HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-29, Page 1W d THIRTY-FIREWHOLE UBEk :711. Y JF. VS GODERIOH. ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1882. McGILLI IUDDT BRAS. Pence nl,S 1 91.14 A VIA IN ADVANCE. Dentistry. %4 NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- T I ST. Oso• cad residues, West Street these doors WOW Bank of Montreal, Gad doh She People's Column. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Callum, Breach Aarl..karal Society will be b 4d at Ssslth'. HIll ea Thursday. Jan- uary lick, tiNik kt the prpees et receiving the anun.tl revert. eMdlag diredere cad .i- cer, for the eareteag year, cad the truism - tea of e• morel fteriti. JOHN V R geeretero. NOTICE. I erm . will Th. Aaattrt •a IM West in the Curt Humen Wdtes•da7, Jan. 17 'as at 1A0 detest' p. m.. ler tin die= e obof t reseivtag the •.al report . dlteo tars. Mmes. diluters sad easels fer the ea- sodas a- s 0esten . sad ether barber - Jake V X25° C.WMer A aat°Ws ellenHASE A FORM N.M.h tot w the hsl4 11ot the tellewShemin half alai Wiley& tri Tiers is a Mary aid • hers• been to cellagradd,repair,11 masa eel seed r,;, ;e pshard Wtiter, smear. le CAMPION, tar fs-.e!+!!► litban, 1FOR SALT, The dair111 head cot rare* an wv*sd ea Ser the past teaser 1,. yeses liy wit be mkt lemma l atesedende le Delman s 1 svee bar •f may rsitteea sew redda Th. basl- • Jeeps in and tow hands of • eetris. sWILLLAII vs a10, Mllkmao. IANCASTIR INTATIL 01Mes le the tem to reaed- all potbe~ 5.Z1 street le- I•agtag to thla darn treedis {io d,ate. wUin l be received f e arly win be ~mimes atter which time the ta- itvea of the estate ere sheet retureb [ _ Bar- ✓ isters. y to aLsAOER & NORMS.n Ba O.derteb, December 111,, Mt sr $trate Animals. OA= ON THE PRIMI*ls O1 v w y aloes the glib et Ne See head made. err 7etatr .M..iTh Te owssuur raie he meNwal. p AM D &LUlr let tl, Lke Range. As16Aeld. ink STRAYED FROM THE PREM -of the subscriber, lot r, Dee. t. E. D. °deerhO ad Wig swam middle esespsidd eaolldil.ttthe leen IMeer nuag to their roe/seri s erri wm reward e d by the owner. JAMES FOWLER. Mat. QTRAYID FROM THE PRIME? i.wus 4 . twe Teartl.tgl lobe 11.-7 et subscriber. lot 19. gen t.Wfm ani a N eed. the better Wog sed with • wife" qct ea Mesabi the• Neseel • gltdt %mirrare . sr.wi W. !! CII. .'rasiediair u. CAPE ON THE PREMISES OF IrmaSusbscriber about Use nth of December. tea uThe.wwseebererr r equestedgrey te s Mart iLALL tet Ir Hargis Read. away. CMaI. QTRAYID. - CAME ON THE psmdes .1 the eabecriber. tet 7. Iib read west, •bout the beg1ee1ng or Atiaest • tine year old heifer dark rel head and sheaf, dere. body way with rd quo. cad bele f• right ev. The owner is ras Mee" Serve property. pay expenses sad •atonal AU. Deals,.P.0. CATTLI ASTRAY. -- CAMS ON the psesslses .f the Nib:17111•• t1 / •Mt the IN October, Neta Dae Mese ae•ri7 bteok sae spotted steer. see spited s hessif*esr all Gossips two years old. Ower le eoi te prove property, pay xpms s, •al 1•b them away. JOHN JO> $ . STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES .f the eabeefiber, abort the middle of October, • large steer. started at that uses f between eat` 10 tee ital i Asst ieden .den Wad- i" uus and rusp. tbe hair 4 los t"Lt$EntInI.Rlix re teiie.r e pr NOTICE TO DiIBTORB--NOTICE 18 aoohdeea ree bya'dlvan that all parties Indebted te theest accenat ere rpsested to settle theses* by note l et messed tbere- _as ABRAHAM SMITH i aitdpa fOUSE, AND -LOTS NOS. 33 AND 70. enraer of Victoria cad EGM sults. in be teen et G odeeteb, for ole cheap,p aorrt iwaill he Eeh..s.a fer tar' preFmt Fegos Cookies .pts b JAG, SWAMI, d tiek or J. C. Clonats atiitlesesr, L'OR BALK -THAT DESIRABLE 11' residesoe, corner Mc- Donald ldstreet, opposite the two tote. The house U to 'cod repair with carriage house and stable and other out buildings. The garden is well stocked with trait trees, grape vines. ,S R. H MIZZ N9. For terms apply to Davison ! Johnston, Barristers MI8S NETTIE SEEGMILLER, Hulas comms' ••ed her studies in music under Pc,f. Sipppt London, and having re- ceived a certificate, Is now prepared to re- oeive • limited number of p „mils for Piano instrwatiea. Miss See/Emitter Is also prepared ed to take orders for Crayon Portraits. dawrac- tion in every ease auaranteed. Residence. osrase Cambria Road end Newgate mreet. BOOKBINDING. --WE HAVE M ADE arrangements with Mr. D. McGregor, the wen -known bookleader of deatorth. b take order for work Ir his line. An work dere from the plainest to tbe,moet superb at Toronto prices. Orders left at this omoe will reoeive his personal attention. ISIM. Loans anb insurance. MONEY. -PRI V ATI FUNDS TO lead 0a eas7 terms la sues to salt bey rewera Asa. IIID ALLAN. Oederloh. Nev. 17th 11111. IPtilm. e600,800 TO LOAN. APPLY TO t*VVwCAMERON HOLTtCAMERON, Gedn L'OR BALE OR TO RENT -THAT 1 Valuable Property known as the Shep- pardtonStore and Poet OMoe, with quarter of me acro of land, 1s offered for sale or to rent. Stock to son all new and fresh this year. The proprietor bas other badness which will re- quire bis sole attention. Also the wast halt of lot 6, con. 1, E. D. Ashfield ;,all new land ; two good orchards. two good wells, and comfort- able frame houses. The lot ooatains 100 acres, of which 10 are cleared and all well fenced. Remaining 50 acres heavily timbered with hardwood. For particulars address : R. T. HAYNES, Sbeppardton P.O. 155t- 3ttebical. 176,000 TO LIND ON REAL 18 - TIAC O ds4teb wearaMl• Apply e"Mt *50,4100 MIATE MIDIS TO LAIRD on pod Farm or Sret-class Teva Peorert7 t s per omit. A.dr te R. R ADCLIIIR LUTaa11 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY ammust to salt bevrwwers at 9 to Ie" per Deet Private fonds. Apply to Samoa and Morrow- Oedrrteb. NEWS ABOUT HOME. I Miss Oliver is spending her holidays at her bolos in St. Marys. "A otlel'• &oug se, Sakti,' motes, J. Edwards, shipped a quantity of As' faith M11 tweet It' Cowl 141 lBafikle for Ohritiseas. Mrs. John Dirk ostriok and daughter, of Ilei M. G. Cameron. ?GTN TO110E- Keay at ear burden' relined • Merry Chtielseuw .ed R. Ssilow, the eh tc` tent, takes this opportunity of winking all -•A New Y. sad matey happy returns m 11 cad yt e mcaal..w ereasts. dsE aameroas M a .• equate. m 1.be sas ed W. 1...te.Htdorton's see tate that I were. * s sI 15. Isw.ss teem Hard - pekoe. and t yeti corset it! Wishner iw a .teA • Happy New Icer. T.tia teat O. II. DA V IB. "Os• er t!. g .st 1 ever sew; Me- ters lwat.t7 .a otit•YM t 0.Iler The emu u remark rysig% .sMe apply admirably.the "res "Five ad *word - login... Willamette is again in winter portent Mies A Young of this town, is visiting ralativs tet Lilted. The trims Piller, of Kingston, are the gs..1. of tb.ir ootmin. let.. Allis Smooth. Neil A. MoOilliveay, principal of Cookeevitle Sekool, L hose fir vacation. E. I iDinsald, of Tata, is visit- ing reltiva. iii! Manila In Ooderish and Claiborne. HarryHolmes, of the O. T. 14. , visit - .d the "old folks" at Christmas. He looks well. We are pleased to learn that John Mc- Gilli is improving, and u gaining in strength daily. 'Tire and Sword" This thrilling story will shortly appear in To. Slovak Doe't fail to read it. Miss Polly Ranmey nitrated hos. es Bans iq, seeempaoid by her oou.in, Elena Jonas, .f London. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R OR •wont et Mute leads ter ivastms.i ♦t lowest rates ea first-class Mortgages. Apply he OARROW k PROU DFOOT. OANS FREE OF CHARGE.- 1.-4Moaey to lead at lowest rates, free 'et ew/scods or oslt. 5.rlsHHot OER !MORTON. ((1i lad March 11NE. 1779. •90,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property 51 lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased. no Commission charged, Conveyanedaog' Fees reasosabla N. B. -Borrowers can obtain mosey 1n one H title U s•tlst otery.-DAVIHON a, JOIN STON. Barristers. kc.. Ooderich. 1731 DR. W. G. S. MAODON A LD, M. D., C. M.. Physician. Surgeon, A000uobeari etc. Office and residence, Miles street, Au- burn. em: 18116. R. RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Lite and Aocident Insursae• Agent. It -presenting first -clam Companies. Also agent for the CANADA Live STOCK INoLRANCI CO. Money to lend on Mortgage. either In Town of Tars Property, in any way to suit t e borrow- er. (soe--4ap-staln) Hay's block Ooderich. GR. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . iAN, SURGEON, to., Graduate of Tor- onto or onto University. Flautist* of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London. England, etc., So., M. C. P. S., Ontario. OMRce and nstdeeoe Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street. ad - 'rich. DR. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY Coroner t.c. Omce aad residents Bruce Street second door west of Victoria Street. 61. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYBI- . assn, Surgeon and A000ucber, Graduate of Toronto University. Office opposite Carver -on a: Cameron's Bank. hacksaw. If sot 1n oMoe. enquire at the Bank. 1755-y. Dr. McDonald, we understand, if meet- utg with woo is Auburn. He spent Chrimtsae in the county metropolis. Our thanks are tendered to the friends who so kindly and se ptly sent us seeded copies of Tie Boma of the 15th init. John Dutton, druggist, of Stratford, spent a few days at -Christmastide, the guest of kik daughter, Mrs. T. McGilli- cuddy. Alec* Saunders ween kis arm in a sling "thus metre Xmas times." The trade mast have exhausted his moods. D. H. Allan, of Toronto, ate his Christmas fowl with his relatives .t the residence of his brother A. MeD. Allen, in town. Henry Tennant, of West Lynn, the Conservative candidate in southern Mani- toba, is visiting his family in Goderich township. Albert Gooding and James Gordonar- rived home from Winnpieg lest week, and have been having a merry time with relatires and friends. are theguest. Mrs. McBride, of the "Albion," spent Christmas at her old home near Park- hill. Mr. John Breckenridge, jr., Dame home ill on Christmas day, from Mani- toba. J. Kay, of Guelph, and his sister, Mrs. Chi, spent Christman with their parents. The year that is passing away bean on Sunday and ends un Sunday, making 23 Sundays is the year. The list of promotions in the Public Schools has been crowded out this week. The ousel will appear in our neat. Miss Mead Marlton a000mpsoied Mr. Fronk Dorseyt from Winnipeg. and will remain with Mrs, Oswald Carey. Miss Dickson, from Exeter, and her sinter Angie, from Toronto, daughters of Gaoler Dickson, are home for the holidays. The Clinton New lira has entered its 18th year. It is one of our most wel- come exchanges, and is a first -alas local newspaper. The numinfttiun of trusting for the R. C. Separate School on Wednesday last, malted in the re-election of J. A. Mc- Intosh and D. Carrie, and the elec- tion lecttion of B. McCormack and Peter O'Rourke. Miss Ica Straubel, accompanied bf Miss McIntyre, of Toronto, returned home on Saturday, for the holidays. Mies Bailable is moot enthusiastic over the Kindergarten Nystetu for teaching p ildrea. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH AS& CO'Y, Toaoiero-Retablisht PH(ENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON (Ragland) Established 1791 HARTFORD INS. CO'Y. of Mawrroan, Conn -Ratabliahed 1910. Rinks taken in the above Arstclam Offices, at the lowest rtes by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y TORONTO. Money to Loan on Sritolaas security, rote 7 to t per Cent.-ChargeHORA'CR HORTON. Goderich Sept. 10. 18110. "FIRS. SHANNON A HAMILTON, 1t. Pevdctane, Surgeons, Aoeonchors. a:o. race at Dr. Shannon's residues. neer the gaol Ooderich. 0. C. SnANNON, J. C. Haan. TON 1701. Legal. • RC. HAYE8, SOLICITOR R G !flee corner of the square and West wet. Roderick ov er *Gusts bookstore. 5. 05.7 to lend es Roderick, tales et Interest. JJT .EWIS A LEWIS, ilARR1t RA, Attorneyjs.1■ Chancery ate. Osco In the CourtOnderieh. 1: Lewis. M.AC L L N. Iowa GARROW &TTSIRA PPR0.LTTDFOO T, wIA4 never oh. J. T. OAorrew, W. ls.ofltsi0. 1771 ele L. DOYLI, BA RaaIU A * D jo.triAtifmay. Solicitor a cheese rli•-. QEAOER & MORTON B A R R I S- 17. Ttgee era+ tor. 0odee}. A. Wi Wille Q Magee Jr.. (1ed.rts► J M*Ner Yl . Um. _int. CAMHHON EMT • GAMMON. tsarrio Sellelble. ane. ttrh seA In n , ( Y e; P Holl M t; (LIw.Iat. seeelf, Mecham 17M • SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. COUWrI or HORON,` By virtue of a writ of To Wry : f fled Facies, issued out of Her Majesty'. County Court of the County of Heroand to me directed and delivered, araln.t the lands and tenements of John S. Walker. at the .ult of David Rom. i have seised and taken In execntion all the right, title. Interest. and equity of redemption o the above named defendant. John S. Wal- ker. in and to all that portion of lot eight la the twelfth oonee0111on of the township of (rel In the County of Huron, Tying south of the River Maitland and containing misty sine sent of land, more or lees. Which lands and tenements i shall offer for sale, atm office In the Court Howse. In the town of Ooderlch. on Saturday. the Thirty First day of March, 1551, at the hour of twelve of the clock. noon. ROBERT OIRBONS, Sheriff of Co. Huron. Ishii les I relic h• 1570.1h. Miss Mary Macara, who has been pur- suing her studies in Toronto, is home for the holidays. She will return to the Queen City on January 1005. D. McGillivray, B. A., classical master, Brantford Collegiate Institute, is home for the holiday.. He occupied the pul- pit of the Gaelic church on Sunday even- ing, preaching instead of his father. The Carrier Boys of THE SIGNAL are Still en their rounds. A number of their patrons have given then generous treatment, and those who have over- looked them will receive a vitt on New Year. Day. R.ev R. Hicks, assistant rector of St. George's Church, has received a call to Winnipeg, and, we understand, has ac- cepted it. On Tuesday morning he left for a visit to his hone at Chatham, and at an early day will leave for the Hani- tobon capital. WATCH NmRT SERVICE.. - The good old custom of "praying the old year out end the new year in," will be observed in the North Street Methodist church on Sunday evening nest. The evening ser- vice will not begin until 10 o'clook: and will be continued until after midnight, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Corx ov Hrrwow, r iiRase eta %%Ht of 'F, pnsletaste nut of GAOL SUPPLIeS.-The tenders of the following parties were aoospted for the gaol supplies for the ensuingear : 0. A. Nairn, for groceries ; 8. Andrews, for beef, at fle per lb.; James Watson, fer bread, at 3c.r lb; Arohibald wood, Sands, for at $4.90 a cord. Noels-wsrT Norsa.-Two very in- teresting lettere from the North -wast, one from Cayley Hamilton on Regina and the county th.resbosts, and the other describing life in the Turtle Mouu- tain region as seen by G. W. Stevens, are crowded out, but will appear next week, together with other interesting matter. Quorrs. -Charlie Waltcinshaw, former- ly of this county, writes to the Toronto Mai! as follows from Brandon, Mani- toba :--"Sir.-Having seen inour paper that Mr. Ju. Dobson, of Walker- ville, is desirous of meeting the cham- pion quoit -pitcher of Scotland or any other man, to keep him interested in playing in Canada I will play him in July, 1883, for *600 or 11,000 a mid*, take or give expanses. And to ahiw that I mean business, I have deposited $100 as a forfeit in the hands of Mr. T. M. Daly. Mayor of Brandon. Hoping to hear from Mr. Dobson soon. Yours, etc. Charles A. Welkinahaw." To UxrruD STATES SUsseRISRIw. -It is a rule of this office to send no papers to subscribers acnes the lines who do not pay for Toe SIGNAL in advance. chairman o1 this district and we ihould Our friends outside of this Province judge that he was a man of great execu whose subscriptions expire with this number will please remit at once if they would have the paper continued to their address. This rule will he strictly en- forced, without respect of persons. FownitaL Button. -On Ssuda moxa- ing next the funeral sermon of tho late Ruth C. Ooa will be preached in the North Street Methodist church by Rev. J. Wakefield, her pastor. "NUT" SoaAL -This entertainment, held in the North street trtkodist ob Groh lecture room ,.n Friday evening, was fairly attended. The eats, already mucked, were served in masers, and many a joke was also ersehed .s the oompas .towed away the kernels. Rev. John W Wakefield occupied the sham, and introduced a programme consisting of readings by Miss Heodereeo and H. L St a goateed, by rises Wawa, Wak W. Armstrong and Tweedie ; and solos by Miss Weston, Alice Btoeeth, S. P. Halla, A. B. Basdssasr, sad the popular vwalist. T. Jolla mt. J Mit- gave a short sddite s seas the glees. Cnatersue Boax-Notwithstaediog counter attractions, there was a good at- tendant* at the Christmas setarteis- meat of the M. E. Ssnday Seigel, held in the skarok on Fridat7 .trssisg Inst. The pra edinge began in the bas.m ret, and were openedby prayer from the Rev. J. A. Tomball. A number of the ably in recitations, t vest - ably in reettalior, g abenn- ea,the doui gel alegne buingindsnt agar- ly the fellkof the miapsey. A two mastmastedboat,gsll the "Dore, w.s bedecked with primate up .taint and thither the audience repaired te wham 1M degarnisking of the trim Wile graft. This was performed a s very garroting manner, and the young folks of the school (and some ski folks, too) went home happy with their presents. Res, J. W; Btlttpu and his assistants deserve credit for the cleaner in which thewter- trinment arse got op ALwArs TAILS Rsratrrm. -At this time of the year all persona are making moors or law payment of moa va I o Amy eases the amounts are .mill sod they consider it derogatory to thew dignity or honesty to take a r eosipt. This is arming principle and only recently we have ob- served several disputes over settlements which might have been avoided if all tra sections, however cloth, bent been mediated on • proper business basis. The more intimate you am with nattier the mere ranee is there to have every transactiontJk sed.rstood. Noth- ing preserves hotter than cor- rect settlements. It is very little trouble for anyone moving mosey to give • rr oeipt fer it. So fer ea we are Goso.rned -we shall only be too glad to elucidate our theory by writing as many receipts as poaubl in return forth* atossinal amount of our sub.oriptioo pries. We hop to have our capacity strictly tested during the next few weeks. -[Ex. "Fire and Sword." Look out for it. KNOx CHURCH 0HB!STMA9 Satvrce.- This meeting proved very interesting on Sunday eveniug. The 9. S. scholars and teachers occupied the centre row of pews, and during the evening sang a number of suitable hymns. Appropriate addressee were delivered by Rev. Robt. Cre, D. D.. Rev. J. Turnbull B. A., and Thou. SLc0illicuddy, the superinten- dent of the school. The order was ex- cellent, and there is a feeling that spec- ial services for children would, if more frequently held, help to increase the at- tendance of the young at the regular ser- vices of the church. The addresses were much enjoyed by tho parents and the adults present. The Clinton Record says :-"The an- nual services in connection with the Missionary Society of the C. M. Church were held on Sunday end Monday even- ing last. On Sunday morning and even- ing Rev. .1. Wakefield preached able and eloquent sermons. The morning dis- course ingcourse founded cm Matt. 28, 18: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gos- pel to every creature" was especially de- voted to an exposition u1 enforce- ment of missionary views, and placed a subject which has been much spoken on in a new light. Mr. Wakefield is the TRE SEATING RIME - Hr. J C. Har- rison during the lust few weeks has been engaged in fitting rep and generally improving the skating rink. He has strengthened the walls by putting in bents and crone rcda of iron from side to side J Smaill, the architect, examined the rink, and gave his opinion that MIM senses nesseese 5 ----Mob• Of the 38 candidates who wrote, only 11 were sacome-1tL The pluokisg woe chiefly in kiottory dictating and riis. h - tie, bet roost oil those rejected would have failed in some other subject or on the total, if all their papers had been ex- amined. Several of these who paved had a narrow ••nape. The grammar pa- per was mach hardor than usual, two of the questions being in our opinion un- fair. The followingare the names of the successful canidates, with their schools and marks : Janai. , Guderiob MAL 8.h. 307 Mary Hsederwn, " 348 Annie Housings, Hattie Wilkinson, James Cox, CVs. Y is " 339 ee 198 " 310 336 334 306 288 908 345 318 187 349 317 349 901 192 280 Boit. Satitely, Lillie Morrish, 11 Id John Allen, ', Hawking, 1 Ashfield, Elle Robertson, 1 Colborne, Very Trebel.,s. James gallows, .. W. H. Roberton, 1 " Mary Monist', Taos. 0. Wright, J. E, Leebsm, W. O. Stewart, Chas. McPhail, 5 " Emanuel Medd, 4 Mullett, 370 Chas. Niven, 1 W. Wawsbosh, 983 In addition to these one candidate, who had failed in only one subject, was recommended to the favorable consider- ation of the Central Coggaittee. .. ee 8 " " A very heed ewes to have iu every home, by everybody, old and young, m country or village, and in cities as well. A marvel of con- densed information, both aesfvl and trustworthy, with a nomad or mon Engravings. illustratinglaborsaving methods and devices an te Field, in the Garden, and in the Household, Animela. Plants, etc. --with many largo beautiful Pictures ; Illuatrsted Stories to and Instructive Talks with Boys and Girls ; Plana of Houses, Bart.s, and Out -Build- ings, with Specifications. All these, and much more, will be found in the 494 volume of the American Agriculturist, now beginning, and at hear oust than anywhere else in the world. Its expo- sures of Humbugs, a most ialuablie fea- ture, is to be pushed with increased vigi- lance. To the previous staff of editor and contributors many additioos .renew 'nada, including the best writers all over the country. In its prime, this jobrual enters its 42d volume, more vigorous than ever, with new writerernew artisu, new dress, etc. Though prepared at larger expense than most $3 and 84 magazines, it is, owing to its immense circulation, supplied, post-paid, for 11.50 a year, and leu to clubs- either English or German edition. Single numbers, 15 cents. One specimen, post - 1 aid, 6 omits A plate copy of Dupre's five ability besides being a speaker of good repute. His evening sermon was listened to by a largo congregation com- pletely filling the church. Stinson & t o's Art Publishing House, Portland 'Me.,' ia among the wonders of the age. Their trade extends over the civilized world They sell on an aver- age a million pictures a th. Lest year their pottage hill alone amounted to the immense sum of 1t14n 000 ' Ws have recently received from the firm four elegant steel engravings. All are very the building is now in a more durable fine works of fine art, and do eredit to and pp. rmenent oonditiom than it ever the publishers. These engravings are was hefore_ The comical "awn will }oe : very large, thirty by forty inches each ; ry Her 1, Comity num u the °mot! of anon at hand naw. the original paintings, and the steel 11 -awl to rine Alre.ited area delivered. g fts tends ort te.e.,nnoa •f J.aa Mo Tea Tow'c BAN , We understand plate., cut some thirty-three thousand IL ee at the vets of Jobe Pareses. there res that there has hien a division amongst I dollar. The engravings are sold at115. - d a•d taken is ev"•-utt"w an the rteat, t1tie. the members of the town band, and that 00 r copy. To. engrave a mingle plate si su l kise. ws 1rr77'- tv gets"f the de lk Py • t •.dont orjtebaram lief le the Carty el IRIWIDIA. sot redee tbe }l oe+. 1a 504 to that .certain at present its condition is not atisfac- of this size and description of workinan- Until such ime as a proper ar- ship, requires the labor of a mist akilhil to among the mem- i artist from one to two year, and often skip ef en Gsesprytet efts acre. of land berg, oar oitisena should he careful of Innger. Thaw elegant engravings are b d Rapti Naas cards. For the conveni.we.ofeorr..potadesos y poet card within the Dominion, a ouble post card has been prepared and is now ready for issue, which will •ilei - to the original seeder of this foes et card the means of sending with his eos- mnniestios, a bleak p pard post .are o be used in r "Iaoh halt of the double card will r a one oent postage stamp impressed thereon in prepay- ment. The ordinary poet card regiidations will apply to thus reply cards, both went or- iginallyposted, and with respect to the rep' half went re -posted. The reply or double post cards, will be issued at two cants •soh, and are to be sold to the public at that rate by Post- masters cad stamp vendors. Canada reply post cards, to be used in correspondence with the United King- dom, will also be supplied at an early data, and when post cards of this des- cri,ption originating in the United King don and bearing the impressed postage stamp thereof on both halves, have been received by mail, the reply half may be re -posted in Canada for return to an ad- dress in the United Kingdom, as a pre- paid post eared, and may be fowarded to destination without requiring the addi- tion of any Canada postage ,tamp or ^other postage prepayment in Canada. ems rendering any m..netary support. We entitled "Sing Birdie, Sing, ' Remem- Mithr Tewa .t rhetoric+. m. Rat.tr.,, the Riven pconstitutiont h lel be 1 "Th Gard Get• These engravings Mae% day of Marvatamer the hem "f twat. et the edema. ween. RO11RRT OiBRONR, VaertRef Rama. Mserifre0s.. t+ederics, *05 nee eth use ids 0540 tetsesaenu 1 .hail n r nr M ss, "etre In the ('curt Horse In the do not reflect on the reliability of the hand hiTance," '' The Bather•s attendant," anal Y at penitent 1 a on in 1 • en a position to fully satisfy the public eo make np the finest set of high art ev,r far as its control i. e,ncverned This ' brought out by American publisher. matter will be referred M %gain in our l Adorn your homes with really merit.or, next eine eons ptetoree aft groat painting, "IN vim MEADnw," is presented to each yearly subsriber. Address Publishers of American Aari- citlhcrial, 751 Broadway, New York. A OfilAT RELtoloc- e MAIM Marrow war lately held in the Corn Exchange, Edinburgh, the immediate purpose of which was to bring the upper and middle clan into contact with the lower class- es. The meeting was held on a Sabbath day and lasted from half -past nine in the morning till eight in the evening ; a change of chairman was made every hour. All day long the cxermess went on speech and hymn and re:itation alternating with each other, and people 1.1 all claim. freely movingout of thebuilding and into it. The main topic of discussion was how to reach the lareed mouses, or non -church goers. A Cairo newspaper says "The lie douins were greatly puzzled by the tarb of the Highlanders who. they came to the conclu.ion.were no soldier, but the wives of the soldiers. Dstance,ot course, en- couraged this debase -an. as bare Lep were ohriously more discernible than the men's faces. covered as they were, with veils. The Bedouins noticed that the soldiers' women camped by themselves, and they i resolved to go down and spoil the infidel soldiers of their wives and a body of them actually went, with a result which meat have melded to the wonderment of both. for the Rrit*h harem turned nut with rifle and bayonet, and very speedily thirty or forty of the amorous Bedouins hit idle dint. After tu episode the aohlietf+ wives were not train attacked by Ash Rheikhs who wanted to replenish their herein. with Eneluh • Mea■Ing .f Words. The word "watch" was originally used as a term of endearment, similar to "darling." The word "wench" formerly was not used in the low and vulgar ac- ceptation that it now is. "Denise!" was the appellation of young ladiesof quality, and "Dance" a title of distinction. "Knave" once signified a servant. "Varlet" was formerly used in the game sense as ralet. On the other hand, the wend "oompanion," instead of being the honorable synonym of associate, meant the anis as "fellow." "Villain" was a bondman. "Penant," a schoolmaster. Mary words have deteriorated, and gain- ed • sinister meaning at first foreign to them. The word "cunning," for example, formerly meant nothing sinister or underhanded. "Denture is another o f this class. It was used by earlier writers for the in.inution, which is now almost latent in it, that the external shows of modesty and sobriety rest on no corres- ponding realities. "Explode" formerly meant to drive off the stage with loud clapping, of the hands, but gradually be- came exaggerated to its present signifies - tion. "Facetions," too, originally meant urbane, but now has so degenerated es to have acquired the sense of buffoonery. "Indolence' originally signified freedom from passion or pain, but now implies a condition of languid nor -exertion. •'Insolent' was only "unusual." "Gos- sip" was a sponsor at baptisms. A poet is a person who writes poetry : and, ac- cording to the good old custom, a prover was a person who wrote prose, and sim- ply the antithesis .of poet. The word hes now a sadly different signification. announcement that Mr. (Jordon Blown has retired from the management of the Web• newspaper will no doubt take the public h surprise. Such a step has been repeatedly spoken of as prob- able for some time, hut it was supposed by many that in the minds of those who spoke, the wtehwas fathertothethought, and that there was no real ground for looking for It change, it being understood that Mr. Gordon Brown had the princi- pal ahareholdera at his rock. Whater.r his faults of judgment may be, there is no denying that Mr ti.ordon Brown is a great iournaliet The IAoh^ was never .+ gond a newspaper as it is to -day, thank. to the energy and spirit of its w,anagir.g director its weak point is i.a which :ire heavy and doll The name of the t.'tinder of the paper will still he connected with the niana_e 1 went. as Mrs. Georgi 1INswi and Mr (i•ordun Brown anp.ar r director ..- Tedegrs m