HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 7�► t1 I; ICON SIGNAL, FRIDAY DEC. 22, 1882.
Tun anti F9nc . wast will re. ler
We see two boys standing elle by side
A dump speech: "Gimme the butt of both are intelligent and kind -looking,
yes cigar, ut[sterl
but one because an idle, shiftless fellow,
No matter how 10041 au eugageutent d the an Utdu ential and useful
ring may be, the dimnoud never slips
A llsarrno f. t$ tenor Ralli-There is l
nothing metre ples$Rt1 it ,$MttstRnal ap
pearsnee of women .,r ahem tins • beau-
tiful hand of hair, and it is ensaihle for
every person to }masers it by osiug the
long and well les au l'ingales Hair Re-
ap (ohm starer. Bold at 50 cents per bottle by all
man. Perhaps when they were buys no Druggests and .Isu,.•s \\ 1lsi'll. 2in:
ascend on the inside of a lady's finger.
Keep it in your family. The but
remedy for accidents and emergencies,
Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness. Sore
Throat, Croup, Rheuuistiam, Chilblains,
and pain or soreness of all kinds. is that
marvelous healing remedy, Ha'_yard's
Yellow Oil.
Azure distemper" is the B recoil name
for the "blues" But "ultrainaqir.e lyeni .
throphy" would be a more otrliect terut-
"Why is a yutuig man like a kernel of
corn ?" asked a yuuug holy. -Because,"
said another, "he turns white when he
pup•. "
Weeping Water is the poetic tl name
of a Nebraska town. The Indira lune
may be Miunelseihoo-but we are not
sure of it.
Ladies who suffer periodically from
pains in the back will kind itnulediate re-
In a few doses of Dr. VAN BVtEN':t
KIDNEY CORA. It was never 'roan tofait.
Try it at ow*. Your Druggist keeps it.
J. Wilson Goderieh. cloth In (lertaan or Rsere
Hamilton oath aLu is lennvna; to .d who alaeata.d- remeltILLCATRATED MONTHLY MAGAZIN&
play the cornet
people a,
v strayed through his window.1 If you prefer t•angittg cents
one could have sero teeth difference `N DYSPEPSIA H E HAVE IN
teaser theta ; when they were won, the 1 WHEII ER'SPHOSPHATF.i+ ANI CAL -
contrast was marked. One became du-' ISA\"A aremedy worthy of the attendee' of
thl rotrsn disease Cases
solute step by step ; amine weut up the
other went down
It is s question of great moment -
What will you bo 1 One determiues he
will do right, and intpr ve his powers
and opportunities to the utmost. He is
industrious, learns his business, becomes
• partner or propriet(k, and is known as
a man of influence and power. Another
does out determine to be bad, but is lazy
and neglects to improve his opportun-
ities. He shirks work ; he "fools
around ;" next he is seen with tobacco,
and probably beer and whisky follow ;
his appearance shows he is unhealthy ;
he does not do his work well, he loses
hu position, and becomes intemperate
probably a criminal.
sufferer* front
occur which resist ordinary treatise•.. Head-
achs and drowsiness after e dins cos M�
hritahlllty. reettssssaw .and
s trite, wugue eMted dtstetgTSM t••M
civ month. stot•auti et�e wvYinem of r
liver torpid, and eyesam s readily
ordered nutrition. These symptoms
yield to the Knelr when other mesas tail. -
For 1553 i, en Elegant Book of 150 Pales. 3
Colored Plates of Flowers and Vegeta n.
sad teore 'tun 1.000 Illustrations of the ctote-
esa Flowers. Planta and Vegot�his' a. sad IN•
realms for mewing. It it haa4aome enough
fur the Centre Table or a Hdddlllday Present.
with I10a golds and sante wil Poet
� a roppy. per
tare paid. This 1. nuc • quarter of its owe.
It is printed in both English and German. 1f
Ton afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cte.
Viek's meeasure rite tarsi 1■ she World f
The Fi.oRA1. (I, :De will tell how to got and
grow them.
rice's F 6' C'olorednV miler MALE Male !00 En tgra•Ings-
F6 Pages
io[SOvents htWptr [overt: 11.00 V elegant
A Hann t t Y There are many to ay
n net cannot O ill be
why _-Si Pages, a Colored Plate In every number
in at the rtiu lace. You can take and limey flue F.ngractem, Price 196 •
peg 1 1 shoot at cats will bel • , este- g W g -p FtveCoptea nor gs.00. specimen Num -
les•. Half -a -dozen bullets have r y one path, and you will go down u sure bentseat for 10 amts : T trial copies for rs
as the sun rises .l AMEN VICK,
Scene -A Select Supper Party. Mra around a saloon to reading good bpoks R Kbester. N. Y.
Smart (the hostess, in the course of con- at bums, then you are on the rued to U
verist' ) "Are ye no thinkin' o' 'vain If do nut obey your parents M CALL D WI l5 Q, CO
married yet, Sir. Young? What .lie ye ruin. you t
say to Miss Auld ?" Mr Yount; : "She's Y ) TORONTO_
owns sold for ntr." "Sirs Swart who is
• bit of a small joker) : "Oh but ye can
easily get owre that difficulty, for on
maern tit' her ye wad male her 'Yueng."
Pectoria ! Pectoris ! Pectoris ! The
great and true remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Catarrh and Consumption.
Hoye you tried "Pectoris?', It is sold
in 25 cent bottles. It never tails IE stop his doing well in life. He has de- 114 V.L.
you cannot procure it from your dealer
enclose !1 to Smith a McGlaahaw, Tu- tertuined that he will be a uob!e sped
l Four Medals and three diptoms& awards
Tonto, ind we will send you free by ex- men of • man, and every good personthem tart year at the hashinngg Exbtbl-
sayeyour life. 1 tions. in the Dominica
plush 5 bottles. It may will help him. I
Sold by Geo. Rhyne -MANUFACTURERS
The Rev. Mr, \Nul was examined as Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh
a witness. Upon giving his name, Ottt- I every year with Halla Catarrh
Cure, that 1 And alt mein mitring. mithtnerp wlU •aVt
if you run awe from school, if you lis,
if yes 1 swear, you will,aurely go down in
life. I M A M I' }`' .� C T L' R L R
1f a boy steadily improveshis tile,
tries to learn his business, obeys 4
father and mother, is truthful ant, indult- LOIL
-AND -
Harper', Marlene begins Its sixty-sixth
volume with the I ibeer Number. It is
not only the most pupa tlluatreted period-
ical in muerte» and land. but 4140 the
1lssge.t to fu scheme, the most utiful in Its
npearseee, and the beet m De for the
ions. Anew norol�erUtl F the Mb -
Ser." r l'oastau was b gun the Novem-
berN m "Ano••'
her Nttoibsr. In literary and artistic exoel-
lance the Mapuriree improves with each sue-
oassive number llg tipeeleil efforts have been
made for the t of its
readerthrough humorous er sttories,sketches.
trious, u respectful and pleasing towards
others, he 'will succeed. No one oma
The THREE above publications -110 00
Any TWO above named
LIBRARY, (62 Nutebers).....$10.00
Postage free to oil Sreaerieers iso the Vatted
States mad Canada.
using our oib. tear LAktDINea
w � � - I. Face •
d the +ublic can nn out
The old gentleman replied : "O double b George Rh naso sole agent tar. Gude- I that the toro�tngour.
T, I double U, E double L, d able U, I rich. 3m ung one esmp e o lic•tiue, r."' etc.. on }till
doublen.saying h The lawyer cud down his YCCOIl Bros f Co Toronto.
pen, that it was the most extraor- earthy of hider. V
dinary name he had ever inet, and after As a ;