HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 43/4 • o TR MUNICIPL ELECTORS I TU. TOWN OFrGODERICH.I Gresrevtn N,- H,aving been rtueated by a large number of the electors to a ow myself to be nomlo• aced as ISEEVE FOR THE TOWN OF. OQDERICH for the ensuing year,aad is view of the tact that I am a large property holder In the town and prosperity,ehy1 have consentedltoido ,w. t1 there- fore in its 1 ere- inter - cots are e`idt ent ideur ntical my own. 1 honesty pledge myself to do all I can to adv mice the best Interests of the town. BANE PLATT. ISth December, 1882. r- JHoI. r wee Age.- a7sd &red • Kar team tysk 's 1 Ise W e71s ISltr l the( we , W. L f•T r6 cS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH. 1882 rah HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 22 - --2 MUNICIPAL MATTERS. A mosses of our exchanges are Ntsak- 'itvery favorably Of Cul. A. M. Roes, Aspirants fur municipal honors are • land urgIne his appointment to the Treasury beech in this 1'rueit oe. We understand tfe Colonel has no desire at all for the pc itiou, and would probably decline the portfoif it were offered him. Never'thelet et is good to know that our representative has a provincial reputation as a sound financier and a clever wean of affairs. West Huron sb'+uhl be, and is, proud of Cul. hose. IT ISN'T absolutely necessary to tell the readers of Tug Sumo that Christ - utas will be here on Monday next. Neither is it necessary to tell them that Christmas and New Year's are the times of the year for good cheer, and "good- will to men -except the Opposing muni cipal candidates. No, no; the readers ui THE SIGNAL are intelligent people, and knew about the gladness, and joy, and good fellowship, and municipal bickerings with which the lsst week of the year is pregnant, and we won't bother them with a long dissertation on Christmas -its uses and abuses. But we will wish our readers one and all a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.'' coming to the front. Fur the Mayor alty, so far, Mr. Horton, the present incumbent, seems to have the tield to himaelf,aud no one appears to be anxious to interfere with his furthet occupancy of the position. The Reeveship is, we understated, to be contested, and blr. J.thuston is to be opposed by Mr. Platt. Mr. Johnston hiss been Reeve for two consecutive years and Mr. Platt believes the honor should be passed around. Mr. Johnston lest rated to the to of the GENTLEMEN, - At the earnest. solicitation of a large and influential bialy of my fellow -electors. 1 have consented to be nominated for the position of consented DEPUTY REEVE for the town of(loderich, for the year 1813. 1 have no personal ambition to serve rand l have. no axe to grind. Nothingbut a desire to be of best interests which m rMe ash tan in are located to the to are loc•au+d has Induced me to •accc.te to the lyiebelieve ihatof my tiileoifutu eis oofY1l:oa,rich - whether it will go forward or sand will be determined by the complexion of the next council. 1 canola:in the merit of being Pos- sessed of experience in municipal work as I have in Ceara least Leeds a d theat lthe town attwn he Council es \Se,l as rep. County Board. with, 1 trut ®,'tiate amt ry re- sults. 1 ant a large taxpayer PlY interested it the economical cunduct of our municipal altaits. For these :mason I solicit your vote anti influence. 1 ant. gentlemen. yours very truly. ABRAHAM SMITH - 19th December.1'S2. TO THE .ELECTORS OF ST. DAVID'S WARD. January Arts elevate p municipal ladder- was elected Warden of the County -- and 3Ir. Platt. with some justice we are free to admit, is of opinion that having attained that high position, Mr. Johnston st.uuld follow the example set by Mr. Gatrow, and step down to stake roost for other candidates to climb the municipal steep. If it collies to a contest tetweeu Meagrs. Platt and Johnston, the contentions of Mr. Platt. and the facts that he is one of our (moat eilterpriailig manufacturers, a large emuleyer of labor, and one ••f our heavy taxpayers, are likely to tell in his favor. I - We are unable to mention the nacres of candidates for the 1st Deputy-Reeve- shi , but it is believed that Mr. William P 1 Campbell the present incumbent, will not offer for 188:3. The 2nd Deputy'Reereehip will be contested by Mr. Abraham Smith and Mr. Edmund Campion. Mr. Smith is an old resident of the town, a successlul merchant, a heavy ratepayer, and a man of shrewd business ability and sterling integrity. He Las had experience at the Town and C• 'uuty C ,uncil Board in years gone by, and would prove a val- uable Member of both B in 1883. Mr. Campion, the ether candidate for the position seas a member of the Tenn Council for tw,; years anterior to 1582. In the wards things appear to be,un the quiet side. In St. Andrew's we have heard only of two candidates -Messrs. Swanson anal Seager. Mr. Swanson is an old Cooutrctllor, and Mr. Seager is a new:inan, but one who would snake a good Councillor. In St. David's 'Ward we have heard -the names of Humber and Edwards 'cid Councillors) and GENTLEMEN, -At the request of ,a num- Scobie 'a new man mentioned. Messrs. ber of 11.e electors. I have consented to etc- rept lie the nemmation for COUNCILLOR Humber and Edwards have proved to say that i 1184. In be good Councillors, and Mr. Scobie, be •FOIL to ANDREW'S oyto WARD for Ire Is. doing so 1 have only to s,and have no per sought municipal • honors. int' a level -heeled business man,'w;nuld elect or Pitavesthat.terest to in common with ouseeking ae. stake a good substitute for Capt, Dan - more ' interest in seeing .our town I ore a strong mon urwpei'u+.s than it has been for some ewho George's the n ne+off 3Ir. Huthe th Dtmlop have poli 1 alall nee my ',est efforcraw LO is freely ly mentioned, and that geutledtan have all political and Personal rivalries hid questions thrown aside, and an united (Hart e ine would be an acquisition to the Council matte to t of about business meainterests ofiGode- t Patrick's, Iesars.Sloane, ovement of the busi time Board. In S . rsome I P rich. which Ilea., not they dee for • Win. Acheson are past, the attention deserve. and Harbor 1 J. H. Colborne and d In my opinion the hallway "miming men.' questioys, and other measures by which man-, freely mentioned as the K • cd 10 et urstial be00 • tate .dn •,aall, there is i r ufactures and shippingTaken all ill al ,g our town. and our i.op.ertple habecome ofve more some value. and our :h'OP1rty' value. arc matters of the ntn,t»t .mpertanee offering this year to sit at tho municipal to us all at this tum•, and should receive uni- 1 table. - ted and energent- nttention`rw gentlemen. 1 k With these objects vo to i OCCASIONALLY they get off a good joke beg towliit your voce and influence. 'Vote' obedient servant. daring the debates in the Legislature. C. SEAGEIt• •1 r' Goderich, Lee. 19. 1313 Referrine, do the election of the one -- solitary Tory at the bye -elections, 'Mr. • TO THE ELECTORS OF Ross, of Hastings) Mr. McLaughlin the y ST' D V, ID'S W.` RI) t witty member for West Durham, set the 'i t, i it 1 • of refuge be provided, or sows place where vagrants and parties not criminals can be out to fur care Sud uaetuluess. Wei feel proud that the County of Herod steads at the beetle(' all counties for its lightness of calendar. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. W. Ws.Sraa, Foreman. His Honor, In accepting said the nu- meudetions of the Grand Jury, subject of a county poor house was one which had been discussed here for sev- eral years. It had again been before the County Council at its last meeting, but for enure reason -perhaps because the elections were too uear--110 action was taken. In the January meeting the new council would probably consider it too early to 'rove in the 'tatter, s, that innnediate actio' is not likely. Per- sonally,otestablishment Iestaish mentis Honor a t fe as place s in favor of refuge, and from conversations with various County Councillors, he thought it likely that before many years such an institution would be erected by the county. A copy of the Grand Jury's recommendations would be sent to the County Clerk to be laid before the coun- cil. After thanking the jury for their services, His Lordship discharged them. Kitt vs. Campbell was then rt so tied , and resulted in a verdict for ft. fid - The Grand Juryannounced lowing matters, which had been submit- ted to them : two iu- Queen vs. Angus \lathies,n, dictntents for assault. No bill. Queen vs. John Tigert, unlawfully pointing a gun. True bills on kwon in- dictments. Case postponed June. 3orv. \\ Veer dict fortton on the plaitiff pro- missory Hutu. by consent for $1135.53. D41e fer plff.; Cameron, Holt & Cameron for deft. F0UitTlt DAY--FIIDAY. Queen v. Reeves. Malicious damage to property. Traversed from last Court. Defence not being ready, the case was traversed to the June sessions. Tho Queen against Robert Tigert. This case was adjourned to the June sets- mous, the defence not being y' proceed. reader valuable assistauee to their um • uafurtunete fellow -beings ou the express train. Gest:tenUN.. !lacing been resented by a large number of the Electors to ullow myself to be nominat- ed asa fr act the year largetin propert 'uwna•r, as well fas alt t ex- tensive employer of labor. and thus deeply. in- terested consentedto tthehecxp .eitssed wish Oftown. my fellow - electors. and am now in the hands of my friends as the WORKING MAWS CANDIDATE. For el. e that tin friends. awl ull i th ull inthe iNarlearnest h who have the interests of the town at heart. will favor me with their votes and influence. Iremain.fcl- low-electors. yours truly, JOHN SCOBIE_ 19th December. lits'. TO 'IAL MUNICIPAL ITECT'yltS COUNCILLOR FOit ST.. DAVID'S WARD • -OF ST. ANDREW'S WARD. THE QUAR,TER SESSIONS. The WA of Grand Jaren- The Address -fame' ea Tidal -Thr meat. A SAD CASs. The circumstances following thdeath of Strongman, the fireman, are p4Oeller' ly unfortunate, as he leaves a wed er and a family of four or five children to mourn his uuexpected takiuj4 off, Deceased was a warm-hearted obliging Luau, and one universally esteemed au,cug his fel- low employees, and valued by the com- pany. He resided on Hutton street, near Maitland. CLOSING et'ENEs. Mr. Mullen, stage driver, had to rest and f..4 tits horses here Thursday eveti- ing,and on Friday he reached hereabout 4p. m. , iu•teed of 4 a. m. The rutuains of 31ra. Klee, who died at the Nilo on Tuesday morning 12th just, ware berried here ou klaturd.t last, The funeral wean to take plebe on Friday, but owing to the impassible state 01 the reads it was p••slpons+l until Saturday., The L. H. & B. track, where the Hsu- sail accident occurred, was e!uared of debris yesterday afternoon, at about 4.30 the auxiliary train returned to this city, but no trains will be run over the it ne until late this afternoon, as the read is still badly blockaded. 'lie body "f Strougivau, the deceased tireman, was brought down and taken the house of his grief-atrikeu family. He sustained a frigh tful bedding. Tidings of the death L u of George Brown, the driver, were a- pe.:tod at almost every hour last melie one of his hips was brokeu, :std he was tho victim of other serious injuries. He has also a large family who mettle ott uKing S a nd Dun- dee. w Waterloo street, between des. Mr. John Law, the track inspec- tor, according to latest reports, last night was suffering painfully from broken ribs and damages about the head. Jadae'% rresent- h, fore His Mawr Judge Toms. FIRST DAY -TU VADAT. Court opened at 12 o'clock by station. The following is the GRAND JURY. Edward 'Armstrong, Robert Acheson, Samuel Barr, Goderich ; John Alieli, Richard Blake, Hullett Campbell,phn Antler- win,West Usb,•rne : Peter Wawanosh ; John Mahone, McKillop; Wm. McKee, Alexander McLean, Moses 'McBrine, Ashfield ; James McCartney,tne, Clinton -,Douglas McTavish, Themes Nixon, Archibald Nicholson, Morris ; George C. Petty, Hay : Mathew Robinson, Seaforth ; Charles Senior, Exeter : James Spence, John Wallace. Wm. Wiggins, Howick ; James Turn- bull, Greet Alex. Webster, Wingham. Ill addressing the (;rend Jury learn His Honr said that he was pleased that there were at present no cases for their consideration, but if any business should arise before their dismissal it would lo- 1 before then'. by the Crown Attorney. Should any cases come before then[, they [oust remember that it would requite twelve of their number to find a bill. His Honor mentioned this fact be- cause it had been stated, and unfortu- nately it appeared to be a fact, that at a recent court this rule had not been ob- served by a jury. How this was found out he could not say He Ieminded the jury that they were a body selected from the best men of the county for the con- sideration of certain matters, and their proceedings were secret, no parson out- side of themselves being entitled to know want transpired at their sittings. He „ l- wirhed to impress this fact very sir nk y on their minds. At the June Courts it had been published that nine of the jury were against a party and nine fur hon, and that the natter was only decided by a casting vote. How far this was true or how the information was gained by out- siders was a question. His attention had been called to the matter before the conclusi ,n of that Court, and he felt like saying ate -nothing to the jury about it,tut had finally concluded to let it pass, It was not creditable that in so large a county as this a Grand Jury should be so ill informed as to their duty. The Grand Jury then retired and the doekctwas proceeded with, thetirat case beMitiycRae vs. Kidd, and Campbell vs. in the ditch Welty demolished emit a Both ac)iuns on interpleader is- mass of other debris. The trainmen fou Kidd. b.t .wt r •racul sus sue. McCaughey & Holutestead, furl the snow plow had an altruist V plff.; Cameron, Holt, and Cameron for i escape. The northward -bound express deft. lion application of defendant' consisted of the engtne, tender, baggage these cities were postponed on payment I car and a single coach. of the costs of the day be deft. ,'AUSE OF THE t ATASTROPHE. Kw ca. Hennings. An action for I It is stated that the mail train, No. semen f 1 "105, from Wingham, Conductor Walnls- ley,in charge, had orders from the de- spatcher's office in this city to flag the now•pluw all the way down to London, the last nam o follow ' hour -behind. The anew -plow was procla- Mr. John Cassidy, of Cbse.yfu, is pay- ing a visit to old friends hereeb outs, Mr. E. COO Alba, wife and mai, of Jamestown, accompanied by 31rs. -Hil- liard, of liuderieh, visited friends here last week. Mr. Joseph Cooke has settled upon his farce here recently purchased from Mr. Arthur Horton. F11TK UAC-SATURD•Y. Crane vs. Parsons. Action for mali- cious prosecution. By consent it was ordered that all proceedings in this case be stayed ; no costa to either party. Cameron and Petersen for plff.; Garrote and Campion for deft. Knight v. Durnion. Action at replo• yin. Verdict for deft. ; Garrow for deft. ; 3falcr•lrusun ser plff. Court adjourned at 4 p. m. stars' DAY -MONDAY. Court opened at 10 a. In. pursuant to adjournment. Action for McLean v. McGrory. inn -fulfillment of contract to deliver sheep. Judgment reserved. Garrow h Proudfoot for plfi. ; B. L. Doyle for deft. Court adjourned until the 27th inst. Tea-aterneO.--On Wednesday even- ing, notwithstanding the drizzle, a large company filled the Presbyterian church at this place, to take part in the tea - meet Me. The chair was admirably 1i11e,1 1,+' !lev. John A. Turnbull, 11. A. fhe Speakers of the evening were T. 31c0illieudy, who "broke the ice" in as address ou "Making Money," Rev. J. Sutton, who gave an iutetesttutf and in- structive speech on "Mistakes,''and Mr. owing to the lateness Mitchell, ash e u 1 J. U kt of t'tr hour, made a hetet speech about what Lee 'tight have said had time been given hint: All the addr'esaua re;rne,]. Mn..ll Turnbull made her ,1; but here :ta a reader, and charmed the audience ill te reading from Dickens. She also sang a suit, iu a very pretty way. lie.lings were also givcu by Messrs. S. 1'. Williams and R. E. Brown. The re- fresltinents were of a superior sort, and did credit to the culinary department of the 1,eoburn householders. How any man can remain a bachelor in Leeourn astonishes us. 'rite choir, aided by a few new voice+, sang in its hearty fitsltton \1•e know of no country choir ahead -of it. The proceeds amounted to about it44t. Presrutatloa uad tddnu. Mr. Edward tediums, formerly a pupil in the Central School of this town when Insafterwards ectOr Miller ugh twas asYa1e ['ebbe. tttscleool teacher in Huron county for a perind of two years, was the recipient of an tab dress and purse from the scholars of the Collegiate Instituto, Cobourg, recently where he had cccupied the position of classical 'nester for the past year or two. The occasion of the presentation was his retirement from the Collegiate Institute to accept the Principalship of Petmbrosk High School. The friends of Mr.ltdluut in this section will be pleased to learn of his well -merited promotion and success as a teacher. 'rhe address speaks for It- self and is as follows : ate Whoa : GENTLEMEN. -Having again consented to become a candidate for one of the COUN- CILLORS FOR ST. DAVID'S WARD. I take this opportunity of soliciting your support. and hope toll will favor me with the same the Past two years; and confidence as it should you again favor me in yotr ir,setectio l tl!u rc u• 1 will do any best to ser i Campbell, who is fast Lettin_ P hat o 1 •t. town 1 teflon of a public SCOW, personally abus- A nd it House in a rear when he alluded to the leader of the Opposition coming Isac with one new supporter, "the laat Rose of summer, left blooming alt,ne.' W's are informed by a number of gen- tlemen who were present, that Mr. Win. • ceLes. Yours, A. Htetotte. ed Mr. Samuel Platt in almost uncalled for manner in a public house one day during tete. week. Mr. Platt is a man HE IICI'ON SIGN AI, who. is its every way superior to Mr. W. T 01 LLD CD1 Y Blots at their hard name 1 ' `sii,hed rvcry Friday. st,srninl[._b?,t(i Campbell; except m the wwill ylo'taeplying is Pu r Ofltcc. tin s to those who 1l tuff the lqunret ONTARIO. when he cracks the whip. i1 Mr. Wm. ODERICH, Campbell attended to his own business with the sane assiduity which he gives .to other people s husiness, he would be ahtppier than. • ! 1 where to ell parts f the surround n conn la - i» '''tend a hnl•ssiou 0 has alarger ion than ry. od Is one of the raciest,tr in in wsie rt of e country, journals in Ontario st and mo+t reliable 1 d ••, t n• foregoingcs%cntial% 01111•,•:u+( 111 additi„n tot he above, a flu'%,-t1as. got his gruel. ,..p to- it is therefore aI ANurtllEx ''patriot" has And %„'%pa i R try by ' the earliest malls and ,trine. urcu HEN SALL'S HORROR. 1)e.tu SIR, --\\'u have, learned with deep regret that you are so soon to leave your present situation ; and the present relations existing between us -.s teacher and pupils are about to be severed. Your unvarying kindhess and geutie• many bearing, mingled with a quiet dignity and force of character, have completely won our hearts ; and it has been with a very great amount of pleas- ure that we have seeu you advanced from the lowest forret in the school to the importuut and responsible position you now hold. We have always felt that in you we have bad not only a kind and consider- ate teacher, but a true and honest friend -Inc to whom we could safely go for advice and sympathy. It has been very evident that your caro was not for self alone ; that your motives were not Mere- ly mercenary ; that you were a true fiend to each one of your pupils, and took a deep interest in their individual welfare ; and this we firmly believe has been ope id the prittctpal.causes..f year remarkable efficiency and popularity a; a teacher. Your energy and enthusiasm n li ate at tnany times given us fresh vigor f, r our work ; have utstilled into our hearts a holier inspiration and a loftier ambition to strive on for the pure and noble ends of life. Your influence has ewer been on the side of right and truth, and we believe that influence has mot been ex- erted in vain, but will show results in the future of our lives. We have found your ability in no way inferior to your zeal ; you hare not only been willing, but able to grant assistance at all times. and your work in the classroom !bas evidenced thortusclt and careful prepa:t A Railway Crash Amid Dark- ness and Snow. Terrible Death or Strongman, Ibe Fire- man Fatarinlarfes Sestaltrd by Brown, the Esgtneer Disheartening. Details of Sad Catastrophe. +rrf iaci gives the fol- lowing --ld The London ' .I lowing particulars of the railway collie ion which occured near Hensall on Thursday. A lady named Mrs. Murry, belonging to Clinton. was among the most severely injuried. Mr. John Law, of this city, sustained heavy bruises about the chest, and had several of his ribs broken. Intelligence came early yesterday morning that the fireman, I WM. ,TRo\t:MAN, HAD EXPIRKD during the night, ',wine to the terrible :amity and fl:.-.,..._ most seeable tedr.rfia,%ff ntediNmer r aid Tpentle.-$1.59 in advance. postage P P ba if noteso paid. This paidbefore f all%ix be strictly enforced. Rallis of .tnyERTl vs(' Eight cent' tc line for first insertion : three cents pp.crline .r t insertion. Yearly,halby' y experience, as he freshly tensed tt, r1 ot1 ' Mr. A. H. Blackeby who for a short time ran the Clinton Record, and whose platform address anent the virtue of factory girls, attested by his "practical WANTED -AT THE - Star Salt Forks I (19,500) Nineteen Thousand Five Hun area. CORDS OF WOOD (5,01)0) Five Thousand Cords. Ucod lladngOits Bassoo1 3''j Thitty-Eig`.:t inches long- Price $2.56 to d2.75 Icer Cord. injuries which he had sustained, and that engine -driver brown's death was hourly I tion. The brilliant success 'it. the greet I expected. The three engines are lying majority of your past students in their examinations in the department Over which yeu have had charge, has clearly shown your thousthtful training and the high character of tea instruction ill:= part eel. i We are deeply sensible of the loss we sustain by your departure. but while appreciating this loss we cannot but re• juice that your success has been 'recdo- nized, and that jou have bean aplwint• eoI to so responsible and lucrative a petition. roti will carry with you our by ttberrl. The parties are residents cif very best wishes for snare, and we Irl t f ll about half an firmly believe that it Will be no less Turtitete The evidence in rho case ] act marked in vont future sphere of labor was the testimony of the plaintiff and . in under correspondent orders. At than it has been here. `\'e will [latch sevens! letters written by defendant• I Clinton the mail tram switched c•tf on your course in life with the deepest in - The jury after an absence of 30 minutes' the old G. T. R lino to wait fur connect i terest, and will be delighted to hour of returned it verdict of ft8t111 itini i es tiuus, ns there were dciaye on that poorer and success attendine coir Mimis, Mr. Nolo applied for judgment ami int that branch. The former L H. sat B. Let us again names von that as a te_ach- mediate execution. Judgment reserved. station in Clinton is not now in use. ere a gentleman ant a Christian, poen 2,000,000) Two 31illion Feet of saw Laos's Consisting of Soft Elm Rock Elm, Bass eeod, Maple, Birch, Black -Ash, White Ash, Hemlock, and all kinds of logs, for which cash will be paid. _Apply to JOHN SCOBIE, Salt ' , Golert ch \\irks. Star, nut, lite is sweeping by, go and dare before you die. something nighty and sub- lime leave behind to conquer time. pee a week in your own town. $5 uutrit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everythiae. Many are making fortunes. ladies make as much am then. and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, it you want business at which you can make great pay alt the time, write for particulars to 11. HALLWTT S Co.. 1'ortlaod Maine. ., tra 't' lit reduced rates. ea 1'1(1'. Meese. etre have also•4rot-class• caused such Merriment during the recent r • onnecittgtfo0. tarot-class. poa1M'1Mt jobbing drsar• twilit in facilities freturning the most Moutmock in (lisle uh,antT pared uein to nnot be beatetnren,si,'n than l.uyl tp rte Hutt be -FRiD.:y. DEC. 22nd. 1882. T11 CONT. ENTPoN. For the eceoutt ,JAtion of de1.v,;tttes t.o air the Clinton hrror,f in the absence the RefOrm C envention all the railways i g ' In I titian" will tootle mnglu fare tickets I,eA the latest editor of that journal -who Lad left fur parts unknown. The maa- election cam]aitn, ht's been appointe t to ciait the factories of Massachusetts, and report on the Factory Act of that state. If he bungles as sadly in his re- ports as he did in Victoria Hall here the Maasuchnsctts elide will seduction and arse. t f damages tried in thisCuurt under order o the Superior Court. Cameron and Dickin- eon for plff: ; defendant not represented The Coutt adjourned until 10 a. n1,+ Whether the conductor of the mail train Wednesday, should have left a man at the junction to } 1 SECOND DAY -- reF.D`tE•1t,.U'• flair the *new -plow when it arrived at Kitt vs. Catnpbtell. An action for re- {Clinton, in order to inform them of the coy eTy of the value of lightning roads put delay ; or whether those in charge of the up by platntiff'se' agent If the Lightning j snow -phew should have stopped .at Clin- Rod Co., on defendant's premises in Clinton to make umein ro still R' h ft15o with interest instead of taming W-eet 9wanne : tom 187oi Cameroon Holt and Cameron further• should have received ,n ens for pltf • Garrow and Prottdfoot for deft. The else was continued until 6 o'clock . in.. when the court adjourned until 10 e check en the THIRD MAY- -tHFRSDAT. kill hum li d lick Walker. Anactin for lent And assessment withnut [ween H..nsall d E appr at s.nue fearful'nl have inspired us with feelings of the deepest respect, the most implicit confi- dence and a friendship of the warmest character. We ask you to accept this perms ns n slight t" ked' of the esteem in which you are held, both by prevent pupas end those net immediately connected with the school, he mg [diet your thoughts SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS.' CotYTY 111' HURON. )- ley y:nue of a writ of To Wei : t Fieri Facies. Ironed out of iter Majesty's County Court of the County ofalnet the lands nd to nand te itenerllrnts ofted and John. Walker, at the %nit of David Rose. I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title. interest, and equity of ademption. of the above named defendant. John P. Wal- ker. in rind to all that portion of lot eight, in the twelfth tonee5Aium of the township of Grey in the county of lluron,lying smith of the !fiver Maitland and containing sixty nine' acre%of land, more or lees. Which lands and tenements i shall otTer for sale. at my office in the Court House. In the town of (loderich, on Saturday, the Thirty First day of Marsh. ItSSt, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. ItOBEIt heriffT lofyCo. Huron. `'h•-'11 a Office. Goderich, Ileeentber 14th. INI2. 150-itt. themselves, are questions, the solution may occasional ly revert to the happy of which will tento throw light on the I days we have spent together : and in cause of the disaster. At all events, the such thou{his we ask to he remenearea snow -plow appears to have come on s•iuth not on y as former pupils, hat Aa your ward under the impression that the maid per+wn►al friend%. trnin was still ahead, till the crash he. I Signed in behalf of the Collegiate t, n er. and refer a t r pupils. E. F. TYNDA L. money .,f the fact th stake haci 1' Jouv.•,v. ' devil jure. a a•uu•on An, IIT. : ],A.rweck we stated that the ,unset. leen m:u1e. 1e snow •M \1' E. Agues isedthem 1 I i Wada for o W. W.'.1erverws, by c Al 1 1 The blockade had ,oN. el W. 4ArveY, and the Tory floor mpna;tcr were eon -t Gtr platnnot uff, ant atgiaelute ex- i thrown all regular tram arrangements C. gess, W. Ir$tt int' (beerier, and this, doubtless, tion- ,1. tatlstsei,., T. MrIJNott.asn. ttooRisa move.( h.r and gt7dlted Inhuted in some measure to themselves o1 Si;11e,1 in behalf of the .\rti stitdet,ts. Blydwry ts. Wa'k.'e Action H1 the accident. J. ELLIorr, (1. ELu"rr. matj i'y. Mnoal and onfoes •Wadenent with-eceleste.: TKE T.., H. .t. R. TEA. K. 11. Hobs*'.. E. KOYL. got jolty. ltarepres n and • deft. not represented by a.unrl. •\ telegram from Superintendent Daw- ('• I%cur Dec. 1"-1fbt2. • i'.liet fee ] leintift, and immediate ex- sun. at the scene of the disaster pater. D7nFalsIIya. gent ive ninved 1••r and g?Ultecl- da} morning, stated that the track would -- The Brand Jury hem IMs into ('curt probably he cleared for tragic by ••nr Mr alillii><n's h ossa ran away frnttt atsii tltbtnitte i the followill` e'cl-•ok yesterday afternoon. The hands him Incda last muck. man un the auxilary vr.,rked all night putting y obtained eta in 'what we res%swnattltT. There a h. the w tea -meeting in the Reformer, tucen the track in order. tThet ere Is toChbe on a-meetin night getting thews, . i le, before a pri manager had showed b that The .inn,• for nor Lady the TIMTt"tATx t Igo t•MsT.axt It whether A deleaat.e or not, who can get K' is \C1the1 w and the hsmds \few of the pupils from one palslie his ctrde(ttials signed, will doubtless lx sweep, basions prindirg it, to the bete who Kett Peeve t o ail an► t that have ex sweeps ',nt the eltice he might 1tAce \ girth Thnrtoday the to Toronto .cud return teen any •cation n the 2nd, std and 4th of I agement of the /:,earl does net appear t,. uaanybody, g! to he eatiafied with our statement. mid January, t goo.(b -&regenurneral until the even jug of the bth-a general eienr%ion gives us to understand, unmutaktobly. Any credentials not got can no doubt be but ungrammatically, "that we 'he 1 at Toronto en the delegates agement •,1 the l:r•'•.51) have site; ed- have -owl(elee1 1t the h and every ntl.-omed is a phrase net t•• era •' oy ' would tecom f t r place of r,reme 'not pushing it, ns is USI1C v the case. welatherand mads. A subscription was taken in the Meth- th,TIOOKRINDiNO.--WEHAVIIMADI, u a slit Church on Runde m,iTttint last1 , a t rellleau IN 1.111r.)pyllylDt}/n►r g y well-known Ysa1111s ! l w ] 1 st tense should and should .1 eV ala r find that the prisoner aro that a larsrc in me 1' id foe the pmrpese i,f helping the Mettle- take aede!re far smitsei the jail and God wiz states - tenmaw- id,,w intend 1•te•atntinul themwelvew at td ah.tvs connected with it tad completed their the entrance.1 int etamrnatlon this week. lice males and one istatale--( engine* leen informed that " bete nndertos•k iron„lies heiag valiant ins*ne, a !others lip n1' ,aine%s has been almost at is •tend I' 11 net him to he Pett to healed sonthwani. pulling the plow, nd s 1 ! 1 1 to ar me l,ttic ',)tan of Clinton, twelve IN the the "speed miles down the trick, on Sunda • their h"rtes en the streets and w11 The drivers of •cur high steppingdnrinq their racing around the *foam the week. But then. of course. Itn$erieh is the ennntv'„w•'. till on account of the state of the I people are noway%on the look out for t hances to increase their carnings,and in time be- come wealthy : thoee who do _ Jnut improve their opportun- ities pportun- ities remain in poverty. We offer • great chance to make money. \'.e want men, Wo- men. boys and girls to work for u% in their ,n" , 1.0 ilitire. Anyone can do the work pro- perly re p,•rly tram the first %tart. The business will pay inure than ten tinges ordinary wages. ICI' pensive outfit furnished free. No one who en- gages fells to make money rapidly. Von can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full Infonnattnn mad all that It necessary sent free. Address STIN- 1.0N 14 Co.. Portland. Maine. IN THE HiGH COURT OF JUS- ATI('E.-CHANCLRI' DiVII4ION• Pursuant to an crier 1.1 the High Court of Justice. Chancery itivMen made In the mat- ter ,the Mate we Henry Morley. a rause aaah creditors of village Of B•111A2 wile Mid Mete eess ydpM e. pe, MSiees abil Itll the this ffhb dal.( Novo ber. A.D. theta. 14. Master at Ocdeeteh_ 1 C . CURRiE. THE PEOPLE'S AUC • TiONEER doderith.Ont. t?61. f e re uge +' syntax rem 1 ting when the pest particl- Ment a find that the pri(mners are Bad the plow been ahead when the rol- well satisfied with their tr.stitMt in the !Mien t,.nk plate the prebabilittes are number f n tom resin Murray, and Also that thee' is a rule v some house N' r) e an, pa s Aewe newt 1 t th the ezcepti••n of i the two ,tang' who, were within woo dist K enrdinefio posy otT the mart K = not ld need A Session 4 1.11 under bay. been killed or seriously iquriee.would 'n At night school sent Osler, with a In In TorMts ittl$tat s nlacel' e& and were a le t.,, sage against their a nm -eeeies tesareselsl assaetttes priesmot hart the ignoramus Wtle at sh W. wont li step rongiv p„ that Mit was they eseat+ p,s.a.,,,l straddles the R•- .,•d trioirit i • 11)rAli t•„::r W Mellott 11111 he Ilia stat Albert mit' 0111 belt ng of -so stared :omens. Lu 5011 with tl .old 'tit McI t J ked so l 'ani 15110o1 111 mly. ;,bee o1 h..ren, n hick 1 atblic cltort \. C. :t is person seems s', mu such t the fa mph Ale fa 1 ensu (;Orel Once au f. w hen tan ; co u0 'less 1 has said 1 make sante as rel was i and 1 purp cape' tend that as th mod, t wed rot t tool nae tie i ( facti the anxi cert. vale ,real mor the owls! dial whi tall this coin Ise pul who dao am $4: ha, fin Ph of be •Tc