HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 8r
83Ic -4;
• 0 -.. nippe(�,b-a lir and ,htwiineselike plaice.
ss. ± ult'if 'iftibitMio wake a f4ortune 1
8 BLINDS, is t place foe hto to to. As for
�INC'S, ibrim
every the oount.ry he likes It a 1o114 tray ropy, ,
..,, D iptiuu of Intortor Finish' and says it furnishes a g,»,•1 example of
tao• . iQ A�i�$ 1QAIdDH?►ILB, "distance lenda eIichant:Lieut to the
(n s;
FEW)tL6 and BALUSTERS vita.'+
A Specialty. Send for Price Mr. Hendet n a re-engaged as Prim-
Luta, 1313INGLEB ci 1 of the Bl h Public School for the
LATH d LUMBIER. su tng year at a salary el !:p'_3. This
Estimates on'applica is t e fourth yMir for him iu fttl•th mid it
tin. "lig-Address speaks well for hie, as no higher . r het-
FRANCIu SMEETH, ter compliments tan be paid a teacher
Ontierich than to remain in the .ante school for s
number of years.
aIy all.
Mr. Jerry Troy, hostler at the Com-
mercial Hotel, dropped dead on Thurs- unmanageable, started .4, aud'had just
day while kindling a tire in the sitting got un thefts. t when the iron hone"
room. atarock them Killing one instantly and
Mr. Cam.ell has leased the Albion twining the other to such an extent that
Hotel from Mrs. McCann for the re- its threat had to be cut to put an end to
tmainder of her lease. its suffering. This wan a tine team, and
The tea -meeting at Bayfield on Mon- will' be a heavy puss to Mr. Walb.ce,
day last was quite a sucoessful. ,,tfair. That gentleman had s narrow escape as
Addresses were delivered by Rev. had likewise Joseph Drover, who, cn
Messrs. McCosh. Patterson, Cooke and seeing the train approaching, jumped
Baugh. . The Bethe! choir enlivened and saved his life. Had the train s,.und-
ed its whistle on its approach to the
croseing,ithis accident would in all pro-
bability not have happened.
Oarrr.lar.-It boor sad and painful'
duty to record the death of Thomas, son
of Mr. Leishman, of this place. The
sad Brent took place in Ethel after a
long and lingering illness of almost a
year borne with patience and Christian
resignation. The deceased was of a
kindhearted, social and genial disposi-
tion, and will be long remernbered in
Mr. Richard Burton, of Lollwrtle, met this neighborhood. The family in . their
with a serious accident on Saturday,the 1 ead though not sudden bereavement
9th inet He had placed a ladder uight have the sympathy of the entire cum
so he could o to the attic to clear offthe manus. For seine time preparatory to
$ his demise his sufferings were severe and
snow when it slip from its position, constant, vet his faith in Jesus never
causing him to fan h.a ily. He sustain- • wavered. Nurtured in the lap of
ed serious fractures of the ribs, and was pi.ty, he was brought up in the true
otherwise severely injured. We -hope to `faith, In this faith he lived and in
be able to record his recovery at an early this faith he triumphantly died. Though
date. !never pressing for ward to. a pi attics of
Mr..1nhn Hell formerly of this town- I prominence in public or municipal af-
ship, hut nue of Fargo, Dakota, after au fairs, he was an assiduous worker in all
absence of five years, is visiting old matters nffec'ing the public interest from
friends and scenes. He will remain a religious, chartable and edutiational
here for the winter. atandpoiut. He has beeu especially iden-
A young martial lady, on a visit to tified with every species of moral and re -
her parents, just arrived all the way lig$ious reform, where •'.,r'development
from Dakota in time to present the of such has pros - r results beneficed
household with a sweet little girl. The to the community of which he was s pro -
little stranger arrived in time to get the minent number. He taught f,•r three
beat of care from the delighted ;rand- ;ears in Ethel, giving entire satisfaction
parent., and established his reputation for a'oility
and general industry, integrity and the
sound prioeiplo of Christianity; always
en: .vorinkto inculcate that "education
is unfinished uta ! the physical powers
are brought into subjection to the un-
derstanding, and the dictates of morality
and social refinement."
Alx;tW rT.-On Saturday evening AS
the three o'clock train was nearing the
reamed crossing on the 7th couleessien
•f Morris, Mr.'t 'alLotes team, becoming
the proceedings with choice music, two
sobs rendered by Miss Colwell being
especially adntired. The quilt, which
was quite a gem in its way, was pur-
chased by Mr. Gillingham for $15. A
rich, three story :eke was presented to
the pastor, Rev. lir. Baugh, by mem-
bers of his congtregatiun: The total
proceeds of the tea -roosting were 844, of
quilt ±ea -meeting, act.. 1103.
NCY GOODS, &c., &c.,
Christmas and New Year's Presents.
SCHOOL MEETINo.-The annual meet-
ing of this section for the purpose of
electing a trustee, and for letting con-
tracts for wood, Ac., will be held on
Wednesday next, 27th inst.
Lista.-Mr..T'homas Good, our lime
burner, has not been deterred by- the
bad weather. In the midst of the late
blizzard, he filled his kiln, and it is now
being run 08. He believes in serving
up fresh lime at alt seasons.
TEA MEErrro.- A tea ineetinh -under
the auspices of the M. E. Sundat school
will his, held in the citurch tin 't. „does
day nest, the 27th. Vocal and-.lstru-
met.tal music will enliven the pt,.ced-
ings. Some speakers Al! also be pre-
sent tia deliver addresses Proceeds to
be applied to the school fund. Tea will
be served at 5:30 p. m, Admission
25 cents.
DEBATE. - The Beuutilter debating
club had a field night on the evening of
Friday last. The subject was : Re-
solved that Intemperance has caused
more misery than Wer. The affirma-
tive was upheld by George Stewart,
captain, and Thomas Gledhill, John
Stewart, Win. Moore and Thos. Good.'
The negative was argued by Thomas
Heddle. captain, Andrew Heddle, John
McGibbon, Win. Robinson, Heenan
Maedel, and others. Mr. Michael
i'fratner, acted as chairman. A very
interesting and instructive debate was
the result. The decision of the chair-
man was ir. (iv ,r of the affirmative.
West Waws. obh.
FARM SOLL,,-Mr. Win. McDonald,
the 14th con., aold his farm to Mr. Ed.
.McQuillan for a romp price. He pur-
oees leaving in the sprint, I,t the
North-west, where he has taken up a
large tract of land.
Ao < Insar.-At a runaway on a horse-
power last week, a valuable mare belong-
ing to Mr. W. J. Fowler, fell and broke
her leg. The animal was taken home
on a sleigh and the leg bound in splints.
PERSONAL. - Mr. Thos. Durnin re-
turned from Dakota a few days ago to
spend the winter with his friends.
Mr. Charles Barber and wife hare
conte back from ltritish Columbia after a
few years stay in that prorin,-e. Mr.
B. in not in love with that countt7 aw-
ing to the wet weather that prevails,
PCFnNO.-Oh one of our public roads
a few days ego s rather unusual sight was
seen. Perched on top of a " moving "
of furniture beside bee "uuidnan," a
woman was sitting complacently smok-
ui, a pipe. It is not often that female
smokers ars saes now•e-days un the
highway enjoying the "weed.''
Exi,rsrsn. -At last Mr. John Durn:n
hag joined the benedicts. For some
time he has been thinking there was a
groat deal of truth in the "L1 saw, "It is
not g'r rad fur man t•i be ahNte.' so on
Tuesday last he lurched rout n the
matrirr--.n;rtl net in compete: with Miss
Agar. ,.f Aehfielol. t
(.Ib.rae (.uartl Mettles.
The nteuicipai council of Colborne
met in t:.e township hall on Tuesday,
12th December, 1882. Members all
present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes
of last meeting read and adapted. The
clerk was instructed to notify George
Little to remove the house, etc., off the
public road not later than the 1st Clay
April; 1883.
Communication from J. Scott inform-
ing the council that the road upposite
Horton's, Grahame
s, Morrishe, Lotia's
and Bean's was blockaded with snow,
which would not hare been the case had
those parties complied with the ware
fence by-law. The clerk was instructed
to notify the aforesaid parties to take
down or remove their fence, and to
make the road passable in front of their
The clerk was further instructed to
notify the following parties to comply
with the provisions of the aforesaid
by -taw, viz. : D. Fisher, John Fisher,
J. Jenkins, Isaac Fisher. Samuel Hart,
Samuel Bissett, Jas. Bogie and H.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid, viz. : Wtn. Robertson,
scraper, 14.50; Wm. Allen, repairing
culvert, 30c.; Owen Jones, repairixe cul-
vert, $4 ; Chas. Walter, repairing cul-
vert, $2 ; Wm. McIntyre, gravel, 813.10;
Wm. McWhinney, gravel, $4.97 ; John
McWhinney, lumber, $11.24 ; R. T.
Haynes, lumber, $6.66 ; A. Hodge,
$3.64 ; Nicholas Morrish, lumber,
$11.50; Wm. McIntyre, gravel, $1.75 ;
John Snyder, gravel, $7.20 ; (aeorge
Morris, repairs, 15 ; H. 8. Fisher,
plough broke at statute labor, $2 ; Wm.
Blake, gravel, $8.80 ; Goderieb Nears,
printing, $3.25 ; Goderich Star, do ,
1.35; Ht'xon Sweat., do., $14.60 ;
Jas. Long, crewel, $12 65 ; Andrew
Green, wire fence, $25; Jas. Clark, do
$26 ; H. Dodd, lumber, $9.31 ; John
M. Gibbon. gravel, $3.75 ; Wm. Mil-
lion, loss of horse and damage done to
wagon and harness, also doctor bill, loss
of time, etc., which he sustained through
falling over a precipioe on the public
road, amounting to $101.36 ; after
quite a discussion it was moved by Mr.
Beck, seconded by Mr. Malloy, thkt he
receive the sum of 11110. -Carred. A. Da-
vidson and W. Barkwell were remitted
$1 each for dog tax ; Clerk, stationery
and postage, $10.26 ; J. Goldthorpe,
non-resident statute labor, $4 ; J. Sym-
ington, plank, 94c.; A . Sterline, for
burying a sheep which lay on the pub-
ublic road, $1.
Moved and seconded that the nomina-
tion for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Coun-
cillors be held in the Township Hall,
on Friday, the 22nd December, at 1
o'clock noon, and that in case a pull be
denianded that the elections be heti is
he different sub -divisions as forme*.
and that the sane deputy returning ei•
cera be employed as appointed last nett.
The Council then adjourned
A COLA BATH- Owin,, t.. Scarcity •.f
water n certain young t:1.m Lt.1 oeeaaion
to draw water in a barrel during •.ne .4
the Merin), dap of last week, and while
Ruing along the road the barrel least t .
elide to one Bile of the sleigh. To put
4 matters aright the young man jumped ou'
oto put the barrel in Its place. %'then.
10 ' his feet Sank in the loom Snow. the
barrel followed, throughly drenching
him. He was next seen driving fnriona-
lt t.•wards home. minus the barrel, lint
en.- el 'turf in A feat -forming sheet of ice.
At boo pre, nnta the; }-onngt man is nave
.le *orbs for his Shan er bath.
Mr John 1 .ung ',scent1 returned
fr.,m Manigr t„ niter apendintt about fire
mnnthia to the' mantra Tie nay Win
Oodsrtah Township.
Mies Currie, „f Port Huron, as vi.Nisg
friends in this township.
Mr. Alex. Watt of the 13th cnn.,
Hallett sold a two year old colt to Mr.
(George W. Dyke, of Oodertch township,
for $150.
Mr. Wm Henderson, after a inertias -
tut tenson's threshing with his steamer,
has pnt ep fee the winter.
Mr. Gen. Tiehborne, who loss hewn on
a four month% visit to his brother James,
at Bnekhorn near Chatham is now with
•fpr. "old•tiMks at home
All the New Goods Were Bought From the Manufacturers,
Thereby saving the wheleeale dealers' profits, and enabling me to give my customers the beat quality of goods at wholesale dealers' price.
Now, having had fifteen, years= experience in the Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods Business, and therefore knowing exactly where, and at
what price to buy the most suitable goods, enables me to give my customers the beast goods at the lowest price, and which I pledge myself to tic.
Amongst the New Goods arriving daily from England, France, Ger many and United States are the following in new styles and design :
Work Boxes.
V1 ritintDeeka,
1.-.�:itse Ore :ling Cases.
Gents Dressing Cases.
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes.
Jewel Cases.
Ladiee Companions.
Jewel Trays.
Photograph Albums.
Autograph Albums.
Plush and Velvet Photo F'ranley.
Presentation Cups and Saucers.
Five O'Clock Tea Sets.
Scrap Albums.
Christmas Card Albums.
Pearl Card Cases.
Leather Card Cases.
Smoking Seta
Toilet Sets.
Perfume Cases in Plush.
Ink Stands.
Majolica Ware.
Bread Trays
Japanese Goods
Birthday Text Books.
Gold Pena and Pencils.
Pocket Books.
Presentation Annual Volumes of all kinds and other goods too numerous to mention.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse.
Mr. S. Plummer, of Goderich town-
ship, has an entire oolt 18 months old
which weighs 1380 lbs. from What's
Wagted and Jack's Alive mare.
Mr. John Parker, of the 16th con.,
has a young cot that weighs 13 pounds.
Mr. Jas. McDonald has arrived home
from Winnipeg, at which place he had a
severe attack of fever. Jteintendsspend-
ing the winter with his mother.
Recently some one stole, a cradle from
the premises of Mr. John Plows, Bayfield
con, They .rust have been in great need
of such an article, as the rockers had
been taken off of it, and stored away.
A few days since Mr. 8. Phipps of the
9th con., lost a young cow, valued at
S80. It got into a drivine house and
gorged itself with corn, which caused its
death shortly after.
Mr. W. L. Johnston and wifa,of Aber-
deen, Dakota, are visiting the scenes A
their youth. They have many friends
and relatives in town and township who
will warmly welcome them and talk of
the days of yore.
Mr. John Cox, rf the front road. 'had
the very painful operation of having a
cancer cut from his lip performed. The
cancer was of 351ears standing, and con-
sidering that Mr. Cox is a man' of some
61 summers, he stood the operation re-
markably well. Dr. Varcoe, of Brum-
field. assisted by a doctor from Seaforth,
did the work, and the patient is doing
SI:NooL ExAYINATitox.- The closing
examination of the pupils of S. 8 No. 1
Goderich Tp. took place on Friday De-
cember 16th. Notwithstanding the in-
clemency of the weather quite a number
of visitors ware present. Owing to the
recent illness of the teacher Mr. R. Mil-
ler, the school has been carried on by
his brother Mr. R. S. ]Biller. The pup-
ils by their general conduct and prompt
answers show that greet care and precise-
ness have been exercised in their ttain-
ing, ar,d everything appears to work har-
moniously between pupils ♦nd teacher.
Mr Thos. Henderson, who is enraged to
teach in this section next year was pres-
ent, and took part in examining the
*cholera Particular interest was mani-
fested in the prise f.,r spelling, a hand-
some writinr desk awarded by Mr Gee.
Sheppard of lodench After a very
ekes eonteet Aggie (irr carried of the
piss (leets lia)keld taking second
At the chose of the examination.
Mr. Janes .1. hneton in behalf of the
mils presented the teacher aith a very
aalbum as a slight token .,f remem-
beanee and esteem Much regret is
felt in the section at the removal of Mr
Miller t. Auburn, and we are satisfied
fiat wherever his 1,4 may he cast he will
pre e, as in the pest willing at all times to
forward the interests of these under his
charge. We wish him every suenses M
lis new section. Com
J. if furrMl smiles date 6A41.
JMcemher 2,. Sale of 24 acres f
land; sale takes place at Martine Hotel.
Dnwgannon, at two n'elnck
i)ecember 27 Credit sate ..f farm
stock and implements on iot 32, lake
shot. range Ashfield isl. at tire .'shuck.
COL•NTT Or HURON, ii By virtue of a Writ o
TO WIT : f Fieri Facies issued out
of Her Majesty's County Court of the Count,
of Lambton. and to me directed against the
lauds and tenements of JA M IL8 STR AC H AN,
at the suit of FINLAY McKIBBON, I have
seised and taken in execution an the right.
title, interest and equity of relemption of the
above named defendant, in and to lot ave
hundred and ninety two awn, situate in the
Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron,
comprising • dwelling house and one quarter
of an acre of land, more or less, and supject to
a mortgage of three hundred dollars. which
lands and tenements I shall offer for sale, at
my ofiloe In the Court House, in the Town of
Goderich, on Tueeday. the 90th day of Jan
nary. (8&L at the hour of twelve of the clock
Sheriff of Huron
Sheriff's Office, Goderich,
Oct. 18th. 1802.
, -
Cou ry o, Hotton i Ay virtue of a writ of
To H i , f Fieri racial issued out
of Her Maje.ty's High Conrt of Justice, Q. B.
D., and to me directed mud delivered against
the lands and tenements of Joseph delivered, against
the snit of Samuel Ford, I have seised and
taken in execution alt the ribt, title. interest
and equity of redemption of -the above named
Joseph Hogg.In and to:part of lot number five,
In the eight roncession of the township of
Usltorne. foamy of Huron. containing sixty -
ere acres more or gess.
Which lands and tenements 1 shall offer for
sale at my office to the Court House. in the
town of &Mertch, on Saturday the Tenth day
of March. 1869, rat the hoar of Twelve of the
clock. noon.
Sheriff Co. Huron.
Mf usto's's Orrice, I
cover- or Moto*, icy 7lrtoe of a Writ of
Tn W IT : rlprF Fowles issued ont of
(ler Majesty's County Court of the County of
Horn, anti to me directed and drllverig,
against (So lands and tenements of John14e-
Lend, at the suit of John Parwona, 1 leer seis-
ed sad taken In execution all the right. title
Interest and eon_it of redemption,id the de
Cendant. -John McI.end, In and to tat ccrtslw
panel or tract of land. attnstc, pyrex and be-
ing in the County erf Neese and iwinpgg the
North half of I of ,, concession LS of the Tnw
ahlp of ttephen. eom prising fifty acnes of land
WW1. O7 lees.
Which Janda and tenements 1 shah o . r for
saleat my office In the Court Hour In the
Town of Onderieh on Ratetday the fume*
tenth day of Marrh,tecet.at the hoerot twelve
ne the elect. neon.
tiberiwnf Harare
Sheriffs t)asoe, Oad.triob.
iter nett. rttA - -
A week made al home ht the in
AwtHnw. Hast hotnatr now tie
fns (he 'white ('appal not newel
OA We will start yon Men. ton
men, hors end sdrla wanted .r.rt
w},e,-w to work few to Vet,' 'tithe time Yen
,An work IS IMF* hme, or vire your who,.
rims te the htuNnelw. No nthcr business. will
toy ynn nearly an "roll. No neer ran fall to
mak. cnnr�Ye s pay, by engaging at owe.1.0511♦ 01 sea ter1M free Mnne made
fast t and hsses.Lit %AA•.nw'�eri, t
' •e A Matas
Holiday Presents Extra Value.
The subscriber has received on consignment upwards of 1500 yards of GROS GRAIN
SILKS. of all Fashionable Colors. with instructions te sell up to lot of January next, at ;Seta
per yard regular price $1.25; also several pieces French Cashmere, atOct,per yard, worth
7Scta; allOct, wool Canadian Grey Flannel at 6titts• 511 wool Scarlet front 16cta up. A few of
those Ladies Ctoth Jackets left. che.p to close; 36 Inch Brown and Bleached American Cot-
tons) per cent cheaper, and 6 per cent better, than the Canadian at same price. All wool
Scotch Tweeds at 11.00 per yard. usual price *1.75, Canadian all Wool Tweeds (tom Sects up.
C R o C RIMS, & o_
Teas a Specialty; Japan Siftings, from tacts to25cta per lb: a good Young Hyson at rids
per lb, better at 70cta up to 40, 50, 00 and 76cts per lb ; a good Black tea at *cis ; extra. Wetsnow. Wets; finest Imported 75ct.
per 15. Rice, Sibs for Zeta, 110 Ma for Meta. Finest Zant
Currants Acte ; off stem Valence Retains. nets per lb ; Malaga. Islets ; Lowe Muscatels !Sets
LSAIi Other Orocertee 1i:easlly Cheap and Warranted Pure.
H A R D W A R EI B T 0 R E_
Stock complete, Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass all sixes, Putty. Paints and Oils, Sawa, and
General apartment of Builders Materials, all at resonable low prices.
How does a poor, honest man save hard earned money 1 Answer :--Br investing in
Musical Instruments just Arrived from England & Germany,
A Complete Assertrnent,of the Following.: Violin de Stainer. Noted German Accordions
Concertinas, Violin Cases Bows and Strings, ltalisn Guitars, Flute*. Organ Harmoniums
Violin Keys and Bridges, vases. Fancy Toilet Articles. Ladle. Satchel., Purses. Shell Purses
Lined with Satin,
Our Mr. Fred. C. Bond will guarantee any of the above articles, for sale at John Bond's
Drug Store. to be genuine, and of the very best material; and w111 be pleased to show custom
ere our entire stock of Fancy Articles.
JatOur Motto Is Quick Sales with Small Ptofta'
Please Call and See Our Stook.
Goderich, Dec. 21. JOHN BOND.
Confectionery & Fancy Cakes
is ore town of Felerirhy rnnsIMing of holiday and rp cryday randlrs of ns. kinds, and Fruit
Cake. Queen • Clielee. Jrny Honnk, Jelly Cake. Coconut Cake, Short !tread, sponge Cake. Det -
re C'.ake, Macaroni lake, Brandy Snaps. tri. yeti, and Wedding Cakes. if remotes -1.4
get tri twat value for your money rat the Kingston street Hakeerr��.. RRCt
.7. W. BMI17aa` etre
Tie Chicago House,
wmsrr-ST _, GAO D:RICH.
Has now opened at thatllead(tuerter'. Of fashion, the Chicago Howe,
and 1 am now in a plait• t.1 'tate that the !stoat styyhea, heat material
and merit reaeonahle prices pan be found there Everything in t
Millinery line in Minas. Young Ladies. Matrons and Widows' Wear it
on s te'vt• et the Ohiesan Home A particularly fine lin, in Widtwa'
Cap, can he sws'n
illsS W i LK i N St iN is also agent for Rutterick's Patterns and
Past er'e Steam 1)Ve Works. Toro ttot
• iLnnemMK the place THE CHICA()t) ) OI'S F: Woes -street