The Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 88 THE IRIJ.tON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. U, [832. 1. tr. rti.reraeine flim. DOORS A 8II1E$, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every DeesWs of latent Finish. STAIB;. HANDRAILS, and BALUST13HS NB A Specialty. Send for Price Lists. > H1NULK$, LATH A LUMBER. Estimates on applies tion. /I•Addreee FRANCIS SMBETH, tlo derich lies at the point of death, old age being his thief wetness Sauce,: hoax —While Miss Clara Tambly was nwiugit.gg her arms carelessly list week, she wrenched her cellar bone and broke it. She will be laid up f, r six or eight weeks thereby. Ra-EPULUxL.—Mr. Thu*. Muith, of Holmesville, has been re engaged as teacher fur school suction No. 2, Hullett, (near Clinton) for 1883. He is well liked and apparently gives good satis- faction, scholars rapidly progressing un- der his training. Dear(. —After a lingering illness, Mr. Jos. Howson, of the 12th iglu. of Hullett, peacefully passed away on Sunday. De- ceased had been a resident of this town- ship for about 25 years, and was a mem- ber of the municipal council for several of these. He was of a very genial tem- perautent, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew or had any deaiiogs with him. tie was a very useful and :soave than, when in the possession of health, and will be greatly mimed in the township. He leaven a wife and six children to mourn his death, three sons and three daughters. MUNICIPAL- It Into been reported around for conte time that Mr. McMillan would not again accept the reeveshio, and a good deal of talk is indulged in as to who will be his successor. Some have expressed the determination to bring Mr. Humphrey Snell again into harness, he having 'served the township faithfully for SO many years, should he be willing to accept. Mr, John Mason, the present worthy deputy reeve, will also most like- ly be a candidate. The contest between these two would be a warm one, because both are well known all over the Own - ship, and have many friends among its residents. There is not likely to be any other change In the Council, except the nomination of some one to fill the vac- ancy caused by the death of Mr. Howson. —[New Era. 011141!!11. Revival services are being held et Bethel_ Refreshing seasons are enjoy- ed. The members of the Sabbath school have decided to hold an anutversary ;ca. on or shout 20th December in the in- terest of the school. =lattaiL Mr. Alex. Young has removal his heavy draught stallion filo Goderich township to his own stable at Kiet.ol where he can ise seen at any time. He is a tine animal. Seaforth. t ►n Saturday) afternoon about 4 v clock, when Jantes Holland was attempting to tighten a belt' on the inain shaft in Broadto.,t's plaining mill, he was caught in the belt and tarried round the shaft seven tItues, fearfully manuline his head and body, killing him instaney. He was about 22 years of age, a very steady and nnoinisiug young man, and but re costly married. Benlniller. Mr. Gledhill's handsome residence is rapidly approaching coulpletiun. Mr. Pennebaker has leased ono of Mr. David Fishers farms, and takes posses. •ion at once. 'the striking of the Goderich town clock is occasionally heard at this place. This wuoild h . k as I •11 til hatn- L1rER-tA1. 1 ,..u, i,uuidd of this place hat o; organized a literary and de- bating society, and it gives promise of being a enccess. The meetings are to be held in the Temperance Hall every Fri- day evening. The officers are: —Wm. Robertson, President ; Andrew Huddle, Vice -President ; John Lacey, Secretary; Thos. Lacey, Treasurer. Directors --.i. R. Steep, J. Lacey, A. Ne.'.,iie. Clinton. >r.�nw.;sem We ate pleased to note that Mr. and' Mrs. D. B. McKenzie, who Lave been a senoualy ill fur some It s, are much better. Mr. Jno. McLsunsn, who was on an extended visit to Dakota, bis returned. Mr. M. McKeneie has gone tdi a trip 1 to Dakota He etxpeuta to return 10 about ten days November 18th.—.uuual sale of farm tt ek and implements at the Agricultural ltounda, Gudericb, sale coal messes ahagp et l o'clock. Neeenoter 18- Pereuipte. ) auction sale of h,.usehold ftrniture etc., to talo dee. at the Mart, Vrabb's block. Salo will continence at one o'clock sharp. FARM SOLD. —Mr. James Stevena,,,of the base line, has sold 'his farm of 70 acres in Colborne, being lot 1, 4th con., part of lot 5, to John Mugford, of Mari- posa, for the sunt of $4,600. This is the same gentleman that has bought Mr. Hy Young's farm in Goderich township. One of the farms he will work himself, the other will be worked by his son. Os:braid. Roars. -- Mr. Joseph Morris pitted about 4,000 buahels of roots. His big - vest marigold weighed 18 pounds. Can any in Colborne beat that? Base Firma—Bush fires were very troublesome an Saturday night. On several farms a watch had to be kept on the fires all night. The rain at 5 a m., on Sunday was welcomed by the bush fire sentinels. Thaakegiving der brae rei:oduised io this place and lotMlity by a general sus- pension of business and work. Coate people attended church, some went yiait- tng and some want hunting; but the hunters incl with but poor success. MaerlewaN's Lacky taaaeee. What would be the result in Canada if Sir Juhn had delayed the holding of the general elections till Perliasient ex- pired by effiuxiou of time / It is safe te say the low price of wheat has fully con- vinced the farmers that the N. P. can nut add to their rtxoeipta, and the recce• attack on Provincial rights—in Ontario in the Crooks Act aid the River and Streams Bill, aid in M.initoba m the disallowance of Railway chartun--com- bined with the gross injustice of the Do- minion Government in the matter of the Boundary award, have combined to create a revulsictl of firebug that would sweep the Tories of Canada es effectually as that office has been performed for the Republican party of the United States. — [Advertiser. Tea yenta* tiaNs. GRAND TRUNK San?. Pass. lap.. Mo 'd. Mtx'l. Ooderich.Lv.5.43eas..l3,»pm 113prnaMons wine. Pass. Imp's. Nte'd. ills'& Outler.ch.Ar lMpm Lanai 10.3Osui 7.15p i STAGE LINES. LLuckaew Stage 1daRy) are. IS.�w dep Cpsi Kniearelas - -- — ,,a Bunking. BANS OF MONTREAL A Genial rklles.Mer. The A Trance of Barrie humoroudy acknowledges defeat in this wise:—"It beats everything how obstinate and stub- born that man Mowat is. Here we've been telling him week after week, and the Muil and other Conservat ire papers have been telling him, that he must go. And yet he wont. Not only that, but the people nide with him and elect hie supporters and defeat our men. One thing we want to take back. We said that the bye -elections would indicate how the g(neral election would go. We don't think so any more; we were wrong. Out of theConaervative ridings contested on Wednesday, we lost two -third& If that is an index of how the general con- test will result we will have twelve men on the Opposition aide of the House in the next'parliament. Yea, the local legis- lature must be abolished," Enotoau.—Mr. Plo:niner, (son of Mr. S. Plummer, of the pith con., Goderich township) one of the Modelites in atten- tiance at the school here, has been engag- ed as teacher for S. S. No. 2. (Taylor s Corner) at a salary of $365. APPROPRIATION OF FONDS.—Last week a young man named Cook, who had been employed at Holmes' livery, was arrested by Constable Paisley at Kincardine, charged with 'obtaining money that had been collected by him for his employer. Not wishing to prosecute, Mr. Holmes allowed the matter to be settled on pri- soner paying the amount due and all costs. PaasoriAL.—The genial Joseph Mor- ris kept "hack" last week, Mrs. Morris being off on • visit to friends at Exeter and Heusall. Mr. Morris locked Mate- ly, and said his experiences remi.o1ed him of the long ago. He tnet xitn several socidents in the cooking line, but was getting into his culinary work when his partner in life returned. Joe thinks that bachelor life is romantic, but not comfortable. Uo]aH4111e. FtNcaAi SERMON.—On Sunday morn- ing boat Rea-. Mr. Edwards preached the funeral sermon of the late John Taylor, at Zion Methodist church. Hares Presbytery. CAPITAL, - - I/1.000.(40. SURPLUS, - - - • 05,000.000. Goderich Branch. D, (ILANH - • - - .Nunn/er. Allows interest en deposits. Drafts. lette. of credit and circular notes issued. ppaa ab 1 in all parts oil the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid tap Capital. - $6,000,000. Rest, - - ♦1,400,000. Presidest- Hu: -. WM MrMiASTAR General Manager, - W. n.,..... �..a . Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANACas. Interest allowed on deposits. Dratts on a She principal Towns and ('!ties in ('ands Great Britain and the United States, bough and sold. Advanceeto Farmers oa Notes. with one o - more endorsers. without mortgage. 175 INSURANCE CARD: BRITISH ASS. (VI% TottovTo- Establish. 11333 PHOENIX INS. COT. of Loxoos IF.nglandl - &maWished 1782. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y. of HAKTP0SD. Conn —Established 1810. Risks taken in the above flet -clue Offices, st the lowest rotas by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned U also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AYo SAVINGS CO'? Tosorero. Money to Loan on first-class security, row 7 to 8 per Cent.—Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderi ch Sept, l0. 189 0. DISSOLI"PION ()F PARTNER PIMP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Alexander Mor - 190 and Moses Cressnan under the name and arm of Murton R Cresenaat, carriage builders. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Alex- ander Morton to collect all accounts and to pay all Liabilities of the late arm. Alex. 3lorton, Muses Creasman. Wui. Pridhaniwitness. 1/ated tbww y \ 138:'. In reference 10 datheof shoreor. 1 base p1WiTTe in stating that 1 will continue the b^.bines, and hope by attending to the w• -;e with, trade to meri share of patron..re. ALEX. MORTON. Hraaway Mtrathrey Boys. STRATHROY, Nor. 14.—Quite an ex- citement has arisen here over the sud- den departure from town of three young lads named Frank Cruickshanks, Charlie Dingman and Fred Kinder, aged in the vicinity of 15 and 16. They left with- out warning on Thursday, 2nd Nov., taking with them, as was afterwards learned, two guns and three revolvers. It was thought they went away on a hunting frolic, but their long -continued absence is causing considerable anxiety on the part of their parents, and it is the subject of much • conversation about town. It is needless to say the parents of the boys anxiously desire their re - The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis Church, Clinton, on Tuesday, 14th inst., and with the exception of a short interval at noon, continued in session until 6 p. m. The meeting was opened with devotional exercises, con- ducted by the Moderator, the ltev. A. i Stewart. The minutes of last regular meeting, and of three special meetings, were read and confirmed. At the first of these epeeist meetings, held at Kippen, un Oct. 3, Mr. S. A. Carriere, a graduate of the Montreal Presbyterian College, was examined and licensed to preach. At the second, held at Kippen, on Oct 17th, a call from the Grand Bend was presented to Mr. Carriere. The Pres- bytery having sustained the call, Mr. Corriere accepted it, and arrangementa were made for his ordination and induc- tion. At the third, held at Grand Bend on Oct. 31st, Mr Carriere was ordained and inducted. The examination of the Statistical Returns for the past year, was delayed till the next regular meeting, in order to allow the Financial Committee to pre- pare si suitable report, to be presented in connection with the examination. A remit from the General Assembly respecting the method of appointing Standing Committees, was discussed elapse by clause, and with one slight exception its recommendations were ap- proved of. It was decided to hold a Sabbath School convention at Egmondville on Januar, 17th, 1883, and a programme for the convention was prepared. The Committee appainted to audit the Treasurer's books, reported that the ac- counts had been correctly and carefully kept, and that there was a balance of $21.141 on hand. Messrs. Jackson and Kernighen, of Manchester congregation, complained that the Session of Manchester had taken no action upon certain charges which had been preferred against them, and that they had thus been deprived of an opportunity of clearing themselves. The session was instructed to investi- gate the charges without delay, and to report the result to the Presbytery at its next meeting. Dr. TJre and three members of the Goderich Session were attervards appointed to assist the Man- chester Session in the investigation. A memorial from Mr. John Jackson was presented, asking information re- specting an alleged union of the Sessions of Manchester and Smith's Hill, by act of Presbytery some years ago. A carr fol examination of the records disclosed the fact that though such a union had been s, it had never been con- summated. The Presbytery, however, was unanimow in the opinion that Mr. Pritchard, the minister of the two con- gtegakans, had all along acted in good faith, and under the conviction that the two Sessions had been actually united. It was elan agreed to confirm the pro. ceedinge of these Sessions while acting under the impression that the union had taken place. The Presbytery then adjourned to meet again the third Tuesday in Janu- ary, at Egmnndville. Seavxsa.—The union services that have been held for the past two weeks, in the C. M. and B. C. churches are dill going on with good success so far and prospects of better. A Bina.— It is reported that a wild bear has been seen in this neighborhood lately. For the truth of it we cannot ay, but we believe it can be relied on that a Baer may be seen almost every Sunday evening, and has really been seen hugging one of the Maitland girrs. — [New Era. SAW ML.a.. —Mr. J. S. Walker, of Clin- ton, has 'cured a piece of land from Mr. H. ,,,Elford, for the purpose of erect- ing'a sawmill thereon. The machinery hes been purchased and a first -claw sawyer engaged, and he expects to have it running in a few weeks. Bring on your logs. >etbttrn. Saclaan Hoar.—Two sides led by Wm. Symington and Henry Sturdy en- gaged in a squirrel hunt on Monday last, the losing party to pay for a supper. The party led by Mr. Symington were the victors. Mr. R.. Miller, brother of inspector Miller, of Goderich, has been engaged to teach in Union School Section o. 5, Hullett, at a salary of $450 for 188.'l. Mr. John Wilson has been re-lhgaged in 8. S. No. 9, Hallett. Thia will be Mr Wilseya tenth year in that section. Mr. McLean, teacher, of No. 3, Col- borne, intends teaching vocal music in this village. Dr. Macdonald has rented the omee formerly occupied by Dr. Hutchison, sad has then up his reeidowe in An - burn. The new doctor is a graduate of Pretoria College. and spent four sessions at the Termini School of Medicine. Last swmer he devoted his time to hispiW pesetas* its Toronto, and we have every ermmdesM in his working up a mimeos - fel pumair* in Auburn. We understand Dr. nithl carries with him the best Wham sod confidence of the profession is tools rbh. Auburn needs • resident 11hllett. Mon. —Mr. Geo. Pope, of the 2nd con. this week refused $M0 for a spring coop, sod $160 for one eighteen month's nld. 1'gY0'raa.—Mr. J. W. Shaw, our for- , teseher. Harktek a flying visit tit *sok. Wilms is tlis setraetiont Vine Low,—Mr. Omiehnee, (father of the Meagre ('nmrnines. oft ie township) Childers will suceeed Mr. Gladstone as Chanoellor of the E zehinotte Telegraphic contamination nn the Continent is delayed by a tteow'torts A Grand Chance T L& 1&ONEY ill, Tu 'fIiE Great Clearing Sale DRY GOODS turn, and any information by telegraph or otherwise addressed to the Dispatch+ at ice, Strathroy, Ontario, will be thank- fully received by their parents. THE WORLD OBER. Tonsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - ,V . BER and Hairdresser, begs to return ',banks to the ppnbllc for past patronage, and �ticits • ooatlnttart f N S. S. No. 7, Morita. —Miss Julia Eadie of Wingham has been selected,1, out of several applicants, to teach in i school section No. 7. Morris, in place of Miss Gilpin, resigned. The trustees of that section are very fortunate in securing good teachers. cc o custom. a cart always be found his slaving Parlor. Des Poe OMoe Goderich. 1753 DEATH—Mrs. Thos. Bone. aged 45 years, of the 3rd con. of Morris, was buried at Bluevale on the 6th inst. Dr. Holmes, of Brussels, assisted by several other doctors, had recently taken s tumor from her weighing over 60 lbs., but it was impossible to save her life. Typhoid fever appears tr, be raging in Wroxeter. Mr. Albert Vogt, aged 19, son of Mr. August Vogt, died of it last week. His remain were followed to the grave by a large concourse of sympathiz- ing friends. A band of Indisn hunters composed of Buffalo Bill, Teras Jack, Wild Btll, Mer- ciless Ben, and Califofnis Joe started for the plains from Ithaca, Mich. Their ages ranged from twelve to fourteen years. They were overtaken and captured by pale faces before they had gone far. and taken back, home for casttgation. D. D. Hay, Esq., , M. PP., is at present located at Battle Creek, Michigan, where he is receiying medical treatment with the object of improving his health. He expects to return about the 18th instant. Hu health has considerably improved of late. Fanny Coleman, a wealthy younglady of New York, became enamored of a Chinese dwarf, 44 inches high, on exhi- bition there, and they became engaged. Fanny followed her lover to Chicago, where they tried to get a priest to marry them, but he refused. because Fanny is Are just In receipt of an a Roman Catholic and the dwsrf a Bud- dhist. Fanny objects to a civil mar ruga. a 1111 a Purchase�(l�jS (� When the knight of Kerry (Sir Maurice Fitzgerald) married Miss Bischotfsheim rat lately, they were married first at the registry, she being a Jewess. and then at the ehurch. When a few years ago Hon E Yorke manned Miss Rothschild at his hrother'a seat in Cambridgeshire a caveat was lodged against the marriage taking place in a Christian church, nn the score of her Judaism, but by a telegram from the chancellor of the diocese the cere- mony wan allowed. Mr. Yorke was aide- de-camp to the duke of Edinburgh. and Sir M Fitstgerald is the same to the duke of Connaught. Groceries, Ready -Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, NOW t;UINt; t N AT E01 ACHESON'SII (Sign of the Red, White and Blue.) Great Slaughter 1 Great Bargains t Tremendous Reductions. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. • 0f0ce. Crsbb's Block, Kingston st., God. - rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct- ly Carpenter e' pplasterer's and mason i work measured sadvalued. Call anti See. Judge for yourselves. Ten per cent. Discount allowed on all cash sales over one dollar, in Dry Goods, Really Made Clothing, and Boots and Shoes. Extra Bargains in Men's Shirts and Drawers, Hata and C ape, Win- oeya, Blankets and Tweeds. BIG PURCHASE Dress J C. DETLOR Co. la Goderlck no Wednesday. Nov. 7th. the were of tttr. John Elliott. teacher. of • daughter. In Windham. nn Ronda •Nov. 11. %lis • .1. A. Morton. Res.. rraster atIgka, of sun. Wessass. At the Marv, A. . ate h the Rev.J A Tres, r. David Orr to Miss Jamul a of (iodertcb Tow•sslp 1n Rt A N W Rev. trsMar 1 , t>•e, to lftsi Ass* ter of J • aerie rah NNW trt goa_ Pip, N=11sr 2. ress Goods. They are offering 11 em 51 C. Regular Price30c. They are New Fashionable Goods all IMPORTED THiS SEASON and are offered at nsartr HALF PRICE . CONE AID SU TRU J. C. DETLOR h CO. Men's Suits Made to Order. Two extra Clerks now secured, so that cu..stomert can 1..• waited on with promptness. GEO. ACHESON. Gcderich, Nov. 14, 1882. Sign of the Red, White and Blue. Great Clearing Sale TWO WEEKS AT Imrie's Book Store JF ALI KINDS OF FANCY GOODS ----kc., &., &C., INCLUDING ---- Writing Desks. Ladies Dressing Cases. Gents Dressing Cases. Photograph Albums. Japanese Goods in great variety. Writing Books of all kinds. Testament& Psalm Book; Blank Books. Pass Books Vr313es Work Boxes. Scrap Albums. Autograph Albums. English Church Prayer Books $ English Church Services t.,� Pictures. Pocket Bibles Family Bibles. dcc., &., &c. The above goods are offered at Twenty -Five per Cent. DISCOUNT FROM REGULAR PRICES SO AB TO Clear Them Off Quick AN^ MAKE ROOM! TOR New Christmas Goods Arriving Weekly from England. S.A MES ISL R1Ea, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. WOORHOUSX, 1�? crt1a. Oldie Svttaarlcet scax GODERIOH.