HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 6,cocoa ., tar 6 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1882, the Poet's Corner. • INN s^aelssasa. CNt. Asse.d Hie Cbrtstsaswe stood. AM watched t►e cltl4ia's faces. As they *air Matteotti" locelved With ell 1s almond sad gross. We grows elks bed ear share of tun • Ila smoking wee ones merry. Aad laughed to see the Juveniles Miss 'math the "belly berry." Beside me sat sweet Bossy Moore, A lovely dark -eyed maiden. Rims sear her stood our little Eve. Her arms with love gifts laden ; Until around the room she went. The blue-eyed bobby, shyly, And blushing red. into each lap Her offerings dropped shyly. But when to me the darling came AU empty handed weighs, And when I asked. "Why alight me thus r She answered. "Ob, because we— dinns know you tumming here !" And then with blue eyes shining, To Bessie's side she went. her arms Her sister's neck entwining. "But something 1 must have," sa:d 1. 'My ('hristmas night to gladden," A shade of thought the baby's face Seemed presently to sadden : Till all at once. with gleeful laugh— "Oh! I know what I'll do sir' I've only sister Bessie left. But 1U dib' her to you. sir;" Amid the laughter that came from all I drew my new love to me. While with flushed cheeks her eves met mine And sent a thrill all through me "Oh ! blessed little Ever cried I. "Your gift I welcome gl•djy'r The little one looked up at me. Half wonderingly. half sadly, Then to her father straight 1 turned, And humbly asked his blessing Upon my Christmas vitt, the while My long stored hopes confessing And as his aged hands were raised. Above our heads. bowed lowly, The blessed time of Christmas neer Had seemed to me so holy. ilasuslar fbelyladty. 1 was much amused the other day by an exhibition of muscular Christianity entirely uklooked Itor. For a week or two the Hallelujah lasses and the men of the Salvation Army have blas in the habit of assembling on the steps of the City Hall about five o'clock in the after- noon, when business is ended and the gates closed, and indulging in their quaint exhortations, and quainter songs. A few afternoons ago the army was sing- ing their soul -inspiring hymn— "All hail ! I'm saved Oh, come and join the Hallelujah Band 1!" when the captain noticed a young rough, uttering filthy language at one of the lasses. Without stopping in his singing, he quietly descended the marble steps, caught the ruffian by the collar and when he resisted gave him s twist, and march- ed him over to a policeman, thirty yard* away, to whom he gave the offender in charge. Then, never losing the strain, he retraced his steps and commenced beating time with his outstretched hand. The act was so cool that the crowd • •f amused idle lookers-on involuntarily applauded.—N, Y. correspondent. The atazenaark Meg. To the traveller through Texas one Of the strangest and most peculiar teatures of the place is the razor -back hog. He is of the Swiss cottage style of architec- ture, His physical outline is angular to a degree unknown outside of a text book on the science of geometry. His ears— or the few rags and tatters of them that the dogs have left—are furlea back with a knowing, vagabondish air. His tail has no curl in it—but it hangs aft, limp as a•wet dish -rag hung out of a back window to dry. The highest ,_,peak of his corrugated back is six inches above the level of the root of his tail. He does not walk with- the slow and stately step of the ,patrician Berkshire, but usually gees in a lively trot. He leaves the im- pression that he was late starting in the morning and is making up for losttime; or that he is in doubt about the payment of that check, and is hurrying to get it crashed before the bank closes. The country razor-dack prowls around in the woods and lives on acorns, pecan nuts and roots ; wlien he can spare time he climbs under his owners fence and assists in harvesting the corn crop. In this respect he is neighbourly to a fault, and, when his duty to his owner's crop will allow, he will readily turn in and assist the neighbors, et -en working at night rather than to see the crop spoil for the want of attention. • He does not know the luxury of a sty. He never gets fat, and, from the day of his birth, sometimes two years roll into eternity before he is big enough to kill. Crossing ' a razor -back with blue- blooded stock makes but little improve- ment. The only effective way to im- prove him is to cross him with a railroad train. He then becomes an imported Berkshire or Polan-China hog, and if he does not kne,k the train off the track, the railroad company pays for him at about the rate of ore dollar a pound, for which they aro allowed the mournful privilege of ehovellmg him off the track. The ham ..f the country rasor-back is more juicy than the hind leg of an iron firedog, but n.+t ,cite so fat as a pine k not. The city I,back difiers from his country relative only in the matter of the tivality of his f•..,d and the length of his tail. The city eptcies prey ou the roots of tropical plants and other garden lux- uries instead .,f cont, and eat cinders and old typo in the ba:k alley instead of the acorns and penins of the breezy wood- lands) that at; assimilated in the Qin. tive organs of the country 4.:u ,-per. The tail t t tl.e city hog has usually been chewe•l .!t in early life by dogs; in other worda,tthas been curtailed. This, and the and latches on his back, where the hair has ',ie -1 scalded off by tbe en- raged boar3ing house cook, adds much to the picturesque agrearanes of the brute. A man once told us that a reaor-heck h og was the only bird of prey that was amphibio is in its habits, and that could lift a gate off its hinges without rtifiliag a feather. As the noroltste say. 'much :night be esilf on this very interesting subject,' but time as money, ants we are forted to con- duits briefly with the following •prime' by one of the old mutters : ye pimp M is a weft fowl. Aad woldrues iri'.4 to MI . We Mat iti 1. ke .r ee h i., .wl. And eke htOs feet". OM1 if you you s t ousssdl.eartrowe nmake silk l hos rmiyl'W ry. ear th es Dont you fer win -that ea feeling an oohing pain in the hollow of your bask to go your U sad get Dr Va,llssren's Kidney Tt *ill re move tit. trouble is a few doges %Art by J Wilson Onderi * Fifty-one metals are known to exist. thirty of which have been discovered within the present centuary. Four hun- dred years ago but seven were known. The popular game in Indiana this fall is betting on the weight of a stranger. The said stranger has a lead jacket under his coat, and his pal rakes in a heap of half dollars. isallw fs looser tits reanit of la. $5 to $20 pw'rortltuf t bt:sri sed*. li eu'oa>e.iatlos. than Ot arab 7 EV' Silos d` cu.. Portland I�: orgasiaatioa • it frequently, however has a hy.tdal oases, and a peevish a ild bap SPP ats>,, h Mama. its Pay bag often tends dieting ous than eorreotin`. I AG E bat.; Brook . eaegen e. ('O. ren Wil. reaui JAttt s sr a1r Moa The experience of thousands has shown 11NN that the Stomecn. Liver and Bowels may be kept ib a pt 1 fectly healthy oonditiun —the attacks of disease warded off and a vigorous state of health maintained by the use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Are you troubled with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stom- ach, Biliousness or Constipation? If so, try this remedy and be cured. For sale by all Druggists in large bottles at 50 eta, For sale by Clea Rhynaa Let every good citizen make one resol- ution now and stick to it. Vote for the best men who rip, and get the best men in town to come out. The good of the town should be the only, aim of municipal governmout. The fnends of Mr. W. J. MoCutcheon, Wiugham, will be pleased to learn that the suit, Smith vs. McCutcheon,in which he was interested to theamount of 15,4(0 was finally decided at Winnipeg on Tues- day last in his favor, and the money or- dered to be paid into Court forthwith. Cheerfulness is just as natural to the heart of a man in strong health as colour to his cheek ; and wherever there is habit- ual gloom, there must be either bad air; unwholesome food, improperly severe labour, or erring habits of life. As the tree is fertilized by its own broken bratiches and fallen leaves, and. grows out of its own decay, to men and nations are bettered and improved by trial, and refined out of broken hopesand blighted expectations. EAr,N your own bread, and sec how sweet it will be ! Work, and see how well you will be ! Work, and see how inde- pendent you will be ! Work and see how happy your family will be ! Work, and see how religious you will be !—fur be- fore you know where you are, instead of repining at Providence, you will find yourself offering up thanks for all the numero?a blessings. Re Net le.s•c.ereged. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisemegts everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitten we can vouch for as being a true and relia- ble remedy, and one that will do as re- commended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak. and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at 50 cents a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. [3] Cneowisltz. —A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer,which estores grey hair to its natural'color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m A youth just launching out in trade, Unto a wealthy merchant said: "-Pry tell me what you profess To call the secret of success r The nabob's eye with pleasure shone. As he replied in earnest tone : "The secret simply is. I think. You'll dad it sir, In printer's ink." Leet MY nem Mae. When Mr. Meredith lost Mr. Mac - Master he lost the best debater he had. There has been nobody elected compe- tent to take his place in the discussions that come before the House.— [Tortmto Telegram. Don't suffer with kidney disease when you can buy at your Druggist's a posi- tive cure. tr. VanBuren's Kidney Cure is the only scientific remedial agent for these distressing oompkints ever intro- duced. A11 Druggists keep it. Sold by J. Wilson, Clodench. A sired Kee The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company hal just hared an illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Great States. The book u beautiful) printed, and numerous en graving. of high merit adorn its papa Any one sending their name and address with two three-toent postage stamps Will receive a Dopy by return mail, by applying to Pereeyal Lowell, General Pa.nnger Agent, Chicago Illinois. M Thousands have used Dr. Van Buren's Kidaey Can and willingly have testified to the immediate relief it eves after a a few doses in Kidney troubles, and how a few hottl.s always effect a permanent curet. No one can afford to ba without it. gold by 3. Wilson, Goderich. Free .1 (%.' r. All persons suffering from Coughs, Culls, Asthma, Bronchitis,Loss of Voice, or any affection of the Throat and Tangs. are refloated to call at t% iison's Drug Story and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New D scevsry fur Coneemption, tree of charge. which will convince them of wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar site bottle will do. Call estly. (3) An ounoe of prevention is worth a pound of cure and • few doses of Dr. Vealtutea's Kidney Cure taken on the brat sensation of pun in the region of the kidneys will effectually ward of Bright's disease and stone in the kidneys sad biocides %l1 Druggists keep it. 11nhi M r W,Now. onderhe. MAU .,..e 0 u••oau•-r.o rTo. •.•a,•wwv ac 000 006.0.• T.v • u act se aa•raw+w• 1/001/0/ MAI TOW oar •matt• weeweala t•4. Law las lnaaN fluted THE REMIIDT FOR CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, GOLDS, ASTRID., OBOIIP, A11 Diseases et the Threat,' Leap and Palaeaary Organs. DT ITS )AtTAYCL r COB$V>rPT1AB MAS BZWM CURD whoa other Raises* sof Phydelana have failed t..fect a ears. >iWFttsma.sedIydna ,blotea tb.verl�4wbsehs duan It ogoof near fails relic/. Li as ELTICTSR .JT it bas 4.e ?goat. It is 'torsion to tb. Most Nast* (Loth. A wesoi.o too OPIUM In any ]mass. ZYRsr.' i byrt mvnDru •••b bstW. CAS aSi ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE flick Headache and relieve all the tooeblcs 1set dent to a bilious state of the. stem, such as Dia - tutees, Nausea. Drowsiness. Dams after= Pain in the Side, Le. While their moss able succus has been shown lu curing SICK Beadache,yet Cartei'sLittle Liver Pills are equally valuable is Constipation, cutlet and preventing this annoyingeomplatnt, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Eves if they only curd EAD Ache they would be almostpricele.a le those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fort.- aat•ly their goodnetadom not cod here, and those i whoosh" try them will Aad these IitUe pili valu- able In so many ways 1101 they will not be willing W do without them. But after all sic* had ACHE Is the bane of eo many lives that here is where we make oar great boast Oar pies Caro it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver PIUs arcs very small sad easy lereory are totate. vegetable do at gipeor purge, but b their gentleetaoa please all who ase them. late a vials a 25 eesta: Ave hell. Sold by draggi.. everywhere, or sent by calla CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now York Olty. I A6480CI LSLAHD&PACIFICR'T alio taw sWat's&attrareeelw. Ira amts•West t'—at lla Uwe. . u. slimmest rooar... silt .•toga ss OWY u4. per, -Naw'- 01 _ w a a�iam..withlsatlafo•�m ZwL ar.oaIW was.. -air �sswa� VaiseW.ffela.aa Lissa �al..ts W 7sos.77 � � "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A .al Dins Lhu sus. Le. e..ss stdtl =aat� w e.a ass Alt ravelI.i a n�av od 7.s Recce aiawlZNaas'w f■ate ► 71.1". t 4.M o.e.s m .M rotas of tl5iasl- wee. ss low ss eampatetaes bas coffer lass d` w .a tabw rss ., too o Haas sal 1014. eraGREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE, Ls your *•seas• TliM o.ss, we address 1. N. CARLE. 5. �T. JOHN, Tama* OoatOMI0•5'TQAGO, e5., TLI. a ross 4.M and K wN1 the Year he 4'�,OHNSTON'S`kd SARSAPARILLA •••••-../OX^-• Lrni COlI ARI • Load for Purifying the Flood. it has been in use for„211 years, :71 : ^ end tube t'te hest rrernrruc0 -rtetfor SICK HEAUAtBE. I:aid L_• :IID BIDE OR DACE.C•}i- •,�T!rl PIMPLES ON THE FACE. :3PEiI IA. PILES. sed W basses .tacos arias from a I/bordered Lee: or as : •pure blood, Thousands Of our Lest o p:e tako it and give it to thalo ch:I- - •- Physicians prescribe .t dairy. Ti, to :ISO it Coco. recommend it tc a :. : ,* made front Yellow Pock. Ii• •: , ✓ a--.tr.aperilla. Wild Cherry, St:..._,.... La•,J.e:ion. Sassafras, WleterpFreen :tai' - • ler w •11 -knows valuable he • : s r. 1 i- rt•& It is strictly vveegegettable. an ! ern- : e•n t the most deliccate cO.stitut:. c. • or th, best in/dictum is rasa :cr •ca triz the Dowels. .fby all responsible drutr'r'• e.t one c: .:tar for a quart bottle, cr s.z betties for Ave dollars. ThCee who canna obtain a beetle < f this medicine from their druget•t ▪ ...d us ea dollar, and we r.l. .out, w :Leel •• ::Sarre” -it ; C3 , UgsrAcbuem A x u Las-.eao Ozer. For s.ae by JAS. WILS ON. r composed:argerr _ -- redatk t• in- !'tam,isbite•[STaadCHtAPifer:ubilc•- tor, In the nt•r:(1—t Le GEST becruse It doom not woo. Ira Prins a highly poi le .d sorts IMO over the •IW, redICUI$ *totem and :Isbtenlrtg the dr1:. • • tN CNIAPI ST bo- -r em7'7 It OQite ?:J MARE than lalurtor Wills. col one 1 .: v. II do the Were rFwe of evy 0.1er in.v.e. f newer• as wei\ fu Horn. • :•• ^ i:•.•ttalgMa� Ic1L'a^-!. C•r.-^:- L•.• , a. Bugglee s ',• -:' Ct::.RANTE=te 4.o ita'n NO f etr.Nun. ::dt r :.ii dealer tr 1', •t -.e ..° ::,'2' .'Nil .;ALCTURINOCO. ;! e••'ce . Coos=3. 111. J, + t•f L/^ r" T. T xrerte,owt. c PRINCIPkI;+UNE, N Cc W FRU IT`7 E MI a N 1 ONE DOLLAR. ' '� TSE 1'1e3‘,/,; WEEKLY GLOBE THE LARGEST - THE CHEAPEST AND The Best General Newspaper IN THE DOMINION. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES Contains Seventy-two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admitted to be the bast author- Ity upon Agricultural and Commercial matters In the Dominion. Subscribe for 1883 now, end GIT BILIJOICE OF 1881 PREZ. Orden and remittances to be addressed THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, ONE DOLLAR HARDWARE. GO TO -- R. W.-MKENZIE'S C ross Cut Saws &Axes TO BUY YOUR YOUR +COW CHAINB YOUR Table and Pocket —e CSCEEutH, itl— earfy—oBf Sheeslf tHarVda. lue, PaiAtsgensdmenOilsouaytaBotcetom Pwrareces. Barb Wire --Best Made. R_ W_ Mc=EN7.= DANIEL CORDON CABINET MAIC a, —A t^ THE LEADING VNDERTASEI Furniture at Bottom Prices for Cash I have now on hand a very large' stock, such as Chairs ofall kinds, Tables, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, 8zo., 8zo., t3zo. 2 Doors West of the Post Office. CHAS_ A.:. NAIL N Hee bleviii•.w. £11ORT121'. QTICHIAT and And MI .EST Ilse to St. Joseph. Points In lows, l it. bison, Topeka. Deal Nebrasks,lllssalrt.gas. ?'))i aos,Dsl;ss,oat. ass, New Mester', Arizona, ?I,.. �� motet. YY and Tette $C). GI' CO his knot• has no pipet—for f.,r :11,K 1.... Mlnneepoua sod 11 rant. ■ttenally rrputrd ss brio. the .feet rashest Lige CniTrral- I, eooe.ded to be the beet soripp.d Ramat In the r!d ju• all chase,s et• rt..: • KANSAS CITY .:,,ode .r Ttwas(b Tickets f ti this col be.. d Lie, r. Mea all sere. Me 1'. S. Caere.. �.(SV' An lag," .iinn Tari. sho1:..,..r , Show ..a-. rte .tl•••--l' •' pc.■ try R COURT ROUSs Bud you 1/111 SQUARE. end myelitisemyelitis. !aviary. leateed of • ll. CHRISTMAS. NEW ARRIVALS EVERY DAY. An Inspection Invited. as rbcs lrovys 's 6 9..'i Yr5. n aaater, qe„• ytLttill ' Chle.sw e. 1111. C1f/ea J. Sixteen . Canadian Para AO, Ont. Ona B. JoUltaroh, Ticket Agent, lod.rieb. TAMES MMA1Lt., ARCHHiTECT1 Aro. C•rM • Oao.. 's Block. Eingeti et.. 0.de- rich Plan. sad .pectacatlees drawn eoereef• ly.teT s• plasterer's sed wean'. week was�►A aa4 -steed SAVE MOINET IN BUYING. A Discount of 191 per Dent Allowed on all Cask Purchases is Feathers, Bilk Tahiti, Floweret Hite, etc., etc., eta. This is a Qsnuine Oar, as I sass a :sous to Olean oil 417 Winter Stock. Miss Jessie Wilson, THE 84i'A RB. (OODBRIr'H cocoa._ "..•, .....laa.s11a.+•.d.