The Huron Signal, 1882-12-22, Page 1THIRTY FI1RH YEAR.
New Advsr$Memeass.
For dale. --E. Campion.
Rest Not. -Hallett R Co.
$72 a Week. -True k Co.
In Front. -.Abraham Smith.
Hardware. --John A. Nolte..
Holiday Preeenu.-C. Crabb.
Conundrum Solved. - 3. Boo'
For Sale -- W 111 lam McCaig.
Wise People. -Stinson & Co
Terrier Lost. -John De•oon.
Saw -Logs Wanted -John Suable.
Lancaster Estate. -Seager tt liselea.
sherti's Sale of lands.- R. gilik ms.
Christmas and New Years. -J. W. em14b.
To the Electors of Oodate:a-Samuel Platt
To the Electors of Ooderi h -Morahan Smith.
Erectors of St. Darid's It-ord.-John Scottie.
Electors, of est. Andrew's Ward.-L'bas. !lager
Electors of St David's Ward. -C. A. Humber.
•11.TIST.O nu
a three deers bM ew Baak of Montreal. Oode-
Joh 1711 ■
She People's Column.
Dec, 114. a Ugkt-colored terrier was loaf.
Any person giving information leading to its
recoverryy will be suitably rewarded by JOHN
DEACON. 1370.
t) Good Cutter. Apply at thin aloe.
Mr, . Nolan 06srs f0{ Dag 151 LQ Rigs
ProPert7le.:te town of ouderu lot 177
'l east half of lot 1T5,and the wet half of lo(
115. There is • story and • halt frame boom r
good repair, 12 roam and kitchen, good stows
oetlar. hard and soft water. Terms asasqy. For
further particulars apply to E. CAMPION,
Solicitor. Goderich. 1070-3nt.
The dairying premises lonpsb►t of stabling
30 head of (tartlet and the business carried on
for the past tw.D*j-Ave yeas by es, will
be sold on reasonable terms. ea I have deter-
etermined to emigrate to Dakota when • num-
ber ot my relative now reeidie. The husi-
ne.e is a large one. and Is the hands of •
pushing person. will prove timetable.
18713t WILLIAM i0. AIG. Milkman.
J --
Offers to ppnrehae the twe Moat brick res-
idenoe on IJght House muck tidarioh. and
also the IN ry property oa Let street be-
longing to this estate. will be received for
ten clays from date, after which time the pro-
perty will be withdrawn. as the representa-
tires of the estate are about returning to Eng-
land. Apply to ttEAGER te MORTON. Bar-
rUters, Goderich.
°alerteh. December $Jth, 131X.'.
hereby given that all parties indebted to
the underafgaeI by note or bock account are
requested to settle the saute at ooce and there-
by save an enforced osllection. 1 mean busi-
ness. ABRAHAM SMITH. 1892-
76. corner of Victoria and East atreta, in
he towu of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be
zchanged for farm p: ,,arty. For particulars
pply to Jas. Smartt. Architect. ogioe Crabb'e
Block or J. C. CURRIE. auctioneer.
8trayeb Animate. • NEWS ABOUT HOME.
et{ ber, about We 710th of November
Sve of cattle Doe seer old. The owner le
ran d to prove Dropart MA TON. , and
tri a away. rope UALTON lot 12.
Lake Range, Aandeld. 15e0 -4t.
iSES of the subscriber, lot e, con. 6, E. D.
Colborne about the middle of September •
Mow and halter coming two years old, the
Is white. Any portion shins inforasa-
to their recovery will be reward -
owner. JAMES JUWLEI- 111541.
"A chiefs omens ye. table' Dotal,
Aa' faith he'll preut 1t."
ot subscriber. lot 10, con. 4, Guderich
township, two yearlings tone heifer and a
steers, the heifer heing red with • white spot
un face and the suer being of a light roan
oolort. Anyinformatilead1ng to their
recover wll on be suitably rewarded bJJ the
owner, W. 11. HISCHA. 1J tt.
the premises of the subscriber, lot 6, Iat
00a. Ashpe/d, about the beginning of Novem-
ber, a red bull. twining two years old. with
rather heavy horns. Any information leading
to his recovery will be suitably rewarded.
1.819-2t. Shepperdton, P.O.
Subsartber about the 5th of December.
A young cow, Durham grey color. with short
tad. The owner is requested to prove proper-
ty,pa charges and take it awey. CHAS.
B AKE. lot 192 Huron Road.
premise of the subscriber. lot 7. Lake
toad weal. alma the beginning of August a
two year old heifer, dark red head and shoul-
ders, bedy grey with red &pais, and bole to
rtgkt ear. The owner le requested is prove
property, pay expenses and take the as+ya:
l -rt. - Dunlop. P.O.
the premises of the subscriber or or
about the 1st October, 1352, one steer nearly intends opening out at Porten' Hill. We
black, one spotted steer, one spotted heifer, wish him success.
all Doming two years old. Ownerppeeis requested
e�prove prope:ty, 57JOiiei a s, an take
Misa"Fannie 1\'illianos Inas icturii«,i
way. from London, to spend the Xuh.ts tr-
IIiAds. 6t, > elms, I Catton at home.
TOWN ?O1105.
O. C. Robertson. East -.t. is giv tug wreak bar-
gains Mall kinds of Christmas goods. Beau-
tiful oil chromo pictnrcs trained in walnut
alae 22 z 30 for $i. (tech.
I now have my nert store formerly occupied
by Mr. Campbell. tWed with • variety of
stoves which 1 shall sell cheap for Dash. Just
revolved a oar load of oe.-G. N. DAvm.
11 yott want your friends to thoroughly_ 1117-
omelet. you when you make your New ears
call, bring • series of photos by Sallow'e with
you, and place • lUNllke picture of yourself
in each of their albums,
"One of the attest photographs 1 ever saw,"
was the remark made with reference to a pic-
ture lately turned out at Johnston's Gallery.
The same remark would also apply admirably,
to some very else frame jurat received, at the
Arlt prise gallery. Otto. B. Robson. Manager
Isn't this "January thaw" a little "too
previous "1
Mr. Samuel Papst has returned from
Michigan, U. 8.
Mr. R. Rich, who has been -at Quebec,
for several months, has returned.
Mr. John McGillivray who has been
very ill of fever is progressing favorably.
Mr. and Mn. Ramsay, of Detroit,
are visiting their sitser, Mrs.D. A. Fraser.
MisaMCMahou will sever her connec-
tion with St. David's Wand school to -day.
Capt. Albert Sheppard has returned
home atter his seasons sailing on the
Mia M. Watson, daughter of Mr.
Alex. Wataun, florist, has been ill fur
some time.
The tender of Mr. James Lurie, for The county and public accounts will
su plying the periodicals to the Meehan- be audited at the uttice of the Clerk .of
i e Institute for 1883, was accepted by the Peace on the 3rd of Jan., at 2 p. n..
the Directors. w The Clinton ..1",u• Er,t says • "One
Mr. Frank Laxresce, tat (lodertch, day last week a young nun from town
District Deputy, will install the newly left for Goderich on purpose to see his
elected officers of the Clinton lodge of adored one ; it appears he got blockaded
Oddfelluws, on Tuesday after ne zt. ani had to call at a farm house and stay
The selectors of jurors for 1883 for the three days ; on his arrival back the boys
county of Huron, will meet for the have been running on him pretty stiff."
transaction of business at the Clerk of CHRISTMAt CAKE/I.-The time of the
the Peace's office at 2 p. m. on Jan. 29. festive Christmas -Cake is at hand. Mr.
Last week the stages between (lode-
J. W Smith, of the Kingston Street
rich and Lucknow and Goderich and Bakery, has our thanks fol a choice
Kincardine had a hard time getting specimen
of toothsome
o theted wiehfruit cake, ele-
through on sevens! occasions "Jim" in ic•inq. Mr. Smith is a tint -cls
Mullen says "uta a hard bit of roaddown. baker, ie full of who and makes it his
about the Nile, when a blizzard comes
buaiasa to satisfy his customers. A
viait to his shop during the next few
A nut social in aid of the poor of the days will be in the interests of all con -
town will be held in the basement of corned in choice Christmas confection -
the North Street Methodist church to- cry.
night (Friday). The bill of fare con -
sub of various kinds of nuts. A good Our friends will oblige us by sending
programme of literary, vocal and instru- in a list of visitors in town during the
mental music. Admission 15 cents. holidays. and also any items of a local
Mr. R. S. Miller is canvassing the nature which they think will add to the
townships for new subscribers to TiHinterest of the paper. The' ubiquity of
SIGNAL. Any perion who now borrows the news reporter is proverbial, but we
this paper can get a receipt for a year by cannot get all the news unaided. As
paying Mr. Miller the subscription price the old Scotch elder said, when reproved
of the paper. Our circulation is con- fur not attendingpn}•ar •meeting when
tinually increasing. he had already been devoting his time to
other church work : "I'm no ampheebi-
We regret to announce the death of ous, ye ken ; I canna be in twa places at
Ruth, the youngest dauvhter of Mr. Geo. once." Send of news, and we will put
Cox of this paper, who fell asleep on it into shape for'puhlication.
Saturday morning last at the early ageuf 1'aa RIGHT YJ .o L. --Ufteutlmes it
18 years She was a young lady much happens that a person's mind, may get
esteemed for ba quiet deportment and contused as to the right place to go for a
specific article 9griee of article* and
one would feel obliged to a friend who
would indicate where the best value for
the money could be had. It is to fill a
need ot that kind that this item is writ-
ten. At Christina. time it is customary
to purchase choice liquors for :ulinary
and other purposes, and if any of our
friends wuuld like to know where the
best quality of wines, bandy, whiskey,
gin, ale or porter can be obtained, W. L
Horton's, corner of South st. and Square
is the spot. ad.
lowing paragraph from an eichange
'might apply here, for parties have sat at
the Council Board who had not the nec•
awry property qualification, and con-
sequently the acts of such council were
illegal, though no one cared to take any
action in the matter. "The law requir-
ing candidates fur municipal offices to bo
possessed of property qualification ac-
cording to the office to whiehthey aspire,'
over and above all incumbrances, should
not be allowed to remain a dead letter
upon the statute books. Now that the
municipal elections are once more ap-
proaching it would be well to organize a
citizens'comnsittee,irrespective of politics,
to scrutinize the Qualifications of candi-
dates and notify any who fail to come up
to the standard required by the etatute,
that in the event of their offering at the
polls steps will be taken to void their
WILL REMIT S oN.-tiheeritw words,
these, says the Cincinnati Sofro -fay
Night. The editor sits in the sanctum ;
he has$92.83 to pay to -day, and hegatti-
ered together $2.83, and he needs but
$99 more. Letter after letter is opened,
and he finds a wonderful unaninnity of
sentiment on the part of his debtors -a
kindly feeling, a disposition to remit
soon. Any wonder that the unbidden
tears of gratitude well up, that his heart
is softened, his soul lifted up, as he
considers this uniform kindness 1 Yes,
they will remit soon, and the next time
the editor duns then. they will remit
soon, and if he tackles them again they
will retnit soon. These fellows who say
they will remit apparently have a con-
fused notion as to the escaping of the
word, undefined idea that settles it. We
want • man to say he will pay, or settle,
or whack up, or come to time, and then
we feel that we have some show ofrealiz-
ing ; but experience has taught us that tr,
depend upon the average rent man is :
"Dropping buekeu Into empty well.,
And growing old In drawing nothing up.
ver'}/good attendance at Knox Church
socal and lecture in aid of the S. S.
fund on Tuesday eveniug last. Rev.
Dr. fire presided in his own happy fash-
ion, and after refreshments had been
served, he called upon the superinten-
dent to read the report. This showed
that the average attendance during the
year was 242, not including the flourish-
ing bible elms of young men and young
women taught in the main body of the
church during the school hour. The
attendance of the entire school ranges
from 275 10 333. The lecture by Rev.
John Wakefield was a treat. 1n an in-
formal manner, but in a way full ,of in-
terest, he described • t days run
through Belgium. in rmacinatios he ear-
ned his audience with him minim the
Berman Ocean, up the Scheldt, steppe
gentleness of heart. Her funeral on
Mr. Horace Newton late of the Square• Monday afternoon was very largely at-
of the subscriber, about the middle of
October, • large steer. marked at that time
between the pin bone and rump, the hair be-
ing cut u two places. Any information lead -
Ing to its reoovery will be suitably rewarded.
ROBERT McLEAN. butcher. Goderich.
ISES of the subecribtr, lot 21, con. 2,
Weds Wawanosh, about the 4th of October.
a two-year-old heifer. The owner Is request-
ed to prove property pay ez enses and take
the animal away„ A. ROSE,
1507il. Auburn. 1'. O.
Nov. 30, 1882.
residence. corner Brittania road and Mc-
Donald street opposite the High School, with
two lots. The house is In good repair with
carriage hoose and stable and other out
buildings. Tho garden Is well stocked with
fruit trees, grape vines, shrubery, &a.
For terms apply to Davison .t Johnston,
Sealed tenders will he receives; by the un-
dersigned until Saturday. the Mrd Deoember
nett. for the following Gaol supplies, for the
ensuing year, to be delivered at the Gaol as re-
quired. vis : 100 cords of green wood, broad.
beef, oatmeal, barley. potatoes, onions, masa-
oles-Ses, candles, soap. eoaloil, lampglasses, lamp -
wicks. pails, brooms, sorubbing brushes,
stovebrushes, and etovebleckbg. Security
will be required fpr the completion of tho con-
t ract. PETER ADAMSON,County Clerk.
Loans dna insurance.
lend on easy teens in sums to suit bor-
rowers. ALEX. McD ALLAN.
Goderich. Nov, 17th 1361 1813 -Int.
fah. 1730.
fa75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES -
S -
9�YP TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE, Goderich. 1751
'UV on good Farm or first-class Town Property
•t 8 per Dent. AWAY to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
.1 -1 counts due Lewis J. Treble must be
paid at once, as 1 intend doing a strictly cash
business. Eight per amt per annum will be
charged on all overdue accounts Cash cus-
tomers eau get good hone -doing a•od general
blaok.mithing done at ,favorable terms b
giving me a call. Stand near the gaol. L. 3.
TRERLE. 1357,
.iV Having� completed her studies in music
under Prof. Si pi of London, and having re-
ceived s certificate. is now prepared to re-
ceive • limited number of pupils for Plano
Instruction. Mime Seegmiller is also prepared
to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Saustac-
tloa in every case guaranteed. Residence.
corner Cambria Road and Newgate Street.
Ill amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64per
cent. Private funds. Apply to Seams and
MORTON. Oodertoh.
amount of Private Funds for investment
it lowest retro on first-class Mortgages. Apply
I Money to lend at lowest rates, free 'of
any ooeu or charges. SEAOER & MORTON.
opppoossite Colborne Hotel.
(loderich. 23rd March 1381. 1779.
landed Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Farm security, at six per
cent Full particulars given upon application
to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Goderich.
on Farm and Town Property at lowest In-
terest. Mdrtgoges purchased. no Commission
charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain mine in oneday
H title Is satisfactory. DAVISON est JOAN
9TON. Berrleters. De.. Goderich. 1751
Mia Maggie Wilkinson who has hoen
in Toronto for some time, returned on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Tom Dancy, jr., who has been
"plowing the raging twin" during the
summer, is wintering in town.
Do not forget the Christmas Bust W
be held in the M. E. church this even-
ing. Admission lbc.; children bc.
On Monday last John Brohmann, of
the Maitland House, was fined $20 and
costs for selling liquor on Sunday.
Mr. Fred. Macdonald, who has been
spending a term at Trinity College, Tor-
onto, has returned home fou the holi-
days. t
Mr. John Doyle, son of Mr. James
Doyle, express man, has retired from a
seafaring life and is in the R. R. employ,
Bay City.
. Lite and Accident insurance Agent.
Rfpresenttng first-class Companies. Aleo agent
Money to lend nn Mortgage. either in Town m
Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow-
er. Offoe-4upetairs) Ray's block Ondericb.
Valuable Property known as the Shop
partial Store gad ppeosstt Otho.. with quarter of
w eel, eti l•at, Y sewed for sale or to rent.
Meek le Meso all mew and fresh this year. The
ereeeeMer hog ether huslaess which will re-
�m Also the went halt of
ifs I sss. D.AAnklet&:�� ��1.$agldMm; Iwr�t�eewe peel,•
gmNottiaY le dMI acres ani all Ole Mae helms. The let w*les ^ -
HAAYW SbelpaaVer 6tna P.O.
tealan ddeess : T.
17 C. M.. Physician. Margeoe, Ameacheur,
elte. Moe reebleiess, Moto street, Au -
IAN. SURGEON, Ortamite of Tor
onto Later tato ef the Royal Col -
=Me Hotel. Hamilton stree/ake-
A great number of persona, from Sea -
forth and other towns, came toattendthe
religious services in the Gaelic Church on
Sunday last.
Capt. McLeod, who left some timeago
for southern California, for the benefit of
his health, writes hdn.e, that he has un-
proved very much.
The wreck of the schooner Malta
which went ashore at Bayfit.ld ens sold
to Mr. Lee, of Goderich, for the sun of
$500, on Tuesday of last week.
Mr. James Cox, Goderich Tp, has been
quite ill at the residence of his son-in-law
Mr. Geo. Campbell. Stanley St., but re-
covered sufficiently to be taken home.
HYMENEAL.- We offer our co ueratula-
tions to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Miller,
who were married on the 19th inst.
They are at present the guest of Capt. J.
li Milltr.
Rev. Jeffrey Hill's lecture in St.
George's church school room on Thurs-
day evening butt was accounted a very
entertaining and able effort by those
who heard it.
Our issue of last week has ruts out,
and we would be obliged to any of our
subscribers who will return us a copy of
THE SIGNAL of that issue, needed for
office purposes.
The Lindsay Pug and Woodstock
,Sinal-Reriew have each issued a
handsome Cbristmas number. Both of
thew papers are a credit to the towns in
which they are published, and the "get
up" of the Christmas numbers bespeak
brains, push and enterprise.
Mr, John A. Cox, of Chicago, son of
Mr. Geo. Cox of this office, was on the
train which collided with a snow plow
near Hen•all on Thursday last. He was
slightly cut about the head and face,
and arrived home after • long cutter
drive through heavy snow drifts bearing
as • sign of his accident a number of
pieces of sticking plaster on his face.
THE FISE Jt'EILEE Siltonaa.-Thu ex-
cellent company of professional singers
will give one of their entertainments in
the North street Methodist church next
Thursday evening, Dec. 28th. The
Fiske stagers are world-renowned, and
we have every reaum to believe that a
large - audience will greet them when
they appear. Don't forget the date
fixed for their appearance is the 28th,
and the place is the North street Metho-
dist church.
evening (Christmas Eve) the Christmas
cantata " Immanuel " will bo given in
the North Street Methodist church.
This' consists of anthems by the choir
relating to the prophecy regarding the
advent of the Saviour, , together with
suitable recitatione of scripture, and a
short sermon by Rev. Mr. Cousins, of
Brussels. I'he cantata is by that well-
known composer, Doane.
BURST HER FLUER.-On Tuesday, the
early morning train on the Trunk left
Godorich in time, and passengets waiting
at Clinton station wondered why the
train did not arrive here, at 6.10, as no
tidings could be got of ikuntil 8.30, when
Conductor McKnight walked into the
building and informed them that his en-
gine had bunt her flues near Holmeaville
and was not able to move, ho having left
hit passengers and walked in. The pas-
sengers had to Wait until 9 o'clock, when
Conductor Crawford's train brought them
CH.t\uE of B'Uareess. -As will be seen
by advertisement the business forntbrly
carried on by Mr. G. H. Parasols has
been pnrchtsed by Mr. John A. Naftel
Mr. E. Honker, late of Brandon, left at a low rate on the dollar. Thiswillena-
Goderichon Monday last taking with hlo Mr. Naftel to give his customers
him to his new home his daughter the benefit of a reduction i.. prices on
Nellie and Mn. Matheson his mother- all goods now in store. The business
legal. in-law by his tint marriage. will be under the management of Mr.
John Payne, an experienced hardware -
mar., and we bespeak for Mr. Naftol a
fair share of patronage in the hardware
CRraTMA' Sgnvrcie. --- The evening
service in Knox Church on Sunday next
Mr. Philip Holt, of the firm of Creme- (Christmas Eve will ben peculiarly in -
nm, Holt & Cameron, presided at the teresting one. It will be especially for
Seaforth Division Court on Saturday children, although both young and old
last, in the absence of Judge Toms, who• will find it pleasing and instructive,
was engaged at the Quarter tsesalons. Christmas 53 inns will he sung by the
The Masonic bodies of the town in- children, and brief addresses bearing
D tend celebrating the festival of 8t. ,John upon the birth of the Holy Child will
D. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND with their annual supper and Monty b'' given loy the pastors of the church
Attorney. Solicitor in Ckancery. Re., entertainment in the Albion H„tel, on and the superintendent. With so sweet
Go doMcb Ont. 1751. a theme. the Mrvwe Withcannot fell to lie
- -- - -- - - - the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 27th. I,
EA(fER n< MORTON, B A R R I S• I l tinelit and interesting.
C. UATi$S, g')LJUIro)R tea,
Jai ()Mos corner of the square and West
stret, Goderich,over Rntler's bookstore.
money to lent at lowest rates of interest
°Moe in the Court House. Gesierich.
Reese Wasik second door wire% ofiles"issia
RMITIIRS. Attorneys. Solicitors. etc
Gavotte. J. T. °arrow, W. Prommoet. 176
GErrrwn MORE POPULAR. -The Fisk
Jubilee Singers gave a concert in Paris
on Tuesday evening last, when over 200
were turned away, unable to get in'o the
hall. Secure your seats early.
l hrtMmas Van tattle Mew.
The Christmas fat cattle show, held
on the Goderich market on Wednesday
last, was one of the beat ever held here.
The display in every class was unusually
large, and the quality of the exhibits was
very tine. An excellent fat cow was
shown by Mr. Robt, McLean, which was
raised and fatted by Registrar Dickson
on his gold medal farm in Tuckersniith.
A fat steer raised by Mr. Aiex. Broad
foot, of Tuokerseath, was also shown by
Mr. McLean, together with a hog raised
by Mr. Willett Potter of Colborne.
Messrs Sprung,Govier, Fear and others
also exhibited together with Mean. W.
McLean and S. Andrews. Mr. Fear
claimed that the judges tuade an error
1n affixing a wren* card on a ver; tine
turkey shown by him, but with this ex
ception the awards seethed to give gene-
ral satisfaction.
It was recommended to the dtrectora
that an arrangement be come to so that
the fat cattle faire at Christmas time be
'held on the same day by all the agricul
tural societies throughout the county, so
that exhibitors be hindered from mak-
ing a tour with the same exhibits to the
different fain. The following is the
Fat Steer--lst Win. McLean, 2.1 R.
McLean, 3d Wm. McLean.
Sheep 1st S. Andrews, 2d and 3rd
W. McLean.
Fat Heifer -3d S. Andrews.
Fat Cow -1st Robt. McLean, 2d S.
Turkeys -John Govier 1st and 2d, 3d
Thoa. Fear,
ilog7lst S. Andrews, 2d Jahn Go -
vier, 3d Robt. McLean.
Goose -1st P. Carroll, 2d Thos. Fear,
3d Albert Philip;
4phn Govier, 2d Win.
Swaffield, 3d Thos. Fear.
Ducks -Thos. Fear 1st and 2d, Albert
Philips 3d.
Crook of Butter -Lt John Govier, 2d
Wm. Swaffield, 3d John (levier.
Table Butter -1st Jas. O. Stewart, 2d
and 3d John Govier.
*chisel Beard.
Adjourned sheeting on last Monday
night. Present, Chairman Crabb, and
Cat,telon, Ferguson, Ball, Butler and
After some objection by Mr. Swanson,
the minute+ were declared correct.
Communication from Jessie McKen
zie, Stratford. In answer to inquiry of
Clerk, she 'listed that she had 2nd
cleat professional certificate and enclos-
ed testimonials.
Also from same, accepting appoint-
ment as principal in St. David's Ward
school, Miss McMahon retiring.
SIO:QAL account for $1 ordered to he
paid ; and statement that Star account
for printing examination papers, $4.40,
as per tender, had been paid.
Butler produced estimate of wood re-
quired fur the ensuing year. 100 cords
will he wanted, and the Clerk was au-
thorized to advertise for tenders for
supply of sante.
Ferguson inquired into the nature of
Principal Miller's application.
The chairman explained that as the
County and Government grant to the
Model School had been increased $100,
Mr. Miller askedto have that additions.'
amount voted to him. His salary has
been $200.
Ferguson said there were extra duties
imposed on Mr. Miller, and he should
receive the extra grant.
Mr. Miller explained the extra duties;
he had to teach 13 weeks in the year as
against 8 formerly; had to deliver four
lectures of one hour each, in each week
of those 13. The time required to get
up these lectures would be much greater
than in delivery, so that he thought for
the time devoted to Model School busi-
note, the whole grant of $300 was not
too much. Moreover, he claimed tho
additional $100 as his by right. ,.The
town was getting book $105 thin year
from pupils attending the Model School.
Swanson was opposedtoModel Schools
as expensive without practical results.
Ferguson moved that Principal Miller
receive the extra grant of $190, for the
extra services imposed on hint as Model
School teacher. For want of a seconder
it was not voted on.
Swanson moved, moon
by Butler,
that nominations for trustees take place
in Central School, and that the Clerk be
Returning office. If poll is demanded,
D. Gordon's shop be the polling place
for 8t. George's, and the Ward schools
in the other three wards. Returning
officers to be same as for municipal elec-
tions. and remuneration same. -Carried.
and Wineass.. .1 mong the names of the ladies Sun* (simnel! rainy On RA Every at Antwerp, haltini before the gran
C. Rawer Jr., Goderieb. 1. A. Morton. Wlog ing the chorus if the Winnipeg Oratorio
ham. It'll. society wo nheorve that of mre. Ft. miliablished local new=r receives sub- paintings of Flattens and Vandyse, and
f I h. h slowing these mastespiecea Itis to Kew -
eels. with ite mentense lace iatioriest, its
Imam public mszket, and then to the
Gehl of Waterloo, the wens of that great-
est of modern battles, where the Brit
ish arms molested by the Oernian allies
crushed forever 'he pewee ef Napoleon.
The lecturer spoke for In hour, -but st
the close the anthems* seemed as fresh as
when the speaker began. A quartette led
by Kr. 0. R Rnlison furntehed some
choice mimic during the evening. Solos
were nicely rendered by Mimes Smeeth,
°LAMM IN, HOLT & CAMERON, Hisik. foretell), of Gioderich. There aro I
the publishers, ben whisk the New York
1..../ ilserteterri,___Settettors in Choweirry. Rik several m tactical ladies and gentlemen r,..,. wady .066.4 . /ono., A
c,,,3nd; per'''. Haott 'idyl.= larneyoa. II. 4017=1141; I . frees Goderich in Winnipeg. wholet al* seserehent el die @Sy who hes
Metiers, Wingtham. NM. We ai• sorry t• chronicle the death of hpeorne rich as Ho eggikeaws *aye, that
I-N.--S-UR.A--NC-E-CARD.-- ---- Mies Maud, rieita.mi eldeat daughter iif when he sells a bat ef good.' on credit,
,,,,r siitesmesi townsman Mr. T. Wealh- he immediately ersieserthes for the lecol
mid. Although ailing for some time, ' paper of his debtor. So long as hie cue-
1111RITIMK A148. COIN Townie -re -Establish. MD liggieets results were feared mita the i tomer advertises liberally arid vigorously
ice eteillen atteek the day previous to her be rested, hot es fools as ho began en
H AR • of lista:vont. Conn i fiervimse will he held inSt. Peter's' and ' the fact as evidence that there was
St Geortrae Chu-Th.4 on Christens& trouble ahead, and invariably went f, r
tnu'vrgank. Leeinsow. item to matinees* CX tratt-rott. day. The Mamma at St Peter's' will Ds thn debtor. Said he : The nine is I anti .1. Fergu.iti, and Mr. Mmery tv,ah.
ty. Guam Rim:1;4m
&morel Maas (low) immediately after, too poor to do slimes.-
- The with- ed the vocalisti on the organ. Oyer $50
lgos Fleck. 1101. twir ter the a% Grand masa am 6,30 a. pt. toa poor to snake lit hum/less known, is well. Kies Nettiefisegmiller seemnpani-
Laltli SOLO, -W Cis* has a .Id the
lot he a short time ago nurchased of Mr.
Paieley, oonsistingof the wen part of lot
30. Illth eon., of Goderieh township, 40
mew. to mr. sq. Kelley. of Clinton, for
the sum of $3,100.
ITIP..0•14 C,OUP1,44/41. to bean en gest-el/um security, rom and High Mass at the usual hour drawal of an advertisement is setilessee wets taken in at the door and the amount
On Tenaltay the loth Ins/ Mand Nt floe,"
Nines aartilliThannon eraidesee near the e sell per Cent. --Chttryreth moderate.
001 newtor," e lin .1* V,A,./ I r• Haim_ OR ACK IIARWIN o.„Ln Sit.ndays, 1.07.10 s. re Vesper. end i of weaknewe that businees twee ars sot cleared hy ths Rinybkv echwot win 1,,
i" Mug
la tioderirh. on the DM . Coe wife of
Ube*. Payne of • Alatsghte,
Sasso Miller. 0.T. R. engineer. of a son.
Oft thelleth hut. at the rasIdeftee et the
Wrb.liteletmrd minor t• mete ATM* !talk nid.
both et Oetterielt Tewaelity.
Ruth turista, yeengeet eisatibter •• Mr.
George rex, hoed le year.