The Huron Signal, 1882-12-01, Page 21,
t'$h HURON SIGNAL, RIDAY, DEC. 1, 1882.
- -sem.----
1 0T1 i TO 3 t
1 Rfl3 I , N1, Lsobalelt.
directed to the date en the 'd'Alene la-
bel on their papers, which shows the
time paid to, Lod they are requested
to remit the amount without delay.
The importance of 'prompt remfttatwe
will be recegnired from the tactt►at
the total amount doe is very large.
We want each subscriber to take the
hist home and remit at once.
There are a few who through careless-
nses or sooretling else, have ,shown no
disposition to pay. We advise theta to
settle at once. It will De their own
limit if omits are incurred.
The tell rate of $2.00 a year will be
charged to ali in arrears. Subscribers
forwarding their subscripti.xis before
the expiration of the month will be
charged only $1.50.
Household }tints.
cWe ladn
gn*ailWitIbraka Osa tr A! l tu.l .buaki tswer bet ottaod
gm hete ised 01. lis ewes
'Amongst* the p1 s 1 for
Tim Tsitentees of eubseriben in &'sedan is ant the aeti{ of the P
lits axo.uu,u -Mr. Asa Hair, ,,son .1
Mair, of the 9th con., H inlet*, i
has been re-engaged to teach in S. S.
No. 2, Hawick, fur 18$3, at'an increased
salary. This shows that he is well quall-
tied fur the position, and gives coo,d
Mara. -Mr. Cu sings, who has been
ailing for some time, diad at the resi-
dence of his sem on Monday last, at the
age of 84 yo&rs Deceased came here
after ills stns had settled in the town-
ship, and was a midget for many years.
His remains were interred la the
desboro cemetery.
THE Si .X'41. le the favorite ' toper
Alter a May of several months In the
Queen City, 14r. H n &gain to work
with his tape tine a rale at his sew
mill here. We bope he will be able to
make things hum under his "tall chim-
ney" during the winter.
Some fourteen tams appeared on the
"1d Savage farm on Saturday, the 18th,
and gave a lift to Mr. Horton, who has
recently purchased it. The "bee" was
captained by .,ur• Yorkshireman, and the
duties of chairman later on fell to the lot
-f our "Irishman." .$ good day'a w.•rk
was done.
BICI'Ct.e Ac, -tuner. -During the past
week. Mr. 1►. E. Cameron, banker, has
been confined to the house from injuries
received from a fa11 while out bicycle
riding one day Lest week.
Mose Geste STuce.-Mr. E. Gaunt,
oaf West Wawauosh, one of our meet en-
terprising farmers, has succeeded in pur-
chasing two very valuable short -hone
animals from the well known herd of H.
Snell k Soots. Clinton. They consist of
a yearling heifer bred tram the famous
herd of A. Cruikshank, Aberdeen, Scot-
land, and a six menthe bull calf of great
promise. for which he paid the..handsorne
sum of f17' and $200 respectively
Me Caere. -rhe Zees
slain the oenssawd of Capt,.
ties. Burrows, havju been in this neigh-
borhood for seven days. weenie; i*
the teireshtng here. Fall wheat has
turned out a big yield, nutmeg sbset 00
tsaheb* to the acreTh. law prioe, how-
ever, has nut bees relished. Yeas have
yielded 30 bushels ; snnug wheat 16
busb.L ; .ots 32 bushels very light in
weight ; barley peer 15 to 90 bushels.
The farmers have had a heavy eurnsttsr's
work, from the small bey to the old
man, gran the homes have taken thew
in tbe field binding, and at tint. s
riving the reaper with tbe skill .of a
Pratt. The biggest record try the Eagles
in threshing this season was on the farm
of Mr..taa Quaid, near Port Albert. glib
bushels of fall wheat in tour hours and
a quarter. They have bees or. their rout/
MUM the 11th ..f August, and in all that
time lust but half it day, and that was
owin(t toa heavy rain They have five
weeks' work ahead of they yet.
AT Mounts Jew. Meseta James Mc-
Carthy and Hugh Thompson. of this
town and Mr 14. C. Gilmour of Stanley
have secured land at Moose Jaw. 230
miles west of Brandon, Man., on the line
of the C. P. R. They intend occupying
the land in the spring.
A Lao ros ()Teem- - Iast week a
farmer old a load of wood to a person
in town, rupreeenting the same to be
"about a sad and three quarters." The
person who bought the load found there
wag only a cord m it, and took out a
warrant against the farmer for obtaining
money uodsr false pretenses. Sooner
than allow the affair to go into court, the
farmer settled it, by payment of 1120,
The cir_umstsaee should prove a lesson
to others, for although the man hal no
lefts* right to take the money from the
farmer, hs could have recovered dam-
ages from hien. A good many have s
habit of bringing in a small jag of wood,
and take advantage of people's ignorance
in the measurement thereof, by
senting that they have more Iban they
really hate. Looter the new Provincial
Act wood cannot be measured on the
Inspector, unless both buyer and seller
agree thereto, et that parties purchasing
wood should use their judgment as to
the quantity bought. -(New Erre
Ee1mes U s.
Water is getting very scarce ,•wung to
the late dry weather.
Mr. Thomas Connell is removing to
James Bowden is recovering from the
wound which he received lately.
It is reported that Mr. Picard has pur-
chasee the store from Mr. J. W. Hill.
The union meetings are still going .on
with some success.
Another old settler passed away on
the morning ..f the 21st, in the person of
Mrs. Cantelen of the 11th con., Grade•
rich townshich.
Mr. Edward Tihbutt, who is now in
Manitoba, but late of Maitland con., is
now very ill, and his father has gone to
take care of hint.
Joseph Lawson and W. J. Sturdy have
formes a partnerseip and leased the
blacksmith shop lately purchased by R.
McGee from John Ferguson. They in-
tend carrying 4111 a general blacksmith
Ing business, both of them being me-
chanics and well known in the neighbor-
hood. «'e expect to hear of them do-
ing a go,rl business.
Mr. Nicholson has commenced opera-
tions on his new building site
The bridge across the Maitland here is
•n a dangerous condition. One of the
lower churls is broken across and drawn
apart several inches. The Road and
Bridge committee of the County Council
have, we understand, examined it, and
intend to get it repaired immediately.
Hurry up gentlemen.
Mr. A. Akam has sold his pruperty in
this town to Mr. John Smith. Mr. A.
started to litichigan on Wednesday lest
.n quest of Lind.
East Wawsnoua.
(►s1Tr•A•v. The Wingham TI MIA
ways : -it is our sad and paintful duty
this week to have to record the death of
John, son of Mr. Campbell Hanna, one
of the oldest settlers in East Waeranoeh,
and nephew of our townsman, Mr. John
Hanna, st.,rekeetwr. The sad event
took place at the family residence on the
morning of Saturday last, after a long
and lingering illness hf almost two years,
borne with patience and christten resig-
nation. The det•eaaed who was cut off
ere els early age .4 twenty-five years and
eight menthe was of a kind hearted, ge-
nial and sociable disposition and will be
greatly missed in the neighborhood. The
family in their mad although not sudden
bereavement have the sympathy of the
whole community. This expression was
clearly manifested on Monday when we
state that the funeral was one of the
largest that ever passed thrdugh our
town, the place of interment being
Wingham Cemetery. The lettere! servi-
osg ewe asedseted 1,7 the Rev. Mr.
Philp, lisigrsys. "His and was pesos."
The funeral sermon will be preached in
the C. M Chnrch. 10 enn., E Wawa -
nosh, on Sunday next fiaawitw to 8. -
gin s1 10.70
We do not hold ourselves responsible tar toe
opwiay of our Oorrerpmdenta Contrfbn
tern to thio department muM ec*l one thest-
soiree to pubis: questions, and be brief.
The leatrbester Chsrrb Mtaeall,.
on the
ane WA es a lurks while peel -
skin withal* breaking. the
Cheese shuuld never be toggled with
the lingerie but crumbled and eaten with
a fork
Aa acceptankui ur regrets should be
sent as soon ea isssable after reexivulg
an invitation.
A gentleman should nut 'bake hands
with a lady not a eel:Siye, unlems she
offers to y t a0.
Cheap and pretty badruotr certain&
are of ebeese-cluth, trimmed with very
deep torctuu lace.
There ars new liuuliah rues winch
make pewter and ineapenle °veering ter
p.nluetry thews.
Autumn leaves and wild flowers are
much used for decorative purposes; also
red, golden, and purple aalert.
Cedies grounds. thoroughly dried,make
an excellent tilling fur a pen -cushion.
As they de nod gather moisture they du
not rest the needles
New sconces are of chased brass form-
ing a panel worked is relief, instead of
an upright niirror at the back fur tbe
swingutg sockets for candles.
A great deal of lase is used for bed-
roum decorations It is seen in ptwfe-
aion un the counterpane* and pillar
coven and tbe toilet mats and table
Table mats are uu longer used in styl-
ish houses, either at luucheoo .r dinner-
innerThe waiter shoidd here a course towel
uutude and wipe each dish before he
puts it oa the table.
A r. add and handsome raft for a small
table or fat a tete-a-tete set is made of
felt. Make the center of seine dart
colored felt, and then make a herder of
points of different colon and differente
odea, and different widths. Button-
hole stitch these with embroidery silk,
fasten tugether at the centre, and where
the edges join *etch with a few stitches.
On true wider point fasten six bran
curtain rings with gay colored embroi-
dery ailk and un the narrower point sew
five rings Fill in the eocle.sed circle
with fancy stitches of the silk.
To the Editor of the Signal.
Stx,- I wish to correct an error which
appears in the report of the ptoceelin pas
of the Presbytery of Huron aa given in
THs SIGNAL of Friday last. It is then
said in regard to the allesged union of
the *es•ions of Smith's Hill and Man -
cher, that "A carefut examination of the
records .disclused the fact that though
such a union had been suggested it bad
never been amstimrnatedl" As no ea -
try whatever in regard to the matter
could be found, in the record; it is
difficult to see haw it could thickest the
feet that such a union had ever been
suggested, much lees consume-ateci
However, I entirely agree in the senti-
ment of the next sentence that the fact
of the Rev. Mr. I'ritehard'a acting in
good faith in the mutter is s)tognher a
question of opinion ; and also that the
action •.f those members of the Manches-
ter congregation who objected to the
ordination of the new elders, in that
congregation on account of the i11egLlity
of their election, is amply vindicated by
the closing paragraph of the minute in
regard to the matter. Yuan, T.
A Preerlsyrat .trier'. :suet.
Mr. Tony Pastor, of New York City,
the great h umori*t melactor, was signally
beneited in an attack of rheumatism by
St. Jacobs Oil, and strongly testified W
its efficacy, for the benefit of other suf-
fering in the sane way.
Se. Wester s Release et Wild Cherry.
The standard remedy for the cure of
coughs, colds, influenza, bronchitis,
hoarseness, asthma, whooping cough,
croup, sore throat, diphtheria, difficulty
of breathing, quinsy, phthisic, pain in
the side and breast, spitting of blood,
liver complaint, bleeding of the lungs,
and all diseases of the throat, lungs and
chest, including even consumption. It
seems hardly necessary to dilate at length
upon the virtues of this favorite remedy.
1t was introduced to the public by Dr.
Wistar nearly a hal century since, and Ly
the wonderful cures which it performed,
gained an immediate and en,iable repu-
tati'.m, which to this day it has fully sus-
tained. From the gulf of St. Lawrence
to the shores of the Pacific, there are few
villages or hamlets without "living testi-
montals" to the rapidity and certainly of
its curative effects. The proprietors,
mindful of their responsibility to the
af$cted, exercise the utmost care it, the
selection and compounding of the various
ingredients of which the Balsam is eom-
and the sick are assure] that the
high standard of excellence on which its
popularity is based, will always be main-
tained. 50 oenta and Ill a b ,tele. S ,ld
by all druggists.
If, after all that has been said thr •ugh
the.. columns, you are still in doult of
the excellence of Thatcher's Orange But-
ter Color, is it possible to devise a means
that will induce you to give it •me trial f
Ministers, Lawyers,, Teachers and
ars whose (outstation glees but little ex.
*miss, should um Carter's Little Lever
Pills for tepid Liver and hi'i:,nansee.
Ont is a dose.
Woes Aomqy
We cannot help noticing the liberal
offer made to all invalids sad seTelers
by Dr. Kine s New Disenvery r .r Con-
sumption. You are requested b, call at
Willem's drug store, and get a Md $.d -
tie free of Dost, if yen are Offering with
Consumption, Saver. Cooghs, Colds
Asthma Bronchitis, Hay Fever L7o o
Votes, Hoarseness, or any alkelhtn ei
the Throat or i,unge it will positively
erne eon It'
lark U.-.daccbeemmad Mien .11 Me treablenlrsc4
dc. t WA, RN Deswebatm. rar ane each as lllr
mart lraese►. Wkite Ryser avast
ble tee Utas. Ac.
'eels sae*►es w taws*.55 Is noise
Srsdaeht yet Carier'.Unie Penare sad rely
subsets I5 Co.stlpw
ti. ea ass gets1
tai. annoybtg eoaVdml.'. whim ales evr.e
all disorders 01 tee wast•sek, slam a the liver
s..d r estate tbelowra West* they Daly curd
Ache they wwweedies ustpr{sstais le those was
eager from Shia dsrssttag ester 1. ; bat tame
wsytbsRgaideme bsesestsalbore and Mem
wbi ne: eery pm trnds lad thaw little tb,,1ls s Oaabasia es saoMiry walnut be willwg
lode without them. Uel after all sick head
lathe bane of so essay live. Oat berg is where we
sake our treat torr- Oar pIW cors 1t walls
. LIltis Lira Pills are very mall and
very easy to mks. Osage two pills Makes doer.
They ate strictly vegdabio and do not gripe or
parte, bat by their gentle srtloa please sUme wee
Ara eat' every Lae, err scat by for sl Bad
Now York Ofty
lf)',IL LON
1I t 1 S'F (1F \i.
A dlP XNDID Afafr/P.T►I1CNT ' F
ft f ► ;-r . tk-.t)('i f•. S,
ia' Bros is Teas at Very Lair Prices
252. per iL seal up verde. If you want a redly ti 1.1 Tot tee my 33.. Yo ung Hi sea
it is a aplea.ul article eel w..•th in ire at .n' .. 1 }lie - al, , just open di out a coin
plate assortment of
Crockery & G lassware
lads ling Stone and China Ten Seta. Children"' Tory Ter Botts, Leaks and Gent
Fancy Tet Cups and Rae -!en, wicsble GK Chriatuta. and Si.. Year's Gifts.
Lamps & Lamp Goode in GA at Variety
Galland be Convinced
At the eldest Established Shoos Store in Town,
In Endless Variety
The great lung remedy Is also a ralsablear- tc suit the most fastidious and the moat eeouowic buyer
Were to Crump. Mrs. Quinn. W ellintlow-M.,
theebil d rya "()vee et try we.frighten-
rtn was SPRING
,sand weft as'farmng atta.k of (roa. u v
thraft l got black mO the fare 1 war Irlgoten-
ei'tell r55 in for my neighbor. Mrs. F;ngliab,
obs banded ere a bailie et •lbwtinioa tough
liaiser solo is Mr. EnglisAral h
bad been using 1. now nomple.e, and I take pleasure in in ermine toy custo.nen that at no pre
`relief. i alma gave another. and very shortly
view' 'line have I had such a
Itis road 'resell right and at play. i sent for
s bottle to keep in the' Linage as 1 believe it s
was ate means of saving s1, e.1M'a life." Large & vatted Stock
Lfr.. tats U it. Si Chits r Baltic
>; r
OTT e A ,te
T&Prigt 'serterepeser a at I have are raised the Standard of Qtaaltty sad Lt wired the Price an
Brantford, Oatarto it is a positive fact that no such valise in font wear can be gut elsewhere.
Thee:purist:meof thousand& has shown
that the Stomach, Liver and Bowels may W- J - 0- N aftel v
be kept in a perfectly healthy condit_. a 186.1 .*.gent for Gede.Wis.
-the attacks of disuse warded off and a t of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be uu e up
1aJ D cite
'""`u u careful in the most approved styles by first -clam workmen, end
7'"A" 11AIHTsaEsOLtsGx*t RAT4- Y*AOt 11141111(' of the very best material obtainable.
rum. An un-
failing_ cute
for Seminal
WsAgw ase.
• ermator-
✓ ea, 'moot -
easy. and haault
vigorous state of health maintained by
the use n; Dr. Carton's Stomach and
Constipation Bittern. Are you troubled
with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stom-
ach, Biliousness or Constipation' If se.
try this remedy and he cured. For sale
by all Druggists in large bottles at 50 cta,
For sale by Geo. Rhyne*.
Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh tdbw seams
every year with Hall's Catarrh Care, that IMMUNE
the doctors had raven upand said could Abuae;Y door of Memory Cn.vsasal las+l-
tole, I'aln in ibe Maar
of oision-
..ot be cured. 7b Dents a bottle. Sold Prenatare oke age. and way other dimmest
by George Rhynes, sole agent fur God, to insanity or consumption and ••
rich. :en premature grave. l&_Fst1 psattetrlars in our
peemi tet, wblch we desire to wake tree by
Mail to everyone. The Specific Medicine is
Mr. • J. R. Seymour, Druggist, St. saki b7 all' still per package, or six
atherintA, writes that he finds an ever- •' " or wilt be sent fm by matt
en t of r m b addressin
increasinu sale for Burdock Blood Bit- THS ORA Y MKDiCMiblg 00.. Toro. to. vat.
ten, and adds that he can, witkout hest- 5*. toed in Golcrivh by J. WIlson.
tancy, reaitnmend it. Burdock Blood
Bitters is the grand specific fur ali dig- l
eases . f the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. 21
If you are desiruus to obtain immediate
relief from anykidneytrouble, and thus
prevent the ftal resuts that always at- 1-huiii' lc C P
tend the neglect of these distressing corn-
p'laints sand who does nude why take Dr.
VAX BCYa-M's K11•NEY Crag at once. It
is safe, simple and effectual. Sold by J
Wilson Goderich. 2m:
Thousands bear witness to the post -
Lire ccrative powers of the GREAT GER-
MAN IAvlooaaTnR, the only remedy that !
has proved itself a specific far general I
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, tinnily ending
in consumption, ivaanity and a prema-
ture grave Sold by all drucgiets, or ,
will be sent free on receipt of 31.00 per
box, or six boxes for 35. Address F. J. I
CHENEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for circular
and testimonials id genuine cures. Geo.
Rhyne*, Goderich. 3m
Beautiful Hair is one of the most strok-
ing and pleasing of characterieties and
can easily be obtained by the use of the
Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 50cents
per bottle by James Wilson. ern:
Why go •m day after day suffering
with splitting headaches when a bottle
of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure
you 7 If you do not believe it ask your
druggist for a circular -and real what
those who have used it say about it..
Price 31.00. 2m
A RCS/len-Of one d"zeu `• TEAacR-
RY" to any one sending the beet four line
rhyme on "T eszeitv," the Remarkable
little gem for the Teeth :and Breath. Ask
your diuggator addred,.
There is no better Cough Medicine in
the world than the preparation known as
"Pectoris." It promptly cures all Throat,
Lung and Chest affections. Its good
effects can be felt aft., the first dose.
It soothes warms and penetrates the
Bronchial Tubes, affording immediate
relief and a speedy cure. Hare you got
a Cough or Cold then try ill For u1e
everywhere; price 25 cents.
For sale by Ge.,. Rhynes.
e'meeles-Mtlkuee ''are.
Beware of the medicine represente.l as
meth a Great German Worm Remedy
by dealers who awl* the article that . And all In rein' ng • • » , save
y estdreg roue. Our 1.A UtRtand
best, regardless of merit. Dr, Smsth'e A R Olt here ao •s sal. Fact. a k
Grist German Worm Remedy w betels wad flee p'as's Asa ha art
Vol. 1Y. commences November 7, 1882.
The Insley People here been from the first
successful beyond anticipation. IN. Y. Even-
ing Post.
it has a distinct purpose, to which it stead-
ilyadheres- that. namely, of supplanting the
vcious rapers for the young with • paper
more attractive, a. well as more wholesome.
-(Boston Journal..
For nearness. elegance of enggrra+ y vingand
contents generally. it is ,lns,:rpaeee0 by any
publication if the kin yet br.,u bt to oar no-
tice.--*Pitt'burgh Gazette.
■tserals Yeta41 Pearls. •
Per fear Postage Prepaid, 1
Single Numbers, Four ('enter tact.
Specimen copy sent on receipt of Tt.ree
The Volumes of Harper'e I'wnp People
tor 1tl81 and 18E2, handsomely bo•tnd in Illum-
inated Cloth,will be sent by mail peerage pre-
oeid. on receint of $3 00 each. Cover for
Young meoopptes for I88t. 35 cents , postage, ,13
cents additional.
Remittances ehonid be made by Peat Office
Money Order or Draft. to avoid chance of
Nnreperpere are not to ropy t*iA rrdrortlie
swat without the ,.tprews order of HAurais a
Born rte..
Ad Arena
New York
Eye('7A A WEEK. $12 a da at home emeily
L made. costly outfit trey. Addres
sus a Ce., A eatesta.IIalae
A N [)
Four Medals and *veto
thein last year
Ilona. In
W rep d i bin's 'wade
int eke 145411)n15g Eab,i.'
the Dotnlaicn
ladies aid Misse Boots HI Plated Fre o('Charge,
.tt time of purchase 1 so desired.
o QCT" N I N G-.
Chilled Plow
Raving purchased the Goderich Foundry.
am fitting the premises for the manshetur
IMPLEMENTS. on a large scale. MUI Work
General )Repairing and .lobbing will be con
tinned. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Runctman is the only man •uthorize
to collect payments and give receipts on he
half of the late firm of ftunclman rt Co.. an
all persons indebted are requested to
s. SEEGMlLI,E1t.
Chrystal & Black.
W. S. Hart & C .
Goa. .ch Meilis
lleg W return their Meeks to the public
the liberal patronage receive 1 during the pis
year. and to state they aro prepared to dc
tL;} st I 'L'i:Vc3!
OR the shortest notice. or for the convenience
of pa-fies living at a diseases will excheag*
grist' at their tows store
Late W. M. Hilliard's, i
Masonic block, cast 8t. Gotten, h.
Jeer Highest prime paid for wheat '1
St. Gatherings NnrsSries,
Et4TABURHR..I, IN 183ti.
Having fully tested
New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufa' two new grapes, 1 unhesitatingly advise my
t urcdion shortest notice. patrons to plant them. You will not be dis-
appolnted. MOORE'S EARLY is the bat
very early black grape yet grown in Canada.
it has stood thirty degrees below aero unhurt.
All kinds of Repairing executed under the BRIGHTON lea delicious red grape, ripening
personal supervision of the Proprietors who Just after Moon's Early. They are both large
n bnm•h and berry, and very productive. I
will mall both to any addrems, postpaid, on
receipt of $4. or either for $1. Agents wanted
Practical Workmen.
P. 0. Box 10.'1
The subscriber would intimate to the peo-
Ne of Goderich that he hes decided t, give up
iostnees in his Ilse owing 10 ill health• and
that he b sow prepared is give exeneption-
ali, geed b.r Ras. All smatter
ORO .ANit or
will dad It to t heir advaaftaaggee to rail at once
ea this le a GENCINE ciesr ase sale.
'wit the camp, ver fully as geed, as Dr. MANUFACTURERS
Has czest e.nre is aawsctst to hr;
teat` strwr t1:11 Ia OMr-hr1M C
*541.13 xtlsrT
DR. LUCYAN.'S Idiw":..: .
:;1r. CATBsaIiEs, ONT.
$600.00 Reward
We win pay the above reward for any case of
LtveT complaint. DyspepMa, met Headache.
Indltteati^w, Constipation or ('oetivenese we
cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Milk
when the d irectigna are strictly compiled with.
They purely Vegetable, and never fail to
glee satisfaction. 8 Coated, 1 Boxes,
containing n Pills. lb cents. For male by all
t t
mwa..The .m Beware ofviine counterfeits et and y )tm-
JOHN C. WItB•r a CO.. i. , Pill Makers
al and at Kis, Mt. Kent. Toronto, Ont. Fres
trial package wast by mall prepaid on model
of m 5 cent *tamp.
Far eel. N s/11attgtr•e MI O aTelg1L
Health is 'Wealth!
t awn Sears *RAT
...mrtiws an true Ir, try
1•I sae wr. pia t+•lsse s te., e.a a ass srf
hie and prompt remedy for the removal geelriof }tsn(t o p CLEANSING & R OTL G V ,«
.hila tech and twat or pin woof's. fever 'Rim R n ter IA 1- , Asoa't/ lr ■ V
ebiN of adult. It n easy t., take. never D Y IY1t F='' =Dv
hnhe absolutely harmless. '
no after physic. S old err •/here. Peke The Lgrdta. o tet sat. ; sad veryl111eg h t
iiltyi n' npj(:.r'er o h t y brie to the
e tea et 1 the I)7 hero
h gestate _ dM et
endorsed by all as a pleasant, tate, mho -
y arm a ss. andrequires -- renevtatg s+ors and add aath
. .tract flys Sawn
25 eta 2 " ` it v'
R W. MolU NtIE, 0. H. I'ARBONH,
Ladies who •offer periodically from C. CHASM, and P. K. ST111,ACRAN.
pains ie the book will end imrsedia ter r ttltttFa
lief in a few doses of Dr. VAN Btiws'e
Kumar Crag. II was never known to fa i 1.
Try it at since. Your Druggist keeps it.
J. Wilson Goderi-h ^m
rot t,
Mar wgt.
w15.. .Yays sesgs
AGENTS wan44. a , f''7. Lith ete*tsppeeett, ~ se doss
r Capital ll*, trod yalefe nn vs Aute '*1& te•
al Quell*, tlamnteset and I:t
Mat 5 caul 'two erreartra