The Huron Signal, 1882-12-08, Page 4iltit4tl r ems.. aw• ,m..
1. puWishtpd Frtd y M /u b Mc
Princess Louise will spend the
every • u a y touter au Mouth('olunaba& The
0;1.1mm:enx tintsM
at their ice, kortktltGoverner General will net return to.Alt
' • tet. -[
I n us t . . OOfZR1CH, ONTARIO. taws until the mNithdla of January. The
And is despatched to ►11 parte of the surround
lug °Quincy- b7 the ertrlieet mails and trains.
oilleoqg Rhea ayrpr deers
t I , any *acs r to tits part
uptry, one of t, s r•ast, newsleet
o most deb c )uuhakrUto Oona
OS r, Ma (bre-goingst
,and being In addition toibe above, a tint -elm.
'smile and ureide paperIt t• therefore a
most desirable udrerttsiwp median.
Tanana. --$1.50 in advnoe poNage pre -paid
pubti 11.73, tt Id hof mitt [.Orbs
00 it not Po paid. 7!!r rule w01 be strictly
Raras Or ADvkITlstxo.-Eight cents pc
toe for first insertion; three Dents per line for
each subsequent Insertion. Yearly, halt -yearly
and quarterly twntract$ at reduced rates.
JOB FAINTING.-.. Ve have shoenrot-clue
lobbing department in con peahen, and possess-
ing the most complete eut-fit sod boat facilities
fir tuning out work in hoderich,are prepared
to do business in that line et prices that cannot
be beaten, and of a quality that eases* be
surpassed.- Teras Cask
TRIDAY, DEC. &h, 1$8L .
/:L'F'1 r R -if r'titVENI'IO'i-
'fhe Reform (Convention, to be held at
Toronto on the 3rd and 4th of January
gest, will undouletedly be a success.
We expect it be very large ; we feel as-
sured that it will be most enthiaaiaatic.
Hoa Mr. 3fowat is acting in the in -
tercet of the party in calling the Prnvic-
cial gathering., Our platform will be
clearly laid down, and the plan of the
cowpatin will be distinctly marked out.
The Premier will be before the repre-
sentative men of the party with sugges-
tions for them, and to get their advice
en any eeiot affecting the liberal cause
in Ontario. It will*** meeting d men
who have been firm and conaie evrt in
their struggle for Provincial rights- '1itfl
true interests of Ontario will be the aim'
animating the centi,ntion, Mr. Mowat
is to be commended in choosing a sMwaly',
time for the convention. It isnot good'
Caste to sandwich $ polities) council be-
tween the opening of.a fall hit and the
blowing up of *dismantled hulk. He
can leave such Cheap methods of
drumming up a crowd to more "practi-
cal" politician& But he can rest assured
of a loyal and hearty response t., nig call
for a convention.
Princess evidently prefers the Polite
province to that of the Damn/ten rapt
tat There is lets eisedily there.
, Ona Tory friends ,•cc siuttallys } jean
in • phiyful mood, allude to M. C. Cjsa-
eron, M. P., as the " alleged tneysber
fit West Huron. Well, let us carry out
the "alleged" pregvamtue for their edifi-
cation. The (alleged` member for West
Huron will occupy the (alleged) seat in
the (alleged) House of Commons, at the
next (alleatirt session, thu (alleged) peti-
tion to the onntrary nntwithstandtug.
If we remember aright, and we be -
lieu we do, Warden Johnston, imme-
diately after his election to the position
of chairman of the Cuunty Council in
January last, stated, when thanking the
gentlemen of the Council for the honor
conferred, that he would revive that old-
time institution the W'arden's supper,
which had been discontinued during the
Wardenshin of 3ir. Kine. We took
exception to Mr. Johnston's remarks at
the time, and although we were roundly
abused for our action by Mr. Julie stifle
friends, it wives ns great pleasure
know that before the year 1882 has
drawn to a close our promisirg Warden
hat come to see the wisdom of cnr con-
But although we are satisfied that Mr.
Johnston has come to leek at the met-
ier with discretion and fair judgment,
there are many members of the County
' Council Board who had such confidence
in the truthfulness and probity of the
prornisine Warden, that they had looked
longingly to the time when he would
fulfil his promise. They had believed
that a gala -day would come, when toast,
and song and sentiment would bo thoir
portion, wit'i their legs under the
mahogany at the ;'arden's expense.
Alas ! well may these expectant
gentletnta chant distally the words )1
Borns :
Thc best tau tcbemcs o• mice on:: men
Gang eft swig
And leave us naught ba' grief acct pa:
For promised joy -
No, gentlemen, you need not expect
to be -' f,e1dere•l " at the expense of the
pronii•Oor Warden. His promise in
January was only a little juke at your
expense ; and it would be carrying the
joke Goo tar if he were to •' supper" you
now at his own expense. Talk i- cheap,
gentlemen, but Warden's suppers cost
money. To a en.hiag young aspirant
for parliamentary honer., who has been
a candidate for "ver a year '• economy is
wealth," and the price of a Warden's
supper saved ie just that atn•unt Rained.
What matters it that the '' promiaine"
Warden fails to fulfl his promise i Are
not premises of Walden's suepers _-like
pie -worsts at •1. lest any ear—eaatly
beckon. Bat, let is see ' Di you te-
eneWther that a champagne ape -sed was
made for yo;a 'ata loiminiun flay 1 It
was gotten up by the edictal, of the
e aunty and Warden .l•,hnetcn peel an his
quota that yea .tight be 'Towle happy
Re paid in his •loot$, we believe- only
that. and nothing more. Tet did low
not see an eh. (;odeeetit correspc.Dd•nes
of the London Fre.' Frr., on the Mee.
day following, that a bategnrt had been
given you by Warden Johnston - He
paid in his small than te help the
spread un the gala day, ants el hon was
given the , mitt of the *Wee 'reread.
'flu idea •f "eM.rt'Oren( angels un-
awares" was retooled in that inetence,
and you were ewtersahed by s n "angel"
(f) unawares.
Ho. ere pray ease. ..rola r.c t with a
Jaundiced eye tapr'w the nen-fei6ltneat of
hia promise; rather, we tteeeerh thee.
Mike hie preemies 1• ,line sort - e• thee
ineteed r r • ate deed'
AN Ottawa dupatcb states that the
Premier ha. given instruction. to the
Tory pro in general asd the Moll in
particular, to drop the " Mansion" image
,reveray. The Nutt made a aid mesa if
it in meddling with the trotter.. mthly.
It was clearly hoisted with its own
petard. And now he have heard as a
dwliciest fact
-The last way of 'hoes•' 41lsf
rm. HURON" SIGN AL, ` f ] Y: .:;. t2
Has the "special ocaseepoodest" csf
the Toruute Mail o. the Htutdy raise
left the section and climbed a tree f Oh,
wlure ' oh, where le he i
The Moil speaks of the "Mures Ina
tine-' u seven ridin}ls out of eight
stake • ••faction" what dons the Mai(
call Mr. Meredith and his tau riding 1 -
(Lindsay Punt.
Gum a "fraction"- and a small, vul-
gar one- wouldn't be far astray.
Ar the upeninr of the December meet-
ing of the Cuunty Council of Huron,
Watdtlb Johnston congratulated the
members "n the bduutiful harvest and
the settlement-' If the Maitland bridge
contract. That ti..'. ouncil deserred
alae twit[ for teringil.g shouts the suc-
• Day 7'Ahs Honor It
smiths Ladenew flefededa■ sweetly Celt,
bswsed I. VMeeNaef rreee•esttee as
timed Aaetwiniasale "Yee Wets a Jett,
used to iew.` ....eel/ Lane sfae-"
The 19ay ale i wba lemur 11,"
Wye to tat' simple phrase
It ares ass W fever beat.
It al e tar bruastr bras
Fair &-ods'. Forth. sad Clydes and Spars
some gtldkas at toy v ery fret :
A patriot rite exultant baa
The Day as s was bettor It
- "The Day" ww celebrated in Lucknow
on Thursday evening of last week by a
banquet hi SeeU's howl, under the
auspices of the Luoknow llaisdouian
Suctety- There eras • large turtsout and
quite a number of ledtm graced the ft -s-
tood with their presence.
easeful setthament of the twit*. yon- The festive gathering was )add to a
two-luld sense on Otto occasion, ii1-) to
TOO we ore wilting to admit, at .1Mst do j usTiice to the wemory of Scotia'. pat -
dig waded they had to th the rowesiat, and (Y) t000nfer honor 00
esr lharve•t is, as would' t-r11111ow'et cat-£Dontate vastus,
jet itedltione of naso thirties a fel- D ,kMacCrinmon H Ti Chief of the
asi'w/nljy cawn't undahstanti." a it hale Lacknow Caledontan Auciety, who, er-
rte Mien was oongratwlatitllgtnOoan- aelly otgbt years ago dual Hurt[, coraoe+t
fJotmcil on the bout ail he ed theidea ut eetabliahiet smoo( the
b '4!1 wup hills of Brune and its the village of Lock -
might alto have sung in a bar about the nowt a society open nut only to Scotch -
price of grain under the N. P. 1 [wen but to the whole world, which
would have fur its object the perpetua-
BY announcement in the taeatft tion, "inthiaCanada o Ours," of the dis-
Gastk, Isaac F. Tom., Ear. , of the tinctive spurts and pastimes of the Moth -
morn of noderich, junior judge of the er land, thereby keeping aline in the
breast of her, sous and daughters the
loving and patriotic memories of the land
snows Hutu AND eaatwl WOOD.
tiring efforts is des to a t ery great ea- 1
tent its aluweet pheuolit!nal nuc ens Ab
the visitor te Westminster Abbey is in-
vited if hie 'seed" bir Christopher
monument W 'gook arnouud,' a, Islay we
to -night say to ear guests awl visitor.
'•if you seek -it monument to the exer-
tions of our chief tuna your eyes to our
magnificent park, thu property of the
Piocieey, fa ai npk, to our citnfertably
furuiahed roue[ and its melt stocked 11 -
teary. to our haudwuw cash reserve of
its tau a -, and lest but i
Connty of Hump, hats been promoted
to the position of senior judge of the
County. Practically, Judge Tons his
done the judicial work "f the County for
the put ten years. We congratelate
him upon his prum•otion to the full
emoluments of the office.
Joan, M. P. for South
Horon, who has so ably represented
Hallett se Reeve for so many yaws will
nut stand for re-eleckios. In the retire-
ment of Mr McMillan H allet will lose
an able representative, and the County
Casual will suffer the lues of lint of its
ablest ar1 best wen His translation to
the ' sad better sphere" of Fed-
eral - will be keenly felt at the
Conniy Wind. Owasso of of the regular work of a poli-
tical oos,ention, much good is done the
Forty try the social chat of delegates,
and the camparinr of notes as t.• the
running of a campaign Good sugges-
tions often come out in this way, apart
from the more general information of
the public addressee. Hints as to urge-
niutinn, ex:wriesee in calling out a full
cote, and methods of hindering bogus
Tory voters from marking their ballots
will be talked over by old campaigners,
and uur friends wile come home better
prepared to battle against the wiles of au
unscrupulous foe.
THEY say Warden Johnston itches af-
ter a second tern, totally oblivious of
the fact that he issued a writ of eject-
ment on Mr. Keine at the expiration of
t gentleman's first term. Give some
meiet h and they'll be anxious to
take an e arc. Antony was a
member of lite rk
wouldn't have. to go thrice' to tor, JO*.
atoll with an offer of an office, and be to-
fused. Me 3ohneten would not act
like Casar es the u casion. No i he
would be a Reiter un the `est oppor-
Ala 1neeesnt tsMeemea.
Mr. Meredith in addretning a public
meeting at Hontsville in the recent elec-
tion contest is reported by the Forester
to Dare boldly declared Sir John Mac-
donald "would never ratify the award as
long as Mr. Mowat remained in power
at Toronto ; and the only way of settling
this burning question was to put the
Mowat Government out, and elect one
that would work in accord with Sir John
at Ottawa," The people of this province
will not be dictated to in the manner
iodinated, nor do. they forget that two
years ago Mr. Meredith supported a re-
solution of the Ontario Huusedeutanding
the ratification of the award.—[Ex
5,a1 .f be AMMAN," of Canterbury.
LONDON, Dec. 3—The archbishop of
Canterbury passed away quietly and ap-
parently withoutsuffering in the presenee
of the members of his family yesterday.
He remained semi -unconscious until
11 P. M. when be spoke -His lad words,
"It is coming, it is coming." He was
then seized with a sharp spasm and did
not speak again, although it is believed
he was partly conscious. The dean of
Westminster, un behalf of the queen,
has offered burial for the archbishop's
tensing in Westminster Abbey.
[Archibald Campbell Tait was born in
Edina ^e Decetnber 22, 1811. He was
educated at the university of Edinburgh
and Balliol college, Oxford, and was
afterwards public examiner of the univer-
sity. He was prominent in the opposi-
tion to the trectarisns. I,n 1842 he suc-
ceeded Dr. Arnold as head master of
Rugby sehool, where he remained eight
years. in 1850 he was made Been of
Carlisle, in 1856 bishop of London, end
in 1868 archbishop of Canterbury-[
r1 -
A!gravel twin overtook sad telescoped
the Pullman car of the Iris furs QNi'w e
.M the lutere,l.nisl Kat)wsy at de,ver
Brook ou Trjdey night' The delver'
Seeker, and bi*ketnan''.d`tt.e graved
tutu were fatally molded awl tools;
other utepit. see .surely injured. The
cause of theCutunt appears to be the
pint ra S of the Quebec train au
the failure of the betide of the emote
train to observe f e tail lights of ate
passenger train.
over $1000 1 b+ k
not least to the smiling facts now gsth- `
erect around the festive I,•.ard whose re- 1 At
ceptiou of this innovation in our pre -
Famine chews more chetrly than words
can express, their complete c •neurrenos
in the well merited honor it L our pleas-
ure to coulee upivu you to -night " As a
further token oft oar good will and es-
teem we beg, dear chief, your acceptance
of the accompatying Silver Service
which we trust both yourself and your
worthy lady niay luno lire to enjoy, and
with best wishes for the happiness of
,jus r e)f, lin. MawCrituruon and family
we sallgts'jbe ourselves on behalf of the
M. Caxrseu., ht J. feweece,
Cbseirtuau, iae.. ($suietery,
Jar•. Fribeersa, A. I[aclAinostier,
' - J. S. TEwiwri', M. D.
It is needless to remind tee reader that
the Lucknow Society has proved a sue -
Cella beyond even the Chiefs moat esags-
ine expectationsIt baa gone on from
strength to strength until it is found
foremost among the societies on the
broad continent of America. It now re-
joices in a well stocked library, and has
over $1,000 to its credit in Cameron &
Campbell's bank.:ammi
A sumptuous spread was prepared dead
the usual Scotch delicacies, such as
" haggis," " Athol biose," " hail,"
" sheep's tr-attar's," &c., were a conspi-
cuous showing. In fact, from the part
the sheep played in the edible arrange-
ments at the St. Andrew's banquet, we
have come to the oonclusion that sheep
is the " mutton" for the average Scots
man. Be that as it tuay, many of other
nationalities present partook of Scotia's
dishes on the occasion, and we were
credibly informed that a well-known
London newspaper man contracted
"Jack-knife," owing to giving way to
a weakness for " het kail " and
gig," and had to partake of a lubrieation
of St. Israel's oil and an irrigation of
" usquebagh " before he could assume
his normal shape.
After the tables had been cleared, the
chair ,was taken by Chief MacCrimmon,
"the brawest o'them a.,"with Dr. Tennant
in the vice -chair, and after the homer
had given a history of `'the Day," toast,
sang and sentiment was the order of the
evening, and gaiety reigned supreme
until long after the " wee, siva hour
apont the twat'."
The order of the toasts, &c., on the
occasion was as follows :
"The Queen yid, Royal Family "—
"God Save the l 3'
" The Gove rad and Princess
Lionise "—Responded to by Malcolm
Mr. John Barker is v isiting friends at
Port Huron.
Mr. Jame:[ :McFarlane, of Lucknow,
was the guest of Mr. Case Allen last
week. a
Mrs. James 3McLcan, v
Miss Maria Sm
THE rubber and felt monopolistd are
having a grand time of it under the Til-
ley tariff. Overshoes, which have been
steadily advancing in price since the in-
troduction of the F.F., have gone up
another 15e. in price, and advices from
manufacturers threaten no additional
rice of 10c. The rubber and felt m• noe-
rly is very unpopular, and no one grum-
bles more about the extra charge than
the average Tory does when he conies to
buy. It .s a pity that the Liberals can-
not be made to pay all the extra duties.
The Tories would then be happy indeed.
Oca Clinton Tory cotem, the Record,
changed hands lately and became the
property of Mr. Buchner, of Hamilton.
In his salutatory the new Tory editor
stated that "like the proverbial mother-
in-law he had come to stay." oat he
didn't stay worth a cent—that u to thy)
he didn't hare anything like the staying
powers of an ordinarily healthy inother-
in-la• , for after discovering ties kind
of Tories who lire in Clintc r t:n '. vicin-
ity, he
Folded h4 tent u ti the Arab
Lad as dlently stet. Away."
and has not since been heard J. The
-"devil" and the Clinton Tory flu -i man
ager h.,•s nut undertaken the teak of
bringing out a red-hot Lib. -Cee. theft in
the absevett-..1 the edit. e
How touch of that foreign spited
that Mr Porter sad the ether Tory
*posters tele es :n .lane Isar enie asefd•
Ing invermeM..R the interests •f Cana
da, pending the endP rsatiwe f the
"G1 raw !r P ,' bars sed'# ! e way
acres, the Atlantic Nene at aii We
mention this fact for the edi6-a'i•.n f
sem' of the local Tories of Rano ;.nun
ty who stood open-muothed et the meet-
ing. 'Oinking in Mr Porter' " rainy
beds " at the last election The yeas
shout the f•aeign capital awaiting invest
merit was a c empenion pitoe to the
story about the N P. bung able to twit
the price of grain. They are loth dead
new, and nett election wall prove tn.
day of 'o,lginen' • do ---e Parts that
0,i ,4 t fl ♦tow..
There is a -ush for THE SIGNAL at this
post office every Friday. Nearly every-
body hereabouts reads it, even if they
have to bo ite.
The wired consists of six pieces and
tray, and is of the [mese Irtwdera and ele-
gant design- The tray• beettrthe't ihtw-
tug inscription, tngether with Chief lRsll-
Crimmon a coat of ;inns and the creat
of the Society : "Presented to D. A.
MacCrimmin, M. D., in token of his
valuable services as the respected and
energetic Chief of the Society for the
past seven years." Lneknow, 30th Nov.
The Chief. who was completely taken
by surprise, replied in n feeling and elo-
quent speech. He referred to his con-
nection with the Rociety from its incep-
tion to the p.eeent day, to the suttees
that has attended their united efforts,
and to the Sr urishu,g condition in which
the Society is found to -day. He could
not find languor, adequate to express
his thanks to the Society fur the really
magnificent testimonial they were good
enough to present him. The Chief like-
wise expressed thanks for the kindly
reference to Mrs. MacCrimmon enactor
ed with the best wishes for the contin-
ued and permapent success of the Soci-
The remainder of the tomato were then
proposed ai.d responded Mas follows .
TDs Parliaments of Ontario and the
Dominion "—By H. P. O'Connor, M
P. P. for South Bruce.
The Learned Projesaion "—by Dr.
H. G.-Maokid.
" The Mercantile Interests "—by Mal-
oolm Campbs U, a veteran storekeeper of
thirty-four years' standing.
" The Prow"—By W. K Atkinson of
London Advertiser, and D. McGillicud-
dy of Ts& &arta,, Goderich.
" The Amateur Athletes " was pro-
posed by Mr. Mal. Campbell, and replied
to by K. Kerr, a brawny young clansman
who lately seooeeded in boating Donald
Dinnie a best record at throwing the
shoulder -stone.
The public entertainrneut was brought
to a dose by a comic reettation—" The
Auld Bark Sleeve," by Chief Alexander
of Brussels ; s song—" To the West "—
byc)wnstnan Hornell, and "Auld Leng
fLy11e " and the "Natioual Anthem " by
the entire gathering.
After the formal dissolution of the
public gathering, Chief MacCrimmon
invited the guests and clansmen to his
residence to look upon some fine samples
of *raise and forintodi "through a
glass darkly "—said glass being a family
relic dating back to the time of Culla-
den's fateful field, when it hal carried a
kindly draught to the hps of " Bennie
Prince Charlie" previous to kis defeat
and the dispersal of his followers on that
memorable occasion. The goblet wsa a
little tarter than a wine glass, and was
reputed to be ever 200 years .d a;;e.
" Sparks " n( the Aderoti.rr, with his
usual irreverence for age nr beauty re -
"the' Array and Navy "--Capt. Dan.
tskde [lies• i Campbell.
nne Cur -Sling Song by Mr. Drunegole, " Mary of
,- t several days here Argyle.''
" The Day en' a' ache' honor it."—The
Chief, in introducing this toast, [rad a
poem by Evan McColl, of Kingstcin,
which was well received. Resp mese by
crow D. E. Cameron.
" Our Celtic Sister—Ireland."—This
'=fit WI►1tOdiatl ` toast was drunk with Highland honors,
Greatineoeresienceis caused by the and was responded to by P- Corrigan,
brid e scan Maitland at Manchester °f Hulyraxl, R. Graham, of Lucknnw,
gg and W. K Atkinson, of London- .
aro[ hsieq in a Zile eopdition. The gong by Kenneth McLeod. marked that '" it was the tmallest chap
water is too co d t ,' ford thb stream at •The land we Lice in."—R•pliod to for its age he had ever seen." But small
this time of year.. b D. McGillicudd of Goderieb.
A few days ago while Mr. Ed. Durnifl y r h' b itu was, about a the eyesysl f th 1i -n n
y g , Recitation—" T e Annoity " by Dr. brought tears to of the Lnttdon
of St Helens, was hunting in the weeds, ' Hutchinson, of Dungannon. scribe, after a fashnn that would make
when in theact ot firing at a squirrel al- I ' The Land we Left."—Chief Alex.- :v spectator believe an aqueduct had
lander of the Brussels Caledonian Socia- broken lease. " Sparks" leaked at the
wee goblet again for a couple of seconds,
and then admitted he bad fallen in with
a "surprise party." He at once relin-
quieted the "200-yewr-nlder."and sought
• resting place no the sofa, muttering
to himself thatquotatiun from Bub Bur-
detto's apostrophe to a kneel peel
Hen tlttte, 1 know.
Hat be can throw
A man that would weigh • ton."
After other heirlooms of the Chief ha.t
becu duly inspected, and same exeeUent
brings had been tong by Messrs. Drum -
onto and Alexander, • most *flyable
gathering was brought to w dose, and
St Andrew's Day of the }star of grace,
1882, had joined ifs ptedseessers of
"Auld Lang Syne "'
the resta t'tiles.fe d the brides tither00...
rich, by Mr. Ihek, ou the gni N,,
Mr. Owen H. Att.lrriott. of Fist 8atinar
to Maas irltsabeth Hopper, of l:oderich.
h Dudertuh township. on Muintly. Dace:,
bar tub, the wile of Mr. Julia Young,
C.derieh Marked/.
OoD*tarw. Dee. 7, 133:.
Wheat. Intl, vv bush-.-.-----.• Mal 4$ bt
Wheat, 411thiagl v brash... t 73 r ep
flour. Q+ barrel ...... . ........ . l 50 Se SOB
Date. i bush ..... ...... . .. . 0 1t w 0 a
Serie,. 0 40 et 050
!'utetoes IP blest ,.., 070 to 0 :q.
to ty tan ........ ..... ....... l 40 s a or
Nalter. •.........:.. .. . , 0 Ii M 0 in
dam tuatteekatll.,,. • - •- 0 1I N 0
016 • 100
game)owe ......
Wood ~ o
1'NNys4eki4s .....les
Bides . .•••;,y:re
-t, tom
Brea, fret ,-„,,yt,,,.leo, • 670 ” 0 alt
most directly ooeerh, the gun burst.
Being a double'baneledtgun, both barrels
were ripped opth and the stock badly
shattered. [The young man escaped
Mr. Gieo. Rutledge, of West Wawa -
nosh, has had three veinaltle sheep kill-
ed by dogs lately, entailing a loss of $30.
The dogs have not given the neelves up
yet, and it is hardly possible that they
will be found
ty, ably responded to the toast, and also
recd an original poem immortalising the
officers of the Lucknow Caledonian
Society. •
The honors in the " toasting " line
were then relegated to Dr- Tennant,
vice-chairman, and the Wast of "'The
Lucknow Caledonian Society," was pro-
paed, coupled with the name of Chief
f11 ac(`rimmene and drunk with Highland
honors to the chant by Alexander, "All
8$Itntit- hail our Chief." Tho following address
was also read to Chief MaeCrimmon ort
A very unusual sight is at present wit- ' behalf of the Society
ne•sed here almost every morning, vis : ye D- A. McCrimmon, YL O., chief of the
people drawing water from the river in Lweknow CatterionieSeeletl.
sleighs owing to the ttarcity of water its RtatEe rte Cater,—We the chieftains
the wells, many of which in this vicinity and clansmen of the to C. 8., desire to
are dry. take advantage of dieunity af-
Reriral 'meetings are being hell at ! forded by this festive gang. called
Blake'. Appointment under the auspice. I together to celebrate in good oldScotisb
of Rev. R. C. Renders. style the anniversary of Rcoti 'e patron
Mrs. Phillips parpoies giving up the saint. to exptito you the hien esteem
Pod (Nice DI thief place et the end of in which we each and all bol you prr-
the year, and speculation is rite at to anally, as tel) te our high a preciation
which of the applicant•[ will be success •
of Tour disinterested, energetic and un
ful tiring efforts on heh.lf f t e !Society
during the seven years which you have
We are sorry t„ hear that Mims Janet uninter iptedly occupied the ptaition of
Rutherford wh<e has been sick during Chief. it n frrslh within the mommy of
the Cast month is not improving. the majority .J those present t•‘ -night
Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, from Goderich, when, somewhat aver seven years ago. a i
are eta:ding hero for • short time. They few energetic Scotch spirits, yourself
intend going to the 1 t:, among the number. determined to ansa
Mr. John Reath ieingheed lately horn Wish in this village a Caledonian society
Detroit, is v ikiting at Mr. iwrntdteed's of where 8enlehmen and the Rona of Boole►•
this place Pies meld aassuble in wend and intel-
Wlflie )11eCr.tte who has been sick lcet nal iseerroarse, sod whew annual
during the past week is able to be around eases. shnsld ssrye to perpetuate 1n this
ag►ia. 'Ossaeda
sad pestiinee of the mother land, and se-
tiat prel..tratl .n. are 1x•ntg Hale
reOH sial i, keening alive in the twessts o1 her)
a tea -meeting in the Methodist (`hereh Sons and daughters the hosing and potri-
at Rackett's about a mile west of this .tic memurieni ,d the "S,and of btnwn
A y••dmg man named Hart, reoently
bookkeeper in a large brewing fires •t
OS 5Mr ' the distinetet• *poets
hath and shaggy wood, • as wall as to
eneoutttge gaivally the -Oh cation ,
those manly [[perts en nerwnsry be the
dev.iopetaent of healthful talons sad
Montreal, 'triton to (totem -tem by drink piffle. . to mind' in the yteth n1 owe
and debts. the resntt of drinking. at- booatry. Fenn ins hrgisnual the S.eis-
tempter( to comin.t suicide by prnenetntg. ty acs• a .taoosss, evtee heynnd nee tenet
At Rntgewsiy, Chas ferry. eight years sanguine anticipations TTt has gene on
of age. tried 1,. elimh to the top of a from strength to strength until to -da.
ws m load •f A heavy poet we find it eocnpyin the proud reaction
rolled of mowing him to fall, andatrikisg d foremost Seotti4 National Soeietynus
him ein the he., t t ,11,,.i hiss ►leans+ in this head enntinent• and we chemdsilly
dandy ; sekn„wleihre that t.• v..ur s -tote and to
\Wells6rgia %osi1k
New Seaga. New Plaobttes Minna New
Scenery, New Ballads. New Appotatmesq.
Don't fail to attend the beet exposition ot
Southern Negro mtostreisycxtent.
cared aPopututbppeHpp•rces. d'e Book Blore. Reserved theta toss be se
We ago . notice the hfamiliar o ,unlen-
anoe of Mr -Joseph Qilders and his bro-
ther Fletcher, who ars now visiting their
parents and the "'sues of their boyhood,
after a ling sojourn in theUnitedS.tates.
Lite across the linos seems to agree with
Ttcrrraaw- s Marrow. - On Tuesday
erasing the Temperance hall was niee)y
filled upon the oon•aiim of a temperance
meeting called by abs BenrU)er lodge 4
the floes of Tewperasss. The Bewail
kr brethren eters endeavoring to estab-
lish a ledtr to fialtfwrd, sod their (brie-
fest to net In lseg. *umbers in re-
do .tae►d the meeting. Kr. W.
reetgid the chair. Address
as were caro by Mw. 'f'. ¥eOt►MlssdAy.
and James M: 1, ..1 f3edwrah. wha
each r roived a enol hnarjFtr
geed '.ettatinna, some ct them in Mbar
atter. were gime by Mur Mauna Wilton.
and Mr K P Wihiams was very amu
ing in a reading. Miss Malatyr, ►ad
Mir Nettie (hoer cash gss•ol( s solo. A
well delivered diabase* entitled "alert -
ins in 1 if.." was gissstit. Misses
Wagon end Messes C Wst eve, T Rad-
dle and R Walters. At the else* of the
tssostneg .Wh$em somas way bonded in,
and th. new bides era be inetitwted next
Thnrady evening it is to hr hnpsd
that s'tunable nI IAe mots, adult pertiva
of the ascateenity will lend a hand to
the teb.ttb/Mse r-toeernent in this •trio
Elegant Household Farnituro'
BOOKM, ENORAVI\(1M, etc., (e.
I am favored with instructions from tl
owner to sell by Publ.c auction, without re -
ower, at the residence of W. R. Fouler, E.n.
Yledaesday & Thursday Dec 24&21
Commencing each day sharp at 10 o'clock,sie.
the most select fnrulture, he., ever offered in
The Furniture consists in part of Five Com.
LBedroom Sets. Dialog hoots Furniture,
hen Furniture, Carpets, Pktnres, HrtUr-
The Books are of tate greatest variety. Thc,
comprise amongst others Chambers Fncycle-
• { , langiiib etioaary. ebsterl Oreo►
and UiLatin y.ertcoss, the works of pp nnaer.
Chanter, Phakeepeare, MUton. t0oId ltb -
Swift, Hallam. May,Stuart MIrving. M
• nley. Oibs bon, the MID, of the G ►.--
Gerd Owlet'
n -
toof Fawned the levee at the Lard Chte:
Justices of Eastland. the Lives of the Lord
Chaaoellors of Ireland,and two hundred etho-
voIttnee 0f Interest many reader of modern
Everything will be so1d.•
A luncheon will be provided at two o cioc.
p.m-. each day.
Mr. James Addison has kindly undertaken
to see that purchasers get what they pay foe
and to aas le the owner and myself in Riving
full natisdactioo to the nubile,
TERMS: - - - - CASH
J. C. CtlImmE. •
The Peoples' A drtioneer.
Oedertek. 7th Dee. tail. 111Se.
i7 Yt •.
COUNTY or Hume t fly virtue of a writ os
To H R. 1 nevi Ftaetu issued out
et Her 1lajeaty'i High Court of Justice, Q. B.
D. and to We directed and dedf•ereft, agalart
the lands and tenements of Joseph Hogg a'
the tuft of Samuel Ford. 1 have at toed and
takes In eaecuties all the right, title interest
and equity of redemption of the above named
Joseph,ln d to part of let amber five,
la tate e t concession or the township of
Osborne, .ouwed
of Huron, eonta:ning nev-
em acres more or leer
Which leads and teseraent. 1 shall offer for
sale at my office in the Court House, in the
town of Ucdertoh, on Dat arday the Tenth day
of March, flat, et the hour of Twelve of the
clock, noon.
cehertff Co. 1'Lu ron
tinwarv's Device, t 147.13w.
Dederick, Nov. laFL
Ooucry or Hraow, By Times of • Writ 0'
WO WIT : i Flet pastas fsntsd out
of Her 11/10•0101a Oasts Owes of the (ioeat/
ae t ter YTNI..t Y aleit1880N, 1 have
takes 1. exeonttoo all tae nght,
this, eleteras sad equity d reIetaptios of the
kendeedstead ninetyttw Imo, Mune in e end so tot a tate
sT swwa n d taalaw.. 1a tea Cesnty of Hner' o..
%sees and we
Mari acre orishig f and, mere at IOW ..a ori .st a
amortIses of three hundred donna which
leads ►ad ttssMfs 1 .tall ser for Malik 85
aty armee in the Cavort B to th. Tows of
Oedoleh. a Temeay, the laude der el Jan
ton. alert u tae hoar of twelve of abs clock
n eon.
Rear Prof Fenton
Sheriff's • loth, MM. S f 1tW1-Jm
sinkrFp`t3 RAI.. OT LANDS
• irr-
Sontow, a• WWI ofest
16.tint at.
M a labia hsunles.eefwiien sit tee
Isis rett.iinNa*
ai asst of taste eines*, said
/tel.g 1. ole tea of Flores sad
[ Let oencer•Moa L.f tae
skip aman set los.
any aeras d
day ad
Mi tenements 1 *bad , 'tor
is the [bort rioose is the
se Int wrens she Rrveust
at the he r et ?acne sd the
th)Atr T r 1DA0
our;[ eeMote
K [4.•.[.+401