his services, and would not lose uty reeveship, Abraham Smith, at To. Gimped, mid called upon money when working for the county. ronto, reed a letter from that gentleman. 'Mee 0.; Dell -,r, the IseDeputy Reeve, k Laughter.) On the (emotion of town expressing his willingness to stand if h aocetmation, to address the electors. pauperism, he (Platt) would state that nominated Mr. Defier thanked the electors for hay- since coming to (loderich, 2& years ago, , Mr. Johnston replied. and attempted ing unanimously elects 1 him te the poei- he had endeavered to place money in j to explain the Hamilton $W charge, the Lion of first deputy reeve of (loderich. I circulation se that the working classes flower -bed county grant. and other points He had been a member ef the County might be employee, and if others had which had heerr turned against him by Comma in years gone by, sr.d !mid E. ; dons the same there would heeleas,pauper. his opponent. ways endeavored to work feithfuliy for ism and little necessity for a Poor house. After remarks from Messrs camptall the good of the town Formerly there ( Isar, hear.) ‘• hat we wanted in node. and Hutchison the meeting was brought was an suir,kg"nilltIo feelin4 het ween the rieh was to have 110 r public men pdea- to • clues.. neembees fe.m tLe t.ernri and (Mere from rot to start business enterprises, employ roS Col•NULIPER the rural iounieipelitios bit happily Libor, and pot inoney in eirculatien M- asse feeling Rae now a thing of the eaststead of hearding it in the lank. We The following gentlemen were normallin (me 01 Cii• rem es iif Oeclerich he wanted new manufactories, and another noted to centime the wards well,' work earnestly for (loderieli, hut railroad or two, and our numnificent her- St Andrew's. Seeger, E. Bing while working for his own town would I her utilised to its fullest extent; and the ham. W Lee, and D. tontelen best offsets of the town. representatives $t. Day era. --C. A. Humber. .1 B. should he devoted to these objects in- Edwards, John Scobie, F. $esgmill.r, stesi of meting from .January to Jane H. Clueas, L Elliott. W. 11.eurriee. err waiting for "something to turn up," St. aeorge's. - John Butler. Hirsh and doing 'tailing to horn) the town. Mr Dunlop, F. Jorjan, w. Nicholson All New 3:3oo1roor Latest SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Students will consult their own intere3t8 by purchasing their Class Books at IMRIE'S BOOK STORE as by doing so they can depend upon getting the latest edition of each book at the lowest prices. Special Terms to Teachers and School Trustees for Quantities. not forget that the county es a whole l lintogrie 4.110 oonstileriel ewer et f He again thanked them her he' g elected bum acclainat The ,..emstion of Mr lIntehisen for on evening meeting wise carreel nut, .1..hrotem now promised • l'oor houee, tet. atriek • -S. none.. ilme on in4ion th ittherina adjourned het if elected he weuld pay no more heed borne, M. 0. Claramem, W. Mitchell. * p. ni. • en this promise than he did to the pro. Weller. le. Symms, A. Centelert t ts1111110111111.1=m11111 JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse. Since the nomination we Cameron has retired from the contest in 81. Patrick's ward. See his card eLiewhere. Unsooirs-All the old Council by ac- clamation. Mows --All the old council -re-elected by acclamation. STANLEY -The old council were all re- elected by acclamation. HAY-Conneillors • R. Cook, H. Iley- rock. J. F. Merits, A. McEwen, R. Mc- Mordie, D. Sunnis. Hoy/lex-Reeve, John Keine. 1st deputy B. S. Cook. 2nd deputy D. Weir. Councillors, John Jacques, S. Johnston. Br/rn-Reeve, P. Kelly (by acclama- tion.)Councillers-J. Carter, J. Gorman, W. Shane, J, Mcmillen, 11. Symond, J. Logan. Coesosers-Reeve, Wm. Young, Alex mcNieL For deputy -Anthony Allen. A. milloy. Councillors -P. Carrul, J. Beck, W. Treble, James Gledhill. 13aussies-Reeve, F. C. Rogers, W. H. McCracken. Councillons-Jaa. Drew, John Wynn, James Young, Thomas Town, Geo. Backer, J. A. °slick, Thos. Wiesen, C. R. Cooper, B. Gerry. GREY -Reeve, Thos. Strachan (accla- mation. '1st deputy -John Hislop, John Sleminon, 2nd deputy -Walter Oliver, Adam Turnbull. Councillors -J. Fer- gus, J. scene, J. hic Donald, Thos. Innes, Edward Bryan. A/alma) - Reeve, Robt. Webster. First deputy, Jos. Griffin, (elected by aoclamatime. Second deputy- -P. Clare Thos. E. Finley. Councillors-mr. mcmurchie, John Whitely and Samuel Burton Saunby. GODERICH TOWW8HIP-G. Ellietereeve. For deputy -John Beacom and Joseph Whitely. For couneillors-John Cox, James H. Elliott, J. Laithwaite, James Peasock, John Wigginton. After the nominations the several candidates ad- dressed the electors, the contestants for the deputy reeveship placing their re- spective claims forcibly, and at times, eloquently, before the people. The Ingersoll Tribune pay. the council the following delicate complinient : "Although we do not accuse our present council of fraud and know that there are some good men around the hoard, yet we feel thlt we would not lose much and • great benefit would be the remelt if an entire new set ef men were cocoon.' Somebody is likely to get hurt DIDN'T Keow Hamm. --The great bean problem which has been agitating Dundee . test London for the past few weeks was solved yesterday at the jewelry store of Mr Wm Davie. It will he remembered that thia eentlernan had placed in his shop window • glass slob. filled with beans. • serer watch te * awarded the Person reeking the closest gums as to the quantity therein contained The beans were counted before a large crowd with Messrs This Ftreek, John Campbell end N T Wilson as Whin One end a half holm were wrimered in the (e'en', and the globe found to renege' 9,540 beans. l'he watch winner wee Mr John Linesay, of Theo. Bootie & Co , who guessed (1,543 There were over 2,000 rontestant. a .me g ing as high as 11.000,0IX) Holiday Presents Extra Value. The subscriber has received on oonsignment towards of 1300 yards of OROS GRAIN of all Flonable Colors, with lastructions te sell up to lot of January next, at Mots per yard, regular price $1.25 ; also several pieces Treads Cashmere, at 4651s per yard. worth seta . all wool Canadian Grey Flannel at 35cts; all wool Scarlet from lusts up. A few of those Ladles Cloth Jackets left. cheap to claw: 34 inch Brown and Bleached Anatioan Cot- ton 10 per cent cheaper, and 5 per cent better. than tb. Cassadiaa at seas* puios. AU wool Scotch Tweeds at $1.00 per yard. usual pr -toe 111.75e•aation all Wool Tweeds from 50cts up. O-ROCRI8, &O Teas a Specialty . Japan Sittinip, from lOctio toll:gets per Ib : • good Young Hynes at 25cts er lb. better at 30cts up to 40, 516 al and 25cts per Ib; • good Black tea at acts ; extra. 40ets Ise flOcts; finest Imported, Mt* per Ib. Rice, 51km for 25cts. lbs tor Wets. llama Zaat Currants acts; off stem Vaencoa Raisins, Rae per Ib; Molagm, 126cta ; Loose Muscatels Dets dr All Other Groceries Equally Cheap and Warranted Pure. .A. 0 Ft H3 - Stock complete. Bar Iron. Steel. Nalls. Mae* all sizes. Putty. Paiute and 011s. Saws, and Geleral apartment of Builders Materials, all at rescuable low prices. CF -A.1313, SQL/ALIO. IC_ life is sweeping by. go and dare before you die, eon/tithing mighty and sub- lime leave behind to conquer time. IPS a week in your own town $6 outfit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can make great pay MI the time. write for particulars to H. HALLETT $ Co.. Portland Maine. AUCTION SALE OF LANDS TIU TOWN PLOT OF PORT ALBERT. I am favored with instructions from Mr. John Dougherty. to sell by Public Auction at 1DELONG'S HOTEL. in the Vil- lage of Port Albert. on WEDNESDAY, 3rd JAN., 1883. The following real estate : Lots 9, 10. 11. and 12, London Road East. and an acre on Har- rison Street, containing together 10 acres of land more or less. There is • good hewed Ing house, frame barn and otables, an excel- lent orchard and 2 good weiii on this property And six acres, more or less, between Syden- ham and Arthur street*, sowed with fall wheat. Also 9 acres, more, or less, bet woes Arthur and Colborne streets, adjoining ths last mentioned property, an cleared. well fenced.and watered with • good spring creek. All excellent land and title perfect. Sale at o'clock p. m. TIMER : -Ten per cent. of purdah/4e money on day of sale. Liberal terms for balance which will be made known at time of male or on application to Mr. Dougherty on the pre- i*J. C. CI• 1{111X. ml"8711C_ 11. The People's Auctioneer. _ SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. courser or HUTSON. I By virtue of a Wrlt o to WIT • Fieri Farkas issued out 0( 11.1' Majesty's County ('eurt of the Count, of Lamboon. a'id to me directed egalnet the beads and tenements of J A MKS STRACH AN, at the suit of FINLA Y Melt:Ili/ION. 1 have gelarvi and taken In execution all the right. titlis. interest and equity of re iemtdIon of the *boo.. ranted defendant. in gad to lot nee hundewil and ninety two OM, oiltnitte in the Town of tooderk h, In the Crmnty of Huron. riomprising • dwelling house and one qnarter of an acre of lasd. more nr lima. and suieeet • mortgage of three hundrett dinars. which Ulnae all d tenements 1 shall offer for wile, at my oflice in the 'our* Honiw, In the Town of Groderleh. on Turgidity . the 30th day of Jan nary. 1/262. at the hour of twelve of the rlock woos. ROBERT GIBRONA, lithr riff of Huron 311.1trifes Office Godeeleh rhes 1111, teat 11111.3w 72A week made at home by the in dustrious. Beet business now be fore the public. Capital not need ed. We will start you. Men. Wo- men, boys and girls wanted every- where to work for us. Now is the time. You can work In spare time. or rive your whole time to the business. No other btuoiness will pay you nearly so weU. No one can fail to make enormous pay. by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms (ree. Money made fast, easily. and honorably. Address Tors 4 - Co.. Atart14/1k Maine* WANTED AT THF Star Salt Works (19,500) Nineteen Tho Five Hun- dred. CORDS OF -WOOD (5,000) Five Thousand Cords, Good B nasswood ileadiug ot (38) Thirty -Eget inches long- Prices 112.50 to $2.75 eer Cord. 2,000,000 Two Million Feet of Saw =logs Consisting of Soft Elm Rock Elm, Base wood, Maple Birch, Black este White Ash, Homiletic, and all kinds of loge, fer which cash will be paid. Apply ty JOHN 4C )HIE. Star Salt Works, Orelerich IS people are a/ ways nu the tool out for chow*, to increase th4P4r earalsiagind U. throe he 00IWe wealthy those who d• improve their opporten Ries ramala 11 poverty. We offer a grew chance to smoke 1111411011, . We leant mon. WO Then • boysassd girls to work for us In the., awn lona/Mos. Anyone ohm de the work pre petty from the first wart. The business will pay more Own ten flows ordinary way. Ss pensive ontlt famished tree. No no. who on =Ofalls to 1111. money rapidly Von nee ise your wh • time to the work. or cogdy your spare momenta. Fnll informatlee gad all that is necessary sent free Address !Ivry env at V° Portlaad Maher --.11111110- --0,1111M ,elte aaat. usamE11111111rm"""----