HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-29, Page 2i c �as r I itr #' 4 fhe Poet's Corner. 1fbe aistmbe sae tete r.r.. i 011 ih HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1882 ' a *twin' or A LOrtO A00 t'm*errMA*. In leathern volume, old and quaint, I ret} one Christina -tide, Stories of lady and kuight and taint Who loved sud outfitted and died ; But one of a simple and noble child Was sweeter than all beside :— A little page in castle hall Fair faced, with golden balr, Who waited hie lady's lightest call And stood at the barons chair ; Or sang, with silvery voice and sweet, And chanted the evening prayer. And life in the castle was bright and gay With chane lied feast and dance, One hundred grail knighta held courtly play, And tilted with gleaming lance,— When tidings came of invading foes, And war with haughty France. The knight bowed his baugtify I.'pon ts nettled head; He who beiote a tee sn'totaflat so, Wei in light to s Sat taut and white before theme afar Uaanswerietg and uooaltned ! Slowly stretched forth a kindly arils, The voice grew loud and had ; " Ren haste could find ne power to barm The faithful, dauntless child, woo "Live on, my boy, to sing again Thy praises undefiled!' He stood before the wondering boy, And raised the massive key I give three Chriatmaa cheers and joy Lite tor thyfriends and thee ; The lady hather liberty, Thy hand hath set her tree !" The maideus cowering in the lull Hear a loud trumpet blare, And thirty horsemen from the wall Ride off in wrier fair. The little paite with the castle key Comes slowly up the stair. Then rode the knights from the castle gate In glitter of martial pride, Ready to meet the martiora fate Or stand et the victor's side ; And within the walls-, save page and serf There were none, to shield or guide. In the lady's bower was heard no song, All hearts were chill with dread ;- The tete.ry days, how sad and long ! Ieughter and light were fled, And wheu they chanted • the evening prayer They were thinking of their dead. Marker and deeper grew their woe As Christmas eve drew near ; For the baron's fiercest, deadliest foe, With many a flashing spear, Rode up and clattered the castle gate With mocking words of cheer. "Good thirty morn behind we ride, Th ei b,aveat in the lead ; I Dome to break your baron's pride, And offer a mailed hand, Will ye be crushed in its iron grasp 1 Or tamed to ate command " Te are but women few and lora ; Your frighted menials flee ;— Ho lady"! vain thy lofty acorn. Bring down the castle key ! Come down and pitted for leave to lira-- Upon thy bended knee!" Then stood she up before them all, That lady brave and true ; " So ye besiege defenseless wall, And war with women few 1 I will not yield my castle key, Cowards, whate'er ye do ! ' The knight laughed loud in bitter hate: " Fiue words, my lady bold ; To -night, before thy castle gate, We feast and revel hold. When the rustle bells of Christmaschime Know th it thy downi is tolled," That night, within the lofty hall, Fair hoes blanched with fear : "Must we in vain for mercy call ! L there no succor hear?" What prayers rose up that dear night Broken with rob and tear. In the cold gray light of Christmas morn, They wait the summons grim— What music on the air is borne, ' Thrilling the silence diet f It is the voice of the little page, Singing a Christina, hymn ! e O Christ, upod`whose natal morn. Rejoicing angela sang, When o'er the blue Judean hilts Their heavenly anthems rang " ()Christ, to whom mitt. gifts from far Came shepherd, nage and king,— Our choicest gifts on this glad morn, Our hearts, we humbly bring ! " Grant us to follow Thee in love, Nor from Thy path to. stray, Thy blessed feet have gone before And glorified the way. " We join the angel choirs that sine This happy morn again 'Glory to God the mord most High, Good -will and peak to men !' " There were no felteiing tones of fear In all that joyous song ;-- The childish voice rang loud and clear The vaulted hails along, And trcmbliug "nes who heard the strain Grew comforted and strong;. But goon below the castle wall Pealed out a trumpet blas-tl And h �aree1y rose Sir ILtrtu►i4's call : "Thule hoer hath conte, at lust ! Now yield me up thy castle key ; The respite time is past !" The cruel words still filled the air When, with a valiant grace, The little palre aped clown the stair The dreaded foe to face. The castle key t;leatned in his belt As on he went npace. Great shouts of t tuntinil mockery came From tho artn.td band below, " Ha ! fallen house and haughty dame End all your glories so ' Bet Ronald shrank before the child, Ae front re stei•len blow; Then atetnly tea'.!:. "There is no time For quip sir parley now : The matin bell* have ctmsed to chine, And Ronald keeps his vow (io tell thy haughty lady there Her (homed head to bow." " My Lord, the voice was clear,-- " One word to thee 1 hang ; lint from a wnnicn wlcto with foar, But from the Heavenly King, --- A message which than well nuyeet hoar Before ltoo d est this thing ' " But if the tally Christmas hour Brings no Lind th,ii la to thee, My tittle life is in thy hewer, . Ret hitt my lady fret', And I will Mesa then a'en for de*tb, Nor ask for liberty ; " 1)n with tee • a* th• ,t wilt, my lend,— Here is th castle key, — I et g,.. fee eir.t thy knightly word To set my ;,sly free Onr kr biro c;vrn mei WS IMO low and That night, at chime of reaper bell, Pealed forth an anthem choice ; But far shove the o n'a awell Rang out a childish : " My soul !ball Megttify the Lori, My heart in him rsiolce!`• 1 C111113TILt2 CUED. tag 1r111lasa Altus. isoSafe at this rework, 'whisk he die etfribed as "s frivol/au excites, unworthy sit the attention of a British jury," that she dare not say another word. "tisstleseen of the Jury," said he, yes have heard the este, sed I meet say that a were lams and paltry defence 40.haa Dever been my lot to sleet with. 11 you halts toting in a verdict that I can approve of, I will take out all your mincemeat and throw you into the dust- bin !" The minoepies and blanemenge began to walk auwngst themselves", and pres- ently one of cheat said something that mads all the others laugh, and the blanc- mange began to shake his sides, until it seemed as if he would fall to pieces. At last they became silent, and the pudding asked in an awful voice,— "Gentlemen, are you agreed in your verdict 1" We are,' replied the blancmange, in a very shaky tone ; "and the sentence is that Mary shell be put in the pot from which your Lordship has just cotne, and he boiled over the tire.- "Hooray ire.""Hooray " shouted the pudding , ''a splendid sentence ; ons which dues you great credit, gentlemen ! Now thin, Sir Loin, help me to put it into eaecu- It waa'Chriatuias Day, and little Agnes was stilly at the window, watching the snowflakes as they fell, and wondering to herself where they came trete, and what became of them after they had melted. Aside) wangled them they fell into • sort sof waking dose, which in its turn gave way too sound sleep. All of a sudden she heard what sound- ed like a clap of thunder, the Boor open- ed, asd'down she fell, right through the bee's, until abs reached the kitchen. But to herr great surprise she was sot hurt a bit, sad soon began to look arounu nor, sawn, to her intense astonishment, the lid of the pot in which the pudding was being °ook.dslowly rose. and—won- der- of - wonders !—the pudding itself walked out on to the floor. But this leas mat the strangest part, kr he sow hsu a belly, lags, and arms, mad tube pesddiat itssif eddy formed his bead. a-h./loath of aourse it was ovt of all ' proportion to his body, and it looked as tf itowesgaz was eaoath t, break his neat. He Iserei cautiously towed, and see- inz co t ne but Agnes, he sat down w a Ichair. having takes p session ad the rolling -pin. which be band as a urgers. "Noble Sir Loin," he cried to the joint ,f beet that was raastiag before the fire, "come and take your place at :Ay right hand, s befits your mak.- The sirloin at these words gave a great jump, and unhooked himself from the bottle -jack ,that was spinning him round, falling down with a splash into the gravy. Fie soon scrambled out, how- ever, and going to the table to..k s large hunch of horse -radish, which he placed on his head, alter having cleverly form- ed it intuit cert of cap "New wears quite ready," said the pudding in a loud voice, "and the cul- prit may be brought in," As he spoke he struck his sceptre three times on the floor of the kitchen. By this time Agnes felt that nothing would astonish her, and so she was not in the least surprised when the door was buret suddenly open, and Mary the cook entered, escorted on one side by an en- ormous turkey, and on the other by a fat goose, both of whom held her fast with their beaks, while • a number of ruincepies brought up the rear. Mary was evidently dreadfully fright- ened, and Agnea felt quite sorry for her, but she did not dare to move e,r utter n sound, as the pudding seemed to be ex- ceedingly angry, and was rolling his eyes about in a most ferocious manner. "I hope said the pudding, in a very fat and greasy voice, "that you are ashamed of yourself, Mary, and that you have repented of yoursins ; bei even that won't prevent yon neing punished. But perhaps 1 should not say as touch as this, since I am to be y•. sir judge. I ought to be your accuser, as I am the victim of your wickedness ; but my sense of justice prevents my acting in that capacity, an I am going to be judge, in order that I may have the pie. euro of pronouncing ,entente unto tem. - "But, please your lordship," said Mary, "I don't even know whit 1 have Iohne .'. "Silence ' ' shouting the puddling ; Viand turning to the turkey, he alde,l,— "Swear in the jure. - S,, eleven tnincepies awl i blencu an.e were sw'o:n in, and walked into a I large pec duh which did duty for a jury - ♦ 1.7 Ofresetse. A convict in the Indians penitentiary hit the nail e.st the heat when asked pow bia downward s .ars, began He said it began in trying to beat ?:40witba three- minute hob:. How many people iu all branches of husiseas are trying to beat 2:40 with a three-minute business 1 The man who hes a smell buaiuess that is paying hits, and goes into debt and tries to spread himself over to.. uu.ny etre, is Ho Sir Loin and thelpeddfag tock poor Mary, who struggled vigorously, and dragged her to the pot, forcing her in and jamming down the lid. "Now then " cried the pudding, "bar- ing done our duty, and vindicated the sovereign right of puddings, let us pro- ceed to enjoy ourselves. Ladies - and 1 person* roes .r Ouj s, Lithua, sRn,wclblite,L oo41 of V tor, or any atfeotn.t>sllf the Thrust Mel aLungs, are requested to call l1RuY Stare and get a 'Ural B.*. H Dr. tug's New Di1pivety f UY11r tun, of eh.pgl wliisbrw °" ni wonderful merits show wheat ; ular dollar -awe bottle wilj;d . i wily. 43) t Itaeliles's armies Oahe. Tho lest salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Tenses, Sores, Chapped Laula. hit - blains, Corns, and all Stan Eruptiuua, and positively cures Piles. It is guaian- teed to gtv'e perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 tints pet box. For sale by Jas. . 17. • There are many f ,lash things dune is his world, and one of the moat foolish (and we way add wicked) things is to neglect a Cough or Codd. Now we know that Cough*, Colds, Bronobitis, Catarrh, and all Chest, Tbnrt, and Lung Trou- bles, if neglected, are sere to end in Consumption and Death. They may be easily cured by using as directed Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops, there is no remedy equal to it. 1:t serer fails. 8 ,ld everywhere in large bottles at 00e. For sale by Geo. Rhyne. trying to heat 2:41 with .it three-minute horse. The young than who get. a small salary, and spends more fur iso cream and perfutuerj end ueekties then he earns, is trying to beat 2:40 with ta. three-minute hurae. The girl she is calculated by nature to be the wile of a mechanic, and gets above her besiatss and lucky whit *eau upeu a A lfil[ earns his living by hard work, wi)l ls„ok at an old maid in the gloss a few years from uow, and realize that elle has been trying to beat 8:40 with a three-wiesto horse. The oreltuary, every day sort of • man, who . sleeted to a small office, by a big majority on aocan►t of leen rutin;; for hien fur charity, :red waw thereupon aspires to ► big oftieu for whieh he is unfitted, will be 'emanated for the big office sums day and bi beat- en higher than a kite, and he will time feel of lits aching head, examine his empty pocket -book, look around at the debts he has connected, and the tne- mien he hu mad:, and it will suddenly come to him that he bas been trying to gentlemen, stand up for a dance." beat 2:40 with a three wiuute bursa. The cricket, who had beet( sitting uz The loan or woman whu leaves a pro - the hearth watching the prucendiags fessioo or nnplovutoes to watch they with the greatest interest, now struck up are titted, and in which they can be a lively tune, and away they all went, prusperou, and happy ani hare friends, dancing as hard as they could go, whirl- and g°es upon the stage to coropets with ing r,und and round in the most aston- men and women who hase been brought ishing manner. u to it, and who hare made success by a They seemed W busy that Agnes ? lite -time of hard wurir, will someday re- thuegh abs aright venture wcrosptoand elite to their sorrow that lkey hrnvo to the chimney corner to see if she could let the poor priaoner out. She managed to get there withoti being noticed, and on lifting the lid of the pot, away Sew ILery right up the chimney ut the lid was so hot that it burnt Arnes' fingers, and she dror!,ed it on t. the ground with a colah, so that the pudding turned around tied saw her. He pushed up to her with a pleasant misrule w his broad tape, and said, "Aha, ay little dear, I'm very pleased to see that you hare awoke up ; now you roust give mea dance.- He seized her by the waist, and whirled her round and round until she was quite giddy, and fell down exhausted. Suddenly the clock struck, and as if by magic away ran the,whole company. mg with the almightiest headache on The pudding jumped into the put, the record, and cane to the conclusion that sirloin husked himself on to the bottle - minute to heat two forty with a throe jack train, and the miricepies, turkey, tivaute hors' is whit ails hint The r.id °then scurried back• jute the I summer resort hotel proprietor who fits pantry, wh:'e Mary came down the china- up an old rookery and fills it with uey, lowking none the worse for her ghosts who are seeking comfort, and amoky journey. charges thein Fifth avenue prices for Bowery accommodations, will look at his failed to beat 2:40 with a three-minute horse. The young man who has been left a furtene by a dead father, who hos worked a lifetime to accumulate the riches, and who changes from beer, that was good enough for hittn before, to charnpagne, and plenty of it, and who can't find places enough to spend money without sitting up all night, and who finds old sledge and pesnuckls too tame, and adopts draw pecker and faro, and who forgets that his sisters are splendid company, and gets acquainted with the quick girls and Loyd them diamonds as big as pietas of alum, will in* few years be walking on Inc uppers, and having fur eollars roomed on to linen ulster" For winter, and he will wake up some morn - „Awe* are beteg cured 01 atarrk pp Year with Hall's C•.terriellure, that Ake de•tdofa has given tap and said aould he Wed ?a oopta. *mit. s,dd e 4 iZhytlsa, *de mgt t tee Code 3• Then came another clap of thunder. the ceiiing opened, and Agnes shot up again to her nursery at the top of the house, and awoke up to hear the bell i do not come with dos days, lie will sud- ranging for dinuer. denly scratch his head and say he made She ran quickly down stairs, and found a fool of himself last year, in trying to on her plate a number of Christmas cards. beat two -forty with a three-minute They were all very pretty, but one was horse. The whole-souled, good fellow, most extraordinary, for on it was pictur. I everybody's friend, gets to drinking tun ed Dimon exactly what she hail seen in hard, soil as he is healthy, he gets an her dream. ides that he can beat whisky—a game There was the pudding, with his little i that so many have tried and failed. He body and thin legs and the turkey -and keeps it up until his nose gets red, his the goose bringing in the conk between eyes bleared and his voice shaky, and them, whole mincepics were cutting cap- he has a whisky cough, and his friends erg all over the teem The only differ - let too reason with him and get him to erce was that the puddling was seated on let up, but he laughs at them with his a gorgeous throne, and had no railing good-natured laugh, and fella them that he has got a constitution like a horse, and tint nothing can hurt him, and he asks them to take a drink. Some day he veto the jam -jams, and all his friends say, " 1 told you so," and they sit up at nights with him an•i drive away snakes, and just before ho dies it suddenly oc- curs to hint that he has been trying to heat two -forty with a three-minute empty house next year and say the season is hac!.ward, and when the guests pin for a sceptre. Presently the real pudding appeared, but of course he had no legs sir arms, but for all that -he looked very tempting. He was coon cut up into slices, and in the portion that carne to Agnes glistened a bright new chilling. and 1 think if he could have known how pleased she was, he would have quite forgiven Mary for putting it in. --(Gathered Sheaf of (lel- horse. A min who is peer and wants to live on the fat of the land, marries a pretty little rich woman, and begin* to squander her money, and when she tries NI persuade hum to stop d, he Kett 1,e treating her like a dog, gets worse and strikes her, and after she gets enough ,if it and Obtains a divorce, and marries n man who loves her, and who doesn't want her money, and she is happy, anti her fernier husband becomes a dead beat and a drunkard and would fain heg for the refuse that drops from the teble of his former wife, and when he bot- toms his summer coat around him on a winter's night, and walks *round a ble,ck Tne turkey, who acted as Munsei for I A secret. for a wind pudding, and leaks into the the prosecute -m. then pr,csedest to state The uerrx of hewerJ lies sit pure '1'',P windows soil sees the light of the fire d xi h 1th eh t tt th den Grain. 1t.rtley or Prater. As a rule we do not rece•rnmond Pa- tent Medicines, hat when we know of one that is a pahlic benefactor, and does peaitirely cure, then we consider it our duty impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are truly * most valua- ble medicine, and will surely cure Bt1- jonanesa, Fever and Ague, Stomach, !Liver and Kidney ('omplamts. et -en where all other renit'eliee fail• We know know whereof we speak, and can freely receminend them to all. —Exch. - -Sold tifty rents a bottle by J. V1'ihson. [s] that. Mary was accused e4 putting a six- pence and a shilling. as well as sundry other Idenilisr erticlee. tete the pudding, t bert•!oy tnjdti six hie constitution, and causing great clanger to 'he people who were likely to eat him. He Argued that the crime was a m et atrwi..ua •me, and wound up his speech in su:h a bathetic say that eters gene was moseclrc. tears, and the juice filen the podding came out at his eye and ran down on to the floor. Mary endeavored to defend herself by oaring that her "Misses' had told her to pot the .1.;nui ;w !rot the '•uJAinttgot an gee e* , wt ou ,e ono a from the grate of his former wife's sit - other is impn.aihle. Burinek Hlaeel flitters is the grand key that nnl'ck* all ting room, it occurs to him that if he the ae"crefione, and opens the avenne to had net attompte.l to heat two forty health by pnnfyintr. and r•egulatieg *11 with a threerminute horse, he could the nrgtns to * ppr•per Schon It const lure Leen in there tuashn h all licrofnlous Diseases. *Pt. en the BleedR u slippers Liver, Kidney -le Skin and lt,wels, *nil and drinking eller, and looking into a bring. the bloom of health to the pallid pair of eyes that "Hold have tawny!, cheek. .. u A iJIstr gitoeIS to the t,. give curative era M t Gaaatr t; i man blot tidy hag �psuv 1► icI ,* gguArral dikaity, seen+] weitknes*, in nallency, etc., and all diswu.ts that arian from cult abuse or overtaxed brnin, finally ending itt ao suwptiim, insanity and a pteula ture grave Sold by all druggists, or will be sent tree on teceipt Of $1.00 per boa, er sit I*t.te* fur 3:,. ..".ddrtus F. J. Cagan', T'•1edu, O►i.,, sole agent for the United States. Send for circ tar and testimonials sit Rennes cures. t :eo. Rhyn:ts, (loderieh. :au .1883. Let every good citizen make one resod - tion now and stick to it. Vette for the beet men who run, and get the lrest'tnen in town townie out. The goad of the town should bathe wily aim of muuicipel gorerume.ef. 211 t 1( ill th o lily that dash is heir to ltd• ney tti*eaae is the meat dislrewrng• To aufferrn, we Pan only say, take Dr. Vex Brame'r KittoRe ('t an at ones, and thus obtain a relief you cennnt find elsewhere. All Druggists have it J. Wilsontime.in trying to beat two -forty with a three rink ens -winnte h.a+e, rP*nk'e Mgr • • Cur Wiese The Chioagey Berlington & Quinsy Railroad Cosetpany has jest issued an ilestrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Great States. The look it beautifully priuted, and nuuserous en grsvinym,.1 Mak merit adorn'ita patron Any cue sending their name and address with two three-eent postage stamps Will receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Chica_o Itlieerie. 5t looked their love for him, if ho bet been contented with a three atinnt0 gait, but which eyes will never look upon Lim reeept in pity. 0, there ere thousands of people who make a fadore Free .r feet All persons wiahiug to test the merit of a Brest remedy—one thst will posi lively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Rrooehites, Of any a .etion of the Throat and Lungs -ire requested to call at Jae. Wilson's Drat( Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, free of Dost, which will show you what a regular del- ar-size bottle will do (11 HAR112- } BAZAR, composed La rlyb: tmai, red t;loaor(en- :bst La the B EST and C N 4A P E S T Iubrtca- 'or, to the world—Me BEST bec.euan It does, not gusty, but fuTms a highly polished sur - !ace over the silo, red seine trot lee and .';,hteningthedraf:: (hCh .APESTb•- anv. It caeca t;C MORE than Inferior bran, and drwv l . x well do tho work 'w'odsor any ostiar a .:s..e. Aaitwete as we l it Harvesters. ren r:rn.ung.'; hashing Id hales, Corn-PLtatent, 1'a;rtagoa, int eon, as for Wagon. GUARANTEED e air tarn N O Patrotottm.:old by ell dealers (rdr Peek,' r`trriaped:4 .r 'Cakes Korth malie>a nee. MICA M IIMACTURINOCO. 220 Hu•:a,r. St., ir, York. ClevVnnc. :. and Chicago. Ie. S RUf_r R?'"fk ^f A CO.Te.onto,Ont. — - 1LL.t7 iTRdTEZ)- ills pooutar Journal is a rare combination of literature. art. sad fashion, it, stories, poems. and essays aro by the fleet writers of Europeand America: its engravings power the blears% artistic vee ; and in all ,eat tern perta.uing to oa It is universally is riot had. toe ruluruc will contain scatty brllli:tot uovc ilii. 111 1111111 PBRtll]DICALS, e$ Tit Talc R �►$1L�►LY...., t . :61 00 HARPER 'h3 BAZAR $4 011 HARPER R MAGAZINE ". $4 00 The TBRZ& above publications..$10 00 Any TWO above tamed $7 00 HARPER'S TORNO PEOPLE .$1 50 HARPER'S M1ilAZiNE HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 $5 00 HARPER'S FRANHIAN SQUARE LIBRARY, (52 Numbers), ...$10 00 Poetes/e Farre to all swbserlbers to United Stales cad Canada. The Volntaee of the Nissan begin with the first lumber for January of eaeb year. When no time Is mentioned ft will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next atter the receipt of or- der. The tag Pour Annual Votnmcs of Har -per's Bazar. in neat r,lotb Merin, will be seat by mall, postage PAM or by expreete tree of t c pense tpprorided lige freight does not excce� ems denier per eotss�et for j7 per volume. s Cloth Canes for root volume. suitable for binding, win be sent by mall, postpaid, on re eelpt of fl.00each. Remittances should to wade by Past -Office Mooney Order or Draft, to arra ebsace of Newspapers an not to 4Aia edeertiar meat rr•ttaoet the entreat order a/ HARPER it Bitorwtare. Address HARPER IBROTIILRb New York. CURE Birk l-sdarhe and relieve all the troubles lad - dent to a bilk,us slate of the system, such as Dia• amen*, Nass*. Drowaisass.s tart.moat. Pain in the side, Oa While their their most vane able success has bees shown lu curing SICK R,adsrbe,yrto art.v'.1 ttleI. vrrril:urergsafy relaable is Cu.rstipation, curing and peeventleg this annoying complaint, while they slim rwrrrrt all disorders of the a•nmseh. etlmnlafe the live, led r-gnlat. the 17nw, Is tS en If they only cared EA Ache t,e,y "old he elmost prkrlrw In thew WhO wader from this Mammies romping!! ; bet Non - stately their gnndaees dors net e,d Deva, and those prko ogee try them will 1.d these little pill. valu- able In so many way. abs! racy win not he willing to do withont the -ere Ant atter all Ork hood CH Tst',tAnn of.,many .•. that hero hi; where we make oar great beset. Us: pills mare It alike onsets do sot. Carter's Little Urn Tues are very mail sad veryThe care to icke, a ear tee pfd Waifs p.ease. et They an strictly a sad _ar1(p perp bol b their gentle acnes pleases al wise eft thea. 1'a rids so u eats; in far1. Sold .vwmat Orampoto ywbsre, er at to mall. CARTER YEDiCIWR CO., WWI Yoe* Olt,. ANCHOR LINE. I' VIre1, ir!11't•'+ M ail. iT1gA11t.RA Hail %VIrkly to and hem Naw 1 ma .4100 t.A,ntnw t't A lAw p,nninT it Labial tie tom Returns. 3iwln3ite. are.*1d h. n, N°. ItetnroTIe►rte.t►7. Mt, -t's,re paasehgers booked ar Inc t atea. 1a*aessirer aece amndatiow. nnrseetket. AL1. St ATawnoCe Ow MAIN Dreg!. Ps .engem hooked at howled rarer to or from (team*n: . Italy. Nerwsy, Aweden. Denmark. kc. rot Hook of 'Tours In Ileotiand." Rate*, Plane ♦r.. aim!) to 1BEr1)KRMOV iincrrr1,tf1+, New York. Ar to MIA g yr ARVArof Namgrtn. tit '*5 rirtriowlei. ONE. The Y11047 ingredient to DR. WILSON'S 11•1,MONA1tY CHERRY BALSAM is an extract of wild cherry hark, which soothes the trntatod v.rflet* nr }sr lonagss and air psMsges, act, *ha tonging tar me.lu tch, giving a Maltby appetite, has t. - • •t t ., r•, a^dative influence nn the heart fetal i,;,•4' s'Ertaels, preventing palpitation. TWO e The vermin hoe its .i.at drives the totiob, stringy plaice..'r.l.:ulr cartes so much g.an and dietnie.,'&tit which laths cause of the aim -Waive a.alehiir;. TH REE. The ,hires u. r uliettt heals. It is the vital er loots• tithe jnedierty'corning and head uslt mous of the white pine and fir of southern dos., at the saes•• time grateful and banes cial to the at' i,LI'•l,. FOUR. The nature ,u-rodient is a pleasing and soothing lubricate t that supplies tt.e place of the mucous secretion which, while the organs are healthy, coats the mucous memlbrane,keeping it soft and natural. It at first supplies the place et the deemed secretions and assists in restoring them no as to perform their proper and mint in.porta.;t dntiee. All there 'stoking together, beneficially, make bit. WILY I:g'B PIJLIdONAK CHERILM BALKAM the best care known for throat and lung dieeaaee. tt. Sold in 23 :Died 4e Cent Boddie—the 40 Cent site containing double the 2'; Cent site. Sold by all I,ruggists and Dealers in Medicine. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL A CURE GUARANTEED MAQNETICMED!I NE. _Y MASK• tech BRAN &NERVE FOOD. -4 rT�e Ser old and . Sale wee Femme. Positively cures NervonaMele In all its stairs. Weak AI e1ory foga 0! grain Power, tierunl Prostration, iota Sweats, SpereIuIorebon, herr-orrhwt, Rarre*aca*,.anti'-,t ti-eakliewa mut Oraerwl Loss of Pnreer. it reppaairs Nervous ii'astr, Hcf u rvea ee the Jaded Iwtt t- lsef, strengthens the R,gerbird grim, nod Rr- stores Rrrryy�,rrtteeffnopp Ton, and rigor to the ?.r - Awaited Genera/Or Orpaes. With each or - dor tor Twat.vt packages aeeompsnied with five dollars we will *tend our Written fluor - e nter to refund 16e money. If the treatment does not effect a rare. it is the lbea\e•N cad Seal Medicine in the market. *V Full particulars In our pamphlet, whit we desire to mail free to any address. ■1se\Yrs Magartlt re•telse 1s treed by Drug- giete at ee et.. per box. or 11 holm for iii. er will he maik-d lyre of postage. on receipt of the money, by midmostag 1111At'st'1 In AS Rwlf MAKr!tE te.. Windsor, (int.. ('anal* Rohl 1n tinderfch• by JARMO wU5S5 and all Druggists evenw - 1�-lv :111 Eitraord>Ilarl O1er TO AOIEIVTB- ' 000D8 UNSOLD RETURNED. 1f yon ere nut of employrne.t and want to start in a hoeinw you ran Mello from 1)<3 tae 310 a day clear, and take n., oak of lies, we will send yea nn race apt of 311, goods that will a.11 readily in a few days for U s Agenfits t .wnl thew Roti. in f„nr day', ttshey c*no relent all unsold he ns. and we will re turn them their money, can anything hl fairer? We take all risk of lnee, and the Agent gets started in a Mranesa that will he permanent, and pay fmm 31,((41 t.• 53.000 * year laths eon to as well a. men. We went an Agent en every county Full lmttirnl.rs free Addeo** U. R. Manufactonng en No 11e Rmet 4.41 torero P-l'.hnrgh Pa