HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-01, Page 51'l1F HURON SIGNAL, FIUDA'kDEC. 1, lam''• LNbars. RAM LOST. _Messrs Linklater and Clutton's handsome. Leicester ram has ..I a $mart ler a.arly Ohne week& any tidings n: she esliwer. wberwhnuts .111 be thankfully received Mr. R. E. Brown's servitrn as teacher luso been secured for No. 5 school sec- tion ection fur 1881. A noisy gang fellows tried their hand (and wind) at the charivari busi- ncas on W.drs.siay .tight last Such barbaeonas customs are enough to keep our remaining bachelors from crossing.: the matrimonial line. Holmesville. A small accident happened tt. Mr C. Cole's engine the other day, wl:i:h has sit- ayed him several days in his work. The Union meetings which were held .1 this place tare not broken up altlt at di not known by that nano num. There ie a foot -ball club in thin ;d,t.;e. Foot-hlU is the game for the v• ut:g men, • he.•e days. An accident happened ter Mr;_ Thomas Lavin of 9th con last week. It hat his st4S4'dryly int.) r ! au of and the result was three horses died, mud ',is cattle hate been nearly foliowiug heir example. Port Albert. Miss Kate Boyd, of Lucknow, fa the guest of her friend Miss. A. Mahaffy, (Jur School Trustees have ',gain se:er- ed the services of the pr/.sent teacher, Mr. T. F. Young. Mr. R. Delong rejt ..gee in the p allet- sion of a very fine s,pecimtw of Scoth col - :ie, foe which he '46616 lately refused the turn of $40. 1 will_ You E' ,.iiU a cora f►C •+. i { st ? , 1)r lima, • ...r•t>'1 oi. A .!4! Il O;4• n : i .ato U11 • ma' .fit 'i,L.1. :r0:. v..«dJ: r;a, Int orc•l At .:-:•-•acliund fit 1'r. e11.7n this offer ill tr_acdo to you in ycr ou n hotno in nal el aeer1ty With tan raiz . _ - . 'e certainty ..i Ctlrtr; r.' • ". S : r4rn Brazil) cures layer lyw a'-41 13111ousnees. A It sets of i-ectl upon the The Chicago House WAST -ST., CIODERICH. THE FALL TRADE IN MILLINERY I Has now opened at tha headges• ' er l of fashion, the Chicago House, IWd I r.! Ilow in a pas} ion to ata ..:tt the Iatestst .les, hest material and uitwt reasonable p es can 1A found there. bverything in the Millinery line in Missy, Young Iaulitss, Matrons and Widows' Wear is on view at the Chicago Hon, .\ particularly time line in Widows' Caps can be seen. MISS WILKINSON is also agent for Butterick's Patterns. and Parker's Steam Dye Works, Toronto. rifRevnolult,•r the pint'e' 'I'H1 CRICAut► HOUSE, west -Street. NAIRN NEW FRUITS HISTMAS. 1- NEW ARRIVALS EVERY DAY. An Inspectiofl ,Invited. t,sll:'rIIUI rI:sgt'AHI . N F W A 41 R I V A L S IEL GORDON ►!nf►larldrto rt Heves; u Mt►Irlp:c CAhIN ETt MAKER, I p bottle ceuor(tVucra; a Celtp y4 enfinS4rtiiyitmtt t7AD' . rtTNDERT R■ F z i1i►wi.. • a;nrpAttr.i.iVr-.rntl,tft_T+•T.. e a a aat Bottom Prices for Cash rnrt:^ tn . oflprr Mtttll!s C _ 1 c Furniture ul 'htr, Si. A it'cs enerr, — - - -- - IN GS a1 ,'a rt largo stock, such ties,vial }train, Nerve, c Ov- ,R OAT 1 !",,, !t,;•,, ,•u tuul•l alta hire: , 1 . n by pro►~ the Liver. l ,.? Ore i. r Chairs of all kinds, Tables, Bedsteads_F do and iv!tan.: :a- , t- Parlor Setts, side Boards, the lvecr. n sIrish & [Urnada TwUe6s ., . Rat - cut t !s c::i. tai... -.4.; :. .- • ShCOtC1 EIIhlltan Chairs, 8c_, dealer ill roc eddies n1 tact i r tl"le, Post Office. at le=t- ons 's I tent -Cut: - _ _ TT- -•. -•r-r- T T i T _ 1 p Doors West O i hop it rtalte' I4 oar Ile how i tu•«^ It i t st-:--+•:. to care L`;,-Teps.a . . - iotnmess. Qcu x \Mitt. - On Tues lay f last seek, Mr. Geo. Irwin turned 12 dozen - ;.nd f.onr horse shoes in 9 hours and 50 ' '.butes This is considered by the dig tides of Tubal Cain to bo pretty Lee!, .. ,.anipulating of hamut2r and tines. H A RBOa N • MLA. —The work of repair -1 •,,4 the breach in the north pier, caused the freshet of last ep'rtn2; And the I wilding of a cris on the so•,th side of •'.e harbor, with pile (Itnu,„ fie ...Inch has been pushed' vigorously ahead ,oder the supervision ufa \ir. A. C. Haw - 4 .:a., was completed *lst the beginning f last week. Mr, Grey, the Govern- -' .hent engineer, intpected the work, and , expressed himself as highly pleased with 1 the manner in which it has been carried out Mr. Grey stated that of sixteen contracts of a similar nature, which has underwent his inspection this semen, the work at this point has given the greatest satisfaction. Mr. Hawkins de- serves to be ca.mplimented upon such a good showing of his akill and ability. -- The hill leading to the harbor not biota in a very satisfactory con ti 1on. Mr. .>- gu nK C. Hawkins requestedthe 'l'oxnsh i I Wrcould give thousands ofthe same kind it l'uuncil, at their last meeting to grant it 1 ce necessary. that I was troubled vetch Oatarrh the sum, of $30 to be expended report it. I in the heat, gathering of pnlegta.tn thethroat Although Mr. Hawkins showed plainly „toting and eoughiag at night for rears, so f that the granting of this paltry arms, meld not sleep. often trete' ed with dull, life- would teeUai .pains to 1 e chert achd back. would be doing not only a uoere lova i ,che ri„Ivin. hnndreda of dollars to da•tpre. benifit, but would be of great service tui and t vine•LL; up all ant hopes, w abed to I tried c Pmy lonk o r k farmers fur miles around this locality, j 11Vseven ,ear's aicknetta." who have recourse to this point for ob I afns. JAMES btc' E1L. SOY Simeon Street. London. On I -- grant sand, gravel ltc,eg thatato for seeing "The abavo statement of my wife's is cos body of muntcipm legislators for tote, rect. . public gotel remissibly refused to grant aj JAMB, alemmal.. cent, for reasons beat known to them- For sale by all druggists. manufactured b), selves. By their deeds shall ye know I Pparoclea ga 4b.Sh iev orLondon, Ont. be Samhadrin le1 them, and the members of our Township (bderleh of tf,d following drwgg'Ists: JNa j Cunncil shall be accordingly known at fid. Jas. Worm.., V. Jordan, Gea.12r. 1 he next election. was. aad J. A. lral\el. Trade Mark H. -jester. -t. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN BOOTS AND- SHOES WINNIPEG. - giills Ili W111 Fltinlv By casual observation, we find al! lana e At the 'fittest Established Shue Store in Tow'',spec•ulAton have aclear bead and watch tbt Now n m ups and downs of property. thus mskta. --- • large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they peep for my stem in •healthy condition by th is the time, you wish one or two nice rooms at horde, to see Butler's room paps r In. V a rams or TIM WILLEY 11121141111F ase ofHe bas over_ ^aro_eto suit the most fastidious and the most. ecmtotuirbuyer for the great lung and blood purifier before We can safely •.ay that hundreds come to te Beadthe following statement I rte0- 1._ - 4 The Cheapest House Under The Sun. SAY TUAT TUE 1 S A.1TNDERS VARIETY STORE. demi am I Fon THE 13ALANCE 0:' Ntl\•EMBER, WI: on Ai1- I ` LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH." J _ `I SPECIAL J - TAP3Cl FADS BYheaT Id Brantford, pleases them better than .any pier alai- STOVES - TI N W A R ev, 1,1 tion they ever used. La i Imost refreshing Inh .rti,•,o y natural and h ealthy apri mance e WALL P,.r Eft •I •tc+matwl•aleiors.l- s by 11 airueau Pri 5Q C rite Pei =cttle' AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNIc,r.INIa . . • GEORGE RIIYNAS, JAMES SAUNDERS & SON.FOR G.ODERIC- XB\T 110011TO'I'tlr: Iv T s,FF'It't goods.(:a:l and el-Z!.them they an uch ior te Beautiful colors. and at prices the host. slue in town. andrmn bbee sold. a The PaleL{as aLI 1ashioas, La1et w .t oevfr =R s_ MY WINTER STOCK 1s now complete, and I take pleas ree in infcrwiave T such a usto.ne that at 'to pre vious MAS ANNOncEmENT Large & Marded Stack As at present. 1 have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unYi it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. IF 1 11oDI$JST$NT GEO. SHEPPARD. You will Save Money by Buying Your Groceries %ProvisiOflS D FERGUSON'S HAMILT0I•T STREEm. we are \. w tit lie: TLt. :SOW •11., N S W 1 .A S Fran :.+1.•`r 1,e1 11. t. •cts. New Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &c. Will be g..:d t1411, Extra Family Flour AT $2-25pox ull Si 1IC01hs Oatmeal, Cornmeal, BUM, Shorts, etc. England tnglancV U n l ted States • I would respect- fully intimate that I am opening up an immense stock of CUSTOM WORK ofeilligrade still receives niy prompt and careful attention, and will he ma e up in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, s red of the very best material obtainable. At time of purchase if so desires. THE VARIETY IS SO LA RG E IT Wi,ITLD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE THEM ALL I RAVE iFIOUGHT LARGELY IN .." l Oil a1 Lst Pris.es11 L1 \Lower than the T1i-to40 per cent. 120 Med.icaa. -- Goderich, Regular Rate. 1 am thus enable/1 to sell at ° 1:1, :oods.Low Prices. ic arch I will Show the Beat From Every Keown itandaet.r.r. Rock Bois, Wriun j Baia, Delis, Purses, Pipes, T.+ if In Albums, lM.n(itiooda• T pe ' 7s+ w Facey Cops aad $a.oers, V:eM, Fnr1.t Matta, tc_ • Ac. Yy Rlock enema be sarpsred for variety. Principally from Manufacturers and Large Demers, and at Prices from Pe A 4.1 D0-VTNT--L\TG-_ re- in 17. 17. s., sr, at, NEW DRESS GOODS \ targe shipment 415 ti- gu d- fe :y is 1, e Fall Dress Goods e -e• LC- o Miscellaneous Books, •O Pee* Bibles sod Christmas .Annual. A .fall hoe. 1 will garment.. satisfaction n• *steady sod prises. in&Druggist. The Huron School Book Depot, td} ttt 14.91,44 awl pan•; • a••n. ‘4.1‘4.1m.a nRN1SR NORTH qTRii<T AND fi(IiTARE (3(,T1ERi('N T n.... , ''Niket Kish s ami Plow, STRIPED and BROCADED SATINS T4 1711124 11 in color bolt COLBORNIE BROS, GODERICYI- _-- - Miss Jessie Wilson FASHIONABLE MILLINFi.F2,. Newest Styles in Hats and Bonnets The mad popular Shades in Itit+l,orts. Novelties in 1' .there anal Ornament. Styles anal Prices certain to phase Miss Jessie Wilson THK gQ l A u P,. OO118RiCR