HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-29, Page 712, 1 l; I t' iIC. 29, 18,2. e4 Js �——�---.r- tt '�' Dr. lituith's llerut:w 11'uru. ttatuedy, Phu.phatrue, or Curve twat, al Phos- I Wunrtett�tsa, a plesaant. sate, reliable Oat. Element bread epee Scientific ' and pnwdp► remedy f,'r the rew,•vel of Facts, Yorwukted by Po,fe*sor Atu.tiu, S4,utach and Bleat of pin Wurtes from IL Do of Baton, Ido , aures Pul A. child or adult. It is easy to take, never try Oeneumption, Sick Headache, Nee. fails, absolutely harmless, and requires vitas Attacks, \'urtil(t. an,d Neuralgia I uo after physic!. Sold by Jae Wilson, and all w t- tog diseases ••f the huuiau e1^derich. ystc,u. . rphatiue is out a Medici tr. but a .rest, because it e.a,t.tins no Vi jet :...•. ,•, morn' 1 ..i.* n•, l li.tatea, II trio alt I oro t4liu, , Ml�, ptit baste 11 to elothatic ..a•1 tlailrc lauwents f d,e iii cafe • dy f*..l. 1 ,tu�.le bottle self R- pt q. kali.. s All ,j/rtig�tpQrte L w 1,.t:1u. f,t,trOltl R, - Cu.. • atruta f .r (he D,.iuintott, 66 b'n•ut Street 1Sast Turo,.t•, ABOUT GDTTING MARRIED , BELLES OF ANCIENT DAYS. seasessaas nor tae lies .s resew■ - halve 11114 la the Medical PeelMdtalr sad AS Wham We e,r..IgIy 100011. ,.1r . 1001111 you to use ae ' what Was were ay tits were■ Nrtes tar Wt tester, sad rte Wrr. "When to Get IIarrie.l' r a question I Uede btedly there is much idle talk that the social philusopher of the Phila- ( about the wuud.rful eitrays ancr of delphia Tunes discusses with Much Per- I ladies ot the urtseut day, their yursui. spicaoity and truth. He tint m.ntious I of a.nstsutly chsugiog styles and luser- the old-fashioned rule that • young soul dee demanded by .how who ears, of think •4044 Dot thiylt of warp mg 011111 he ' Id provll a Toper home foe I4s wit* i ilouiti looked to wppoas,ria the absent" ani 4r6 MA'4tMrd to {'911 trhii w.•11.1 Iof ktttrilatl,e to the ocetrery; Neat these ,ate` .,, uq i7 wad** each arat•i.r.t4 were tkiligs of modernt t. ad N Oat test of hottest ' aitril►tba ?Ones jttst hid, eine ...tyke they us 1 to pt "is now dispensed w1:11. Girls 11, 't on in early ages and their enormous ez- trouble themselves about a home ; i b traysgutee. tie nice, perfectly lovely young tit:ei We are 4,Id that the ladies of lobos they want, and no worrying th.,nitht of slept on roes who- : perfume had been anything else disturbs them till after marriage. Sooner ur later they realize r- jtfrIenatels better ,,,a. hNt19,-pbtimroe apd Z LiSc itidn._ rualll ha*" .bMn..1(1P• tlsey • eaur afford the expense. title erotically heightened. And in 'those timer court tnaideus gd rod their hair 'thyuBZ °ti ff s daagikarilid notalieuga young wontell of real rulnemrat, Pull- her dress half a down times 'a day, ab do seising something of an edaeati/ut and I the a ata graces, but she -made the with many social graces, are whirled Lt, iq her fishn r ear - away to ordinary b,tu+al0i�-bWalaoalnbil)}nape �,... . •s.i -ry a month of their marriage. This is a II The dress of Ltlldt :'aulino, the rival great misfortune to any girl The life I cf Aggripius, were',elute' at $2,064,480. of a boarding house is well calculated to This did nut include hes jewels. She unfit a young woman fur thole domestic and, espial flies which every man a a • It a e oto soil! it a1 Nnoai• hid Siiy 'destroy 'her Tonle eM ��ru �r�s s al u that of T...*►a. wore at one supper $1,562,500 worth of ioweluw4d it it E1 plain Cillirna' Stip In 'f PuPeib beloved 1 lave. aw.y. We cannot bull, untie ng the liberal offer trade 4, all intalids and sufferers by 1/r. Knat,Cia New Discov,ry for Con- miyyo,n. oh ru twisted to call at ila0ttte drug stud Beta Trial Bet- tie tree tit ue6s, i on ant sooffetinjl with Consumption, Severe Couglia, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Lass of Voice, Hoars.uesa, or any affection of thealu to It will posittvety cote yea: ' .'`' (e) • general stampede. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at Wilson's for a rial Butt' of I , ,Kind a New Discet: f t� Con ptl�l. CuJg` and Colds, 1 cartons icte+wit , lltrtue, If roe - itis Hoarseness, Bevis e',•ueh., or quanplishments. It requires the strum:- The women of the Iteman empire in- any affection of the Throat and LUTISTS, est Character and severest training to dui:act' in all sorts ist luxuries and vices. can get a Trial Bottle of thie,vniat reme- dy FISKE by calling at above Drug escape demoralization, and young w,onen aes,and those were reiived under Napol- store, (4) escape. No Mall can afford ie thili alt -Y eon L iu France. Mem kath- to spoil a girl whom he expects tq hemeli ei a weah itrawberrieg knd raspberries and had herself rubbed down with stunges dipped in milk and per- fumes. Ovid says that in his day girls were taught to monk. gracefully. The beauties of ancient tiinee were just as vain se modern belles, and spent the r part of the day at‘heir toqtat, The of cories ;Me (mod of female beauty itleSaid) bo used an abundance of paint, and each wrote a treatise on cosmetics. Cleopatra used bears' greese to keep her hair frum falling out. Roman ladies were so care- ful of theil• complexions that to protect them they wore masks. The Atheniau women of antiquity were very studious of rusticity • We have certain styles of beauty now - a -days ; so had the Greeks. They went wild ever the "ideal cliin" — ueith,er aunt Dor sharp, but, petty: nada • itqa. The neicoll of the' brows was esteemed by the Romans se a beauty. It is said they admire the air of dignity it gives to the face. An Albanian belle of to -day presenta a rather striking appearance. She is, as a rule, coifed with seed pearls and coins, and enveloped in a black serge pelisse. plished their given puteobe, and w om She uscs paint on her faco profusely, raid, let them be no ruore—God luta land taste runs to cherry lips and cheeks used them and through them had onm- land jet black eyebrows strongly drawn. municated His revelation to man, and An Alberian bride discards paint for a completed it. Let not men corm t what while, and if wealthy,weare suit some - God has senctioned—a Homer 3nd a thing like this ; Rose-cologed under - Herod— Eutipides and Sophocies—a robes, with an over -robe of dark -green Herodotus and at Zenophon- -a Socrates relvet, the idea being taken from a rose - and a Plato—had f mind in the moduloue bud half opened in its leaves. Thus ar- Greek a language fitted to express the rayed, the girl of handsome features is • -rnost subtle thoughts of philosophy ; the aid to look really bewitching. mast thrilling conceptions of the trage- The Tarters despise prominent nasal dian, the most beautiful perceptions of appendages, and the woman who has the the poet, Old the most varied scenes of smallest nose is esteemed the most the historian ; but they had polluted it charming, but to outside barbarians she while they had employed. God used it is a perfect fright. —and gave to man by its means the one The women of Spit], in India, wear superlative book—`The New Testament' —and by His Providence ha then for- bade its counuon use. And' who does not see and admire the 'wisdom Words change their meanings in living langu- of the Bible To-ovo this. How few of us can read the gritinge of Chaucer and Spencer's Fairie Queen. llow quaint even in ono hundred years sound the expressions then in common parlance, and had the Greek and Hebrew con- tinued to be spoken languages, how com- pletely changed would meaning of the words have become during eighteen centuries. Eaek word retains exactly the same meaning which it had when Isaiali's lips were touched with tho live weirehangingchaine of iron,strips of teeth- e srisoner in his cell. sou I cord, and Ezekie' gazed with awn upnn ' e., strings of wooden bells and heaven the valley of dry bones or David's voice kno ws what more lumber. ' swelled out in beautiful accord with his melodieuft harp in the sweet sengs of praise. The Greek of the New Testa- ment is the *ante toolay as it was when Lake sat down to write his treatises to Theophilus and Patti, his letters to the churches, and John described his visions of wonderftil things in !leaven. The time will come when the reading of these bre,k• in the original will not be confined to the scnolar mid the preacher, hut when the t ;reek Testament will be an potential i 50 ceets a bottle, by as. . A and the Hebrew Bible will be in every Ili Phosphates are half the bulk of the holly ; eountry Catechism class ; whet men oral are lbe oonree of nerve Power. are maneweenry to net he tiontented with trenslatinns, but will demand te reed God's own thonghts in the very language in which Re MS alotioot there. him happy through life. No one who sincerely loves and has the ability essen- tial to the protection and suppurt of a wife will think of doiug a young woman such a wrong. If a man does not so love and has uot the ability he has ne right to get married. His time has not can,taktno3or- ',vet ,11 and then expect her to make him a good wife. ,,ito has taken the most direct measures ti. spoil her, even thouek she be an angel." It may be added that if most young men refrained from marriage till they got money enough to purchase a home they would die bachelors. Few of them receive such munificent salaries that t hey casuloto more thao hire room in a block or fake up ipiarters in a cigar bill. Tlioatiala am! Ito Lakoroakes. Olt MOOD a remarkable fact which we on -the -1-41 forret* Bible ffrintieties. tot the Xible has bees' i‘ given'to man lit' tiro languages—the Hebrew and the Greek, and that so soon as the books are com- plete in each instahce the language ceas- ed to be spoken tongue. The die had been cast—then ole .lould was broken into fragments. They had eazh accom- 9 1883. N�It[flk'� llIG,Il16P,. ILLUATRbTED_ CHEAP GROCERIESI hE.A�T �W=FT I Beg. to attuuuoee to the people of tloderich this section ut Hume, thstthe has purchad from Kr. A. Phillips his stook of Groceries, etc., and a all ntinue the business in the old Maud, on the Corner of'Victtoria. aad Zruce Streets. Having bought the goods for $sh, and se I intend w make all 11ty purc.,aaes frau whole's/it wen fur osah also, I will be iiia position to ball at Very Luw Prices Gtr Cisb My stuck will always be fresh. I will keep tltu lest strands olio's, good sugars, and everything in the grocery line free, the best producers. Bacon, Sliced Meats etc., always on hand in season. I am determined t 1 lease, Loth in,guality and price ,Witr-Call at the stand, Victoria street, opposite •he Fair Ground, near D. K. Strachuan's machine shop. Ooderieh, March 9t1t, 1882. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colder -hag* !wen given away as Triil Bottles of the large size. This enormous oUtlay would be disastrous to the pr.. misters, were it not for the rare nients possessed by this wonderful medicine. Call at Wilson's drug store, and get a Trial Itottle free, and try for yourself. sin steOwein, thane 4c1 Cleo 3. tF 1 in My "1' 1, FL GUI Harper's Magazine b.teiva its slaty -sixth volume with the Deoembor `cumber. It is not only the most popular illustrated riod- Wal in America and England. but also the largwl in its scheme, the most beautiful In its appearance, and the best magaslue for the bone. A new novel, entitled 'Itor the Ma- jer," by Clon.tanfe F.uI 0l* W otson, the anther of •'Aar. was lean■ Ia theNovem- ber Number. In literary and Artistic excel- lence the Maga+iwe improves with each suo- eessiVe number.Special efforts have been made for the lighter L erste stone.,nmnt tl sketches, readers.throng etc. HARPER'S PERIODIC \LS.' reit.1111111. HARPER'S IR(�i AZINE. • S4 00 4ErXR' W I.Y. AEW R B hyt�VO a• na opo HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE-81.711 HARPER'S AGi1ZINE. 0.00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ARE ',LIBRARY, (52 Numbers)* ANKLIN SQL•n0.UO •latjtage free to alt S.Ss-riberr fa t5r Untied i1SSttatei sad Canada. The volumes of the Magasior begin with the numbers for June and •Dpeecember of sten► 1 Dear. When no time is speed 1 It will W- en that the subscri gin with the current number. The last Eight Volans 34 of 1l •r,1'r a ll sgr- risa in neat cloth binding. will be sent by mail. postpaid. Ott receipt or 53.00 per volume. Cloth Caws, for binding. 00 cents each 47 mail. postpaid. In:l".� :a fl:ir,v.•�, .......14.1444.Alphabetical. „g4 00 4'1114 00 For 18831s en Elegant Hook of 110 races, 3 Colored Plates of Plowerti Vegetableo, aad more than 1,000 Illustrations of the choic- est Flowers, Plants and Vegetables. and Di- rections foe irrowing. Die handsome enough for the Centre Table or • Holiday Present. Send on your name and i'mat Oface address, with 10 rex to and I will •end you a copy. pos- trim paid., This is not • quarter of its oost. It Is printed in both English and German. If You afterwards order needs deduct the 10 cits. Wick's *ember, tbe gest Mare Worlil I The Enos*, Raise will tell how no get *84 175 Pall• as. e Catered Platea. 500 Engravings. Fer oents In paper covers ; 51.00 in elegant cloth. In German View's 11.1.INITRATAD MONTHLY MAGAZIN& —32 Pages, a Colored Plate in every number Iowa want tor cants it.trinre copies for lb ►�-WIPT- Extensive Premises and lendid New "Wk. G. BARFY CABINET MAKER Mil) IIMERTAKEII, A geed tawlstfaee yi,eA. rlQ5',Atn;a[ Room t u.t 1 at for aruruU rue, sucY as Te bleak Chairs :bur., *mac ted4 upbttptds lira -.t,1100 �lsttreeaea \'a.b etas 'Lounges, Sofsa, '(Yat- err, Ullisa' d. N. B.—J complete reeortsafAt et Qt4llue sial r. roads always on bsndjsleo Hennes for b at reasonable rale . I Picture Framing et sueetalt7L*.•A �. 1'yt Rochester. N. Y. McOOLL BA* 86 CO. Newspapers are 66ot to copy this adverb's*. meat arif.orr the expresso order of HARPS!' • Address IIA RPER & BROTHERS, Now York. Grain & Produce, tarsier of 811111111.111111 and Victoria airecto. A Comfortable Dwelling -house To Let Apply tit S. Sloane_ LARDINE OIL WILSON 'S AND - Four Med,als end threes_ diplomas awards NS#11111011 In11°4 StON them it nyse.at.r. a;:eheArOttigOlElb MANUFACTURERS And all men running machinery will save money hy using our ous. Our LARD'S R and CY LINDA R OIL has no equal. Facto speak louder then words, and tbe public can nod out that the foregoing assertions are trae. by try ing one sample of our. Oils prioes etc.. on ep slication to McColl Bros & Co Toronto. The Lartline is fot mite inl,coderich by tunics and trousers of woolen stuff, with C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. large b .ots. partly of leather, partly of 111* -3 blanket, which came up to the hnee, and which they are very fond of taking off at any time. In order to get greater , warmth, they often put a quantity of flour into these boots besides the legs. Their taste in revard to ornatuerls runs much to all sorts of rings, includidg A typical woman in the interior of Af- rica is thus described : "Her naked neg- ro skin was leathery, coarse and wrink- led ; her figure was totterinv and knock- kneed ; her thin hair hung in greasy locks ; on her wrists and ankles she had almost an arsenal of linda of iron, braes brass and copper strcng enough to bind De Not linairwaragrall. In these times of qoack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that le worthy of praise, and whieh does , !emended. Electric Bitters we can vouch for es being a true and relia- ble remedy, and •sne thet will do ea re- commended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and 'Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and oan re•Aily say, give them a trial. &Ad at Warm Shaving Mugs. Totiet Setts, Combs, Brushes, English. French and Canadian Perfumery. Pe t., announce 'hi tIte Public that they have peed lie Ines* in the aboweiStore in this stdre lately deltopied by Horace :lewt...;. Having isurchio.vd a +anti and Well assorted stock of Spring and Summer th,c da at close figurer, ti • see determined to give the Pnblio the AR -Please call and °mainline litteft,pti. before parch:lair, Islet II . AS -Custom work will receive ouFelpot ial ettlittion. jaer-None bat the best of material used sad brat -alas. li ti en entyloyed. Aar Repairing neatly done on the shortuat doe, wesassen This nose can deny, eepermielly when as- eastanse is rendered *lieu one is etorelv &filleted with disease, more particularly ae:al to oar female populating*. Every ters are minium'. true friend, and will positively restore bet to health, even when au other resnediee fail. A single trial always proves tter neeeetioo. They are pleasant to the taste, and ionly est fifty mute a bottle. Sold by James Wil - Even the patience of Job would Lo- cum° exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest Ids audit:ties while they ware keeping up an inoottotrit coughing, making it impossible for him to be heari. Yet, how very easy can ell :King's New Disoovergor Conatuept ion, MANITOBA' " The Great 'Western :Bailee) witi run their emu:ran:us to MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May audiTnne every two weelir, .iiiencing TUES- Flare El i=tedia.0 ed. For iiformation, tickets, eta, apply t Ooderleh. April; 40. J Out R.NtitK Coughs and Colas. . 'al Bottles given )1 11 , away at IA ihson:s dross store 1,2) Begs to acquaint the ladies sat OIturgla rich: . that she is now oho this be avoided by situp y using Dr. Large Assortment & Prices LOW. tbNo trouble to show Goods and Prices. There is no ri rewires that Dr known remedy that science has homey arm mankind that will pnentirely cure kidney dimwits*, Ask jeer dntararart for it the he althy derelemement 11%1 elements of the ironic Joie... are reunired In a uniform Ossiellty daily to meintain fun- ctions) icii•ity, it ls easily Seen why Wheals*. Phosphates end fallesia le so • islnahle in se erestratecesidittees of the eyetcre when tin dlifso'hre apparstn. is too feeble. to prepare Irmo ;he food the et -eerier, /ripply ef those siesta fee the wear. a tb. tingly Ciecistium. - A name well known in ortnection with the flair Retiewer,which ',stores grey hair to ita natural color by a few weeks nee. Rohl at NO cents per bottle hy JaMos Wagon. 2m ER Gik Walk RHEUDIATISItl, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ing* and ..Sprams. Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Tooth Ear and Headache, rposhst feet and Ears, and ell other Paint and Ache*. We Preperettee fie Garth Meal* 14, ch.C."" (in 110 • •111,0. /We, eidisple awl Mos. thstswfal OW/n1 _"unal 1111 naa40. *ea wary es. mew. lag elm pala ems Iftee ate* sad patIffre pew* of Its steam lions t000lokto SOLD PT 111111117001-Arli MIMS ERZ Rafoisnons, A. --Thouaandsof graves arc summits' robbed pr• olonged, happiness and health restored ro the tnie of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR which positively and permanent y cures Ins. Potters (causes* by excess°, of anY kind.) Seminal Weakness, and all diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self Abuse, as loss of en- ergy, Ions of memory. oalversal lassitude. pain in the back, dimness of vision. prema- ture+ old age, and many other diseases that lood to insanity or eoneitnipt ion and a prema- ture grave. Send for eirers nigh testimonials free by mail. The is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for 55, by all druggists, or will be sent tree my Vecureiy sealed. on receipt of price, by ed 187 Summit dt., Toledo. Ohio sole Awent for Goderich. Sprint' and Summer Ilillincry At her shop. Hamilton Street, in great and bemtiftil variety. She lose secured the rer- vices of a city cniiiiner. and feels enured that she can give IN PO rlt STYLE AND MAKE. nue lug aa to be fail cared with • visit from her patrons, and the ladles genera113. NIBS. WARNOCK HALL'S 'TO INEPENENT: THE ;INDEPENDsiTv needs only to he better known to add to BR already large list of friends. It has been published for thirty-five year* and has acquired a world-wide reputa- tion as the beet religious and literary news - Tit. Neer-Kane:NT is not denominational. iris creed and field are broader than any sect. and extend Evangelical religion and to defend it saraInst the attacks of Materialism. Ai heisin and unbelief. It is Doe to appmve or eriticine In any of the denominations' whatever it be - Berm is iteeigned to advance or hinder the provost of the Gospel of Christ. We pay lerge prices; to obtain the moat emin- ent anitent. Itenieles the editorials, there are wenty-two distinct elepartnients. edited by twenty-two specialist.. which inelaide Bibli- eal Research, flanIterr, Lintel, Fine Arta. Music. Science. Pebtales. Personalities, Mtn- letertal Register, Ilyonn Notes, School and College, Literature, Religions Intelligence. Madera. Senfilay Newel of the Week, Finance. Commerce. Insuranee. Stories. Par- ila an. We will report in 1011 Rev. Joseph Cook's will headn in !emissary. Mr. Cook hosing re- turned from is t wo paint' trip round the world and his lectnrce this %Winter will attraet 'vent er et t ent ion than ever. OUR NEW TERMS FOR 1883. WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to tato. Contain their own Purgative. Is • Safe. sure, end eifectwal destroyer ot ~Os in children or Adults. ,tjARIIH U RE Its Recommended by Physician% Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity —Ceronk atel niceness' t,ai of the .Iar. Ees or Throsh It Is takes t e Blood awl woos Surfacoo of the Systeas. n 11 the best Bloot Purifier "in the WORLD. and Is worth ALL that It Aharged for It for 1.11/17 stone. THE ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH 1 IN 'MK MARKET _Ara I My little dartgliner was trochlest with Catarrh She was of " Ham's eatarru Cure." She is now about cured. . W. T. hilllitill. mg Dion the goal refoilti 1 derived front one - — bottle, belie.. it will cure the moot stubborn mos of esterrh if its um be continued for • nameable length of time. W. 11. aLLLems. Watt,Airo, rust., March In, Ifell. Goats.—Hrere sold Hail's r;stairrh Curs for the 'tilt year, and It gives entire satisfaction. Toms truly, H. W. liOlitiON, Druggist One *ohm -Motion one Tear Tor ft numths. 51.30 One imbarription two years. Tor a months Owe arfhwriptIon fly. Tomo cilia* of five or morel ars •ery much lower than any of rise seendard reiorosee w.ok- lies 1 le meter that 0ile unit read a few eon.. en - 1,1 v e numbers et Torii,: Merge roltIVT. OM thus tiow as a 'Trial Trip " ter el mote whit.% 52 Te Is addition will seeurr the balance of a rear'. inharripi inn malodor for vonrself Andrew THE INDEPENDENT. 011 arawatarea %ea. torts WILL. CURS OR RELIEVE 101.10USNE84 DIZ71 Pi [SS. DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART. ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM. THE STOMACH, HE ART RUM, DRYNESS 14F ADACHE. OF THE SKIN. Rail's Catarrh Cure • .01,1 by all Wholeaa1e and Retail nraggiste and Perinea In Potent Idea minas In the United Settee and Canada. The only Eon nine mar. Catarrh Curs man. nfactumel by F. J. (IliktillY Ai CO.. Toledo. 0. tares:ow of Donations. 1 GEORGE It UYN AS, \time &put, 0.dr,, it Why don't yea try Calter-s IRO Liver Pitts t They ere n positive eitsil sick hentleche, snit all th*• ills rotor'