HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-12-01, Page 11) GOUERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1882. i.3 r NOW btteNlveese•te. • 4 i Loans ane Jntlurance. I1 j 1 ABOUT HOME. C. M. Dunlop, the delivering " l .--•_...e.o.. ► _.. j ag-nt for Pieluresque Camilla, was a Xw s. -O. H. (►Id. °si TO LOAN -Private Fend. "A chlsl'aseaatit Yt, t&kln' Goers, town during the week attending w bast -- Strayed. -It. McLean. er 8eaaB 8asss. Apply to R. N. tAn't&U► ke71Brett it.'• hems. The work keeps up its high stand- Or,.l txhlbtdoa.-Jas. loins. W. Ogee. Court House. tem • and of literary and artistic eaxUeoce, .19W'entice %'-anted.--W. Knight.lltlfEY.-PRIVATE FUIIDB TO mews ms. and when completed will be a valuable - addition to any library. Mr. Dunlop as A tired isveetsa•se.- D. Forget/on. 1.1.A. ked sitWy torus In sums M salt bar- Ts+ehOr Wanted.•-Nlaholas Meerlsb. rowers. ALE%. 3IOD ALLAN, The wle of CLrtalame Cards this ..1184.).1. at distributor of rhe numbers, is a highly CAI one Council. J. A. Dlclbnagh. Goderlch, Nov, 17th 1511. 1513 -lm. drone's Book Blurs is unprecedented. Offlcient agent. lib 'rig's Wale of Leads. -R. Gibbons. I row have my next store formerly acv W awe moots ! Whq.m. C. Downing.' Wy Mr. Campbell ABM 1I with • variety of Mr. J. E. Hodge 111, 1tormentor of High .levee which 1 aWl sell aAo• lar os•h. Jest Schools fur this district of Ontario, was Cutter for Nate. -.A pply u this OAos. roostved • ear load of el -0. S. Davis in town ou Wednesday last, and in - The "Iadspesdeet' eel Braadwsp, N. Y. ZifSM'IO LEND ON R 1 A L E 8 - ea r ad • Christmas and spaded the work of tuition at the High TTATE Terme favorable. Apply to B. i. aatr t1 to your To procure the best in School. Me expressed himself u being nen Gel_AoY. 1751 seal line, go to i L. Jobwson's gallery. Geo. well -pleased with the manner in which •$fi0 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND B. Robson, Manger. ` whet re Mn. Langtry litter has been asked the High School work was conducted in 11 NIOHOLS02f, SURGEON DEN- ea mad Vara or ant -slam Town Properl7 frr+• 9qwady by ladies sae ore.Uevtea in town. Oudertoh, and believgd Mr. Stirling and FL. TIS f. OlLse and r..ldesce, West 8crse' .t epee oast. Aeetytolt,. RA1tsCIdFFE. 1 1 P_allews, tM ent.rprim photographer, has his assistants too be au efficient staff of • roe ate t: s b fluty 8 ink of Yontre•I. (lode- ' r O N E Y TO LEND I N ANY "eared • Ire' pie urs of the Heusi' teachers iota 1711 ILL amount to suit borrowers at 1 to et ger beauty, and ins copied a number for sale. tesnL Private tins. Apply to ne is sad Ask foe 'kegs' OBITrAEY. -- Our readers will regret to Kaman. ich. -The proof of the pudding 1. In obewing the learn of the death on the 24th October etrtep. However true the above ilio. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E is. it is em mon tree. teas the tact, the w. et Young, Dakota, of Mn. Isaac Halli- amonet of Private Funds for invesunent T. Welsh has Rome of the nicest titles, in ski- day, mother of Mrs. R . Smith, of the at lowest rats on Motels= Mortgages. Apply verw•r. that we have sees for ears. Ne w in Kingston st. bake Mr. and Mrs 10GARROR t PROUDFOOf, dshts, eleg&.t i. MaW very low to gpp+s ry. pnoe. Give hint LOU. Halliday left Goderich in their declining years to p their fortune in the North- West. Mrs. Halliday will be long re- membered as a kind friend and neigh- Geetci bor, and respected by all who knew her in this town. Her disease was dropsy, She leaves one son and several daughters. A RcLI.nors Nlwsrarsic.-We desire to call the attention of our readers to one of the argent, ablest, and most popular religious newspapers published - one that ..cures the best writers in this coun. try and Europe, regardless of expense • has the (reit and fullest book reviews of any paper in the country ; has able arti- cle upon financial and commercial sub- jects ; has departments edited by specialists and devoted to Fine Arta, Music, Science, Religious intelligence, Missions, School and C:;iege, News of the Week, Hymt. hots, the Suuds-- school, Let had Sanitary questions, Bibl.al Research (something that can - Conductor and Mrs Crawford are -out not be found in any other neG,•, zper in f town. the United States!, Farm and Garden, Father cialotn, of Wawanoslt, is in Insurance, Weekly Market Reports, eta own this week. -in fact, a newspaper which, with its Capt. and Mn. Rhyne' will remain in twenty-two distinct departments, is suit - apt. this season ed to the requirements of every family, troitcontaining a fund of information which Miss Lottie Munro is very til of hem- cannot be her! In any other shape, and hags of the stomach. havteg a wide circulation all over the Fathers Bonbat, of Ingersoll, and oount and in Europe. We refer to 'Connor, of Wwanosh, were in town Tis INDEPINDIeT, of New York, now n Wednesday. called 'The largest, the ablest, the best.' We extend our sympathy to Mr. and See advertisement. in &outher column, re B. Armstrong who have recently and send a postal card for free specimen '• U l D {2 >r KILN lIOUTH OF est'their little babe aged ,five months. onPy it, radioli WO dr! gee carpe and 4 "Qbletilttls $pat" will be the pec- On Wednesday last a Requiem High owner can have it by proving property miemt feature of the M. E Suridap Mass was celebrated at 5t. Peter's chinch Paring charges. Apply &t this oaks. t5a• School entertainment at Chriettnas-tide. on the occasion of the funeral of the late L OUND-(>N KINGSTON STREET Mr. Imrie is out with an enlarged ad- Mr' \\ D. Shannon, merchant, who . on TtsMsy a vna . watch pendant died on Monday last, aged 44 Qxs coals ear. •gy'nave can have it by vertisement for the holiday season. He The celebraut was Rev. Finer ('Con• vs -roving property and paling for this &dyer- finds that it s to advertise in Tui tlsese:t, Apply at this Mace. %116 } nor, of Wswen•» h, assisted b./ Rev. f31OYAL Father Gallen. of the same place NOTICE Miss Jesse Wilson, milliner, hag h3! `Father Boubst. of Ingersoll, knelt in The Council of toe Corporation °f ' r very severe attack of inflammation of the sancttliry. The o.:uir sang very ac- Room, of Huron. will meet it the Pon - t on= the lungs. She is improving, we ere glad ceptably, under the efficient leadership Rocca, In the Tows of Ooderich, un Tneauai • to learn. of Mw Cooke, daughter of Major the Stu December bent. All accounts against .he ('onnctl meet be sent in before the first Mr. +':.roes Watson, baker, t•_ek sod- Cooke, of this town, and orgaairt of t, o.tesion of the seamed doci meeting, ,only ill on last Friday of inflammation Peter's. After the Die, .r i was sang PETER ADAMSON. relate. Co. clerk-. of the bowels. We hope to learn of his Mrs, T. O. Morehouse sang the hymn speedy recovery. "Take me t, Jesus,' the choir joining in NOTICE Mr. Jas. Green, of the Gorrie Enter- j the chorus. Instead of the Lil,rr,t, the The Statutes of Canada, 0 Victoria, laic prix, was in town on Tuesday last. He i choir ung the Meth('( Mo ter. The ser - are sow ready fur distribution at the Dice of was up to give testimony c n the Squier mon was preached by Rev. Father tbeClerk of the Pesos la Goderich, to Jusekes case, if required,. ' O'Connor from the epistle of Paul to the of the Peace and others entitled to same.Corinthians. He divided his sermon IRA LEWIS. Mr. Geo. Swanson left on a business Clerk of the Peace. trip to the Lake Erie district on Monday into three parts, showing the necessity (';ark of the Peace cake. t81J :hof always bearing in mind those essential Godertoh. Nov. 10, 111i last, and will be absent from home for Y g a couple of weeks. - points : (1) How we are to die I (2) T\t•O TEACHERS wl1NTED FOR When we are to die'? (3) Where we are the Goderich Public Aehools, holding And Mr. W. Martin, of the Colborne u. die i The rev. speaker dwelt on the and 3rd class certificate". `eatery else an e House, won the picture of "Lucy" at devotion the decea.e4 always paid to his per annum. Engagement ,o begin January the drawing He afterward .old it to religion, and to rata y other estimable tit 1113. Address until December i1h 19x*. Mr. E. R. Palmer, "Lncy's' trainer, for qualities After Maas the casket was W. MirentLI. ,u 1815 Secy. B.S.T. $26. h one by the pall -bearers from the Altar, The wrecker Conqueror, under coin- preceded by the Prieat and ac..lytes, the Nmanta of Capt. Donnelly, of Kingston, „rgan pealing forth the notes of that C MERON, HOLT & CAMERON, arrived in the harbor on Wednesday beantiful hymn "Nearer my God to Barristers,aoHctters in Chancery, &o lest with the schoenen Itathbun in tow, Thele." The Altar and aisles were drap- 3odertch snoVt, . 1t• C. Camc*oa, from the Georgian Bay.' ed in mourning, and a large ornamental 1; cs Holt, M. (l. (heron, Goderich. W. placedA VENERABLE PAIR Mso•ra, w inghsm. 1751. Mr. Armstrong is at present confined heart was under the statue of the NOTICE. ----r to the house from a protracted attack of j Sacred Heart, from which a gilt cross All accounts owing the hoe George Cattle. d AIKENHEAD V.8., (SUOCESSOR some form of lung disease, but we hope arose must he paid before the 1st of December. leek 10 Dr. Dartaattl- slleduste of Ontario Ve- goon to see h:m at his 'place in the choir t Cosi McM,sskr• or they will be pieced to the hands of m t nary (olheml. gliab sand. uIdess, of Knox Church sin. -- .awyer for ooilec0on. FRANCES CATTLE. on Newsete Sfftteet four doors east acolbeew Executrix. 18114 - n = N. B•-8or:es eumisted as to soundTf The heavy blew on Thursday right .•f ;lilt, -You may inform ii l your weath- last week did a great deal of damage to er-wise farmers from me 'that the spar - THORODUH BRED SHEEP -J. 0. fences, chimneys, etc. Major Crane'a rows will not build again this fall, or e'RWART offers for sale a number of IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS- conservatory suffered from a falling they will do an at a temperature about ,uoroai'A.bredLetosn*rsnt Soletbdown rams 1 TICS. --CHANCERY DIVISION. chi=ne crashing through the glace roof. aero ; that December will not be an open and ewe Iambs. Apply to J. 0. ST5 W ART, Pursuant to an order of the Nigh (bort of y g Cos, le. Lot 11. Colborne. 1111- Justtoe, Cb&naet7 Division made In the mat' Mr. R Sallow,, the photographer, month, but, nn the contrary, an intense - ter of too dilate of Henry Morley, has latelytaken . number of views of ly cold one, with low thermometer read- (. OIISE, AND LOTS NOS 33 AND deceased. and T a cease Marleyr . ( ags tont Morley. The creditors of Henry the Altar. In St. Peter's church. The inge over the greater part of the Crtnti- L M. corner of Victoria ted east *trete. In Morley, late of t.be village of Relsrave, is a good one and very clearly neat. Both Christmas and New Year be Urdu of Oedvei•k, far sal. obalm or will be in the Countyof Huron, who died in or about picture neb.aeellfor farm proper% . Forparttonlare the month of March 1x2, arc on or before the taken. Mr. 8allows has three eiaas of are likely to he cold and wintry. The of life, and (2) prnpsr view of Pete to las sumo. Arehitact, o oe cnbb's kith day of November 1111. 10 hemi h y pole- the photo. on sale. break will occur in proximity to New death. At the The of the Betmon Mr. Mock. or J. c Cvaars. auctleaser, Arvada to B.L. !)nits, of Code sen, tit" sodic- Year's Day -prnbwbly atter-and the I Hos ofthe plaintiff, Sarah Morley. the admin. W. R Atknison, the ubiquttons mild rind will come in the earl Wakefield malls the following references "MOTIVE TO DEBTORS. -ALL AC- i.ttatrtx of the deceasedtheir cnrf"ttan and "Sparks" of the London A.lerttwer was y part to the life and death of the departed acerb taw Lewis J. Treble must De a.rasmt.a addresses sett deecriptioo, the frail of January. The 'old weather will ex - John 1(rt.ie horn in the County of it tielr acr+nun i sad the raters of the scour- week, like a roaring lion "eking whom tend over Great Britain and Europe. i Fermanagh, Ireland, ..on the 8th day of e e On W %evil t Y will be et User *int beperemptoryexcluded from the he might -induce to subscribe to the look for sletghiny( eaply.0. May, pal' just in the Lie tootling of e ol benefit of themid order. riser. hen is generally strikes the 1nitrur& ol,c., Hth, 1 82 VtrxnR the asteeutur and died in the Town one &t fa Iarss Every creditor holding any eeeurl'1 i" toMontreal, Nov. 15th, 188.. y' iron when it is hot. of Goderich on the 14th day of Nevem - La a C it1. Btafss MA11 fiMt 1- produce t e aswtabet^rem at my C her, 1SA2, being, &a you see, in the 8416 Tlrsws is the rt Hsu* to t.e `own of Tie .chooner Kellam is expt'ctt o: fr..n: Batey=- y C s[ hires• ea lbw title tin year .a hie ego. He was from infancy e O0 DIN(;,_1,1XSAv1 ADE I IIaieeeesber IIo'Mtacti. theforenxn, Ix- Wsllacebnrg with a le^.l of staves for nurtured in the lap of piety. }reins( e ing the time srt.ointed for ad;.dico 4000a the, the salt menufaeturers. The achee her is I i.e f:enmillerdnhntintt Society rrctt.t, favored with that inestimable beim, a eM to claims- also expected from Amhersthurtt: light. ' lydebated the question. ''Resolved, that Dated this ytaw of o e fuer, A.D. MA q inns •ventage end bows. a.x These will probably be the last arrivals I the mechanic is mare beneficial to the 1' H alfrt!.srR house we. thn on ob tri t to Mil- A (Weer. for the Benson, although the T- iman county than the farmer." The aAirme ' Coe nttnerar.t Methodist preacher, and tet Q end Niagara ate still nut. titre was taken by W. Roberts in, leaI front their lipr Jobe whets brat w led Anal tate 0r Sella. Soctah.-A w,cial will be held in MISS XE??IE BEEOMiLL1<R, C the M. E. Church on Tueida evening l _ w,tnl1m a mase y h Ml W Moore decided in seam tf GOOD FAR1l FOR MALL - BEING next. The ladies of the M. F. Church y j i' ZF '+ cce l ee- MIA H til A. generally get up an agreeable afar, and f h ffl t T1t t n masks as Iritte el acres. 55 sew we enema that the entertainment of tends to hold public meetings 1, v f art ofhu being, whish continued bslaa0e Fur'erthee Tneeda nest will be well up t.. the till tie 4y d his death. The Use 111 .eesgg wesldo.e•• Partte.lars. aepb to mark. The admission will b 15 canis xed h sty and eon nerswt]ssatla sod sweat. Barest. GAattow rw ,trnrswr, 1mr nape Ooleeriiete h. Mr. Chilton formerly U. & costumer - ROAR FOR .8111R11/011 -HAVING - --- - .-- sial agent at 1.. Catharines, has been V.nw fiOLD.-ilr. Wm Veneto** let chum leder u r.op.wni hit office l+ ge Lift KALE. -THAT smairnFI1L to bilks , y toed „Jelin d division, Colborne to Mr. Richard Wal whole of hu after Id. -et* in the eM T l STY-RFTH''YEAR. «HOLE NUMBER :PR. Dentistry. She People's Column. •' 2p'CABH WILL PURCHASE A J Good Cutter. Apply .t this once. ri EACHER WANTED. -AT S.S. NO. 1 1 A 1 rap to her. to .1C- , Y. O., stfrclag si ►NB7-91 PPRENTICE WANTED. -A LAD about K Paan of age is wants 1 VIAL the learberhtg betties. Apply to KNIGHT,haMdrewSr. Ws tet. 11117.1*. `STRAYED FROM THE PCEMIBES 1J of to •.ls=rlor, *host the middle K October. a steer. marked at that time between t1N pia base and rem the Mkt be- ing cut la two peteaces. be suitably I doe lead. ing ROMiR 7 11eLLA1I 1ste1.1eyr, rewarded. STRAYED. -CAME ON THE PREM - 18L8 of the sabseribsr, tot 11, con. 2. West Wawanoeh, .but the 4th or October. • two-year-old better. Tbs owner is request, ed to prove property pay et -menses sad lake the adm a away. ye', A. ROBE. 1n7.4t. Auburn, Y. 0. Nov. r4 tMtt THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF will inset in the Township IGLU, onyT otas0a the 112tth Dec. •t lle aerottete o'clock app. TowAUicA(p t req q Waimea *am w tM Clerk on or hefoe+to the McDONAOH. )tkp 11157-11. lbw' - ACCOMMODATION. - TWO OR Thee Oeslhr s. or Gentleman and wife an be a000.esodated with well furnish - td roots and board with me of Parlor •r1 Pape if required Terms reasonable. Apply to MRS. B, CHO 111162[. ti00 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOLT &CAMERON, (lode - 17311. LOAN$ FREE OF CHARGE. - Mosey to lead at lowest rates. free of ear ousts or charges. SEA0KIt IA MORTON. 0. C. Robertson shows a large assortment of Christmas cards, and very line plass i. pbote frame& velvet frame.. and ooseertinee a000ndtees4. doll* o tinge, vases cera toy picture books. fancy tables. muslo stasda, ie. Now is tit• time to get pi pure framing done, as bargains will be given. -G. Robertson. 4150IA Yti 1.11110 .tirraNC1.' Santa Claus' Headquarters .-Advices by xblegram received this date. announce that 6e old fellow LOW visit Goderich on Christ - eve, and dispose of his presents at Satin- ' Vartst7 More. In the meantime be has orwasd d large boas costaluing every nor- ty of the season, suitable for presoota. The Cheapeet House ander the Sun. • 5.-e• There was ono* • Ossa sold liquor "on the y' la tioderlo8., and on his book accounts ,towel sad cereal sad molasses Sgured satead.1 old .--yle*,, malt. ale, brandy. tel wits. M made his collections. W. L. Horton dos rot do that kind of business. but everything Is pen and above board. and the beet Uanon an always on hand at his store, at pri^es to suit he public. a517oE 1EETTE CND edd Ceiopno peoeo C ed soen (oa Freuiyt sx pr etul riuaeieon apiain ( Uf I-YIN. Ign. Gdr7c. k000 PIAE FNS TED am ad Twrpry eoet i- e M.• Mrmrs prhsdo Cmtte *agd Cneacnes raoal. Norwraban mny Ire s f t iaitcoy-AIOON 101aitr. R.oeih71 l 1RDLFEIEAIE ie ad Acdnnuacgn. o !ol eetnfrtcasosaielo wt fr te CnDi. SoeN,an1 0. t Kry ted ootaeihr ion o as psst, Iao sihorwe. Osueasa' bok Odre. s act R. G. MCOAD. D, Ct. Pyiinugo, A t ea Ofcneiec. Mly A, ar. Ga-1. GcOAH..HSO . INUOO, &.rdae oo- no Uiest.cnltf te Ryl Cl te oh soasodnnln.k. l. C. .n&oMe ad rsdne Op.talyoe, Halt. sre, Gd th76m RCENHSCA, SI- }Ofooecfie ad rsdne lI Bue Sre, Woor wsf Vcoi tet71y, MCI, M.Ho- 1. ci. aia ad Acnbtrdae oootnvriyee opstoe eaeo'akuko. Ion ofc, eqie ahak717 IEHNOAITN ryiln, Sreiscocesc ot 0. Sanneiec. neh i. Gdrc. G. SANN. CAG .x 15. Lgl ) cE, SLCTR &. t Ofconr ohen ad %-s rtoeihrr Stes boaoe oeo lnt oet rts oneet I EIEI, BRITR, r 1 J Atresoiios ihney &. 0 Me Ihoros, Gdrc. it Lms..... E. Lti. 111. RORUFO, B ITEStonyaoiiost Mei1. Tfro, Wruto. *3 B. DYEARSE tonyoiioo Cacr. R. oeihn. 13. QAEOTNARSTR, ec, &.oeih ad Wabm . S.r, Gdrt. 3. Mro. Wn a. 15. Good sleighing p•evails. The Advent season begins ou next A unday. OUR TOWN FATHERS. Elegise' of rrorrestiags at dote Last Meet- ing. The regular meetinv of the Town Council was held oil Fridar evening last The following members were present, the Mayor in the chair, the Reeve, 1st Deputy Reeve, 2nd Deputy Reeve and Cunnmllors B ngham, Butler, Campbell, Dsnoey,Edward, Hutchison, Lee, Nichol- s on, Sloane, Swanson, McKenzie : Minutes ..f last meeting were read and approved. res TREAst7a&&' i sr.►TRSIENT showed s*ollows for the month ending Nov, 24th, 1882: Receipts . .... . 45237.51 £xVeadltares ...511146 Balance la Bank.... 135.57 • 1 the Township .of Cavell, where his mines is still ss ointment poured forth. Here for a 1 time he was the efficient leader of two classes and his labors there fo: the blessed Master will not soon be for- 0 - Rotten. Yoe the kat 13 years he hat lived in the County of Huron, and eigl:' se of these in the Town Goderich. Hero his duet sleeps iu sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection from the dead at the last great day. His sufferings for sometime before ht.r n death were very severe and constant, yet . - no murmur escaped his hps, and hi - faith never for one moment lost its fire. hold on Jesus Christ u a sufficient atone r- meat for human guilt. In this faith he rt lived, and in this faith he triumphant!% r died. " He was a good man, and full of faith and of the Holy Ghost." I ' oount it an honor to have known him. ti and hope to live with him forever " It. the House of our Father above. ' He leaves to his family and to the ' Church the priceless legacy of a pure e: • "' ample and a holy life. Good John Bruce ' Peace to thy ashes John Bake was born on the 3rd of Juno, in the year of our Lord 1803, in Hammersmith, England, and died in this town of Goderich, on the 22nd of a Nov , 1882, in the 80th year of his age. John Wesley was accustomed to make his grandfather's hors his home, and from a biography of his mother published , in the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine for Aug. 1822, I learn the following facts She was converted to God at 15 years of age, and joined the Methodist church This was a great offence to some of her friends who promised her great things if she would leave the Methodists, and be , like other people. God's race however, was sufficient fur Iter and "site chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. She was married in 1798, and removed to Hammersmith in which place she and her husband were instrumptal in introducing the distil - lines and usages of Methodism. 'For seven years their house was the home of the preachers, and the place where the glad news of salvation was published ti all who would come to hear it. In 1801 this godly woman was appointed leader of a female class, and was faithful in the treat committed to her. In this class young John, her son used afterwards to meet, and very early in life was bort again, not of corruptible seed but by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. It was a great privilege to hays been bora of each a ttce..httr, ar,' h.7onght tip amid such surroundings. Mr. Blake lived in this immediate neighborhood more than halt a century. I heard a business man say yesterday that for many years he had had dealings with him, and had alwave found him an un usually honest and honorable inao. When tint taken ill he expressed un- shaken confidence in Jesus, and told me he was only waiting to be released from the flesh, and taken home to God. Soon afterwards his mind became cloud- ed, and he 311i he feared lie had beer. deceiving himself, and things were not as well with hint as be had hoped. To wards the end t:owever he expressed himself with much more confidence, and clearness. Tho last time I spoke to him he said he had no hope but in the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, but through these he expected to gain He .ven. I believe he his died safely. These two aged mien have passeoi away from our midst, and their seats one on each aide of this aisle will henceforth be occui.ibd by others. They were, I be- lieve, always present ie Goers hoose. when it was possihle for them to be there. They were lovely and pleasant TH• &IITOR'. RETORT showed that the interments during the month had been six- tire adults and one infant. .brre'NICATIONs. From Lewis Elliott complaining that Robt McLean used premises inside the corporation fur slaughtering purposes. Referred to Health committee. From Rev. D. MoGillivray, applying fur relief for Mrs. McDerntid. Referred to relief committee. Frew the Temperance soeiety, asking for remission of blies. Referred to Fi- nance committee. riTITloxs From S.eegmiller & Co , stated that they proposed extending their 'business and going into the manufacture of reaping machines, and asking remission of taxes. Referred to nuance committee. From Mrs. Harry Reid, Mrs, H. Cliss- old, and Me. Gibson, askivg for remis- sion of taxes. Referred to Finance com- mittee. ACUOI NTA. A number of accounts were reed and referred to Finance committee. THE REPORT of TH& CEYITERY CoMMlTTSE showed that Jas Graham , et Ashfield :magi been allowed to, made entai5 changes in regard to burial lots, for which he had applied to the Council, and to remove a body from Iota 67 and 68. Also that the caretaker had been instructed to clear up the brush on the outakirtsof the cemetery. EXPORT Oh PINS\CL e0MIZITTEL your committee report: -(1) That having received a statement of the affairs of the Goderich Mechanics' Institute, showing the same to be in a very prosperous con- dition, we reoonimead shat they be grant- ed the sum of 5100 ft r the year 1882. (2) That the following petition be laid over fur farther consideration. Mrs Hilliard, Mn. Burns, and Wm. Hen- nings for the remission of taxes, and John Dunne for a reducti..n .,f taxes. (3) We recommend that the following accounts be paid: Goderich foundry, 54.30; 0, H. Parsons, $7.50; E. Graham, 53.25; H. E. Johnston, 54,90; W. Mit- chell, 54.50; Geu. Grant, 534.50; (1 H. Persons, 52dbti; Williams & Murrey, 5240.84; L Elliott, $6.05; E. Crtihatn, 52.41. OTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE I hereby given flat all parties indebted to the undersigned by note or book account ere there- requested n to ile the rced °eneotio me et 0 1c merman busi- ness. ABRAHAM SMITH. 1511- axro RT tt7 PCDLot' &one. L.MIIITTllt, (1) In regard to the communication of W. H. Skimmings, respecting, drain on Stanley at., we report that it is net in the power of the committee to take any action in this matter,ae the drain, if any, must be a private one, put it by the late Jas. Skimmings (2) That a portion of 8t. David's street be gravelled. . pposite put No. 132, under the supervision of the street inspector. BY LAW Yrs. 12 Pox 1882, to provide polling places and appoint re- turning officers for the next municipal election, was read a first and second time and, on motion, rule 34 was suspended, in their lives, and in their death they and the bylaw read a third time qnd 1 were nut lung divided. They have spent passed. this Sabbath atnid the more perfect ser- lht motion the C;ourc•' adjourned. vices of the upper sanctuary and will - -- part no more forever. "Those salute of all age, 1n harmony meet, Their Saviour and hone!,;et. transported to As 1 naR.al wesserl•1 tender \uiib greeS; *trete Met5Mlat Ch.reb. While anthems of rapture .meeasin tly roll And the smile of the Lout Is the f.•a.1 rat the soot." On Sund,oy evening last the Re‘. JohnMetho- . Wakefield, pastor of the North Street _ sermon lot Church, preached a =for Mr.rial Tr.MYYRaV.•v, -Msattvu.--(►u Tuesday sermon to a ver large audience for Mr. John Bruce and John Blake, two of the evening next an endeavor will be made oldest members of that Church, who to stents lodge of Sons of Teinperance in have recently died. The test• was taken 8altfoord. The Benmiller brethren will from Acts xiii, 36. From this he clearly appear in regalia, and do the formal set forth (lad's view of the life and death work of erganizatioti. Addresses are ex - of David by showing (1) The true aim peeted frotn well known Goderich s;.eak- ere. TI.. 1 ,tblic are invited_ owe aid L tate Mmelted sad !ea. !fie"' ' '• Or; Base WawaanIa. Mr Edwar.1 Welsh , n - \' winesday last purchased from Mn. AIB Iowan that farm known as lot 3l. eon. 4. East Wawanoslt, and comprising 100 acres, for the sum of 56,200. The farm is one of the finest in the section. and has ereotel thereon a commodious- atone dwelling and large and excellent out- building. Mr. W0Ish bit made a g••rei pnrchase. nn•l secured a very tin prenerty - - The Beturmere of Forth Perth Inst der, and the negative was led by. John wsa socwt•med to ►est the N'.,rd .d Lite mnventiot) and re -nominated Mr. D. Stewart. After a lankily discumnn the He was t1nt. however, movingly c •overfed Hay. the present ableatid ener!sdS chairmen t„ (Ind tl.l » .t. year. Then a ( presentative of the ridia , to favor of f the a eros ire a sncle i , deep and l.i.atte.1 change ptzse•I over Reform rattle at the coming c ser eThere wets a ver% largo rep month. Church from the municipalities present. soon reoogr.i o• deep pi - A. 8. Hardy. in reply to an attd --_ secreted b.en sand nt«i ht a j hvered a powerful speech upon Hue then* before the electors, and ht riyth.. r f the Province. R appointed 4 1 Eastern filled with eel scawptab.hty near commercial agent at G•.derieh sold his farm nn lot . eat. ern dr a ;were uus:.im. ugly ,,u.eol e. and Stratford, esu .Hibbarde the disallowance iiZ*utm4 ire `e'l h. egaeed. Mr Chilton was in town on ten, for the sum of 52,530. the farm world, and then in the neer, ina Thenda) receiving his futureof l onnsists of 100 acres, 70 damselthe hal Ne 'wet t:. -'"• 1" .^s - this iley IIs la, for e„ (heti:trinesbythe I once being well tl,'evww, ew' ' as + t. I 1• 1 r'. noir. Aleelylpti-. Aeitlei s...: . I