HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 3it at - t• nd of le IMI • ing St. jig lin. :ion 181. y,4 'et • In I.e. Van I IS IIS. And e. one the Mod 1 all te• all ores Hewed and ilfid Aslant. rre•esiatb■ t• net. ti r. Irlsriaard. On the eight of the 1: h inst., the a members of the Bible c . of Knox church, Manchester, to tl.o number of over fifty, repaired to the manse and presented the Rev. Mr. Pritchard with a handsome fur overcoat valued at 142, and the following address icer. Mr. Frifrhtird : �gyLIEND AND DEAR .Sift,-lt having en erect into our hearts to give you same present as a token of our eerod will and affection, and the advent of winter -cold and stormy -having lent a suggestion to our minds, we take this •pportun(ty et presenting you with this • it overcoat, as an acknowledgment, in pert, of the pleasure and profit we, as members of your Bible class, have derived from your teaching, and as a *nark- of coufidenCe in and esteem for your Christian character. May you br lung spared to find in it a cem[artable reminder of our good will Kuu•■. Wives Away. towards you, and may dour heart be 9liiliuus of Bottles of Dr. King's New ever warmed by those truths which free, Discovery for Bottles of Dr. Coughs New nd uswe from to week yon have faithfully taught' Colds, have been given away as Trial us from the Divine word. Beetles of the large size. This enormous On behalf of theA Bible class. outlay w..uld be di.astr•us to the pro A, M. I}iN s, prietors, were it net for the rare merits 5ear\Cys ?Kam , possessed by this w•.nderful medicine. aVte. YMINGT, C 11 t Wi son•s druz store, and get a \\'yl. tl'YINUTUN. To which the rev. gentlemen made the following suitable reply : CHitlaTIAN Fairears, - I assure Neu that I cannot tind language sufficient to express my gratification in hearing your very affectionate address, and in receiv- ing from your hands this excellent token of your love, sympathy and high appreciation of "'y services I your Bible class teacher and ] cordially thank you for such a manifest- ation of your affection, and I assure yon that I (to most highly appreciate it. I appreciate it highly on a e °t„fof it coming from the young people c.rngregation, and I assure you I engage in no religiots service+ in the sanctuary in which I take a greater interest than teaching the Bible class. I appreciate'. your noble gift highly, not only on ac- count of its intrinsic value, but espe- cially on account of the ntdives which have prompted you to give it. It u . its that makes me receive Kith gladness ouch an excellent present. l thank you eta and all diseases __--- un.At sincerely' for it, and through you I abuse nd overtaxed brain, finally ending thank all he•, have rc auttef this a mite in consumption, insanityand w lemma - towards the purchase of this vtsfondaluable ture grave Sold by al druggists, or lemma - coat ; and when a ahlersewithinaits an a will be scut free on receiptf $1.00 per embrace, I will he to set at defiance ncd box,or six bo;es for $5. the biting storm the piercing wind and Ciretie', Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the raging the elemental with pleasure look the United States. Send for circalar and testim..nials of genuine cures. U eo• th out upon . elemental wRr, and"urfttr 3m suchdepth of my heart thank y Rhynes, Goderich. such s protector. May I be enabled long to wear it'in your midst. and I as- I Wno ever heard of slandering a bel cents rddional. •are you that w]uteeer pusthUn I may I t h„ ever heard of c ruDCerfeititlg >• I Remimances should be made by Post dt9ce in the church, te. think of this' 0tanMoney Order or Draft. to avoid chance of accupybad note t Slander, as a rule, the h 'I lt>rs your1 venge of a coward. It is generally Newspapers arrant to rep A s a trrrtrsr act e,f kindness and good, will onp part will be to me the source of great best people who are injured in this way i men( ecAottt the express order of HARt ex b beenebleeped ; and as the labra have BaoTHclh HARPER r r 0 IIA AR. to you in past, I sin- Free •et twist �I Address New York. blessedh maybe to teat the merit more hope and pray that they All persons wishing that will psi - - more hen w are blessed inv the future, of a great remedy- W A RN OC K and when we are done serving Christ on I lively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, I MRS • H' kin n affectwo of irHE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY Dlie. 22, 188°- r TTrL�I T1III�`1I111�111 �II� �Q Couhi,1Wv tud �eaTeodnhaving visited te es��� iCrlslis is 1 d mtnetd into the wurkirt,f .A B1G PU (Nu f3cbou , sn esa Old ut the Mtrdrl rcboi.l iu cuunectiun wit �- Geo the duties of thn Yrinciprl and other teachers, sus are •.tistfed that it dDe.r Finest Goods! Lowest PriC8SI.• • t interfere with the ordinary rolrilue et theist: 1neat prc}»rations w re;e.•• , . Iha nude g in u► l • •traction, a• we find I ---- He has a r1Ke::ctly flue line to Inc � & SON N raisins co°slatin¢ ct different re ch the sante lessons Model School teach thc he as the SO regular teachers. And further, your JAS. SAUNDE `� Committee find slut the pupils are tinder the control of the teacher duringthetiwe 1con- where '�inLam Everyth:ng New and Fresh!,' Salta>la, el GOTS AND SHOES At the • 1. lea Established Shoe Store iu Tuwn, d.less Variety In �n t, suit the nowt fastidious and the tntwiecOUomic buyer TER STOCK MY WIN ke pl0a tire in it►fcr,ping n,• custennel. that at no Vire 1s new comp'!e(e, an ducting the classes• We (:..0 nu nee any detriment can lxweibly accrue I LOOK AT THE UTEST ARRIVALS.'I aad�i al°ilCla� I; a g� Varied Stock to the school from the teaching; of Model Lar tee would scholars is cunt that with our at Prictatosu,t the t•oo;te;e,•pc N. ttarwt6h „t School l e con inued until your Cutumit- 1 111b. Plated tiOu non. ind Lcwrcre(1 the Price anti tee would beg to suggest that the Modlu 3 Cates Writing...-.Desksand Work Boles. Sats«,, be continued such time as Goods. that the Model Fiehu.,l .chi oro are I u A •_ t ),ilUsc7tll ,'i•,tta into hate 1 had enc a f Quality M t.t your Beard find it to he prejudicial the welfareToysevery ,f the 1 Case, Japanese Goods. rc' " 1 6 Cases, y rS(gutd,J 2 Parcels, Jewelery• I3 Barrels, decorated Lamps ] •fol 1 Case Musical Instruments. (;,,,,..'.,, Alp •'arse •tesortmeet et Fancy , t�. brad • 1 Cases. Vasa and Toilet Sets. t t tirl ubt•t I2 Barrels, Majolica Ware. lLoc er 1 Case, China Cups and 8nucerr. j� 1 Tom) CANNED GOODS �A1 I of GREAT PROFUSION. preaeut. 1 have raised the Standard o ,.t t!Lt.. ^te(e. a . !,• silly.) fuel that nu such value in foot wenn can be uu OUSTS _ VW-�-1-. - _mCleo, and will la. uta e up o Still rrcen'rs ui) plc w1,t :Lod Lara in the :mat approved ..hylas by first class week men, e•nil .�f the very i.ra material it:aIle. &Glassware I, oasis: ing of Tolk4Pets• Cop. and •,.i - Va ee, 8e•. I` - 1 Case, Presentation Books. will be In • vial Num, ..- ` • 8 IO"T\T IN The above goods sol 1 Adttt ,° tl a tx . ���� Tso s, regular Business IhNoldatlowestlivingPv � GOOD ith special rates to persons ua• :aid a a and try for yourself. i Trial Bottle free,getting up Christmas trees. It never fails to cure. u1 _ ___ - Of all the ills that flesh is heir to kid- I The Cheapest House Under the Sun• eunedors w is the moat dtakee Dern. Van I . eXi door to the posofmce , auffere», we can only say, rid t _ BUREN'x KIDNEY CURE at once, a obtain a relief you cannot findelsewhere. Ce• A11 Druggists have it. J. hos 1883 ■ ( e'r� �011��� ie0 el, Kar p AN ILLUSTRATED Grocery Usl has hien ►opt well up'. e .'.: ,.0 mill Save Money bBuyiny; Your Shelves and Cellars ars Full r'� FSroviSiOflS s IaT G00ijGroceriesa, FIRSrF1iLkS:her n.•,.(t. wh.c... Exchange for 01eh rich 2m: I 11 `j ■ ■ uq w T rT-t Z' . • Andra rialto• N T1 , .ring the Holiday Yemeni. AI�T ,�� 1 �' --� E. The best salts in the world V h✓\y\� Now �rlltn T., Bruises, L leers, Salt Rheum Hands, Fever Ch l- F Sores, Tetter Chapped � V V TO nlITEEN YEARS OF At: Itartae■ s . Cuts, Ie 1e• r t 'Mitt �uuat. W LLs ort I TfiS a are ' SAND GIHLi uR 1rHUY +lx 6PA6EaCITED TUYI jE 1 j blains, Corns,sand all Skin Eruptions, a re 1 j and p,rsiticaly cures Piles. It is gua►an- ur I 16&2. ' Fr..tu :Illc'+ pc, li. t,. �.•;t•. toed to five perfect satisfaction, Vol. IV. commences November 7, g Price 20 cents per T•be Y°ano People has been from the nrt+t It you want value for your money. ,(' :u money For sal eb Wilson. ly. d , V- Ev:: OLD.. ewRaisins, box. sole bV •Itaa.w«•tssMl treyon anticipation. -l• • inti }'est• it •teed-NewThousand■ bear witness to t e P _it.hasadithat, namely. oauhv cons w•ab a pap(•r errattractive. as well ae more wholesome C urr„•rttF, h (ref It has a distin. t purpose. t which lrntinK the Q� veers of the GREAT GEH i Papers for the young Coffee, Sugar, &c• five curative P' d that ` MAN 1Nry(iDRATUR, the only �-. �-^ has proved itself a specific debility, seminal weakness' q lice. --11.1 teburgh Gazette. TRMf3- ■A[irEt;•r` YSCVt: rttorLI:. . ft. 5.. Per Year Peewit Prepaid, • remedy m I3oatott Journ•1. ALLAN N LI 4 •a•r for general l elegance of cDgraring, and i i \\'ill be 1. 1d l'r,l•rtionally rbo11'• imptrtency, For neatness ' contents generally. it is unsurpassed by any iso from Belt- , pnb/lc►ti o i[ the kind yet brpught to our nu - Single Numbers. Four Cents each. Single Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three cents. The Volumes of Harpers Young /Wyle for 1t481 and 1', handsomely bound in Illum- inated ('lotb.wtll be sent to mail postage pre- paid. on receipt tpor t°f $3 00 each. Cover 1652.36 cents; Postage.t or Yorwp Y t13 WINTER ARRANGEIO1EIiT8. ! Ext earth may we all nerve Him nt is g Astl,ula, Bromchetea, or an requested topleasure 1 Store este get I Has many and patrons n1nt(ioderich and dere in glory. ion o1 `tee Throat and Ln's Dr took full possession I Wilson's Drug the sole right agILING The party then Pe call at Jas vicinity, that she has secured •Sa'ur • ]'esu Dia- Is secured t ural sell Nova -,•ottnu request of their host end Privilege to 1},err:aan. , to the .manse at. the I a Trial BottlConsumption. e of prion King's of cost, J Auatr.uD...., ...... . a d vthemwill how you h P eeA•ur)t r salting' which ra FamilY F our \•1' e SAILINGS i -- it - �2.2� per �-C�v LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL.A Full Supply ' t rinati Nu...: tly� 7 Z20r:S etC. Polynesian -from Boston, btu:,fox. L e." = yyyy�� Cornmeal, Brom 9 Polynesian -from 113x1 gal tiiieal Boston. (intDret. Hnlifex. Dee. always t�n H■wd. IttH Uhh. Halifax, Dm. bite. � / Sardinian -teem (oal Parisian-lromt�utaoret.OIIll� 1,0(ii,st '�s l'eruvn-from Bueton. I)ec. Naf;fax.1 q1.13.11111. �llljlll : n -from tBaLimorc.l n 6th 1 1 Yeruv.a Halifax. Ja Sarmatian -from Halifax, Dee. "a'rd. r w - -' Bost - Last train rs at 7, Toronto ry Thursday 'nal.- h thc s and ing, on. J 1taLtax, J ti ..d 1 . Sr,Et*MIL•LER l W. S. Hart W Co. connect mg with the steamer at llamas. (� 1 e lV 1'ILOi'ttl}:TUHS trF T11R PORTLAND AND LIVERPOOL. Goierich Mills DIRECT LINE FROM PORTLAND. -AND-, I pec. 4th. I AGRwULTURAL WORKS, ' and hostess. who used everselves y endeavor cover), for unsure what a re_ular dol- PORTLAND i t home an enjD "I wi s • DR. LUC AN' ret. ,CLEANSING & MOWING Friday .. er VIA - leave To... to make all flee a ore ° nal genies and amuse- music. m se I onto un toe preview' ell ry ut day I1' m t Pullman 1 w•io'°j• stnto 1. ar-size bottle will d° - U - i[x b rent at the •ere al i:: n• carpet -ball, table croquet, I oleey.ng cion will be attached to this tl for the menta, such as canine FwID' Having Purchased the Godcrich Foundry. etc., A bountiful repeat was There are many foolish things done in ani will be run thrombi, LI Portland mucic, am fittingthe premlace for the manufncutr furnished a by the ladies, all. which un I sylee•hove of Passengers proceeding by in. !L of (i}ILi ED 'MOW K and AbRICC1 LTC1tA i this world, and rine cf the thin fns t For removing grease and soil from anything Saturday's s run t hll leave or MEQ TS on a Lang( scale. \1'❑ YL'ory ver wicked; things is to 1 justice was done by all. The party and we may add Now we know ked ecerytbing• from the finest fabric to the A .t, ► Railway. 1 General Repairing ne leer a Cough or Cold. eo•raeet garment worn. tl 1 c d then resumed their amusements to their i' \o matter if the goods have been saturated or ••oink I u�c: that Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh,t the only man au heart's content, and after a time die-• g and Lung Trou- with oil. grease' or dirt of any kind, it can. 1 tea.et Agee.. \ d I receipts u pleasant feeling that they had spent a end all Chest, Throat,with for oiL gr asst, r made to look as goodIn. and are sure to end in new. rt cleans rill articlde without coeuae half t the late firm o d u p]e•s•nt and profitable evening, Ides, if neglected, debted ore re° s -leased with the cordial reception which h 1 ' Consumption and Death. diThey Dr. of crater. r thNo at need o send tou�cronsn or any •ur feathers cleaned an u . , The awl Trunpsot the Allan Line IMPLEMENTS will be con ,.• Drawl riaand • obbii g Heeled. AI work euaran ee . F L:�L-ets and every inforntation apply to authorise If. a it. tt. D Ruuctman a n M. ;,oda ridu to collect payments an give to o t Itancimanto tt•Co•;e° nests ll Sir»ono in ord(ngly /' they bed received from Mr. rite arc I be easily cured by using as shoed w e n :t can } Cough Drops there ed F [can tee dune for less than > i remedy AITLAND HOTEL, (;thDEI:1CH !a themaeltceacc rI ONT. • Ca»on'' Pulmonary Dug curl w .en . town. ('all at and his amiable rife. Ar t1ReEKVEK. I 8 lass house a .( iu is no yes equal to it. bottleslv e fails. 0c It the cost, in your own The above new and first -clans Hami ton st.`t Millinery urselfishme�[ �on Hamilton 8t. and ace for cot(rself. 11�lt. the Kallw•ay Station and cunrenien( to the ----�- town. is ee(rond to none in Untarfo�t J, cls ti ------- I fi old everywhere in large tort and accommodation. lr hu 1 - ■.aNa�t elle A a•a7 etMet■. -- filets Away. Phc»phatine, or Nerve emu, aPiton- \\ Element based offtlr For sale by Geo. Rhynas. LATE PIPER'S.) Beg toreturn their thanks toto urf e u itOlr•'+ theliberalto eta* they we prepared to dc year, sod to stall[[ 'ANI C� i C 1 'IL" 1 on thc shortest teethe, or for the arnvenleaee to d Krista at their town store Lot. W. 11. Hi/h.-mere,/ Masonic block. East SI. Oodcrlch. ,1>r'Higltest price paid for wheat - .S. SEEG tILLEH. I ------- ---- -I • of 1»-Iics i' ing a trtauce will exchange - l'roprtetor. Sts! ~ Catherine Nurseries, r.1 tle�Mal LER WORKS.I F1 upon ihe o cannot help noticing the liherr ' �fl on d to all New Disc and Cors 1 Facts, nem ton- • A D. of to Consumptto hate y Professor Austen, made for Con- y Formulated luted urea Ful► M. any rums Attacks, and all routing d'iseasee of the net a Medecine. 83. ER'S WEEKLY h:• r ut1.LII 1•:D IS 1681i. Air. BW VF, tATs1a, Mw111111VC WWI GODERICH ' i Iil.t frig fully tested Ie !RAVINE Croquett and Lawn and garden hours. the Premie - Hot and cold mea!• at all hotifand�a» .rte • AD Omnibus to and from boats •r. .loo. Brohman. •tan etor ff 1100RN'S EARLY & BRIGHTON Chrystal 85 Black.,„ by Dr. King's Discovery tee m sttndan( o new grape., I uuhe,ituhngl, soli .se m et a Trial Bot- ILLUgTRATED. Iprt 1 patrons to plant them. You will not M. dta- sutnptioll. lou'are requested to *x11 at -- -- - Wilson's drug store. and g aPlx,inted, MtNri:F: I3 Alttw, !„ the c wn•�ds.' Sensorial.very early hlaek imine 7 Kr' tee free of cost, if vert arc Coughs, Colds, ' T(. }1''LL MEN and SALT WELL MEN 1t has Mood thing degrees below zero unhurt. Consumption. Revere Coughs. Ha,yrr'a ll'r kIy stands at the bend . / Am- Ye -I BRIGHTON la • drarTit) re beth large nnpacttsan position in politica. its admirable -`�- BR atter AN Is sn olidParty. ipening i Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Lass of erican illustrated weekly yournals. Ivy its 13A1: 1 and very productive. tuna. int in chosen seri tnirabrt KNIGHT, PRACTICAL u bunch and Lorene-, ep t,T any affection of illaetrol ntrihuted byI IV well mull bath to any address. postpaid, on receBER and Hair-dre°.4 r. begs to re len i New BOI t trell�on shortest notice. mannfar, ( Int of f'1. ur hither far Sl. Agents wanted thanks a the continuance for fetor pat always n contid is Sha°ing Parlor. near urn • always Ul ace eloderich. Ma Post Boston, ••c , Sick Headache, Neuralgia Vertigo and N euralgu► Bot - system. Ybosp it contains no but a Nutriment, becauseewe. H. aisett Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, i It will positively 'stories sketches and p • co the Threat or Lungs. 101 the foremost artists an authors of the day, it N ticotics, and no Stimulants, hut gimp Elements euro }'e •u. I carries instruction and entertainment to thou - is I sends a American homes. ly the Phosphatic and Gartric It wife alwric be the aim of puhll•hrra found sufficient in our daily v food. A Bugle bottle -- A CURE GUARANTEED to make Harpers ti e'. the the pu a ;r sufficient to convince. oowr es & MEDICINE and attractivepeers family e'thnewspaper Cell it. flag agents for the Ikmnimon, ���F,1 IG PERIODICALS . Co.,,r sole East Toronto • HARPER'S ■e•tt•■. The t1•dtl McYe•l committee of the (.alt Tttabi HARPER'S µ 0p rBRAIN &NERVEFOO HARPER'S BAZAR RPE R,"+MAG AZINE... ....$4 00 W.Rit.` j, ems TEAR t ' • WEEKLY .04 00 HA - The THREE above publications..$10 0000 en`small named.. PEOPLE 'weed rt w e f t+t l� attendance at teaching School pupils hall on the regular Dya•Whichre} F-. ! schools, presented two re' I, er7rewn ilea slwar,fA Brain, a tweak HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQL f m' h i• Tb re Busing ,� I h members of the leer, srnWinf All kinds of Repairing executed under the D . W. BEADLE, ST. (ALT 11 I:ItI `%Live (INT. perrorsl supervision of the Proprietors who DOMINION 1 vel-arn.� $soo.00 �.oward CO SAM- p cfai Workmen COUGH BALSAM- ARE ( YaCT�• Ill the above reward for any rase of ■ 17e7 We, w Complaint. Dyspepsia, psia• Sick Headache. P.West tt t a Vcg. table I. , , to u O. Box 1Q1 1ndl•,0. Count pat or Cost :,mess wo ver }ills, esnnuaeedi sol 1: es ' The great lung rcmrd•: is also a valuable an- Then the pure ' l.Veg tns ablist e. tendo never fail* o h. N ellingiuu-st.. They are Par,', l oared Large Boxes, • The vu( Malt wad enej e Trustees. to Gr eta wed rwu4 idea.. *o Croup. ,;fie of m• y children Croon. was Public School Board t t, f what Tot() Above (Brantford. says' h alarming attack of t'rnun..aa Th Ming ro d Ft -alt I t» Vuinn its stages Any a 0 vet with an r Poell Idly' cures Nef[ OnaO the child got Klerk in the neighbor, Mrs. En yy r f,•,wat Weakness HARPER'S i AGA NZ •iI the »n to for my lratrtrfion.r`(ipAfs�.ra�e n potrrr, yprwal, f`AZINii YOUNG PEOPLE 105 til who handed ren a bottle of 'Dominion (ottih Lew -on -Agra. arorrAtra. R ,•rrwwrss Seminal It'm kwrss HARPER'S MA r had been using HARP >I10 00 T" yr wnnrhtr. nn vie LIBRARY, al Numhebers i • relief. t noon gsplay. 1 sent, for {� • bottle to keep in the houseas •htld!s life." believe it 1 Posfttjr Free to a/1 suAst+'iErr's in United the child erineWiVe l right and at ld' tet 1✓1 was the mcanr of „a. Ing mytnI 7.11 '?.i Coifs orf 1%•�ffle whom was referred the question D effect the ea Model tach system of the a ower. It ports, showing re i» HARPER'S ss of 'ARE Balsam'. u nest do+c ce emmplete f. /1(I V eYr 41 sus the E,(/elme Rrai t a*d Re- 'w Ttr*r awd t-i0to tAr F -r• that the ( in the I st"rr' •tiw r�t•fai in unison *s. (th with Cojnmittee were notI saasfrd Lt nem itt � ae•compan lett Ras der forTWEttfe willp,and our Written panie Guar or - Natter. Mr. Thos. Cuwwn'a (sport Ave dollars, antes t",,t>lnndthe remone', tee the trtatmmt it to the t'aeatut,� follows M o our Aoe• not efcin w c "AcCor1iDf1 to instructions of y Meas Medicine to the marker• drehtck no time is mentlonerd, t wi i' ]Mee grFnll particulars in our pamphlet. to tore Board, the A fairing Committee beg we devfm to mail free to •ny add I eft the Number me t after ethernreceiptc of or - Model with in their C•pir.inn, the rt man st ex of l■t fs sold fie itrus der. to report teat Scheel is rats at s• els• r bele. nt I! hoses Inc ilia. or the lout Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Yodel to de,ug in the Cm wilt be mailed per of postaKr. on receipt of the I t cloth MnA1nR will be sent by with a results tee the motto he ardre win not attended K""" divisions in � �At'ttt•s f1As;\` the various .Mates anti ('n*oda. The volumes of the Weeklybegin wit the Bret Nvmher for January o Il �, understood Weekly In ries c he express, tete of t= Tet MEMf l�E tie•• tt'imtanr. (ret., l'•n•da • pent.}xrt yi Pet or t dues soot elected D•'n11e tpmvided the finish r volume. it .t. ear {T W a. T armors.' t Ce., •sale Pr•rr etsn, I ; = - �^s htrnTatfnrA. Ontario - n '- 1:1 * O •� X% . J. C. lel a feel, .1' z -' w = e Agent for (lode' rD. • ; ; • iii 7 •l, ^ s r 4 s iiG app ., i i i a tl p Y.mum lint nl tine• (Iv1 regular we,rk in wIEMe and specific iYtsAw� the school, inasmuch as it has a disturb y cold in (:txlerlch. he J tysD 1M141c one do ar per velum Gray's 3lIeYlJltt ivwts meting influence in the Jun- all IK1Rsts everrwhrrr Goth ('stew Inc rarh volume, mian tete ' J 0 U1sUVlily ing and rtma Le r by mail postpaid.mi Departments, where it is difficult at 01er inn Dees the undivided atter- , s►' 1 BAeI ova ta'saa' •► g t secure tyrah o • hindins, sol sen ' 1 erlet of tans t•rh. rower 1111A11111 Trig ORE Cr- TIMM ' Remittances should in made falling care foe Remittal tt&Aan was. Maier ms that or - Asa. hotpot- \ racyy. and 51 Alssrit►• tttiat an tae o t/tWw•s•s► 1{10 a ,lay clear. gnawed flea we will serer you ea receipt MENS !MMM II ', Vat is that will sell readily in a t•N[TEu STAT �e tar y x e hr Past -Office arty time ei far M I �• Money Order or• t� every young 1rupiI In so fliers departmentsare c,noerned, TO AOENTB- lar. rAis a to -fere dist ucoisnott we b N'ruspn er nrr sunt fn retry gent incurs is felt f yet GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED ,newt telt tat repress under of a AN/1M eh 11M� f it incurs t` a boss of time and tistlddress the mint e( power m the I if you are mit of empl oy ntent and •� yew Ynrk. � Addnw HARPER Q BROTH Will.f+n loosen We alto en can snake' bu lesbob the revile. tttacherw.ee tait want to start in a business y d k n hove so ave that while) we tin the from La tee •1W we comer these risk ••f lose, 1 hear testimony calk of !Swotnot Rs- rt i chance Ot �I A wavy. An un - we anheMtsttng y .d i1I, It splashsod somhat owl courteous bear I If tFe Ag ants fails to til ce w*v'ee�rr ban [esu dogs forfA Ew YORK Aft wet- leO ing d ))his Teachers. and to Item *Mee gr $2 in tour days , they can .cables 1'a•asirt• L&USOWtortt Ttoktsrs. agora to secure all the loin• \orn all uld to us, and we wll re- 1 /•aMn. HM- t teac'0whir in the diRerent n,res turn them their money, can anything i e Pair/ewe aeroasmerd•tte■s wasEeelled. ebb puss+ We take all risk of loss, and the ALL 14TATEROOnn MI Math UWE. reaching. fairer 1re tweaked at toweet roseate er trek jAtgnerl, Chairman." Agent gets started in a business •that will i �rnwj Italy. Norway. ttrreae■ De■tsartt porta ta,dbComex, he nttanende and pay htrn► -1• le. Jos. -00 w year. Ladies can do as well u PM Rept and tad h fr Messrs. i, Fol Book or -Tours In 9cotisnA.' R t! ret r•ewt Godfrey was as II We went an Agent to every dt, apply to ursi nicotian ''R • Address New York. • ,.ph Willson George RNtJCY }1,.mtriM Pt tsltiews 6 .M .nate art one of rage would httErd. .. on Visiting RemmettM ANCHOR LINE Ea to aad from sin. him to the tr. kl o and from eo Full particnlare free . [ tormg M No 1 count t' 114 Smith- 0r o MRa it W A eaetleb sc Lt *nu ta! le$ Rtr.•et Pittsburgh Pa �s ting t„ ,a•/ to twwiarty oNstttte srsvt. ,wppblte which we 11s11 tw all tryterint lis pay asks M all A w't� e� /Mlrsde��sttTett;or will �e� by mai rtasiRi vag AY 1.111gI'INP ('O.. Toro*1^ L Seta in Uoderieh by J. W liven- - cocesattnts.9tun. Sugar containing 31 I'.Ila, ra rents. For Malo by al Druggists. Its ware of connterfei.a and imita- tion... The (mine manufactured only bt JOHN C. ct'F.ST Sr t'O . "The 1'111 Make», a1 and a.1 King st. F:axt. Toronto. trot. Free trial package sent by mall prepal 1 on receipt of • 3 .-r MrM N W ILM•V A 0111 ti MTOSL ' F Thi r t - w t: I. z r. 2, --e 1►■ k. C. erre Aattt• attr ItR.tIN TREAT 3 ,�• E. a!,, a i*T. • ,rat•r•■tI ed Kr .. . or let N its steeds: e'r P' e ! - + 7' T ' a shoes, t •esvelalewa, tits. 'commie * '1 • . • R' Ht+d•cbt. N frN� Prue -fret n tadaaA the _ _ - use d al.rouesw::M• wRlriwt•1M. sol• e- Q. t` r ' a •` .. ,. i tat tteprewlos.Osislmittt (4.11d iw■la.••'eak+ >• 7 ens In Inanity Inn kook nm to m+fsaa! a e ► fC • sad death. rhe0Mle ill., Are at 3 s Jr .. 7. , $ 1 1,owanrPe..erpi„istatreex.i.;,oatarf •t'•s L -1 �° ^ G _ 3 and Rptrmw• ,ret alis. Men• d h, trvwt• [, ItoM tet the brain, sett-al•ese or weer , el:'er►w^e /7- " jt _ (manes mitt ver! -roost ea a 0. Itarto to. 7 ; 7 7; idsb S1h a lewMwtvi tMle is n• ,, Mr five Awfl.r rr•byr r` 7 2 a iz e■ allele a new" . Vie moat*: flan 1 a s e " ;�kii •r ho=es M ten wry rye. .t .*• * c . `1 !, by M Der siz INata, s. • n I ea. rte fs 3 St ti a 0 we vett wiwd 1 oa•• 1 da' ^ a'� before n• n••/ cewtal l Z stg I.7a► A. •-•. ne• tR: , t w . t o. •, $ea.itrVTe�1tb.1 It w �1 �1 T' sled.. 1 Y a •i y el M+, c 11• (o. , a •itet•1f• t lb.. Ater a 1l Nt.e •oa • 5 } i • week tows Tenni a in Tour own .• 61111 ostdt free. Address et get tree st }rattLttA Male,