HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-29, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY DEC. 29, 1883.
A aemaenable strstl.n.
We mud wake preparation
For the day of eowttatiou.
LiseYla. ales at eetualattoa.
• Cleves n their 'leis ration,
With both muse w4 .dtioatkro.
And above the t de teetotal/0i,
IN hotels/Ind *emulation.
Or of *silkily; awu penmtiva
For the duties ut their statics.
Mos of *oris emtslatioa.
Aud with earue.t uptratiou,
To avoid the degradation
Of • general prostratlos,
c...,1 m
by had ad/•Itkratwu,
II..aadd►l to car retention.
Mos to sot with ao4er•Nas.
Who will favor Ueht Mottles
Aso the sidewalk s rep•- tlon,
And provost dllepidattas
Of ver road commotion/10a.
With Um not of i.k groat oaths.
Men who will to each relation
elbow their Mammal immoraltva
For the villi and noble oaths
Of • outu6Uktes sit tuition.
The many mewls of Mr. HenryHebei
who hoe Moen suffering severely �m an
attack of infbmtn►tio t of the Iuugs and
liver, will he poi to know that he is
programa', favorably and we hope will
soon be all right.
Mr. Thomas Elliot, of 8 S. No. 4,
who was our • while "cooped up" with
• sore beg. is out ag+in.
The timber seen who are getting out
timber here ooesplaiu of the depth of
&now in the buaki, it being altumat intole-
The ndlowing iteum is clipped from s
e Renfrew county paper, and is brimful
of news : '•Apples have this mama biota
pews atwwrsfuUy i& the township of
Dungannon, Hun.0 county. 'fhu fruit
has never gruwu so far earth to this
oauutry before "
W. T. Bray, Phareeaciat, Wii,g-
haw, Out., writes that the sale of Bur-
dock Blued Billets has very largely in-
creased in that locality, sal adds that he
hems very (sweetie imenious expressed
regarding it, mud, atlas permitted, aould
serol many names ul benefited parties. 2
A Cure fur Croup There is no better
remedy for Croup than Hagyard's Yellow
Oil taken intexaaUy and applied soaxd-
ing to special directions, this is the great
household panacea for Kheumatitw, Stiff
Joints, Pain, lutlawmatiou Sc. 'l
Mr, E. Levin has returned from the
north wee
UN Dna Dtmcutates. --The Mission-
ary services in connection with the Me-
thodist church of this circuit, were rath-
er unfortunate on Sunday, owing to the
stores. Rev. idr. Baugh preac) d at
Holniesville in the morning, and in the
afternoon a friend drove biro over to
Sturdy s, when then was nota solitary
individual ; they next proceeded to Zion
church, where the fire was not lit, and
even after Awes, only half -&-dozen put
in au appearance. As Rev. Mr. Smith
failed to connect, 11 [r. Edwards was an -
der the necessity et preaching in the
evening hinteelf.
A Rswaare- Of one doseu " Tr -nega-
te" to any one sending the best four lime
rhyme on "Teessaav, ' the lem•rkable
little gem fur the Teeth and Breath. Ask
your druggat or address.
A. Cheryl. of Sterling, in s recent let-
ter, states that Ma suet with an accident
acme time ago, bywhi,h owe of bis knees
was severely isjjured A few apphcatious
of Hagyard's Yells • Oil afforded imme-
diate and ormelete relief. 2:
A sure thing. In the treatment cf
Chronic Disease with that great system
renovator and restorative Burdock Blood
Bitters. there is no uncertainty as to its
action, its curative powers aro manifest
by its marked effect up..n the Liver, the
Bowels and the KidLeys. Every dose
performing its w'irk in a practicable
manner. 2
Tome t. leer Tress.
'fou much cauuut he said of the alit
faithful wife and mother, oouse4'Uy
watehlat; tool caring for her dear ones,
never neglecting a single duty in their
behalf. Velma they are assailed by dis-
ease, and the tystetn should have a
thorough cleanaiust, the stomach and
bowels regulated, blood punfie.t and
malarial poison exterwivated, she must
know that Electric Bittersere the
sure remedy. They are the
pur'rt't medicine in the world and tally
oat fifty gents. dlvld by J. Wilson. 141
-t-----� s -i---.__ --
Finest Goods 1 Lowest Prices 1
Everything New and Fresh!
1 Caak, 1 Bib. Plated Ware.Work Bores.
2 Cassa, Writing Desks and
1 Case, Japanese Goods.
5 Cases, Toys and Fancy Goods.
2 Parcels, Jewelery.
3 Barrels, dimwitted Lamps.
1 Cant, Musical'Iastretaeota
4 Carnes, Vases and Toilet Sets.
2' Barrels, Majolica Ware.
1 Case, China Cups and 8aueers.
1 Caw, Presentation Books.
Is Comiug,
Geo. FI.OId
baa made great peepaee/tses to receive
He has s meafaity oras Una In
-*blas aoneiatlns of
Loeb Layer
aid Valeria,
at prices to suit the housekeeper* throughout
the eetd.lon.
Bad temper is oftener the result of un- The above good& will be
happy circumstances than of unhappy sold at lowest ll�}>�t.prlt eia,
organization ; it frequently, however,
has a physisl cause, and a peevish child with
special rates to persona
often node digitin; menthes correcting. getting up Qhrlatmsa trees.
A Goon Cow. -Dlr. T. Baird,whoa j
stow which calved Lately and
milk yields fourteen pounds of better
per week.
Hoots. --D. Foote, son of John Foote,
11110 has been in Nevada for the last 15
Stan, L now home on • visit to his rela-
tives in Stanley. In the spring
he re-
turns to Nevada,wbere he has a fine situ-
Deane -The ennenoement was last
week made of the death of W. Peck, of
this township. He was the third mem-
ber of John Peck's family that has died
with a few years of consumption. He
esd only been married about fifteen
months, was aoung man, and leas na
wife sad child besides& very large circle
of friends to mourn his demise.
Why go on they after day saseriatf
with eplittia1 headaches when a bottle
of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will mare
you I If you do sot believe it ask your
druggist for It ci.'cular-and read what
those who have used it say about it.
Price $L00. 20
Tess Poses Maturer. -Many farmers in
this 'motion siweyl take particular tare to
have their hop properly killed and
dressed fur the market. There an sow
however, who through carelessness offer
their hogs for ale in a condition that is
not pleasing rk packers, and is par
tt r ann ng to farmers when they
find that • d action in weight is made
on amount of their carelessness. The
following rules of the Pork Packing As-
sociation will be read with in' t and
wwe hope withProfii `- cThat
tin4 hal:
tressed hogs with bang gut it
be deducted. 2nd. That on all shoul-
der stack hogs, 5 to 10 lbs. be deducted
according to amount of damage, 3rd.
That on dressed hogs not opened at
breast, and gullet left in, 4 lbabe deduct-
ed. boob That boars be unmerchan-
table. 6, That nn stags, if .00epted by
Meyer, owe -half *ball be deduced. 6.
That on aged or flabby sews one-third be
deducted. 7th. That on mutilated
hams an allowance of b to 10 lbs, be .1 -
lowed according to amount of damage.
8th. In killing his caro should tad
taken to have the carcase dressed at once,
otherwise the lard is no use for anything
but grease, as it is tainted and the lard
turns a green color. A considerable de-
ductiot is
n t drnessed &in spoon as hey arrenkilld.-
Beautiful Hair is one of the most strik-
ing and pleasing of chasacteristiee and
an easily be obtained by the use of the
Cing•lese Hair Renewer. Sold at
per bottle by James Wilson.
Do net take Pills or Powders eontainr
iag Calomel. for at this time of the year,
the results may be serious. If you re-
gwire a dose of physic take Dr. Carson's
Stomach and Constipation Bitten ; it
sots gently on the Bowels, purities the
Blood, improves -the circulation, stimu-
lates the Liver and Kidneys,
speedily cures :Biliousness, Headache,
Dyspepsia, Indigstion. Search the
Dreg Stores from one end of Canada to
the other, and you cannot d find
a r.in your
eit qual to it. Try
families. Sold everywhere in large bot-
tle at 50 cents. For ate by Geo. Rhy-
The Cheapest Kowa Ureter the Sen.
INart door to the Peetallos.l
of every tied is
Also a large •esortmeet of Ti mc7 Goods in
Nicteri &lllassure
eseaiatlag or varato Lor sad Saucers,
Ir*In atedAttlm to the special Zetas Maes hi
You will Save 1LoslyDerbR Taw
GrocT Provisions
.A-11111,01" Selling BEET.
rm.!, 30ot* pars tunes.
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c.
At the ' )lde&t Established Shoe Store he i1Mw'
In Endless Variety
a suit the most fastidious and the roost eoosomic buyer
Is now numplete, and I take pleasure In informing raycustomary that at no pre
viuus slum have I had such
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have seised tie kitanderd of Quality and Lowered the Price untl
it is a positive tact that no such value in foot weer an be got elsewhere.
of every grade still recsivs my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma sup
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, and
of the very best material obtainable.
arper's Young People.
has been kept weB up the mark. and both
Shelves and Cellars are Fall
sscn nye ion a..e
.vTTaD To )tors *fin elIll ow rim sill[
To arms Two OP lam
Vol. IV. commences November' 7, 188@*
The TMereg People fres been hem _ e
s enatal rased antbip&tim e.- N.
lue 1t bat. to widen it moor
p &et aaat� b►seas
i eca Jettani' well asses „ e.
-Tor nn
Torn elegance of eegravin ,and
contents It is ua.ur assed
publication ikin brought to our De -
A nig envestaseot.
G. M. Everest, of Forest, states that
Hagyard's Pectoral Bolam still holds its
own amongst the many cough medicines
in the market. de says that he has sold
it for nearly sixteen year's, and the ales
are steadily increasing. One family , has
purchased over 50 bottles for various
members and friends. 2
■ARrts's Teem norm t pep'
Per Tear reawt
Single Numbers. Four Cents each.
Specimen copy seat ou remeipt of Three
Oeats Pound Peeves
The volumes othadsomdy bound la Illum-
inated d totan"-' j
lasted n receip n o13 .so Postage for
re -
pod, on receipt of i3
rowing ler 1852, JS cents; postage, 13
cents adds onal.
Remittances should be Stade by Post Moe
3 51 Order or Draft, to avoid chanoe of
Never Give Lp.
If you are sufferinit with low and de-
pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general
debility, disornered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a
bilious nature, by alt mens pruoure s
bottle of Electric Bitter& You will be
surprised to as. the rapid improvement
that will follow; you will be inspired
with new life; strength and activity will
return; pain and misery will °ease, and
henceforth you will repine in the praise
of Electric' Bitters. Sold at fifty oents
a bottle, by Jas. Willson. [51
It Toa want dr11e year money, go to
8iaia+s`•�hmt _1
�rs..tiaa--from Be .
Pilch tdaa-from (BINIMItgliae.
Sardinian -trots Boston. Dee.1 .. 4
Parisian -from (Baltimore).liaLitaer •
Caspian -from Hooton. Dec. ILliatifook • IL
The action of Carter's Little Liver
Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They
gently stimulate the liver, an 1 regulate
the bowels, but do not purge. They are
sure to please.
stemWertm siometnee
Are so unpleasant that mothers are oblig-
ed to force them down the throats of the
innocents. This unpleasant task is ob-
viated by using Dr. Smith's Great Ger-
man Worm Remedy. 25 eFor 2 le
by Jas. Wilson, Godetieb, ft
Newspapers are not toc+otrAlaPart R
meld without Ute express
order a
Boom d HARPER & BROTaliitt►•
New York.
P•rtwaea for Farmers and ner*sairs.
Thousands of dollars can be saved by
using proper judgment in taking are
et the health of yourself and family. If
you are Bilious, have sallow complexion,
poor appetite, low and depressed spirits,
and generally debilitated, do not delay a
mombnt, but go at once and procure a
bottle of those wonderful Electric Bit-
ters, which never fail to cure, and that
for the trifling suns of fifty cents. --[Tri-
hune. -Sold by Ju. Wilson. [1)
Davy et Clark, Druggists, Renfrew,
date of June 3rd, write : Burdock Blood
Bitters, though comparatively a new
preparation, has taken the lead in this
locality as a blood purifier, our ales of
it being equal to that of all other medi-
cines used for the purpose during the
last goat.'r
A Wise na>dm'
"A dish in time saves saves nine,"
not only in making garments, but also
in mending health. If Hagyard's Pec-
toral Balsam were used in the earlier
stages of Colds and Coughs, many a
"Minh in the side- end many it ase of
torn lunos might be *worded, that,
neglected, rapidly develops into irrepa-
hid Comempdos
Reply hat Colds.
Peruvian -from (Baltimore,) Jr. 4th.
Barman•& -trout Boston. do"111th.
Halifax. Jan. SSeth.
eat men leaves Tomato with the HMIs
sod s P es rgeat 17.12 every Thursday i orsa
al -
ine. connecting with the Steamer et I
v. --1-n .
Will be Sold Proportionally Cheap.
Elam Family Flour
_: , if • 5:.: :.1 • AT
:"152.2E, per 1.001'%_
A Fell Supply of
Oorameal, Bran, 6ho a
Always on Hand.
Till 1RENEDT FOR ammo
colas*, ABTHYA, °SOUP,
£U Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and
Pulmonary Organs.
■r IT/ rk(TSSUL ass
When other Rtesedtes and Physician/ have
failed to "feet • care.
R,.enmmedded by PaystcTAws. Mrtrnrrsas iso
Nomura In 4ot by everybody who has
given it • g trial. ft *ter /esti.
to brim relief.
As as EZ,ECTO*A T it has no repel.
It is harmless to the Meet Delicate AUL
h etesstwewe aoP/UM (w ..,r Peres.
Fir Dirootions ear 3orr tole by all Druggists. h bottle.
Neva Spatia& .. •&y. lee. fith.
......,arae...... " Jan. Rh.
pAetagntai via Powrr.&ND ora leave Tor-
at 7 oa the Ilre PoUssr* D of dayoof sarn sad
at 7rplyS�& m. A 11 be Ded to tis a�
and -wts berunrain through two Podlanhd for ibe
convience of Passengers proceeding by the
Saturday'* Steamship.
The Steamships of the Allan Line leave foe
the Grand Trtmk Railway.
For tickets end every information apply to
Ticket A Oaaerloh
1s1ahy �
at Li Prices.
Chilled Plow
Slaving purchased the Uoderlch l ouadry,
am cutthe numulactur
W Ases tor ORIC RA
IMPLEM on a scale. Mill Work
( sad obbioi will be con
tinned. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Room:meals the oaiy man authortsn
to reflect permeate end glue receipts on be
of the late arm of Ire
.1111- ONT.
The above new and first-class house, ot000 to
the Railway Station and coovetstent to the
fortind accod mmodation. dation. le heated e in Ontario, for by HO
A lr.
IS BAILIE warm, aluminlm BAT■
Croquet Lawn add garden on the premises
Itot and cold meals at all hours. for travellers.
An Omnibus to and from boats and ors con-
stantly to attndance. Jno. Bronm n, Pro-
prietor. 1833.
For the convenience of cyitYespondence
PloleatOwn, N. A Jan.��& 1*3.
I cought r to Id list fall Chatham. on tbe whtch settle'in m•
vary severe cough. and llaail7 I was confined
to my room. 1 feared it would very soon termi-
nate In nnwemptton as 1 was avowing weaker
sed weaker every day. 1 got very much
�yrMp4:atuld not d for waUt Or ttehu_
ishan m doctor adetaed me to My Ilr
Whit -
son's Pnitnn,.ary cherry Balsam i felt sceptical
rya sraa, het after .ring one bottle hound l wee
reeovering. and on finishing my third broodo
was a new man. emu:1.111 oneeawn�d nnmpletene
oared. 1t Y weU ironedie great remedy.
by post Mrd within the Dominion, a
double poet card has been prepared sell
is now ready for issue, whisk will afford
to the original' sender .f this term ,.f
card the means of sanding with his coin,
Inunicetion, * blank prepaid past esrd
to be used in reply. Rath half of the
double and will hear a one cent postage
thereon in prepay
'deny impressed
mens. - .- --
A Asarrlrtvl't• Haaoo► HAIM There is '1
nothing mon pleasing in tbeexternal w-
pwaraeu•e of women or men than a hes&
titul head of hair, end it is genseihle feet
• cry person to peewee it by tieing the
men Cie males Hair
lotto and known bottle by
storm Molldd 50 w1corals ?try:
Dowses" and James\''tom's
man et Co., an
•11 pereonetndebted are requested to gover
t►esseel wee acooedingly 8.8Eg()MILI.ER.
T • BER and Heir -dresser, begs to return
thanks to the public for pest patronage. and
s,ltcit& • continuance IV custom. He can
always be found his Shaving Parlor,
Post OMoe Gederlob.
W. S. Hart & Co.
Goderich Mils
ggft to return their thanks to the public
the liberal patronage received during the p a
year, &ad to state they are prepared
Et tt I 'r I I GI -
on the shortest notice. or for the convenience
of pe -ties living at • distance will exchange
grist at their town stere
Late W. M. Hiliietrd'e, )
Masonic block. East St. Goderich.
,R"Higheat price paid for wheat 'tlR
Chrystal & Black.
St, Catherines Hureeriee,
New HOILEIt8 and SALT PANS maniac
turedlon shortest notice.
All kinds of Repairing executed under the
personal supervision of the Proprietors who
The groat lung remedy is
elsl• valuable an-
tidote to Croup. Mrs. ol\a-
Brantford. says:mefmy children was
se4sed with an eiaroting attack of l,nntp, as
the child got black in the face 1 was frighten-
ed add ran in for my neighbor, Mrs. English,
who handed me a bottle of 'Dominion lough
Balsam*. which Mr. Tree firstEnglish.
dhad bee en using
for sore lsong*. gave another. and very shortly
thei sown IP'
the *Mild was all right and at play, 1 sent for
• bottle M keep In the hot as 1 believe It
was the:meant, of paring my child's
nreeigi fs yell if. • ?.. rents per Lottie
n. T&V01'RTr A tie.. Mile PAPrkM.n.
Brantford. (nitwit)
Has great p"*'•are In announcing to her
mart/ Meads and patrons in tioderirh and
vicinity, that she has eectir,d the eel, right
and privilege to manufacture .tad sell
,ap.wleggrow and soil from anything form e 7 ps K 1 h ta►M •reef rer
everyneeng, town the finest fabric t. the [ T getpwwof wlf 4FTN w tj C� b+
.,.*.asst prw,ws were. Abrar. as urs of M I ni„rsi inset- , 4. 3 rwivwd M ors Ile eh isnsee accompanied with
fMiw. 11tin In ilius Leser. lir,wr.s eA t•Isiow, ► w T.
of Geedsdirs. we wits swot the pnrometere over
Ws wt•tlwr goods ha, .• hewn ewttexatNl thee tto.ro A �, _ �, Ij wrhlee gwanntew to Mhtnd thus rennny If time
you M AM of say Mad, It caw. prodrturr old age. **d enanT _ t� tfrahM••.t rn. •Ret s1■*t a ewrv. hears Pee
tee a 1tliiR root. be trade to look M e••il *s ilea- Iwai to IaesaN7 rer rnnenarftimt awe • - �” _ v
trag torr rt Rlrnl► ti. -offs In nor e i _ _ larww.t ... ft ter JAIK� w
Tt otsane men artM'bw, .ttMrwt a rAw tow
fee ll'*' .d a sat
•f onion. tllst Weald Mdeettr+lwA by psmphlwt, wblew oar 4is1re to tr*d ft+w M , - fired •grM fMlLtetsPi.'h,(),t tl}A. t
of water a new t to senA to m'ew a rer swy m*tl to evwrynnw. T . hocfpct'r$twdletae M -- v7.'' ' ' yr t l'lt., a 1e propti.tAM. Tomnfn. t> \ i
where clew to hsvw Tour de,► f tela ththew, half illoo 0014 h7 all druggist=11f rush M rttail • Q c i t1 A q' M KK 14 4 •S R�.r tMily
tert«1 when it ran M 10•.•,00.00 far dr,
f)tw menet to�l oRr nen Town, rail at i/1t° mitt, nit a memw7 hi ;id e�to r• 1t 7 t�7� nt*Aw t'set�p free NAdreu
11100 itw 1Rea, ursertlwttm7- n" ! RF i.R1sPInAwr.ei, lee ..1 wi mer 4.i e Tat a R (`a Aitgwwts. c
Weoiltow tY. ane roe• for .nert.wlf. Itw'V -..
W.J. C. geAgentforGo aich.i
Pracncai Workmen.
P. O. Box 103
ot Vol
Co taw.
4 P.27C R. =
•7 r►•
2 � � �' I_ lea. IL /� K -MT's Pinny AND Htt&tet TitsA1'-
& '8 Specilc Iedicine , O : g n I wt.T.. R.aror.twed prone for Hy1lMfia IM-
O A ,.,. * •rinses, l'onvnislona. PRP Nwn'wta Neu
11�D • }' "j y � H.•aala• h.. \rrtwua 1?wutr&tlnn raterd s W
to- TRAM" MARK 7 A 4 : d s I t•I lhp �*t"a ttoflct n1� of t oeftsaln�rrs lfr
auv. An en-' 3 - laAl& [n.anity ase le to mhs•ty, deeq
fell awn• w y, `• ,-„ _� s arM 4, -ash. t'rrm•law•w f Agw. litrrenas.`
Iwg i•waatpewrrineitbrrena.lnoulunutr) Lotion
ttiA,cv a Nominal •I c r ? t I tad a..si siorrLten. -score by orrr-t xerti!
f*leeerm•tor %I Y r ei of the heals. se reeinem or eweT�teneaett
-faces, impar ORO bee in ogre recent mai ova. Rasaoe!-
ewcv. anti all i `e ' '1 •,taleenwwutR,h'steratusat.Ono dollar aban.
WO -
diatomite (bet - =
sr 11x bnar IM I%e dollars lent DI Mail pee
w m • «• ' TUN* A rl M on rerwlp of price. 'b.. eatr*ntwe cls
see to core toy rasa. t
ntTARt.I*N*D IN 18.511.
}Laving fully tested
two new grapes, 1 unhesttattngl advise me
p•trow to plant them. You wUl not he dis-
appointed. MOORE'S EARLY is the best
very early black grave yet grown in Confide.
it has stood thirty degrees below sero u hU1 .
BRIGHTON is • delicious red grape. large
Just atter Moore's Kerly• tilos- I
n bunch and berry, and very productive. ow
will mail both to any address, postpaid.
rscetpt of $2. or either for 11. Asrst&wanted
tafron t.
$600.00 l�teward.
We will pay the above reward tor any cane of
lover ('omplatnt. Dyspepsia', tick Hna4atsbe.
IndlgeetlOo. Co,,.ttlntton orCost Irenl5'ver we
cannot core with W edea Vegetable
when I he d lreuUons are et rtctly complied with.
They are purely Vegetable. and never tali to
eivo 'worrisome. Sugart•oeted. T*rgesoxes
containing :q Pills, SS cents. For sale by all
�Ilruggists. Beware of counterfeits and Unita -
Dona. rhe ggeer� ulnapianufactared outy bL
JOHN C. WES•r & CO.. "The Pi11 Makers.
AI and 52 King St. Test, Toronto. Ont. Tree
trial package sent by [Hall prepaid on receipt
of a S vest atantP DOUG *Vann.
OW ant. at WfLttw•
Reath is Wealth!